Unusual design of the bath. Sauna design tips

In this article, we will offer several options for decorating the interior of a bath and sauna - a conservative steam room, a comfortable washing room and a dressing room that has a pleasant rest, while considering the design styles that are best suited for such premises.

A bathhouse, whether it is a modest building detached on a summer cottage or a part of a large country house, is not just a place where you can “steam the bones” and take water procedures, but also an excellent corner for relaxation and pleasant pastime with friends.

But just before inviting guests to your new bathhouse or sauna, you should make sure that its interior looks attractive. Bathhouse interior design is a fascinating experience. Firstly, it is here that you can quite afford unusual experiments with design, secondly, you can not adhere to the general style of home decoration, and thirdly, the bathhouse itself is a very interesting place, suggesting an extremely pleasant stay.

Bath ... Hot steam, delicious hot tea, cool pool or shower water. And also - the original interior, conducive to relaxation and communication

1. Russian bath - Russian interior

The Russian style is an almost ideal design option for a wooden bathhouse, built of rounded logs or beams and not pretending to be particularly splendid and urban gloss.

The beauty of this interior design is that it does not require substantial costs and can be decorated with your own hands. In addition, in such a bathhouse, equipped according to the national traditions of our country, it will always be homely cozy and at the same time beautiful in its own way.

The Russian style in the bathhouse is necessarily wooden walls that do not need additional decoration and decoration, a plank floor, a heater or a Russian stove, simple, rough benches and a large hospitable table made of natural wood in the recreation area. The stove is usually faced with tiles or simply plastered and whitewashed.

An embroidered tablecloth, bath brooms hung on the walls, wicker paths and rugs on benches, as well as all kinds of little things, dear to the heart of the owners and, preferably, inherited from grandmother, will help to decorate such an interior.

The Russian style is perfect for those bathhouse owners who are in no hurry to throw away old things, for example, a massive sideboard made of Karelian birch, inappropriate in a modern living room, a real Tula samovar and a water ladle carved from solid wood. It is these items "with history" that will become the basis of the Russian style of the interior of the bath.

Of course, the Russian stove today is not such a frequent attribute of the bath, but in terms of its functions, a more modern and compact stove will completely replace it.

Traditional birch, oak, fir, alder, coniferous and linden brooms, rough wooden benches and a beautiful embroidered tablecloth on a massive table will be the best decoration for a Russian-style bathhouse.

A vivid example of how easy it is to create a real Russian interior. For this, a samovar on the table, an icon framed with an embroidered towel, popular prints, round seats on benches and a set of dishes suitable for the style are enough.

2. Variations on a country theme

This style, just like the previous one, is perfect for decorating a wooden bath, suggesting the creation of a "rustic" interior, without any special frills and inappropriate ceremonial splendor in this case.

In general, the Russian style and country music are very similar. However, country will bring traditions of other countries to the interior of the bathhouse. So, designers distinguish American and French country, which will differ in the traditional colors of textiles and the use of individual interior elements.

Country French is more sophisticated than American, which is considered one of the simplest. But the main features of this design direction are preserved regardless of the country of origin. So, the interior of a country-style bathhouse is:

  1. Wooden furniture, usually light colors, possibly artificially aged and simply varnished. The furniture is decorated with light carvings and polished, which makes it look somewhat more elegant than in the Russian style.
  2. Bright dishes that will serve as a highlight in an otherwise very simple interior. Ceramics, white-blue or pale yellow plates, cups depicting rural landscapes, as well as dishes made of natural wood are appropriate.
  3. Natural fabrics - cotton and linen of variegated colors.
  4. Walls made of timber or logs.
  5. Mandatory beams on the ceiling.
  6. Ceramic tiles or planks on the floor.

A real ethnic corner, located in the bathhouse recreation area. In country, you can use not only wooden, but also leather, wicker, forged furniture.

Everything is simple and tasteful - this is the basic principle of country music. This option is more similar to the French "rustic" style than to the American one, which took a lot from the national traditions of Indian tribes.

3. We combine the eastern traditions of the Turkish hamam and the Russian bath

The oriental style in the interior always involves the use of bright colors, lush textiles, exotic design elements and special furniture. How to combine in one room, it would seem, completely different in style, a traditional Russian bath and an exotic Turkish hamam for our country?

In fact, if you do not go into the specifics of the bath procedure, but consider the issue from the point of view of design, then the main difference between an ordinary steam room in a Russian bath and the hottest room in a Turkish hamam is in decoration. In the first case, a tree is always used, and in the second, a mosaic.

Yes, mosaic is much more expensive than simple wood shelves. But at the same time, the view of the steam room will turn out to be more original, ceremonial and expensive. If your plans do not include a radical change in the appearance of the steam room, elements of the oriental style can be used in a room with a shower and a pool - this is where bright mosaics and oriental patterns on the tiles will be more appropriate than ever.

In addition, a full-fledged hookah room can be arranged in the relaxation room at the bathhouse by hanging bright curtains, setting a low table on curved legs and scattering multi-colored pillows. The result will be bright, inexpensive, and original.

Mosaic seats - this is the main stylistic difference between the Turkish hamam and the usual Russian steam room.

Even the smallest dressing room can be turned into a cozy and oriental-style lush hookah room. Bright covers on sofas, multi-colored pillows, a low carved table, light, multi-layered curtains and, of course, the hookah itself - that's all you need for this. And tea can be drunk not from an ordinary cup, but from a bowl to emphasize the original style of the recreation area

4. Scandinavian style is a great option for a sauna

Another style of interior decoration that strives for simplicity and naturalness, and therefore is the best suited for a bath or sauna. The Scandinavian interior is not for nothing considered the predecessor of the eco-style that is relevant today. It is in it that the simplicity and deliberate roughness of country is combined with the strict forms and proportions of the classics, ethnic trends find their modern continuation, and the naturalness of wood is adjacent to more technological materials.

