Kitchen design in the Ukrainian style. Party in Ukrainian style: forgetting the roots, you can't grow branches

Someone is attracted by modern nanotechnological images of interiors, while others prefer the old ones, filled with ethnic meaning and peculiarities of everyday life of the past centuries. It is these colorful motives and folk traditions that underlie the Ukrainian style of dwelling decoration.

It is quite easy to create such an atmosphere in your home, especially if you have childhood memories of a country house in the kitchen of which a grandmother in a flowered apron gave you fresh milk to drink. This room in your house will look very fabulous and rustic-cozy if you furnish it in the Ukrainian style. And we will be happy to show you how to achieve this effect most accurately.

If the soul requires simplicity and home comfort

Observing how fast technical progress is marching across our country, and how our way of life is changing, there is a feeling that we are losing something very important - our roots. But many traditions, including the creation of home comfort, can bring into our everyday life a particle of the way of life that our ancestors cherished.

The Ukrainian style is considered one of the closest to the Slavic population. He is homely, warm and dear, and therefore is popular not only among the true representatives of this nationality. The kitchen, furnished in Ukrainian style, is full of cordiality and hospitality. And this effect of a real rural hut is achieved with the help of:

  • light walls and ceilings;
  • national patterns;
  • the presence of a hearth or stove;
  • the use of natural wood, lime and clay in the interior;
  • carved, stylized "antique" furniture;
  • design elements of decor from the sphere of folk applied arts.

Kind colors of Ukrainian cuisine

The most important colors for such a kitchen are white and red. It is they who set the general atmosphere of the Ukrainian style. You can also use the following shades in this interior:

  • beige, light yellow;
  • green, olive;
  • brown, sand;
  • blue, light blue;
  • black.

It is important that the main background in the Ukrainian-style kitchen is set precisely by light shades, and only certain elements and objects can be darker or brighter.

Features of kitchen decoration in the ancient traditions of Ukraine

The “Ukrainian” cuisine is characterized by the use of natural materials that will make the overall look more mundane and natural. Walls can be covered with:

    • rough decorative plaster imitating a "hut";
    • light plain wallpaper;
    • tiles "like a stone";
    • glossy white or beige paint;
    • wood panels or beams.

The Ukrainian style gives great freedom for creativity in terms of decorating the walls of the kitchen. You can apply national ornaments around the perimeter of the room or paint one of the walls with birds, fruits and other folk motives.

Also, the Ukrainian style implies the use of additional niches for dishes and various utensils in the walls of the kitchen.

The floors are best done with wood. But, if for some reason it is not possible to use a board for finishing, then ceramic floor tiles imitating wood or stone, as well as linoleum imitating solid wood, will do just fine.

The ceiling in a large kitchen can be decorated with cross beams, but in a small room it is better to leave it just whitewashed. This will visually increase the height of the walls and add light to the room.

To add some old flavor to the interior, you can use shutters on the windows, as well as build a small stove. Many people make a kind of false fireplace. For this, the base of the furnace is made of drywall and decorated with bricks. But a stove-style hood looks best.

"Living" furniture for the kitchen in the Ukrainian style

When your kitchen has already turned into a room similar to a village house somewhere in the outback near Kiev, it’s time to pick up real rural furniture. It will be great if you stop at making your kitchen set to order, since it is quite difficult to find beautiful cabinets and chairs with folk carved patterns.

Also, restored furniture that you inherited from your grandmother or purchased at a flea market can be an excellent option. It, like walls, can be decorated with painting and then varnished.

The following interior items are best suited for "Ukrainian" cuisine:

    • solid, large table with benches or stools;
    • small dressers, cupboards and cabinets;
    • open cupboard or sideboard;
    • work surface with open shelves and niches;
    • built-in or antique-styled home appliances.

