Small kitchen design in live examples (40 photos). Creative Kitchen Design Ideas Photo Gallery of Beautiful Creative Kitchens

The kitchen is a fairly popular place in an apartment, especially for a woman. It is here that the hostess spends a lot of time, prepares food, does the cleaning, feeds the household, etc. And, accordingly, it should be not only functional, but also cozy and beautiful. Decoration and design play a huge role in preparing the kitchen for its immediate comfortable use.


Initially, it is important to decide how exactly it will be drawn up. To do this, you need to evaluate the size of the kitchen room, the entire apartment, as well as the design of the room as a whole. The material used for decoration must be of high quality and durable. Correctly selected design of walls in the kitchen is, first of all, correctly selected shades of wallpaper in accordance with the overall design of the apartment.

Right choice

Wallpaper should be chosen especially carefully. And the point here is not even so much in the color of the wallpaper as in the quality. Of course, waterproof wallpaper is best suited here. In addition, the choice can also fall on fiberglass wallpaper and wallpaper intended for painting. A very important tip, which you should definitely pay attention to, is that the wallpaper should be glued far from the washing area (for example, above the dining table). In the sink area, it is better to make decoration with stone, tiles or fresco. It will look great and will fit well into the overall design of the kitchen room.

Modern ideas

Metallic wallpaper is a trendy and modern idea for kitchen walls. They are made on the basis of aluminum foil. Such wallpapers are perfect for small kitchens, as they visually expand and increase the space. They can be both smooth and textured. They look very modern.


Wall murals have been relevant at all times. And now quite often the owners choose this type of finish for their kitchens. Wall murals can give a very romantic look to the kitchen room. But it is worth choosing them especially carefully, paying attention to the general design of the room, the colors, the character of the household and other nuances. The picture can look very inappropriate in one shade or another, or, conversely, become a bright addition that harmoniously fits into the overall picture and atmosphere of the room.

When choosing wallpaper, you should consider the size of the kitchen room itself, especially if the kitchen is small. In this case, not everything will work. Wallpaper must be chosen carefully. And, in this case, mainly wallpaper with a small pattern. Bigger details will only make it look even smaller.

In a kitchen covered with wallpaper, all kinds of interior decorations will look very harmonious, such as vases with and without flowers, paintings, family photos in beautiful frames, especially those made with your own hands for the overall design of the room, thus creating a special comfort and emotional atmosphere in home. With a TV of this style, kitchens will also look good.

Ceramic tile

One of the most relevant solutions when decorating a kitchen room, especially if a kitchen with a gas boiler is, of course, tiles. Because it is beautiful and convenient at the same time. It is easy to clean, is not afraid of grease and other contaminants, and is very practical, which is very important for this type of room.

In the case when the kitchen is completely tiled, the designers recommend using additional details as decoration. These can be beautiful vases, decorative jars, beautifully laid out fruits, etc.

Plastered walls

Decorative plaster makes it possible to make the design unique and individual, reflecting the taste and preferences of the owner of the apartment. This type of cladding is very much in demand and popular, because it makes it possible to create something unique and unlike anything else, to express your own flight of imagination. In addition, painting can be done on the plaster surface. To do this, it is better to invite an artist or make a painting yourself. Also, with protrusions on the walls with beautiful plaster, a panel made by yourself or purchased in a store will look great.


A big plus of a material such as drywall is that when using it, absolutely straight and smooth walls are preserved. This design is suitable for creative people. Drywall allows you to embody almost any creative idea, using fabric or draping openings where necessary, if necessary.

This type of design also provides various design ideas that you can refer to when choosing this option.


Panels are also used quite often in decoration. And this is no coincidence, since the panels have many advantages. Firstly, it is reliability and durability, as well as the possibility of combining different types (glass, polymer) panels. And secondly, it is a beautiful and modern design solution that will look appropriate in any kitchen.

Painted walls

An excellent solution for those who want to save money and at the same time create a beautiful design with their own hands is, of course, painting the walls. Painted kitchen walls look very stylish, bright and will look harmonious in any design. But you need to understand that only decorative paint is suitable for these purposes. By combining and mixing paint with elements such as sand, starch, sawdust, etc., you can end up with a very interesting and unusual surface.

