Who is the most dangerous person. The most dangerous criminals of our time

Incredible facts

We have heard this expression more than once - "toxic people", but we have not always thought about who they are. Associations with this term, in any case, are not the most pleasant: toxic substance, poison and chemical - all this, it turns out, can, in a psychological sense, be "isolated" by a person, poisoning the lives of others and spoiling their mood.

Toxic people are somewhat reminiscent of vampires who say or do something that makes other people give your energy and feel bad.

A significant difference may be that a toxic person may not use the energy that is given to him in response to his actions at all. If a vampire is mostly deliberately calls there are negative emotions in a person to feed themselves, toxic personalities do not eat anything, but simply spoil the lives of others just like that.

This, of course, is not always the case. Often, between toxic people and vampires, you can safely put equal sign, because both of them cause negative feelings and emotions.

Toxic vampire- the most unpleasant person you have ever seen in your life! This is the one that you should definitely stay away from, because it brings the maximum harm to others.

So that a person can be called toxic, it is worth considering the following:

1) Toxic people spoil your life, making it worse in different ways: they constantly spoil your mood, lower your self-esteem, and in return give you disbelief.

2) Next to toxic people, you feel bad, you want to run away, evaporate and erase these people from life (which is far from always possible if this is your relative, for example).

3) It is unpleasant to communicate with a toxic person; after talking with him, you have a feeling of disgust, anxiety, humiliation and other most unpleasant feelings.

Toxic people of different zodiac signs can represent more or less harm. Of course, there are more good people, and you shouldn't think that all representatives of these signs are toxic.

And one more nuance: if a person seems toxic to you, this does not mean at all that other people will consider him the same. unpleasant... It's just that your compatibility with this person is just that, perhaps you, too, are toxic to him. However, usually an unpleasant toxic person is such for the majority who somehow intersects with him.

The most toxic person

If we take toxic people and rank them according to their zodiac signs, from most dangerous to least harmful, we get the following list:


The most toxic people who are very dangerous to others are Pisces. Remember that not all Pisces are toxic, among them there are, of course, more kind and disposed people! But if you get caught toxic fish, you will have a hard time.

Toxic representatives of this sign easily rub into trust, know how to pose as a victim and leave other people guilty and exhausted after communicating with them. Moreover, it is not always possible to refuse them either. They usually do anything to make you just could not refuse.

Read also:Behaviors that push people away from you

You feel immensely sorry for them, and you also have a desire to help and support. As a result, at some point they just sit on your head. For any reason you use for their own purposes(more often as a vest, but also for other purposes), and after communication you have a feeling of emptiness, sadness and anxiety.

They usually always have a lot of problems that they try to impose on you, tell in all the details the most sentimental stories and make it clear that they simply have no way out! To a trivial question "How are you?" begin to complain about life, health, relatives, and you already regret asking at all.

Most likely, next time, if you see this person from afar, you will do everything so that he does not notice you.


Everyone knows that Scorpios are the most dangerous people if they are vampires, but they twice as dangerous when they become toxic vampires. Toxic Scorpio is a fiend of hell at the lowest level of development.

The easiest way is simply not to communicate with such people, and if this is impossible, to perceive their barbs, envy, resentment not at my own expense... Remember that usually these people are deeply unhappy and do not want to admit it.

You must be prepared that they may speak nasty things about you behind your back or try to turn other people against you. different ways... If such a Scorpio is smart enough, he can do everything very masterly that no one will ever think bad about him.

If such a person lives in your environment, do not let him close to you. It is these women who take their husbands away from their friends or make you feel gray mouse next to them. Scorpios deftly know how to put pressure on the patient, getting whatever they want.


This is the third dangerous toxic representative of the zodiac, which will suck all your strength and leave you worry and worry about your abilities. Whatever you say, you will be criticized harshly, sometimes not even harshly, rather softly, but it won't make you feel better anyway!