Painting on furniture will add a national flavor to your kitchen. And, of course, beautiful, professionally executed drawings will delight the eye, cheer up and delight your guests. For painting, you can use the following pattern options:

  • rowan branches;
  • mischievous sunflowers;
  • brave Cossacks against the background of green fields;
  • apple flowers;
  • scarlet poppies;
  • ears of wheat.

Decor items lovely to heart

And, of course, like any room in the ethnic style, the kitchen in the Ukrainian style requires appropriate accessories and decorative elements. Perfectly complement the chosen image:

  • wooden spoons and cutting boards;
  • clay pots, pots and jugs;
  • green glass bottles with elongated necks;
  • poker and broom;
  • towels, tablecloths and curtains embroidered with traditional Ukrainian ornaments;
  • bundles of garlic and onions;
  • old icon lamps.

A kitchen made in the Ukrainian style can be very bright and distinctive, or it can stand out with calm colors and a minimal amount of decor. It all depends on what you are looking for in this look. After all, this direction of design thought requires its creator to invest his soul in the interior. Therefore, creating your "Ukrainian" cuisine, do not forget to be guided by your desires and preferences, so that the result will delight you and your family for many years with its individuality and rich inner content.

Photos of kitchen interiors decorated in Ukrainian

Here is a selection of several original interiors of large and small kitchens, decorated in the Ukrainian style. In such kitchens, history and traditions come to life, and an atmosphere is created that is soulful and conducive to friendly family feasts.

First of all, you need to choose the finishing materials for the kitchen. For a Ukrainian-style kitchen, they must be natural. The floor should ideally be made of clay, but this is hardly possible in modern apartments and houses. Therefore, only its color is left behind the floor, and the materials, of course, are selected to taste. This can be warm brown tiles, linoleum, or regular wood floors in a similar color.

Ukrainian-style kitchen walls are usually of a rough texture, like in the old days. They are often made using decorative plaster. The color scheme of the kitchen mainly combines, in addition to the color of natural wood, white, red, black, blue and yellow in small quantities. The walls of the kitchen in the Ukrainian style, it is advisable to decorate only in white, otherwise - in a light beige color. They can also be painted with plant motifs or birds. Often, images of sunflowers, viburnum are performed on the walls. Niches can be made in the walls, which are filled with decorative elements.

It is important to arrange the ceiling of the kitchen correctly. On the ceiling, you can make dummies of wooden beams-covered (usually used if there is a large area), or you can leave it just white, which will visually enlarge the room. Lighting is important for the kitchen. One requirement is made to it - it must be warm. And lamps can be made to order so that they have, for example, ornamental shades.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of furniture for the kitchen. The peculiarity of the Ukrainian-style kitchen is that each item in it has a special meaning, and the interior is simple. The main attribute of Ukrainian-style cuisine is the table. In the old days, it was he who was most carefully decorated on holidays, he was kissed before a long journey and upon returning home.

The table, like the rest of the furniture, should be wooden. It may have carved legs, but in the case of the Ukrainian style, the simpler the better. The table is usually covered with an embroidered tablecloth. In the kitchen in the Ukrainian style, shelves are always used .. Pottery or other clay products are placed on the shelves as decorations.

Dishes play an important role in Ukrainian-style kitchens. There must be a festive clay service in the house. Every day they use painted utensils, wooden ladles, carved boards, painted wooden spoons, and so on. And clay glechiks, as a symbol of complete happiness in the house, are indispensable attributes of Ukrainian-style cuisine to this day.

In real Ukrainian cuisine, there must be a stove, as a symbol of home and reliability. But, of course, you can't make a stove in an apartment. Therefore, you can do with its imitation - make a niche in the wall in the shape of a semicircle and cover it with a door, like a stove. It will be both functional and stylish.

Today it is difficult to imagine a kitchen without modern technology. In a Ukrainian-style kitchen, it can take place, but all the appliances are built-in and are not striking. Often, painting is applied to household appliances.

