What are the plastic windows. What are modern windows

Replacing windows or installing them in a new home is not a cheap undertaking. I would like the new acquisition to serve for many years, all this time it honestly fulfills its functions, does not create problems. And all this for an affordable price. The best option is PVC windows: among them there are also expensive elite models, but even they are on average cheaper than wooden ones. What are plastic windows and how to choose?

Window types

Any window consists of the following parts:

Profile frame;

Double-glazed window;

Hardware of varying degrees of complexity;

Auxiliary elements: window sill, low tide, addons, platbands, mosquito nets, etc.

Windows differ from each other structurally, in the way of opening, in size and shape, in design and features of the components.

By design, the windows are deaf and with opening sashes. The latter have the following mechanisms for opening plastic windows:

Swing. The classic version. Negative - additional opening space is required; plus - these windows are warmer than sliding ones. The doors can be conventional swing, tilt (opening along the horizontal axis), swing-out;

Plastic windows with a transom or a window. A transom is a horizontally opening wide sash. The window pivots around the vertical axis. Both the one and the other design simplifies ventilation if there are small children in the house;

Plastic windows opening outward. This option allows you to save space in the house, but it has several disadvantages: the doors wear out faster, the outer surface cannot be washed out of the apartment (critical for residents of the upper floors), a protective grill cannot be installed on such a window (critical for residents of the first floors);

Sliding mechanism of plastic windows. These models are easy to use, look stylish, do not require additional space to open. Minus - colder than swing ones. Due to their compactness, they are often used for glazing balconies and verandas.

Forms of plastic windows (see photo) are standard - square or rectangular, and non-standard plastic windows - triangular, arched, porthole windows. The latter are made to order. Sizes are also standard (for typical houses) and non-standard - demanded, as a rule, in individual buildings.

Standard windows in accordance with GOST are of the following sizes:

Single-leaf, height from 47 cm (minimum size of a plastic window) to 1.47 meters (maximum);

Width - 47-87 cm;

Double-leaf, height 57-147 cm;

Width - 117-147;

Three-leaf, height 117-147;

Width - 177-207.

The size of custom-made windows is theoretically unlimited. However, there are certain guidelines:

Opening sash - no more than 900 square centimeters;

Deaf - no more than 1000.

Large plastic windows (as in the photo) - this is a significant weight, which will certainly affect the acceleration of the wear of both opening sashes and a blind glass unit: it will deform under its own weight.

Finishing the review of the varieties, it is necessary to mention the plastic windows with climate control. They differ from others by the presence of built-in ventilation valves. The valves can be operated manually and automatically. The automatic ones themselves react to the temperature and humidity in the room, and open / close in accordance with them.

Attention: the supply valve can be installed later, after installation.

Types of PVC profiles

The profile is made of PVC with a built-in reinforcing metal frame. PVC provides the window with heat / noise insulation properties and protects the frame from corrosion, the metal gives the structure the necessary rigidity and serves as a restraining factor for temperature deformations.

The types of profiles of plastic windows differ in the number of chambers and design features. The latter depend on the model and brand. The number of cameras varies from one to seven. Main technical characteristics - working width:

3-chamber plastic windows - from 5.7 to 6.3 centimeters;

5 chamber plastic windows - from 7 to 12.

The profile description indicates the maximum possible thickness of the glass unit. This does not directly depend on the number of cameras in the package, but there is a certain correspondence: a single package is usually placed in a three-chamber profile, a double package in a five-chamber profile, etc.

The more cameras in the profile and the package, the warmer the window block. Two-chamber profiles, in accordance with the standards, can only be used for windows of non-residential premises.

Video "What are plastic windows":

Any high-quality profile has a sealing contour, the purpose of which is to eliminate drafts, promote sound insulation, prevent dust, insects, etc. from entering the house. Contours differ in color: this allows you to select a window model that matches the design of the rest of the interior.

Profiles are ordinary, dyed in the mass, laminated. Lamination is the technology of hot application of a decorative protective film to the surface. The most common color of PVC windows is white, but it is possible to choose any colors for lamination of plastic windows from the RAL palette. With the help of a film, a plastic frame can be given the texture of wood, ornamental stone, etc.

