Which manufacturer of stretch ceilings to choose? The best manufacturers of stretch ceilings: which company to choose Manufacturers offer stretch ceilings with different materials.

The modern person has to choose between French, Chinese, German, Italian and Russian stretch ceilings.

French stretch ceilings are considered the standard of quality. Their cost, of course, does not apply to the budget segment. In the domestic market, French goods are valued for their excellent quality. Durability and perfection of texture- characteristic features of the manufacturer. However, there is also a drawback. Product width up to 2 meters brands such as CTN, Alkor and Draka do not allow them to be conveniently installed in large rooms.

The indisputable advantage of French products is their aesthetic appearance. In terms of durability, they can be compared with their Russian counterparts. True, the French offer a longer warranty period.

The French were the first in history to present to mankind the technology of using PVC (). Initially, these developments were carried out by the company "CTN"... She worthily embodied the experience of her predecessors and created a large holding with offices in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium.

The company's products are considered the standard of reliability throughout the world. At the same time, the company implements the most unusual solutions of designers in the field of stretch ceilings. Own production allows the company to control the entire production process of canvases and to constantly improve itself. At the same time, CTN guarantees reasonable prices for buyers. Website - www.ctn.fr.

In terms of fastening systems, French products are also the best, since they are fixed to the aluminum profile by means of special harpoon inserts... The aluminum profile is considered one of the strongest, and the harpoon system is the best fixer for stretch ceilings. The second place is taken by the wedge system, the third is the glazing beads.

Among the Italian stretch ceilings, you can find attractive classic models that are not inferior in quality to their French counterparts. The representative of Italian stretch ceilings in Russia is Malpensa.

German models are cheaper than French stretch ceilings, but do not differ significantly in quality... The range of stretch German stretch ceilings is designed for 2 meters 70 cm... If you want to buy German models, you can do it from the official representatives of "Pongs" and "Renolit".

The most popular representative of German stretch ceilings is "Pongs Textil GmbH"... The company is known all over the world and produces the series of ceilings "Mattfolie", "Lackfolie" and "Descor". For a long time (since 1913), the manufacturer has offered decent quality based on modern innovative technologies.

A rich assortment of textures is a visiting card of the Pongs company. For the manufacture of stretch ceilings, it applies, and. 130 different shades of stretch ceilings today this German company offers its customers.

The manufacturer's pricing policy is designed for Russian citizens with an average and high income. By the way, Pongs products comply with environmental standards. It meets European requirements. Each product has accompanying documents from the manufacturer. The company's website is www.pongs.de.

German stretch ceilings from " Renolit AG» from lacquered and satin fabrics have more than 140 shades... The company is constantly expanding the palette of colors and embodies all the promising wishes of customers.

Russian models are produced at factories in Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod... Domestic products have significant drawbacks. It is designed only for the size of the ceiling no more than 1.4 meters.

Russian canvases are 1.5 times cheaper than their foreign counterparts, which very often tilts the scales when choosing stretch ceilings in their favor.

In Russia, stretch canvases produces "Kazan Artificial Leather Plant"... He is the most experienced enterprise in the industry. The plant pays great attention to production control. It has its own laboratories to track each stage of product manufacturing and develop methods for improving technology.

Chinese and Russian canvases sometimes have an uneven color, smell when heated, so experts advise focusing on French products. Domestic manufacturers give a guarantee only for the seam. In fairness, it should be noted that Russian stretch ceilings are improving in quality every year.

Belgian variants are supplied to the Russian market by the company " Polyplast". The advantage of the product is that there are no seams. With an external study of the surface, experts say that Belgian stretch ceilings are close to ideal.

Stretch ceilings "PTMC Polyplast" have earned the trust of buyers due to their quality and reasonable prices. The company specializes in the production of canvases, which are also used for the manufacture of furniture, roofing, laminated floors and even bank cards. The variety of the Belgian assortment is due to lacquered, satin and matt stretch ceilings with an impeccable appearance, web width up to 4 meters.