Towels are an attribute that a Ukrainian-style kitchen cannot do without. They are not only a decoration of the kitchen, but also a kind of amulet. Different ornament on such a towel has its own special meaning. Curtains, cushions for chairs, and a tablecloth are decorated with similar embroidery.

A must for a Ukrainian-style kitchen is a bag of plenty filled with corn, peas, beans (symbols of wealth and prosperity), various herbs (a symbol of longevity), red pepper (male health) and seeds (family happiness), bells, as a symbol of the feminine principle, wooden brooms with applique motifs, decorated with ribbons, dried flowers, nuts, peas, grains of various cereals, bereginia dolls, knitted garlic, etc.

In conclusion, we would like to note that decorating a kitchen in the Ukrainian style is not as easy as it might seem. After all, for example, carried away by decorating, the kitchen can easily be turned into a room of the museum of ethnoculture. Therefore, it is important to observe the measure in interior design. In small rooms, it is best to make a light stylization that would set the tone, a special Ukrainian flavor to the interior.

It is quite possible to arrange a kitchen in the Ukrainian style with your own hands. To do this, use clay pots, pot holders and towels with national patterns, bunches of onions and garlic, as well as interesting antiques.

Along with technological interiors, ethnic styles are now very popular. Tired of the daily bustle of the city, I want to return home, where the entire surrounding space is filled with coziness, warmth and hospitality. Ethnic interior can manifest itself in different ways, its embodiment depends only on the preferences of the owners. Someone will like Scandinavian minimalism or oriental restraint with Japanese motives, while for someone the bright, ornamental design of the space is in the first place, as in African or Moroccan interiors. The kitchen in the Ukrainian style is considered to be original, but at the same time homely cozy. The style is based on colorful motives and folk traditions.

It will not be difficult to create such an atmosphere in the house, especially if childhood memories keep the memory of the days spent with the grandmother in the village. Color ornaments typical for style, natural materials, folk arts and crafts or legacy old kitchen utensils will help fill the kitchen with mood.

Style features

The Ukrainian style belongs to the Slavic direction, and this is why it is so close in spirit to many people. The interior should embody the traditions of the family, the atmosphere of hospitality and cordiality. Despite the common features, each house has its own personality, its own unique character.

The decoration, as well as furniture, must contain natural materials: wood, ceramics, stone, plaster, cotton, linen. An important component of the interior is the hearth, most often the stove. But for a city apartment this is unacceptable, so a decorative or electric fireplace can play this role. For the kitchen, it is appropriate to focus on the zone of the stove, decorating it in the form of a portal and decorating it with tiles or painting.

An important function is also assigned to the dining table. It should be roomy and intended not only for the hosts, but also for their guests. Pottery, wicker baskets, flower pots, flowers, as well as hand-embroidered textiles can be used as decor.

The shades characteristic of the Ukrainian style cannot be ignored either. It is they who are able to emphasize individuality and create a certain atmosphere. The main colors in the interior design are white and red. Other shades are also used:

  • sandy, beige, pale yellow;
  • olive and another palette of green;
  • Brown;
  • blue and blue tones;
  • black gray.

The main thing is to use mainly light colors, and use dark ones as small accents so that the interior does not seem gloomy and uncomfortable.

Wall, floor and ceiling decoration

Traditional materials that are used in the Ukrainian interior are clay floors, painted plaster walls with a rough texture, thatched roof, etc. But in a city apartment, such an entourage is inappropriate, so it is enough to restrict ourselves mainly to natural materials. You can also recreate the atmosphere of a Ukrainian home with the help of modern decoration.


For a Ukrainian-style kitchen, wall decoration with decorative plaster imitating a rough surface texture, painting in a light shade or ceramic tiles with a stone texture or characteristic ornament is suitable. Brickwork is also appropriate, but it should not occupy the entire surface of the walls. It is better to use it as an accent, for example, to highlight one area of ​​the interior, or lay out an apron for a kitchen set.

