And the same event. Types of male and female responses to the same event

INTRODUCTION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .3

    INTERPRETATION OF EVENTS IN JOURNALISM. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5

    1. Fact and event: differentiation of concepts. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5

      The concept of an event in journalism. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

      Interpretation of fact and event: differentiation of concepts. ... ...

    INTERPRETATION OF EVENTS DURING DIFFERENT PERIODS. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    1. 80s of the XX century. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

      90s of the XX century. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

      2000s. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

      Interpretation of events in the present and in the future. ...

CONCLUSION. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

BIBLIOGRAPHY. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

APPENDICES. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Annex 1 "". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Appendix 2 "". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Appendix 3 "". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Appendix 4 "". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Appendix 5 "". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


The image of events over time is not always the same; the event itself in journalism is a rather flexible category. It has been repeatedly noted that the same event in different media is often presented with a large number of differences and inconsistencies: the circumstances of what happened, any nuances, details, and sometimes the version of what happened in general, do not coincide. The same event, presented in the same media, but in different periods can be presented differently in terms of the choice of genre and other parameters of the journalistic text.

In particular, this is noticeable when comparing several materials published at different times, but devoted to the same news feed.

Over time, as mentioned earlier, the parameters of a journalistic text can change: genre, language, and this is due to the fact that at different periods of time the same event can be perceived by the author, and therefore portrayed in different ways. That is, its interpretation is changing. Different interpretations in time are formed due to the conditions that exist at the time of the creation of the text, such as: the author, current political and socio-cultural conditions. It is worth noting that the interpretation of an event can also be associated with the interpretation of the fact that gave rise to the event, and this is a significant difference, since the interpretation of a fact can change not only the material about the event, but also the attitude towards the event. This can only be traced most clearly in time. The most vividly it will be possible to trace this in the domestic media, since the history of Russia, even over the past 30-35 years, has provided a wide variety of political conditions and socio-cultural attitudes, to a greater extent - their nuances.

In connection with the above relevance given work is to observe the change in the interpretation of an event in the same publication over time, since the specifics of coverage of events in different periods of the history of the same media will always be of great interest - both readers and research.

The subject of research are the factors that affect the display of the event. That is, it is simpler - the properties of the journalistic text, or its features.

Object (objects) research is the publication of the socio-political weekly "Young Far East", dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in different periods of time.

The purpose the work is to trace how the authors of the publication interpret the event and facts in different periods and try to predict how it will look in the future.

Theoretical basis works were the works of such domestic and foreign scientists and publicists as: L. A. Polueva, M. N. Kim, A. A. Tertychny,.

1. Interpretation of events in journalism

1.1 Fact and event: differentiation of concepts

Before proceeding to the study of the problem of interpreting events in the all-Russian and regional print media, let us define what the concepts of “fact”, “event” and “interpretation of a fact / event” include.

First, it is necessary to understand the complex nature of the fact, which, as L.A. Poelueva, it is expressed in the problem of correlation between "fact and objective reality and the resulting contradiction - the identification of fact and event." 1 Therefore, these two concepts must be distinguished.

The explanatory dictionary of S.A. Kuznetsov interprets the concept of a fact as follows:

"FACT -a; m. [from lat. factum - done]

True event, actual incident or real phenomenon; example, case.

In func. tale. Reality, reality ”. 2

The fact is at the heart of any journalistic work. According to M.N. Kim, "Facts are a kind of building blocks from which the entire structure of a journalistic work is built." “The purpose of facts in journalism is multifunctional: they can become the basis of an information message; can act as arguments and evidence-based evidence. " 3

Information materials include one fact, a feature of the analytical material is that it includes a set of facts. Facts in analytical materials serve as evidence and arguments. The skill of a journalist lies in not only skillfully operating with facts, but also correctly assessing, interpreting, analyzing, and finally, finding significant cause-and-effect relationships between them.

A fact can be true or false. Establish a fact, i.e. making it reliable means verifying it (checking for truth). Another question is that such verification is not always possible. Sometimes it is impossible objectively: it is impossible to prove that someone has committed a crime, since the relevant data are not available or cannot be clarified. And sometimes it is impossible subjectively: emotions and subjective assessments of the speaker interfere with this. Perhaps this is a fact, but in order to establish it, one must abstract from the author's assessment and comment.