In this case, any additional design ideas are appropriate. You can decorate such a kitchen with decorative elements (vases, frames). Wall shelves will also look very harmonious, especially if they are perfectly matched in color to the color of the walls.


Often, the choice falls on brick when it comes to choosing a material for decorating a kitchen room. Brick walls in the kitchen add a special charm to the room. If you choose the right color and shade of this material, then such a kitchen will look especially harmonious, at the same time cozy and homely.

White brick will look very noble and is more suitable for sophisticated and romantic natures. A similar effect can be achieved with gray bricks. Unusual color of the brick, for example, yellow or orange, will give the room a certain playfulness and brightness. Such colors in the interior should be chosen by those households who have children.

Apron decoration

For finishing the working area (the so-called "apron"), it is recommended to use materials such as stone (natural or artificial), metal panels, tiles and other materials. They are expensive, but they can and should be applied selectively, on a separate site, and not on the entire wall.

In fact, there are two types of this kitchen area:

  1. Style "casual", or otherwise neutral style. It doesn't require any additional details. The main thing here is functionality.
  2. If the goal is to pay attention to any detail of the kitchen interior, or directly to the work area, then in this case it is made bright and contrasting. It is quite possible to add additional elements there.

For reading 8 min.

Not all housewives have spacious kitchens. Most often, in old Soviet apartments, they are quite small, and sometimes even tiny. However, even in such a situation, you can find a way out by resorting to design tricks. A play of colors, original modern style, spacious lockers and much more will help to solve this issue. How to make the most of a small space in the kitchen will be discussed below.

Layout for a small kitchen

A small room, most often, even with the correct layout and design solution, can continue to press on with four walls, since there is a feeling of compactness.

To avoid this, you can get rid of the door by arranging an arch instead. This can visually expand the space and remove the feeling of tightness. If doors are needed, sliding models can be one of the options, which in addition look very stylish and modern.

A radical solution would be to combine the kitchen and living room, while getting a studio apartment. This layout is especially popular with young people. At the same time, the kitchen expands and the disadvantages of a small area are no longer so noticeable. In addition, the dining area can affect part of the living room, due to which space will be won for the kitchen unit and furniture, which will give the kitchen more functionality and comfort.

The layout of the kitchen set depending on the shape of the room

The correct location of the headset in the kitchen is the key to comfort, space saving and, as a result, saving time for cooking.

First of all, it is worth remembering the triangle rule, which is the placement of the refrigerator, sink and stove. It is this that contributes to the improvement of ergonomics in the kitchen, since it is based on the principle of alternating cooking, that is, first, the products are taken out of the refrigerator, then washed, cut and thermally processed.

The choice of the layout of the headset should be based on the shape of the room, the location of windows, doors, communications. If the kitchen is square, then the U-shaped headset is considered the best option. If the dining area needs to be highlighted separately, then the L-shape is more suitable.

For a rectangular kitchen, a linear arrangement is suitable, or parallel, when only one wall is used, which is longer, for arranging furniture, or outside parallel walls.

With a non-standard form, including a studio apartment, the layout can be any, including island, oval. Also, in this case, you may need an individual order of furniture.

What style to choose for a small kitchen

In a small room, bulky parts, a large number of accessories, various parts, especially small ones, are unacceptable. Therefore, the style must be chosen based on the features that each of them represents. Therefore, for a small kitchen, the following are suitable styles:


This style will do just fine. It is characterized by functionality, practicality and a minimum of details. In this case, the area is used as efficiently as possible. Clear expressive lines, strict colors are welcome here, while the decor is almost absent.

High tech

This style is dominated by smooth glossy surfaces, glass inserts, metal elements, clear lines, cool tones. High-tech furniture and appliances, innovative design above all. Pretentious details in this style are not found. Everything is done as comfortably and tastefully as possible.


One of the modern styles for which unconventional materials, original accessories, the presence of glossy surfaces, metal, mirrors are relevant. At the same time, the colors can be very diverse, including quite bold contrasting combinations.


Strict lines, natural materials, simple shapes are characteristic. Tones in this case are combined with dark and light. There are also patterns in the form of flowers, while the texture of the textiles is as simple as possible.

Color and pattern

With the help of color, you can not only expand, but also narrow down the space, so the choice of colors plays a huge role. For a small kitchen, it is better to abandon dark tones, otherwise the room will seem even smaller, and the situation will be dull and burdensome. Therefore, the choice should be stopped on such colors as white, beige, cream, peach, olive, gray.

