How to restore your broken energy field on your own. Prayer restoring the biofield

There are many techniques, but not all of them are to strengthen their biofield or restore it by closing the holes in the aura. In this material, we have selected the most effective techniques.

In the article:

How to strengthen your biofield and aura

The topics of how to strengthen your biofield and how to strengthen your aura are closely interrelated. To understand this, you need to understand the definitions. What is a biofield? Biofield- a thin, energy layer that surrounds every living being. If you do not go into details, then you can notice with the naked eye a great similarity between the biofield and the aura. Moreover, the effects on the aura and the effects on the biofield are similar. By the nature and the effect that it has on a person.

So how to strengthen the human biofield? - Through the aura, of course. There are several effective techniques, which we will list. The first, and the simplest is respiratory. Breathing is an important part of any meditation. It affects not only the body, but also the emotional state. When stressed, it is advised to go out, breathe - and for good reason. But in order to strengthen the aura, you need to breathe in a certain way.

Inhale deeply with your left nostril. Suck in air until you feel overcrowded. Now you need to close both nostrils with your fingers and wait for 16 seconds. Feel the air with every part of your lungs, your body. Now breathe out. But already through the right nostril. Exhale all the way until you feel your lungs are empty. Repeat the procedure for a few minutes. Simple and effective, the main thing is to maintain a clear rhythm.

Second practice directly refers to yoga. It will take time to complete. It is designed for those times when you can concentrate on strengthening. Get into a comfortable position - no matter which one. The main thing here is purely your convenience. You can breathe as described above. This will simplify the whole operation. Then close your eyes and imagine, a meter above your head, a point consisting of a scalding white flame. Mentally grasp the point with your hands, stroke it.

The light should change from white but golden. It no longer burns, its light is pleasing to the eye. Let the fire stretch out in a stream and begin to slowly pour into your biofield. After a few minutes, you will feel warmth surrounding your head and chest. When all the fire flows into the biofield, sit like this for a few more minutes. Let the process calm down. This method can be used not only to strengthen, but also to close the holes in the aura.

A common problem with the aura is its excessive compression, or vice versa, elongation. Both of these conditions are harmful to humans. In the first case, you will feel overly constrained. Any decision will be taken hard, with a lot of thoughts and doubts. In the second - absent-mindedness, a desire to escape from the real world. Any problem encountered will seem like an insurmountable obstacle. In order to cope with this problem, there is the following technique.

Get into a comfortable position. For preparation, you can carry out the first two exercises - this will greatly facilitate the task. Close your eyes, concentrate. Try to imagine your aura, let it surround you. Here you need to succumb to your inner feelings. Let your subconscious tell you what is your aura? Stretched out? Compressed? What feelings appear in the chest when you try to imagine it? Trembling and emptiness, or tightness like a belt? Feelings will tell you exactly what problems are happening with your aura.

Now more about what to do if the aura is compressed. Breathe in deeply. Let the compression strap stretch to its limit, pulling a hot band across your chest. Keep breathing, pulling it tighter and tighter each time. And when you feel that it will burst soon - hold your breath. Draw a mental line as if cutting through a belt. If you do everything right, then the oppressive feeling will disappear.

What if the aura is stretched? The relaxed position is occupied, you have a clear idea of ​​her. Now mentally squeeze the aura with your hands. But not rudely, but gently, as if stroking. Walk along it with your palms like on clay on a potter's wheel. Let this shapeless lump return to its original state. Continue doing this for a few minutes until the aura looks like a neat cocoon around your body.

A method to restore a person's aura and close holes

Just as in the previous section, answering the question of how to restore the human aura, we will also answer the question of how to restore the human biofield. You need to approach this task in a comprehensive manner, because at such moments you need to patch everything holes in the aura person. Energy will flow through them. Dissolving in the atmosphere, it will deprive you of a particle of happiness. It is necessary to stop the loss as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences can be the most dire. Moreover, diseases, both physical and psychological, penetrate precisely through such holes. Weaknesses in your defense.