In the Scandinavian style, you can decorate not only a wooden bath or sauna, but also a brick building, as well as a relaxation room, which will become an integral part of the house. In this case, walls plastered and painted in neutral tones will accentuate the simple forms of wooden or wrought-iron furniture.

Bath or sauna in the Scandinavian style are distinguished by their laconism, functionality, light colors and simple decoration. It is important not to overload the room with details, while creating several bright accents - for example, by hanging a lamp in a rich red lampshade over the table in the recreation room or decorating the wall with an unusual picture.

There can be a lot of natural wood in the Scandinavian style, as well as in the country. However, in general, this style is more "urban", versatile and allows you to combine wood with artificial stone and other modern materials.

The steam room is always the most conservative room in a bath or sauna. It is difficult to offer something new and original here. And yet, a Scandinavian-style steam room will definitely be distinguished by the lightness of light wood - most often linden, aspen and the African abasha tree are used for this purpose, which is not afraid of either heat or moisture. Experts advise to equip shelves with slots from 1 to 2 centimeters

5. Exotic option - Japanese bath

If you prefer the Japanese style in the interior, you can build not just a bathhouse, but a Japanese-style bathhouse. The main difference between this option is the absence of a steam room as such - it is replaced by a barrel of hot water (furako) and a rectangular barrel with aromatized sawdust or pebbles heated to 60 degrees (ofuro).

The room in which the furako and ofuro will be installed should also be decorated in the style adopted in the country of the Rising Sun. Bamboo screens, a large Japanese fan on the wall, natural shades in the decoration of the walls and ceiling - the laconic Japanese interior gravitates towards natural simplicity.

If you do not intend to give up the steam room and the purchase of furako and ofuro is not included in your plans, you can decorate only a rest room in the Japanese style. A tatami, a low table, a drawing of a sakura branch on the wall - decorating such an interior is not as difficult as it seems.

Light bamboo screens can serve not only as a partition, but also as a decoration for an otherwise ordinary wall, helping to create a Japanese interior in a relaxation room or washroom.

A podium with scattered pillows and a low table may well replace a traditional table with chairs in a rest room.

Furako is a barrel with a height of 1.2 meters and a diameter of 1.2-1.8 meters. You can also purchase more spacious copies. Furako must be equipped with a water heater, a small ladder or a side chair, and the drain at the bottom must be connected to the sewer system

6. Modern classics

It is most often used in fairly large relaxation rooms in a sauna or steam bath. It assumes the presence of such classic elements as columns that serve as a space divider and decoration of walls, as well as arches, stucco moldings and multi-level ceilings.

The classics are easily applicable in the interior of a bathhouse built of brick or cinder block, however, in some cases, elements of this timeless style can also be used in rest rooms with walls made of timber.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to turn a small dressing room into an analogue of an antique hall. Sometimes it is enough to equip the doorways in the form of an arch, decorate the ceiling cornices with stucco elements made of polyurethane, lay out the floor with matte tiles and purchase furniture with straight, laconic forms.

A good example of a sauna interior with classic design elements. Arched vaults, tiered ceilings, pastel-colored walls and simple tiles on the floor make the dressing room a very inviting and welcoming space. At the same time, simple wooden benches, appropriate, rather, in the country style, harmoniously fit into a fairly strict interior

If finances allow, then an ordinary relaxation room in a bath can be turned into a hall with all the attributes of the classic style.

Even if your bathhouse is a wooden structure and you do not plan to decorate the walls with plaster, you can create a classic interior using strict furniture of straight shapes, paintings in simple frames, lamps traditional for this style and light curtains with numerous folds

7. Sauna in modern style

We must warn you right away that Art Nouveau is not used very often in the interior of the bath. If we compare it with the previous versions, then it is the complete opposite of the "rustic" country and the Russian style adhering to folk traditions.

And this is not surprising, because Art Nouveau presupposes the arrangement of a modern interior, the rejection of straight lines and strict forms in favor of abstract, bright colors, bizarrely curved lines of decor, large images of flowers and floral ornament - all this does not at all evoke associations with a traditional bath.

However, if you are ready to experiment and are not limited in finances, Art Nouveau can be used as the main style of the bath interior. Such an extraordinary approach will ultimately allow you to get an unusual and bright room, an amazingly beautiful lounge and really "come off" experimenting with colors and shapes.

Conveniently, Art Nouveau practically does not place restrictions on the choice of colors or finishing materials. This feature allows not to restrict the design impulses of the sauna owners and to make full use of modern technologies and the latest trends.

Bright mosaics are a must-have for a modern washroom. Try to avoid strict straight lines, be sure to use bright lighting and at least a slight hint of floral patterns - only in this case, the style of your sauna will be easily recognizable.

Glass, leather, shiny chrome are quite appropriate in an Art Nouveau lounge. But the log walls, traditional for a bath, will spoil the overall impression of the modern and original design.

Too bright? Well, the walls could be painted in a less saturated color and do without large images. But the round sofa with bright pillows in the sauna relaxation room will immediately tell your guests that it was the modern style that inspired you to create such an unusual interior.