Brighter tones such as green, yellow, pink are also possible, while it is important not to overdo it with brightness. Contrast is not always appropriate. If we are talking about bright colors, then, for example, a red spot on a white background will narrow the space.

A smooth plain surface will visually add additional area. Gloss is also a winning option, since it perfectly reflects light, thereby moving the walls away from each other. Only small drawing can be used. Large ornaments and patterns are absolutely unacceptable in this case.


Huge oversize curtains are not recommended for use in the kitchen, regardless of its size. This is due to the fact that they not only absorb odors and quickly become dirty, but are also fire hazardous. Moreover, their moderate use applies to small kitchens.

To protect from the sun's rays, you can use a short tulle in the form of a curtain or a dense canvas hung with a narrow strip like a visor. Blinds, bamboo roll products will become a universal solution. Also popular and comfortable are Roman blinds that resemble an accordion.

Advice! If, nevertheless, the choice fell on fabric curtains, then it is better to use synthetic materials than natural fabrics, since they are easier to care for and have a fireproof and water-repellent impregnation.

Table and bar counter

A complete dining area for a small kitchen often becomes a huge luxury. In this case, it is relevant to ask the question of how to save space and accommodate the table, or what other options are possible.

There is always a way out. The first option is to use a window sill, which can be made an extension of the table. Thus, an additional work surface will appear that can be used functionally. In this case, you can order a countertop that will replace the window sill, or you can install the surface on a different level.

The second option is to use a folding or pull-out table. Again, it can be attached to the windowsill. It is also possible to install a small table and attach a retractable tabletop to it. In addition, a folding table can be installed near a free wall and unfolded only when necessary, for example, during a meal.

Finally, a bar counter, which can be of various sizes and shapes, will be an excellent substitute for a dining table. It can become an extension of the window sill or become part of the U-shaped headset, continuing it. Bar counters are more compact and therefore take up less space. In addition, for a studio apartment, this is a great way to zone the space.

Floor and ceiling

In a small kitchen, it is important to make the ceiling in light colors, and best of all in white. The simplest options are the usual painting or wallpapering. Another inexpensive solution and at the same time more practical and durable is the use of plastic panels.

Stretch ceilings are a more expensive and modern option. They will take heights only 2-3 cm, the effectiveness of such a choice is worth it. The main thing in this case is to use a glossy film, which will visually increase the height of the ceiling.

For the floor, you must use durable materials that are not afraid of moisture and can be easily washed. Therefore, it is recommended to choose linoleum, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or self-leveling floor. It is unacceptable to use patterns, a monochromatic surface will look better.


For walls, it is recommended to choose light monochromatic tones that will increase the space. It can be either painting or wallpaper. A pattern or drawing can only be unobtrusive small, decorated plaster is allowed.

Wall murals look original, but you need to use them carefully so as not to overload the kitchen even more. It can be seascapes, photos of street cafes.

The apron is preferable to be made of ceramic tiles, stone or tempered glass. Again, large patterns and landscapes are not recommended.


A small kitchen should be as light as possible. This is facilitated, among other things, by good lighting, which requires special attention. Bulky chandeliers are out of place here. They should be small, not very noticeable, restrained colors, simple shapes.

It is worth installing separate lighting for the working area. Spotlights or LED strips are suitable for this. The window should also be open as much as possible so that natural light enters the room.

Secrets and Tricks

It has already been said about light colors, smooth glossy surfaces and good lighting. All these subtleties can significantly increase the space visually. At the same time, it is important to know certain secrets to make the most of the usable area.

It is advisable to pick up the headset itself narrow and high in order to accommodate more items. The more hanging cabinets there are, the more storage space for kitchen utensils will appear.

Roof rails in the kitchen are often simply irreplaceable. They are hung over the table top in the form of a tube or a strip with metal hooks. It is convenient to place ladles, skimmers, ladles and many other necessary items on them.

Organizers not only help to make the lockers more spacious and more convenient, but in some cases make it easy to reach items that are near the far wall. There are also drawers, dish dividers, which also become great helpers in a small kitchen.

So every inch of your kitchen can be put to good use with convenient, space-saving modern elements. Even the space under the windowsill or bar counter can be reasonably used by installing additional drawers, niches or pull-out structures.

