How to open a biscuit shop. Business cookies at home

Russian citizens, thinking about what to buy for tea, in most cases opt for cookies. In any store there is a fairly wide selection of cookies for every taste - from the simplest biscuits to the fancy shape of kurabie with jam. Small and large packages of crunchy treats can be found on the shelves at the checkout counter, in the baked goods, snack, dessert and even gift areas. People add cookies to their shopping list in advance or purchase them spontaneously on their way to the checkout. It would seem that the production of cookies will be a profitable investment of money, but before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to carry out calculations and draw up a business plan.

Biscuit production as a business

Since biscuit manufacturing is a food manufacturing business, starting a business like this is not easy. Recipes, a production workshop, equipment, medical examinations of workers - everything will be carefully checked by the regulatory authorities - Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection.

From the moment the decision is made to organize the production of cookies and until the date of the actual start of its preparation and sale, it may take several months - you will need to collect an impressive set of documents, issue permits, register a business, notify the supervisory authorities about the start of activities and wait for the workshop to be checked for compliance with the norms established by law.

Home production

On the Internet, you can find many business ideas that suggest organizing the production of cookies and jams at home. However, as tempting as it sounds, such a business will be illegal. Even if you are sure that there will be no complaints to higher authorities, that you have the cleanest kitchen and that you are able to comply with all sanitary standards, you cannot sell food prepared in a private kitchen.

There is an opinion that it is possible to issue a quality certificate or a certificate of conformity, after which the regulatory authorities will not be able to present claims against you. But this is not so - the production facility must comply with sanitary rules and requirements of the law, and to check it, it is necessary to invite employees of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and the fire inspection. But by law, a workshop or store cannot be located in a residential building, except in rare cases not related to food production.

No matter how clean your kitchen is, food production is prohibited in the living area.

The only thing that can be done in this situation is to create a blog or a page on social networks and sell your products there, warning customers that your "company" has not been subjected to any checks, you have not done tests in specialized laboratories and have never paid taxes. Many people earn good money in this way, but, of course, this cannot be considered a full-fledged business, and the profit here will be very small. But the costs will also be minimal - you can bake custom-made cookies on a prepaid basis using the appliances and gadgets you have in your kitchen.

Shop organization

Equipping a biscuit shop, despite its seeming simplicity, requires high costs for rent and equipment, studying sanitary standards, inviting specialists from supervisory services and waiting for the approval of recipes and production technologies.

Choose a supplier responsibly - ask for quality certificates. Before organizing a stock warehouse and buying auxiliary equipment, study the requirements of SNiP and SanPiN - this will help not to conflict with supervisory authorities and not to redo the established production once.

If possible, carry out repairs of the future workshop - complex or cosmetic (depending on the condition of the room). Check in advance that the number of premises is sufficient for the zoning of the workshop into a production area, warehouse, technical premises. The delimitation of zones by partitions is unacceptable.

Features of the cookie-making business

The production of cookies is deservedly considered a promising direction - this is evidenced by all the studies of statisticians. According to their data, every second customer purchases at least one pack of cookies every time they go shopping. Unlike cakes, pastries and other creamy products, cookies have a long shelf life, which means business losses will not be as great. Also, this type of production has no seasonality, which means that the demand will remain stable throughout the year.

The main disadvantage of the biscuit business is the high level of competition, but here there is something to use to organize a successful business - the industry leaders continue to use outdated equipment models and product recipes that are boring to the consumer, while a beginner has a chance to equip a modern technological line and think over new options for their favorite all kinds of cookies.

Video: how to start a cookie production

Biscuit business plan

The advantage of the biscuit business is that even a small start-up firm can succeed despite the confectionery giants' neighborhood in the market. The main thing is a competent, thoughtful approach to business, which becomes possible only after the development of a business plan.

Before taking any action, draw up a detailed business plan for production - this will save you from unnecessary costs.

Pay special attention to the study of the consumer - find out how many pensioners, students, married couples with children in your city (usually there is at least some statistical information on the official websites of the Administrations of territorial entities), because everyone has different tastes and financial capabilities.

Before you start concluding contracts with stores and selling cookies, make your business legal - register your activity and register as a taxpayer. At the time of contacting the tax authorities, you must resolve the following issues:

  • what assortment of cookies you will produce;
  • what production technology will be used;
  • will your workshop work only day or night, or employees will work in shifts around the clock;
  • what will be your development plan and fight against competitors;
  • to whom you will sell cookies.
  • Finally, at the time of paperwork and production start, you must:

  • choose and rent (or buy) a production facility;
  • purchase equipment that meets the requirements of technological production and sanitary rules;
  • hire a sufficient number of workers.
  • Do not neglect any of the above issues - the fate of the business and the rate of return on investment will depend on the decision you make.

    Statistical data of the Russian cookie market

    Every year large factories and small firms produce more than 900 tons of biscuits on the Russian market. At the same time, the demand for this product is steadily growing by 5-7% annually - such dynamics is considered to be quite restrained, but it is worth noting the stability of the growth in consumption of the product. The highest rates are observed in large cities - the larger the settlement, the more and more often its residents buy cookies.

    In Russia, the demand for cookies is increasing every year

    According to research by statisticians, each Russian eats on average 4.5 kg of cookies per year, and residents of all of Russia consume more than 650 tons of the product annually.

    As for the preferences of the Russian buyer, in this he remains conservative - the current structure of demand is not much different from Soviet times.

    According to the Workline Group research, oat (18.6% market share) and sugar (18.3% of sales) biscuits are most often purchased. Crackers, kurabie with jam and dry biscuits like "Maria" are also popular.

    Business registration and required documents

    A business must be registered without fail, especially for food production - if it is found that you are engaged in the manufacture and sale of cookies without the appropriate permits, you will not only pay a fine, but may also incur criminal liability. This happens to those whose products have contributed to the occurrence of food poisoning and intestinal infections in the consumer.

    You can choose one of two organizational and legal forms of running your own business - individual entrepreneurship or legal entity. You have the right to choose any type of commercial legal entity, but the most popular for such a business has been and remains a limited liability company.