Chinese stretch ceilings

Chinese manufacturers make attractive texture and surface pattern, which can compete with European counterparts. Another advantage - stretch ceiling can be stretched up to 5.5 meters... The fixation system for Chinese canvases is plastic. It allows you to reduce the price of the product, but does not provide high reliability. When the canvas is heated, a specific smell appears due to plastic.

When looking for coatings for home and office use, you should choose materials that will be popular over the next 5 years. Due to the active development, there is a constant update of the design features and texture of stretch ceilings, so it is difficult to adapt to fashion trends.

Fabric materials are used by German manufacturers (Descor), Italian (Cerutti), Swiss (Clipso). Chinese companies have also copied the German "Descor" and are offering their own models.

Advice. Due to the availability of original models on the market, as well as a large number of fakes, you should make sure of the quality of the stretch ceiling before buying it. It is better to go directly to specialized stores. In them you can see the accompanying documents that confirm the compliance of the product with the declared properties, as well as study the information about the manufacturer.

Stretch ceilings depending on the material used can be divided into fabric and film. Film models are classified into matte, semi-gloss (satin) and glossy.

Fabrics can only be matte... They have a significant advantage - have no seams... Qualitatively may differ both in structure and in texture... Their surfaces are smooth, rough and matte.

The disadvantage of matte canvases is the small range of colors.... They are made from fabrics that are impregnated. The quality of the impregnation affects the characteristics of the product: fire resistance, antibacterial effect, strength. In the manufacture of matte ceilings, France and Switzerland are second to none.

Glossy canvases allow you to visually expand the room... They are used in high-tech style interiors. For a harmonious combination of gloss with the rest of the interior, a combination with chrome and metal details is required. Glossy surfaces often make interiors look gaudy. Matte surfaces are more practical. They blend perfectly with any interior. Any image can be applied to them.

Advice... If you are not sure if a glossy suspended ceiling will work for you, opt for a matte ceiling.

The shade of the stretch ceiling should be ideally combined with furniture, wallpaper, floor... It is possible to make a choice of a ceiling only after you have paint on your hands and a design project. In search of a suitable canvas for the ceiling, go together and samples. This is the only way to perfectly match their combination.

Usually the shade of the decorative elements under the profiles matches the main color of the ceiling.... However, sometimes you can purchase contrasting inserts that will be combined with other interior details. The best option in this case will be cream, gold and beige inserts.

The use of different finishes makes it possible to combine with a unique interior. When choosing a ceiling for a small room, you should purchase a light stretch ceiling without seams.

Advice... On sale today there are ceilings of various shades - from bright to dark. You should be careful with them. Bright colors are usually suitable for the bathroom and bedroom, but are unacceptable for the living room. In a room where there are too many catchy elements, you will be psychologically tense. Each lounge is best combined with pastel and soft colors. The red ceiling visually reduces the room. It is best used in large rooms. Green and orange canvases have similar properties.

Thus, it is obvious that in the presence of the required amount, preference should be given to French-made stretch ceilings. In second place - Germany, in third - models of French firms, assembled in Belgium.

Installation of stretch ceilings is the most common type of decoration today. This is due to the quality of the materials from which they are made, their wide selection, ease of installation and maintenance. When choosing ceilings, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, since the quality of the ceiling, its appearance and service life will depend on this. Today, domestic and foreign manufacturers of stretch ceilings are represented on the construction market.

The average consumer is unlikely to be able to distinguish between ceilings made by different manufacturers. To be able to determine the manufacturer by the quality of the material, the countries in which they are made, you need to know the characteristic features of the canvases.

