Why do bougainvilleas have wilted leaves? Why does bougainvillea drop leaves and bracts fall off? Why doesn't bougainvillea bloom?

The riot of flora of the southern countries impresses everyone who has been there. And one of the most striking impressions is made by bougainvillea. White, lilac, purple, purple, pink, yellow and cream brushes of this plant hang from hedges, adorn parks and gardens. You want to take such beauty home, so tourists bring cuttings of bougainvillea. But this Tropican does not always take root at home. What is the secret of growing bougainvillea?

Description of bougainvillea, its origin and features

European flower growers got acquainted with bougainvillea in the 18th century. This wonderful plant was discovered in the South American jungle by the French botanist Commerson. He took part in an exploratory voyage around the world led by Louis Antoine de Bougainville. A previously unknown flower was named in his honor. Bougainvillea was delivered to Europe, but it turned out that the north was contraindicated for her, she felt good only in greenhouse conditions: greenhouses and winter gardens.

At large, bougainvillea is a fairly large plant, it can grow up to 15 meters

Now bougainvillea has settled in the tropical and subtropical zone around the globe. It grows where the temperature does not fall below +5 degrees. This bright liana is a favorite plant of landscape designers. Its plastic shoots easily take any shape. And the color palette is so rich that you can paint a picture with bougainvillea. There will be only blue paint.

Bougainvilleas come in all colors and shades of the rainbow except blue and blue.

At home, this wonderful plant is also gradually mastered. Even 20 years ago, bougainvillea was considered an extremely difficult flower to care for. Now there are varieties adapted to the content in the apartment.

Bougainvillea bracts are thin, collected in long fluffy brushes, very similar to paper garlands. Because of this similarity in the southern countries, the plant was given the nickname - paper flower.

Bougainvillea flowers are good in their own way, but the main charm is bright bracts

In its natural environment, bougainvillea is a large (up to 15 meters) liana or bush. When living in a room, it is rarely higher than one and a half meters. The shoots of the plant are equipped with thorns and eventually become covered with bark. The leaves are medium in size (up to 8 cm), they are smooth or slightly pubescent, oval in shape with a pointed end. Bougainvillea forms yellowish tubular flowers at the ends of branches, they are small and not very expressive. A picturesque view of the plant is given by lush bright bracts - snow-white, purple, purple, fiery orange, purple, pink, yellow or cream and beige.

New varieties of bougainvillea combine several colors or change color over time

Colors, thanks to breeders, are becoming more and more. There are already bicolor bougainvilleas and color-changing bracts. Real flowers fade quickly, in 2-3 days. And the bracts retain their decorative effect for a long time. And bougainvillea blooms for a long time from spring to late autumn with room content. Under natural conditions, flowering can last up to 9 months.

Bougainvillea, which used to be considered difficult to keep indoors, is increasingly being grown on window sills.

The difficulty of growing bougainvillea at home is that it requires a lot of light all year round, high temperatures during growth and flowering, and high humidity. And wintering should be cool and with almost dry soil.

Long-lived bougainvillea grows in Brazil. This is a 15-meter tree, and its age, according to botanists, is over 200 years.

Bougainvillea is ideal for creating a standard tree

But you can adapt to the habits of the obstinate Tropican woman. And then bougainvillea will delight and surprise with wonderful flowering and unusual shapes. From this plant, you can grow a bush with a cascade of colored brushes, form a standard tree or liana on a pyramidal, rounded or some other support. Bougainvillea bonsai looks great.

From bougainvillea it is possible to form very decorative flowering miniature trees

Species, hybrids and varieties

Bougainvillea is a member of the Nocturnal family. There are only 15 species in its genus. Of these, only three: naked, wonderful and Peruvian, as well as numerous varieties and hybrids derived from them, are suitable for cultivation at home. The breeders worked not only on the color of the bracts, but also made the leaves variegated, smoothed and blossomed the thorns and improved the character of the obstinate beauty.

  1. Bougainvillea wonderful, or beautiful, comes from the tropics of Brazil. This fast-growing (up to 9 meters) liana with thorny shoots has chosen rocky slopes. In our country, now it can be seen in the Caucasus and Crimea. It has slightly hairy stems and velvety oval leaves. The flowers are yellow-greenish, the bracts are large lilac or red-pink. In regions with a tropical climate, hedges are grown from wonderful bougainvillea, it serves to decorate arbors. In an apartment, it is often grown as an ampelous one.
  2. Bougainvillea naked, or smooth, is distinguished by smaller thorns compared to the wonderful one, and the absence of edging on shoots and leaves. She is also a native of Brazil and prefers mountainous terrain. The branched stems of this creeper do not grow more than 5 m. At home, it is often grown in the form of a bush and it is from it that bonsai are formed. The plant blooms for a long time and luxuriantly. The bracts of bougainvillea naked are snow-white, lemon-yellow, apricot-pink, pale lilac, bright orange or scarlet. For greater decorativeness, cuttings of plants of different colors are rooted in one container, they are woven together and unusual multi-colored compositions are obtained.
  3. Peruvian bougainvillea is distinguished by its green bark. Its stems are covered with small thorns and smooth foliage. The plant does not branch well, pruning will be required to create a fluffy bush. But the Peruvian bougainvillea, if she arranges a drought, blooms several times a year. Around the yellowish flowers, rounded bracts are formed, as if rumpled, and the color is from bright pink to purple.
  4. Bougainvillea Butt is a natural hybrid of the naked and Peruvian. It bears the name of its discoverer - Mrs. Butt, she discovered an unusual plant in her garden in Cartagena (Spain). The hybrid has larger leaves and bracts, blood-scarlet and deep pink.