A reliable fact is a judgment about an event that turned out to be true as a result of its verification. An unreliable fact is a judgment about an event, which proved impossible to verify. And if the judgment as a result of verification turned out to be false, then there can be no question of the fact as such.

Consequently, "a fact in journalism can be defined as a reliable reflection of a fragment of reality that has real representativeness." 4

Researchers also distinguish two types of facts used by journalists: scientific and ordinary facts.

Scientific facts are always based on numerous empirical observations, experiments, experiments. They are always “the result of generalizations, verified by abstract knowledge. Moreover, the higher the requirements for accuracy and objectivity, the greater the number of empirical observations and measurements and the more necessary the use of statistical methods for their processing. " 5

The use of scientific facts in journalistic materials is of the most diverse nature: from a simple statement to detailed provisions. Accuracy and reliability are the main features of all scientific facts.

Ordinary facts, in contrast to scientific ones, "are the result of a person's perception of the surrounding reality, the perception of the immediate, concrete-sensual, imprinted in the unity of the emotional reaction and logical awareness of what has happened." 6 “... One can speak of an ordinary fact as an initial content element, possessing the reliability of direct observation, reflecting a“ discrete piece of reality ”in the human mind. 7

Such facts are used when it is necessary to tell about the direct experience of people, about their emotional reactions to certain events, etc. Common facts include opinions, assessments, told by smb. stories, etc.

It is important to note that one cannot sharply oppose a fact and its assessment by someone, arguing that a fact is something completely objective, and an assessment or judgment about it is, on the contrary, subjective. Do not forget that a fact becomes such and becomes available only in the form of a judgment (statement). Reality exists independently of a person, but fact does not. A person actually singles out some fragment, and in it - a certain aspect (event); then he “translates” his knowledge about reality (event) into “natural” language, builds knowledge in the form of a judgment about the subject, then checks whether this judgment is true or false (“verifies” it). And only if it turns out that the judgment is true, what is described in this judgment becomes a fact.

The judgment can be different in content. For example, it can describe being: "there is one and only one sun." Can refer a given person or object to one or another class: "Socrates is a person." Can ascribe to a person or an object the quality: "Masha is kind." However, there are also judgments that cannot be verified / verified at all. For example: "Petya is a fool." These are the so-called value judgments.

The fact can correspond to the most abstract judgments in nature. It is abstract in nature, it is always a "naked" fact, purged of private characteristics. Facts do not describe, they are presented. You can describe how events unfold, but not how facts happen. Facts don't "happen" at all. This is just our image of the situation. An image that, as a result of verification (verification), turned out to be true.

Along with this, it should be noted that according to Kuznetsov's dictionary, an event is "something that happened, happened, a significant phenomenon, a fact of public or private life." 8 This definition sounds somewhat different in jurisprudence: “An event is a category that may differ in complexity from a fact. This complexity is expressed by the scale of what is happening, the massiveness of the participants, the duration in time. As an independent category, an event can be represented by the sum of facts ”. 9 It is noticeable that in both of the above definitions the emphasis is placed on such concepts as “significance”, “scale”, “mass character”, “public”. Based on this, the following logical conclusion can be drawn: the main difference between an event and a fact is that it somehow affects the established order of things, changes the situation that has developed in a particular sphere of social life.

An event has only one property or symptom - it happened or did not happen. "Participants of the autoagittray drove through the most remote villages" (see. Annex 1"And to the village and to the outpost" The organ of the Khabarovsk regional committee of the Komsomol "Young Far East" No. 89 (10601) dated May 9, 1980) is an event. In this case, there can be several judgments about this event. For example, this: "Everywhere they were given a warm welcome from the leadership, workers of state farms" (see. Annex 1"And to the village and to the outpost" Organ of the Khabarovsk regional committee of the Komsomol "Young Far East" No. 89 (10601) dated May 9, 1980). Or something like this: "Avtoagitreis did not meet with much enthusiasm from the population of remote areas, despite this, all the planned work on the sale of books by the leader of the revolution, publications about the Great Patriotic War, memoirs of the participants in the war was completed." One of them can be a fact (a statement of fact) if, as a result of verification, it turns out that it is true. But the second cannot be a fact in general, since in real time it is not possible to find out how it actually happened, that is, there are no means of verification. This is a typical value judgment. Thus, events are evaluated emotionally, facts - as a rule, rationally. The assessments of events and facts can be independent of each other.