Small kitchen real photo

Interesting ideas for the kitchen will help to equip this important living space, where the hostess spends a huge amount of time. Particularly in demand are interesting ideas for a kitchen in a Khrushchev building or interesting ideas for a kitchen of 9 square meters, where the limited space creates a lot of inconvenience, and you want a small room to look beautiful. Interesting ideas for the kitchen, embodied with your own hands (the photo clearly shows how it looks), make it possible to make any kitchen comfortable, beautiful and practical.

The kitchen is a very specific area of ​​the apartment: being one of the most, it performs a large number of functions.

A huge arsenal of equipment, furniture and various accessories is collected here. All this should, firstly, fit in a small volume; secondly, to be always at hand; and thirdly, do not spoil the decoration of the room.

Based on this, it is possible to put forward the most important requirements for ideas for the arrangement of the kitchen: they should optimize the use of the entire volume of the room; provide a sufficient number of places to store all kinds of items; create a beautiful interior without disturbing the functional features.

When arranging a kitchen, its decoration and interesting ideas (there are plenty of photo examples) are aimed at:

  • expansion of space by combining with other premises;
  • optimization of storage conditions for kitchen utensils;
  • optimal use of furniture and equipment, their placement and change in appearance;
  • creation of an original design for walls, floors, ceilings;
  • arrangement and decoration of the work area and apron;
  • zoning of the kitchen space;
  • changing the appearance of windows and doors;
  • using the possibilities of lighting;
  • the use of various decorative elements, ornaments and accessories.

How can you expand the space

The original arrangement of the kitchen in the direction of expanding the space can provide interesting ideas for a kitchen combined with a living room or a loggia (balcony). Such proposals are especially relevant for small spaces.

For the implementation of the project, the intermediate wall is removed and the connection of the kitchen with the living room is ensured with the removal of the dining area into the living room. When implementing such a project, it is important to provide a visual highlight of the kitchen and dining area.

Combining the premises allows leaving only the working area in the small kitchen, and turning the living room into a relaxation area (receiving guests) and a dining room with a large beautiful table. Interesting ideas for the kitchen in this case consist in the formation of a decorative partition that highlights the kitchen area. A common option is to install a bar counter, which is of interest both from a practical point of view and in terms of design.

You can suggest other ideas:

  1. Two-level floor. There are two options: raising the living room floor by 8-12 cm or the kitchen floor by 12-14 cm. The second option is convenient for masking communications. An interesting solution can be the use of spotlights for illumination in an attack. Another way of floor zoning is a different color and coating material (in the kitchen - ceramic tiles, for example) at the same floor level.
  2. Two-level ceiling. The kitchen can be distinguished by the manufacture of a false ceiling with built-in lights. The working area is usually provided with maximum illumination.
  3. Sliding partition. This solution allows you to get rid of an important disadvantage of combining rooms - smell. During the preparation of the meal, the doors close and insulate the kitchen.
  4. The partition can have decorative features. Of interest is a large aquarium or another type of wildlife corner. An openwork partition with curly room ones looks very nice.

How to provide storage options

The kitchen is a receptacle for many kitchen utensils, so interesting ideas for the kitchen in terms of storing various items are in great demand.

You can put forward the following suggestions:

  1. Using a corner sofa with a device in the space between the legs of drawers for storing dishes or drawers with a lifting lid.
  2. Using cabinet doors for hanging pans, cutting boards, etc.
  3. The use of one maximally tall and narrow cabinet.
  4. Installation of carousel shelves for storing food. Such "carousels" under the worktop will provide storage of the necessary products and are easy to use. The shelves can be divided into sections: food, dishes, bottles, detergents.
  5. Equipment on cabinet doors for washing shelves and holders for detergents and equipment. In the space under the sink, a platform for a garbage container is equipped.
  6. Wall mounting of a decorated metal profile with hooks for hanging kitchen utensils and cups.
  7. Making an envelope for cutting boards. Such an envelope can be assembled from wooden slats with a height of 16-22 cm. Decoration is provided with paint or varnish. The envelope is fixed on the inside of the cabinet door under the work area, on the side wall of the hanging cabinet or directly on the wall in the work area.

How can you diversify the interior

There are various ways to add attractiveness and originality to the kitchen interior.

