Girl 27 years old physiological condition. Age crisis as a convenient self-justification

Brian Jones, founder of the Rolling Stones. Jimi Hendrix. Janis Joplin. Jimmy Morrison. Alexander Bashlachev. Kurt Cobain. Amy Winehouse. What unites these rock musicians and why did our magazine, frankly speaking, far from music, suddenly decided to write about it?

Text: Svetlana Zhukova, Ksenia Milevich

Mystic or Psychology?

The fact is that all these (and this is an incomplete list) famous musicians died under strange circumstances at the same age - at the age of 27. Journalists even came up with a name for this strange phenomenon: "Club 27". And how many names of the members of this club we do not know, since they were not world famous stars ...

What is this fatal figure, why is it so dangerous for humans and is it really connected with mysticism?

In fact, there is a completely logical explanation for this phenomenon. For most people, this age - 27 - is associated with major life changes, such as having children, starting a relationship, or getting married. And some already manage to cash in on marriage, and rather difficult experiences await them: breakups and divorces, difficulties in relationships - in the family and at work. Creative people suffer even more: approaching the 30-year mark, they begin to ask questions: who am I? What I've done? Why do I live? Many begin to lead a not entirely healthy lifestyle - to use alcohol, drugs.

Yes, events, to put it mildly, are different. But they all have one thing in common - the transformation of life. And you will be surprised to know that astrology is one of the main reasons for these transformations. Namely, the Moon.

In the moonlight ...

How is 27 years of age and astrology connected? Why exactly 27 years old? Not 32 or 44?

The fact is that 27 years is the cycle of the planet of the Moon in the progressive chart of a person (it is used in one of the methods of astrological forecasting), symbolizing the psycho-emotional development of a person, spiritual development.

In astrology, the Moon characterizes our perception and subconscious reactions to what we observe. We can say that this is a "lens" through which a person perceives the world around him. These are our reflexes, habits from childhood, the ability to adapt. The moon is responsible for the sensual side of our life, it characterizes the ability to care and show feelings (therefore, its position in the horoscope must be taken into account when considering the issue of relationships).

It turns out that exactly in 27 years the Moon makes a full circle and returns to the place in the horoscope of a person in which she was at the moment of birth! But he comes back with changed astrological aspects - with the influences of other planets. Therefore, this age (the influence lasts a year and a half) is a period during which a serious internal restructuring takes place, life changes. Of course, all the sub-cycles of this planet (approximately 3-4 years) are also very important, but 27 years is an important age for our inner psychological maturation and formation.

Depending on the position of this planet in the individual horoscope of a person, on the astrological aspects of the Moon, different events occur at this age - favorable and not. Well, as we already wrote above, external events are superimposed on this, which can contribute to the beginning of the process of emotional transformation.

Strakhova from the Moon-27

And instead of getting into the "Club 27", your life can go according to the best, positive scenario: a deep understanding of the current events in life will come to you, the ability to build strong and healthy relationships will appear.

How to survive a midlife crisis in men - Psychology. Crisis in women 27 years old

Club 27 years old: mystical age and astrology

Brian Jones, founder of the Rolling Stones. Jimi Hendrix. Janis Joplin. Jimmy Morrison. Alexander Bashlachev. Kurt Cobain. Amy Winehouse. What unites these rock musicians and why did our magazine, frankly speaking, far from music, suddenly decided to write about it?

Text: Svetlana Zhukova, Ksenia Milevich

Mystic or Psychology?

The fact is that all these (and this is an incomplete list) famous musicians died under strange circumstances at the same age - at the age of 27. Journalists even came up with a name for this strange phenomenon: "Club 27". And how many names of the members of this club we do not know, since they were not world famous stars ...

What is this fatal figure, why is it so dangerous for humans and is it really connected with mysticism?

In fact, there is a completely logical explanation for this phenomenon. For most people, this age - 27 - is associated with major life changes, such as having children, starting a relationship, or getting married. And some already manage to cash in on marriage, and rather difficult experiences await them: breakups and divorces, difficulties in relationships - in the family and at work. Creative people suffer even more: approaching the 30-year mark, they begin to ask questions: who am I? What I've done? Why do I live? Many begin to lead a not entirely healthy lifestyle - to use alcohol, drugs.

Yes, events, to put it mildly, are different. But they all have one thing in common - the transformation of life. And you will be surprised to know that astrology is one of the main reasons for these transformations. Namely, the Moon.

In the moonlight ...

How is 27 years of age and astrology connected? Why exactly 27 years old? Not 32 or 44?

The fact is that 27 years is the cycle of the planet of the Moon in the progressive chart of a person (it is used in one of the methods of astrological forecasting), symbolizing the psycho-emotional development of a person, spiritual development.

In astrology, the Moon characterizes our perception and subconscious reactions to what we observe. We can say that this is a "lens" through which a person perceives the world around him. These are our reflexes, habits from childhood, the ability to adapt. The moon is responsible for the sensual side of our life, it characterizes the ability to care and show feelings (therefore, its position in the horoscope must be taken into account when considering the issue of relationships).