First of all, it is worth figuring out - why does this happen? Holes in the aura are caused by strong negative emotions as well. Fear, hatred, grief - all this can damage the energy shell. At such moments, a person seems to be teasing emotionally. Severe stress arises, which can turn life into sheer suffering. How to deal with these troubles?

This technique can be performed with both hands and. The second option is more effective, but only if the crystal is selected correctly. How exactly to choose it is an extensive question, so we will not consider it here.

Choose an empty seat. Stand up, close your eyes and even out your breathing. Listen to yourself, disconnect from the rest of the world. Shake your hands several times until a feeling of even warmth settles in them. Now start moving your palms next to your body, from top to bottom. Start from the top of your head and end at the level of your feet. Listen carefully to what your hands are feeling. Soon you will stumble upon holes - gaps where the palms will feel cold. Shake your hands or crystal after each such pass. After a few minutes of such exercises, the feeling of failure will disappear - the aura is restored.

Biofield protection from negative influences

After recovery and strengthening, you need to make sure that there are no more of these problems. At least for a while. And then the question arises - how to protect your biofield? Emotional rubbish will gradually destroy it. And then there are new holes, violations and much more... So the biofield needs to be protected, protected. After all, by protecting him, you are protecting yourself. Help ensure that life will never unsettle you again.

The answer is quite simple - along with the biofield, you need to know how to protect your aura. One is impossible without the other. If you do not follow the foundation, then the building will collapse, and if you do not strengthen the walls, then the house will fall apart. By supporting one, you follow the other. Such operations work in a complex manner, in close connection - a spiritual symbiosis, so to speak.

How to protect your aura and your biofield? You can use amulets and charms. They are quite versatile, but you need to be careful to ensure that they do not deteriorate. The basis for any such artifact should be a specular surface. Thus, they seem to reflect any negative that flies in your direction. The main thing is not to forget to feed it with the right mantras and thought forms. Cast them at least two to three times a day. Thus, they will always be on guard, saving the biofield from foreign influences.

The second option is mental. It requires a lot of experience and at least the initial makings. At the very beginning of the day, you should immerse yourself in thought for a few seconds. Visualize your aura, let it cover you with a cocoon, protecting you from the world around you. Now slowly but surely start creating a ball around the aura and biofield. Present it in every detail. Feel its weight, density. Weigh it in your hands. He must become as real as possible. Lie down for a few minutes, let this image settle in your head. Everything is ready, you are protected. But remember to rebuild the ball throughout the day. Remember the morning image where the ball is safe and sound.

Protection, restoration, strengthening of the biofield is the most important part of the life of any person. Using the practices that we have presented, you do not have to worry about the hairiness of the protective cocoon. This will support not only your mental health, but also your physical health.

In contact with

Do you know what your fate and health? They depend on integrity auras... Extraneous negative energy deforms the structure auras, and ultimately leads a person to problems and diseases. One of the tools restoration of the aura- music created using a special technology. Each of her sounds has a multi-level frequency structure that resonates with the waves of the human brain, and is perceived on subconscious level. Such music can work wonders, plunging into the depths of oneself. She can direct your body's resources to healing and recovery, can inspire you, erase negative emotions, stop the hustle and bustle and take you to a fantastically beautiful world.

This music can be used for meditations, relaxation and just for relaxation.





Cleansing and Healing of the Aura

Is a luminous energy field around the body. It is created by generating energy in chakras and each chakra affects the aura field. When the chakras are barely open or damaged, the aura can appear dull and weak. And if you healthy and emotionally open, then you will have more open and active chakras and a stronger and more energetic aura.