    Despite the fact that opening an individual entrepreneur is considered an easier way of organizing a business in comparison with an LLC and is distinguished by lower tax rates, simplified document circulation, smaller fines, low registration costs and the absence of the need to hire a full-time accountant, an LLC is more suitable for the production of cookies.

    To open a shop for the production of cookies, it is preferable to register a legal entity

    The fact is that large retail chains, hypermarkets, confectionery and restaurants prefer to conclude agreements with legal entities, since they bear more responsibility before the regulatory authorities, are more reliable partners and, finally, in cooperation with LLC companies can receive VAT tax deductions , while working with individual entrepreneurs carries a certain risk.

    Having spent a lot on renting a workshop, purchasing equipment and obtaining permits, do not save on business registration - despite the complexity of organizing a company in the form of a legal entity, you will receive a lot of advantages and will be able to attract more customers.

    As for the documents necessary for the functioning of the business, the list of them is quite wide - at the same time, all the papers must be on the territory of the enterprise in case of an unexpected check by the regulatory authorities. First of all, inspectors will pay attention to the presence of the following documents:

  • constituent papers (if you have registered an LLC);
  • OGRN certificates;
  • certificate of assignment of an individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • permission to carry out activities from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • lease agreement (or certificate of ownership) of the premises;
  • fire service permits;
  • production control programs;
  • personal medical records of employees;
  • garbage collection agreement (a separate agreement is concluded for the disposal of fluorescent lamps);
  • contracts for disinfection, disinsection, deratization of the workshop and ventilation system;
  • an agreement with the laundry on the washing of the personnel's uniform.
  • Many large firms that are ready to become your partner may require you to conduct laboratory research and issue quality certificates for each type of product.

    Room selection

    It would seem that the search for premises for production will not take much time - you just have to look through the ads for renting a workshop of the required area. However, everything is not so simple, since cookies are a food product, strict requirements are imposed on compliance with sanitary standards. The production process, the shop itself, maintaining cleanliness in it (disinfection, deratization, disinsection), equipment and other points will be controlled by Rospotrebnadzor, authorized to close the enterprise that does not comply with all the instructions.

    For a small shop for the production of cookies, it will be enough to rent a room with an area of ​​150 sq.

    The workshop premises must meet the following requirements:

  • all communications must be connected (electricity, sewerage, water supply, heating);
  • a fire alarm must be connected, a fire extinguisher must be available, all fire safety rules must be observed (wait for the workshop to be checked by the fire inspection);
  • appropriate repairs must be carried out (you can find out about the rules of its organization and about the building materials admissible for use in the sanitary and epidemiological supervision);
  • the area of ​​the workshop is selected based on the need to install all purchased equipment, allocate separate rooms for cleaning inventory, storing ingredients, organizing a warehouse, storing cleaning equipment, household premises, a management office, shower room and toilets (space zoning is a prerequisite for food production).

    The biscuit workshop requires large areas

  • Check that the ceiling height is at least 3.5 meters and that there are convenient access roads for loading raw materials into the workshop. The best option would be to rent premises that have already been used for food production. You can even try to rent a workshop with some of the necessary equipment.

    Staff recruitment

    Before you start posting jobs on the Internet and in local newspapers, decide how employees will work - in one or two shifts (around the clock). It is recommended to start at low production rates so that surplus products do not have to be disposed of. For smooth work within one shift, you will need to hire:

  • shift supervisor,
  • six pastry bakers,
  • cleaning lady,
  • storekeeper,
  • driver,
  • a loader (or two auxiliary workers).
  • Also, on a permanent basis, must be recruited:

  • production technologist,
  • secretary for receiving applications,
  • sales manager for finished products.
  • Employees need days off, they can get sick or quit, and therefore multiply the number of employees by two - they will replace each other and work 2 days after 2.

    Do not skimp on employees - there should always be people ready to replace a sick or quit employee

    If you are registering an LLC, you will also need a full-time accountant. If you have opted for an individual enterprise, you can use the services of an accountant as part of outsourcing.

    Remember that food production obliges all employees, without exception, to undergo regular medical examinations, the marks of the passage of which will be put in their personal medical books. The manager is responsible for this to the regulatory authorities, which means that you will have to conclude an agreement with the center of medical commissions or control the passage of examinations on an individual basis.

    Assortment compilation

    Before deciding on the range of products, it is necessary to conduct marketing research. It is extremely important to study demand as it varies from region to region. It is not so much the wide variety of types of cookies that is important, but the balance of the assortment, based on the requirements of the consumer, because if one cookie is sold instantly, and the other lies on the shelves before the expiration date, financial losses will block the profit. But you shouldn't be limited to one type of products either.

    There are many types of cookies, because by changing the composition of the ingredients and the manufacturing technology, you can get a dough that is diverse in its properties. Depending on the dough, cookies can be classified into the following types:

  • biscuit,
  • shortbread,
  • sugar,
  • biscuit,
  • lingering (dry),
  • curd,
  • confused,
  • puff,
  • oatmeal.
  • When you decide on the types of cookies, think over the shape of the products, size, decoration, additives, fillings.

    Undoubtedly, many surveys and experiments have been carried out, but it is not enough to check the data and start producing the most demanded cookies - this has long been the experience of large experienced enterprises that have won the status of a leader in this field, and competing with them at the initial stage will ruin the business.

    Be original - and customers will definitely notice your cookies on store shelves

    The best thing would be to find an unfilled niche, stand out from the competition, develop a unique product and make a name for it. When the goal is achieved, people will pay attention to your other products and, perhaps, give them preference.

    Today in Russia there are not so many manufacturers of biscuits fortified with vitamins, an environmentally friendly product and low-calorie fitness cookies, but the demand for such types of products will be observed in cities with a young population, where girls follow their figure and proper nutrition, and mothers tend to buy healthy breakfasts for your children. Therefore, the idea is not suitable, for example, for small villages, from which young people have moved to megacities.

    Remember, it is not necessary to follow the example of large companies, you can, on the contrary, produce cookies, which are not currently available in the city. Or you can go the proven way, releasing popular types of cookies, but at the same time present it in a new interpretation - change the shape, add an original filling, make a convenient small package for a snack and a large economical one for drinking tea for the whole family.