So, for decorating tiles, the following technologies are offered:

  • beads or decorative small stones are glued to the tile surface with special glue - this way you can create any plot and even a whole picture (images of flowers, greenery, fruit and vegetable plot, sunflowers are suitable for the kitchen);
  • decoupage - fastening or applying standard (ready-made) patterns or ornaments (in the final form, the patterns are varnished);
  • craquelure - creating a "semi-antique" effect using ready-made compositions that allow you to apply a cobweb mesh.

Decorating with textiles can provide any style of decoration and a special warmth to the interior. In this group of decor, elements such as curtains, tablecloths, pillows, napkins on the table top, dish stands, furniture covers stand out.

Interesting idea: preparation of several sets of matching textiles, which are periodically changed, providing seasonal decoration (for example, symbolizing the arrival of spring). In addition, this approach allows you to influence the seasonal mood: in the summer, create the illusion of coolness with green or salad tones, and in the winter, add warmth with reddish or yellow tones. The decoration for any holiday will look impressive.

Ideas in the design of the walls allow you to radically change the attitude towards the interior. For the kitchen, it is rational to decorate the walls using a composition from a different combination of shelves. You can install vases, indoor and decorative flowers, beautiful dishes, figurines on them. Paintings and mosaics look impressive on kitchen walls. In their manufacture, you can use stencils, vinyl stickers.

In an urban kitchen, the landscape on the wall looks good, and when decorated in high-tech style, abstract plots.

Decorating glass elements gives a special charm. If ordinary glass in kitchen furniture is replaced with mirror glass, then the volume of the room will visually increase. Undoubtedly, the use of frosted, corrugated (patterned), colored or stained glass glasses will add attractiveness. With your own hands, glass interior elements can be diversified with appliqués, lace, stencil patterns.

Kitchen little things

Various small decorative elements can change the whole look of the kitchen beyond recognition. What kind of crafts to use depends on the owner's imagination.

One can only recall possible ideas:

  • original lamp shades for lamps;
  • decorations in the form of paintings, collages for walls;
  • dish stands;
  • holders, hangers, towel racks;
  • products from bottles and vases;
  • antique and original jars and dishes;
  • candlesticks;
  • all kinds of crafts and figurines.

The originality is given by painting and coloring the body of the refrigerator and other kitchen equipment (for example, a microwave oven). Painted trays and cutting boards, beautiful towels, potholders, aprons provide a special attraction.

Kitchen decoration ensures a good mood and increases appetite. The original kitchen interior, regardless of the size of the kitchen, creates a special home microclimate.

I like

Fashionable and creative cuisine is uplifting and eye-catching. In its interior, you can place expensive accessories and furniture, or make your own kitchen decoration. In any case, interesting and unusual ideas will become her hallmark. But not all friends will be able to understand the owner's creative thinking, but only connoisseurs who can appreciate the design at its true worth. And this point should be taken into account!

Why creative?

Ordinary typical kitchens, filled with headsets modeled after the wardrobes of the Soviet period, unremarkable wallpaper and standard lamps hanging from the ceiling of every third apartment, have long been sore on everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone in our time is able to shell out a tidy sum for the purchase of new kitchen furniture, made to order according to an exclusive project, even if it is very small in size. But you can change the interior of the kitchen without attracting large funds.

Creative design is available to almost everyone, especially since in this case there is no need to adhere to a certain style. Eclecticism is in maximum demand today, so you should not be afraid of bold decisions!

The main driving forces for fundamental changes should be:

  • a great desire to do something unexpected and original;
  • vigor, decisiveness and dedication;
  • a little imagination and creative ideas;
  • lack of stereotypes.

Ideas can be gleaned from the Internet, and for advice - turn to a designer who supports views of an unusual interior and is not afraid of too small or huge kitchen area. Creative design is in trend today, and owners of any material wealth and age category can afford the design of the premises in a super-fashionable style.

Possibilities of a small kitchen

The boring and uninteresting interior of the kitchen area inspires few people. But its design should be so attractive that the hostess can get aesthetic pleasure from being in the kitchen and cooking. Only in this case real culinary delights are obtained!

Premises of a small area cause hassle in the design, which most owners complain about. Of course, there are certain difficulties, but small kitchens also have advantages. They are somewhat cramped, but everything is at hand. Standing literally in one place, you can reach the pots and knives, get food out of the refrigerator and place a baking sheet in the oven.