And finally, a few tips:

  1. You should not mix several styles when decorating such a small room as a dressing room or steam room. It is better to adhere to a pre-selected direction and not turn the interior of the bath into a chaotic collection of the elements you like.
  2. The steam room is a modest room that performs a utilitarian function, so you should not overload it with decor. But the use of several types of wood of different shades or a mosaic of two or three colors is quite appropriate.
  3. The style of the interior should be chosen based on the construction material of the bath - timber, log, brick - each has its own optimal decor option.

Even the most modest bathhouse, built according to the principle “from what was” at the summer cottage, can be arranged in such a way as to spend time here not only with benefit, but also with great pleasure.

Saunas are versatile. They can be installed in a finished building or built from scratch. It is important to determine in advance how it will look, what will be needed to implement the ideas. The design should be carefully considered. Then it will be possible to embody all the ideas.

The presence of a bath or a sauna in a private house is no longer surprising.

Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to install a sauna cabin even within a city apartment.

Sauna cabins for one, two people

Ready-made booths are available, or they are assembled from separate panels. The product can be placed in the bathroom. It is important that a few centimeters remain between the ceiling and the top of the booth. The average height of the product is about 2 m. Even if the bathroom is small, there is room in it for a booth for one person. The key advantage of the finished design is the proper location of the ventilation and stove.

Saunas have an important and often decisive advantage over the Russian bath - they are versatile, it is easier to build them from scratch or install in a ready-made room.

There is a wide selection of dimensions and materials for the product. More often natural wood is used, such as linden or aspen. The doors of the structure are often made of glass. Customization is necessary if you want to embody the original design. Then the booth will be able to complement the style created in the bathroom or become the highlight of the room.

It all depends on the amount of space available, the choice of sauna capacity and the financial capabilities of the homeowner.

Sauna design with pool

If the dimensions of the premises in the house allow it, it is worth complementing the sauna with a pool. This will give you the opportunity to plunge into the coolness after the heat of the steam room, which is good for your health. Both rooms are interconnected in the interior plan, usually with a floor covering.

If you have decided on the area for a home sauna, you need to decide how many people the steam room should accommodate at the same time.

The sauna inside consists of natural wood without additional varnishing. For a room with a pool, tiles, mosaics or stone are well suited. The palette of both rooms can be made the same by choosing the appropriate shade of wood.

For one or two people, you can get by with a sauna booth; for a family vacation, you need a large area; for receiving guests, it is absolutely necessary to take care of a relaxation room, in addition to the steam room in the sauna itself.

Natural stone in sauna design

If completely wooden surfaces are not to your liking, it is worth diluting the overall look with natural stone. It is highly durable, able to withstand high temperatures and is not afraid of moisture. The stone will increase the cost of creating a design and increase the time to implement the idea.

Currently, it is possible to purchase both a ready-made sauna booth and assemble it from separate panels.

But you can get a harmonious and original combination of materials. For warm wood tones, dark stone tiles are suitable. To increase the stunning effect, it is recommended to use different stone types, differing in texture and palette.

It all depends on how individual appearance, functionality and design you would like to receive.

You can add natural notes using raw material. Pebbles will help to increase individuality and originality. The room will look extraordinary. And when walking on a similar floor, it will allow you to get the massage effect on a regular basis.

The advantage of ready-made structures is that they already assume the correct placement of the oven and ventilation.

The stone wall can become a highlight of the room, bringing variety and contrast.

The use of lighting systems in sauna design

The use of a lighting system in a sauna instead of the usual lamps and lamps is becoming more popular. Various shapes of lighting fixtures and their shades are selected. The glass door does not allow enough light into the interior of the sauna. Therefore, it is quite dark there and it is wise to add lighting.

Ready-made sauna booths are available in various sizes, made from different types of wood, but mainly from aspen, linden and some conifers.

The lighting should be installed in timber platforms, seating areas and sun loungers. LEDs make it possible to add light to individual structural elements and surfaces. You can choose different shades of lighting, depending on the imagination and the size of the room.

Doors to mini saunas are usually all glass or have a wooden frame with large transparent glass.

Styles and directions

If earlier the bath was considered strictly a place for carrying out hygiene procedures and little thought was given about its interior, now the design issue is relevant. After all, the sauna has become a place for rest and relaxation. Therefore, it is important to think over the style of each of the premises. The steam room is quite limited in the number of design ideas. But there are some great options.

The choice of glass doors is due to the psychological component, which must be taken into account in small enclosed spaces.

  1. Maximum simplicity. Bright accents can make things worse. Under the influence of high temperature, the body experiences stress, and the catchy interior will only intensify it. Therefore, the design should tune in to relaxation and relieve fatigue;
  2. If you want to get a positive charge when placing a steam room, it is recommended to add bright colors, but in moderation. Better to focus on originality. It is enough to play with lighting, add details and materials of different textures and colors.

If there is a window in one of the walls, even a small one, this opportunity must be used.

In addition to the steam room, you should consider the design of the rest room. The option is much larger and the most attractive style can be embodied. It is only recommended to organize everything so that the design of both rooms is combined.

An individual order of a cubicle presupposes, first of all, a unique design, which can become both a harmonious addition to an already finished bathroom project, and also act as a "highlight of the program", riveting all eyes.

Preferred design ideas are shown in the table.

Style Description
Classic Use natural materials, mainly wood. The palette is calm, without bright elements. The decor is discreet, simple, but chic.
Modern Place upholstered furniture like a few armchairs and a sofa. Place a glass table opposite. You can hang a TV on the wall. Use more metal, mirror surfaces.
Eclecticism Several different styles can be mixed. Decorative elements are suitable as an accent.
Country Rustic style in a rude manner. Use massive furniture, wide floorboards. Complete the room with the appropriate decor elements.
Ethno It is recommended that you select a specific country and create a design that fully reflects it.