Since the interior with Ukrainian style is created in an apartment, it has the right to combine characteristic features and a modern approach. You can use a mosaic panel with a plant print in wall decoration. It is undesirable to deviate from the required shades - white or beige as the background, and red, black, brown or other bright in the pattern.

An interesting effect will be obtained if you use a gradient in the wall decor, that is, the transition from a light tone to a dark one. This will not only add originality to the interior, but also visually expand the space.

It will not be superfluous to decorate a certain area of ​​the surface with painting, which can be done by hand. A floral ornament is suitable as a plot: sunflowers, oak leaves, clusters of rowan or viburnum, poppy, etc.


Stretch ceilings are completely out of place in the Ukrainian interior. Instead, it is better to use the usual whitewash or paint, as well as decorate the surface with massive wooden beams. But this option is suitable only for spacious rooms; in small rooms, you can use decorative painting in the form of a border around the entire perimeter of the kitchen.

The ceiling will be decorated with original lamps made of metal, rattan, wood or textiles. In support of a decorative border, you can decorate a window sill, window frame or baseboard with the same pattern.


The ideal option for the floor would be a wooden board. But this is a rather expensive option, in addition, it requires special processing and special care, since it will be in the kitchen. In addition to it, you can use tile or porcelain stoneware with a stone texture. The most economical option is linoleum, which imitates natural wood.

If the interior of the kitchen is large enough, then it is quite possible to combine several floor coverings in it, for example, wood or high-quality laminate with tiles. Moreover, it is more appropriate to use the tile in an area of ​​high humidity and pollution, that is, at the location of the kitchen unit. The rest of the coverings are suitable for dining and relaxation areas. A carpet or rug with a characteristic Ukrainian pattern will help to add coziness.

Furniture and decor

Of course, antique rustic furniture is ideal for a Ukrainian-style kitchen, but it is not always possible to find such furniture, and it will not look as advantageous in a city apartment as in a country house. Therefore, you should pay attention to a set made of natural wood or its high-quality imitation.

All items should be as simple as possible in form, solid and functional. It is better to hide household appliances from the eyes, try to close them in cabinets and cabinets. Or you can approach the issue creatively and decorate the instrument doors with painting. For this role, a refrigerator or dishwasher is perfect, the panel of which is not covered by the front of the cabinet.

Do not forget about the large table at which the whole family and guests will gather. It must be, of course, wooden, massive and focus attention on itself. The legs of the table and chairs can be carved, but this is not required. A hand-embroidered tablecloth will also serve as a good decoration.

In the Ukrainian interior, you cannot do without open wooden shelves and racks, on which earthenware, painted plates and other decorative items will be stored.

Suitable accessories for a Ukrainian-style kitchen can be:

  • napkins, potholders, tablecloths, curtains with a characteristic ornament;
  • wooden cutting boards, spoons, cast iron, clay sets;
  • chandelier with wrought iron elements or wicker lampshade;
  • green glass bottles;
  • bundles of garlic, onions, peppers;
  • icon lamps.

A Ukrainian-style kitchen can become the embodiment of coziness and comfort even in a city apartment. When creating such an interior, you must adhere to the basic requirements of the style. These include: natural materials in decoration, simple forms of furniture, rough textures, characteristic ornaments in decor. It is equally important to pay attention to the functionality of objects, as well as to focus on the main zone of the Ukrainian interior - the hearth.

Heartfelt songs, merry dances, richly set table and people - simple, open, hospitable. A bright and noisy Ukrainian-style party will be an excellent birthday present for those who love to relax on a truly Slavic scale!


The degree of complexity of the preparation largely depends on the place of the meeting. If this is a cafe / restaurant of Slavic cuisine (which one does not play a big role), it is quite simple to bring a national flavor into a suitable interior. In the courtyard of a private house or in nature, a few bright details are enough, because nothing distracts from the topic.