The size of the aura is the larger, the more a person is spiritually developed and the stronger his energetic potential. An internally weak person has little radiation. The density of the aura speaks of the strength of a person's personality. The more purposeful a person is, the more harmonious his behavior, the more powerful and dense he becomes aura... Low density can be in a person who is in a state of depression and energy decline. If your aura is compressed, then it can only extend to a distance of 30-40 cm from your body. Too stretched, with a radius of 2 to 800 meters, becomes when you are in an absent-minded state.

Neither type of aura is ideal. Tighter - Usually makes the person feel more constrained, timid, and detached. Moreover, such feelings can also become the reason for the formation of such an aura.
Too long - can lead to distraction, a desire to escape from reality and a tendency to feel emotions, thoughts and even pain of those who fall into the area of ​​distribution of the aura.
We must strive to ensure that aura was ovoid and evenly distributed around the body. The most optimal is the radius of the aura, equal to 0.6 - 1 m. (But not more) in all directions. This size of the aura can be considered the most convenient, especially in crowded places.

The process of cleansing and healing the aura

1. With your eyes closed, feel the area around your body. Try to feel the state of the aura: tight and dense, weak and diffused, or energetic and soft.

2. First, just spread your breath about 30 cm around your body. Using your breath or intuition, determine how far your aura extends.

3. Now mentally imagine a rain of golden liquid light pouring down on you from above and passing through the field of your aura. Let it pour for at least two to five minutes for the first time. Note all the delightful sensations it made you.

4. Then mentally visualize a huge violet flame covering your entire aura, including the area under your feet. Don't worry, it won't hurt. It will transform low frequency energies in high-frequency, which are more natural for the state of being. If this is your first experience with the violet flame, then stay inside it for only one or two minutes. As a result of using this method, you may feel warmer and hotter. energy... If you overdo it, you may experience an overflow condition caused by the burning of old energies at the etheric level. Therefore, take a moderate approach at first; over time, by experimenting, you can develop your own level for yourself.

5. When finished, remove the violet flame and open your eyes. Most people visualizing this rain for the first time note that they feel more cheerful, mentally clearer and brighter. This is a simple yet effective way cleanse from negative or alien energies that you "picked up".

Find out your aura color

Different people can sparkle with the most bizarre color combinations.
All the contradictory thoughts and feelings that absorb the soul of a person every moment of his life create all kinds of combinations of shades in the color palette of the aura.
However, one of the colors is always dominant. In a calm, harmonious state of mind, a person will certainly return to his leading, basic color - the main background aura, which is associated with his individual perception of the world around him and indicates his life purpose.
The famous New Zealand parapsychologist Richard Webster proposes a numerological method for determining the basic background of the aura. Add the numbers of the day, month and year of your birth. For example: 25.03.1975 = 2 + 5 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 32. Reduce the resulting number to one-digit by adding: 3 + 2 = 5. There are only two exceptions to the general rule. The addition may result in the numbers 11 and 22. These are known as "dominant" and should not be reduced.

Number 1 corresponds to red.
Red indicates sensuality and love of life. Carriers of red background aura- people are ambitious, purposeful, liberated and optimistic.

* Advice for people with a red aura background. Set yourself a worthy goal that will inspire and be a source of pride for you.

Number 2 corresponds to orange.
Orange indicates emotion and health... The orange background of the aura makes the wards sociable, kind and sensitive to the needs of other people.

* Advice for people with orange aura background. Find an activity that gives you the feeling of accomplishing a noble task.

Number 3 corresponds to yellow.
Yellow indicates creativity and intelligence. Carriers of the yellow background of the aura are sociable people and capable of self-expression through creative activity. Their presence warms and enchants those around them.

* Advice for people with a yellow aura background. Define the circle of your interests, choose a business you like and try to achieve excellence in this area.

Number 4 corresponds to green.
Green is a great color of nature, and those people who emit it are not only easily adaptable to circumstances, but also compassionate, responsive, love friendly communication.

* Advice for people with a green aura background. Set yourself new tasks and in the process of their implementation engage in self-improvement.