    Selection of production technology

    Naturally, the cookie production technology will depend on what types of cookies you are going to produce. But the production stages will be the same anyway. It is best to develop a recipe in conjunction with a qualified technologist, since the production of cookies is different from home baking - it is important that all stages of work, the sequence of actions and the amount of ingredients are strictly observed. If there is a failure, the customer buys one cookie the first time, and the next time they get the wrong product they expected to buy. In addition, hiring a technologist will accelerate the approval of production by Rospotrebnadzor.

    The production technology will depend on what types of cookies you decide to produce.

    Raw materials should also be purchased after the assortment is finally approved. Cookie dough is made from premium or first grade flour, fats, sugar, melange, egg powder, baking powder, starch. You can add flavors, food colors, and other additives. Also, raisins, nuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, dried apricots can be added to the dough. Jams, jam, condensed milk, coconut flakes, colored sugar, cinnamon, marzipan are suitable as a filling and for decorating products.

    Cookies can be divided into the following stages:

  • Sifting flour to saturate it with oxygen and remove lumps.
  • Weighing the ingredients according to the recipe, placing them in the required sequence in the kneader. Kneading for a certain period of time.
  • Adding melange, water, egg powder and other ingredients according to the recipe. Knead until smooth.
  • Adding flour, starch, baking powder, syrup, flavorings, colors (according to the recipe).
  • Forming the dough, dividing it into parts by weight, rolling out layers of the same thickness. Cutting out individual products using rotary molding machines.
  • Baking products in ovens.
  • Cooling of prepared portions.
  • Applying glaze, creating drawings, sprinkling with decorations, interlayer (if provided).
  • Packaging (in batches, by portions, by weight) and packaging (on substrates, in bags, in baskets, in boxes, in metal cans).
  • Market analysis and development of a competitive strategy

    The Russian market for the production of such a confectionery product as cookies is characterized by an annual stable growth in demand and an increase in sales - in the last couple of years alone, the consumption of cookies has grown by 15%.

    Competition among domestic cookie producers is considered moderate, and local companies play a decisive role in the market, since transporting finished products to other cities will be unjustified due to the short shelf life of most types of cookies. Plus, shipping costs money, and the costs end up adding to the value of the cookie, making it too expensive compared to locally made products.

    It is unprofitable to transport cookies to other cities

    When making a final decision to open a cookie production or to abandon this venture, pay attention to the competition in the region. If the city in which you are going to produce products is small, and there are at least three companies offering cookies for sale, it is worth considering another business.

    Search for ways to sell finished products

    Proven distribution channels include:

  • grocery outlets (preferably network - federal and regional);
  • wholesale companies engaged in the resale of products to retail outlets;
  • implementation in the field of HoReCa - delivery for restaurants and cafes.
  • The best option is to open your own retail outlet with the prospect of further expansion into a chain of mini-confectionery shops, but organizing a store requires colossal costs, and therefore it is hardly available to beginners. However, over time, you can think about such a sales option.

    The best way to sell cookies is to open your own retail outlet

    It is also necessary to decide on the ways of selling cookies in advance - the volume of production, assortment, packaging depends on this. You can offer a different range of products to different customers depending on their needs.

    A good advertisement is the organization of retail sales at wholesale prices directly from the shop floor - few would give up on the freshest biscuits without a store premium. However, remember that unauthorized entry into the production area is prohibited by sanitary rules - cookies must be dispensed in a separate room or “through the window”.

    If you choose to make cookies at home, you will only be able to sell your product in specialized retail locations such as markets, fairs and exhibitions. Street vending on folding tables, at bus stops or by hand is prohibited. Opening an online store will require registration of a business, paperwork and the purchase of a specialized online cash register, therefore it is not advisable to create it in order to sell home-made products.

    Necessary equipment and materials

    An important problem of the industry is the use of outdated equipment in the production of biscuits, installed at enterprises since Soviet times.

    The purchase of modern equipment will reduce production costs and reduce the price of cookies

    Therefore, significant progress can be achieved through the purchase and use of modern equipment in the production process. The business owner will benefit from superior product quality, faster product turnaround times, and the ability to employ fewer workers by automating production, while cost savings will allow the biscuits to be priced competitively.

    The set of equipment depends on which stages of production will be performed manually, and which ones will be performed using specialized apparatus for food production. It is worth noting that in the end it will be more profitable to automate production as much as possible, since manual labor requires hiring a large staff, paying overtime hours and resolving staff turnover issues. The initial investment in equipment will pay off many times.

    The minimum set of equipment includes:

  • flour sifter (about 35,000 rubles);
  • dough mixer (about 65,000 rubles);
  • dough machine (about 100,000 rubles);
  • dough divider (from 300,000 rubles);
  • dough sheeter (about 75,000 rubles);
  • conveyor (from 250,000 rubles);
  • rotary / convection oven (about 600,000 rubles);
  • refrigeration equipment (about 40,000 rubles);
  • table scales (about 10,000 rubles);
  • floor scales (about 30,000 rubles);
  • packing scales (about 15,000 rubles);
  • packing machines (about 10,000 rubles).
  • In addition, it will be necessary to buy washing tubs, racks, shelves, washing equipment, lockers for workers' belongings, chairs, work tables and small culinary utensils such as knives and gastronorm containers.

    If you plan on making chocolate coated biscuits, you will need an enrobing line, and there are tools available for applying a fixed dose of filling to the base of the double biscuits. Whatever equipment you decide to purchase, it is advisable to immediately spend money on Italian or German-made devices. Domestic and Chinese ovens and machines will not last so long and will require regular repairs.

    At the initial stage, it is recommended to purchase a production line that is not too powerful in case the business does not justify itself or if you cannot find a sufficient number of customers. In the future, if production is established, contracts for the supply of products will be concluded, and there will not be enough production capacity to fulfill all orders, you can think about development and new investments in more powerful equipment.

    Video: automated cookie production

    Financial plan for the production of biscuits

    Below is an example of a financial plan for a biscuit shop. Remember that it is only a guideline for compiling your own analysis, which will depend on the region where your business is located, the taxation system you choose, the cost of raw materials from the supplier, the types of cookies baked, the choice of the equipment seller, the cost of renting the premises, and so on.