Based on two types of bougainvillea, beautiful and naked, many varieties have been bred. These hybrids are distinguished by the variety of color of the bracts and their shape (there are terry ones), the variegation of the leaves and the size of the plant. The most famous hybrid varieties of bougainvillea:

  • Sanderiana - one of the most unpretentious varieties, blooms vigorously, sometimes several times during the year, bright purple bracts;
  • Vera Deep Purple is bright crimson bracts and long lush blooms;
  • Crimson Lake is distinguished by bracts of all shades of red: from pale scarlet to purple-burgundy;
  • Golden Tango has bright yellow large bracts that surround very small flowers;
  • Double red looks original thanks to the red multilayer (terry) bracts;
  • Double Pink - another terry variety, lush bracts are painted in all sorts of shades of pink;
  • Strawberry Lace is decorated with double bracts with a contrasting raspberry-white color;
  • Bois De Roses - a variety that changes color, at first the bracts are bright orange, gradually becoming pink;
  • Double Lilarose with luxurious bracts, all shades of pink: from lilac to salmon;
  • Variety Surprise is the result of a bud mutation, on one plant there are branches with differently colored bracts: pure pink and white-pinkish.

A separate group is variegated (variegated) bougainvillea. These plants, thanks to the bright foliage, do not lose their decorative effect between flowering periods. But they grow more slowly and are more capricious. Some variegated varieties:

  • Orange Ice - white-yellow-green variegated leaves and bright orange bracts look very original;
  • Mini thai is a miniature shrub with rich green leaves edged with white or golden stripe, pale pink or red bracts.

Types and varieties of bougainvillea with different bracts, simple and spotted leaves - photo gallery

Surprise - a variety that combines two colors of Sanderian on one plant - the most famous variety, famous for its bright purple bracts Peruvian bougainvillea is able to bloom several times a year Bougainvillea naked, or smooth - the basic species for new varieties Bougainvillea Butt - a hybrid created by nature Wonderful bougainvillea has become the ancestor of most varieties Vera Deep Purple blooms vigorously and for a long time Strawberry Lace - a variety with two-color petals Orange Ice - variegated variety, both leaves and orange bracts are good Mini thai compact form with variegated foliage and pale pink tassels Golden Tango - golden bracts petals Double Pink variety has terry pale pink bracts Double red variety - fluffy bracts Double Lilarose - terry variety with very lush brushes Crimson Lake variety - bracts of all shades of red Bois De Roses bracts change color

Video: shaping and transplanting bougainvilleas

Tropicanka conditions (table)

Season Lighting humidity Temperature
Spring Bright. The best place for bougainvillea is where there is a lot of sun. This is the perfect plant for a south window. Shading is not required even at noon. And if there is little direct sun (less than 4 hours a day), the bracts will turn pale. High, not less than 70%.
  1. Spray the plant more often, but during flowering, try not to get water on the bracts.
  2. Arrange bougainvillea showers, during the procedure, be sure to cover the soil with a film so that there is no waterlogging.
  3. Place the pot with the plant in wet peat or moss, on a tray with pebbles or expanded clay and water the filler (the bottom of the pot should be above the water level).
  4. Place wide containers of water nearby.
  5. Get an aquarium, buy an electric humidifier or indoor fountain.
Moderate, about 20 degrees. Bougainvillea loves fresh air, ventilate the room. But keep the plant away from drafts.
Summer Moderate, tolerable high. Better up to 25 degrees, maximum 28.
For the summer, put a pot of bougainvillea on the balcony or in the garden. Fresh air stimulates flowering. The place must be protected from the wind.
Autumn With a reduction in daylight hours, add artificial lighting (fluorescent, LED or phytolamps). Abundant lighting during the dormant period is the key to plant health and future flowering. Moderate, 50–60%, when kept cool.
High, 60–70%, in a warm (+20) room.
Humidify the air in all available ways.
Do not place the plant near heating appliances.
Moderate, 20-25 degrees. Lower it gradually. Bring the plant back home.
Winter The temperature is cool, +10-14 degrees. Bougainvillea does not tolerate below +5 degrees. At high temperatures, leaf fall may begin.
Keep away from cold drafts.

How to organize summer content?

In the southern regions, bougainvillea is a garden plant. In the wild for a flowering Tropicanka, there is everything that she likes: a lot of space for growth, sun, fresh air and soil. In a more severe climate, bougainvillea is not averse to spending at least the summer outside. And it's great if there is an opportunity to send it to the garden or to the country. Russian lovers of this plant talk about the positive results of such "holidays". Bougainvillea pots without pallets are placed directly in the garden. Roots through drainage holes go into the ground. The growth over the summer can be half a meter. Bougainvilleas with this content eat with neighbors in the garden. Tropical beauty perfectly absorbs organic matter, for example, a solution based on horse manure. From such top dressing, the plants "twig like horses" are divided flower growers.

Bougainvillea has a whim: it does not take a change of place very well. You should not move the pot from room to room without special need or turn it so that the light falls evenly. It is especially important not to disturb bougainvillea during bud formation and flowering. From stress, she can start falling leaves. Determine a permanent place for the plant, taking into account its needs and do not touch it.

Bougainvillea does not like a change of place and a pot

Landing and transplant

Bougainvillea negatively tolerates moving not only from place to place, but also transplantation. The plant adapts for a long time after replacing the pot, does not want to bloom, dries the leaves. Therefore, a tropical beauty is transplanted when it is impossible otherwise: the roots stick out of the drainage holes, growth has stopped due to soil depletion. Then wait until spring and relocate it. In fact, it will not be a transplant, but a transshipment with the maximum preservation of the earthen coma.

A new container for bougainvillea should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. She doesn't need a big pot. If there is a lot of soil, it will begin to build up the root mass, then greenery, and flowering will be delayed. In addition, moisture stagnates more often in a large container, and this threatens to rot the roots. The material from which the pot is made does not really matter. But tall bougainvillea is better to plant in ceramic, it is heavier and more stable. But the presence and size of drainage holes are important. Excess moisture should not remain in the ground.