Number 5 corresponds to blue.
The color blue indicates a talent for teaching, a love of travel and a desire for the search for truth.
The blue background of the aura implies creativity, a rich imagination and a bright mind. The bearers of the blue background of the aura feel forever young and capable of any accomplishments.

* Advice for people with a blue aura background. Try to focus on one thing and don't start a new business without completing the previous one.

Number 6 corresponds to blue.
The blue color indicates nobility and humanism. As a rule, bearers of the blue aura background are confident, responsible and caring in relation to those around them. Other people instinctively feel this attitude and are drawn to them.

* Advice for people with a blue aura background. Do not forget about rest, learn to relax and remember that you cannot take responsibility for everything that happens.

Number 7 corresponds to purple.
Purple indicates spirituality, intuition and clairvoyance. The carriers of the violet background of the aura have heightened sensitivity and the gift of intuition.
When helping other people, they show restraint and tact. As a rule, they do not like to turn to someone for help and rely on their own strength.

* Advice for people with a purple aura background. Learn not to withdraw into yourself and try to express your emotional experiences out loud.

Number 8 corresponds to pink.
The pink color indicates materialism, dedication and hard work. People with a pink aura background tend to be gentle and caring.
Nevertheless, these qualities do not prevent them from adhering to their own convictions and, if necessary, firmly defend their point of view. They always find time to take care of loved ones.

* Advice for people with a pink aura background. In addition to caring for others, try not to forget about yourself and your interests.

Number 9 corresponds to bronze color.
The bronze color indicates humanism and self-sacrifice. The bearers of the bronze background of the aura are gentle, caring and decisive at the same time.
They willingly help others and do it unobtrusively. Most people with a bronze aura background tend to think positively.

* Advice for people with a bronze aura background. Remember to devote your attention to your own aspirations and needs.

Number 11 corresponds to silver.
The silver color indicates a person's intuition, idealism and daydreaming. The bearers of the silver background of the aura are spiritual people endowed with a rich creative imagination and an extraordinary intuitive gift.
They are noble, honest and trusting. In choosing acquaintances, they rely on their own intuition and try to see only positive traits in people.

* Advice for people with a silver aura background. Learn to rest and relax to prevent nervous overload.

Number 22 corresponds to gold color.
The golden color indicates the limitless potential. The golden background of the aura indicates the presence of extraordinary abilities and a sense of responsibility. Such people are successful.
They have high ideals and goals, the realization of which makes them happy. The bearers of the golden background of the aura are born leaders, the energy of which is transmitted to those around them.

* Advice for people with a golden aura background. Know how to find time for solitude and recuperation of your own strength.

Regardless of what the main background is, the main thing is for the aura to carry light. This quality depends on the state of mind of a person, his inner attitude and the level of his spiritual development. To work on the luminosity of your own aura means to work on improving your inner world.


This set of exercises allows you to restore the biofield and make the aura "impenetrable" for various energy influences.

What to do to restore the biofield?

This set of exercises effectively eliminates holes in the aura and restores the biofield. This allows you to prevent the loss of energy, which is extremely important for spiritual growth and the development of superpowers, restores health, gives a boost of vitality and vigor.

Exercise "Golden skeleton"

1. Feel, sense, imagine or think about the golden energy that swirls around the legs in a clockwise direction. This energy must be allowed to enter the body through the feet. The mineral composition of the bones makes the skeleton a good conductor for this refined energy.

2. Now, bone by bone, you need to direct this golden energy through the entire skeleton: you should imagine that it rises higher and higher through the bones of the toes, the energy passes through all the bones, moves up the ankles to the knees, then goes to the bones of the thighs.

4. Next, you need to imagine how the flow of energy passes through the shoulders and shoulder blades down the chest and around the ribs.

5. Then the flow of energy is directed through the bones of the hands to the hands and to all the small bones of the hands and fingers.