Premium profiles differ from cheap ones in the following characteristics:

The number of cameras. Economy class plastic windows have 3, medium - 4-5, premium - from 5;

Installation depth. Cheap plastic windows - up to 7 cm, premium - over 7;

Sealing contours - 2 and 3, respectively;

Design. Manufacturing premium-class plastic windows, they use the technologies of laminating, varnishing, aluminum overlays, stylization for different artistic directions;

Burglary resistance for economy-class windows is provided mainly due to the peculiarities of the fittings, in elite windows - due to the design features of the profile (displacement of the fittings groove, etc.).

Double-glazed windows

This is the name of a block of two or more glasses with sealed chambers between them. The thickness of the glasses is from 4 to 6 millimeters, the distance between them is from 8 to 36. The chambers are filled with air or inert gas. The block is made of the glasses themselves and a perforated steel or aluminum frame. The frame is filled with silica gel, the elements are connected with a two-component sealant.

There are from one to three chambers, the latter being the warmest plastic windows. To save energy, instead of ordinary glasses, glass made using special technologies can be used: silver sputtering up to 15 nm, mirror sputtering from metal oxides, tinting. Packages are distinguished by properties:

Energy saving;



Shockproof (for example, made of triplex).

In terms of design, packages can be ordinary, with an external and internal layout, with stained glass, etc.

Classes of plastic windows

What are the plastic windows by class? They are classified according to several main parameters:

Heat transfer resistance. From A1 (0.8 m2 * C / W) to D2 (0.35), 10 classes in total. Less than 0.35 products do not have a class;

Water permeability and breathability, five grades. Highest - A: water permeability limit is not less than 600 pascals, air permeability is a maximum of 3 cubic meters per hour per square meter with DP = 100 pascals. The lowest - D: the same characteristics 150 and 50, respectively;

Soundproofing, 5 classes (A-D). Reduction of noise - from 36 dBA to 25. Sometimes the letter "P" is present in the marking. DP means that this insulation is achieved in ventilation mode;

Light transmission. Five classes, from A (over 0.5) to D (not less than 0.3);

Wind resistance class. From A (over a thousand pascals) to D (not less than 200), there are five classes in total. The permissible standard load varies depending on the wind speed;

Climatic version, two options. Standard - with an average monthly January temperature of at least minus 20 degrees (control load up to minus 45), frost-resistant - below minus 20 (minus 55, respectively).

According to burglary resistance, windows are divided into 6 classes:

WK1 - protection against knockout and extrusion;

WK2 - protection against burglary with a hand tool and physical strength;

WK3 and WK4 - protection against burglary with hand and power tools;

WK5 and WK6 - upper classes, anti-opening with heavy tools - grinders, etc.

Problems of plastic windows

If you recently changed Soviet wooden windows for PVC, the first unpleasant surprise is condensation on the glass during cold weather. Moisture flows down, destroys wall materials, leads to the appearance of fungus, rust, rot. The air in the room becomes stale, heavy.

In this case, almost nothing depends on the design and quality of the windows themselves. The reason is the increased humidity in the house, combined with the cooling of the glass. While the old "leaky" structures were standing, natural ventilation was carried out through the cracks; now the windows have become airtight and water vapor has nowhere to go from the house.

Steam settles on cold glasses and condenses. There are two ways to deal with this problem: by lowering the humidity level and ensuring the normal temperature of the glasses. Eliminate temperature differences.

1. In case of poor-quality or incomplete installation (slopes are not insulated, mounting gaps are poorly sealed), there remain "cold bridges" - areas through which street air enters the glass. Way out: insulate the slopes, correct installation flaws. The installer processes the slopes, as a rule, for a separate price, and the installation hack must be corrected under the guarantee.

2. Too wide window sills block warm convection currents, which in standard conditions rise from radiators to the glass. Way out: replace the window sill or think of another way to warm up the windows.

3. An important condition is high-quality ventilation in all its types: a supply valve, ventilation and micro-ventilation, a working hood in the house, the use of modern climatic technology with a dehumidification function, etc. The task is to lower the humidity to normal.

4. For the same purpose, do not place additional sources of moisture on the windows: indoor flowers, aquariums, containers with water.

5. The only factor that depends on the design of the window is the thickness and number of chambers in the glass unit. In winter frosts, the contrast between the temperature outside the window and in the living room is very large, the thin single-chamber package does not cope with its function, it remains cold. Therefore, single-chamber packages in the middle lane are installed only in cool rooms. The way out is to replace the glass unit.