The soil of bougainvillea will like loose and moderately nutritious, with a neutral level of acidity. You can plant it in the soil for flowering plants by adding coarse sand or chopped moss. Or make your own substrate:

  • sheet and sod land, coarse sand - all equally, add a little vermiculite or brick chips for looseness;
  • 1 part of leaf and sod land, 0.5 each of coarse sand and humus;
  • for 2 shares of any flower substrate, 1 each for vermiculite and soil for cacti;
  • sod land, peat, humus and sand in equal parts, add coal chips;
  • two parts of leaf and peat land plus one part of sod land and sand.

Make the drainage layer from expanded clay, small pebbles, broken red brick or crushed foam. The larger the pot, the more drainage.

We transplant a tropical vine

  1. Prepare the pot, soil and drainage, sterilize everything.
  2. We lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot, on top - a little soil substrate.
  3. On the eve, do not water the bougainvillea so that the earthen ball dries out a little, so it is easier to get the plant out of the old pot.
  4. Carefully remove the flower from the old container, inspect the roots. We remove the rotten ones. A few outer roots are carefully freed from the soil.
  5. We install bougainvillea in a new pot, straighten the freed roots.
  6. For better adaptation in a new pot, the roots can be sprayed with a stimulant (Epin, Zircon).
  7. Slowly, we fill the space between the earthy clod and the walls of the pot, shaking it.
  8. We compact the soil with our fingers, trying not to damage the roots.
  9. We water the tree abundantly and spray its crown. Humid air will help to adapt faster.
  10. We put the transplanted bougainvillea in a permanent place (necessarily sunny). But for about a week or, if necessary, we shade it longer.
  11. When the plant is comfortable, we take care of it as usual.

Flower from the store

You brought the purchased bougainvillea home, do not rush to put it with the rest of the plants, but keep it in quarantine for two weeks. Give her a bright spot. Water with heated (+35) water. Let the bougainvillea get used to its new home.

  1. After about 10 days, stop watering to dry out the soil.
  2. Take the plant out of the pot.
  3. Remove the film or seating container, if any.
  4. Shake the substrate off the roots.
  5. Transplant the bougainvillea into fresh soil, preferably a styrofoam drainage layer.
  6. Do not deepen the root collar.

home care for bougainvillea

Bougainvillea will not let the grower get bored. It requires high humidity, walks in summer and relative coolness, yet the plant is tropical in winter. In addition, it needs to be cut and shaped, otherwise it will become messy. And, of course, watering and nutrition should correspond to the time of year.

Watering and feeding

In spring and summer, bougainvillea craves more water. It grows, blooms, so moisture is vital to it. Water the plant on average twice a week with lukewarm and soft water. But even in summer, you need to protect the roots from waterlogging. Be sure to drain the excess from the pan.

With the onset of autumn, watering is gradually reduced, increasing the interval and reducing the volume. In winter, follow the rule: the cooler the room, the more modestly we water. If the temperature is close to the minimum (+5), the soil should be dry. The signal for a complete cessation of watering is the dropping of leaves.

During growth and flowering, bougainvillea should be fed with organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

In the warm season, bougainvillea should be fed. At least three times a month. You can alternate organics (fermented manure) and mineral complexes. In early spring, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content can be given to help the foliage grow better. And from May, phosphorus and potassium will be more useful to support flowering.

During hibernation, bougainvillea is not fertilized.

Some flower growers advise feeding bougainvillea in winter, the diet should be unconventional - sweet or dairy. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar in a glass of water. Or add 2 tablespoons of milk to a glass of water. Water the plant with such solutions every 10 days.

flowering period

Florists often complain that a healthy and well-groomed bougainvillea does not want to bloom. Perhaps this is due to errors in care or improper conditions of detention.

Bougainvillea blooms well after a cool winter and in bright sun.

Bougainvillea for lush and long flowering requires the following conditions:

  • coolness (+10–12, can be lower to +5) during the winter dormancy;
  • a lot of light (requires 4-5 hours of direct sun);
  • cramped pot;
  • food rich in phosphorus and potassium.

Bougainvillea flowering can be spurred on by arranging a drought for it. If the plant does not form buds, try to stop feeding and drastically limit watering. The shocked flower will begin to form buds, then water and fertilize the bougainvillea again so that it does not weaken.

Sometimes flowers appeared at the end of spring, withered, but there are no new ones. In this case, you need to cut off the faded branches, then the second wave of flowering will begin.

rest period

In winter, bougainvillea needs special care. The plant does not feel well without the sun, so all processes slow down. Tropical beauty becomes sleeping. She needs to be provided with a lighted, but cool place, with a temperature of +10–12 degrees or lower, up to +5. In warm regions, bougainvillea may well overwinter on a glazed balcony. In the northern regions it is more difficult to create optimal conditions. You can put it almost close to the cold window glass and fence it off from the rest of the room with a screen to keep it cool. With a cold content, a moderate level of air humidity is sufficient. It is necessary to cancel water procedures. Watering is limited to a minimum, top dressing is stopped.

In the southern latitudes, bougainvillea is left to winter on a sheltered veranda or loggia, at a temperature of +5 degrees and above. In order for the plant to comfortably survive the winter, it is necessary to insulate the roots. Under the flower pot, wrap with foam rubber, batting or other insulation and lay foam under it, mulch the top of the soil with peat or sawdust.

But it is possible and necessary to spray the foliage of bougainvillea if the temperature is about + 18–20 and above. Otherwise, dry air and heat will lead to leaf fall. During a warm winter, bougainvillea may bloom, but this is not good for the health of the plant. It will not have time to rest and accumulate strength for flourishing in the summer.

Light and during dormancy bougainvillea needs a lot, even in excess, especially for variegated varieties. Therefore, add artificial lighting. Ordinary incandescent lamps are not suitable. Install special phytolamps, gas discharge or fluorescent lamps. LED lights are the most efficient.