Finishing materials

Finishing materials must be selected taking into account the presence of high temperatures and high humidity in the steam room. It is important that the finish is able to withstand changes in the listed parameters. For the sauna, we recommend choosing wood as a basis, mainly hardwood, such as linden and aspen. Panels are a great option. They do not provoke a burn, do not emit harmful substances when heated. Conifers are not suitable because of the pungent odor that rises in temperature.

Establishing a useful and practical relaxation area with a sauna is the rational embodiment of the dreams of many private home owners.

The floor is recommended to be made of wood. For a steam room, herbs are suitable, with the ability to pick them up and dry. This will help avoid transient decay. Tiles are often used, especially if there is a pool. Due to the high humidity, choose products that are rough and will not allow slipping.

Install glass doors to visually increase the space.

The internal interior of the bath - the abode of cleanliness and health

The design of every corner of the bath should be carefully considered.

The type of wood that will be used for finishing the steam room can be selected based on the color palette chosen for the rest of the surfaces of the pool and relaxation room.

Consider the following:

  • The dressing room. For decoration, conifers, such as pine, are suitable. You can dilute the interior by introducing stone, plastic or tiles. Any style can be implemented. Humidity and high temperatures are not strongly reflected in this room.

The choice of design and materials is varied.

  • Steam room. Sheathed should be deciduous wood. To be preferably made from non-slip tiles. This will help to avoid rapid deterioration of the surface.

Complete the room with loungers at different levels, benches, brooms, douche containers and ladles.

  • Shower room. Tiles complemented by stained glass or mosaics are ideal. The floor should have wooden grates or be rough to prevent slipping.

Recently, in the design projects of saunas, it is increasingly common to use not just built-in lamps or lamps, but a whole ensemble of lights of various shapes and shades.

How to make "cheap and cheerful"

For walls, choose aspen or linden lining. The most suitable material in terms of quality and cost. A pine tree is suitable for a dressing room. This lining is also notable for its low price. For the floor, tiles are perfect, on top of which bamboo or straw rugs are laid.

Install doors made of glass.

Features of choosing a lining for a sauna

To increase moisture resistance, the tree should be covered with a special compound like varnish. In the same way, you can achieve the desired appearance of the panels. When choosing a lining, pay attention to its strength and thermal conductivity characteristics. Consider the climate in the region. If it is dry, warm, then you can purchase an inexpensive version of the lining, like pine or spruce.

If the air humidity in the region is high, then rocks such as aspen and cedar are suitable.

If the bathhouse is located separately and there are no playgrounds nearby,you can purchase an economical version of the lining without worrying about the safety of the cladding. If the sauna is an extension, then buy a stronger material made from hardwood.

Despite the glass doors and the presence of lighting in the sauna room, the steam room is a rather dark place and additional lighting will not interfere with it.

Features of arranging a sauna in a country house

Wooden platforms, sun loungers and seating are often illuminated.

The arrangement is as follows.

  1. Supply of communications. Check their serviceability, if any.
  2. Finishing the floor with the selected material.
  3. Construction of vertical frames.
  4. Thermal insulation with mineral wool and foil.
  5. Poured over with clapboard.
  6. Installation of the selected stove.
  7. Installation of doors, benches.
  8. Installation of lighting and placement of decorative elements.

It is easy to arrange a sauna yourself.

You should prepare everything you need in advance and think over the design.

VIDEO: Sauna design.

50 modern sauna designs:

Bath is a place where you can relax and unwind, throw off the burden of working days. With the help of bath procedures, you can remove toxins from the body, improve sleep. At the present time, many different plumbing innovations have appeared, but the bath is still one of the leaders in popularity. Consider the features of the interior design of the bath, finishing options in various rooms.


When deciding what the design of the bath will be, one should think not only about the aesthetics of the premises. Baths must meet certain requirements to ensure the safety of visitors. The most important rules can be highlighted.

  • Make sure all wood surfaces are smooth and free from burrs and ridges.
  • Only wood products should be used in the steam room, so you can avoid scalding from very hot surfaces.
  • The corners of benches and shelves must be rounded, otherwise the bath visitors may be injured.
  • Hang signs on the doors that will indicate the purpose of the premises. So it will be much more convenient to navigate in the bath.
  • The elements of the interior of the bath should not cause irritation or other negativity. One should strive to create an atmosphere conducive to peace and relaxation.

  • Nothing should impede movement around the premises in the bath.
  • Materials that are environmentally friendly and safe for human health should be used.
  • For use in the bath, you should choose materials that are easy to wash.
  • When deciding on the design, consider the size of the bath. If it is small (for example, 3x4 m), it is better to do without unnecessary items - they will only interfere, hinder movement. Arranging rather large baths (6x6, 5x4 m, and so on), you can already think less about saving space.


It is not recommended to apply to ceilings in paired plaster or paint. Due to the temperature and high humidity, such coatings very quickly cease to be aesthetic. You can use wood or Termocork cork, specially designed for baths.

There are no strict requirements for recreation rooms, but it is better to make such a room consistent with the general design concept. For this reason, many opt for wood. You can also paint the walls, but you should choose a paint for this that is highly resistant to temperature and humidity.

Interior design options

When choosing a suitable design option for a bath, you need to take into account the characteristics of specific premises (humidity level, temperature). For washing rooms, for example, only certain materials are suitable, which are characterized by increased resistance to liquid (many people choose standard tiles). When decorating a rest room, you can already show your imagination. Consider the recommendations that you need to be guided by when making out certain premises.