    First of all, you need to calculate the amount of initial investment in starting a business. Perhaps already at this stage you will understand that you are not in a position to invest such an amount of money. When calculating the salary fund, rely on the average wages for the region where your company is located.

    Table: Average Wages for Biscuit Shop Employees

    Table: Initial Costs of Starting a Cookie Business

    Table: Monthly Costs of Maintaining a Biscuit Shop

    Calculation of profitability

    The production line for the production of medium-sized biscuits is capable of producing 1.5 tons of products per shift, which gives 45 tons of product per month. According to statistics, one ton of cookies is sold by domestic producers for an average of 40,000 rubles. This means that the revenue for one month of work will amount to 1,800,000 rubles.

    Table: Key Financials of the Cookie Business

    Let's say an entrepreneur pays taxes according to the simplified taxation system (6% rate). If you do not take into account the possibility of tax deductions, the business owner will transfer 23 658 rubles a month to the tax service (6% of the profit). Then the net profit will be 370,642 rubles.

    Cookie making is a profitable business

    It turns out that in the best case, the initial investment will pay off in 9 months, but in practice the terms are longer due to the need to find regular customers, the emergence of unforeseen situations and the need to give customers time to notice a new product. Also, the level of profitability directly depends on the volume of the initial equipment costs - the more money is invested, the longer the costs will be reimbursed by transferring them to the cost of the finished product.

    As the results of the calculations show, the cookie production business is profitable and pays off in a fairly short time. The main problem is finding a direction of activity that would make the company competitive - only quality, taste, attractive packaging and a unique type of finished products can help the owner of such a business to win the love of consumers and a place in the market among many similar large and small firms. If an entrepreneur manages to cope with this task, his products will occupy the shelf of more than one store and will increasingly appear on the tables of Russian families.

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    Cookies are a favorite delicacy, familiar to everyone from childhood. It needs no introduction and has been popular with consumers for many years. Thanks to modern technologies, this business is reaching a new level of development. An increasing number of entrepreneurs want to try themselves in this particular niche.

    Biscuit production as a business

    Setting up the production of cookies is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. This dessert is in demand on the market, customers love it, and with a competent approach on your part, you can easily organize the sale of products. In order for a business to grow, buyers are needed. If there are no clients, there will be no revenue. Accordingly, this point should be very well thought out.

    Due to its relevance and relatively quick payback, this niche in business is very popular.... And to take your place in it, you have to use all the creative. Come up with a new recipe, original design, unusual packaging. After all, you need to stand out from the many competitors. Do not forget about the taste of the product: if the customer likes everything, then quick success is guaranteed.

    The steps for starting a cookie business are outlined below.

    Home production

    Microbusiness is suitable for those who want to test this niche first and test themselves as an entrepreneur. You will need ordinary household kitchen appliances, your own recipe and a lot of free time if you want to do all the processes yourself. You can involve family members in this, then it is quite possible to achieve great success.

    First of all, come up with an idea or your own original recipe, which will be interesting for customers to try. After that, proceed directly to the process of implementing the idea:

    • purchase the required products;
    • replenish your supply of household appliances, if required;
    • make a trial batch;
    • calculate the amount of all ingredients per batch to calculate its cost;
    • do not forget to take into account the cost of electricity;
    • calculate the time it takes to make one batch of cookies;
    • analyze the competitors' market;
    • set the optimal price for your product, taking into account all costs and margins;
    • proceed with the implementation.

    Homemade cookies in striped chocolate glaze with a cup of aromatic tea

    To start promoting a homemade cookie business, you can use social networks: create groups there, give paid advertising on the Internet. Start your blog and offer products there. Another option for promotion is to arrange cookies in beautiful packaging and position them as original gifts for various holidays. For example, in the form of some symbols, trademarks, etc. Everything is in your hands!

    The advantages of such a business are that at the initial stage you will not have to invest in the purchase of professional equipment, rent a room, or hire personnel. You can do everything yourself. And if everything works out, then you can think about expanding production.

    With this option of doing business, you do not need to immediately register as an individual entrepreneur. However, when you put the activity on the stream, and you already have systematic sales, it will be an entrepreneurial activity. According to the legislation, business without registration is illegal, and for this liability is provided for at various levels: from administrative to criminal.

    Shop organization

    To create a large-scale production, you need the appropriate premises. Since the production is food-based, all sanitary rules and regulations must be observed. Convenient access roads should be laid to the building, it also needs to be equipped with sewerage and uninterrupted supply of electricity and water.

    Modern technologies make it possible to put the release of cookies on stream using an automated line. The minimum price for such a line is from 3,000,000 rubles. For starting a business, this is a pretty impressive investment. But there is a way out - you can buy used equipment, it is much cheaper. Or start with simpler machines, replacing some of the production processes with manual labor. And when you have built up a sufficient customer base, you can modernize the shop.

    Video: the complete cookie production process

    According to statistics, the market in our country is characterized by a small but stable annual growth in the production and sale of cookies. For several years, the market volume has increased by more than 15%. According to surveys, most of all consumers like oatmeal (18.6%) and sugar (18.3%) cookies. They are followed by dry biscuits, crackers and kurabiyo. If you focus on these types of cookies in production, you will not miss. But be sure to add something of your own to compete with well-known brands.

    The biggest problem for popular manufacturers is working on outdated equipment. In addition, delivery is not possible to all regions; in remote places, the final price of the product may be too high for the consumer. This is where local mini-productions take the stage. And if you start working on modern equipment with a competent marketing strategy, you will certainly be able to occupy your niche in the market.

    First you need:

    • a kneader for making dough, it can be of two types: with a jacket for cooling and heating the dough mass and without it;
    • molding machine (if you have a mini-workshop, you can do it with manual labor);
    • equipment for processing the top of the biscuits (icing, if necessary);
    • baking oven;
    • packaging equipment (workers can be hired for this);
    • refrigerators for storing raw materials and finished products;
    • flour sifter - used in the confectionery industry to remove all harmful and foreign impurities from flour (price from 25,000 rubles);
    • enrobing machine - applies icing to finished biscuits. It is also possible to apply it on curd snacks, sweets (equipment price from 50,000 rubles);
    • jigging machine for forming products - the price starts from 110,000 rubles;
    • a rack oven for baking confectionery - a high-quality oven costs from 130,000 rubles;
    • dough mixer - this equipment costs from 127,000 rubles;
    • horizontal packing machine - the price for such machines starts from 380,000 rubles.