With the approach of spring, sleeping bougainvillea must be awakened: the temperature of the content is gradually increased, and the soil is moistened more strongly.

Proper pruning and shaping

Bougainvillea becomes disheveled and unkempt if left uncut. Haircut is done at any time of the year. In autumn, before leaving for winter rest, the branches are shortened by half. Thanks to this, the bush is rejuvenated, and the side shoots grow more actively. Pruning in the spring is a healing procedure. Extra, weak, uneven branches are removed, too long ones are made shorter. In summer, wilted brushes are removed, such pruning stimulates new flowering.

Bougainvillea tolerates pruning well at any time of the year.

Bougainvillea is positively pruned. And its branches are very plastic. Therefore, without much effort, they can be given an interesting shape. For example, plant plants with differently colored bracts in one pot and intertwine them. Place the vine on a support of any shape, grow a fluffy bush or trunk. Patients can experiment, I form bonsai from bougainvillea.

Mistakes care and help

Leaving error Why is this happening Correction
Bougainvillea is shedding leaves en masse. In the middle of autumn - it's natural.
Reaction to a transplant or change of location.
In summer, the foliage falls due to drafts or temperature changes.
The plant will grow back in spring.
To stop leaf fall, try increasing the humidity.
Protect bougainvillea from cold drafts, do not place it in the wind.
Brown spots appear on the leaves. High air humidity combined with low temperature.
Fungal or bacterial disease.
When kept cool, do not spray the plant and do not humidify the air.
Treatment methods in the following table.
Leaves and bracts turn pale. Lack of lighting. Place the bougainvillea in the sunniest spot.
Leaves turn yellow, fall off. Waterlogging of the soil substrate. Adjust watering schedule.
Do not allow water to stand in the pan.
If the problem persists, transplant the plant into fresh soil.
Leaves dry, blacken and die. Dry soil. Water bougainvillea generously in spring and summer.
The leaves have lost their elasticity after transplanting. During the transplant, the roots were damaged. Create greenhouse conditions for the flower. Spray and put on top of the bag. Put in a bright place, but without direct sun. Check the condition of the plant from time to time. It usually takes a week to recover.
Leaves and bracts are deformed, dry. Dry air. Remove from heating appliances, humidify the air.

If it looks like bougainvillea has dried up

On the eve of hibernation, after transplantation or other changes, bougainvillea can pretend to be completely dry and dead. She sheds all the leaves, only the bare stem and twigs remain. But do not despair and throw away the plant. Check if it's alive. Cut a branch and look, the cut is alive - it means that bougainvillea will come to life. If this happened in winter, keep it cool and dry, the soil should only be barely damp. If in the warm season, try the “bag on the head” method, arrange a greenhouse for the flower.

In winter, bougainvillea can look completely lifeless.

Diseases and pests: treatment and prevention (table)

Propagation of bougainvillea

Bougainvillea can be grown from cuttings, air layers and seeds. The first methods preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant.


Cuttings are carried out in summer or late spring, while not all plants take root. There are especially "difficult" bougainvilleas that need a special substrate. Green immature shoots, as a rule, do not take root. The best effect will be when using greenhouses with bottom heating.

Video: propagation by cuttings


Layers of bougainvillea take root much better than cuttings. And they carry out such reproduction at any time of the year. But this way you can get only a small number of plants.

  1. Choose a healthy shoot, cut the bark on it around the circumference.
  2. Bend it to the ground and attach it.
  3. Sprinkle a light substrate on top.
  4. Soon shoots will appear from the axillary buds.
  5. When the layering gets stronger, separate it from the mother plant and plant it in a separate container. And you can immediately root the layering in another pot.


Seed propagation is very difficult. Because getting seeds from a home plant is almost impossible. In nature, bougainvillea is pollinated by hummingbirds or hawk moths. Artificial pollination fails due to the small size of the flower. However, some flower growers manage to find seeds via the Internet. But very often unidentified plants grow instead of bougainvillea. Although there are successful breeding experiments in this way.

Bougainvillea seeds are a rarity

Bougainvillea is an evergreen shrub with graceful, climbing vine-like stems and bright, unusually shaped flowers. Most often, plants are used to decorate greenhouses, gardens and open verandas. Residents of the southern regions plant shrubs along facades and fences, because it can reach 5 meters in length and beautifully wrap around balconies or arches. In indoor floriculture, she also took a worthy place, with regular pruning and proper care, bougainvillea at home looks no worse and can surprise not only with beauty, but also with endurance.

Bougainvillea - "paper" flower

The territory of distribution in nature is moist, dark forests of South and Central America. Belongs to the Noctiferous family and has at least 12 species.

The stems are powerful and branched, can reach a length of 5 m, the leaves are saturated green, hard. The flowers are small, yellowish, faded, but 3 leaves (bracts) give them beauty, they are elegantly colored and attract attention. In the wild, they are crimson or deep purple, but breeders have bred many other colors: white, orange, bright red, pink and others. Bracts are very interesting not only in shape, but also in structure, they resemble crumpled parchment paper, so the people called the flower "paper". Bougainvillea blooms throughout the year.

Features of caring for bougainvillea at home

Not everyone dares to bring this unusual, charming shrub at first sight into the house, so it can rarely be found in an apartment. The alluring beauty of bougainvillea - caring for it only seems difficult, a little knowledge and experience will make it the queen among other indoor flowers.


Growing a plant is unthinkable without bright lighting and 12 hours of daylight. To the delight of flower growers, bougainvillea tolerates both direct sunlight and short-term shading very well, so sun-drenched window sills facing south, southwest or southeast are perfect for keeping it.

Air temperature in summer and winter

Good care for bougainvillea at home involves maintaining the air temperature throughout the year in a certain range:

  • in summer - from +20 °С to +26 °С,
  • in winter - from +10 °С to +16 °С.