A team of astronomers from the Australian National University (ANU) have discovered a new gravitational lens on a truly transgalactic scale. And using the Hubble Space Telescope, the Keck Observatory telescopes in Hawaii, and the capabilities of a huge gravitational lens, scientists have captured a fairly good image of the remnants of a very distant supernova explosion. But the most interesting thing is that the high quality of the image taken was obtained due to the irregular shape of the gravitational lens, due to which this event was visible at once in four different places.

Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, formulated in 1937, determined that clusters of galaxies have a mass that creates gravitational forces capable of refracting light. Because of this, supermassive space objects act as lenses tens of millions of light years across, distorting and refracting the space-time continuum in the surrounding region of space. In this case, we are talking about the supermassive galaxy cluster MACS J1149.6 + 2223, which is located at a distance of 5 billion light-years from Earth.

Behind this cluster is the supernova Supernova Refsdal, which is located in the bowels of an elliptical galaxy at a distance of 9.3 billion light years. This is a very large distance and it is almost impossible to directly observe even a bright supernova explosion at such a distance. Refsdal is a Type 1A supernova derived from a binary star system. One of the stars in the system, a red dwarf, "takes away" gas and matter from a neighboring star until it explodes.

Unlike conventional optical lenses, gravitational lenses do not have a distinct focus. Because of this, objects behind the gravitational lens appear as concentric rings or multiple magnifications of that object. In the case of the Refsdal supernova, the gravitational lens of the MACS J1149.6 + 2223 cluster created four separate images, an effect known as the Einstein's cross. Due to the motion of the galaxy cluster and the supernova, individual focused images of the supernova alternate between disappearing and reappearing, all happening over decades in a completely predictable order.

According to information provided by astronomers, the four independent images of the Refsdal supernova are the first time humans have had the opportunity to see and use this phenomenon. Soon one of the images will disappear and it will be possible to observe all four images again only after two decades.

It should be noted that the Einstein cross, consisting of images of the supernova Refsdal, was accidentally discovered by Dr. Patrick Kelly, an astronomer at the University of California, Berkeley, who worked on the archive of images taken by the Hubble telescope. The discovery attracted the attention of other astronomers and was later confirmed with astronomical instruments from the Keck Observatory.

The significance of this discovery is much more than just being able to observe a supernova from four different positions. The study of the gravitational lens itself will allow not only to once again confirm the reliability of the general theory of relativity, but also allow scientists to measure the change in the rate of expansion of the Universe, to better calculate the distribution of matter in outer space, to understand the nature of gravity, and, of course, to learn a little new about the mysterious dark matter and dark energy.

Russian first channel:
It all started with a rally at the entrance to a military unit in Sevastopol. At some point, its participants entered the territory and began negotiations with officers and soldiers to vacate the premises. The result was achieved, but not immediately. The situation was complicated by the fact that the Kiev authorities allowed their military to use weapons. This is now a hot topic, only the day before in Simferopol people died as a result of sniper shooting. Sevastopol remembered this today ...

Sevastopol residents came in peace to the headquarters of the Naval Forces of Ukraine. The protesters did not shoot, did not insult, but simply asked the servicemen to vacate the territory. In response, stones were thrown from the checkpoint. Then patience ran out. The Self-Defense Forces crushed the gate. Hundreds of townspeople were on the territory of the headquarters. Ukrainian sailors barricaded themselves in buildings. They could shoot back - Kiev gave permission to use weapons the day before, but not a single shot was fired. We tried to negotiate through the doors. Former colleagues, who recently took off their shoulder straps, also turned to the military in order to serve not Kiev, but the Crimea.

The negotiations ended in nothing, and the assault began. Self-defense units did not use physical force against officers. A living corridor was organized for the Ukrainian military, along which they left their workplaces.