It turns out that exactly in 27 years the Moon makes a full circle and returns to the place in the horoscope of a person in which she was at the moment of birth! But he comes back with changed astrological aspects - with the influences of other planets. Therefore, this age (the influence lasts a year and a half) is a period during which a serious internal restructuring takes place, life changes. Of course, all the sub-cycles of this planet (approximately 3-4 years) are also very important, but 27 years is an important age for our inner psychological maturation and formation.

Depending on the position of this planet in the individual horoscope of a person, on the astrological aspects of the Moon, different events occur at this age - favorable and not. Well, as we already wrote above, external events are superimposed on this, which can contribute to the beginning of the process of emotional transformation.

Strakhova from the Moon-27

Therefore, astrologers advise those who are approaching this age (or you have loved ones who are about to turn 27) to become more conscious and stronger inside, which will certainly help build a more harmonious interaction with the outside world. The moon, influencing our subconscious, can go according to the scenario you have set: you have the opportunity to transform your stereotypes of perception, your attitude towards life and yourself. This is especially important for those who have unfavorable aspects of this planet (and a professional astrologer will help to find out this).

And instead of getting into the "Club 27", your life can go according to the best, positive scenario: a deep understanding of the current events in life will come to you, the ability to build strong and healthy relationships will appear.

Read the same

Coping with a midlife crisis in men

What time is it, when it ends and how long does the midlife crisis in men last? We will try to answer these rather frequent questions that concern the majority of the strong part of humanity.

Causes of occurrence

In the overwhelming majority of cases, changes begin after 40 years. Sometimes in some men this condition appears earlier or does not occur at all. It depends on many factors of a person's life: status, social status, upbringing, health, and so on. Any individual sets goals and raison d'être for himself. When these goals are not achieved, difficulties arise, depression, anger at oneself or others.

Sometimes it turns out the other way around, a person achieves a goal, but is not happy, and depression, anger and other negative emotions also come. In this case, there are two reasons:

1. The wrong goal was set, which was imposed by the society or some of its members. She did not suit the man at all, but he blindly followed her.

2. It seems that the person is happy, has achieved what he wanted, but something is missing. Fear comes, but what to do next, why do I exist? This arises because the previously set tasks have been completed, and new ones have not yet been set. At this moment, a person is disoriented, the meaning to achieve something is lost. We all live for something or someone, for example, for the sake of children, ourselves, work, parents, money or other people.

3. Experiencing adolescence, everyone wants freedom, to earn money themselves, to live for their own pleasure, not to depend on anyone, to be like adults, they set themselves many goals for a great life. But closer to the age of 30-40, already having their own families, work or business, people ask themselves the question: “Am I living the right way?”, And begin to wonder how good it was when they were teenagers. This period was characterized by complete freedom, where you lived for your pleasure, without burdens in the form of bills and thoughts about how to feed your family, raise children or not let your boss down. Two opposite images appear in the head, which conflict with each other and cause a complex range of emotions, leading to a tipping point.

How does a midlife crisis manifest in men? They can quit their job, cheat or file for divorce, especially if there are problems in the relationship of the spouses, they can destroy everything and live for themselves as before. Some become happier, but often, then the understanding comes that they did wrong, did not value their happiness, which became even worse. After all, it was possible to live like that for oneself, without destroying anything, since the children have matured, work can be changed or grow further, develop.

After 40 years, life is just beginning! This happens after a turning point, when people open themselves up in a new way, rethink their views and values, set new realistic goals, based on an already large baggage of knowledge.

4. There is another reason. When a young man makes plans in his youth, he imagines his future and sees a certain picture. He goes to this dream wearing "rose-colored" glasses. But in the end it turns out not as great as planned. It seems to have achieved the set task, but something is wrong. There are many examples:

  • there is a wife, but it turned out that the relationship is not developing as smoothly as desired
  • there is a favorite job, but there is no career growth, or the salary does not suit, or there are problems with the bosses or employees, or, conversely, in the financial sector he has achieved great success, but the work does not bring pleasure.
  • have a hobby, but no health
  • I want children, but I can't, and so on

Then it is very easy to get into a midlife crisis. The main thing is not to panic, not to make hasty decisions, to have common sense. You can find a way out of most situations. It is also worth learning to appreciate what you have, to see the good in small things, to rejoice, as children rejoice. Perhaps everything is not as bad as it seems at first glance.

To be prepared for the possible consequences, you need to know at how many years a difficult time may come. Basically, the stronger sex is faced with such a problem within the range of 30 to 50 years. Up to this point, there are certain stages in the growth of an individual. If he passes these them perfectly, then the problem may go unnoticed, painlessly, or not come at all. It depends on a number of factors.

What should be done?

The first point, influencing the further development of events, occurs at about 27 years old. During this period, there are bells for young men that he did not do something, did not realize it. In psychology, certain stages are distinguished at which there are tasks, in the solution of which, as a result, the question of how to survive the midlife crisis will not arise.