In addition to condensation, icing may appear on the windows - ice patterns. Moisture not only condenses, but also freezes. In this case, the reason is hardly the installation jambs and poor ventilation. Most likely, you chose the wrong, too cold model.

Drafts in the house can appear for various reasons:

Assembly seams are "leaking". If the warranty period has already expired, you will be repaired. If not, the company is obliged to correct this flaw under warranty;

The seal is worn out. This happens after several years of operation. The condition of the contour can be assessed visually and by touch: the worn-out seal is hard, has lost its flexibility, and cracks have appeared on it.

air valve for plastic windows

Change the sealing tape to a similar model from the same manufacturer. To extend the life of the circuit, it is recommended to regularly (once or twice a year) treat it with silicone greases;

Adjustment required. Over the course of several years of operation, the sashes loosen under their weight - they sag, move to the side, the clamp weakens, etc. Opening and closing the window becomes difficult. The adjustment can be done on your own or call the master;

The need for one of the adjustments is provided for in the design of the PVC window: transition to another seasonal regime. In winter, the pressure is increased, in the summer it is weakened so as not to create unnecessary stress on the seal. If a draft appears during a cold snap, first of all you need to check in which seasonal mode the window operates.

How to choose

Window structures are chosen according to several criteria:

The size and shape of plastic windows. When building a new house, these parameters are determined at the design stage. Standard models are cheaper than custom models. But if the house is made in an individual design, you cannot do without overpayment. If you are changing windows in an old house or apartment, then how lucky: in old houses there are also standard and non-standard openings;

The quality of the components. Not only the service life depends on this: poor-quality windows can serve poorly and create problems from the very beginning of operation. It is better to trust reputable firms and pay attention to whose components they manufacture their products;

Design. Windows should be in harmony with the rest of the architectural ensemble and interior;

Functionality and price. These are interrelated characteristics. The cost depends on the complexity of the profile, the thickness of the package, the features of the fittings, additional features. You should study the design of the window and decide which features are mandatory for you and which ones you can save on.

What should be plastic windows

First of all, the window must be warm. The living room has a double-glazed window - at least two chambers. Single-chamber ones are usually installed on semi-warm balconies, in outbuildings, non-residential premises.

For example, in a garage: if it is used only for its intended purpose, it is enough to maintain a positive temperature there. In living quarters, it is also not necessary to overpay for the extra thickness of the bag, it is enough to provide a comfortable microclimate.

Attention: the choice of a package depends not only on the climatic zone, but also on the location of the house / apartment: for a dwelling “on seven winds” (in an open space, on the top floor of a skyscraper) it is better to choose windows with higher thermal insulation characteristics than for the same ones, but sheltered from the wind. And the strength properties of window structures with this arrangement should also be better.

On the websites of window manufacturers, all the main characteristics are indicated: the level of thermal insulation, sound insulation, light transmission and others. For owners of private houses and residents of the first floors of urban high-rise buildings, an important selection criterion is burglar resistance not lower than the WK3 class.

Which type of opening is right for you depends on your personal preference and the overall style of the home. General fire safety requirement: all windows in an apartment / house cannot be deaf, at least one must have opening sashes. Decide how you want to ventilate. At least on a blank window, it is advisable to install an inlet valve, otherwise the microclimate in the room will be unhealthy.

Rehau, KBE, Veka, Salamander, Trocal, Thyssen - Germany;

Aluplast, Actual - Austria;

Deceuninck - Belgium;

Montblanc, Tantronix, Proplex - RF.

ROTO occupies the first place in the ranking in the manufacture of fittings. Other brands you can trust:

Schuco, Siegenia-Aubi, Hautau, Gretsch-Unitas - Germany;

Maco - Austria;

Kale from Turkey.

Material for making handles, hinges, etc. - high-alloy stainless steel. Soft materials may look attractive, but they will wear out faster and need to be adjusted more frequently. When choosing, pay attention to the number of working cycles declared by the manufacturer. The optimal one is 50 thousand.

In addition to the basic functions, the fittings may have additional:

Micro-ventilation. The ability to open the sash to a minimum, from 3 millimeters to 5 centimeters;

Roll-over limiter - for safe ventilation;

Microlift - to adjust the sagging sash;

Locking mode switching without closing the window;

Turn limiter;

Anti-slamming fuse;

Child lock - for the safety of small children, etc.