    The area of ​​the production area should be from 200 sq. m. This area houses not only a production workshop, but also warehouses for storing the necessary raw materials and finished products, a staff room, and a bathroom. You can also place an office there. Also, make sure that the production area is supplied with heat supply and ventilation.

    Photo gallery: equipment for the confectionery shop

    The glazing machine, due to various attachments, can apply glaze patterns
    The flour sifter enriches the flour with oxygen In the depositing machine, you can use shortbread, yeast and curd dough The oven has three autonomous compartments, with separate heating of the hearth and roof
    The kneader is used to mix the ingredients The packaging machines differ depending on the container in which the product is packed.

    Business plan

    For your business to go uphill, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. Consider the following points:

    1. Assortment and types of products.
    2. Manufacturing technologies.
    3. Premises for production.
    4. Technical equipment of the workshop.
    5. Organization of sales of finished products.
    6. Additional expenses.
    7. Profit calculation.

    Business registration

    To organize a shop for the production of cookies, you must register an individual entrepreneur. This is the simplest option. But if you plan to subsequently attract borrowed funds for business development, then it is better to create an LLC. When issuing a loan, banks have increased requirements for individual entrepreneurs. Another plus of the LLC - with this form it is easier to attract large buyers.

    It is also necessary to select the taxation system and OKVED codes (All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities).

    Our business is related to manufacturing. For him, code 10.72 is suitable - Production of rusks, biscuits and other rusks of bakery products, and then paragraph 10.72.31 - production of cookies.

    The most suitable taxation system is the STS (Simplified Taxation System). Since the production of cookies is quite a high cost part, it is better to choose the mode with the object “income minus expenses”. The rate on it is 15%. Additional tax credits may apply in certain regions. It is usually unprofitable to use the simplified tax system with a rate of 6% in the production sphere.

    With the simplified tax system, you do not need to pay VAT and income tax, but other taxes will have to be charged and paid

    Required Documentation

    To register an individual entrepreneur you will need:

    1. Application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, form Р21001 (application form can be found).
    2. Passport and photocopy of the passport.
    3. TIN and copy of TIN.
    4. Payment document confirming the payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.
    5. Application for the transition to the simplified taxation system, form No. 26.2-1 (submitted in duplicate).

    To register an LLC, you must:

    1. Application for registration in the form P11001 (you can download a sample application and familiarize yourself with the nuances of filling it out).
    2. The founders' decision to establish an LLC.
    3. LLC Charter.
    4. Receipt for payment of the state registration fee in the amount of 4000 rubles.
    5. Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system.
    6. Letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address (location of your future LLC). You can buy or rent such an address from organizations that provide similar services in your city.
    7. Document confirming payment of the authorized capital of the LLC (issued by the bank).

    Since the production is food-grade, additional requirements are imposed on it. You need to obtain a number of other permits:

    • sanitary and epidemiological permission for production;
    • SES conclusion for work with third-party organizations;
    • permission of the fire inspection.

    Prepare all the necessary documents in advance and make copies of them: this will significantly speed up the business registration process

    Staff recruitment

    To run a small mini-workshop, you will need about 10 employees to start. You definitely need:

    1. Technologist.
    2. Pastry bakers.
    3. The storekeeper is a loader.
    4. Manager for the sale of finished products.

    You can manage the production at the initial stage on your own, accounting for the sake of economy can be entrusted to an outsourcing organization.

    Baker - confectioner with the help of a special sleeve adds jam to the workpieces of the future kurabie

    Cookie making technology

    First, decide on the choice of assortment. To do this, analyze your market, what customers love, which cookies sell best. After that, make up your assortment and be sure to add a special "chip" so that you get a "classic" product in a new form.

    Regardless of the type of cookie, the entire technological process looks about the same:

    1. Preparation of ingredients and kneading the dough. At this stage, all the necessary raw materials are accurately measured and mixed in the right proportions.
    2. Next, the mixture is placed in a dough mixer. Then liquid ingredients (milk, condensed milk, water, etc.) are added to it. The dough is mixed for a certain amount of time. Then add flour and sugar to it and mix thoroughly again.
    3. The formation of products can be either manual or automatic, depending on your capabilities.
    4. In the next step, the products are placed in an oven.
    5. After baking, the products are cooled, if necessary, decorated with glaze, etc. Both automatic and manual labor are also possible here.
    6. After glazing, the biscuits are pre-packed and packaged.

    The automatic machine is capable of making up to 5 types of cookies using attachments of various shapes that come with the kit

    Since cookies have a short shelf life, you first need to target your local market. Small shops next to production are very popular now. Open your own shop too. Have a point of sale near the shop where customers can always buy fresh produce at below market prices.

    Try networking with small bakeries and convenience stores. Use warehouse type stores. There are usually lower prices for products and a large number of buyers. It is easier and more profitable to find a common language with such stores than buying out space on the shelves of large supermarkets. Sign a contract with restaurants and cafes for the supply of exclusive products, interest them with a lower price. Run an advertising campaign in large print media, on special information boards in the entrances of nearby houses. Use all available promotion channels.

    Video: production of filled straw biscuits

    Calculation of profitability

    The cost of starting a cookie business is made up of the initial costs for legal registration, equipment, rental costs, purchase of raw materials and additional costs for advertising, transportation, etc.

    Table: costs of registering a legal entity

    After you have decided on the size of your future production, it is worth considering the possibilities of minimizing costs. In the version of a mini-workshop, you can save on partial replacement of machines by manual labor.

    If you open a conventional workshop with an automated line, you are already saving on future re-equipment, since good professional equipment will work much longer and more efficiently than simpler counterparts. In addition, such lines have the ability to produce a wider range of products. And the assortment needs to be constantly expanded for greater market coverage.

    Table: Initial Costs of Setting Up a Biscuit Shop

    Further, monthly investments will consist of the cost of raw materials, rent, advertising, utilities and transportation costs, to which are added the costs of salaries to employees and payment for outsourcing services.

    For a mini-workshop, seven employees are enough, for a larger workshop, at least 15 people are required.