The personnel before the choice - whom to serve - was put today by the head of the aviation commandant's office in Dzhankoy. The lieutenant colonel, who has been in the army for 32 years, allowed his subordinates in difficult times to decide their own destiny.

On the territories of the military units of the Crimea, armory depots and rooms are heavily guarded so that machine guns and pistols do not end up in the hands of radical right-wingers. They remember the recent news from Lviv, when whole arsenals were taken from military warehouses. In Kiev, the Maidan raid was considered necessary for the cause and the soldiers were forbidden to shoot at the militants. But for different parts of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense issues virtually opposite orders. In the west, even robbers cannot be touched, and in Crimea, unarmed people can be shot at. This is the order of the leadership that was read today at the Belbek military base. Judging by the text, Kiev still considers the republic its territory: "The military units of the armed forces of Ukraine stationed in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are allowed to use weapons in the event of an obvious threat to life."

In Sevastopol, the military order from Kiev was broadcast by the commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Sergei Gaiduk. So, in any case, the city prosecutor's office thinks. She today insisted on the arrest of a high-ranking officer.

"Hotheads in the leadership of Ukraine issued a decree on permission to use weapons today. I want to warn everyone and, above all, the personnel of the Naval Forces of Ukraine: God forbid at least someone will shoot from a slingshot. Matches are not a toy. I ask literally this understand ", - said the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral Alexander Vitko.

In his interview, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet called the tragic events in Simferopol a provocation. Last night, a sniper opened fire on both the servicemen of the Ukrainian army and self-defense units. For several minutes he fired from one point - he managed to kill two and wounded two.

“According to experts who have studied the circumstances of the crime, there is a high degree of likelihood of coincidences with the actions of snipers on the Maidan in Kiev from 18 to 21 February 2014, as you all know. Crimea ", - said the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya.

The wounded are now in the intensive care unit of the Simferopol hospital. One of the representatives of the self-defense squad told how his friend died

Crimean police issued a statement among local residents to pay attention to suspicious people. And they have already been seen in the region. The other day in Sevastopol, a group of visitors from Kiev was dehydrated. The photographs and notes on their mobile phones show that the young people belong to a neo-fascist group. Investigators are now looking into the purpose of their visit to Crimea.

Ukrainian media:
In Crimea, there is an active seizure of Ukrainian units, previously blocked by "green men" without identification marks.
After the assault in Sevastopol, the seizure of the base in Novoozernoye was also carried out. At the same time, the gate was simply demolished with a tractor. Despite permission to open fire, the Ukrainian military did not agree to this.

The tractor went directly to the personnel of the unit.

So far, no one has been hurt. Now the Russian military has seized the checkpoint of the unit.

As you know, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yatsenyuk, after the assault in Sevastopol, said that the situation in Crimea was entering a military phase.

And the truth is somewhere in the middle))), right?

Yesterday Olga and I discussed the topic - what is meant by the reaction of people according to the masculine and feminine types. It arose after I talked about how a person's hormonal status affects the way he responds to a particular event in his life.

A woman's hormonal status is influenced by many things: the work of her body, or rather the endocrine system, her age, the fact whether she is taking contraceptives and other hormonal drugs or not.

For example, the reaction of a woman taking contraceptives will be very different from the reaction of a woman who is not taking contraceptives to the same event. And all because in the first case, a woman will react to this event more in a masculine manner than in a feminine one. After all, it is no coincidence that in our age of contraceptives there are so many tough and punchy business women - men in a skirt.

Changes in hormonal status are simply not given. Of course, someone considers this a bonus - the penetrating power increases significantly and a woman can compete on equal terms with men for a place in the sun or on the board of directors. But for some, this is a significant minus - not everyone wants to be courageous.

Am I wrong, or am I hopelessly moldy in my village? Maybe jealousy is eating me?

But it seems to me that this is the text of a mentally ill person. I quote Bozena Rynska:

“And right before takeoff, some aunt came up to me. And asks, pointing to her uncomfortable second row from the other side of the plane:“ Girl, won't you change places with us? And then the neighbors have a child so yelling .... "

I cannot pour tea on her head - the plane has not taken off yet, they are not pouring it. Give it to the spot? - So for a scuffle on board they can drop off. Of course, in an amicable way, it was necessary to mix it with the carpet. But that time, I had to limit myself to the minimum. "I went to *** from here," I say, "an animal."