It is better to choose a manufacturer and installer of window units according to the recommendations of real friends. If this is not possible - at least according to reviews on the Internet. The quality indicators of the window structure are DIN EN ISO 9001 and GOST R / ISO 9001 certificates. The manufacturing company must have certificates for blocks and (separately) for double-glazed windows.

The last moment: when the finished windows have been brought to you, check the quality.

This primarily applies to glass. During transportation, the package could hit something, microcracks appeared in the glass. It is necessary to inspect the glass very carefully: cracks can be almost invisible, but in the future they will lead to the destruction of the package.

The profile should be smooth, without waves or scratches. Make sure the laminate does not come off anywhere, no grain or damage is visible on the surface. The quality of the fittings should be assessed visually and also checked how well they function.

Now you know what plastic windows are, you have seen the photo and you will be able to decide on the choice of the one that suits you.

If we consider the type of opening of euro windows, then they are divided into the following:

  1. Deaf. They are also called motionless.
  2. Folding.
  3. Sliding.
  4. Multi-leaf.
  5. Sometimes they can open at once in one direction and in the other direction.

What type of opening to choose depends on your wishes. However, it is imperative to take into account the peculiarities of the room where the window will be installed. For example, skylights are only hinged. On staircases, hinged, sliding windows and those that open outward can be installed. In addition, such windows are divided into types and according to what material they are made of:

  1. Stabilized glued timber.
  2. PVC profile.
  3. Aluminum.

Aluminum profiles

Aluminum is most often used for glazing rooms with large dimensions. These can be shop windows, various partitions, balconies, and also atriums. Such structures are distinguished by a fairly high level of thermal conductivity. Therefore, they are made, completing with special inserts. They are installed inside the structure and will retain heat. Such inserts will provide a high level of comfort during the operation of the premises. For those structures that are used indoors, where the ability to retain heat is not of particular importance, profiles without thermal inserts are used. It is called "cold aluminum". If we consider the operational characteristics, then windows with an aluminum profile are practically no different from windows that are made from a PVC profile. They are also called metal-plastic.

PVC window constructions

As for metal-plastic windows, they are of different types. They come in different sizes, shapes, designs, and so on. As a rule, the size of the window should be the same as the size of the window opening. Of course, you can install a product that is smaller than the opening. But this approach rarely justifies itself. For full lighting of the room, the window block should occupy about fifteen percent of the area of ​​the entire wall.

As for the question of shape, rectangular products have long become a kind of standard. Special forms are used only when the building is being erected according to some unusual project, which implies the presence of rounded window openings. Modern technologies now make it possible to make window models of any shape.

Nevertheless, let's try to figure out what the main structures of reinforced-plastic windows exist.

  1. The simplest is considered to be a deaf design. It is very easy to distinguish it. Such windows do not open at all. Therefore, this option is used very rarely. Such structures can be installed in a room that is equipped with air conditioning. Deaf models are often used in high-rise buildings. Opening windows on the upper floors of such buildings is strictly prohibited by safety standards. In addition, such structures are installed in low-rise buildings that are used for commercial and entertainment purposes. But for living quarters, such windows are not at all suitable.
  2. Traditional euro windows. Such designs imply the presence of doors that open into the room. These windows can be washed without fear of falling out. Note that this system has some drawbacks. The fact is that if the sash opens inward, then it needs free space. Therefore, you cannot put pots of flowers, vases and so on on the windowsill of such a window.
  3. Innovative windows. This concept refers to structures that open both inward and outward. This option is, of course, the most attractive. Want to clean your window? Open it inward. Do you need to ventilate the room? Open it out. Then flower pots and vases from the windowsill do not have to be removed. Innovative designs are usually equipped with special mechanisms that allow you to fix the window sash in any position. This makes it possible to protect it from strong winds.
  4. Folding kinstruktsii. For models of this kind, the sash can only be opened vertically. The opening angle is very small. Having installed such a window model, you can ventilate the room at any time. But washing it will be problematic. The folding models are resistant to strong winds and take up very little space. They are perfect if you need to equip a building with an average height.

Natural wood eurowindows

As an alternative to PVC products, euro-windows have recently begun to be made of natural wood. Such designs surpass standard options in absolutely all respects. Wood has excellent properties and certain advantages. This is especially noticeable when comparing it with other materials that are used in the manufacture of window structures. Wood manufacturers are attracted by its durability. This material is very hard, relatively lightweight. It is distinguished by good sound insulation and has a very aesthetic appearance. It is also worth adding that wood is a material that is environmentally friendly and harmless.