These people do not know how to empathize. They find it difficult to praise something that is not the work of their hands, they nourish black envy to what others have.

Restraint and cold calculation - this is how they often describe their behavior when they need warmth, support and understanding. If such a toxic Virgo is your mother or another close relative, you can only sympathize. Remember, whatever you do, you will be unhappy.

♉ Taurus

Toxic Taurus is a rather greedy person, he is used to measuring everything in monetary terms. He may even make good money on his own, but at the same time he is sure that everyone owes and owes him... Everything in this life should be given to him for free, and if someone demands money from him, it causes a storm of indignation.

If a Taurus is just greedy, they are far from being toxic. He becomes toxic when, for example, having received some kind of service, he refuses to pay for it, explaining this different reasons, running over and scandal.

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He begins to criticize and deduce from the patience of the one who provided this service, putting the person not only in an awkward position, but also leaving him in doubt about his own expertise or knowledge. Toxic client- a nightmare of anyone who offers their services.

By the way, if such a Taurus himself provides services, he can change the cost according to his own understanding, and, usually in a big way. Customers feel very good with him uncomfortable because they do not know and do not understand why and for what they should pay more.

♊ Gemini

Toxic Gemini are gossips and liars. They will easily deceive you even when there is no need to. It's hard for you to deal with them next to them, where is the truth and where is the lie.

They love to embellish their merits and hide their flaws. They often slander, say nasty things about others. It is possible that they also do not particularly favor you behind your back, get ready for it!

Gemini with toxic qualities are masters of gossip and intrigue. Words are their trump card. They, without any remorse, can op to abuse you in front of your boss or friends presenting themselves as winners. Lies and slander are the very weapons that shoot painfully and sharply, in an instant devaluating your values ​​and faith in people.

Toxic people - protection


If a representative of the Aries sign becomes a toxic person, he tries to demonstrate to everyone that he is always and in everything right. You can't even insert words like you gag pressure and impudence.

Toxic Aries are exactly those personalities who love go out on scandals, they vividly express their dislike and easily fall into anger. If Aries thinks that he has the right to yell at strangers, even those of lower status, be sure that he will not fawn on his peers either.

Also, toxic representatives of this sign are very aggressive... They easily provoke conflicts and lead you to "conversations", infuriating you. Imagine a not entirely sober person who is constantly trying to get you something incomprehensible: "No, well, tell me, what did you mean, what did you say? ..." And this happens endlessly, because whatever you say will only cause him more anger and intolerance.


Among Cancers, there are enough toxic and unpleasant people, despite the fact that this is a lunar type, which in fact should be soft, affectionate and sympathetic. In fact, not all Cancers are like that. Many of them envious and unpleasant personalities who sit in their shell, have a narrow outlook, but constantly impose their opinions on others.

They are very envious. Even if they don't show it to you. If you share some joy with them, they will certainly find in it negative side, will bring you down, so to speak, to the ground.

For example, share with them that you are on vacation and you will hear something like: "Uuu ... some kind of disease (swine / bird / fish ... flu) is raging there now, it's easy to catch the infection!" If you want to show off your daughter's upcoming wedding, they will look at the groom's photo and say: "Something he doesn't suit her at all !!" etc.

In general, there may be many options, but the verdict is the same: don't trust toxic Cancers, even if you think that the person is sincerely happy for you or supports you in something.


Toxic Lion is the king of beasts, who knows and knows everything, and does it better than anyone else (in his opinion, of course). He shows in every way your superiority over others, even if it is absolutely nothing!

Usually such Leos are self-centered, they do not like listening to others, but they like it when they listen to them. They do not make any mistakes on the part of others, sometimes even delays. But it's easy themselves are late and love it when other people are waiting for them.

You will never achieve support and understanding from a toxic Leo, he is not ready to give his time, his warmth, but requires these things from others!

Toxic Lions will always demonstrate their talents, which, by the way, are most often really present, and will in every possible way show that they are smarter, richer, more luxurious than you.