27-30 years old

What should be done to make it go unnoticed among men of 30 years old? Until the age of 27, a young man must be mentally born, that is, become a psychologically mature person. To do this, you need to solve a number of issues:

1. Disconnect from parents and be independent.

2. Make money and support yourself.

3. To teach to understand what a girl is, why she is needed, that is, her deep essence and relationship with her.

4. Become a professional in family relations, be the “captain of the family ship”. If the "captain" is illiterate, where can he lead the ship? Women, in such cases, seeing such a "captain", move him away from the helm and begin to lead themselves. This point is now the least resolved among the representatives of the stronger sex.

Here are the main stages of a guy's psychological maturity. It is desirable to do this before the age of 27, up to a maximum of 30. First of all, parents should push this idea. But, unfortunately, they often do not have certain knowledge, so the young man himself is forced to come to this by trial and error.

If a person by the age of 27 is not endowed with certain qualities described above, bells appear that manifest themselves in the form of any difficulties: health problems appear, in business or in relationships, etc. The older a person gets, the more such bells begin to affect, become purposeful, more rigid. It’s very easy to get depressed at such a moment.

33 years

The next important stage begins at the age of 33. It is no coincidence that this period is called the age of Jesus Christ. At this time, you need to be born spiritually, to open yourself more voluminously. Such birth mostly happens spontaneously, people do not consciously do it. But in vain! Often they let this process take its course, and spiritual birth does not take place. Or, for example, a person is mentally not born, skipping this stage, is born immediately spiritually. It is these people who are at risk in later periods, their "roof" can be blown off.

After passing this time, the following qualities must be present:

  • must be financially secure,
  • be able to provide for not only yourself, but also your family,
  • clearly build deep relationships with your wife, in general, with a woman,
  • to understand the depth of the world, etc.

As a result, a young person must progressively form in himself knowledge that goes beyond the limits of ordinary consciousness. This is precisely the indicator of a correctly proceeding process. At that moment, when a difficult male psychological period begins, he will pass it imperceptibly or with the least loss, since before that he went through all the stages sequentially.

But if this does not happen, and there are health problems, with girls, work or something else, then a turning point begins. You need to listen to the prompts and to your feelings.

How to overcome the midlife crisis in men? Psychology answers this question very easily.

It is necessary to complete those tasks that were not completed in the early periods.

The main symptoms

Midlife crisis in men, the symptoms are very easy to track - there is no growth in family relationships, in health, in business, etc. He begins to die morally, he may go into drunkenness or acquire other bad habits, he begins to break down, since something may collapse or does not go according to his plan, he feels emptiness, pity, irritation, anxiety, emptiness, melancholy.

The biggest problem is the blatant illiteracy in matters of life, family and their own wealth. For this reason, problems arise. A person feels that he is capable of great things, wants to change something, but he himself does not understand what exactly. At this moment, he can radically change his life, mostly not for the better, while destroying everything. Each situation can be solved by building a chain of events. This requires only basic knowledge of psychology, and then any representative of the stronger sex becomes the master of the situation.

How can you help?

How to help a man survive a midlife crisis and what to do in such a situation? A beloved woman, a spouse, can help to overcome the crisis. How to help? No matter how trite it sounds, with love, building close partnerships. A woman should develop an understanding that she needs to focus as much as possible on her companion, take care of him, but most importantly, remain feminine and attractive. They should be a couple, in no case put someone above themselves, someone below, but be just a couple. Do not blame yourself or your soul mate in any way. We must try to understand and support each other. This is the main value in life for both partners.

When husbands have a midlife crisis, it is very important to try to help them in a timely manner, because often during this period the marriage is destroyed. There are situations with which it is very difficult to cope, and a woman becomes a hostage of this process.

Representatives of the stronger sex sometimes do not themselves realize what is happening to them, begin to suffer, try to compensate in different ways, can blame someone, look for various explanations. Defense mechanisms, rationalization, intellectualization, repression can be used in order not to face a situation when it is really clear that something is happening to oneself.

How can I help my husband get through a midlife crisis?

A representative of the fair sex must arrange a number of things in a certain order:

1. Second half to first place. At the age of 40, most men experience this difficulty, and a woman herself should want to help her companion, because if he feels good, then a woman will have a loved one on whom she can rely, build a life together, plans. It is not always easy to do this, but when you yourself feel comfortable, then those who are next to him are filled with this feeling.

2. Space of life, that is, you need to equip the necessary conditions for family life.

The wisdom of a woman is to be constantly interesting. The stronger sex without female love is an aggressor who breaks himself and the world around him. After 40 years, a woman needs to slow down in her activities and pay maximum attention to herself, her development, femininity, health, and for her the second childbearing period begins. It was by this time that males really became fathers.

Psychological struggle is always difficulties, difficulties, pain. It so happens that at this moment the personality, thinking, behavior, the emotional sphere are faced with certain obstacles, conflicts that literally break from the inside. If a person copes with this state, then he is reborn in a new quality, acquiring certain new meanings and opportunities. It is worth remembering the words of the great thinker Friedrich Nietzsche:

"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger."