If in summer the air temperature does not go beyond the recommended parameters, then the plants are able to bloom all year round until they need rest in late autumn. In the hot summer months, it is advisable to take the flower to the balcony or well-ventilated terraces, verandas. She is very fond of fresh air and natural ventilation, but the flower should be protected from drafts and gusts of cold wind.

From October, the shrub begins to prepare for the "wintering". Its growth slows down, the development of new leaves stops. This is a good signal to move the pot to a dark place and keep the temperature within the recommended range. If it is higher, then the shrub will continue to grow, in which case it is necessary to provide it with additional illumination and continue caring for bougainvillea as usual.

Attention! Do not be surprised if in summer the bracts do not turn bright and remain pale, as a tropical flower reports that this season was too cool for him.

Air humidity

A native of tropical forests needs high humidity, at least 70-80%. All known methods are suitable for this: put wide containers of water on the windowsill, pour jackdaws on the drainage pan and pour water into it halfway. Spraying with soft water from a fine spray will also help to “refresh” the plant, especially in dry summers. If funds allow, you can purchase a humidifier and set the indicator in the specified range. This is especially true if, in addition to bougainvillea, there are other representatives of the humid tropics in the room.

Watering bougainvillea

The flower loves water very much and constantly needs it. Do not forget that on the windowsill there is not a herbaceous plant, but a small tree that “drinks” a large amount of moisture per day. But you always need to know the measure, if during the day the flower did not “take away” most of the moisture from the soil, then the watering was too plentiful. The earth ball should be moderately moist, but not damp, however, its drying out will also negatively affect bougainvillea, its flowers will immediately wither and fall off. This is not a plant that can easily endure a short-term drought. Therefore, when leaving for a weekend or vacation in the summer, you must definitely consider an automatic watering system or ask neighbors and friends to take care of the plant. During the dormant period, the plant is watered much less frequently, focusing on air temperature and soil moisture levels.

Important! If, during irrigation, part of the water has accumulated on the pan, it must be poured out immediately, moisture stagnation in the drainage contributes to the development of infectious diseases of the root system. That's why it's important to place the container on a pebble that will act as a "cushion" between the water and the pot's drainage hole.

Soil composition and pot selection for bougainvillea

The shrub has a developed and powerful root system, it can grow even on rocky forest hills, therefore, when caring for bougainvillea at home, the substrate should be selected dense, but with good drainage aeration. Ready-made mixtures for tub plants are suitable, or you can prepare the soil yourself using 4 components:

  • sod land - 3 parts,
  • leaf ground - 3 parts,
  • peat - 2 parts,
  • fine-grained sand - 1 part.

For drainage, it is better to take material of medium or large fraction: chop bricks, shards, or buy a package of expanded clay.

The capacity for planting should be chosen deep, the roots of the tree prefer to reliably root into the ground. The size of the container should correspond to the size of the bush, too much space for the root system will not be useful, it is necessary for the roots to be able to securely wrap around the earthen ball for several months, this will not allow moisture to stagnate. It is better to choose a pot made of porous ceramics, since plastic contributes to the acidification of the soil and the rapid drying of the earthen clod at elevated room temperatures.


Bougainvillea blooms profusely and for a long time, therefore it needs frequent fertilizing with mineral compounds and organic matter. During the active growth phase, fertilizers can be applied 2 times every 10 days, using universal solutions for flowering houseplants, for example, Agricola or Bona Forte. An adult plant in a large tub can be "feeded" with sticks. By immersing the fertilizer stick in the soil according to the instructions, you can simply water the plant with clean water for several weeks. It is very convenient, you do not need to spend time on frequent preparation of the solution. During the rest period, feeding should be stopped.

pruning bougainvillea

For such a branchy shrub as bougainvillea, home care will not do without garden shears and regular pruning. This is what affects the flowering and development of the plant. Scheduled pruning should be done twice a year: in spring and autumn.

  • In the spring, as soon as the shrub begins to awaken, the old shoots should be mercilessly shortened exactly 2 times. It is this pruning that stimulates the emergence of new shoots on which the buds will be laid. Once you regret a bush, you can never wait for flowering.
  • In autumn, at the end of flowering, the shoots are also cut, at least a third of the length. Autumn pruning is needed only for adult plants, whose age is already 3-4 years or more.
  • In summer, bougainvillea is pruned only as necessary so that the bush does not lose its shape or if dry, as well as rotten branches are noticed.

Advice! If you need to cut off the old lignified branches of an adult shrub, then it is better to buy a miniature pruner, it will quickly make a cut and not hurt the branch so much.

Planting and transplanting bougainvillea

During planting, caring for bougainvillea is no different and takes place in exactly the same way as with the maintenance of other indoor plants.

Drainage should be poured into the prepared container, which should occupy at least a third of the pot. Then half the pot is covered with soil mixture and a bush is placed in the center. The remains of the substrate are distributed around the plant and compacted. The soil should be watered abundantly, after a few days the root system should grow.

Transplantation is required only for young plants and is carried out annually, every spring. In order to injure the flower less, it is better to transship without disturbing the earthen clod. As a new container, the pot is taken 2 cm larger in diameter and slightly higher. Assessing the state of the earthy coma, you can understand how close it was to the roots in the pot. If they weakly braided it, then the transplant can be postponed until the next season. In this case, the drainage is changed and the shrub is planted in an old container.

Features of reproduction of bougainvillea

It will be much easier to care for bougainvillea grown from cuttings or by air escape. These are the best methods of reproduction in indoor floriculture.