Toxic Capricorns are quite dangerous, as they are never ready under any circumstances. adapt to nothing, make compromises, accept and respect other people's opinions. They have a very narrow idea of ​​the world and do not even admit the thought that it is possible to marry it.

As a result, they oblige and induce you to do what, in their opinion, are the only true... It is difficult for children with such toxic parents, because it is almost impossible for them to prove to them that there are other more important and interesting things in the world besides work and career. Usually their children suffer at the institute, learning what they are not interested in at all, and then if they have enough strength, they go where they like.

Toxic Capricorn boss - very unpleasant person, it is better to immediately change jobs if he starts demanding the impossible from you. Remember that you cannot prove anything to such bosses, and if you try to do this, then you will most likely simply not be allowed to move forward up the career ladder, or even completely cut wages or even get fired.

Every day our planet is becoming an increasingly unpleasant and life-threatening place. Fierce clashes with terrorist groups, the fight against drug trafficking, kidnapping and organ trafficking: among us live those who are able to order the destruction of entire families without batting an eye. These five most wanted bandits in the world are responsible for horrific crimes against all of humanity - however, until now, each of them enjoys freedom. Matteo Denaro Forbes magazine ranked Denaro the sixth most wanted criminals in the world. Having come a long way from the bottom, a bandit nicknamed Diabolic in 2007 became the "godfather" of the entire Sicilian mafia. Matteo has repeatedly boasted that he filled an entire cemetery with his own hands. The Italian court sentenced the criminal to death in absentia, but this fact does not bother Diabolik at all.
Joseph Koni This Ugandan organized his own army, and recruited it from the children. Detachments of the Lord's Resistance Army are in opposition to the country's legitimate government. Kony's fighters are ruthless killers, familiar with the machine gun almost from the cradle. During his reign, the cunning preacher kidnapped more than 35,000 children: each of them was trained for several months, then armed and sent to clean up their native villages. Since 2005, almost all the secret services of the world have announced the hunt for Horses, but at the moment they have not been able to catch him.
Semyon Mogilevich Mogilevich started his criminal business back in 1970. He is called the genius of the underworld and is accused of all sorts of crimes, including the sale of depleted uranium to Osama bin Laden. In the criminal circles of Russia and abroad, he is known as Seva, "Don Simenon" and "The Man with Seven Faces." Despite the fact that Mogilevich is one of the five most wanted people of the FBI and is considered one of the main leaders of the Russian mafia in the world, the Russian court does not see corpus delicti in his actions. In April 2011, Mogilevich's case was closed for lack of corpus delicti and the bandit is still free to walk.
Eribeto Lazcano The Los Zetas cartel is not in vain considered the most dangerous criminal group on two continents. Eribeto Lazcano recruits only professional soldiers who have gone through more than one war. From helicopters to tanks, the Mexican authorities are not at risk of quarreling with Setas either. The FBI is offering $ 2 million for any information on the whereabouts of Eribeto Lazcano and as much as $ 5 million for information that will lead to his capture.
Christopher Coke Christopher, better known as Dudus, became a drug lord at only 23 years old. The guy had to take on the case of his father, Lester Coke, who died in the showdown. Under the able hand of Dudus, the Jamaican cartel grew from the scale of the region: a brisk trade began already with the United States. Today, Coke is sentenced to forty years in prison, but the press believes that an appeal for the early release of a dangerous criminal will be accepted by the judiciary due to corruption.

We all know about the dangers that various animals can pose. This applies to everyone and everyone, because we just heard about some animals, while others live next to us. Some of them are extremely aggressive, others are deadly toxic, and still others are dangerous in their size. Below you will find a description of the most dangerous animals in the world, learn a lot of new and interesting things about them.

