How to decorate a bathroom door with your own hands. Door decoration methods

As a person is judged by his clothes, so about any living space, one is judged by the doors. Therefore, sometimes in order to update the design of a room, you do not need to carry out expensive repairs, but you can make an original door decor with your own hands.

Doors perform two complementary functions: firstly, they limit and separate the spaces of one room from another and, secondly, they are elements of the overall interior of adjacent rooms or even the entire apartment, which form the visual and functional space of the rooms bounded by the doors. However, door decoration can be carried out not only because of the aesthetic renewal of the living space, but also for trivial reasons, such as the appearance of scratches or cracks, as well as chips on the canvas. In these cases, the main purpose of decoration may be to hide various defects in the door leaf, but this may become an opportunity to update the design of the entire living space.

So, there are a huge number of ways to make the decor of interior doors with your own hands, as well as the decor of the front door, and the simplest and most affordable of them are associated with decorating door leaves with wallpaper.

We paste over the door with wallpaper

To carry out such a decoration, doors are used both on paper and on a different basis, as well as fabric and various types of liquid wallpaper. Any way to update doors using decoration involves preparing the door leaf for this procedure. Decorating an interior door is no exception to this rule. In the process of preparing for decoration, they not only get rid of the previous coating - this makes it possible to identify and also eliminate previously hidden defects of the product.

Preparation for door decoration is as follows:

  1. Removing old paint. To do this, using a construction hair dryer, you need to warm up the old paint and scrape it off the canvas with a spatula.
  2. In filling with putty, detected defects, as well as elimination of irregularities. Then all problem areas, leveled with putty, need to be treated with fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. In carrying out the putty of the entire surface of the canvas. This makes it possible not only to level its entire surface, but additionally fasten its individual elements, which is very important especially for paneled canvases. After applying the putty, as well as drying it, you can go over it again with fine sandpaper.
  4. In door painting with a primer.

The choice of wallpaper and how to paste it over, for example, to apply either the same type or paneled pasting with different types of wallpaper depends on the individual preferences of whoever will do it himself. In this process, the main thing is to choose the most suitable glue for one or another type of wallpaper, and also to dilute it strictly following the instructions attached to it. In addition, you need to ensure that there are no missing areas on the surface that is smeared with glue, and you also need to carefully smooth out the newly glued wallpaper with a damp cloth or roller, so that wrinkles and air bubbles do not form.

When the glued surfaces dry, it is necessary to prevent the presence of drafts. Otherwise, all the work of such door decoration will go down the drain.

Door decor with photo wallpaper, fabric

The decor looks original with fabric wallpaper, as well as with the help of photo wallpaper. However, in the process of decorating a door with fabrics, in addition to the standard preliminary preparation of the door leaf described above, it is necessary to take into account the degree of shrinkage of the fabric. To do this, it is necessary to test the fabric, measure any small piece of it and wet it with water to wait until it dries. After that, again measure its dimensions and compare to obtain the result of shrinkage. Moreover, if the degree of shrinkage of the fabric is high, it must be wetted all over and allowed to dry, and then you can proceed to the gluing process.

It should be borne in mind that you can use both solid fabric and its fragments of various textures, as well as different colors. Now this technique of decorating doors and other surfaces is quite widely used by professional designers who call it "patchwork".

Decorating doors with liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpapers are good because they are versatile, that is, they can cover absolutely any surface, while creating very original and varied compositions, as well as patterns. However, they have significant drawbacks - they are afraid of moisture (which means that they cannot be used to decorate a bath and to decorate kitchen doors), unfortunately, they are short-lived.

In order to decorate with your own hands, you will need the following materials, as well as tools:

  • the mixture you have chosen for decoration in dry or diluted form;
  • several sized types of spatulas;
  • the so-called hopper pistol, which is a device for applying liquid mixtures;
  • roller;
  • your chosen color;
  • clear nail polish.

For decorating with liquid wallpaper, standard preparatory work has a slightly different look in terms of covering the door leaf with an alkyd-based primer and a white oil-type putty.

Preparing wallpaper mix for decorating

The very process of decorating the door consists in diluting the wallpaper mixture with warm water, while it must be thoroughly mixed - this can be done absolutely safely by hand. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture must be mixed again, but now having added the color of your choice to it. Moreover, as for the color saturation of the mixture, the more color is added, the more saturated the color will be. For example, for moderate tones, it is enough to dilute one measuring cap of the color scheme for five liters of the mixture. To realize the idea of ​​a color composition when decorating, you need to dilute mixtures with different colors in different containers.

When working with wallpaper mixes, it should be noted that their instructions for use indicate the need for 12 hours of infusion before using.