In a small kitchen, in fact, it is easier to achieve a cozy atmosphere and a romantic setting, and its new design will require less material investment.

In the design of a creative interior, an important role will be played by:

  • original furniture;
  • non-standard finishing;
  • unusual accessories, cutlery and dishes;
  • exclusive table;
  • bright colors;
  • original lamps and much more.

There are many creative style solutions for a small kitchen, but it must be remembered that the room should remain comfortable and not overloaded with unnecessary elements.


The design of the walls is of great importance in the design of the kitchen only if they are not completely covered by floor and wall cabinets. But the kitchen apron will still remain open, so it is trimmed with bright multi-colored tiles, mosaics, plastic or glass with a creative image.

The interior of a "boring" kitchen will help refresh the use of wallpaper with a contrasting pattern, imitation of textiles or other materials. Wallpaper does not have to be expensive, inexpensive analogs are quite suitable. Often one of the walls is made brighter, accentuating attention. In this way, they achieve zoning of the room, highlighting, for example, a dinette. The interior only benefits from this.

Plain walls can be decorated with various original accessories:

  • stylish watches;
  • bright pictures and stickers in unusual frames;
  • cups and saucers;
  • wooden or metal trays;
  • hanging notebooks with recipes, etc.


Manufacturers produce original refrigerators, stoves and small kitchen appliances of various sizes and shapes. But its cost is quite high, so most consumers do not even think about such an acquisition.

But a creative interior requires non-standard solutions and they must be found!

The body of large household appliances can be:

  • first, paint;
  • secondly, apply individual images or drawings to it;
  • thirdly, decorate with appliques, ready-made vinyl stickers or decals;
  • fourthly, stick around with decorative magnets;
  • fifthly, "grow old".

It is allowed to paint the refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine with any patterns, from Khokhloma or Gzhel, to national flags or flower meadows. The creative design is emphasized by pasted crystals or Swarovski crystals.

One of the most budgetary and affordable options for creative decoration of household appliances will be a design made using self-adhesive film. On its reverse side, the contours of future stickers are drawn, after which the figures are cut out. Then the protective film is carefully removed from them, and the applications are glued to the prepared surface.

As a stencil for applications, you can use any pictures, for example, children's coloring.

Stylish things

Creative kitchen utensils deserve special attention. An interior with unusual accessories will always look stylish and original. On the shelves you can find:

  • "Crumpled" porcelain, similar to crumpled paper;
  • a teapot with two spouts;
  • cups with pockets for cookies;
  • pans with a funny pattern;
  • disassembled kitchen puzzle boards;
  • sets for spices in the form of test tubes with a stand;
  • designer cutlery and much more.

Self-made decor for a creative kitchen looks no less attractive. For example, for a small tea mug, you can knit a button-down blouse to help keep the tea hot longer.

Creative lamps

Stylish designs are not perfect without a creative chandelier. If it does not perform the function of the main light source, it can be used as a decorative element.

Today, the choice of lamps in specialized stores is huge, but you should not buy them based only on visual perception. The main selection criterion should be the harmonious combination of the chandelier with the surrounding interior.

With the help of LED lighting, you can favorably emphasize individual elements or combine them into a single whole, changing the interior beyond recognition. Correctly placed accents will add additional notes of creativity to it.

Bright multi-colored fronts made of innovative materials are suitable for a stylish headset. The rejection of the upper tier of cabinets will make the kitchen not quite ordinary and unloaded. The vacant walls can be filled with creative decor or narrow shelves with exclusive vases, lace crockery, glass containers with fruit, colored wine glasses or decanters.

The original table and chairs diversify the interior. Legs of an unusual shape, upholstery with ruffles or large rivets, braided wire backs are welcome.

The flight of imagination in a creative interior is practically unlimited, and bold decisions are in vogue today!

65 handy kitchen fixtures and fittings.

Kitchen furnishings.

Convenience in everyday life makes our life easier and if for some people working in the kitchen is a burden, then with such adaptations and design arrangements, the legs themselves will run to the kitchen :)) There is always little room in the kitchen for kitchen utensils, so many often come up with all sorts of options, as much as possible rationally use furniture for your needs. Not to mention the bulk products themselves, jars, flasks, spices and bulky things, for example, baking sheets, lids and pans, all these numerous things should lie conveniently, only then we will want the kitchen. I have been collecting all these ideas from the Internet for a long time, it's time to share with you :)) Enjoy your viewing :))

1. Fruit bowl for a tea set.

2. The dream of any hostess is a pantry.

3. Soft corner under the window.

4.Original use of the corner. The door rises upward.