Distinctive features of manufacturers:

  • Domestic manufacturer. Produces canvases 1.4 meters wide. This is the only available size. This manufacturing technology makes it possible to create a canvas with a uniform density and paint coating. The Russian manufacturer does not have the opportunity to use expensive large-format equipment, with the help of which it is possible to produce larger and higher-quality canvases by adding special additives to them. In texture, the ceilings are offered in two types: matte and glossy. The colors have a sufficient color palette to make a choice. Glossy canvas reflects light less efficiently, in contrast to foreign paintings.
  • Chinese manufacturer. A distinctive feature of manufacturers from China is their bad reputation. However, it is important to remember that Chinese stretch ceiling companies represent qualified manufacturers who have proven themselves well. When dealing with a Chinese product, it is important to be able to distinguish between serious firms with a well-known name, from small manufacturers, whose product is not good for anything. If we talk about real manufacturers from China, then they provide material made from certified film, the size of which can have any acceptable width and texture. The quality guarantee provides for 12 years of reliable service. Prices are higher than Russian ones, but the result in the form of seamless stretch ceilings is worth it.
  • European manufacturer. France and Germany represent this category on the market. For example, a well-known German company - Pongs. The films from these manufacturers are characterized by high quality, perfect appearance, variety of textures and colors. If the domestic manufacturer has dozens of color shades, then the European ones have hundreds. Stretch fabrics from foreign manufacturers have the highest cost.

Manufacturers engaged in the production of stretch ceilings have their own strengths and weaknesses, this should be taken into account when choosing ceilings of different production.

It's important to remember that trying to save money can hurt your entire renovation as well as your budget. Choosing a low quality material, you can be sure of only one thing - its appearance will reflect the price category.

Everyone chooses for himself which manufacturer to choose. First of all, the choice is influenced by personal experience, taste preferences, expectations and pricing policy.

How to install stretch ceilings: company reviews

Choosing a manufacturer for stretch ceilings is not an easy task. After that, there will be no less easy choice - a trading company that will mount the canvases. On the Internet, you can find diverse reviews of companies that are engaged in installation.

When reading reviews, it's important to remember that every opinion is subjective. Ultimately, you need to take into account only personal opinion, trying to find out as much as possible about the company directly from its representatives.

When deciding which company to choose, it is important to pay attention to your own expectations, to indicate this to the contractor before starting work.

Reviews about firms:

  • Genvik. Negative feedback on inappropriate behavior, low quality of work, disrespect for customers.
  • "ArtDesign". Quality work done on time.
  • "SD-Eurostyle". High quality work.
  • "Grandee". High quality service and installation.
  • "MsdDecor". Good value for money.

When choosing a company, it is important to pay attention to the reviews of other consumers. Sometimes fraudsters who are hunting for money can be hiding under the guise of a company for installing tensioning canvases. When placing an order, great attention should be paid to studying the documents of the company and its activities.

Reviews of stretch ceilings manufacturers (video)

Stretch ceilings from manufacturers from France

Stretch fabric manufacturers from France are leaders in the finishing industry. High-tech enterprises allow them to produce canvases that are of high quality and meet all standards.

Top list of manufacturers ranked among the best:

  • Barrisol;
  • Alkor Draka;
  • Newmat;
  • Clipso;
  • Renolit.

The main companies have been present on the market for many years and have a well-deserved trust of buyers.

The best firms for the production of stretch ceilings use only high-quality and expensive materials. This explains their quality and high cost.

Each brand has rich color palettes that expand design possibilities, which is very important for creating a harmonious interior.

Distinctive features of good and high quality stretch ceilings

There are so many manufacturers on the market that you can get confused by the variety of quality, prices and textures. To determine what is good, you need to understand well the qualities that stretch ceilings should have. It is these qualities that will affect the long service life of the canvases, their appearance and the appearance of the installation.

Distinctive features of high quality stretch fabrics:

  • The ability to choose wide canvases. Using wide blades will avoid welding narrow blades and seam formation.
  • The reliability of canvases that will last a long time will save you from a possible flood and at the same time retain their appearance.
  • Soundproofing is a characteristic feature.
  • Easy to clean.
  • They have a guarantee of quality and service life.