In order to apply the mixture, you need to take it in small portions on a spatula and apply to the surface by smoothing and stretching to the sides. In the process of applying the mixture to the door, you need to follow the drawings, and so that its layer should be of the same thickness. To give a relief surface, you can use a textured roller. After the decor is dry, which will take up to three days, you will need to cover it with clear varnish.

The advantages of working with mixtures are that if you did not like the first version of the door decor, as they say, the first pancake happened lumpy, then the coating can be easily washed off with warm water and then reapplied.

How to decorate a door with a mirror

As for the use of a mirror for decoration, this method is, first of all, preferable for small and dark rooms, since it allows you to visually enlarge the space of a room by adding light to it.

It is problematic to use classic mirrors for decoration due to the fact that they cannot be adjusted to the dimensions of the door itself or its individual elements. For this, the so-called acrylic panels with an amalgam surface are ideal, which, in fact, is a real mirror surface. Moreover, plastic mirrors can be easily cut, they are available in a wide variety of color shades, such that will help you easily realize the most daring original ideas, as well as designs. They cannot be broken, they are light, they adhere well to any surface, but they have one drawback - a high price.

But as they say, a good thing a priori cannot be cheap, so you have to pay dearly for high quality, practicality, aesthetics. However, with regard to acrylic mirrors, this is a justified cost.

To mount these mirrors on the door leaf itself, as well as on the back of the acrylic, you need to apply a special deep-penetrating primer, and to fix the elements of a cut or solid mirror, you can use double-sided tape or assembly glue.

Decorating the door in vintage style

This style presupposes the implementation of artificial aging of products and things, which should contrast with the brilliance of their individual decorative parts for greater sophistication and sophistication. As a rule, products decorated in vintage style are a kind of decorative art and therefore are exclusive, that is, they are not similar to any other things.

To decorate a door in vintage style, using the so-called decoupage technique, you need, for example, to have:

  1. Acrylic paint, usually white.
  2. Various rollers as well as brushes.
  3. Coarse sandpaper.
  4. Any assembly adhesive.
  5. In addition to mounting glue, there is also PVA glue.
  6. Old newspaper paper, as well as old music books.
  7. Baguette black or any other dark color.
  8. Clear nail polish

In order to paint the door to match the decor of the decoupage technique, the door must be removed from the awnings and laid horizontally. Then you need to remove the old paint and can be sanded with a coarse sandpaper.

The decoupage algorithm may look like this:

  1. Painting is done with a thin layer of white paint. And this is done with a wide brush in one direction.
  2. After the paint has dried, it is sanded to the "antiquity" state with coarse-grained sandpaper.
  3. Then they begin to decorate the central part or its paneled parts of the canvas, having previously torn up old newspapers, as well as music notebooks into random pieces of paper and randomly spreading them into areas of the door leaf greased with glue. You can smooth the paper both with your hands and with a roller. And then you can apply two coats of clear glue.
  4. The perimeter of the paper decor is pasted over with a baguette in black or any other dark color using mounting glue.

You can carry out the original decor with your own hands in other ways, using homemade material, connecting your own imagination as indefatigable, as well as realizing the ideas of your family and friends.

Sections of the article:

Over time, old doors become less attractive and require renovation. Not every person can afford to replace old doors with new ones, especially if such a step cannot be justified by an urgent need. In most cases, only repainting or decorating the door is required, after which a new life can begin at the door.

Preparing the door

Even a cracked door leaf can be updated. Do-it-yourself door decor will allow, with a minimum investment of finance and the use of often only improvised means, to update the old door beyond recognition. However, before you can decorate a wooden door, it must be thoroughly prepared.

Sequence of work

The first step is to remove the old coating. This is imperative to maximize the strength of the new coating and to remove many microbes that the old paint has absorbed. After you have removed the door leaf from the hinges, you need to put the door on a flat surface and remove the hardware. If there are glass inserts, they must be removed for the time of decoration. To remove old paint, you can use sandpaper or a solvent for this purpose. Gloves and a respirator will be needed to handle the solvent. A building hair dryer can also be used.

Once the paint has been removed, the condition of the canvas needs to be assessed. If there are cracks and chips, you need to fill them with wood putty. To ensure a flat, smooth surface, you need to process it by hand using sandpaper or a grinder. Wood cannot be wetted! It is necessary to wipe the surface of the door with a slightly damp cloth and treat it with an antiseptic.

In order to preserve the natural texture of wood, it is necessary to varnish in several layers. If you cover the canvas with a stain, the tone will be slightly darker. Thus, it is possible to turn pine into cherry (a kind of imitation of noble species), while the natural beauty and naturalness of the material are preserved. In the event that the door will not be repainted, as soon as the antiseptic dries, the surface will need to be covered with two layers of primer.