Many books have been written on this subject, but we can advise you on Jim Convey's Men - Midlife Crisis. In it, the author popularly talks not only about the causes of the occurrence, but also gives specific advice on how best to cope with a life problem.

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Midlife crisis in women - what is it? Is it possible to overcome the midlife crisis in women in their 40s and older?

The midlife crisis in women of 40 is an expression that is probably known to many. A midlife crisis in women occurs 10 years earlier and is more difficult to tolerate than in men, due to emotionality, susceptibility and greater vulnerability.

The term - midlife crisis - means a condition that takes up a certain time period at a particular age and is accompanied by characteristic signs. For some, this period is mild and imperceptible, but for someone it is filled with poor health and mood.

Causes and manifestations of the crisis of 40 years in women

The crisis of 40 years in women can be recognized by the following manifestations:

1. There are frequent mood swings, unmotivated irritability.

2. There is a tendency to destructive introspection, anxiety, prolonged depression.

3. The desire to do something disappears, there is a constant conviction that everything is unnecessary and tired.

4. It seems that there is an urgent need to change everything: wardrobe, hairstyle, main activity, hobbies, husband.

This condition occurs in women 40 years of age in connection with certain psychological reasons and life circumstances. These include the following, the most common:

1. “Suddenly” children grow up who have their own families and interests - there is a feeling of uselessness, unemployment and meaninglessness of existence, the feeling of the rapid approach of old age is sharpened.

2. Along with these circumstances and thoughts, nostalgia arises about the outgoing youth, since a woman at this age still has “huge plans” and many unfulfilled desires and dreams, but the understanding comes that they may not come true.

3. Responsibility to the family hinders actions aimed at promoting some personal ambitions and hobbies in life.

4. If a woman by this age does not have children and a husband, this period is especially difficult. Severe depression may develop due to constant thoughts that a lot is missing in life, and this cannot be replenished due to age and other reasons. The absence of a family in some 40 - year - old women leads to decisive active actions to find a "second half". This can lead to the collapse of someone else's family or the appearance of a "second half" in the person of a person who is too young in age, which will create additional problems and experiences in the form of condemnation or contempt from others.

5. The midlife crisis does not pass easily among women who have achieved everything they aspired to and planned. Successful women go in search of an “additional” place in life, because they believe that all the peaks have been conquered and new ones no longer exist.

Possible Solutions to Midlife Crisis in Women

Since the midlife crisis in women in their 40s is a psychological problem of this age, a solution can be found if one distracts from it and from the thoughts that arise in connection with this. You cannot ignore your condition, "endure" and wait for everything to be decided by itself: such a passive position can lead not only to a general bad state and depression, but also to diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, sometimes - to more terrible consequences ...

Psychologists believe that during the period of the onset of the crisis, one should not try to escape from his new state and not notice what is happening. It is necessary to objectively approach the assessment of a new life situation, accept it and continue to live in the created conditions, remaining a healthy and interesting person.

Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures to get out of this situation with the least losses. This can be facilitated by:

Increased rest, relaxation;

Reading new books, new information will provide an opportunity to escape from obsessive sad thoughts;

Going to the theater, to concerts of classical music, to various exhibitions can "switch" to another wave;

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will improve the condition;

Interesting courses, attending which will broaden your horizons, bring new acquaintances and distract you from sad thoughts;

Change uninteresting and boring work;

Come up with a hobby;

Try to turn your hobby into a small business, thereby enjoying not only yourself, but also deliver it to your customers;

Give a birth to a baby.

These are far from all the ways to solve the problem of midlife crisis in women. You can think of many activities that will distract and give new impetus and energy for a further happy life. It is important not to become isolated and not self-isolate during this period. And remember that the crisis of 40 years in women is a gradual release of the stresses accumulated over the entire previous life. You can treat it from a positive point of view: this is a wonderful occasion and another chance to find new talents and realize them. If you do not change your life dramatically and instantly, it becomes possible to get a lot of positive emotions and unexpected prospects.

Another aspect of the dangerous period

There is another aspect of the midlife crisis in women in their 40s. It refers, rather, to the physiological.

At this age, the appearance may change: by the age of forty, metabolic processes in the body slow down, muscle mass decreases, and the body fat, on the contrary, increases. This process is expressed in every woman to a greater or lesser extent.

Stress and anxiety "heat up" these changes, because during excitement, cortisol is formed in large quantities. This is a hormone of the adrenal cortex, which, in response to stress, is secreted by the adrenal glands and provokes the active reproduction of fat cells. In addition, cortisol suppresses the immune system, which leads to the development of various disorders and diseases in a woman's body.

A powerful release of cortisol also occurs with constant "lack of sleep", hectic nightlife, lack of proper rest for a long time.

In cases where endless sad thoughts about age, one's own uselessness and changing appearance are added to the listed factors, except for the emerging depression, if this vicious circle is not interrupted in time, you will have to deal with serious diseases arising against the background of a sharply decreasing immunity, in the list of which cancer is often found - "the disease of sadness."

