History of the coffee maker What does a geyser coffee maker look like

I think that not only I sometimes like to drink some wonderful, fragrant and tasty coffee, especially in the morning when you get up for work, it’s raining outside, you still want to lie in a warm bed, and it’s even better to sleep a little longer, but still, you take pull yourself together, get up, and falling asleep in the transport, you go to work ... A familiar situation? For me, yes, it’s not the same now as it was before, especially when you work in some position, and you have a large share of responsibility not only for yourself, but also for your staff, who expect effective instructions from their leader that bring everyone a good income.

But how to prepare a coffee that will not only have all the characteristics of an average coffee, but drink a coffee that, in addition to awakening actions, will also cause a fraction of the joy experienced when enjoying a delicious drink.

It is in today's article that I want to introduce you, dear readers, to such a wonderful kitchen appliance as coffee maker, which is designed to make not just coffee, but great coffee!

Coffee maker - a household device for making coffee without the need to boil water in a separate container.

The essence of the coffee maker is as follows: Fall asleep coffee, and pour water into the device, and press the power button. Then the device itself will prepare coffee for you.

Of course, like most appliances, the coffee maker has its own types, both simple and complex. Let's look at what types of coffee makers exist.

Types of coffee makers

Drip (Filtration) coffee makers . The drip coffee maker works in a filtration way. Such a coffee maker consists of a tank with water, where it is heated to a temperature close to 100 ° C, after which it drops into a filter with ground coffee. The beans give off all the aromatic substances to the water, which gradually flows into the vessel-flask, which accumulates all the brewed coffee.

The principle of operation of such a coffee maker is not complicated, but requires the presence of electrical voltage.

A drink prepared in this way is also called American coffee.

Rozhkovy (Expresso) coffee makers , or coffee machines . Espresso coffee makers make coffee with steam. Water poured into a sealed vessel boils, thereby creating steam, and as soon as it reaches the required level, the valve opens and the steam is driven through the rammed coffee horn. In this model, you can prepare not only espresso, cappuccino, but also many other drinks.

Espresso coffee makers are divided into 2 types: steam (Steam-Espresso) and pump-action (Pump-Espresso):

Steam espresso coffee maker This is a coffee maker for home use. Steam pressure does not exceed 4 - 6 bar. The temperature of coffee brewing in a steam coffee maker is heated to 85-90°C. The process of making coffee in a low pressure steam coffee maker takes a long time, so these coffee makers are designed for a small volume - a maximum of 3 - 4 cups.

Pump espresso coffee maker- an electromagnetic pump creates pressure (about 15 bar) in the boiler. The pump is equipped with a thermoblock that heats water up to 90 - 95°C. Water is supplied under high pressure, it absorbs more nutrients from the coffee powder, the brewing process takes less time, and coffee consumption is reduced. Coffee prepared in this way has higher organoleptic characteristics.

Geyser (Steam) coffee makers . Geyser coffee makers consist of a metal vessel and special separators that separate water and ground coffee from each other. Cold water is poured into the lower compartment. She, boiling, rises, and passes through ground coffee. There are coffee makers that perform the described procedure more than once. That is, boiling water rises through a special tube, pours onto ground coffee and again ends up in the lower compartment. This is repeated over and over again. But still, the best quality geyser coffee makers produce the described circulation of water only once.

Capsule, or pod coffee makers . Pod coffee makers got their name from special coffee capsules called pods, which are packed with ground coffee beans and filled with inert gas to preserve the taste and aroma for a warranty period of the pods themselves, which is usually 2 years.

Important! The capsule coffee maker cannot make a drink from ground coffee.

Pod coffee makers are extremely simple, loading coffee and preparing it does not require any skills or restrictions. Insert the pod into the receiver, press the button, the coffee capsule is pierced and hot water under pressure (from 15 to 19 bar) passes through the coffee poured into it. After half a minute, enjoy the result.

