Is the new furniture dangerous for your health? Is chipboard furniture harmful? Harmful factors of furniture production.

Furniture made from particle board (particle board) is still popular today. This is a fairly cheap material, which, however, can significantly damage human health. Manufacturers of such furniture assure that the harm of chipboard has not been proven, that these are all just words. They claim that such a myth is being dispelled by their competitors, who produce furniture from wood and lose customers.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized chipboard as a carcinogenic material back in 1985. Therefore, many European furniture companies have abandoned the use of chipboard in their production. In 1996, an order was issued in Moscow to restrict the use of chipboard in the construction of kindergartens.

What is the danger of chipboard for our health?

Chipboards are compressed sawdust bonded with resin. And it contains a poisonous compound - formaldehyde. One of its main chemical properties is volatility. Therefore, furniture made from chipboard is just a storehouse of dangerous gas that can be released for more than 10 years. A single exposure to formaldehyde on the human body is unlikely to lead to serious consequences, however, the furniture will not stand in your home for a week or a month. At least a few years. Science warns: formaldehyde negatively affects genetic material, the reproductive system, the respiratory tract, eyes and skin, and the central nervous system.

If we haven't convinced you yet, let's move on to mathematics. Experts considered that when measuring the level of formaldehyde in ordinary apartments, the result exceeds the norm by 1.5-25 times!

By the way, fibreboards (fiberboards) also have formaldehyde in their composition.

When using chipboard and fiberboard in children's rooms, it is imperative to take care of the laminate, which blocks the release of formaldehyde into the air.

There are several types of protective coating:

  1. Melamine(laminated chipboard)
    This is a paper covering, on which varnish is also applied.
  2. Laminate(laminated chipboard).
    It's plastic. Made to resemble wood and other natural materials.

The protective properties of the coating will wear off if it is damaged. Therefore, the buyer should carefully consider the purchased item. When buying chipboard furniture, take a closer look at the edges and corners (it is at these points that the cover plates join).

But if you have already purchased furniture from chipboard and are very worried, we will reassure you only by giving you a few of its advantages. One of them is water resistance. Therefore, chipboard is used in the production of kitchens. Particleboard can be painted and processed in every way. They do not respond well to insects. However, let's get back to our topic.

What to do with low-quality chipboard?

A pronounced sign of formaldehyde is a characteristic smell. If the furniture you buy exudes a pleasant scent, it's a bad thing. First, the suffocating odor quickly becomes boring. Secondly, by deliberately keeping such furniture in the house, you are slowly killing yourself. But, as a rule, after a week, the "aroma" disappears. Sometimes it doesn't. Then return the furniture to the seller immediately.

However, sellers are not always willing to meet unhappy customers. Therefore, we remind you: keep the cashier's receipt and the purchase act for the furniture. This can help you if you have any problems with the return of defective goods.

Harmful substances are released from the chipboard and when heated. Therefore, it is more expedient to replace such material with a more expensive one - finely dispersed fraction (MDF). No resin is used in its manufacture. The fraction is glued with the help of lignin (released when the wood is heated. And this natural substance is completely harmless.

Finally, let us note: no matter what the manufacturers of chipboard and fiberboard may say, wooden products are much nicer and safer, albeit at times more expensive. But health is priceless. As for dangerous emissions, even without formaldehyde, there are enough forced hazardous chemical compounds in our life.

Furniture forums are full of messages from outraged buyers, complaining about the smell of new laminated chipboard furniture, which has not disappeared "for a week now"; “Harmful formaldehyde is to blame for everything,” the most informed agree. Let's try to figure out what's the matter.

Indeed, any new furniture retains production odors for some time after assembly. There is no getting away from this. It is necessary to ventilate the room daily and do wet cleaning.

Now the help:

“Formaldehyde in its pure form is officially recognized as a carcinogen - that is, a toxic substance that can cause cancer. It is a colorless and strong-smelling gas. Formaldehyde irritates the respiratory system (mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, larynx), skin and central nervous system. Its high concentrations are capable of causing asthma attacks.