The washroom can be made adjacent to the steam room or set up as a separate room. A shower tray or sink can be installed. If, for example, the bathhouse is not located near a private house, but is public, and therefore there will be many visitors, it is better to make several showers (usually two or three are enough).

The washroom isn't just about the shower. To make visitors feel as comfortable as possible, shelves, mirrors, and comfortable benches should be purchased for such a room. There may be a small pool in the washroom (if it is not very small). You can install a cast-iron or acrylic bathtub with a bucket in such a room.

The most suitable material for the washroom is ceramic tile materials. If the washroom is rather small, you should opt for plain tiles, and in a large room you can experiment with different color combinations.

Dressing room

A dressing room is a hallway, which can also be a dressing room (however, in some cases, the dressing room is located separately). Since the dressing room is the place from which the bath begins, it must be equipped so that guests are greeted with comfort and warmth.

If such a room is quite large, you can equip a recreation room in it. To make the atmosphere comparable to home, you need to consider various little things. You can put a large table, stereo, TV, refrigerator, hang pictures.

If you make a dressing room not an ordinary hallway, but a multifunctional room, you will need to insulate it. Some people prefer to make the dressing room in the form of a veranda, combined with a bath. The veranda can also be equipped as a wonderful relaxation room, ideal for use during the summer months.

If we are talking about a simple bathhouse chopped from a log, it will be possible to do without any frills. The dressing room itself will look very interesting. It will only be necessary to treat wood surfaces with special protective compounds. If the building is, for example, a brick building, you will need to take care of the decorative design of the surfaces.

The design can be made both classic and modern. It is possible to beautifully decorate a room with the help of contrasts, or, conversely, choose such color combinations so that they look as harmonious as possible.

The ideal option is a simple "home" setting, which immediately evokes associations with coziness.

Steam room

The steam room is usually entered from the dressing room or washing room. Such a room is most often equipped on the first floor. It is recommended to choose a door made of wood or tempered glass for a steam room. There should be no metal elements on it, otherwise they will become very hot, and people will start to burn about them. Only door hinges can be metal.

For one visitor to the steam room, one or two square meters in the room will be enough. A place for the oven should also be provided. The optimum ceiling height for the steam room is about 2.5 m.

You should not make such a room too large, otherwise it will warm up for a long time, and the air will become dry when the oven is very hot.

It is recommended to create shelves from deciduous trees, but it is better not to use oak. When such wood is very hot, it becomes very slippery. You can combine different types, but the wood in any case must be of high quality: without mold, rotten areas, resin pockets, knots. To control the humidity, the degree of heating, it is recommended to use a steam hygrometer, a thermometer.

The stove in baths is most often installed next to the door. It is very important to insulate the surfaces next to the oven. Surfaces can be insulated with stainless steel, ceramic tiles, bricks, asbestos cardboard.

You should not choose coverings from panels, PVC tiles, linoleum, rubber, plastic for the steam room. It is customary to create the ceiling in the bath from a board, lining, timber: it is the tree that contributes to the creation of a pleasant aroma in the steam room.


Such a room is most often the most spacious in the bath, because many equip a guest rest room there. There are usually a lot of wood products in the kitchen. Wood contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room. However, such surfaces should be coated with compounds that make the tree more resistant to high humidity, which is typical for a Russian bath. The kitchen floor also needs to be liquid-resistant and non-slip.

In the kitchen room in the bath, it is recommended to use wide benches, which should be as comfortable as possible, and a large wooden table, at which all guests can easily accommodate. You should take care of the availability of a samovar or kettle, shelves for all the necessary things, and purchase a sufficient amount of dishes. You can place video and audio equipment in the kitchen.

Dressing room

It is recommended to place the changing room separately from all other rooms in the bath, so that all visitors can feel as comfortable as possible. When arranging a locker room, you need to take into account the recommendations of specialists.

  • Make sure ceilings are high. A person should be able to stretch his arms above his head without interference, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable in such a room. The best option for a changing room is about 2.5 m.
  • Adequate space for visitors should be provided in the changing room.
  • For the floor, choose a material that is non-slip, warm. You can use a carpet, a suitable option is the arrangement of a warm floor.
  • It is recommended to hang or put a mirror in the dressing room.
  • Electrical outlets (several or one) should be provided.


You can combine the toilet with a washroom, or allocate a separate room for it. In the second case, it is recommended to install not only a toilet, but also a paper holder, a sink with a mirror, a shelf or even a small cabinet. For decoration in the toilet, you can use a variety of materials: linoleum, cork, plastic elements, classic tile coverings, and so on. You can also experiment with combinations of several materials.

It is recommended to pay great attention to ventilation in the bathroom. You can use a heating device in such a room to make it more comfortable in the winter season. If you do not want to spoil the interior in the washroom, you can also place a boiler in the toilet.

You should not place a toilet near the room where people are resting. Otherwise, the bathroom will irritate vacationers, they will smell unpleasant.

If you combine a toilet with a sink, it is better to arrange such rooms in the same style. You can separate the toilet with a curtain, partition. In combined rooms, it is better to use standard tile materials.

Various styles

The interior of the bathhouse in the country can be decorated in any particular style. So you will not only have good rest, relaxation, but also get aesthetic pleasure. The bathhouse can be made "German", decorated in antique style, decorated in high-tech style - there are a variety of options. Let's take a look at the styles that work best for these types of environments.