Positive thinking is an important point in problem solving

Therefore, during a crisis, it is more important to focus not on what has not been done and what has not been achieved, but on the positive aspects of the past. This will give an impetus to the thinking and implementation of new plans, will give strength to survive this difficult period. There is not only a way out of a crisis situation, but also an entrance to a new "era" of life. The main thing is to correctly place accents and try to constantly think not about what you failed to accomplish in your life, but about what good happened during this period. In any situation, it is necessary to find positive aspects.

New relationship is one of the solutions

The midlife crisis in women of 40 is accompanied not only by personality restructuring, but also by a change in attitudes. During this period, it is necessary to correctly assess your relationship with your partner, understand where they do not satisfy both, and discuss it. If the crisis came at a time when there is no loved one nearby, you need to understand whether you need a partner and what kind of relationship you would like to have with him, what needs to be done and how to change yourself in order to find such a “half”.

In this difficult period, it is important to learn psychological techniques for relieving stress - this will help slow down the aging process and prevent the emergence of new diseases.

Reappraisal of values ​​is an important step towards positive

It is very important in this difficult period to reassess values ​​and appreciate the good that is already in life. Appreciate, not take for granted, that there are children and a husband, parents, friends, favorite work or work in general. In the life of every woman there is something good on which to concentrate and appreciate it. Then you will be able to survive a difficult time without loss for yourself and your loved ones.

In spite of everything, you need to strive to maintain psychological youth, try to be busy, active, enthusiastic, not to cultivate sad thoughts. And then the crisis on the way out will give new strength and energy, and, therefore, a new interesting life, or calmness and poise. But life will go on!

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We will be out of work if we stop teaching you about life. 27 is a great age. Most likely, most of the complexes are left behind, you have a clear system of priorities and an established opinion on almost every issue. But nevertheless, we, as always, have something to remind you of.


You can't just sit and wait for happiness to fall on your head. If you have a dream, then you are the only person who can help it come true. In other words, don't wait for the call - call yourself.


No matter how trite it may sound, you will really find a big and bright feeling when you least expect it. Around the same time you stop looking for him all over the city with matches, flashlights and flashing lights. , even with the “greatest love” of your life, is a painful but invaluable experience that will show what is really important for you, what will be appreciated in the future, and what will be categorically suppressed.


You will only know who yours are when times are tough. Some may convince you that in difficult moments of life's troubles you can rely on their help, but at the same time they can disappear without a trace when they are so needed. True friends are the ones who will stand by your side when the world is crumbling around you. They will remain in the same place when the dust settles, help to clean up the ruins and start construction again.


The older you get, the more you value a relaxing break. Five years ago, you could run for a part-time job after university couples, and then waste your earnings in a bar. Now you spend your free time at the gym, girl, family. Ultimately, being alone with yourself becomes a difficult task. So, when such an opportunity falls, you download a TV series, movie, book or game, turn off your phone and enjoy the long-awaited calm.


Excitement will not lead you to success. Dude, there is no such thing as a hopeless situation (apart from a nuclear war or an asteroid collision of the Earth). Some cases are beyond your control and your wasted nerves and hair pulled out of your ass will not change the outcome of the situation in any way. Calm down and think rationally.


Never let anyone sit on your neck or be condescending. If someone is trying to "put you in your place" and this person does not play a particularly important role in your life, exclude him from the social circle without hesitation.


You are your worst enemy and your biggest critic. “I'm not good enough for this,” like deadly poison to your productivity. So if you think you suck, you suck. If you think you are talented, you are right again. You are better than you think. Also, half of the things that you think people say about you are actually just what you think about yourself.


Don't talk or gossip behind the backs of others. Only cowards do this. If you have something to say or don't like it, be old enough to say it to your face. Also, beware of becoming a passive-aggressive chicken that clucks about your complaints on social media.


Be careful in choosing who you can trust. There are too many people around who can use your words against you, but much later. Unfortunately, this is not paranoia, but a reality based on life experience.


Never wait until tomorrow. Your "tomorrow" will be "next week", "next month" and then "next year." Live as if there is no tomorrow, and you will succeed today.


Stay humble. No matter how successful you are, there is always someone who will step on your heels and snap your nose. Life has a great sense of humor and especially loves to kick the ass on those who feel too confident and comfortable.


Happiness is not something that is at the end of the rainbow or the end point of your goal, it is something that can happen right now, at this moment. Strive for more, engage in self-development and be grateful for what you have today.


Be reliable. Become a man whose words are not at odds with deeds and are not wasted. Can I count on you? Or are you one of those assholes who cancel agreements at the very last moment? We hope there are no such people among our readers.


If you haven't been invited to a party, have your own, with blackjack and whores. Dude, every time things don't go according to plan, put in even more effort. In other words, if someone closes the door, go through the window. If that doesn't work, build your own damn house.