Formaldehyde is used not only in the production of chipboard, but also in the production of paints and varnishes, plastics, adhesives, contains many natural materials, in the exhaust of vehicles, even in some food products. Vapors in high concentration are indeed extremely hazardous to human health. "

Scary ?!)) Me too. After all, I've been working with furniture for many years now :)) But what really is?

Of course, furniture made of laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard) is budget class furniture. Cost is the main advantage of this material. The pluses can also include a wide range of sizes, a wide choice of external finishes, ease of processing, shock and moisture resistance, high compressive and bending strength. Of the minuses - the impossibility of using various methods of shaped processing, including milling and complex parts; unwanted use by allergy sufferers and people with respiratory diseases; sharp impact-hazardous edges.

The basis of production is chipboard, which is of various densities - single-layer, three-layer (the fraction is finer on the outer layers than inside) and multi-layer (the size of sawdust decreases layer by layer from the middle to the surfaces). The binder of wood chips in it is glue, which includes urea-formaldehyde or phenol-formaldehyde resins. Next, the slab is covered with a laminate, and the ends are edged with melamine or PVC edging, which prevent the evaporation of harmful substances.

Furniture made of high-quality laminated chipboard practically does not smell. A slight smell of natural wood is possible.

In addition, the state and supervisory services impose high safety requirements on products widely used in everyday life and construction. Therefore, like any product, laminated chipboard is labeled in accordance with the selection and division into grades. The first category includes products that meet all the requirements for the quality of raw materials, resistance to stress, etc. Chipboard with lower parameters and defects on the front part belongs to the second class and is most often sent to the construction industry.

The products of many leading Russian manufacturers of laminated chipboard comply with European standards, and these enterprises are constantly working to improve their environmental performance.

The safest material is considered to belong to class E-1 (up to 10 mg of formaldehyde per 100 g of absolutely dry wood board).

Data on the quality of the material used can be found in the hygiene certificate (the certificate of quality that is attached to any furniture product) - the seller will provide it upon your request.

A material with minimal performance and all-round cladding can be used to release a nursery or hospital setting.

  • It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of chipboard and chipboard. Chipboard is a plate hermetically sealed on all sides, the finish of which prevents the release of harmful substances. It is from it that economy-class furniture is made. Pay attention to the quality of the edging, the absence of chips and open areas of the chipboard. After purchase, follow the recommendations that help preserve the protective layer of chipboard: protect furniture from frequent and excessive moisture, maintain a certain temperature regime in the room for such furniture (within the range from -1 to +30 degrees Celsius), in case of mechanical damage, restore the properties with wax.
  • Formaldehyde is harmful in its pure form, and in the glue used in the manufacture of furniture, it is only an integral part. So, everyone's favorite plastic used in everyday life gives a greater amount of formaldehyde fumes.
  • Formaldehyde is a gas and is harmful only in high concentrations. Under the influence of high (over +45) temperature, formaldehyde is activated, so you should not put furniture made of chipboard close to heating devices. Regular airing of the premises will save you from the problem of accumulation of vapors.

It turns out that the devil is not so terrible as he is painted!

In any case, you should not save on your health and it is better to choose furniture from a better quality laminated chipboard from a trusted manufacturer. In Spartak salons, a huge amount of just such furniture is presented - which has passed a tough competitive selection. Consultants will provide you with all the necessary information about the properties and quality of furniture from our suppliers, and the prices, I am sure, will pleasantly surprise you. Happy shopping!


For everyone who buys new furniture, it is important to get not only a functional product, but also safe for health. Formaldehyde is considered one of the most dangerous elements. How to choose furniture in which this indicator is minimal?

Formaldehyde in laminated particle board.

Chipboard boards are produced on the basis of sawdust and shavings, which undergo a gluing stage, after which they are lamination. It is carried out by spraying special resins onto the slab at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Under such conditions, the mass easily penetrates the material, hardens and forms a strong film on the surface of the product. It is such a film that retains formaldehyde vapors, but, in case of violation of technology, poor-quality raw materials, absence or improper processing of joints, they come out and enter the respiratory tract.

How to understand that furniture is unhealthy? It is worth paying attention to a number of signs:

  • sharp unpleasant odor emanating from the product;
  • the presence of unlined areas;
  • lack of a quality certificate for a specific product.