Selection of decor options

There are a lot of ways to decorate and update a door. Even without having any artistic skills, you can translate some of your ideas into reality.

The easiest way to decorate an old door is to re-paint the door with new paint. In the modern building materials market, in addition to ordinary enamel, there is a large selection of various paints.

The most optimal option at this time, how you can decorate an old door yourself, is the use of acrylic paints. When using them, you will definitely be convinced of the convenience of working with them, the absence of odor, and a wide color palette. For painting doors, you can use more than one color, but several - the main thing is to combine them correctly so that the result is only pleasing.

Alternatively, you can use water resistant latex paint to decorate the door. This option is more suitable for doors to the bathroom and nursery. Odorless latex paint, the drying speed is very fast, as a result, all the work can be done in about an hour. By painting the door to the nursery, you can attract the children themselves and come up with a unique design with them.

Application of stencils

Even if you're not a professional artist, a variety of stencils can be used to create a beautiful interior door. Using them is quite simple: you just need to attach the stencil to the door and apply paint. Once the paint is dry, the stencil should be carefully peeled off the door leaf.

And with the skills of a painter and artist, an incredibly attractive drawing can be obtained. If the resulting pattern does not suit you with something, you can always fix it - repaint it again.

If you want to get the effect of a tree or an antique item, you can use some available tools: a sponge to create spots on the surface, steel wool to get an imitation of an antique surface, a stiff brush - a jeans effect. There are also special paints on sale, with the help of which denim is imitated.

Using film

An equally simple way to decorate doors with your own hands is to use vinyl film. However, this method is only applicable to canvases that are in good condition. It will help to complement the interior of the room with bright colors. It is enough just to choose the desired option and transfer the self-adhesive film to the door. Despite the minimum time spent, the result will delight for a long time.

Ready-made stickers are available at many home improvement stores. In the event that you want to make a certain drawing from films, you can purchase a self-adhesive PVC film, having made a cardboard template in advance. Now you need to transfer the contours of the template to the film, cut out the decorative elements and glue them to the door.

Application of moldings

Moldings will help you get an original decorative finish. Using them, you can create an imitation of stucco molding - an excellent option, combined with a classic interior, antiquity. Moldings are special elements made of polyurethane or foam. Fixation on the doors is carried out with glue, which is liquid nails. With the help of moldings, any composition of door decor is possible, but it is necessary to take into account the limitations of its shape. This decor option is not suitable for sliding doors.

Mosaic decor

Do-it-yourself door decor using mosaics is quite rare and unusual. Ceramics, due to their severity, are not suitable for every door, therefore, mosaics are used much more often.

To decorate the door, it is better to insert the mosaic in fragments. This method will provide an original and striking look. Such a finish will not lead to a significant increase in the weight and thickness of the blade. If the products are made of glass, it is necessary to purchase tile adhesive in a special white color. Better yet, use clear resin or liquid glass.

Stained glass for decorating doors

Decorating doors with glass inserts is a great option for decoration. The best option is to decorate the canvas with your own hands, shops offer ready-made glass covered with film, metal inserts or glass with a pattern. Currently, the most popular method of painting glass using acrylic paints, as well as creating a stained glass window on your own.

If you choose the latter option, then you need to acquire a decorative contour mastic to create an imitation of a metal frame. To ensure uniform distribution of paint over the glass surface, work with stained-glass windows must be carried out in the "horizontal" position. As soon as the stained-glass window is dry, insert it into the panel and fix it with glazing beads.


Thanks to decoupage, it is possible to create an attractive door design without much investment. To decorate an old door using a similar technique, you only need napkins with the desired pattern, 200 ml PVA glue, a brush (preferably made of natural bristles) and acrylic varnish.

The canvas must be prepared - primed and painted in the desired color. Once the paint is dry, you can start decorating. At the napkins, separate the layer on which the drawing is depicted and tear it lengthwise into two parts.

Tear napkins with the image lengthwise into three strips. The edge should be slightly uneven. We put aside stripes with even edges for now. We tear the middle part of the napkin into squares with sides of about 3-4 centimeters.

In a small container, we dilute PVA glue in water. The proportions should be approximately 50/50. Let's start decorating.

Apply a strip with one straight edge to the area to be decorated. Using a brush dipped in glue, smooth out the fragments. The resulting folds provide the texture of the finish. In work, it must be borne in mind that wet wipes are quite elastic and gentle.

You need to work carefully with a brush dipped in glue. Step by step create a frame with one smooth and the second torn edge. Fill the middle of the frame with squares from napkins in the same way.