Do not act to prove to someone that they are wrong. Start your journey by realizing the value of the goal set for you. Live your dream, not the dream of others.


Do not brag. By and large, no one gives a shit about your achievements, except the closest people. The rest shows only your self-doubt, as if you are looking for praise, approval and dream of becoming more significant than you really are.


Failure is an opportunity to learn. Some of the greatest triumphs have grown out of the greatest tragedies. In the end, you will understand it.


Help others. Believe me, even among your acquaintances there are a lot of people who need help. And you have to provide this help, be it time, money or personal resources.


If you disagree with what is happening around you, speak up. Otherwise, negative emotions will begin to accumulate in you, like dirty dishes in the sink, and one day everything will fall out, crashing with a huge crash. Believe me, then the damage will be too great and it will take a long time to recover.


Know how to admit your mistakes. You are old enough to recognize your guilt and ask for forgiveness. So if you screwed up, please fix it.


Do not regret about anything. Good or bad is part of you and part of your accomplished story. Your mistakes and victories have made you who you are now.


Give way to pregnant old people and old children this damn place. Open the doors in front of the lady, help her with the coat and do not swear in front of her. At first, this will be enough.


Live the present. You cannot change the past, you cannot predict the future. Trade regret and dreams for decisive action at this very moment.


Save a portion of your salary regularly in a savings account.


Do not miss the opportunity to attend concerts of your favorite performers.


Finish what you started.


Remain yourself, do not allow society, the media or people to impose patterns, standards and clichés on you. That, in fact, is all.

He becomes smarter, more responsible and stronger, he sets his own goals and has his own plans, he climbs the steps of personal growth and development. When age comes to a person and new difficult circumstances, for which he was not ready, he falls into rushes, worries and crises. Personal crises are not so much an indicator of the stages of growing up as a lack of education and protracted infantilism that manifests itself through these stages. What people call age-related personality crises is a common manifestation of "childishness", a person's unpreparedness for life.

If a person is stupid, dreams a lot and does little - of course, sooner or later he will face some difficulties in life. necessarily. Responsible, thinking about the future, properly developing people will not tolerate personal crises at home.

To find yourself in a situation of an age crisis is the same as getting wet in the rain after you went outside on a cloudy day without an umbrella and without seeing what the weather will be like. Do you know that it can start raining on a cloudy day? You should be a little more prudent.

Crisis 27-30 years "I have not achieved anything." Yes, you are 30 years old and you realized that your youthful dreams did not come true, opportunities were missed: you have neither great achievements, nor fame, nor a three-story summer cottage. Surprising ... What did you do from 18 to 30 years old? Did you go to discos and nightclubs? Have you established time tracking, have you set goals for 5 and 10 years, have you started every day by planning things, keeping the goals of the year in front of your eyes? No? If only now you began to understand that you didn’t really do anything, then it’s not age and not a crisis, but the fact that you lived crookedly. If you sum up every year how close you are to your goals, then in your 30s you will not learn anything fundamentally new about your life. There are no grounds for a crisis.

Crisis 37-40 years old, when Death appeared on the horizon. Was this news to you? You only at this time, when the body began to avenge an unhealthy lifestyle, refuse you and hurt you, did you only now guess that life is not endless, but before that you were in illusions? For adults who are not only concerned with themselves, whose dogs have died, who have buried relatives, this will not be a revelation. People are mortal. Yes, I know.

Who doubts, go to the insurance agent, ask how long you have left to live, he will ask you a few questions and confidently enough will name your five-year plan.

A crisis is not an indicator of growing up, but of a person's unreadiness for change, and an age crisis is a convenient self-justification.

There is no evidence that age-related crises necessarily accompany the life of every person - there is no. Earlier, 50 years ago, alcoholism and carelessness were treated exactly as alcoholism and carelessness, and not as a natural manifestation of natural age-related personality crises. People who have received a high-quality upbringing, like truly religious people, never have any crises, their conscience does not allow them. They live every day in the best possible way, fulfill their duties before God and people, and do not attribute their weaknesses to crises.

Age-related crises do not occur in monasteries, age-related crises are not observed in the active army during hostilities. Not silly. Each performs his own combat mission, and uses a short time of rest for its intended purpose, for rest.

However, now is the time of freedom and leisure. People can afford to live the way they want, although not everyone has an inner core. People begin to stagger, and it is convenient to call the typical staggering of a person who does not know how to organize himself as personal crises - especially since it sounds solid and serious.

An age crisis is a convenient self-justification in which a person is supported by psychologists. The explanation itself is psychotherapeutic: if you explain to a person that it is not he who is fooling, but he has a natural personality crisis, it calms: removes his feeling of guilt, removes responsibility. The person receives an understandable and convenient explanation, and the psychologist receives both the status of an intelligent person and another client, since "your difficulties are not accidental, this is not just laziness, you have a midlife crisis and you need psychological work." Everyone is happy.

Total: study the topic of crises, read the necessary literature - and make sure that you do not have any age or any other personal crises. It's better to be ready for life!