If you are worried about the safety of furniture, you should definitely check the availability of a quality passport for the product from the seller, which should indicate the emission class. This could be:

  1. class E1 : 0-10 mg per 100 g of dry matter of the board;
  2. class E2 : 10-20 mg;
  3. class E3 : 30-60 mg.

This allocation by emissions has become mandatory since 2000, thanks to the European industry. To meet the standards of this association, each manufacturer must submit furniture samples for an independent assessment of the formaldehyde content.

Depending on the concentration of vapors, products are classified into appropriate classes.

In 2006, the E1 formaldehyde emission class became mandatory for all manufacturers and was considered absolutely safe for health.

But, the Swedish concern IKEA has set its own formaldehyde emission standard, which is equal to E0.5. This class of emission is now very rare and it has not yet been recognized by the CEN organization, but it is considered the safest according to an independent assessment of many world laboratories.

It is the emission class that should be guided by when buying furniture, since it is such an indicator that can guarantee safety, full readiness for use and product reliability.

Formaldehyde: effects on the body.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, toxicologists proved that the fumes of a substance such as formaldehyde are very harmful to the life and health of humans and domestic animals. However, it is only toxic when ingested through the esophagus or the respiratory tract. If it comes into contact with the skin, it can only cause an allergic reaction, so you should only be wary of the fumes of this substance.

Chronic formaldehyde poisoning can provoke the following symptoms:

  • frequent cough;
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • allergic rashes of the skin surface;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • vision pathologies and severe headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • attacks of bronchial asthma;
  • runny nose;
  • shortness of breath and severe lacrimation;
  • suffocation;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • convulsions and impaired coordination;
  • disorders of temperature and sweating.

The consequences of poisoning do not require treatment and go away on their own with the complete elimination of the source of fumes. But, with the development of acute rhinitis, purulent conjunctivitis, edema and bronchitis, it is worth contacting a specialist.

Can formaldehyde resins cause cancer?

It has not been 100% proven that formaldehyde is carcinogenic, but fumes have been shown to increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia.

That is why formaldehyde is included in the section of potential carcinogens and is highly undesirable in furniture, cosmetics and household chemicals. If you are prone to allergic reactions or diseases of the nasopharynx, you should pay more attention not only to personal hygiene products, but also to the furniture that surrounds you.

Is there formaldehyde-free laminated chipboard?

We also take developments, in my opinion they are definitely there. Since formaldehyde in chipboard appears due to its use in binders during manufacture. Scientists are looking for other components that are safer.

Despite the difficulties in the production of laminated chipboard with an E0.5 index, the development of such a production and a large-scale production of E0.5 boards has already begun in the Russian Federation. Many were pushed to such a process by the IKEA concern, which often places orders at Russian factories, as well as stricter quality requirements for export products.

The technology for the safe production of E0.5 slabs is currently introduced at seven production facilities in Russia:

  1. "Dyadkovo-DOZ";
  2. "First LPK";
  3. Volgodonsk KDP;
  4. - "Kronospan";
  5. EggerDrevproduct Gagarin;
  6. - "Syktyvkar FZ";
  7. - "Flyderer".

These plants exclusively use melamine-based urea-based resins. from various manufacturers. These resins contain up to 25% melamine. With such a content, plates and products based on them can be made in accordance with the E0.5 class completely stably, while the concentration of formaldehyde will vary from 2.8 to 4 mg per 100 grams.

Unfortunately, today the technology for the synthesis of melamine-containing resins is not available in Russia and is a commercial patent of Western manufacturers, which significantly hinders the development of capacities for the production of chemically safe materials in the country.

At the same time, in accordance with GOST, the E1 emission class is considered a safe alternative to E0.5. It is better to avoid E2 and E3 and do not buy under any circumstances. But, there are people prone to allergies, including formaldehyde. What to do in this case?

For those who do not want to take risks, there is a worthy replacement - MDF boards. The production technology of such products does not provide for the use of formaldehyde-containing substances. This option will be more optimal for people with respiratory diseases and allergy sufferers.