All canvases can be dismantled and reinstalled. In case of damage, which can only happen in exceptional cases.

The material on how to choose a high-quality film for stretch ceilings will also be useful:

High quality canvases are a guarantee that the ceilings will last a long time, pleasing the eye with their beautiful appearance every day.

Installation of stretch ceilings is an important stage in the catering work. The entire success of the operation depends on the quality of the materials for surface finishing. Considering that the installation of tensioning canvases is quite costly, it must be done as efficiently as possible. There are a large number of manufacturers on the market, whose products differ from each other in the category of price and quality. To choose a reliable manufacturer, you need to study its activities, consumer reviews and the material offered to them.

Stretch ceiling manufacturers (photo)

Let's take a closer look at such a topic as stretch ceiling manufacturers. The existing set of products for arranging stretch ceiling structures indisputably testifies to the growing competition between manufacturers of PVC films and fabrics for stretch coverings, and which one is better and more reliable, you can only answer by getting to know the products offered by the companies. To draw up the most complete picture about this product and its manufacturer, it takes more than one day spent in search, clarification and consultation. In this article, we will try only to place some informational guidelines indicating how a high-quality product for the manufacture of hinged surfaces should differ and which companies have already confirmed their reliability with time and the quality of their products. This is necessary, because the most often worried about the selection of suspended ceilings are questions about the names of companies, which one is better and which canvas is still worth choosing?

A bit of history

The birthplace of modern stretch ceilings is considered to be Western Europe, where they were most widespread in the 60s of the last century. Although similar structures with the use of fabrics were used in Ancient Rome and medieval Armenia, tension structures acquired their modern look relatively recently. Europe to this day deservedly remains the trendsetter for suspended coverings, constantly improving technology and quality of the material.

The functional qualities and reliability of modern structures are determined by a number of significant factors:

  • the quality of the fabric used;
  • the quality of the bearing profiles used for the construction of the frame;
  • availability of acceptable warranty conditions provided by the manufacturer;
  • warranty service provided by the installer installing the ceilings.

Manufacturing companies

On the domestic market of stretch ceilings, curtain cover manufacturers from Germany, Belgium, Italy and, of course, France have settled very well. Products offered by suppliers from these countries are distinguished not only by excellent quality, but also by high cost. If the focus is on the desire not to surprise someone with the high cost of the interior, but with its neatness, then inexpensive products for Chinese-made surfaces are quite suitable, with which there is probably no one to compete in terms of price. Another powerful and constantly growing group of stretch fabric manufacturers is represented by domestic factories and enterprises located in the near abroad: Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus.

European firms

The experience of European companies with a long history is especially valuable, since they use the latest scientific developments in the field of polymer chemistry and the latest technical achievements.