The information that I want to publish is not directly related to the name of Michael Jackson. But in it I saw a certain tendency that takes place in America or even in the world in general.

Number 27 is considered “cursed” for creative people. And that's why.
It is believed that 27 years is a critical age for sensitive creative personalities. Attempts by some researchers to back this up with statistics led to the creation of such a club.
Recall that among the musicians whose lives ended at this turn, there are Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain, Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones, Doors frontman Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix. The last three, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of rock music in general, passed away one after another for ten months in 1970-71.

More recently, Amy Winehouse has joined this club, so to speak. I'll start with her.
British and American music producers have an expression: death watch. This is the name of the performers - clear candidates for premature death. Showbiz loves dark romance (it sells well), and it has another expression - “club of 27 years old”. Surprisingly, many musicians died at this age. Amy Winehouse became the 45th member of the 27-year-olds club.

Expensive gifts

27 years is, of course, one of those strange coincidences that life is rich in. Amy Winehouse could have died back in 2007 - at least that's when her father wrote the speech he was going to give at his daughter's funeral. In 2008, Amy's mother said she was expecting tragic news from day to day: “Her life is a car accident. Man rejects the gifts brought to him by nature ”. Fate gave Amy generously: a voice from among those in which, in the words of Scott Fitzgerald, “money sounds”. There is also the talent of a composer and a poet, plus charisma. Winehouse was a favorite of music critics: "Here is a real star, not a doll made on the assembly line" X-Factor "and such shows." Amy was the “voice of the decade” and “face of a generation” - the idol of “girls in the neighborhood” who loved provocative outfits and behaved accordingly, and also prone to binge drinking. On the day of Amy's death, this generation brought bottles of vodka, rum and beer instead of traditional teddy bears to her huge house (she bought it in 2009, but moved in only in May of this year - all hands did not reach the furniture).

Drugs are a hot fire. To justify all the musicians who have committed self-immolation on it, we can say that music is the most mystical of all arts. No one knows where it comes from - perhaps one of the pathways through drug-expanded consciousness. Amy Winehouse was proud to try marijuana when she was 13; she believed that this was where her inspiration was rooted. "Grass" today is considered child's play, although it may well cause cravings for harder drugs, and in some people (doctors say so) even schizophrenia.

The deceived messiah

The death of Kurt Cobain in 1994 caused the same shock that caused the death of Amy Winehouse this summer. Cobain was also considered “the voice of a generation” and even “the messiah”. The musician's mother, hearing of his death, shrugged her shoulders: “Here you are - became a member of this stupid club!” By and large, this was her fault: at one time she gave up her maternal rights to Kurt. The creator of fierce music, Cobain was a pliable material in the hands of women - apparently, he was looking for a loving mother in each of them. I knew, and it was increased), then pregnancy and marriage, then skillful manipulation of tabloids. Here is a tiny daughter tested for "congenital drug addiction", here Kurt and Courtney are deprived of parental rights, here they are given parental rights back. Cobain acknowledged public attention only to his work , and the hysteria around his personal life drove him to despair. Courtney reproached him for the inability to understand how "things are done", hence the constant quarrels, binges and, as in consequence, the final shot. Some people still argue that the shot was not suicide - allegedly Courtney sent someone to take possession of his inheritance. This is most likely not the case (Cobain suffered from schizophrenia), but, in fact, this was the case. And she killed and took possession - Cobain's creative legacy was worth many millions.

See Paris and Die

One critic called Jim Morrison's work "music for singles." The end of the 1960s is hard to imagine a time of loneliness: “London swing” (the beginning of the sexual revolution), “summer of love”, massive rock festivals, communities of “flower children”, youth riots. Nevertheless, there were probably a lot of singles, since it was this time that gave birth to Jim Morrison. He was essentially a loner - he even invented a complete orphanhood for himself, although all his quite decent relatives were alive and well. Morrison also stands apart in rock music: an admirer of symbolic poetry and the ideas of Nietzsche, who reread the works of all prominent philosophers and ordered medieval treatises on demonology from the Library of Congress. His best works were also created in seclusion, when (according to his acquaintances) he ate "only canned beans and LSD."

In March 1971, Morrison first came to Paris. This city could not help but amaze an intellectual musician, especially since then it had not yet turned into a not very neat tourist attraction. Morrison decided to stay here for a long time, but remained forever: on July 3 of the same year he was found in a rented apartment, who died as a result of a drug overdose. Morrison's acquaintances believed that his death was not accidental - his constant girlfriend deliberately slipped too much of a dose. She considered herself his “wife” and was terribly jealous: Morrison was a “real rock star”, that is, he regularly got into affairs. But his funeral at the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris was not like the funeral of a star. An eyewitness described them as follows: “Several people stood for a couple of minutes at the grave, threw flowers and hastily left, as if death were chasing them.”