    Table: Monthly costs of maintaining a biscuit workshop

    Name Mini-workshop, rubles Regular workshop, rubles
    Employee salariesfrom 175,000from 375,000
    Insurance contributions for employeesfrom 38,000from 82,000
    Taxfrom 13 500from 79,000
    Rent80 000 200 000
    Communal expenses30 000 50 000
    Fare10 000 50 000
    Detergents5 000 15 000
    Raw materials150 000 1 444 000
    Product packaging10 000 50 000
    Outsourcing25 000 50 000

    The average wholesale price of 1 ton of cookies is 41,000 rubles. The mini-workshop can produce up to 15 tons of finished products per month. The productivity of the automated shop is up to 76 tons of biscuits per month. To calculate the profit, a one-shift work schedule was taken, 22 working days per month.

    Table: financial performance of the biscuit business

    The payback for creating a mini-workshop will be about 15 months. If the production is large - 24 months. These figures are approximate, since everything depends on the demand for your products.

    Video: packaging cookies

    The cookie-making business is quite profitable. Of course, there are both pros and cons here. It's up to you which start to choose. The more investments, the higher the profit and the faster payback.

    The production of sugar biscuits is an attractive investment. Despite a fairly high level of competition in the industry, there is a stable growth in demand, on average by 8-10% annually. When organizing production, it is necessary to come up with an original recipe in order to favorably differ from competitors. An automated line for the production of cookies provides opportunities for improvisation with shape, additives, filling. If the production of bakery or confectionery products has already been organized, the production of cookies will diversify the assortment, moreover, it will be possible to save on some production mechanisms.

    Where to begin?

    Before starting activities, you should think about some organizational issues:

    • what types of cookies will be produced;
    • study manufacturing technology;
    • choose equipment;
    • choose a room for a workshop;
    • work out options for marketing products;
    • make preliminary calculations of the cost and profitability of production.

    To begin with, it will be advisable to produce all known types of cookies, the main advantage is to make high quality products. With high competition in the industry, consumers can be attracted either by low cost or by quality.

    It is ideal, of course, to combine these two indicators, but in no case should the price be reduced to the detriment of quality. With the help of one technological line for the production of cookies, it is possible to produce various types of biscuits:

    • sugar;
    • biscuit;
    • crackers;
    • lingering.

    The assortment can be diversified in various shapes, sizes, fillings, additives. It is necessary to study the market, competitors' products and choose new types of cookies or traditional ones, but in new interpretations.

    Cookie making technology

    Regardless of what types of cookies the choice was made and what is its recipe, the manufacturing technology is approximately the same and includes the following steps:

    The preparatory stage consists in weighing all the necessary ingredients, according to the recipe and immersion in the bowl of the kneading machine. The sequence of adding raw materials is determined by the manufacturing technology of each type of cookie.

    There are two main types of dough - sand-removable and sand-deposit. The removed butter dough contains more sugar and fat, and it turns out to be plastic. The main ingredients (flour, sugar, vegetable oil, water) are mixed for 10 minutes, then egg powder, condensed milk, vanillin are added according to the recipe and kneaded for another 15 minutes.

    At the next stage, the dough is divided into portioned pieces for further rolling and forming blanks. If a filling is provided, the next step is to add it.

    Cookie Forming Machine

    Then the blanks are sent to the oven for baking, usually this process lasts 10-15 minutes. The finished biscuits are cooled, glazed if necessary and sent to the packaging line.

    Sand dough is prepared using a different technology - at the initial stage, margarine and sugar are mixed, the rest of the ingredients are gradually introduced, and flour last. The mass is liquid, like sour cream, it is mixed in a mixer at high speeds to saturate with oxygen. Formation of blanks from such a dough is carried out using syringes or pastry bags. To diversify the assortment, use various curly nozzles. The line for the production of sugar cookies has a special jigging machine, its functions provide for various configurations of products, the possibility of filling with filling. At the next stage, the blanks are sent to the furnace at a temperature of 220 ° C and the production process is completed. Finished products are cooled and packaged.

    Production equipment

    To carry out the process of making cookies, the following equipment is used:

    • flour sifting device;
    • kneading machine or mixer;
    • bake;
    • apparatus for packaging.

    The flour sifting unit is designed to remove impurities, metal particles from the composition, as well as to fill the flour with oxygen. Specifications:

    • power - 1.1 kW;
    • voltage - 380 V;
    • productivity - 1250 kg / h;
    • hopper capacity - 120 kg;
    • weight - 293 kg;
    • cost - 50,000 rubles.

    Kneading machine with Z-shaped attachment is designed to combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Specifications:

    The dough-settling machine, as a part of the biscuit production line, is used in the production of such types of biscuits as: kurabiye, oatmeal, eclairs, sticks, biscuits. Specifications:

    The baking unit consists of several baking modules, a feeding and receiving table, an exhaust system and a control panel. The baking modules are interconnected by a moving conveyor, it looks like a tunnel. Specifications:

    The packaging mechanism is used in the case of packaging finished products in shrink polyethylene film. Specifications:

    • power - 5.5 kW;
    • voltage - 220 V;
    • work speed - 5 m / min;
    • dimensions - 12000 * 750 * 630 mm;
    • cost - 120,000 rubles.

    In this configuration, you can buy a line for the production of cookies for 1,660,000 rubles. In addition, you will need a scale for raw materials, a sink, hearth plates, a thermometer, knives, which will increase the cost of the line by about 100,000 rubles.

    Production room

    Shop for making biscuits

    When preparing the premises, you should take into account the total length of the production line, as well as additional equipment - sinks, tables, refrigerators. A workshop of less than 100 m2 will be cramped, in addition, a warehouse for raw materials and finished products, an office space, and household rooms should be prepared. In the production workshop, it is necessary to provide sanitary and hygienic conditions that meet all the requirements for safe production. To service an automated mini-line for the production of cookies, you will need three-phase sockets with a voltage of 380 and 220 V, water supply, sewerage, ventilation. The workshop must be heated; it is better to use an air conditioning system.

    Financial plan of production

    To organize the activity of the production of cookies, you will need capital investments in equipment, preparation of premises, purchase of vehicles.