Do-it-yourself door decor is almost complete. If you have any difficulties, be guided by the photo in our article. Leave the finished surface to dry. After about a day, we cover the decor with acrylic varnish. The varnish should be water-based, then it has no odor. With a minimum of material costs, we obtain a beautiful door surface.

The interior door occupies an important place in the interior of the room. It serves not only as an obstacle to noise, delimits space and allows privacy, but is also a noticeable decor item.

There are several reasons that may motivate you to decorate the interior door:

  1. Firstly, despite the huge selection of ready-made (and very attractive) doors, it is sometimes very difficult to find the right model. Sometimes all the doors seem to be the same - "I've already seen this one at the neighbors'", "and this one looks like the door to our office." You don't want to repeat and acquire something unoriginal and has become banal, because your interior is unique, so the door must match.
  2. Secondly, even an old door with scratches, peeling paint and irreducible stains is not known from what you often do not want to change! After all, any replacement of the door is also the replacement of the box itself, which is associated with dust, plaster, sealing of the resulting cracks, the need to change the wallpaper (at least around the new door) - in general, with local, and sometimes overhaul.

That is why sometimes it is much easier for the owner to update an already installed door "on the spot", that is, without changing the whole box, right here in the room. Of course, in some cases, you still have to remove the door from the hinges, but this is much easier and faster than starting a full-fledged repair. Whatever the reasons that prompted you to start decorating the interior door, we will say right away that often you do not need practically anything for this, except for the materials left over from the last repair.

So, we offer you 14 ideas for decorating an interior door that you might want to bring to life by decorating your interior.

The first idea. We paint, we just paint

The easiest way, without frills and unnecessary work, to put the door in order. To do this, you will first need to remove the door from its hinges, then walk along it with a spatula, removing the old paint, level the surface with sandpaper, fill up cracks and scratches with putty, remove greasy spots, seal the glass with masking tape so as not to stain, and you can take it in hand roller or brush! It is better to choose acrylic paint - it dries faster, and painting the door in a horizontal position - so the paint will not drain and will lay down more evenly. However, if it is convenient for you to do all of the above on a vertically standing door, you can not remove it from its hinges. Just remember to put something on the floor while painting so as not to stain the linoleum or laminate flooring.

White, plain painted door. Updating it or repainting it in a different color will not be difficult, although moldings and carvings need special, careful handling when sanding and removing a layer of old paint

Second idea. We paint in several colors

The option is more complicated, although it is also associated with staining. In this case, we do not just paint the door in one color, but create a simple or complex geometric pattern from stripes, squares, rhombuses, and so on. The door must first be prepared, as in the first case - that is, cleaned of old paint and level the surface. However, in this case, we will need much more masking tape - it is with its help that you delimit the zones between stripes or rectangles. In addition, in order not to buy several cans of paint of different colors, you can purchase white paint (one liter is enough for the door), as well as several dyes with which you can experiment with shades.

Gold and white, blue and pale pink, bright stripes on a neutral background, rhombuses and winding lines - a variety of patterns and color combinations can appear on the canvas of your door

When choosing a geometric pattern, remember that a wide strip along the entire door leaf is more suitable for the country style, and for the classics it is better to choose other options, for example, paint the upper part of the door in a lighter shade and divide the parts with a horizontal strip

Third idea. Selecting moldings

Also the painting of the door, which in general is not too different from the first option. However, in this case, we will focus on the moldings, painting them in a contrasting color. White and black are a great pairing, but already well-worn, so think about which colors would work best together. Designers have long recognized white and green, blue and yellow, red and dark blue as an excellent option. Such a door will look great both in a bohemian boudoir and in a strict classic living room.

The white door with highlighted black moldings is a real classic. By the way, if your door does not have such decorations, it is easy to make them yourself - special wooden thin strips are sold, which are simply nailed to the canvas.

An unexpectedly bright, pink door that looks especially aristocratic and attractive thanks to the white-highlighted frames

The fourth idea. We paint according to the finished stencil

A very convenient and easy way to turn your door into a work of art, even if you do not have the talent of an artist. Ready-made stencils can be purchased in construction and specialized stores, or ordered on one of the sites, and the choice of drawings and patterns is very large. Then we just apply the stencil to the already prepared door and paint it on. Easy, fast and the result is very beautiful!

It is as easy as shelling pears to apply a drawing using a ready-made stencil, and the choice will allow you to choose an original inscription, an exotic pattern, and an unusual picture

Such a deliberately simple drawing can be easily created without stencils. It was the uneven lines and simplicity that became its main highlight.