The Russian style is ideal when it comes to a bathhouse in a village. For the construction of such buildings, a rounded log, a bar is often used. The wooden walls of the village bath will not have to be decorated or finished with anything else. The interior design turns out to be interesting in itself.

In such a bath, you can install rough benches, large tables, sideboards, a stove-heater. To create the necessary atmosphere, one should not forget about the little things: wooden ladles, embroidered tablecloths, old samovars, and so on. The rooms in the Russian bath can be decorated using brooms.


This style is well suited not only for elite, but also for fairly simple baths. It is a bit like the Russian style, but country music has certain features borrowed from foreign traditions. Wooden products are also usually used, but this style is characterized by the use of beams, variegated linen and cotton materials, bright dishes.

The bathhouse is the best place to relax, especially after a busy day at work. It is no coincidence that every owner of a summer cottage or private house seeks to build this structure and give it a worthy place on the territory. After the building is erected, the interior decoration of the premises begins. To do this, you need to take into account the subtleties of the design of the bath design.


Bathhouse is a building that has its own characteristics. When designing, special attention should be paid to ensuring that the room is comfortable and safe for everyone. They usually follow the traditional Russian style, using lining for cladding, choosing the same shade for all rooms and walls. When placing items, take into account that there are no sharp corners. Floors and walls must not slip. This is an important requirement that should not be overlooked. Failure to do so may result in injury.

The arrangement of the bath requires the use of only natural materials.... This is for security reasons. It is not known how artificial materials will behave at high temperatures, what substances will begin to emit. For example, when plastic is exposed to high temperatures, it begins to melt and release toxic substances. They pose a danger to the health of others; an unpleasant smell does not contribute to rest and relaxation.

In the bath, you need to determine a convenient place for placing the necessary little things (brooms, hats, slippers, soap, oils and other things) that may be needed for washing and relaxation procedures. It is worth paying attention to the lighting. It should be soft and relaxing. Small lamps that give off a soft yellow light will do.

The bright light of all the colors of the rainbow will quickly get bored. It is better to choose special shades for lighting with an anti-fog effect. They must be heat and moisture resistant. These are mandatory requirements for lighting in the bath.

Compliance with simple rules will ensure the safety of vacationers. You can place lamps on the ceiling and on the walls.


It all depends on the area that can be allocated on the site for a bath. In a spacious building, there can be any premises at the discretion of the owner. In a small house (for example, 6x6 m) there is enough space to accommodate everything you need. The bathhouse can be designed with an attic. Then a second floor will appear, which means an additional room that you can equip at your discretion, make there, for example, a room for guests or just a place to relax.

In the two-story bathhouse on the ground floor, you can equip a place for a steam room, a washing room, a relaxation room with access to the veranda, where you can sit down after water procedures with a cup of aromatic tea. A small bathhouse in the village is a good option for relaxation. In such a room, you need to think over everything so that the most necessary furnishings are included. It is important to compactly arrange equipment and necessary household items.

The changing room does not take up much space. It is enough to put a wardrobe in it or hang a convenient hanger on the wall. In the washroom, one container of water and a small space where procedures can be performed will be enough. The steam room is the main place where the stove will be located, as well as comfortable shelves.

A small rest room is necessary so that you can sit, have tea, chat with friends. For these purposes, a small table and four low stools are enough.

Provided that you need to save even more space, the dressing room is combined with the rest room. There is a place for things and a corner for tea.

If the area does not allow, the rest room can be completely abandoned. The shower room can be equipped separately in the courtyard of a private house. It will take up very little space. If you have a large plot, you can design a bath complex with a kitchen and a swimming pool, organize a good rest for the whole family and guests. A billiard room can also be located there, it all depends on the preferences of the owner.

Such a structure will require a solid foundation made of monolithic reinforced concrete. The bath itself is often built from a log or bar. Concrete floors are being poured next to the pool. It is better to put ceramic tiles in the bathroom, shower and kitchen. In the steam room, hallway and rest room - only boards.

An unusual, and most importantly economical project is a corner bath, it will successfully fit into any landscape design. In this case, decorating the interior is no more difficult than with a standard project.

Finishing materials

The selection of materials for finishing the bath must be approached especially carefully. Only environmentally friendly raw materials will contribute to wellness procedures and good mood. You cannot use plywood, plastic panels, linoleum. They are not suitable for high temperatures and high humidity. In addition, when heated, they can release harmful substances.

An ideal option for interior decoration is lining. The quality of the wood must be top notch... Then the wooden surface will retain its appearance and performance for a long time.

Unedged board trim is not suitable for a bath. And if it is used, it needs more careful treatment.

Linden and aspen wood is chosen for interior decoration. In the steam room, they are especially appropriate because of the low heat transfer. Oak, beech, ash are good for finishing the dressing room, washing room, rest room. Experts recommend not to process the wood in the steam room with additional means, since there will be no real smell of wood, which sometimes makes it so pleasant to be in the steam room.

The best option is to treat the walls with oil (hemp or linseed). It will protect the wood, but not deprive it of its natural scent. However, fans of recreational activities and environmentally friendly materials prefer to do without treatment. They simply ventilate and dry the steam room periodically. In other rooms, wood can be treated with a special impregnation.

Even if the bathhouse is built of expanded clay blocks, which is now often found, inside it, in any case, must be trimmed with wood. In the baths, metal stoves are installed or brickwork is used, which gives a special flavor to the room. But if the distance between the stove and the wall does not reach 50 cm, part of the wall must be finished with bricks or equipped with a stainless steel protective screen.