5.Very competent zoning, but I would not place a sink in the built-in bar-island.

6.This is really not new, but convenient :))

7.Yum-yum :)) My husband is already puzzled (to put it mildly) :))) Well, can you overlook such a convenient option for additional storage? :))

8.Empty tissue box is used as a bag container.

9. For wine collectors, there are many options for placing an original wine cellar in an apartment.

10. Super idea !!!

11. And this is generally incomparable !!! Competent use of the corner in furniture with a rotary device for all our various spices :))

12. A pull-out table in the kitchen helps to solve the problem of small spaces.

13. Here's a great idea for baking dish placement. A very handy device. thanks to which there is no need to rattle and, like Vitsin, to pull out the lowest "pot" :))

14. A convenient arrangement of pans is still applicable only for a large kitchen.

15. A towel in the kitchen always spoils the whole design look :)) And in this version, both it and the paper towel are always at hand, only on the back wall you need to drill a couple of holes for ventilation.

16. A soft corner with pull-out drawers :) Usually this storage is made with the upper part raised, but this is not convenient!

17. Another option for a pantry.

18. Dedicated to culinary specialists !!! :)

19. Corner in the closet.

20. Columns can also be customized :)

21. This idea is good for an island :) Built-in bread bin. But I keep the bread in the refrigerator in a special compartment. So it lasts longer :))

22. Another option for adjoining the storage to the refrigerator. This time, pride of place is given to cleaning supplies.

23. A very original device for covering the hood and masking all kinds of spices that should be at hand.

24. The doors of this cabinet are sunk into the walls.

25. Wine storage :) And if you make it not so deep, then such a device can be used for the design placement of mugs, of which you probably all have a lot in the kitchen :) If somewhere on vacation, then many bring a memorable souvenir in the form of a mug ... Here's an idea for your collection :))

26. If space permits, then in the kitchen or in the corridor, you can disguise a laundry corner :)

27. Eh, as in the store! Surely this can only be used in the house, when such a convenient storage room has been thought out in advance. \

28. Garbage compartment. Super!

29. What do you think it is? :) I will not torment you - these are measuring containers :)) How good they are! :)

30. And here is the storage for the trays. Only households can "fatten" this way :))

31. Also the original version of the spices at hand, more precisely "under the foot" :))

32. Great idea for cutting boards and using a corner.

33. Even such a tiny space of depth can be very much adapted to your spices, and not only, did you notice the hooks at the top? :))

34. And here's an idea for storing fruit. This is a very handy gadget. With us, they always take up a lot of space on the tabletop and on the bar. Today I will go to the building with a garden compartment and there I will buy a suitable planter for flowers on the street. I think we will adapt it for this purpose :)))

35. This option is not entirely convenient, since in order to get into the lower compartment, you need to push the upper one, but if you place items of rare use in the lower compartment, then everything is tip-top :) But the outer facade of the kitchen is not broken :)

36. I have already spoken about these swivel devices, but now it is used for the corner of furniture, and there in the pantry.

37. Wine cellar. True, it is not entirely convenient and for sure it is impossible to hold the bottles like that, but if you make a more frequent grill, then everything will improve.

38.Variant soft corner.

39. I have already posted this option, but I could not resist showing it one more time, it’s a painfully original solution to using a corner in the kitchen.

40. For those who have little space in the kitchen, then this option of shelves with favorite jars can decorate the kitchen in a designer way.

41. This is not in the kitchen, but applicable to her.

42. At the same time I have placed miniatures in offices, which can also be adapted for the home.

43. This is an option for a smooth transition from the kitchen to the living room.

44. Also applicable for the kitchen :))

45. Variant of using an angle. The corner door can be attached :)

46. ​​Placement of lids from saucepans.

47. Pantry with pull-out shelves.

48. Eco kitchen. I can imagine how big the house is :)

49. Also a possible version of the soft corner. I hope the windows are sealed :))

50. This pull-out ironing board can be added to the kitchen.