Fifth idea. Art painting

Unlike all the options for decorating a door already listed, this option is not for everyone. To create a real masterpiece on an ordinary door, you need the talent of an artist and certain skills in working with brushes, since a roller is no longer enough here. Imagine that your door is a blank white canvas, on which, thanks to your skill, a beautiful landscape, a cheerful painting or an exquisite pattern will appear. Thin hand-painted painting always looks expensive and stylish, and you can achieve this effect by spending only on the purchase of paints.

Many European companies offer ready-made interior doors with artistic painting. They are, of course, not cheap, so you can try to create something similar with your own hands. Afraid it won't work? You can always just paint over a bad drawing!

Sixth idea. Children's creativity

Does your kid love to paint? Give him this opportunity - let him decorate the door to the children's room. Yes, such a naive, bright drawing would be out of place in a strict living room, but as a decoration for a children's room it is a great option. Just agree with the young artist that the second half of the door is already your field for the embodiment of fantasies!

Usually, children's paints can be washed off very easily, so your aspiring artist can paint the door again every day. But you will have to pre-prepare the canvas, putting the door in order.

The seventh idea. Unusual texture with paint

If you think that just applying paint is boring, and you are afraid to take up hand-painting, you can try to achieve unusual textures, for example, the effect of a wooden surface or an antique door, using very simple tools. So, using a sponge, you can get a spotty surface, steel wool will help to achieve the effect of an old door, a hard brush - to create an expressive surface of denim. Special ready-made paints are also sold, perfectly imitating jeans, wood, canvas, velvet or slate board.

On such a door, painted to resemble a slate board, it is convenient to leave messages to household members

Eighth idea. Wallpaper

If all the previous ideas concerned only working with paints and brushes, then this method is suitable for those who do not want to mess with paint. Wall murals will instantly transform the appearance of your interior door, turning it into a striking design element. Of course, it is best to purchase wallpaper designed specifically for doors - in this case, your drawing will definitely look complete. Ready-made wall murals usually have a standard size of 86x220 centimeters, therefore, they are suitable only for standard doors, and without moldings and glass inserts. However, now many online stores offer custom-made door murals, so you can choose the option that is ideal for your door, with any pattern. You can trim doors and regular wall murals to fit, but this may make the drawing look unfinished.

How do you like such an unusual option - a door that has been turned into a telephone booth with the help of photo wallpaper?

Before gluing the wallpaper, the door must be cleaned of stains, and the surface must be leveled, sanded and degreased with a solvent. You can use regular wallpaper glue, but PVA is much more reliable. The disadvantages of this option for decorating the door include the fact that a bright image will immediately catch the eye, so it can quickly get bored. In addition, photowall-paper on the door, due to frequent touches, will lose its original attractiveness. However, no one will prevent you from changing the wallpaper on the door to something more original in a couple of months.

Photo wallpapers with picturesque landscapes are especially popular.

Wall murals on the door will help to make a small room visually larger due to the increased panoramic perspective. And it is very easy to stick them on, for this you don't even need to remove the door from its hinges.

Ninth idea. Regular wallpaper

Previously, this decor option was very popular, but now many designers consider it bad manners. This does not prevent the usual wallpaper, "migrated" to the door, to remain a popular way of decorating the interior. Alternatively, you can buy cork wallpaper and varnish it on top for reliability. Their unusual texture will make the door more original.

Preparing the door is exactly the same as in the case of using photo wallpaper. The main advantage is cheapness, since you can use wallpaper left over from a previous repair, and ease of decoration. The main disadvantage is quick wear - wallpaper can peel off and tear at the joints.

Wallpaper glued not on the entire door, but on the parts highlighted by moldings, look more spectacular

The door, covered with the same wallpaper as the walls, will literally merge with the interior. On the reverse side, the door, of course, is pasted over with other wallpaper, so as not to stand out against the background of the wall of another room.

Idea ten. Fabric instead of wallpaper

This option will look especially cute and home-like. The door decorated with fabric looks original, the choice of fabrics is surprisingly wide today, but this method also has its drawbacks.

If you choose a single piece of fabric to decorate the door, you should take care of the original drawing.

First, when choosing a fabric, you should make sure that the glue does not stain it. Secondly, the edges of the fabric must be pre-processed, otherwise the protruding threads will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Thirdly, fabric-decorated doors are not suitable for every style of interior design. Those who are fond of patchwork, that is, creating canvases from different pieces of fabric, can turn their door into a real applique made of bright patches. By the way, if there is room for a glass insert on the door, you can hang a small curtain here, fixing it on a fishing line and small nails.