The pool, shower room, bathroom are finished with tiles, the options of which are very many both in structure and in color. The tiles must be selected with an anti-slip effect. If it is decided to put it on the floor in the steam room, it must be borne in mind that it gets very hot. Therefore, you will have to put a grate made of wood on the floor.

External finishing

Outside decoration is just as important as indoors. Only high-quality house cladding in compliance with all technologies will allow you to properly equip the steam room. The bathhouse can be built from foam blocks, concrete, bricks. Finishing is needed not only in order to give the building a beautiful, finished look and make it a decoration of the site. High-quality cladding solves the issues of sound, heat, waterproofing.

To keep the heat in the bath longer, it is important to choose the right thermal insulation. The first step is to thoroughly check the surface. There should be no cracks on it. If they are found, they need to be repaired. Sheathing materials are reinforced tightly to each other.

Wooden houses must be settled. Shrinkage may occur, therefore, the facing of such structures is not done immediately, but this event is postponed for a year. If masonry is used during the construction of the building, the cladding can be done immediately, as soon as the installation of doors and windows is completed. Many people choose natural materials for decorating a bath.

Wood looks more harmonious in comparison with other facing raw materials. With proper processing, it will last a long time.

Decorative materials appear on the construction market that can be used for outdoor decoration. This finish will be cheaper than quality wood.

  • With the help of vinyl siding, which has various shades and textures, you can create an imitation of any natural materials (for example, wood, stone, brick).
  • When using plastic panels, you can also give the surface any appearance, depending on what style is chosen for the design as a basis.
  • Facing the surface with artificial stone will give the building an original look and make it a noticeable decoration of the territory.

If the bathhouse is built of natural high-quality wood, it does not need cladding. It is difficult to think of something more beautiful than the texture of wood. All processing in this case comes down to the fact that the surface must be well sanded with special tools, covered with a primer that protects against moisture and harmful insects.

Interior Design

The interior decoration of the bath and sauna has its own differences from the arrangement of a residential building. Whatever style is chosen for decoration, everything should be functional, beautiful, comfortable. A pile of unnecessary items and exquisite design elements in the bath is completely useless.

It is important that it is comfortable to rest here, and that all the necessary items are always at hand.

When choosing a decoration for a country bath in the Russian style, objects made from natural materials are used. The steam room will be decorated with a stove, the dressing room can accommodate the necessary accessories (brooms, washcloths), the floor will be decorated with embroidered rugs. The rest room will be harmoniously complemented by simple wooden furniture, tablecloths, and an old samovar. Shades of decoration and furniture should not be the same. This will create a negative effect.

Chalet-style décor does not require unnecessary luxury. But to create it, you need to choose a male or female direction. In the first case, hunting items can be located in the living room: weapons, trophies, forged design elements. The second room will be decorated with ceramic dishes for tea drinking, landscapes in simple frames on the walls, embroidered tablecloths and napkins, bouquets of dried flowers and fragrant herbs.

Contemporary style means simplicity and elegance with added luxury. Ceilings in several tiers, beautiful windows with durable glass, sauna cabins, a swimming pool can be equipped. In any case, the rest room should be equipped with exquisite but wooden furniture. You can focus on lighting by arranging interesting lamps. In this case, do not forget about safety precautions.

All materials and decorative elements must be adapted to high temperatures and high humidity.

The arrangement of the bath is always carried out using different types of wood, only these types of finishes are applicable to the steam room. You can create any interior with your own hands, arrange the style you like. It is important to remember about safety and comfort. The bathhouse is the place where there should be a mood for relaxation, positive emotions are important, followed by the healing of the body.


Experts advise choosing pine for finishing the rest room and dressing room. Aesthetically, she looks very attractive. However, it is not suitable for a steam room, as it emits resin when heated. Linden and larch are durable and beautiful materials, their cost is much higher.

The stove is best laid out of refractory bricks; it must be placed in the corner. At the same time, convenient access to it should be thought out. If decorative elements are planned to be used in the arrangement, refractory materials must be used for their manufacture. Bath doors are usually made of wood. But now there are glass structures, which are not worse in terms of performance. They will add zest to the design. In an emergency, the glass is easier to break.

Often large beautiful window structures are installed in the bath. They decorate the room and serve as a design element. From the inside, they can be decorated with bamboo curtains, which will harmoniously fit into any style. Adherents of an exotic style can decorate the space in an oriental style. The Turkish bath is conducive to rest and relaxation. Even a small room can be planned correctly.

The walls are usually decorated with beautiful mosaics. The range of colors can be varied (from bright saturated tones to calm gentle shades). It is better to choose blue, green, beige paints, they have a calming effect. A corner bench and a massage table are installed indoors. The sink can be designed as a small waterfall.

Beautiful examples

The wood-trimmed recreation room looks simple and stylish. A wooden table with a simple tablecloth, a long bench can accommodate many guests for tea. Light curtains for windows complement the interior. A picture in a simple frame or any other decorative element can be placed on the wall. The decoration of such an interior will be a Russian samovar.

The rest room can also be used for sleeping. After the bath procedures, take a good nap in a clean, comfortable bed. Such a room is perfect for overnight guests. It has everything you need for a short stay: a comfortable bed, clothes hangers, a bedside table for necessary things. You can equip the room with a small TV to add comfort.

In the steam room, it is advisable to think over interesting lighting that will add additional comfort to the room. In this case, the luminaires are protected by a wooden structure. It is easy to make it with your own hands. Luminaires can be of other configurations, it is necessary to protect them from high temperatures.