In addition, the pod coffee maker is completely silent, because it uses already ground coffee, and the used pod is simply removed without any rinsing or cleaning. That is why pod coffee makers are widely used in offices: they are easy to operate, hygienic, fit easily into the interior and do not take up much space, and the preparation of a drink depends on the contents of the pod.
Combined coffee makers. This type of coffee maker is a two-in-one device, combining a drip coffee maker and an espresso coffee maker. This coffee maker will appeal to lovers of both options for making coffee. Combined coffee makers take up less space, but require special care for each compartment.

. Automates the process of making Turkish coffee. Coffee, sugar and spices are poured into a non-stick cup. Water is added. The coffee maker heats the coffee pot from below. Above the Turk are temperature and volume sensors. In accordance with the rules for making Turkish coffee, it is necessary to bring the coffee almost to a boil and remove it from the sand, the volume sensor does not allow the coffee to “run away”.

French press coffee makers . Such coffee makers consist of a heat-resistant glass cylinder that retains heat well, a piston passing through the entire coffee maker and a metal filter at the bottom of the piston. In order to make coffee in the “French press”, you just need to pour ground coffee into the coffee maker and pour it with hot water, and when the coffee is infused, lower the piston down, passing the coffee through the filter and leaving the foam at the bottom of the coffee maker. Of course, the name “coffee maker” is more suitable for this coffee maker, but nevertheless, the concept exists, and it was worth mentioning it.

The French Press coffee maker is easy to use, does not require an electrical connection, is compact and lightweight (the weight of the coffee maker is about 300 g), which makes it easily transportable. In addition, the “French press”, unlike other models of coffee makers, does not require additional costs for its maintenance (filters, etc.). When buying this model of coffee maker, you should take into account that it is absolutely “manual”, that is, of course, it does not provide any bonuses in the form of auto-heating, a timer and other automation. In addition, in the "French press" it will not be possible to brew espresso or cappuccino, and the strength of ordinary coffee will have to be selected empirically.

So, after getting acquainted with coffee makers, as well as their types, let's now move on to their characteristics and functions that you need to pay attention to when choosing a coffee maker.

How to choose a coffee maker?

When choosing a drip coffee maker, you should pay attention to:

1. Power. The power of the drip coffee maker varies from 300 to 1200 watts. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the lower the power of the coffee maker, the slower it will prepare coffee, but also the stronger and more aromatic the coffee will be prepared. This is due to the fact that the process of extracting aromatic substances from coffee will be slower, and the water will have a longer contact with the coffee powder and be better saturated, acquiring a deeper taste and aroma. The best option is drip coffee makers with a power of 700 - 950 watts.

2. Coffee strength adjustment. I also want to add that more expensive coffee makers have several coffee strength settings, so you can take a 1200W coffee maker and make strong coffee in it, such as in a 400W coffee maker.

3. Container for prepared coffee (flask). The flask is made of glass, plastic or stainless steel. Made of stainless steel, of course, the flask will keep the temperature of the brewed coffee longer. But in the case of glass, you always clearly see the amount of drink in the flask, and besides this, such a container can be heated in, which is unacceptable in the case of stainless steel;

4. Flask size. Basically, all flasks of drip coffee makers have a volume of 5-15 cups of coffee. It is better to choose a coffee maker with exactly the capacity of the flask, which is necessary in your conditions, no more, because. you will always have to brew coffee, given the size of the flask - this is the design of the coffee maker. With less water, it will go through the coffee beans too quickly, and the drink will turn out to be unsaturated. And with an excessive amount of water, it can pour into the flask along with coffee particles;

5. Flask handle. The handle of the flask must be made of heat-insulating material so as not to get burned when pouring coffee;

6. Filters. Filters are either disposable or reusable. Reusable are divided into two types: simple nylon and "gold". The disposable filter is made of special porous non-soaking paper. It is thrown out after each coffee brewing along with the filtered grounds. The simple nylon filter has a rigid plastic frame covered with a nylon mesh. Such a filter, supplied with a drip coffee maker, is designed for 60 uses. If used with care, it can last much longer. "Golden" reusable filter, it is coated with titanium nitride, which makes it more durable and increases the service life. Gold filter for drip coffee makers sold separately.