  1. cutting method. Cuttings can be cut in any month of the active life cycle of the shrub. To do this, take a cutting from 8 to 12 cm long, it should not be too old, only semi-lignified shoots will do. Flower growers rarely grow them in a jar of water, because the chances of root formation are negligible and high humidity is required. Most often, the cutting is immediately placed with a peat substrate; for better rooting, it is recommended to treat the cut with a root system growth stimulator. Be sure to cover the cutting with a transparent glass or plastic jar, plastic bag. Such a "greenhouse" helps to maintain constant humidity. Soil temperature plays an important role in the care of bougainvillea, it should not be lower than +25 ° C, therefore, the bottom heating of the container is most often used. Lighting, on the contrary, should be reduced and it is better to place the container on the windowsill of the northeast or east direction. After planting, you need to regularly moisten the soil by spraying and ventilate the "greenhouse".
  2. Propagation by air layering. This method is even simpler, but you need to have enough free space on the surface of the pot, but it is better to bend the branch and lay it on a container with loose soil placed nearby. In the place where the shoot will come into contact with the ground, small cuts should be made in the bark. Then securely attach the branch to the ground with a hairpin or stone. Further, the soil should be periodically moistened, and soon a young sprout will appear at the place of contact with the ground. As soon as it gets stronger, the mother branch is cut off, and the plant is planted in a separate container in the usual way.

Diseases and pests of bougainvillea

The most common problems that arise due to improper care of bougainvillea at home:

  • Yellow foliage - indicates too wet substrate;
  • Falling of old leaves and the absence of new ones - most often occurs when the pot of the plant is rearranged or the shoots are redirected.

These problems are easy to fix on your own, fungal diseases and pests will be much more dangerous.

Bougainvillea rarely gets sick, but the most common disease is root rot, which is difficult to treat and difficult to diagnose. It develops against the background of constant dampness of the earthy coma and slowly destroys the root system. The plant begins to wither, turn yellow, and the roots become brown and have an unpleasant odor. Treatment is carried out with the help of fungicides, but often the bush cannot be saved.

Sometimes pests attack a flower: aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, but with timely detection and treatment, the plant can always be saved. You can find the necessary chemicals in gardening stores.

Growing bougainvillea on a windowsill is not that difficult. A lighted place, regular watering and a period of winter dormancy are the key points of care that the shrub needs for good growth and beautiful flowering.

Video of bougainvillea care

Bougainvillea belongs to the Nyctaginaceae family and is a prominent representative of ornamental plants. It has earned its popularity precisely because of the foliage, although it has a very long flowering. But her flowers are small and inconspicuous, they are completely lost against the background of amazing stipules of the most diverse colors. In addition, some stipules are arranged in two rows, thus forming a kind of terry. For these reasons, they are often confused with inflorescences, especially by beginner growers.

It is believed that bougainvillea has a fairly tolerable character, and growing it does not present any particular problems. However, these still periodically arise, since the flower, although not capricious, is very sensitive to the slightest changes in care. One of the most common troubles is leaf fall in bougainvillea. When you need to start worrying, and when you should just wait, the reasons for this phenomenon will be prompted.

The main reasons why bougainvillea sheds leaves can be:

  • natural process;
  • errors in the irrigation mode;
  • permutations of the pot;
  • lack of light and dry air;
  • transplant consequences.

Fall as a natural process

If the leaf fall began with the advent of autumn, and not in massive quantities, but gradually, you should not worry - this is how the plant prepares for a dormant period. It sheds old leaves to gain strength before the new season. The leaves in this case may pre-yellow.

Wrong watering

Violation of the watering regime also leads to the loss of foliage. Bougainvillea reacts especially sharply to a lack of moisture. If we allow the earthen clod to dry out completely, and even periodically, it is quite clear that, trying to survive, the bush will begin to throw off everything superfluous, in this case the foliage.

A similar situation can be in the case of a plant overflow, when the root system cannot cope with the abundant amount of moisture in the flowerpot and does not have time to absorb it.

The practice of experienced flower growers growing bougainvillea shows that leaf fall can also be in the case when the plant is first dried out and then watered abundantly.

Rearranging the pot

Does not tolerate frequent change of residence. It is important to immediately choose a suitable place for her, so that later you do not have to rearrange the flower, because as a result, the touchy showers foliage.

The same phenomenon can also occur in the case when the flowerpot begins to twist in search of the sun, or to align the curved shoot. It is better to cut uneven and ugly twigs, but not to turn the pot.

Lack of light and dry air

Bougainvillea needs good lighting and can drop foliage in a dark place. In the same way, the flower reacts to too dry air in the room.

During the heating period and during the stay of the plant on the street (in summer), it needs regular spraying.

Adaptation period

Like most houseplants, bougainvillea does not tolerate transplanting well. At first, after changing the usual pot, the bush may get sick and even crumble. To help him more easily endure the adaptation period, you can cover the pot with a plastic bag.

Video about the problems of growing bougainvillea indoors

A plant with an interesting and complex name "bougainvillea" is rarely found in city apartments and even in cottages of residents of central Russia. This beautiful flowering shrub looks very impressive, so many are afraid that they will not be able to cope with cultivation. Of course, this plant requires certain skills from the grower, but nothing is impossible. In this article, we will introduce you to the rules for caring for bougainvillea and tell you how to propagate it.

plant description

Bougainvillea is native to Latin America, most commonly found in Brazil, Peru and western Argentina. For the first time this shrub was discovered and botanically described by the scientist Philliber Kommerkome, who named the plant in honor of the admiral with whom he sailed around the world. The French were the first Europeans to meet bougainvillea in the 19th century. Since that time, they began to actively propagate it and develop new varieties, so the flower spread throughout the world.

Bougainvillea is a shrub with curly oval leaves. There are sharp thorns on its long shoots. The plant blooms with a large number of lush flowers, the petals of which are connected into a bizarre rosette resembling a star. The second name of bougainvillea is "paper" or "triple" flower. Most often it can be found in the resort areas of a humid climate. There, bougainvillea feels good and blooms actively, so it is decorated with arches, hedges and high borders.