Such pine and oak wood is used to create eurowindows. Larch is also suitable for such purposes. Note that pine is not affected by rot and fungus. Of course, resinous wood is quite difficult to process. But on the other hand, the resin is able to protect it from the negative effects of the environment. The texture of pine wood also looks very nice - light and slightly yellowish.

If we talk about larch, then this material is characterized by such parameters as high density and resistance to different climatic conditions. And this is not to mention the fact that this wood is also very hard. Various pests do not gnaw larch. She is not affected by rot.

As for the oak, everything is more than obvious here. This woody material is renowned for its hardness. It has a beautiful color. The lifespan of oak wood is incredibly long. However, this material can crack over time and this must be borne in mind.

If we talk about the ability of wood to retain heat, then they are much higher than that of materials such as plastic and metal. Wood has a low level of thermal conductivity, which several times reduces heat losses in the room. This feature prevents the formation of condensation. In addition, wood has a high level of sound insulation. For this, high quality seals and special glass units are used. By the way, the latter are two-chambered and three-chambered. The last type of double-glazed window is distinguished by higher parameters of sound and thermal insulation. Note that the durability of the material is also ensured by the use of special impregnations and protective coatings. Euro windows made of wood are able to withstand severe frosts and heat. A special type of varnishes and paints protects the frame structure from rain, snow, cold, wind and heat.

Wood is capable of providing high-quality air exchange between the room and the external environment. In other words, wooden frames can breathe. This allows you to keep the natural humidity level in the room.

If we talk about fire safety, then wooden euro-windows are considered very reliable in this regard. Since the wood is impregnated with special compounds, it does not ignite. Moreover, during combustion, wood does not emit harmful substances, like plastic, for example.

It is clear that wood is a very environmentally friendly material that does absolutely no harm to nature and human health. In a word, wooden euro-windows have a lot of advantages. They are almost completely devoid of any disadvantages. Because of this, they are very popular.

About types of euro windows

Frames of euro windows are of a wide variety of types.

  1. Swivel. Such structures swing open and close. They are often installed in interior openings. Sometimes they are installed as a cheaper version of a standard euro window.
  2. Swing-out. These types of designs are very popular. They can swing open, recline for ventilation, and close.
  3. Parallel sliding. They can both recline and open. This is done by leaving the sash from the frame and sliding it parallel to the window opening. This saves space by eliminating the need to allocate space for the opening angle.

Speaking about the types of Euro-windows, you need to take into account the room in which they will be installed. So for the kitchen, a window with a swing-out mechanism is more suitable. Such a product is equipped with additional functions of step-by-step micro-ventilation and fixing the window sash in the desired position. Many people think that step-by-step micro-ventilation is the same as reclining. However, the two should not be confused. In this case, it becomes possible to tilt the window not completely, but several positions with steps. This makes it possible to provide a small flow of fresh air, that is, ventilate the room, and not cool it down.

If we are talking about a sleeping room, then in such a room it is also better to install a swing-out window with a micro-ventilation function. This type of design is also suitable for a children's room. However, it must be equipped with a child lock without fail. What it is? The child lock gives the child the opportunity to independently fold the window sash. But now he will not be able to open it. To do this, you need to use a special key, which should naturally be kept by the parents. Note that this technology is very effective in cases where the child and his parents live in an apartment on the high-rise floor of a high-rise building. A parallel sliding window is ideal for a living room. It will provide maximum light access to the room, and it will also make it possible to save space in the room.

About the constituent elements

As for the constituent components of the euro-windows, they include a profile, a double-glazed window, and fittings.

  • The profile is usually made of metal-plastic or wood. However, the main importance is attached to the number of air chambers in it. There should be at least three and no more than five. It is clear that the more such cameras there are, the warmer the window will be. Try to choose a profile from a well-known and trusted brand.
  • If we talk about a double-glazed window, then it is of great importance. A double-glazed window can be either two-chamber or one-chamber. As with the profile, the more the better. The larger the number of chambers, the better the level of sound and heat insulation will be. If you decide to install gas-filled double-glazed windows, you should know that over time, the gas will have to be changed, and this is an additional cost. The thickness of the glass, its type and so on also matter.
  • Fittings are also an important part of the Euro window. It is thanks to her that the product is put into action. In addition, the tightness of the window, the smoothness and softness of its operation depend on the fittings. That is why it is better not to save on accessories. It is advisable to give preference to German manufacturers.