6. Now you should direct your attention and energy up to the bones of the neck, draw it around the jaw through the teeth, “wash” the skull with it.

During this exercise, you should be in a relaxed state, breathe deeply. It is important to allow the golden energy to pass through all the bones of the body, to feel its movement as brightly as possible.

Exercise "Golden Brain"

In this exercise, you need to transfer all the golden energy to the brain. To do this, you should:

1. Move attention to the inside of the brain and express the intention for the brain to absorb this energy. Start with the cerebral cortex (the gray matter that covers the top of the brain).

2. Then you need to transfer the energy deeper. Just below the gray matter is the white matter - the largest part of the brain. White matter is responsible for the development of psychic abilities. The white matter should be allowed to absorb this golden energy like a sponge. Consciousness will independently distribute energy between the two hemispheres.

You need to direct the golden energy into it and completely surround this small point with it, and then express the intention so that this energy is completely absorbed into the pituitary gland.

You should also mentally voice your intention to activate the hormonal changes that you desire. The pituitary gland is the first point of contact energetically connected to the pineal gland.

4. Now you should move your attention to the center of the brain. This site is sometimes called the sacred chamber. This is where the pineal gland is located. It is a small kidney-shaped dot. It is necessary to direct the energy into it and express the intention so that this golden energy is completely absorbed into this center.

5. Also in this part of the brain is the hypothalamus² and thalamus³. The thalamus is a fan-shaped organ composed of gray matter surrounded by white matter. The two sections of the thalamus are located in the two hemispheres of the brain. The thalamus is responsible for the power of visualization.

At this stage, you should imagine a golden butterfly in the center of the head. The intention is to enhance its radiance with the help of golden energy.

Here is an ovoid organ called the varoli bridge. This ovoid organ should be imagined to be completely covered in radiant golden light.

7. After that, the strongest intention is to direct the golden energy down the entire spinal cord.

During this exercise, you need to be relaxed and breathe deeply.

Restoration of the aura through the endocrine system

In this step, the golden energy travels through the entire endocrine system. This requires:

1. Focus the golden energy within the parathyroid and thyroid glands, which are located in the lower part of the throat. An intention must be expressed for the golden energy to be completely absorbed into these glands.

2. The thymus gland is located above the region of the heart under the rib cage. This is the point at which all the energy of the body is accumulated. Strengthening the radiation of energy in the area above the heart is one of the key moments in the restoration of the biofield.

By directing energy to this center, we heal the energy body, restore the aura.

To do this, you should direct the golden energy to the thymus gland and give the command so that this energy is fully absorbed. With an effort of will, you need to imagine as clearly as possible the filling of this gland with golden energy. Subsequently, from this center, the energy will feed the entire region of the heart.

3. Then you need to shift your attention to the heart muscle. The heart is not part of the endocrine system. But, nevertheless, the sac that surrounds the heart must be filled with this healing energy. This will improve the functioning of the heart and heal the entire body.

4. To the left of the navel is the pancreas, it also needs to be nourished with golden energy.

5. Now you need to shift your attention to the middle of the back - to the adrenal glands or adrenal glands. They are located above the kidneys. These internal organs should be energized with the power of intention.

6. Then you need to move your attention a little further down - to the ovaries or testicles, directing golden energy into them.

The energy then travels down through the thighs, lower legs, and ankles into the feet.

Energy grounding to restore biofield

At this stage, the energy should be “grounded”. To do this, you should direct the golden energy, which rotates around the legs clockwise into the ground. There, this energy changes due to the vibrational frequencies of the earth and comes out of it in the form of a concentrated beam (all steps must be imagined as vividly as possible).

Then this ray of energy must be directed through the entire body, passing it through all energy centers - chakras⁴. A change in energy can be felt as a change in temperature or a tingling sensation.