Popular varieties

There are a huge number of bougainvillea hybrids, they differ in the shape and size of the bracts, and their shades. We will only talk about the most common of them.


This species differs from the rest in that its stem does not have thorns. The plant looks like a liana, as it twists a lot. The shrub blooms with bright buds up to 5 cm in diameter, it can reach 9 meters in height, it tolerates drought and cold well, but is picky about the sun. This variety of bougainvillea is loved by residents of houses on the Black Sea coast.



The funny-named shrub is a subspecies of naked bougainvillea, but it has more thorns. This variety is used to decorate Japanese gardens and borders.



This variety originated in Germany. It is unlike other species as it has green bark on the stem. The petals framing the flowers are pink or purple. This variety does not differ in branching, but it can bloom more than once a year.



This evergreen hybrid blooms with miniature white buds, usually surrounded by three main oblong purple leaves. This hybrid looks very impressive.


Mini Thai

Miniature shrub - a hybrid of bougainvillea naked and Peruvian. It has orange or pink flowers. Such a plant can be started if you do not have a small area.

Mini Thai

How to grow a plant at home?

This delicate shrub is picky about the sun and warmth, so residents of central Russia can only keep it in winter gardens or at home. And even there, the flower will need increased attention.


In open ground, bougainvillea feels great under the rays of diffused sunlight. Sometimes placement in partial shade is allowed. If you are growing a plant at home, then choose south or west windows for it. In warm weather, be sure to place the plant pot on the balcony, so the shrub will receive the necessary amount of oxygen and light. Do not place bougainvillea where direct sunlight will constantly shine on it to avoid burning the foliage.

Temperature regime

The plant loves when the ambient temperature is in the range of 25-30 degrees Celsius. If you grow a shrub at home, it is better to place it in more extreme conditions (5-7 degrees Celsius) during the winter dormant period. This will provoke the shedding of old foliage and the appearance of new, healthy leaves in the spring. However, if the temperature drops below, the shrub may die.

Watering and humidity

If bougainvillea grows in your garden, in spring and summer it is necessary not only to water it regularly, but also to spray the leaves. This should be done in the morning, until the sun's rays hit the plant. When growing shrubs in an apartment, watering the soil should be done regularly and plentifully, monitor the soil so that it does not dry out. In winter, the amount of water should be reduced, focusing on the condition of the soil. If heating devices are actively working in the room, it is necessary to additionally spray the leaves of the shrub.

soil and container

At home, bougainvillea feels good in a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand in equal proportions. It is better to choose a pot made of plastic or wood, of medium size, if it is too wide, it will actively grow, but it may cease to delight you with flowering, giving all its strength to foliage and stems. A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the pot.


Periodic pruning is necessary in order for the shrub to bloom regularly. Prune old shoots right after he seasonally drops flowers. Before the dormant period, it is necessary to shorten all branches by about 30%. It is also better to get rid of weak shoots.

top dressing

During the flowering period of the shrub, the soil must be fertilized. Complex nitrogen and phosphorus mixtures are suitable for this. Fertilizers should be applied after you have abundantly moistened the soil, this will avoid burning the plant. Please note that fertilization for bougainvillea should include iron. With a lack of this substance, the leaves of the vine may turn yellow.


It is better to avoid transplanting a shrub, however, if it has grown and the pot has become cramped, this will have to be done. It is better to transplant bougainvillea in early spring. The bush is transplanted along with a clod of old earth into a pot with a diameter exceeding the previous one by a couple of centimeters. Bougainvillea is placed vertically in the center of the pot and sprinkled with water. After transplanting, it is necessary to water the plant with pre-prepared water at room temperature.


With the help of cuttings

Usually cuttings from bougainvillea are cut in spring or summer. Choose a healthy, strong young shoot and divide it into about 6 parts. The soil is prepared in advance from a mixture of coarse sand, foliage and garden soil and parts of the stem are placed in it. Above the container where the cuttings will be placed, you need to install a small greenhouse. It's easy to make with transparencies and holders. Make sure that the temperature in the room does not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. The cuttings will produce fresh shoots in about 40 days.

With the help of air outlets

A container filled with a mixture of sand and earth is placed next to an adult bougainvillea. Choose a healthy, old shoot, carefully bend it down and dig it into the new pot. A new layer should be looked after as carefully as an adult shrub: water it, monitor the temperature and lighting conditions in the room. The fact that the shoot has taken root will be indicated by the formation of new leaves on it. Then it should be cut off from the original bush.

How can a shrub get sick?

No flowering

Under unfavorable conditions of detention (poor watering and light, low ambient temperature), the shrub ceases to bloom. If you are growing a plant at home, provide it with additional lighting in the fall and winter.

dull leaves

Sometimes this evergreen shrub ceases to please you with brightly colored buds, and its leaves become pale and unhealthy in appearance. This is because the plant does not have enough light or nutrients. Be sure to feed the bougainvillea and, if possible, take it to fresh air. So she will receive the necessary amount of sunlight and again appear before you in all its glory.

leaf shedding

Don't worry if the plant did this while dormant. However, if you see this phenomenon in the spring or summer, it may mean that you have dried out the soil or are not providing enough sunlight to the bougainvillea. Change these conditions of detention - the shrub will recover and release new shoots.

spider mite



sooty fungus

In this article, you learned how to properly care for bougainvillea. As you can see, this is not the most demanding shrub for keeping conditions, the main thing is that it has enough light and heat. Follow the advice of this article, and the plant will delight you with lush flowering.

A plant from Brazil is famous for its flexibility, originality, fascinates with a variety of colors and rapid flowering. The flowers are named after the French navigator Bougainville, who led the first expedition around the world. The flower was found in the rocky expanses of South America by the botanist Commerson, who was part of this expedition.

He not only discovered an amazing flower, but brought it to Europe and gave it a name. If you nevertheless decide that bougainvillea will live in your house, home care will give you pleasure, because this plant requires not only attention, but also a flight of fancy, a creative approach to its breeding.