In a modern apartment it is more difficult to organize a Ukrainian party with your own hands, but it is also possible if you approach the embodiment of ideas creatively. To help hundreds of MK from the network, simple materials and time, which will take quite a lot to decorate a Ukrainian party. We offer ideas:

  • the stove is the main attribute of the hut, it is with it that you should start the transformation of the room... Cut out a silhouette from white cardboard, paint with bright bird flowers (the patterns are very simple, the child can handle it). From the same cardboard grab, pots - all together with the oven to the free wall. You will get a bright decoration and a gorgeous photo zone;

National ornament - tablecloths, bedspreads, towels, napkins, sofa cushions. And also grandma's striped rugs. Ethnic patterns instantly transform the interior, indicating a given direction.

  • at the entrance, be sure to hang a horseshoe. Decorate the walls with wreaths, bast shoes, rural landscapes... Sit on the shelves and make mini-scenes of dolls in national costumes (rag, straw). Find a secluded but noticeable place for a colorful brownie. All these attributes of a Ukrainian party are easy to do with your own hands;
  • a wicker of twigs along one wall, against the background of a hut painted with flowers with a thatched roof... You can cut a goat out of cardboard, put buckets next to it, hang fake jars and other symbolic attributes. If there is not enough space, a few miniature fragments of the fence will be enough;

  • at a party in Ukrainian style, you cannot do without the gifts of nature... Apples and other our fruits in baskets, vegetables in buckets, garlands of bunches of fragrant herbs, mushroom beads, braids of onions and garlic on the walls, under the ceiling, above the table with treats;
  • bright ribbons radiating from a common center will create a festive atmosphere... And also ears of cereals, flowers in bouquets and wreaths - poppies, sunflowers, bells, cornflowers (you can artificial, now you cannot immediately distinguish them from real ones);

The entourage of ethnic musical instruments (cardboard bandura, kobza), a massive chest in the corner, simple and painted earthenware - pots, pots, jugs are emphasized.

To make an original Ukrainian-style invitation, decorate a white blank with your own hands. Along the edges there is a braid with ethnic ornament (print or draw by example). In the center is a loaf and spikelets, a hut with a thatched roof and a garnished maiden standing next to it, or a flower wreath with variegated ribbons.


If you have time for preparation, you can arrange a full-fledged costume party - the national Ukrainian clothes will not hit your pocket. Of course, this is about styling, not manual work. And still very beautiful!

Depending on the region, ethnic costumes vary greatly. But embroidered shirt is always associated with Ukraine, and it is on it that we recommend stopping the choice. For men, this is a simple oversized shirt with trim on the collar and sleeves. Tie up trousers or trousers that are narrowed at the bottom with a sash or braided rope.

Modern women's embroidered shirt for a party in the Ukrainian style is clothing of almost any cut (blouses, tunics, shirts, sundresses, even cocktail dresses). A bright skirt just above the ankles and a white tunic will do. Light makeup, red beads, simple hairstyle - loose curls, a braid or two braids.

A wreath with ribbons will complement the image (there is an MK on the network, how to make a wreath with your own hands from paper buds, it's simple). A striking element of the costume is the famous red threads!

Or maybe the scenario of the Ukrainian party will take place on a farm near Dykanka? Or remember folk tales? Vakula and Oksana, godfather with godfather, robber Cossacks, devils and witches, Viy himself or the hero Kotigoroshko and ... you can't list them all! Of course, it is better to distribute the images of folklore / literary characters in advance.

Menu, serving

Cooking for a Ukrainian party with your own hands is a sheer pleasure. Simple recipes and affordable products guarantee a lush Slavic feast! True, you will have to forget about the diet. Dumplings with potatoes, homemade sausage, pampushki, cheese cakes, potato pancakes, pancakes - and these are just "snacks".

Serve the table at home, no frills. Treats in large dishes with generous slides. It is great if there are earthenware and wooden dishes, an embroidered tablecloth, napkins. Plentiful, tasty, hearty food should decorate the table, and not themed decor.