10. Common piranha is a daring predator

On the 10th position of the most dangerous animals in the world, there is a well-known fish - this is a piranha. The common piranha is one of the most dangerous fish in the world. It is dangerous for both animals and humans. These fish are freshwater predators, they inhabit the waters of South and Central America. Most of all piranhas live in the rivers of Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela and Central Argentina. These are relatively small fish 30 cm long and weighing up to 3.5 kg. The main weapon of the common piranha is its very sharp teeth.

The common piranha is a schooling fish, it is very voracious and has a good sense of smell. These fish instantly feel the blood and immediately pounce on the victim with the whole flock. These predators are prudent and very fast, they can watch for the prey, and then attack it and devour it with lightning speed. A flock of common piranhas is quite capable of defeating large animals. They can easily tear a horse or large boar to shreds.

9. The wolf is the smartest of predators

The ninth place in the list of the most dangerous animals in the world is rightfully reserved for the owner of the taiga. The wolf is a rather large predator, a very smart and hardy animal. The wolf is the planet's most widespread predator. Wolves are especially dangerous in winter. It is very dangerous to meet a hungry flock, the number of which can number up to 40 individuals. But it is even more dangerous to be on the territory of the flock's lair, then it will be a battle for life and death.

Most often, people are attacked by rabid animals. But there are many cases when a perfectly healthy wolf attacked. Also, wolves attack people in those regions where there is a shortage or lack of natural prey for them (deer, elk). In summer, wolves can attack humans to feed their young.

8. Lion is a formidable predator

On the 8th place of the most dangerous animals in the world was the king of beasts. The lion is a predatory big cat from the panther genus. It is one of the largest cats in the world. The lion is very fast, it has strong legs, powerful jaws and large sharp fangs. The size of the lion allows him to overcome even very large animals. An adult lion weighs 250 kg, with a body length of 2.5 meters and a height at the withers of 120 cm. Lions are at the top of the food chain in the animal kingdom.

Lions are the strongest animals; on the hunt, they gather in groups and chase their prey. Lions do not hunt people on purpose, but cannibalism is very common. Most often, it is males that attack people. Sick and injured animals are more prone to attacks on humans than healthy lions. According to statistics, about 70 Tanzanians die from a lion attack every year. By nature, all big cats are dangerous to humans. Also, the tiger, leopard and puma pose a considerable danger.

7. The frog leaf climber is terrible - a poisonous baby

On the 7th place of the most dangerous animals in the world, there is a small, but very toxic and dangerous frog. The terrible leaf climber is the most dangerous frog in the tree frog family. It lives in the rain forests of Central and South America and has a bright color. The size of this frog rarely exceeds 5 cm. The toxicity of all species of frogs from the dart frog family is very high. Their skin secretes a deadly poison - batrachotoxin. Previously, the Indians used the poison of this frog to lubricate the tips of their arrows.

If it enters any living organism through the blood, the poison causes arrhythmias and cardiac arrest. The skin of frogs contains so much toxic substance that it is enough to poison more than 10 people to death. But by its nature, the terrible leaf climber is a peaceful creature, so you just should not touch it.

6. Jellyfish sea wasp - invisible death

The sixth most dangerous animal in the world is the deadly jellyfish. Sea wasp - belongs to the box jellyfish class and is the most dangerous jellyfish in the world. Box jellyfish are capable of inflicting severe burns with their tentacles, which contain a very strong and toxic poison. The sea wasp is fatal to humans. Box jellyfish burns are very painful, they can cause cardiac arrest and depress the nervous system. The poison of one sea wasp can kill 60 people in 3 minutes. The largest concentration of box jellyfish is found off the northern shores of Australia at shallow depths and in places where coral accumulates. That is why the sea wasp is called "Australian".

The sea wasp swims quite quickly and easily changes direction. The sea wasp has 60 tentacles about half a meter long and 24 eyes. The sea wasp sees well, but it is very difficult to notice it. The fact is that this jellyfish is almost completely transparent. The Australian jellyfish does not attack a person first; it stings if accidentally touched in water. The dome of a sea wasp is 5 to 25 cm in diameter, and its tentacles tend to lengthen up to 3 meters. Australia is installing safety nets in the water and warning signs on beaches to keep people safe. But unfortunately, this does not guarantee complete safety, because during a storm and high tide, these jellyfish still end up on the beach.