  1. BARRISOL NORMALU is a French manufacturer. The company was founded as NORMALU SA in 1969. It occupies a leading position in the production of stretch ceilings using the harpoon method. The first stretch ceiling at the enterprise was manufactured back in 1969. The appearance of the BARRISOL brand dates back to 1975, from which the growth of the company's constant popularity began, despite the fact that it offers the consumer a rather narrow range of products. Today the company has more than 80 patents, which testifies to its constant development and strive to be a leader in the implementation of innovations in the field of suspended structures. The disadvantage for Russian customers is perhaps a rather long lead time, which is about 1 month. Also, the company's products are distinguished by a fairly high price, which can be 15% higher than that of other European companies.
  2. EXTENZO is also a French company. It appeared in 1996. At the beginning, the core of its activity was only the implementation, installation of surfaces and the corresponding services. EXTENZO products have been highly appreciated at various international exhibitions and won many awards many times. The quality level of manufactured products belongs to the elite class. Today the company is distinguished by the fact that its products can be installed at a distance of just a few millimeters from the ceiling, keeping the useful volume of the room as much as possible. It should be noted the breadth of the lineup, and the abundance of stylistic proposals. The company catalog contains a description of about 130 ceiling design options. The lead time for delivery of stretch cover can vary from 3 days to 3-4 weeks.
  3. NEWMAT S.A.S. - like the two previous ones, the company represents France. It has existed for about 24 years, during which time it has formed a very powerful international sales network. According to ratings, this commercial organization is one of the first in popularity among manufacturers of paintings. The fact that NEWMAT products deserve attention can be seen from the numerous pictures. The technologies of this company are distinguished by creativity and novelty and are capable of surprising fashion lovers. The company's goods are marked with the CE mark, confirming the European conformity. The list of surface decoration options offered by NEWMAT includes natural compositions, Venetian plaster, compositions imitating natural wood, etc. The special NEWGRAPHIC technology is used to create images on elastic material with a matte texture. The warranty period for such products reaches 10 years.
  4. PONGS TEXTIL is a German manufacturer of stretch coverings offering both fabric samples and PVC film coverings. The fact that the company produces both types of products distinguishes it favorably from other serious manufacturers. PONGS TEXTIL is particularly proud of its Descor brand of polyester Trevira fibers impregnated with polyurethane. These ceilings are distinguished by good fire and moisture resistance and dust-repellent properties. It is also interesting that the Descor does not require an expensive heat gun to be installed, but they are installed in the so-called "dry" way. Such canvases can be independently painted in the desired color with acrylic-based paints about 10 times.

Chinese products

There are many and many different things to write about stretch coating manufacturers from China, but our goal is to understand how acceptable it is as a product. In most cases, there is a set of typical difficulties with a similar product. For example, there may be no warranty documents confirming that the canvas is made in accordance with environmental safety requirements and does not pose a threat to the health of the consumer. Then the buyer can only count on being lucky.

With the multiple availability of low-quality goods from China, it must be said that there are many relatively inexpensive, in comparison with European, products from the Middle Kingdom, which differ in remarkable characteristics. You just need to make sure that they are not made in a clandestine factory and that they have all the necessary documents.

Dishonest traders, taking advantage of the ignorance of buyers, give out cheap Chinese-made canvases for goods from Europe. They are completed with frame systems made in Europe. The consumer pays for such a "mix" as for first-class coverage, absolutely not suspecting anything about the fraudulent scheme. In case of problems, the eminent European manufacturer turns out to be extreme. Although if all certification documents were checked during the purchase, such deception could possibly have been avoided.

On a note: It is useful to remember that when purchasing a stretch ceiling and ordering its installation, it is better to cooperate with the same organization, because then it will be easier to solve all technical issues.

Today, domestic stretch ceilings manufacturers have significantly increased the level of quality of the final product. We especially highlight the quality of the frame elements. This was achieved thanks to the use of high quality raw materials supplied from Europe.

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Which manufacturer of stretch ceilings to choose

France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, China - there are so many manufacturers of stretch ceilings. Which one is better? Whose film or fabric material to choose?

Turning to our company for tension structures, each client has his own idea of ​​what he wants. Customers have already heard about the French brands EXTENZO, BARRISOL and ALKOR DRAKA, Belgian companies such as PTMC or the German company RENOLIT.

And the question to the manager, which manufacturer of stretch ceilings to choose, implies that people are going to buy a high-quality canvas from Europe at an affordable cost and without seams, but by no means China.

"Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! .. I'm glad to be deceived myself!" (A. Pushkin "Recognition")

Actually over 95% stretch ceilings in Moscow and other cities of Russia are made from chinese films(the data of the customs service of the Russian Federation on PVC materials imported into the country was used as a source).

Unscrupulous firms and clients who want to be deceived find each other, therefore 70 out of 100 Chinese paintings are installed under the guise of European material. As a result, most owners are confident they have Belgian ceilings.