On the hot side, braised pork or whole roasted suckling pig, fried sea fish or roast. Or maybe a goose? Pickles, vegetable salads, sauerkraut, horseradish, mustard and, of course, bacon! Onion-garlic, jelly, herring, mushrooms ...

Have the guests burst yet? Then pies for dessert, pancakes with sour cream or jam and ... enough? Oh drinks! Gorilka, honey and kvass for the entourage must be on the table, and the rest is to the taste of the guests... For your birthday, order a Ukrainian-style cake that blooms with sweet poppies, sunflowers and cornflowers.


Be it urban in the center of Kiev or ordinary people on a distant farm near Dykanka, Ukrainian national holidays are unthinkable without dancing and singing. Download folk and contemporary music, give a playful master class on a hopak or a Cossack woman. Having divided into lads and maids, arrange a battle of voices - who will better sing the song chosen by the host / birthday boy?

The presenter's monologues destroy the atmosphere of general rage, so it's hardly worth coming up with a plot scenario for a Ukrainian party. Let contests and entertainment be screwed into the process as if by chance, with the filing of the "toastmaster-barker." This course of the holiday is more in line with folk festivities in the Ukrainian style. We offer contests:

Five cans

Tin cans are placed one on one by a vertical tower. The stick (indoor soft ball) must be thrown so as to knock down the top can. Happened? Another throw. Several cans missed or dropped? The tower is being restored, next turn. Play until 20 points are reached (plus a point for each shot down can) or if someone manages to hit all five cans in a row.

Cossack agility

To the song "Esaul-esaul", sitting on a chair with a booty, jump on a foot-carry (from a mattress, a gymnastic ball - ask your friends), holding a ball in your hand, put on a hose. The goal is to burst your ball faster than your opponent.

Maiden beauty (for guys)

Cut inexpensive fabric into ribbons of equal length. Tie them to the backs of the chairs according to the number of players. You need to quickly braid the ribbons in a braid to the very tip of your opponents, sit on a chair, wrap the braid around your waist (as if to tie yourself to a chair) and shout: "Vaughn was angry with me on the braid!"


Crocodile with tasks in the Ukrainian style, make cards for the competition (random choice - draw a Cossack, a hut, a jar, slivers, etc.). Draw with both hands, the right side of the drawing with the right hand and vice versa. A yellow marker in one hand, a blue marker in the other.

Natsedi-ko (for girls)

You will need shields / cardboard boxes with painted cows and holes in the udder. By the number of participants, it is possible in pairs. Pour white water (flour, gouache) into a rubber glove, insert the cuff into the hole and tie a knot from the back. Before the competition, make a hole with a needle. The goal is to drain more "milk" into the bucket in the allotted time.

MK or handicraft contests (reeled dolls, wreaths), power games for guys, performances of artists - folk dances and songs, Cossack tricks with weapons will perfectly fit into the scenario of a Ukrainian party. Don't Forget Memorable Souvenirs: mugs, stationery, key rings, magnets or charms, towels, utensils in the Ukrainian style.

Since ancient times, Ukrainian folk art has passed a great path of original development, enriching itself in close ties with the art of other peoples, first of all, Russian and Belarusian. In the life of Ukrainians, there is not a single object that the artist's hand would not touch.

In the perceptions of Ukrainians, a person comes to this world in order to decorate it. Folk art is in a harmonious relationship with the historical development of the people, their way of life and work.

Wood carving.

Since olden times, Ukraine has been known for its woodworking craftsmen. Housing, utility and protective structures, churches, monuments were built from wood; natural wood was used to make items for agricultural and household use, furniture, dishes and much more.

Some elements of structures and other wooden products were carved and often painted. At first, the carving had a planar character. Methods of flat carving have survived to this day in many regions of western Ukraine, in particular, in Transcarpathia. To make the flat carved pattern more textured and noticeable, coal dust was rubbed into the recesses.