Restoration of the biofield through human energy centers

Life center

First, to restore the aura, energy is directed to 1 energy center. To nourish it with energy, you should:

1. Direct attention to the base of the spine (coccyx area) and feel, feel or imagine a glowing red sphere in this area. It is necessary to imagine how a golden ray gently enters this sphere and fills it, as a result of which the sphere begins to radiate in all directions.

Then you need to direct the beam of golden energy to the next energetic creative-sexual center.

Creative and Sexual Center

This is the second energy center of the human body. It is located approximately between the top edge of the pubic bone and the navel and appears as an orange sphere. To nourish this center with golden energy, you need:

1. Focus your attention on this center and imagine how a golden ray of energy fills the orange sphere.

2. By filling the sphere with energy, the intention should be expressed to bless, strengthen and balance this center. This is how we awaken our sexuality and creativity.

During the exercise, you should be relaxed and breathe deeply.

Solar plexus area

Further, the energy beam is directed higher and reaches the solar plexus area. This is another energy center. It should be represented as a yellow sphere. As you fill the sphere with energy, you should express your intention to bless, strengthen, and balance that center.

Breathing during work is calm, the state is relaxed.

Heart area

Next, you should direct your attention and the golden ray of energy higher, to the center of the heart. It is an emerald sphere. Having nourished this area with energy, you need to move your attention just above the heart - to the area of ​​the thymus gland. The intention should be to intensify the golden light in this part of the body. During the exercise, you can feel warmth in the area of ​​the heart.

When there is a feeling of fullness, you can move on to the next center.

Throat area

The throat area is another energy center in our body. It appears as a blue sphere. This center is a special gateway: it is a place where the energy of heaven and earth merges and transforms into the life force of a person. It is the center of truth, which is why the words we speak are so powerful.

Having reached this center with attention, you need to imagine how a golden ray fills the throat area and restores energy.

You can slowly turn your head from side to side while the energy feeds the throat area.

Then you should take a deep breath and focus on the area between the eyebrows.

"Third Eye"

To do this, you need to focus on this area and direct the beam of golden energy upward, through the center of the brain, closer to the forehead. This is where the indigo area is. Imagination should concentrate the ray in this center, imagining how it is filled with energy and begins to glow like a precious stone.

In this work, the intention should be expressed to develop superpowers, deepen wisdom and increase understanding. This area is also associated with telepathy, the development of the sixth sense.

Crown area

After the center of the eyebrow is filled with energy, you should transfer your attention and a ray of golden energy up to the center of the crown. You should imagine how the golden energy begins to circle around the crown of the head, forming a halo above the head.

Delay and Ejection

Then, with strong intention, you need to exhale the air through the mouth, imagining during the exhalation a fountain of colored energy rising up through the head and spiraling downward. This colored energy envelops the body, restores the biofield, strengthens the connection with the energy of the earth.

This concludes the exercise. It is advisable to do this practice daily. This will help not only restore energy and biofield, but also strengthen the aura, make it "impenetrable" for negative influences⁵, which in turn will have a beneficial effect on overall health.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The pituitary gland is an appendage in the form of a rounded formation located on the lower surface of the brain in a bone pocket called the sella turcica that produces hormones that affect growth, metabolism and reproductive function (Wikipedia).

² The hypothalamus is a small area in the diencephalon that includes a large number of groups of cells (over 30 nuclei) that regulate the neuroendocrine activity of the brain and homeostasis of the body (Wikipedia).

³ Thalamus - the area of ​​the brain responsible for the redistribution of information from the senses, with the exception of smell, to the cerebral cortex (

A healthy human energy field looks like an egg-shaped cocoon that completely surrounds the body. The field thickness ranges from several tens of centimeters to several meters. The thicker and more powerful the field, the better health, the higher the energy potential of a person.

The main violations of the energy field are a decrease in its thickness, curvature and breakdowns. A small thickness indicates poor health, it may indicate an unhealthy diet and a suboptimal lifestyle. Curvatures and breakdowns are direct harbingers of disease.