If the construction of a whole bath complex is envisaged, then the recreation room can be spacious, performing several functions at once. For example, a separate area is intended for cooking, where there is nothing superfluous. A small number of cabinets are convenient for storing the most necessary utensils. There is a space for tea drinking or a small feast, where at the same time you can admire the landscape through the large windows.

A small space is provided for relaxation, where you can sit on a comfortable sofa with a book or a cup of aromatic tea. Such a cozy room disposes to rest, creates a harmonious atmosphere and improves mood.

The combination of modern and old style looks unusual. Wood finish in combination with masonry looks expressive, this allows you to reveal the texture of the wood. Simple furniture for eating, a discreet lampshade - successful design techniques. In this small room, the TV on the wall fits well.

Decorating the interior of a bath is a creative and exciting process. If you approach it with all responsibility, you can equip a cozy island of relaxation on your site.

The bath room is not just a room for relaxation, but also a space that can really cleanse, renew, restore body and soul. Therefore, the competent decoration of the interior of the bathhouse and the rest room, the choice of practical finishes, and the optimal layout play an important role. Only the conscientious implementation of each of these points can guarantee the creation of a cozy and comfortable corner for real relaxation and healing water procedures.

Key Features

Decorating and decorating each individual room in the house takes a lot of time and effort, but arranging a bath is an even more scrupulous and difficult task, which should be approached with maximum responsibility. To do this, you need to think carefully about the general style of the interior, select high-quality building materials and determine the possibility of zoning the space (if necessary). There are also a number of simple tips to help you create a functional and aesthetic bathroom:

1. It is necessary to draw up a plan of the approximate consumption of materials for each bath zone: steam room, dressing room, rest room. This can save you a lot of time and be confident in the end result.

2. Finishing materials should not only be pleasant in appearance, but also fully comply with safety regulations. This is due to the extreme temperature differences in the room.

3. It is worth giving up parts with angular and sharp surfaces.

4. The floor surface must not be slippery. This is a very important point, the observance of which will save you from injury.

5. Light shades of the walls will visually make the space a little wider.

6. An excellent decor can be quite practical and necessary things: hats, brooms, utensils.

7. It is unacceptable to use metal or plastic. Under the influence of high temperatures, they begin to poison the air with poisonous vapor.

8. Bulky furniture can disturb the general atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Better to take a closer look at simple, no-frills models.

9. Availability of high-quality wood will increase the healthfulness of procedures in the bath complex. The best options are aspen, birch and linden.

Restroom arrangement

The design of the bath should also include the detailed arrangement of one of its most important corners - the rest room. It is this space that is responsible for the desired effect of home coziness and comfort.

The main mistake when creating an interior is that the style directions of two zones of the same room can be very different. It is not right! One room should complement the other, and not be its complete contrast. Therefore, you need to remember the harmonious combination of every detail in the overall design.

Another important point is the choice of windows for the rest room. They must be small, because the abundance of direct sunlight and drafts will cause many unnecessary problems. Durable roller blinds or blinds made of natural ingredients will help to give the space a special coziness.

Lighting should be chosen soft, dim, giving preference to spotlights instead of bright lamps. Furniture needs to be modeled taking into account the overall style and scale of the room. For practicality and comfort, a few wooden cabinets will suffice, where you can store aromatic oils, massage brushes and other accessories. If there is not much space, then wall shelves will be an excellent alternative to high shelving.

Fans of chic and luxury should take into account that leather goods and animal skins are not the best option for decorating the interior of a bath, because high humidity will ruin these things very soon. With a fairly free layout and a wide area of ​​the room, you can install a billiard or football table. Some prefer to install a TV, others prefer to create an elegant library, and some prefer a minibar. The choice should be based on personal leisure preferences.

Interior styles

The issue of design decisions requires special consideration. We decided to tell you about the most stylish options for decorating a bath, which will not leave you indifferent.

Bathhouse in the old Russian style

The traditional version, which in its appearance resembles the design of a cozy hut. Natural logs, rough benches, wooden utensils, an antique (or decoratively aged) stove, lack of flashy accessories and bright contrasts. Light shades prevail. Finishing most often does not require cladding with additional materials. An interesting decor option in such an interior can be handmade furniture with carvings.

Country style bath

This is one of the most ideal combinations. Rustic country motifs can fill any bathhouse with calmness and simplicity. The best finish would be a light wood with a smooth relief. The main features of this design are ceramic tiles, brightly colored utensils, walls with exposed beams, linen textiles and pottery on the shelves of the seating area. This type of design can definitely be called cozy.

Bathhouse in ethnic style

The appearance may slightly resemble the direction of the country, but there are special distinctive features. This is an ecological finish, a combination of old and new materials and, at the same time, incongruous contrasts. The ethnic-style bathhouse will truly delight connoisseurs of bright aesthetics, a mystical atmosphere and seekers of creative inspiration.

Bath in the Scandinavian style

Nordic motives will not tolerate an abundance of accessories and dark tones. The minimum amount of furniture, decor details and maximum freedom of space are the main concepts of the Scandinavian style. A bathroom designed in this direction will be spacious and functional.

Sauna in the Art Nouveau style

This is exactly the rare case when bright multifunctional lighting in a bath will be very appropriate. Modern loves small accessories, colored mosaics and a special mirror film on the windows (it becomes a protective barrier from prying eyes). Such a modern approach to design will leave no one indifferent.

Bath and sauna interior design - photo

Our selection of photographs of baths in a variety of styles will take you to this atmospheric place and inspire you to create a beautiful interior. Happy viewing!