In the 17th - 18th centuries, carving was especially widely used in iconostases, icon cases, candlesticks, as well as statue carving. This can be seen in the iconostases of the Assumption Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the Nikolaevsky and Mikhailovsky cathedrals in Kiev and the cathedral in Bolshie Sorochintsy.

For many rural wood products of Central Ukraine and partly Galicia in the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, carving was characteristic, which differed from the ancient technique of plane carving.

The ornamentation of geometric and floristic character has been significantly enriched. In most of the items, large surfaces were covered with ornaments. In the composition of the ornament, large circles and semicircles are often found, which consisted of separate small elements. At the end of the 19th century, the volume of production for the sale of small wood products increased, for which it was characteristic not for everyday life, but for decorative and artistic value.

In the technique of Hutsul carving, ornamentation is combined with inlay and has a predominantly flat geometric character. That is why, to this day, Hutsul carvings cannot be confused with any other type of similar art objects.

Wall painting.

One of the most characteristic types of Ukrainian folk decorative art is wall painting. Wall painting acquired the greatest development in the steppe regions of Ukraine. Most often, the drawings were made with colored ocher and red clays, which were diluted with soot and blue, as well as vegetable and mineral paints.

Various aniline dyes have been widely used since the 19th century. The murals became more polychrome (multicolored), luxurious and rich. Flowers and plant motifs were among the most common ornamental motifs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the centers of folk mural painting were Uman, Podolia, Khmelnitsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa and Kherson. The painting in the Lemkiv region and in Transcarpathia had a peculiar character. The walls are decorated with painting on the outside, as well as elements of painting are widely used in the interior design of the interior of Ukrainian housing. Most often, painted elements are used to decorate windows and doors, and the main element in every house is a stove.

Wood painting was used to decorate furniture and various household items in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. This can be seen from the surviving elements of the painting of furniture and chests. In this case, plant ornaments were also most often used.

Ukrainian Easter egg.

The traditional Ukrainian painting of Easter eggs also had purely decorative purposes and adhered to strictly defined traditions. The painting techniques reflected the artistic tastes of individual regions, even in some villages there were their own traditional patterns, by which they were distinguished from other settlements.

The main technique was the symmetrical placement of the ornament. Easter eggs contain all types of ornamentation - geometric, geometrized and floristic. The Hutsuls created a huge variety of compositions from geometric elements and figures, often used images of animals - horses and deer.

Ceramic tableware.

Ceramics also occupies a significant place in folk art. The main groups of Ukrainian folk pottery production of the 19th century correspond to the territorial distribution of clay deposits. Among them, the following territories can be distinguished:

  • Kievskaya (Kiev, Dybintsy, Mizhgirya, Kanev, Vasilkov);
  • Chernigov (Ichnya, Nizhyn, Korop, Glukhov);
  • Poltava (Mirgorod, Oposhnya);
  • Sumy;
  • Kharkovskaya (Zmeev, Raisin);
  • Podolskaya (Bor, Adamovka, Zherdyanovka, Bubnovka);
  • Lvovskaya (Sokal, Tolstoye);
  • Ivano - Frankivsk (Kosov, Kuta).

The period of development of artistic pottery falls on the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th century. One of the most common types of ceramics in the Kiev, Poltava, Chernigov and Vinnitsa territories of pottery production is red ceramic ware - covered with glaze and painting.

White glazed pottery was common in the southern and southwestern regions. In some localities, for example, in the Ternopil region, "polished" dishes made in a slightly smoky glaze were extremely common. But the geometric ornament was striking in its beauty and uniqueness - it was applied by engraving.

In the 19th century, figured dishes for wine and other drinks, made in the form of animals and birds, were common. This type of tableware was a real piece of art that Ukrainians widely used in everyday life.