Meditative methods of restoring the energy field

In serious situations, you should entrust the restoration of the field to an experienced bioenergy therapist. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to work on your own field. However, such work can still be done.

You can use the following exercise to restore the energy field. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in a comfortable position. If you find it difficult to sit upright, spread something soft, place your back on a pillow, etc. The main conditions: the spine should be straight, your posture should be comfortable.

The task is to pump all chakras, from mooladhara to sahasrara. The exact location of the chakras can be found on the net. First concentrate on mooladhara, visualizing the chakra as a luminous red ball with a diameter of about 5 cm. Concentration time is about 5 minutes. You don't need to spot it, work by feeling. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of warmth in the chakra area. As soon as you succeed, move on to the next chakra, etc. Chakra activation is a very good exercise for re-energizing the body.

A similar activation can be done at bedtime while lying in bed. After pumping the chakras, visualize your aura. Imagine it in dazzling white - the brighter white you can imagine, the better.

Energy gymnastics

An excellent way to restore energy is to use Hermes gymnastics, its description can be found on the Internet. A set of exercises allows you to restore the circulation of energy in the body, to raise the overall energy level.

Chinese Taijiquan gymnastics is also perfect for restoring energy. Its main advantage is that even elderly or weakened people can do it. It restores energy very well, but requires long regular exercise.

Perfectly restores energy and normal running. Regular daily jogging quickly normalizes the energy field, gives you vigor and optimism.

Proper nutrition

The energy of the body is highly dependent on the quality of nutrition. Eliminate from the diet any foods containing preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and other additives. Eat more natural foods with minimal cooking. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet, as well as fish. Minimize your consumption of baked goods.

Positive thinking

Try to be optimistic and avoid negative thoughts. Remember that constant worries, thinking about problems in the most negative way affect the energy of the body. Concentrate on the positive, watch comedy, listen to good music, and meet friends. The better you feel, the more powerful your energy and healthier will be.

Biofield is a person's energy-informational field. Since ancient times, teachers and followers of various traditions have been able to see such a field and maintain human health with the help of esoteric knowledge. They are based on Ayurveda, ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine and others. This knowledge has come down to our time and is widely used.

The biofield looks like an egg-shaped cocoon that surrounds a person. Otherwise, it is called an aura. By its appearance, conclusions are drawn about a person's health, the direction of his thoughts, life experience and other energy-information components.

A conclusion about the approximate, general state of a person can be made by the magnitude of the aura. In healthy people, it varies in the range of 40-60 cm. With existing diseases in humans, it shrinks to 15-30 cm. In people with a rich energy potential and excellent health, it ranges from 1 m or more.

How to see the biofield

You can see the biofield with the help of various devices and with the help of your eyes during a certain training. Devices for seeing aura:

  • gas-discharge chamber, developed by S. D. Kirlian;
  • Korotkov apparatus operating on the basis of electrography;
  • crownoscope - a modern apparatus and others.

The natural way is to learn to see the biofield with your own eyes. To do this, you need to practice, be able to focus your gaze correctly. Anyone can develop this skill. One of the available and effective methods is described in the DEIR school at the first stage. The books are freely available on the Internet.

The reasons for the weakening of the biofield

Physical and mental health are intertwined, so they flow into each other. The biofield shows the general state of human energy, as well as its specific particulars. There are the following main reasons for the deformation of the energy cocoon:

  1. Physics level:
  • improper posture, spinal diseases, muscle clamps;
  • various diseases, especially chronic;
  • unhealthy diet, bad habits;
  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle and others.
  1. At the etheric level:
  • improper breathing;
  • lack of fresh air and stay in nature;
  • the habit of a weakened state of the body.
  1. On the astral level:
  • frequent negative emotions;
  • problems in relationships with people;
  • lack of sleep and others.
  1. At the mental level:
  • unnecessary, useless thoughts and constant identification of one's essence with them;
  • negative thoughts;
  • thinking a lot about the past and the future instead of being in the present.