Video. Which PVC profile is better? Secrets of choosing and installing plastic windows. Glazing of balconies and loggias.

For a long time and firmly, PVC windows have occupied a niche in the construction business. Beautiful appearance, durability in operation are the main indicators of their popularity. But few people did not ask themselves what kind of plastic windows there are when they decided to insert them into their own openings. Meanwhile, their varieties and types are enough.

Main characterizing points

The classification of types of plastic windows contains several points.

By design:

  • paired;
  • separate;
  • single.

By form:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • round.

By type of glazing:

  • with one glass;
  • double-glazed windows.

In our country, PVC windows began to appear relatively recently and, as a rule, contain a two-chamber double-glazed unit, less often three. Comfortable living in your own home depends on how correct the choice of plastic windows was.

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What to consider for the right decision

It is not recommended to measure yourself. The measurements of the windows are made by the master installer, who, thanks to his professionalism, will take into account the exit to a certain side, the state of the window opening and a lot of other nuances that are invisible to the eye of a common man in the street. In addition, the size matters for the type of room - large plastic windows will make you look at the world like from an aquarium, while small ones will make the room dark. According to lighting standards, openings should be half the width of the room.


Important: if plastic windows will come out from the leeward side, then the structure may have to be reinforced. This will also be reported by the master who makes the necessary measurements.

Form and design.

Now the development is such that a plastic window can be made by anyone, the manufacturing company will inform about it. If the owners want to preserve at least the appearance of the tree - please - the frame will be like solid wood. If the design of the room requires a certain color, there is no difficulty either, at least order a rainbow. The owners only need not to disturb their own kind of home, not to create a color dissonance in it.

Movable elements of plastic windows have different configurations. In addition to the main function of opening and closing, they must work in the ventilation mode and be removed completely to install a mosquito net. All PVC windows are divided into several types - swing, tilt and blind. This is an incomplete list, but the most popular.

One of the shutters or the entire window is made motionless. There are situations when opening is simply impossible or unnecessary, for example, these are structures in public places.

In this case, the disadvantages of this design are palpable - neither wash, if the window is above the first floor, nor ventilate.

Plus - the price. Of all types of plastic windows, the blind is the cheapest, precisely because of the lack of fittings.

Rotary models.

The most popular plastic window that opens in one direction only. At the same time, the price is low.


The opening or tilting mechanism allows the structure to be opened wide or to make a small slot for ventilation. Very comfortable, especially for those who wish to sleep outside. There are disadvantages, but in the technical details - the fittings must be of high quality, because the weight of the structure is quite serious.


A plastic window that does not have sashes, but only a canvas with an opening from the top. They are installed in basements, stairs and other places where casement models can be dangerous. They are good in that it allows you to fold the sash in the winter, preventing overcooling of the room - the mechanism allows you to deflect the structure even by 1 mm. Minus - in the care of such models. Above the first floor, you will have to wield a hose.

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Instruction for the buyer of plastic windows

Before deciding on a choice, you should think about a few nuances of such designs and your own wishes so as not to go broke. So, before you go to the company for the manufacture and installation of plastic windows, you need:

Decide on the funds according to the company's tariffs.

Many companies offer discounts and bonuses for plastic windows, it is worth taking advantage of them, but we must not forget that such a "promotion" can contain a lot of interesting points that cannot then be proven in court. The contract should be read very carefully.

Pay close attention to the manufacturer of the profile and fittings.

Determine for yourself the desired configuration of the structure.

It entirely depends on the weather conditions and the climate of the region where they are supposed to be installed. As a rule, for the Russian winter, two-chamber packages are enough, but in some cities three are also put. In this case, a plastic window is somewhat more expensive, but it is not worth saving on heat.

Do not miss the soundproofing conditions, it depends on the location of the house.

If there is a motorway or public places nearby, this fact should be taken into account and consulted with a consultant. Otherwise, there is a risk of not getting enough comfort, because plastic windows will not meet this condition.