The names of the masters of pottery art of the 19th century, Adam Batsutsa from Adamovka (Podillia) and Vasily Shestypalts from Lvov, are known. For ceramics of the central regions of Ukraine, characteristic elements of ornamentation are grapes, pines, stars, berries and leaves.

Particularly decorative are the products of masters from Oposhnya - F. Chereshka, Y. Riznik, V. Parosny, Libeschak, A. Slasten, A. Bakhmetyuk and P. Koshak. In the painting of the dishes, one can trace a fascination with floral patterns, restraint of the composition, and the richness of ornamentation. Large stylized floral elements of a relief character are gradually being introduced.

Ceramic tile.

The heyday of tile production falls on the end of the 17th century. And already in the 18th century, ceramic tiles were widely used by Ukrainians to decorate the surface of ovens. Since then, the tiled stove has firmly entered the people's life.

The tile is distinguished by its variety and high decorative qualities. During this period, there were many varieties of ceramic tiles, among which are the following:

  • embossed;
  • glazed;
  • terracotta;
  • painted;
  • picturesque;
  • ornamental;
  • green, with a blue pattern;
  • with brown edging;
  • yellow;
  • with drawings on household topics;
  • depicting animals and birds;
  • with a violet in the center;
  • with the image of a medallion and many others.

Very often, in the process of making tiles, craftsmen put the date and their name. So, to this day, the works of the masters of subject ceramic painting Bakhmetyuk (Hutsulshchyna), Panasenko (Ichnya) and many others have survived. In the ornamentation of ceramic tiles, one can trace a gradual transition from motives borrowed from professional art to the development of decorative plot ornamental painting based on local traditions.

Glass products.

One of the most original types of folk craft in Ukraine is the manufacture of glass products - dishes in the form of animals and birds. Other glassware includes various glasses. glasses and shtoffs - colored and transparent, clean and patterned.

Glass products were made in three ways: blowing, casting and drawing. Glass production was spread mainly in Volhynia and Chernihiv region. But other regions also did not stand aside - glassware was also made in Podillia, in the north of the Kiev region and in the Poltava region.

Weaving and embroidery.

At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries, weaving and weaving reached an extremely high level. Various fabrics were made, as well as various products - rugs, tablecloths and towels. They were decorated with woven patterns, embossing and embroidery.

The production of lint-free wall hangings was widespread, as well as various homespun runners that served to cover the floor. Carpets of three types were made: with transverse stripes, medallion type, and also with floral patterns.

For Ukrainian carpets, it was characteristic that the entire field was never completely covered with patterns. It was the background that most often played a huge compositional role. Folk ones were usually dyed in the color of natural wool - so their shade was most often dark brown or black.

The decorative type of weaving includes the production of patterned fabrics, woolen fabrics for tailoring and highly artistic embroidery. In the 19th century, the centers of decorative weaving were:

  • in the Kiev region - Pereyaslav, Boguslav, Ivankov, Obukhov;
  • in the Poltava region - Zenkov, Reshetilovka, Sorochintsy;
  • in Vinnytsia - Klimbovka, Yalanets;
  • in Western Ukraine - Zolotov, Glinyany, Zbarat, Mikulintsy.

Ukrainian towels.

At the end of the 19th century, the production of decorative towels became especially widespread. Prior to this period, they were made white with red patterns, and from the second half of the 19th century, red and white towels entered everyday life.

The main elements were geometrized figures of oak and birch foliage, intertwined branches, flowers, burdock, grapes, cockerels, pigeons, ducks, eagles, as well as motifs, dishes and other elements.

One of the oldest elements is the "tree of paradise" motif. This motive reached the greatest variety of options and perfection in Poltava and Kiev. It can also be noted that the Ukrainian towels in each area differed in their ornamental motives, patterns and colors.

The embroidered towel played an important role in the everyday life of every Ukrainian family. It served not only for everyday needs, but was also used in festive and ritual ceremonies, and also served as an important element in the design of every Ukrainian dwelling.