7. Auto heating. At the bottom of the coffee maker, a metal plate with a heating element is installed, which, when the coffee maker is turned on, picks up the temperature and heats the glass or flask with coffee standing on it. In some models, this function works only during coffee brewing, in others it is possible to maintain the temperature of the finished drink even after the coffee maker is turned off.

8. Drip-stop system (anti-drip lock). This drip coffee maker feature allows you to pour one cup of coffee before all the others are ready. In this case, coffee will not drip. But it is advisable not to leave a working coffee maker without a glass for longer than 2 to 3 minutes. The shutter may fail and the finished coffee may break through the filter and spill out.

9. Programmable timer

10. Auto power off. Function to turn off the coffee maker at the end of the coffee preparation process. In other cases, you need to turn it off yourself. By the way, I saw a drip coffee maker, which they forgot to turn off after making coffee, so it already melted the handle of the flask from overheating.

When choosing a geyser coffee maker, you should pay attention to:

1. Heating type. There are geyser coffee makers that are heated by electricity, and there are those that can simply be put on the stove. Choose what is more convenient for you. The principle of their work is the same.

2. Power. Coffee makers are produced with a power of 450 to 1000 watts. As a rule, the larger the volume of the coffee maker, the higher its power. You should not choose a coffee maker with a large volume with a small capacity.

3. Coffee strength regulator.

4. The volume of the container for the produced coffee. Think in advance how much coffee your family will drink coffee, since the design of a geyser coffee maker involves working only at full load. At the same time, keep in mind that Italians drink coffee in very small cups, so when choosing a coffee maker from an Italian manufacturer, be careful and multiply its volume by 2.

5. coffee maker handle. The handle must be made of heat-insulating material;

6. Glass top compartment. In this case, you can observe the process of making coffee.

7. Auto power off function. After making coffee, the coffee maker will automatically turn off.

8. Programmable timer. This function allows you to program coffee makers to turn on and off at a specific time;

9. Keep coffee hot for 30 minutes.

10. Filter it's best to have a metal one.

11. Fill indicator. It shows the amount of water and the need to add it;

When choosing a capsule coffee maker, you should pay attention to:

1. Power. The more power, the faster your coffee will be prepared. Basically, capsule coffee makers with a power of 1000 - 1500 W are presented on the market.

2. water tank. The larger the water tank, the less action you need to take when preparing coffee for several people, because. tanks are from 0.6 to 2 liters. water

3. Automatic cleaning and descaling function;

4. Water Filtration System. A water purification cartridge is inserted into the coffee maker, for example "Brita";

5. Instant readiness for hot water. If your capsule coffee maker is equipped with this feature, then you do not have to wait for the water to heat up, as in most coffee makers, because. heating occurs according to the principle, as in flow, i.e. when turned on, water immediately flows through the hot capsule, passing through the heating elements.

6. There is also an interesting feature - barcode reading(for example, in Tassimo coffee makers). On the capsule with any type of coffee, a barcode is applied, bringing it to the coffee maker, the device identifies the contents of the capsule, and selects the optimal preparation parameters for exactly the type of coffee that is in the capsule. The function will not work if the capsules are not native production.


The most popular brands of coffee makers and coffee machines: Bosch, Delonghi, Electrolux, Eugster/Frismag, Gaggia, Hilton, Jura, Kenwood, Krups, Laretti, Melitta, Nivona, Orion, Philips-Saeco, Rowenta, Russell Hobbs, Saeco, Saturn, Schaerer, SGL, Siemens, Spidem, Vitek , Zelmer, Binatone, Lavazza, Tassimo.

Coffee maker- a device for preparing coffee without the need to boil water in a separate container.

coffee maker filter

A coffee maker that extracts ground coffee beans through a filter using the free flow hot water method. Although there are various types of coffee makers using different principles, the most common type of device is one in which the ground beans are placed on a paper or metal filter inside a funnel that is located above the glass or ceramic container for the finished coffee. Cold water, poured into a special container, is heated to a boil and sent to the funnel. This method is called drip.