And this despite the fact that Belgium does not produce tensioning materials (we wrote about this earlier in). The tale of Belgian PVC canvases has arisen since a Belgian company supplied Chinese films to the Russian Federation. It only remains to add that from Germany about 3% tension materials, and from France Total - 1% .

The reason is not only that European materials are very expensive (). For example, the Barisol firm deals only with wholesale deliveries, does not sell film for a cut, to place an order requires a large volume.

Another important point is the small width of the canvases from the EU. The main assortment is presented in a size of 130 cm, much less films with a width of 200 cm, but everyone wants seamless ceilings.

Real PVC offers

If you are ready to receive an honest answer to the question: which manufacturer of stretch ceilings to choose, we will tell you about real high-quality materials. So, as it has already become clear, almost all the film in Russia is made in China.

MSD (China)

Among the various manufacturers of the Middle Kingdom, the products of the large MSD concern stand out. This plant supplies worldwide materials for awnings, tents, banners, furniture, sports equipment and stretch ceilings.

MSD brand produces a wide range of PVC canvases (mat, satin, gloss, decor) in different sizes, including the widest film in the world - 510cm. The equipment for tensioning materials from the Chinese is German-made; German specialists are also engaged in its adjustment and quality control.

Therefore, the quality of the MSD film is at the European level, and the price is much lower. Thanks to this, the world-famous manufacturer PONGS (Germany) entrusted the company MSD with the production of its 325 cm wide canvases.

MSD brand films are made from high-grade virgin Taiwanese raw materials. It is odorless, has a uniform color, is free of defects, is non-toxic and absolutely safe for health, unlike cheap non-certified fakes.

"PONGS" (Germany)

One of the oldest European manufacturers of tensioning materials, the Pongs company, has been in business for over a century since 1910. Today TM Pongs Textil GmbH popular not only in Russia, but all over the world.

Its products are created using the latest equipment, are certified according to EU standards, are characterized by high strength, environmental friendliness, fire safety, durability, impeccable appearance and a rich palette of colors.

Pongs brand produces film TM Mattfolie(30 shades of matte and 20 shades of satin texture), Lackfolie(150 shades of glossy texture) and Effektfolie(several decorative textures) with a maximum width of 200 and 270 cm.

Cloth canvases

Descor (Germany)

The main fabric manufacturer in the world is the same Pongs company. She produces ceiling textiles under TM Descor(Descor d-premium). Among several lines of canvases, acoustic fabrics, for, white and pastel, as well as with sequins.

Stretch ceiling textiles are highly durable. Thanks to microperforation, it provides an optimal microclimate in the premises for the life of people. Its hygiene, environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity and fire safety are confirmed by certificates.

The width of the canvases is 310, 410, 450 and 510 cm. The durability of textile ceilings reaches 50 years. During this period, the material does not fade and does not sag. It can be washed, photoprinted and painted with water-based paints (up to 7-10 coats).

Clipso (France)

Much more expensive and therefore rarely ordered material is French fabric. TM CLIPSO... This European brand invented polyester ceiling fabric. And in addition to standard, acoustic fabrics, for art printing and with sequins, it produces special medical cloths, impregnated from dirt and waterproof.

If Descor textiles can be attached to domestic U-shaped profiles (which makes it possible to save money), then Clipso materials are fixed only according to the original technology on plastic cam moldings of the native brand.

All other types of fabrics for stretch ceilings sold in Russia are Chinese counterfeits (real branded materials have many degrees of protection, by which it is easy to detect fraud).

Which manufacturer of stretch ceilings to choose?

Let's summarize... If you require seamless inexpensive ceiling, we recommend the Chinese film TM MSD... Want to European material, your choice is Pongs canvases(with a maximum width of 270 cm, we remind you that the materials of this brand, 325 cm wide, are also made from China using German technologies).

For those who prefer the best, we recommend Descor (Germany) or Clipso (France) fabrics... We offer our clients only materials from trusted manufacturers with the highest quality.