Very nice door, decorated with patchwork technology. The trouble is that such bright patches have nothing to do with the classic style of the interior, this is an option, rather, for a "rustic" and colorful country

The eleventh idea. Posters, cards, paper

An option for creatives and a great idea for a teen's room. The door can be decorated with a poster and a picture of your favorite artist or band, sheets from an old geographic atlas or sheet music. Sticking on these paper sheets and posters is as easy as using regular wallpaper.

An old geographic map will be appropriate even on the interior door of an ordinary living room, but it is better to "lodge" posters in a teenager's room

Idea twelfth. All kinds of stickers

This simple and not too expensive way to decorate a door is becoming more and more popular today. Vinyl stickers can be purchased in online stores, the cost of a model of the size of a standard door starts at 2.5 thousand rubles, they are glued very easily, and will last longer than ordinary wallpaper.

Stickers with such funny and at the same time useful inscriptions will not only decorate the doors, but also cheer up the guests.

If you do not want to hide the entire door behind the stickers, it is quite possible to purchase small images - a butterfly, a bright flower, and so on. They are cheaper, and the outer appearance of the door will be completely transformed. Also popular are "informative" stickers, for example, on the door of an office, bathroom or toilet, which will tell guests what is hidden behind this door.

The elegant lady on this sticker will immediately inform the guests of the house that it is this door that hides the bathroom.

Often, the stickers can look like ordinary photo wallpaper, and sometimes like hand-painted on a white door or a child's drawing.

Thirteenth idea. Decoupage

The technology of scrupulous cutting out of the vending images from paper and further composing applications from these pieces allows you to transform not only a casket or photo album cover, but also an ordinary door. Everything that a novice master of the ancient art of decoupage will need: paper drawings, napkins with a pattern you like, postcards and the like - everything from which you can cut a picture, a brush, PVA glue, scissors, glitter, acrylic varnish, contour and acrylic paint.

In the decoupage process, you can use literally anything - from scraps of old newspapers to greeting cards.

In a brief description, the process looks like this: apply a layer of white acrylic paint on the door surface, wait for it to dry, then another layer - and wait again until it is completely dry. Then we apply a layer of paint of the selected shade, and then we attach the cut paper drawings with PVA glue. At the same time, we try to glue the piece as evenly as possible, without folds and expel all air bubbles. With the help of glitter and contours, we can draw dots, stripes and other small details. Then we cover the finished painting with a layer of varnish. That's all. The rest is your imagination and beautifully selected drawings.

The decoupage technique allows you to create amazingly beautiful paintings, and the varnish coating will extend the life of the decor.

Idea fourteen. Mosaic

A door decorated with bright mosaics will be an excellent option for a bathroom; you can also decorate a metal entrance door in this way. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use pieces of ceramics for these purposes - in this case, the door may turn out to be too heavy. Mosaics can be created from pieces of wood or veneer, or purchased ready-made made of glass.

In this case, a bright glass mosaic takes up most of the door, making it very unusual and cheerful.

The mosaic is fastened with special glue ("Moment" or liquid nails are suitable) on the prepared and cleaned surface. It is worthwhile to think over all the details of the pattern in advance by drawing a diagram of the arrangement of the pieces with a pencil. By the way, you can decorate with a mosaic not only the door itself, but also the box, highlighting the slopes using the selected pattern.

Creating a mosaic pattern is a huge scope for creativity. And if some part still falls, you can always attach it back

An old door can become a real art object, just a little imagination and effort is enough. To begin with, you can use one of the simplest ideas, and then, getting a taste, try yourself in the art of decoupage or painting. In any case, your door will definitely be one of a kind!


Front door decoration is important not only from an aesthetic point of view. Of course, on the one hand, the door is the first thing that anyone who enters the apartment sees. On the other hand, a correctly placed decoration will help hide a small flaw or disguise unexpected damage to the door leaf. Use the decor wisely and the door to your apartment will delight everyone who enters your home!

There are plenty of tools and ideas for such a topic as decorating the front door: ordinary wallpaper, fabric, mirrors, stained glass windows, patina, decoupage, etc. You can decorate the door not only for the holidays or after moving. Be original - come up with your own decor or consult with a specific designer.

Removable decoration may vary depending on the season and the nature of the upcoming holiday: for New Year it will be a spruce wreath with cones, for Easter - a homemade basket or an image of an Easter bunny, on March 8th, a basket with flowers is ideal, and on Palm Sunday - several branches of young pussy willow. Let's talk in more detail about how to more statically decorate the front door.

Mirror all over the door

One of the most popular and interesting front door solutions is a built-in mirror. It can take up very little space, reflecting your middle ground, or be the height of the entire door - then you will fully observe your reflection when entering or exiting the house.