5. The blunt shark is an aggressive killer

Fifth place in the top of the most dangerous animals in the world went to a frightening shark. The blunt shark (other names: gray bull shark, bull shark) is the most aggressive type of shark, which is very dangerous to humans. The bull shark lives in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, often enters rivers and is found in shallow waters. The bull shark can reach quite large sizes. There are giants up to 4 meters long, weighing up to 400 kg.

These sharks, among other predatory representatives, are distinguished by a massive blunt snout and a gray body with a white belly. The blunt shark has the most powerful bite of any shark and does not need a reason to attack. Their considerable size, strong jaws and aggressive nature rightfully give them the status of the most dangerous shark for humans. Also the most dangerous sharks in the world after the bull shark are the white shark and the tiger shark.

4. A combed crocodile is a giant man-eater

The fourth most dangerous animal in the world is the man-eating crocodile. The combed crocodile (other names: saltwater crocodile, man-eating crocodile) is the largest crocodile in the world. Males of this species normally reach 7 meters in length and weigh almost 2 tons. In addition, the combed crocodile has the strongest bite in the animal kingdom. The combed crocodile is widespread. It lives from the east coast of India, through the territory of Southeast Asia, to Northern Australia.

Saltwater crocodiles are very aggressive and attack humans both in water and on land. This crocodile attacks, even if he is full, because he does not tolerate an invasion of his territory. The strength, frightening size and incredible speed of this crocodile make its attack deadly. They are absolutely not afraid of humans, therefore, in order to protect themselves from these predators, their territories should be avoided. Usually, special warning signs are installed in such places. Also the most dangerous crocodiles after the combed one are the Nile crocodile and the American alligator.

3. Black mamba - the thunderstorm of Africa

The fastest snake opens the top three among the most dangerous animals in the world. The black mamba is the poisonous snake of Africa. This snake lives in most parts of the continent and leads a terrestrial lifestyle. Most often found in savannas and occasionally climbs trees. The black mamba is a large snake, its length exceeds 3 meters. It is also one of the fastest snakes in the world, and can reach speeds of up to 11 km / h over short distances. The black mamba is a very aggressive snake, it can make high throws almost the entire length of its body.

This snake is distinguished primarily by its mouth, which is painted black. The general color of the snake ranges from olive to gray-brown, with a metallic sheen. The snake is extremely dangerous, its bite is invariably fatal. The venom of the black mamba is very toxic, the bite of this snake causes paralysis and respiratory arrest. Death occurs within 45 minutes after the bite. Many of the poisonous snakes are extremely dangerous to humans, but not all poisonous snake bites can lead to death, although many deaths have been recorded. After the black mamba, the most dangerous snakes are the coastal taipan, the tiger snake and the king cobra.

2. Polar bear is a hunter of people

In the second place of the most dangerous animals in the world is the beloved umka. Polar bear (other names: polar bear, polar bear) is a large predatory bear. The polar bear is the only major land-based predator on the planet that can track and hunt humans. This bear is of considerable size. It can reach a body length of 3 meters, with a height at the withers up to 150 cm and a body weight of 1 ton.

There are known cases of polar bear attacks on polar travelers, especially when there was accumulated garbage near the tents, which attracts the polar bear. These predators are very smart, have tremendous strength and excellent sense of smell. You can't run away from a polar bear, he runs fast, and besides, he is an excellent swimmer. Also very dangerous bears are the brown bear and the grizzly bear.