Brewing through a metal filter is called the "Indian way".

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An excerpt characterizing the coffee maker

Everything that was done during this time around her and with her, all this attention paid to her by so many intelligent people and expressed in such pleasant, refined forms, and the pigeon purity in which she now found herself (she wore all this time white dresses with white ribbons) - all this gave her pleasure; but because of this pleasure, she did not miss her goal for a moment. And as always happens that in a matter of cunning, a stupid person leads smarter ones, she, realizing that the purpose of all these words and troubles was mainly to convert her to Catholicism, to take money from her in favor of the Jesuit institutions (about which she hinted), Helen, before giving money, insisted that she be subjected to those various operations that would free her from her husband. In her conception, the significance of any religion consisted only in the fact that, in satisfying human desires, to observe certain decorum. And for this purpose, in one of her conversations with her confessor, she urgently demanded from him an answer to the question of the extent to which her marriage binds her.
They sat in the living room by the window. There were dusk. Flowers smelled from the window. Helen was wearing a white dress that showed through her shoulders and chest. The abbot, well-fed, but with a plump, smoothly shaven beard, a pleasant strong mouth and white hands folded meekly on his knees, sat close to Helen and with a thin smile on his lips, peacefully - admiring her beauty with a look from time to time looked at her face and expounded his opinion to their question. Helen smiled uneasily, looked at his curly hair, smooth-shaven, blackening, full cheeks, and waited every minute for a new turn in the conversation. But the abbe, although obviously enjoying the beauty and intimacy of his companion, was carried away by the skill of his craft.
The reasoning of the leader of conscience was as follows. In ignorance of the significance of what you were undertaking, you took a vow of marriage fidelity to a man who, on his part, having entered into marriage and not believing in the religious significance of marriage, committed blasphemy. This marriage did not have the double meaning it should have. But in spite of that, your vow bound you. You backed off from him. What did you do with it? Peche veniel or peche mortel? [A venial sin or a mortal sin?] Peche veniel, because you did an act without ill intent. If you now, in order to have children, would enter into a new marriage, then your sin could be forgiven. But the question again splits in two: the first ...
“But I think,” said Helen, suddenly bored, with her charming smile, “that I, having entered into the true religion, cannot be bound by what the false religion has imposed on me.
The directeur de conscience [Guardian of conscience] was amazed at this Columbus egg set before him with such simplicity. He admired the unexpected speed of his student's progress, but he could not give up his labors of intellectually constructed edifice of arguments.
- Entendons nous, comtesse, [Let's look at the matter, countess,] - he said with a smile and began to refute the reasoning of his spiritual daughter.

Helen understood that the matter was very simple and easy from a spiritual point of view, but that her leaders made difficulties only because they were afraid of how the secular authorities would look at this matter.
And as a result of this, Helen decided that it was necessary to prepare this matter in society. She aroused the jealousy of the old nobleman and told him the same thing as the first seeker, that is, she put the question in such a way that the only way to get rights to her was to marry her. The old important person was for the first minute as struck by this proposal to marry a living husband as the first young person; but Helen's unshakable conviction that it was as simple and natural as the marriage of a girl had an effect on him. If even the slightest sign of hesitation, shame or secrecy in Helen herself were noticeable, then her case would undoubtedly have been lost; but not only were there no signs of secrecy and shame, but, on the contrary, she with simplicity and good-natured naivety told her close friends (and this was the whole of Petersburg) that both the prince and the nobleman had made an offer to her and that she loved both and was afraid to upset him. and another.

Coffee is a world famous invigorating drink. The morning of most people on the planet begins with this drink. The Ethiopians are considered the ancestors of coffee, they were the first to discover a drink that was brewed from grains. After it, a person could not sleep for a long time and be in a cheerful state. Very quickly, coffee began to “walk” around the world, first it conquered the Ottoman Empire, and then merchants began to bring it to Europe. Everyone brewed coffee the same way, metal utensils (Turkish, cezve) were taken, water was poured and coffee was added. It was convenient when the rhythm of life was not fast and monotonous.