When installing such a decoration, it is worth remembering that a mirror is still a fragile material and needs special care and attention. You will no longer be able to slam the door with a bang if you had a similar habit, and you will also need to thoroughly wipe the mirror surface and clean it from dirt at least once a week.

At the same time, one cannot fail to notice that such a door really looks good and visually enlarges the space. The mirrored side of the front door allows guests to assess their appearance even before they enter the apartment and, perhaps, even lipstick or comb before meeting the hosts.

Lettering and numbering

The trend that came to us from the West is various inscriptions and numbers on the doors. In today's realities, this can become a valuable coin in a piggy bank of ideas on how to decorate the front door. There is a place here for the revelry of design imagination.

In the photo we see a not very original inscription, but it fits perfectly into the interior and gives minimal information about the contents of the room. Think about what kind of inscription you would place on the door leading to your apartment.

Perhaps it will be an invitation or, on the contrary, a warning sign. Or maybe the apartment number and a request to knock will be enough for you if the call does not work? In any case, this is a good opportunity to tell something about yourself to everyone who comes and even to additionally secure your home.

European decor

If climatic conditions and local conditions permit, the front door can be decorated by simply partially glazing it. This decor, which is familiar to interior doors, is also optimal for the entrance door. At the same time, it is important to darken the glass so that it is not transparent, opening up your everyday and personal life for everyone to see.

The shade of white perfectly complements the glassy character of the insert, and a small neat handle completes the picture. True, this particular door would be well suited to a banal round handle made of the same wood from which the door itself is made.

To complete this picture, the lower part of the door from the street side can be supplemented with a bell or any other artistic element and, depending on the season, the decoration item can be changed.

The luxury of decoration

Sometimes the main decoration is the front door itself. Then the questions about how to decorate it disappear by themselves. After all, any additional decor will be superfluous. The illustrated example clearly proves this. Expensive materials and quality workmanship are the main components of a luxurious appearance.

One glance at this door is enough to be sure: it is made of high quality material (probably solid wood), the fittings (handle and keyhole) are an exclusive design work. The monochromatic noble color perfectly complements the overall composition of this door and creates a pleasant impression of solidity.

Pseudo-Slavic style

A truly royal decoration of the front door is expressed in its decoration with wooden carvings. The first association with such a decor refers us to the painted platbands and gates of the towers. In the old days, carving was done by craftsmen who were worth their weight in gold. Today, such works of art are created by professionals. For example, the work we see in the picture was done by a designer.

The door, additionally decorated with a monogram, is even more admirable. Such a creation is a real work of art. Notice how massive the carving is an obvious claim to solidity. However, even if there was no such idea, it was a success.

Russian wood carving

And again, the pseudo-Slavic style adorns the front door. In the context of modern life, such a door would look appropriate in a country house, but not in the country. For a summer residence, this door is too presentable, but for entering a respectable private house it is perfect.

A door as in the photo requires only a high-quality varnish coating and an appropriate door handle - this is quite enough for it to become a full-fledged design masterpiece. Any metal structures will be superfluous here and will only violate the harmonious appearance. If you want to decorate such a door additionally, make a wooden frame for it in the same style - this will be the natural completion of the picture.

Royal style

Surely, when looking at this photo, the following association comes to your mind: such a door can only be in a residence or at a government dacha. But today you can decorate the door in a similar, generally classical way in any private house or townhouse.

The door in the picture is notable for expensive materials, of which it is not made. The door itself is made of solid ash, and patina and gold were used for handles and other fittings. Even at first glance, one can determine that the woodcarving is made by hand - the subtlety of the details betrays the jewelery of this work.

When glass doors are appropriate

A Scandinavian-style house with glass walls needs a matching door. True, the door from the back entrance can also be wooden, like the body of a house. However, the front door is still glass. I must say that in the photo such a door does not require additional decoration, since, thanks to the general concept of the house, it is itself a decorative element. Any interference with this interior will violate the integrity of the picture. Even decorative curtains and the usual tulle will be inappropriate here.

Of course, for the construction of such a house, a particularly durable glass is required that can withstand precipitation, accidental impacts and other technical damage. Also, when building a house, you should think about its location relative to other houses or about a sufficiently high fence. After all, glass walls and doors suggest the maximum openness of everyday life and personal life. As a last resort, you can stop at the usual darkening of glass - in this case, no additional hedges will need to be built.

Elegance as the best decoration

In the photo we see a luxurious classic-style entrance door leading to one of the apartments in the townhouse. Obviously, the material for it was selected expensive - probably, it is solid wood. The framing of the door body with glass inserts is in perfect harmony with the windows and the general appearance of the house. More decoration is not needed here - elegance is enough. A neat light above the front door complements and completes the picture of the house perfectly.