    • the price of a line for the production of cookies - 1,750,000 rubles;
    • preparation of the premises - 100,000 rubles;
    • transportation costs - 100,000 rubles;
    • total - 1,950,000 rubles.

    It is planned to produce 80 tons of cookies per month.

    Production cost:

    • raw materials - 2,400,000 rubles;
    • salary - 100,000 rubles;
    • rent and utility bills - 80,000 rubles;
    • other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles;
    • total - 2 630 000 rubles.

    The selling price of 1 ton of cookies is 40,000 rubles.
    The monthly revenue will be - 80 * 40,000 = 3,200,000 rubles.
    Profit - 3,200,000 - 2,630,000 = 570,000 rubles.

    If one third of the profit is attributed to cover capital investments, then the payback period will be 11 months. This is a fairly high indicator, but in order to reach it, it is necessary to properly organize the sale of products, conclude agreements in advance with large wholesale companies and private sellers.

    Video: Making cookies

    A business based on food production is always a profitable and rather profitable event. The production of cookies as a business, in turn, has a huge advantage over all other areas - these products are in demand even without advertising. There are quite a few varieties of this beloved delicacy by everyone, and therefore it will not be at all superfluous to understand the intricacies of the issue.

    Varieties of cookies

    Every day more and more varieties of sweet treats appear on store shelves. And there are also no less lovers of it.

    In order not to get confused in all the variety of these products, we will divide them into three main categories:

    • sugar cookies - the dough for making it is fragile and swellable, has a tearing consistency;
    • lingering cookies - it is characterized by a lower content of fat and sugar, and the dough production process is distinguished by a special technology;
    • butter biscuits - it contains the largest percentage of sugar, fat, egg products.

    The biggest advantage of this product is its relevance and long shelf life. The greatest demand is for biscuit biscuits, oatmeal, baby, biscuit, "nuts". Among the disadvantages of this area of ​​activity, one can name high competition, but it can also be overcome, subject to compliance with quality standards and a constant expansion of the range.

    Preparation of documents

    Industrial cookies cannot be produced without a certain set of documents. We must not forget that this group of goods is food, and therefore simply registering a business is not enough here.

    And yet you need to start with this step.

    If the workshop is not large, you can stop at such a form of doing business as individual entrepreneurship. Larger production assumes that you have to act as an LLC.

    Special requirements will be imposed on you by the sanitary and epidemiological station. Their requirements must be treated with full responsibility, since the further fate of your business will depend on this. Don't forget about the quality certificates that you need to get from your suppliers. Their absence is a direct road to the closure of your workshop.

    And the third organization with which you will have to interact is Rospotrebnadzor. Do not disregard their prescriptions, as they also determine whether or not your enterprise should be.

    How to choose a room

    The biscuit production line cannot be set up in substandard conditions. Attention to this issue should be paid no less than the technological process. Rospotrebnadzor will monitor exactly where, how and under what conditions your product is manufactured.

    A number of requirements are put forward for the workshop:

    It would be nice to start by examining the existing food production facilities in your region, perhaps someone has a free workshop that could be rented, and with it the equipment. This would help reduce the cost of repairs and connection of communications.


    Biscuit production equipment must be of particular quality if you do not want to be held hostage to endless downtime. First of all, you will need:

    • dough mixer;
    • filling mixing machine;
    • bake;
    • thermal packer;
    • dough divider;
    • conveyors;
    • a syringe filling products with a filling;
    • glazing machine;
    • emulsifier;
    • mixers;
    • refrigeration equipment;
    • packing installations.

    It is worth noting that modern manufacturers install automated systems on their equipment, which greatly facilitates the entire process, from kneading to baking.

    Do not forget that if you are the owner of a mini-workshop, you can reduce the cost of purchasing the installation by including in the technological process steps that can be done manually, for example, molding.

    Unfortunately, the price of the equipment for the production of biscuits is quite high. For example, an automatic line with an average performance without delivery, installation, adjustment and operating costs will amount to about half a million rubles.

    Production technology

    The entire technological process can be conditionally divided into two parts - the preparatory stage and the main one. Whatever types of cookies you produce, you will have to go through the following processes:

    To make the dough, you will need:

    • flour;
    • fats;
    • eggs;
    • sugar;
    • melange;
    • egg powder;
    • flavors;
    • baking powder.

    Depending on the type of baked goods, you may also need nuts, raisins, jams, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, condensed milk, and dried fruits. The presence of certain components is usually determined by the technologist.

    The process of preparing this product itself can be described as follows:

    1. After preliminary weighing, all ingredients are added to the kneader one by one. The procedure takes about 15 minutes.
    2. After that, egg powder and water are added, the kneading lasts another 10 minutes.
    3. Then flour, syrup, starch are put into the machine, and all this is thoroughly mixed for another 5 minutes.
    4. The prepared dough is divided into parts, rolled into layers. With the help of rotary machines or special forms, the shapes of the future cookies are cut.
    5. Then the baking and cooling process takes place.
    6. Then you can apply glaze, make layers, decorate.
    7. The final stage is packaging.

    The cookie production technology varies depending on the recipe and the equipment used.


    So, in order to launch such production, you will need to invest money at the initial stage in:

    • fully equipped workshop;
    • delivery of finished products;
    • purchase of raw materials;
    • additional expenses;
    • rental and repair of premises.

    Considering the size of the investment, we can say that the payback of the enterprise will take at least 3-4 years with average productivity and normal profitability, and an acceptable price policy. We must not forget about the salary of your team, which, by the way, should consist of confectioners, technologist, storekeeper, loaders, sales manager.

    Another item of expenditure will be utility bills and expenses for the transportation of products.

    Looking for a buyer

    It is necessary to think over the distribution channels for your products even at the stage of enterprise planning. It should be noted right away that the market for selling your cookies will be limited to your region, since the low cost of production will not allow you to recoup the costs of transportation to remote cities.

    The main way of marketing the manufactured goods is small retail stores, supermarkets. At the same time, it is better to start with the first ones, since in large markets you often have to reduce the cost in order to get on their shelves.

    The main thing is to be flexible in a rapidly changing market and not to forget that customers value quality first and foremost.