A tangled London story

Despite all the mysticism surrounding the 27-year-olds club, the death of many of its most famous members tends not so much to the otherworldly as to the criminal. The death of Jimi Hendrix (September 1970) is one of the classic detective stories that drag on for many years, but never come to an end. "The most outstanding electric guitarist in the history of music" died in London's Samarkand Hotel from an accidental overdose of sleeping pills. However, at the time of his death, one of his girlfriends was with him - a certain Monica Dannemann, who claimed that the musician could have been saved, but for some reason the ambulance doctor did not take the proper measures. Many years later, a police patrol report with a completely different version was released. The police did not find anyone in the hotel room except the deceased, the musician was fully clothed and "had been dead for some time." It is not clear then why Monica Dannemann was allowed to make statements until her own death in 1996. She, by the way, committed suicide when she was brought to trial for defamation of another ex-girlfriend of Hendrix.

In 2009, one of the experts in the history of the music business announced that Hendrix was killed by the order of his manager, with whom he was going to terminate the contract. A doctor who examined the musician's body in 1970 agreed with the plausibility of this version. Again, it is not clear why he was silent for forty years. I must say that Jimi Hendrix always willingly dabbled in alcohol, but avoided hard drugs and pills until he was taught to them ... by his friends.

Fatal billiard table

If the “club of 27 years old” really exists somewhere in the other world, then Janis Joplin sits at the same table with Amy Winehouse. Joplin was also the brightest woman in the music world of her time - in the 1960s. She, too, was ugly, unloved at school, and had an early addiction to drugs and alcohol. Amy and Janice sit, drink (the first is vodka, the second is their favorite liquor) and scold the men. Like Amy, Janice's relationship with men was her weakest point.

An impatient expectation of death
Almost all the famous members of the “27-year-old club” are united by one more important circumstance - a brilliant start, after which they are expected to continue with an even more ingenious continuation. This is a monstrous pressure that easily causes deep depression, especially in people who are prone to abuse of "substances". And then the bigwigs of show business begin to greedily await their death, because the tragedy turns these performers into a legend, and the legend is a reliable source of profit. Sales of discs are soaring, unpublished and not very successful works become hits, related products are excellent.

From Wikipedia: Club 27 (English 27 Club, also known as “Forever 27”, “Curse 27”) is the combined name of a group of musicians who strongly influenced the formation and development of rock and blues music and died at the age of 27, sometimes under strange circumstances.

Robert Johnson - the official cause of death: The official version is shot by the jealous husband of one of his mistresses. According to another version, he was poisoned with strychnine. Bluesman. One of the most famous bluesmen of the 20th century.

Brian Jones - Drowned in the pool, unconfirmed killed. Founder of The Rolling Stones, guitarist / multi-instrumentalist.

Jimi Hendrix - Choked on vomit after sleeping pills overdose. He is considered the best guitarist in the history of rock music, songwriter, vocalist.

Janis Joplin - Drug Overdose. One of the greatest female vocalists in the history of rock music.

Jim Morrison - The official version of death sounds like "heart failure." Although there are opinions that the cause of death could have been drug overdose and murder. Poet, vocalist, songwriter, video, lead singer and leader of The Doors is one of the greatest musicians in the history of rock music.

Kurt Cobain - Official version - shot himself with a shotgun. But there is a theory of murder. Vocalist, guitarist, songwriter. Leader of the "Nirvana" group. One of the idols of rock music.

Well, the already mentioned Amy Winehouse - Alcohol poisoning. English R&B, jazz, soul singer. “Greatest Britons-2007” for musical achievements.

There are also names that are more familiar to the Russian ear:
Alexander Bashlachev - Fell out of the window. Perhaps suicide. Soviet rock musician and poet.

Igor Chumychkin - He jumped out of the window. Russian rock musician, lead guitarist of the "Alisa" band.

Edward “Redt” Starkov - Suicide by hanging. Vocalist, songwriter and guitarist of the Chimera band.

Alexander Korzhov - Suicide. Leader of the "Manuscript" group.

Dima "Nikiforovna" - road accident (road traffic accident). Participant of the project “MS Vspyshkin” and “Nikiforovna”.

They were all 27 years old.

Based on materials from Wikipedia -

Why did they allow this to happen to them - to end their lives at such a young age, when everything is ahead? - success with viewers, admirers, the torment of searches and the joy of creative success, when you need to enjoy life. Ahead - a whole life!

How did they allow themselves to be driven into a corner, to happen that it became impossible to live without taking drugs or strong drugs? Without that riotous lifestyle leading nowhere. In fact, they themselves drove themselves into a corner, sat in this corner and stupidly waited that soon, from day to day, the irreparable would happen. Did not understand? Nooo, I don’t believe that we didn’t understand ... It seems that they were hoping for "maybe".

Well, that's enough, perhaps. It seems to me that they don't just jump out of the window. And don't commit suicide when you're 27. If the circumstances of life did not become such that it was impossible to cope.
While looking for photos of artists, I came across a lot of photos of athletes who died at the same age.

And finally, I would like to pay tribute to the wonderful singer, actress, just a beautiful woman who shared the fate of many others - Whitney Houston. She was 48.

What a terrible word - drugs ...