Everyone wants the windows to be a single composition with the interior of the apartment. Such solutions have existed for a long time and will allow homeowners to choose any color. This also applies not only to the metal profile of plastic windows, but also to the texture of the glass.

Hardware is the main component of a PVC window, which is responsible for safety.

It is not worth saving on it. Reliable elements cannot be cheap; they must account for 1/3 of the total cost of the structure. This can be learned from the consultant of the company, who is obliged to devote the consumer to all the subtleties of the work.

Special purpose security.

Such insulating glass units have tempered glass and reinforced profiles. Glasses, even if they can be broken, will not fly in fragments, but simply crack if a special polymer film was used. Strengthening the same profile will make the structure reliable in terms of the glass itself falling out. Such plastic windows are installed where maximum safety is needed - children's rooms.

Some models are reinforced options for even greater reliability.


If home craftsmen do not have the necessary qualifications, then you should not even try to install structures on your own or with the help of a neighbor. It's just that then there will be no one to ask - the plastic window will be hopelessly damaged. The company's masters have long worked out the algorithm of actions for installing a plastic window, so the work will not take much time. In addition, you do not need to free openings from old frames yourself; for the proper performance of this work, a corresponding section in the contract is also provided.

Having decided on all the points of the correct choice, you can decide which plastic window is suitable for the designated living space, and begin the negotiation process with the nearest installation company. An important point - you need to read the contract in full, not skipping even the small print, where deadlines, equipment and additional points are indicated in black and white. Without this, there will be no one to complain about.

It was decided to install a plastic window. Types of windows - what are they? The best ones are the ones that suit your home.

First stage

First, you need to choose the form of how the window will be located, view the types of windows, and only then make a decision. They should be chosen in proportion to the room: there should be enough light in the room, but if the opening is too large, the feeling of comfort is lost. is a necessary element that connects tightly to a brick or other wall. The sash in the product is a movable part, which, depending on which fittings are used, can be folded or opened in different ways. There are sashes that, when opened, rotate around their axis vertically or horizontally. The double-glazed window is fastened with glazing beads in them.

Plastic window: types of windows by frames and sashes

They can be one-, two- or three-winged, they also differ in the number of chambers in a glass unit. In terms of their functionality, such models are close to ordinary wooden windows. These options are ideal for those people who prefer to install inexpensive, but quite practical products in their home. A traditional window will work here. These types of windows are ordinary rectangular structures that open inward. A small disadvantage, which is inherent in standard plastic double-glazed windows with swing doors, is that airing in winter is quite problematic, since cold air flows in a rather strong stream when the window is open.

Deaf types of plastic windows are good for everyone: durable, reliable, plus inexpensive. These are windows with fixed, locked sashes. In addition to these elements, the frame itself can hold the glass in the product. The disadvantage of such window boxes is that they cannot be opened. This model is recommended to be installed for decorative purposes: it will add space and light to the room. A deaf structure is quite acceptable in a space that is equipped with sufficient ventilation: in cafes, restaurants, gyms and other similar establishments.

And finally, swing-out windows - the types of windows of this design are the most popular and in demand. In the summer heat, the sash can be easily opened completely, and in cold weather it is enough to open the upper part of the window for ventilation in a horizontal position. It is very convenient to use this function in inclement weather, especially if the layout of the apartment is conducive to the formation of drafts. The folding position eliminates the possibility of their occurrence and helps to avoid the risk of damage to the structure if the window suddenly slams shut.

Rotary plastic windows can only be opened in one direction, which is not always convenient. Folding products can only be opened from above, so they are perfect for staircases, basements and other areas where casement windows can be dangerous, not just interfere. They rightfully gained a leading position due to the fact that they can turn and recline.


Today, manufacturers of plastic products offer a fairly extensive range of PVC window profiles, from which the plastic window will then be assembled. When choosing a profile that will be used in the manufacture, one should focus on their functional purpose. When producing plastic windows, different types of profiles are also used.

Three-chamber PVC profiles belonging to the economy class, and aluminum structures are perfect for glazing balconies and loggias. Four- and are used for glazing in regions with a harsh cold climate and in houses that are located near a railway or a noisy highway.


Double-glazed windows perfectly fulfill their functions, being responsible for:

  • heat and sound insulation;
  • illumination.

They are reliable and safe. Their characteristics directly depend on the quality, therefore, the choice of plastic windows should be given special attention, then one can hope for their long-term operation.