Find out which ones exist from our article.

If there is a need to update your home interior, but you do not have a lot of funds, then the best way out would be to decorate the doors with your own hands. Such work will cost quite inexpensively and will look luxurious and exclusive.

For these purposes, a variety of materials are used: paint of all sorts of shades, unique decoupage, luxurious moldings, colorful wallpaper, decorative stained-glass windows, etc.

The use of these materials and possible options for decorating doors are discussed in detail below.

Irreplaceable wallpaper

Wallpaper is a versatile material. They are used to decorate walls, ceilings and even doors. Usually, to implement design ideas, the remnants of wallpaper for walls or ceilings are used, which can be either plain or patterned. But the most popular are the most varied wallpapers.

The order of finishing is as follows:

  • the door is cleaned of old paint;
  • the wooden surface is sanded with fine sandpaper;
  • wood putty is used to grout existing cracks;
  • for good adhesion (adhesion) of the wallpaper to the door, dust is removed from its surface, and, if necessary, the door leaf is degreased;
  • on all sides, the door is covered with one-color, solid wallpaper or a composition composed of separate elements of the wallpaper pattern.

Amazing fabric

A door covered with fabric looks no less attractive. However, the fabric is not suitable for every room. For example, it is highly undesirable to use it for the bathroom and kitchen, since the material can get dirty rather quickly, it will constantly absorb moisture and be saturated with extraneous odors.

A door decorated with fabric will look beautiful in a children's room. Thanks to the simple work with this material, it is possible to create original, attractive, bright drawings on the door surface or, using draperies, to give the children's room an atmosphere of fairy tale and magic.

To cover the door leaf with fabric, the following are used:

  • special glue;
  • wooden glazing beads;
  • carnations;
  • stapler for furniture.

When decorating a door with a cloth, it is necessary to ensure that the glue does not come out and that the edge of the cloth does not sprinkle.

The paint familiar to everyone

Painting is still one of the popular methods for renovating door surfaces. Pre-treatment of a door leaf for painting is similar to processing it for wallpapering. However, all work should be done more carefully so that the surface to be treated becomes as smooth as possible. Otherwise, after painting, all flaws will remain visible.

In addition, the door can be additionally impregnated with an antiseptic. On glass doors, if necessary, the glazing beads should be replaced.

Painting is carried out in a vertical or horizontal direction on a surface, conventionally divided into squares with a side of 50 cm.

In a paneled door, the inserts are painted first, and then the central and side parts of the frame. You can also apply patterns on the door for painting, which will make it exclusive and attractive.

Vinyl stickers and self-adhesive films

Ready-made vinyl stickers can be purchased at any hardware store today. Such stickers help to freshen up the interior and bring its own flavor to it.

An excellent alternative to wallpaper and painting is decorating interior doors with self-adhesive film. This is the easiest and fastest way to renew the door surface, transforming its appearance literally before our eyes.

Unique decoupage

Today, a rather fascinating way of hand finishing is gaining great popularity - decoupage. With this treatment, the door turns out to be unique, stylish and vintage. She organically fits into the surrounding interior.

Before drawing the pattern, the door leaf is cleaned and primed, then covered with napkins or special paper. From above, using a brush, it is gently covered with a solution consisting of water and PVA glue. After drying, it is covered with a layer of varnish.

Gorgeous moldings

Thanks to the moldings, it became possible to create an imitation of stucco molding on the door. These doors are perfect for a classic or antique style.

To fix moldings made of polyurethane or foam, it is enough to use glue similar in properties to liquid nails. Ease of use allows you to create real masterpieces on the door. The only drawback of this treatment is that it cannot be used on sliding doors.

Colorful mosaic

Mosaic is one of the rarer finishing methods, since its use significantly makes the door heavier and increases the thickness of its leaf. However, mosaic lovers can use it fragmentarily, which allows them not to put a lot of stress on the door and at the same time make it original and attractive. For pasting the door with glass elements, special tile glue, liquid glass or epoxy mastic are used.

Fascinating stained glass

Looking through the photos of beautiful door decoration, it is impossible not to pay attention to the stained glass windows. They just attract the eye. You can buy stained glass from a store, but it's much more tempting to make your own stained glass door.

To create decorative stained glass, mastic is used, which acts as a contour. This outline creates an imitation of a metal frame. In order for the glass surface to be evenly coated with paint, it is applied only in a horizontal position. Dried stained glass is attached to the door with glazing beads.

Whichever of the listed methods of door finishing is used, it will definitely transform the appearance of the interior and make it stylish, luxurious and unique.

Photos of beautiful options for decorating doors