Bougainvillea belongs to the family of Nightflowers or Nyctaginaceae.

The plant is a flowering shrub or tree with liana-like branches. Thanks to flexible shoots and thorns, he grabs a support and reaches up.

The leaves are green or light green, are variegated. The leaves have even, smooth edges. The leaves are pointed at the end. The ovoid leaves are small.

The flowers are white-yellow, inconspicuous, they quickly fall off. Unforgettable beauty bracts, which come in different colors: purple. crimson, pink, white, cream, red.

Among domestic plants, there are also two-color plants.

Their form is also striking in its originality. It is triangular, heart-shaped, rounded, swept. If you touch the bracts, they look like the thinnest paper.

"Double Red" has a beautiful raspberry-fuchsia color that does not fade, but persists throughout the entire flowering period. Refers to terry varieties.

Bougainvillea California Gold- golden bracts at the end of flowering become beige. Sometimes, developing at home, the plant confuses the dormant time: it blooms not in summer, but in winter.

Features of growing bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is a beautiful houseplant, sometimes growing to large sizes. It can rarely be found in apartments, because flower growers are afraid of the difficult care of it, but growing a plant is not so difficult. We will tell you about the features of caring for him.

Bougainvillea is a moisture-loving plant. It needs to be watered frequently and sprayed every day. To achieve abundant flowering, the plant must be fed with fertilizers for flowering or complex fertilizer 2 times a week.

Problems when growing bougainvillea at home

If you take care of the flower incorrectly, then problems may appear that spoil the appearance of the plant when it is grown.

Why does bougainvillea shed its leaves?

There are several reasons for dropping leaves by a plant:

An excess of moisture and its lack destroys the plant. It reacts to improper watering in its own way: when it dries up, it drops its leaves green, when water stagnates, they first turn yellow, and then fall off along with the bracts. The plant, as it were, warns the grower about mistakes in caring for him.

Why doesn't bougainvillea bloom?

Due to improper care, flowering problems may occur. Find out the reasons why bougainvillea does not bloom.

Sometimes the reason for the lack of flowering remains undisclosed. You can push the plant to bloom. He needs to arrange a kind of diet.

Within 2-4 weeks, stop feeding and limit watering. Water the plant only when the topsoil dries out. As soon as you see flower buds at the ends on young shoots, then bougainvillea is ready to bloom. You need to resume feeding and watering.

Diseases and pests

In nature, bougainvillea resists harmful insects, but at home, spider mites, felters and aphids can appear on it. Every day you should inspect the leaves, flowers and get rid of pests.

Against spider mites, use the potent drugs "Akarin", "Kleshchevit", "Aktara", and against aphids and felt insects, the insecticides "Fufanon", "Karbofos", "Biotlin."

If the pests have just appeared or there are few of them, you can use folk remedies: a decoction of onion peel, potato tops, strong garlic solution, laundry soap.

To get rid of mealybugs, you need to wipe the leaves and stems of the plant with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution.

Bougainvillea transplant

Annually, young plants need to be replanted because the roots grow and there is not enough room for it to develop. An adult plant needs to be transplanted after 2-3 years.

Each next pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. It is not recommended to take a pot that is too spacious, because water will accumulate in it, which will negatively affect its life processes.

The pot must be taken deep. The plant loves heavy soil, so it is better to prepare a nutrient mixture of 2 parts of leafy soil, 2 parts of sod, 1 part of humus, 1 part of sand. Be sure to put in good drainage to successfully drain water from the pot.

pruning houseplant

Bougainvillea has flexible young shoots that can be shaped into any shape. The sphere, pyramid, wreath looks beautiful. The main thing is to correctly place the supports. Over time, young shoots become woody.

In summer, bougainvillea blooms very luxuriantly. You can achieve multi-colored flowering. To do this, it is not necessary to graft varieties, you just need to plant plants of different varieties and colors in a pot, and all summer you will be pleased with the crown of bracts of various shades.

For young stems, you need to make a support and twist them as needed to form the trunk of a tree. In the early stages of plant formation, cutting the stems is not necessary.

Trim stems as they grow. In spring, pruning is necessary to create a bush shape and active flowering. Trim last year's stems in half to develop lateral young shoots.

Watering must be carefully monitored, to prevent waterlogging and drying of the soil. In summer, water with warm water, and immediately pour out the water that has leaked from the pot into the pan.


The houseplant reproduces both in spring and summer, as well as in autumn. Experienced flower growers use semi-lignified cuttings left after pruning for planting.

Special cutting of the plant into cuttings is possible. Plant them in the soil, pre-treated with root stimulating phytohormones for quick rooting of cuttings.

The temperature of the soil must be at least +25 degrees, so bottom heating is used. Cover the pot with glass, spray regularly, ventilate and water sparingly.

Propagated bougainvillea and air layering. For this, a flexible layer is chosen, which has not yet become stiff. Cuts are made on it. The incision is bent and secured with a hairpin to the ground.

When it gives rise to the root system, it can be transplanted into a separate pot.

In order for the cuttings to take root faster, put them in warm water for 3 hours, and then hold them in a stimulator or dip them in heteroauxin or Kornevin powder. The soil should be taken lighter than for an adult plant, replacing humus with peat.

Today we told you about the rules for caring for bougainvillea, the problems associated with growing a plant, and revealed the causes of these problems.

We advised you on how to propagate bougainvillea, told you why a flower needs pruning.

If you are interested in a flower, then you can contact the bougainvillea forum, where flower growers talk about their pets and the rules for caring for them.

You can ask experts for advice at any time. Knowledgeable people will give you an exhaustive answer to your question.

Now you know such a plant as bougainvillea, home care, which will give you pleasure, you will be glad to see the results of your work and admire the southern beauty.