1. Elephant - deceiving peacefulness

The first place of the most dangerous animals in the world was taken by the elephant. This strong and powerful animal looks very peaceful, but do not flatter yourself. It is better not to approach the African elephant in the wild, especially during the mating season. These animals are huge, the normal body weight of an elephant is 7 tons, with a height of 3 meters and a body length of up to 7 meters. They can trample you without batting an eye, moreover, it will not work to run away from the elephant, it can move at a speed of 40 km / h. The most dangerous are lonely elephants, which are very aggressive and attack anything. Each year, about 500 people die from attacks by elephants and their powerful tusks.

The elephant is the largest animal after the blue whale. Elephants are very often tamed to be used as transport or on the farm. An obedient animal at normal times becomes dangerous with the onset of the mating season and can attack. And here the attitude of the owner to the elephant plays a huge role, because the aggression of elephants is a consequence of cruel treatment with them. Zoologists claim that the aggressive behavior of elephants provoked the cruelty of people towards these intelligent animals. The elephant is notable for its unpredictability and in anger it is terrible - it will trample or pierce it with a tusk.

There are several very dangerous large animals on the territory of the African continent. The African buffalo is a powerful bull that is absolutely intolerant of man and will certainly attack him. A rhinoceros - which sees poorly, therefore indiscriminately attacks any moving target with its horns and will attack not only people, but also riding elephants. Hippopotamus - which can easily flip a boat, while he can drown people who have fallen out of it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such a rich and unexplored animal world can be fraught with danger every second. You just need to be careful when traveling around the world and be interested in possible existing threats in the territory of the country you intend to visit. We wish you a safe journey! If you liked this article, subscribe to the site updates to be the first to receive interesting articles about animals.

"The Most Dangerous Man" continues the line of intellectual spy thrillers from the master of the genre, John Le Carré. As in "Spy Get Out!" Le Carré is known for his hostility towards spy action films (in particular, Bond), so that films based on his novels are distinguished by a calm, viscous atmosphere and a leisurely style of storytelling. For Le Carré, reconnaissance is, first of all, a game of minds, and not indiscriminate waving of legs and fussy firing at all living things. Well, he just knows better - the author of two dozen spy novels, before moving on to writing, made a career in MI6 himself.

But if "Spy, get out!" was an ensemble of characters, about each of which you can tell a separate story if you wish, then in "The Most Dangerous Man" the main action is centered around one main character - the head of the anti-terrorist group, Gunther Bachmann. For Philip Seymour Hoffman, who plays him, the film became a benefit performance and at the same time a swan song (this is the last film in which he starred). Hoffman goes to great lengths here in every episode. His image is thought out to the smallest detail, and every detail matters. He is the locomotive that pulls the plot and the rest of the narrative participants with him.

As for the other characters, Isa, played by the Russian actor Grigory Dobrygin, stands out among them. It is always pleasant when “our man” is invited to the role of a character from Russia. For Dobrygin, shooting in such a project is a serious step forward and a colossal experience. I hope this will help him gain a foothold in Western cinema and give him an impetus to get new roles in Europe and the United States. Although the character of Isa himself is very complex and contradictory, Dobrygin's "first pancake" in foreign cinema turned out to be quite successful. Here, by the way, details are also important, although the director does not always pay enough attention to them. So, in one of the episodes, Isa repeatedly launches a paper airplane into an empty wall. An allusion to 9/11 suggests itself (by the way, the terrorist attacks were planned in Hamburg, which is reminiscent of the opening title of the film and which determined the choice of location for the author of the book). But at the same time, it can also be a symbol of hopelessness for the hero himself - an emigrant without documents, money and a future, who runs into a wall of incomprehension in a foreign country.