The modern world has a very rhythmic pace of life. Everyone is always in a hurry, late and don't have much time. However, no one wanted to refuse an invigorating drink, but it took a lot of time to heat the water, control the brewing itself, so that the coffee would not “run away”. The question arose of how to facilitate the preparation of the drink and not spoil the delicious taste and aroma.

The first coffee maker was invented by the Frenchman de Bellois, in 1800 it was a device that supplied boiling water drop by drop, passing through a filter with coffee, resulting in a delicious drink (at that time). This primitive version became the basis for modern coffee makers. However, at that time, many were working on improving the "coffee maker", so a double coffee maker was invented, which could turn over and thus stir the coffee, from which it became even stronger.

After that, coffee makers were constantly being refined, and in 1827 the first geyser coffee maker was released. In it, boiling water passed through several layers of coffee, which in the end gave simply delicious coffee. Every year, the coffee maker has improved, everyone wanted to achieve, and as a result, the most delicious and aromatic coffee.

In 1901, the Italian Bezzera invented the espresso coffee machine, which became popular in bars. In 1945, an espresso machine was invented that covered it with foam on top. Of course, all these "coffee machines" were not safe, they exploded quite often.

The popularity of the drink was incredibly popular, so the improvement of the apparatus was always going on. The biggest problem was the size of the machines, they could not be reduced by combining temperature, pressure and of course the coffee itself in one small device. Scientists have long found the optimal parameters for brewing coffee and finally determined that the ideal temperature should be from 86 to 93 degrees, and pressure from 9 atmospheres. Thus, a coffee maker with ideal parameters for making excellent coffee was invented.

Nowadays, coffee makers can prepare different cocktails in addition to coffee. But if the coffee lover has time, he will still make coffee the old-fashioned way in a Turk, because this method is still considered the best to convey the taste and aroma of freshly brewed coffee.


Mo?ka(ital. Moka) or Moka Express, geyser - a type of espresso coffee maker, based on the principle of making coffee, under steam pressure.

The first model of a geyser-type coffee maker for general use was created by the Englishman Sir Remford. The French version consisted of two vessels, which were placed one on top of the other and connected by a tube. Water was poured into the lower section of the geyser coffee makers, and poured into the upper section, with a strainer at the bottom. After that, the coffee maker was put on fire. When heated, the water rose under pressure through the tube, irrigated the coffee and seeped into the lower container. This process was repeated many times, as long as the coffee maker was on fire. The result was a very strong coffee, but the aroma and taste almost disappeared.

The geyser coffee maker invented by Remford was a tall metal teapot, inside of which was placed an insert with a strainer and a tube that reached the bottom. poured into a strainer, and poured water into a teapot. The brewing process looked the same as in the French version.

A little later, the geyser-type coffee maker was improved: it combined the best of both inventions. The new coffee maker has a division into 3 sections - for water, coffee and ready-made drink. Now the water passed through the coffee only once and was collected in a separate vessel. This method has significantly improved the taste and aroma of coffee prepared using the geyser method.

It is in this form that the geyser coffee maker has survived to this day. True, modern models of geyser coffee makers have much more features than their predecessors.

What does a geyser coffee maker look like

In appearance, geyser coffee makers resemble ordinary porcelain ones. The first type of geyser coffee makers do not require electricity, they are simply placed on the stove. The second type requires a network connection. But all geyser coffee makers work on the same principle.

Geyser coffee makers consist of a metal vessel and special separators that separate water from. Cold water is poured into the lower compartment. When boiling, water rises and passes through. In some coffee makers, this procedure is repeated several times. But in the highest quality geyser coffee makers, such a circulation of water occurs only once.

Geyser coffee makers can be either with a glass lid or completely metal. Also produced geyser type of heat-resistant glass. This allows you to observe the process of turning water into coffee and easily determine the end of the process.

How to choose a geyser coffee maker

When choosing a geyser coffee maker, you should pay attention to the following.