    How to start a cookie production: Video

    Something supernatural has to happen for people to stop buying sweets, including cookies. The business will be profitable if you find distribution channels, arrange the production of relatively large batches on modern equipment and in compliance with the recipe.

    According to statistics, flour confectionery products are firmly included in the group of products that are in constant demand among the Russian consumer. Competition in this market segment can be viewed as moderate.

    Basically, the market is occupied by handicraft small workshops of low productivity with high production costs. Based on these facts, the business of producing cookies on modern equipment seems to be very promising. Consider a business plan for organizing the production of biscuits with a capacity of up to 4 tons per shift.

    Production technology

    A detailed presentation of the technology for the production of cookies is not included in our plans, therefore, we will limit ourselves to listing its main stages:

    • Preparation of raw materials and components.
    • Kneading the dough.
    • Cookie molding.
    • Baking cookies.
    • Chilling biscuits.
    • Package.

    Organization of product sales

    The sale of food products with a short shelf life is characterized by territorial reference. In addition, high transport costs due to the low cost of goods make it economically unjustified to transport it over long distances.

    Large and medium-sized cities have always had a lot of confectionery factories, biscuits production shops, so the appearance of another shop producing inexpensive high-quality bulk cookies will in no way prevent it from becoming the sales leader in this segment.

    Imports are poorly represented here (no more than 10-15%), which is explained by the specifics of the products.

    Sales can be organized through:

    • Wholesalers specializing in food products.
    • Regional and federal grocery chains.

    Premises for production

    The total area of ​​the premises required for the production of cookies must be at least 250 sq. m with a ceiling height of 3.2 m. Areas should include:

    • Technological premises.
    • Warehouses.
    • Amenity rooms and sanitary facilities for staff.
    • The premises for production and other purposes must comply with SanPiN, with the provision of water supply and sewerage, the input of 380 V electricity, convenient transport entrances.


    Consider the work of a workshop in one shift. We give the number of personnel, professions and positions, official salaries or salaries of each and the monthly salary fund in total. The total number of personnel will be 15 people. Of them:

    • Manager - 1 person salary 35 t. rub., total: 35 t. rub.
    • Production technologist - 1 person. salary 30 t. rub., total: 30 t. rub.
    • Sales manager - 1 person. salary 30 t. rub., total: 30 t. rub.
    • Storekeeper - 1 person. salary 20 t. rub., total: 20 t. rub.
    • Shop manager - 1 person salary 25 thousand rubles, total: 25 thousand rubles.
    • Workers - 6 people. salary 15 t. rub., total: 90 t. rub.
    • Movers - 4 people. salary 12 thousand rubles, total: 48 thousand rubles.

    Total: 15 people, fund of monthly salary of 278 thousand rubles.

    Capital cost statement

    Capital expenditures will include the cost of purchasing technological equipment for the production of cookies and the cost of delivery, start-up and adjustment of it, as well as working capital - the cost of raw materials and some other costs.

    There is currently no shortage of equipment. We have chosen an automatic line for the production of biscuits with a capacity of up to 450 kg per hour made in China.

    Capital costs will be:

    • Automatic line for the production of cookies - 13.5 million rubles;
    • Transportation costs for the delivery of the line - 1.35 million rubles;
    • Installation and adjustment of the line - 1.0 million rubles;
    • Working expenses (raw materials, advertising, etc.) - 3.5 million rubles.

    Total: 19.35 million rubles.

    Revenue of the biscuit production workshop

    The calculation of the proceeds will be made on the basis of the condition of the workshop in one shift, the presence of a technological break and a lunch break and a monthly workload of 22 shifts.

    Based on the productivity of the equipment and the given data, the monthly volume of biscuits produced will be 79.2 tons. The cost of 1 ton of cookies in bulk starts from 42 thousand rubles. With a monthly output of 79.2 tons, the volume of sales per month will amount to 3 326 400 rubles.

    Calculation of the cost of production

    For the production of 1 tone of cookies, 1200 kg of raw materials (flour, sugar, margarine, milk, etc.) are required. The daily consumption of raw materials is 4.28 tons, and at a cost of 17,700 rubles. per tonne the replacement cost will be 75,827 rubles, respectively, for 22 shifts - 1,668,190 rubles.

    Electricity costs per shift will amount to 9,492 rubles, for 22 shifts 284,760 rubles. The total cost of production will be: per shift - 85,319 rubles, per month 1,952,950 rubles.

    Total expenses per month

    • Salary - 278,000 rubles.
    • Rent of premises - 200,000 rubles.
    • Advertising expenses - 50,000 rubles.
    • Transport costs - 100,000 rubles.
    • Utility costs - 10,000 rubles.
    • Accounting costs (outsourcing) - 25,000 rubles.
    • Other expenses - 35,000 rubles.

    Total: 698,000 rubles.

    • Profit calculation
    • Sales - 3 326 400 rubles.
    • The cost price is 1 852 950 rubles.
    • Profit (gross) - 1,373,450 rubles.
    • Costs - 698,000 rubles.
    • Profit (before tax) - 675 450 rubles.
    • Tax (15%) - 101,318 rubles.
    • Profit (net) - 574,133 rubles.
    • Profitability - 17.3%


    Capital investments amount to 19,350,000 rubles, net profit - 574,133 rubles. per month. The ratio of these values ​​will give the equipment payback period of about 34 months. The payback period can be significantly reduced by organizing the work of the workshop in 2-3 shifts.

    Organizational and legal form of business. Taxation

    The most is individual entrepreneurship (IE) with a simplified taxation system (“income minus expenses”). Under such a system, a tax return is submitted once a year in April.
    List of taxes payable:

    • Income tax - 15%
    • – 32%
    • Income tax - 13%

    Your competitiveness

    The most important component of your success. Do not count on a successful business if you are going to produce a "gray" standard range. If you set yourself the task not only to stay in the market, but also to occupy your niche in it with the prospect of development, then the quality of products should in itself provide a competitive advantage.

    And the point is not at all about the mandatory expansion of the assortment: on the contrary, it can be reduced. Your products should be different from those offered by the stores in your city. And it can differ only for the better. This is the only key to your success!

    Get the best taste and quality. Each individual cookie you have should be better than anything else on offer. The only way! Otherwise, there is no point in starting such a business.