The game of Rachel McAdams and Willem Dafoe deserves flattering words. The latter, it seems, is becoming a real "king of the episode": even while acting in secondary roles, he manages to make his characters prominent and memorable. Most recently, he appeared in a small but flamboyant role in The Fault in Our Stars, before that at the Grand Budapest Hotel. Robin Wright is not much different from herself in "House of Cards" - only her hair color is different. The appearance of the famous German actors Nina Hoss and Daniel Bruhl in the secondary roles of Bachmann's assistants pleased. On the one hand, the presence of German actors (all the more so recognizable ones) in the frame adds authenticity and atmosphere to the film (all the action of the picture takes place in Hamburg, Germany, where the shooting took place). On the other hand, their roles are so formal, and they got so little screen time that, by God, they could save on royalties and get by with extras in these episodes. Although Hoss even in these short moments manages to “play with her eyes” so that her presence in the frame is fully justified.

However, all these minor characters serve rather as a background for the main drama - namely, the great human drama of Gunther Bachmann. In theory, Isa Karpov is in a much more difficult life situation, and perhaps much more should be sympathized with him. However, Bachmann's drama does not lie on the surface, it is hidden deeper. An old school scout, thrown to the sidelines of his professional career after a failure in the Middle East, he is forced to conduct an eternal struggle. At the same time, his opponents are not only those who are preparing to blow up houses, and whom he tracks down every day, but also those who sit in high offices, drive with a personal driver and, carried away by political and spy games, hypocrite and manipulate people like pawns on chessboard, preventing Bachmann from doing his work as he sees fit. Yes, Bachmann is clumsy, old-fashioned, with difficulty adapting to a changing world, but he is a human being, and he treats each “object” as a living person, and not as a line in a statistical report. Hoffman's play is the main and main advantage of the picture. Thanks to her, seeming at first as a cold, unemotional, almost lifeless spy thriller, the film is gradually gaining momentum, the interweaving of human destinies and dramas to the finale knocks out real sparks, and the emotional component becomes almost more important than the plot. This is its main difference from "Spy, Get Out!", Where brilliant detective intrigue was the basis of the plot, saturated with a retro atmosphere and vivid characters. At the same time, even the magnificent Oldman in one of his best roles did not pull the blanket over himself, but left enough space for other actors (Firth, Hardy, Strong, Cumberbatch), each of whom created such a memorable image that could well become the basis for a separate film or spin-off. “The Most Dangerous Man” is a story more “in itself” (hardly anyone would want to watch a separate film about a lawyer or a banker, or even Isa Karpov).

The film's director Anton Corbijn is also worth praising, for whom this is the third feature-length work. Much in the style of his direction is betrayed by a former professional photographer: staging a shot, attention to detail. No shaky cameras or hectic action. "American", in my opinion, was somewhat underestimated by critics and viewers, "The Most Dangerous Man" became a new challenge and a new step forward. And although Corbijn is criticized a lot, at least you cannot deny him the ability to choose interesting, non-trivial material (dramatic, atmospheric, tense, based on literary sources and concentrating around one central character) and present him in a peculiar way.

Adhering to the laws of the country in which you live is the first duty of any conscientious citizen. Without this, any society will sooner or later slip into the state of not even a primitive tribe, but a wild pack, where only the right of the strong prevails.

Unfortunately, for those who are described in our article, there was no other law than their own desires. These bloodthirsty killers considered other people to be only two-legged prey and nothing else. This is what those who are deservedly called did the most dangerous criminals in the world!

John Wayne Gacy known as Killer clown... Acting at children's parties in the role of a cheerful painted comedian, the smiling fat mustachioed man looked closely at the victims, whom he then lured into his house.

There, the unfortunates were raped for a long time, after which they were killed. Gacy did not disdain homosexual prostitutes, dealing with them in the same way. In total, at least 33 people became victims of John.

Later, at the trial, it turned out that the offender had been irreparably maimed in childhood. An alcoholic father, his pedophile friend, peers who did not miss the chance to mock a weak and sickly child - all this led to the fact that a terrible maniac grew out of John. The verdict, however, remained unchanged. Gacy was facing the death penalty.

Grady Franklin Styles always called a monster. From the first days of his life, he was diagnosed with ectrodactyly, a developmental defect in which the hands and feet turn into an eerie-looking pincer.