Coffee maker- a device for preparing coffee without the need to boil water in a separate container.

coffee maker filter

A coffee maker that extracts ground coffee beans through a filter using the free flow hot water method. Although there are various types of coffee makers using different principles, the most common type of device is one in which the ground beans are placed on a paper or metal filter inside a funnel that is located above the glass or ceramic container for the finished coffee. Cold water, poured into a special container, is heated to a boil and sent to the funnel. This method is called drip.

Brewing through a metal filter is called the "Indian way".

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An excerpt characterizing the coffee maker

“I helped a good girl say goodbye to our cruel world ...” I answered sadly. "Why do you need me, Your Eminence?" Can I help you?..
“It's not about me, Madonna. Tell me, your daughter's name is Anna, isn't it?
The walls of the room swayed... Anna!!! God, but not Anna!.. I grabbed a protruding corner so as not to fall.
– Speak, monsignor... You are right, my daughter's name is Anna.
My world was collapsing without even knowing the reason for what had happened ... It was enough that Caraffa mentioned my poor girl. There was no hope to expect anything good from this.
- When the Pope was "working" with me last night in the same basement, a man told him that your daughter had left the monastery ... And for some reason Caraffa was very pleased with this. That's why I decided to tell you this news somehow. After all, his joy, as I understand it, brings only misfortune to everyone? Am I wrong, Madonna?
– No... You are right, Your Eminence. Did he say anything else? Even some little thing that could help me?
Hoping to get at least the slightest "addition", I asked. But Morone just shook his head...
“I'm sorry, Madonna. He only said that you were very wrong, and that love has never brought good to anyone. If that tells you something, Isidora.
I just nodded, trying to gather my panicked thoughts. And trying not to show Morone how shocked I was by the news he said, she said as calmly as possible:
“May I treat you, monseigneur?” It seems to me that you again will not interfere with my "witch" help. And thank you for the news... Even the bad news. It’s always better to know the enemy’s plans in advance, even the worst, isn’t it? ..
Morone carefully peered into my eyes, painfully trying to find in them the answer to some important question for him. But my soul closed itself off from the world so as not to get sick ... in order to withstand the upcoming test ... And the cardinal was now met only by a memorized “secular” look, which did not allow penetrating into my soul frozen in horror ...
“Are you afraid, madonna?” Morone asked softly. You are a thousand times stronger than him! Why are you afraid of him?!..
- He has something that I am not yet able to fight ... And yet I am not able to kill him. Oh, believe me, your Eminence, if I could only find the key to this poisonous viper! .. - and, coming to her senses, she immediately suggested again: - Let me still take care of you? I will ease your pain.
But the cardinal, with a smile, refused.
“Tomorrow I will be in a different, more peaceful place. And I hope Caraffa will forget about me for a while. Well, what about you, Madonna? What will become of you? I can't help you out of jail, but my friends are powerful enough. May I be of service to you?
“Thank you, monsignor, for your concern. But I don't have vain hopes, hoping to get out of here... He will never let me go... Not my poor daughter. I live to destroy it. He should not have a place among people.
– It is a pity that I did not recognize you earlier, Isidora. Perhaps we could become good friends. Now goodbye. You can't stay here. Dad will definitely come to wish me "good luck." You don't need to meet him here. Save your daughter, Madonna... And don't give up to Caraffe. God be with you!
“Which God are you talking about, monsignor?” I asked sadly.
- Surely, not about the one to whom Caraffa prays! .. - Morone smiled in parting.
I stood still for a moment, trying to remember in my soul the image of this wonderful person, and waving goodbye, went out into the corridor.
The sky opened up with a flurry of anxiety, panic and fear!.. Where was my brave, lonely girl now?! What prompted her to leave Meteora?.. For some reason, Anna did not answer my insistent calls, although I knew that she could hear me. This instilled even greater anxiety, and I only held out with the last of my strength so as not to succumb to the panic that burned my soul, because I knew that Caraffa would certainly take advantage of any of my weaknesses. And then I'll have to lose before even starting to resist...