The consequences of weakening the biofield

There are such consequences from deformations of the energy cocoon:

  • manipulation, disrespectful attitude, insults and other negative influences from the people around, the complexity of relations with them;
  • frequent accidents, bad luck in many or all areas of life;
  • chronic and acute diseases;
  • energy vampirism, dependence on loved ones;
  • lack of desire to help other people, develop spiritually and others.

Ways to restore human biofield

Healers know how to strengthen the human biofield. If you have a goal to restore it with the help of a healer, you should only contact a trusted person. Best of all through a friend who has already recovered from him. In addition, there are ways to restore the biofield on your own. Let's consider them.


There are many different types of meditations. One of the simplest and most effective is done in this way:

  1. Sit back in a comfortable position and relax.
  2. Close your eyes and tune in to the correct breathing - breathe only through your nose, exhalation is longer than inhalation.
  3. Visualize a colorful cocoon of energy around you.
  4. Then visualize a ray of sunshine from heaven entering the crown chakra located at the crown of the head.
  5. Fill yourself with this radiant, light energy. The biofield will gradually expand.
  6. Reach out to your subconscious and forgive yourself for all your negative thoughts and actions. Give him the mindset to renew the body with fresh, clean energy.


If you are of the Christian faith, read sincere prayers often. The most effective for cleansing the aura are "Our Father", "Life-giving Cross", Psalms and others. When reading, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Pray in a quiet, secluded place so that no one can interfere with you.
  2. Repent before prayer.
  3. Surround yourself with a supportive environment. Place the desired icon, hold the cross, light church candles, use incense, preferably incense.
  4. Don't ask to punish those responsible for your problem. Moreover, in the first place, a person is always to blame for his own troubles.
  5. Read one specific prayer at least 7 times.
  6. Include words of gratitude in your prayer.

If you are an atheist, then use the following healing methods. If not, combine them together with prayers or meditations.


Do wellness gymnastics. You can pick up some exercises from the books of Paul Bragg, IP Neumyvakin, the Tibetan gymnastics complex "Eye of Rebirth" and others that are performed at home. The most effective are hatha yoga, tai chi chuan, Slavic health, but it is better to perform them with a mentor.

Relax every day with yoga nidra techniques or similar.

Self-massage various parts of your body. Massages of feet, palms and ears are especially relevant. Reflex points are located on them, affecting the work of all internal organs.

Proper nutrition

Observe the following principles of proper nutrition:

  • Give up bad habits, alcohol, canned food, semi-finished products and other junk food.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water a day.
  • Make the right diet to get all the elements you need. Carbohydrates should be about 60%, proteins 10-12%, fats about 30%.
  • Set yourself up for healing fasting days. According to the reviews of people leading a healthy lifestyle, many praise the method of Paul Bragg.
  • Use medicinal decoctions, tinctures.

Additional methods

Add the following additional methods for purifying the biofield:

  • Listen to relaxing music, new age, classics. Of the classical, Mozart is preferred.
  • Use a variety of incense.
  • Learn Feng Shui and follow its principles.

  • treat your diseases with all effective methods, especially chronic ones;
  • always breathe correctly;
  • be in nature more often and treat it with respect and love - then it will reciprocate and feed you with vitality;
  • when you feel tired, do not identify with such a state;
  • try to maintain a good, positive mood in any life circumstances;
  • work out psychological clamps from the past, complexes;
  • communicate openly with people and try to find a good social circle;
  • learn the techniques of proper communication with energy vampires in order to isolate themselves from them and at least not to feed them unfairly;
  • learn to put energy protection;
  • control your thoughts, learn to stop internal dialogue.

Now you know how to restore your biofield on your own. Apply the above methods and principles of biofield restoration. Explore the recommended techniques of some authors and "may the force be with you"!