And I myself think: I would like to meet such a creature in the park somehow and beat it to bloody snot ... "

And the text is not in Bozena's magazine, but in a community where the authors are respected famous people. Does it seem normal to them too? Do we have new norms now?

Here, I say, is an excellent illustration of my thought. Two different reactions to the same event. Bozena reacted in a masculine manner - she saw the threat in the words of the woman who approached her - after all, she encroached on her territory. This is a typically masculine trait - to defend your territory from all kinds of invaders at all costs.

Svetlana, on the other hand, did not see any threat in the woman's words - maybe only stupidity and selfishness - but they don’t beat him up to "bloody snot" for that, in any case women definitely don’t do it. Also, do not beat the one who came to you to ask for something. Therefore, the maximum that would be said in response by a woman reacting to an event on a female type, to such a strange request addressed to her would be this: "No, I will not change. I myself really like my place." Everything is so polite and calm and maybe she added: "Contact the flight attendant." Everything! The conflict would have been exhausted in its embryo and would not have caused any torments and worries.

Olga listened to me, but I didn't seem to convince her to the end. And then in the evening Misha (husband) arrived and I told him this story with the intention of finding out his reaction. And what do you think he answered?

And she did the right thing in sending. Yes, for such arrogance, and it was possible to punch!

Oops! Q.E.D. :)

1. Explain why the same event in the Laurentian and Ipatiev chronicles is placed in different annual records, and also check the correspondence of the dates of the events to the mentioned days of the week and church holidays:

2. Determine by which calendar the author of the Old Russian "The Tale of Boris and Gleb" indicated the date of death of Prince Boris and what date, according to the modern count of days, this happened. Prince Boris "and Abie had time (that is, he died. - T.K.), having betrayed his soul in the hand of God, is alive, in the month of Julia on (indicate the date) day, before the 9 calendars of August."

3. Determine which calendar systems are used in the “Story about the wars waged by the princes and the Mongol army in Desht-i-Kipchak, Bulgar, Rus, Moksha, Alania, Madzhar, Bulgar (Poland), Bashidra (Hungary), and their conquest of those countries ”from the“ Collection of Chronicles ”by Rashid al-Din and how the above events are dated according to modern chronology. “The princes who were entrusted with the conquest of Desht-i-Kigtchak and those territories (there were the following): of the children of Tuluya-khan, the eldest son, Mengu-khan, and his brother, Buchek, from the rug (ie clan. - T .K.) Ugetai-kaan's eldest son, Guyuk-khan, and his brother, Kadan; from the children of Chagatai Buri and Baydar; Kaan's brother, Kulkan; the sons of Jochi: Bagu, Horde, Shiban and Tangut; of the honorary emirs: Subadai-Bahadur and several other emirs. They all moved together in the spring of Bechin-il, that is, the year of the monkey, which falls on the month of Dzhumadi II, 633, spent the summer on the way, and in the fall within the Bulgar they united with the Jochi Urug.<...>And he (Mengu-kaan) stayed there for the summer, and after that in takiku-il, that is, in the year of the chicken, corresponding to 634, the sons of Jochi - Bagu, Horde and Berke, the son of Ugetai-kaan - Kadan, the grandson of Chagatai - Buri and the son of Genghis Khan, Kulkan, went to war with the Moksha, Burtases and Ardzhans and in a short time took possession of them. "

4. Translate the dates found in the passage from the "Travel Book" of the Turkish traveler Evliya elebi to the modern chronology. “10 chevval 11076] we entered the country of Cherkessstan, passed settlements, passed inns and for four hours walked east with the soldiers of the Tatar khan, passing a place called Khan-tepe.<...>

At the beginning of the month of Zulkade, I entered the borders of the Islamic Daghestani padishakhism and walked along the bank of the Terek River to the east for 15 hours. The Sunzha River, starting in the Achik-Bash region in Georgia, flows into the great Terek River.<...>

When on the 11th day of zulkada)