In those days, for those unable to walk, but very strong Lobster man there was only one way. Grady turned his ailment into dignity and became a circus star.

At home, however, the amusing favorite of the public turned into a terrible tyrant. The alcoholic beat his relatives mercilessly, and later, convinced of his own impunity, even shot the husband of his daughter, whom he had long disliked.

The most interesting thing is that the authorities did not dare to put Grady in jail. Desperate households finished off the raging villain on their own - they killed him before he killed them.

Jason Barnum, 30, has been nicknamed "The Terminator" and "The Eyeball". He ended up in the dock because he cold-bloodedly shot a police officer. However, the 22-year term did not upset the killer. " I have no place in the free world anyway", - Jason commented on the verdict.

A robber, addict and murderer, Barnum refused to repent of what he had done. Reasoning that with such tattoos he would still disappear, Jason believes: even notoriety is better than complete obscurity.

Now at least the culprit is famous. However, he will not see freedom for a very long time.

The press called Jack Unterweger"Vienna Strangler", and some journalists even gave him the nickname "Jack the Poet" by analogy with the world famous Jack the Ripper. Imagine how horrified the public was when it turned out: the famous writer, for whose release thousands of people once stood up, turned out to be a ruthless hunter of prostitutes!

His first victim, a waitress whom he met in a bar, was strangled by Unterweger with his own bra. They arrested him very quickly and imprisoned him for 15 years. In prison, Jack wrote an autobiographical book, thanks to which he became rich and famous. Later, the man was even called an exemplary re-educated prisoner.

But right after his release, he began to kill again! When the new crimes of the scoundrel were revealed, Jack was arrested. But he decided not to bring the case to court and hanged himself in his own cell.

Mary Mallon also nicknamed "Typhoid Mary" was the first documented healthy carrier of typhoid fever in the United States. Everything would be fine, but the woman worked as a cook, and she categorically refused to give up her profession. All her life Mary firmly believed: she is absolutely healthy, and the doctors are chasing her solely out of envy and anger.

In the end, it was established: thanks to Mallon's "services", at least 47 people were infected with typhus, three of whom later died. Even in the hospital, where she was eventually sent to quarantine for life, Typhoid Mary flatly refused to be treated for her illness. Today her nickname has become a household name.

Dennis Rader for a long time passed in the documents of the police as a "BTK killer". Between 1974 and 1991, he killed at least 10 people. And the whole family became the first victims of the maniac.

Having cut the telephone wires in advance, the killer entered the house, strangled the spouses with a rope from the curtains, their 9-year-old son with a plastic bag, and simply hung up their 11-year-old daughter.

With each murder, the maniac sent letters in verse to the newspaper. He even sent reporters a rebuttal when some teenagers decided to snatch fame by taking the blame. The police were unable to solve Raider's crimes, and he was arrested only in 2005, when the man himself confessed everything through another letter.

People were horrified that the exemplary father of the family, a believing Lutheran, suddenly turned out to be a ruthless killer. I note right away - Dennis did not feel any remorse, he was always worried about only glory.

Experts call the photographer a maniac Rodney Alcala almost the worst killer in US history. The cold-blooded bastard's charm and wit allowed him to avoid punishment for decades. Thanks to the right language and professional skills, Rodney easily rubbed into the trust of thousands of girls.

Alcala killed more than a hundred people in 8 years... Fortunately, in the end, the court exposed the intruder's machinations. Now a killer with a camera will never come out from behind bars!

The video below tells about several more creepy criminals who are not inferior in cruelty and bloodlust to the maniacs described above. It's hard to even call such creatures people! Learning about their atrocities, it seems that these killers are just animals, perfectly able to disguise themselves as law-abiding citizens.

Well at least justice was finally done, and each of the aforementioned scoundrels was punished justly. Some, however, argue that even the atrocities of the "heroes" of our collection pale before the cruelty of the world's most terrible juvenile criminals ...