News posted Elena Vasilieva, company Soyuzstroydetal

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Recently, attention was paid to our plastic grill - the one that covers the air duct for the breather from the street. “Does it give off formaldehyde and is it dangerous?” Asked the user. So we realized that it was time to talk about it. So, formaldehyde in questions and answers (they wrote about the lattice too).

What is formaldehyde and why is it needed?

The most natural state of formaldehyde is gas. But it dissolves easily in liquids, and this property is readily used in industry. For example, an aqueous solution of formaldehyde is necessary for the production of materials from pressed wood: plywood, chipboard and fiberboard (chipboard and fiberboard), MDF. You can often hear that new furniture smells like formaldehyde. In fact, she smells not only of him. Any new table or chair is a whole bunch of substances and smells. However, formaldehyde really takes the lion's share there. In general, if you want to get some idea of ​​what formaldehyde smells like in furniture, go to any specialty store.

Formaldehyde is also used in the production of plastics and resins, paints, textiles, leather products, detergents and shampoos. Formaldehyde is a strong preservative, which is why it is used in food and cosmetic products (very often in nail varnishes).

Where does formaldehyde come from?

For industrial purposes, it is obtained from methane and methanol.

But formaldehyde is also found in the atmosphere. There it appears as a result of photochemical reactions and processes of transformation of organic compounds (methane, methyl alcohol, etc.). A huge amount of formaldehyde is released into the atmosphere due to human activities. Road transport, chemical plants, incinerators, wood processing factories are all sources of formaldehyde in the outdoor air. Tobacco smoke and other combustion products are “rich” in formaldehyde.

Is there formaldehyde in my apartment?

The answer is unambiguous only after a chemical analysis of the air in a particular room. However, it is highly likely that the formaldehyde level in many apartments is higher than desired.

Where does formaldehyde come from in the apartment? First, it penetrates with the outside air. Secondly, it appears indoors from various objects that make it stand out.

  • Many finishing materials: PVC windows and ceilings, some types of wallpaper, floor coverings, skirting boards. All of these can emit formaldehyde over a long period of time.
  • Furniture made of plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF emit formaldehyde for some time, from several days to several months, depending on the quality of the material from which it is made.
  • Everyday items: furniture, toys, appliances, stationery, dishes, etc.

Is formaldehyde dangerous?

Definitely yes. In Russia, it belongs to the second (out of five) hazard class - highly hazardous substances. The health benefits of formaldehyde have long been proven. The World Health Organization has included it in the list of substances that can cause health problems.

The degree of danger of each specific item depends on:

  • Degrees of formaldehyde emission (emission) from this item.
    The better the furniture or toy, the less formaldehyde they emit into the apartment. Size, by the way, also matters. Let's say a plastic handle emits less formaldehyde than a chair made of the exact same material - simply because it's small.
  • The time of exposure to the substance.
    Half an hour of playing with a plastic doll will not harm the child's health. And ten years surrounded by vinyl wallpaper, plastic cabinets, unsafe glue carpets and chipboard furniture? Here, unfortunately, one can only guess, because it is difficult to measure the real harm to health outside the laboratory. However, the assumptions will be far from optimistic. Obviously, the less formaldehyde a person inhales, the better (even if the formaldehyde norm in the apartment is not exceeded).

In 2014, the maximum permissible concentration of formaldehyde in the air was revised upwards. This testifies to the deterioration of the environmental situation, as well as the fact that low concentrations in residential premises, where there are many products made of glued wood and plastic, are difficult to achieve.

Formaldehyde in the air is harmful primarily to mucous membranes and skin. It causes irritation, itching, and rashes. Other common signs of formaldehyde poisoning from furniture and other items are lethargy, frequent, difficulty sleeping. Regular eye inflammation and skin manifestations are also possible.

Formaldehyde is listed as a carcinogen, so constant contact with this substance dramatically increases the likelihood of cancer.

Children are more sensitive to the environment, therefore, the effect of formaldehyde on the child's body is more noticeable. In general, the symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning from furniture or toys are mostly the same as those of adults. Of course, in quality items, formaldehyde concentrations are minimal, however, as mentioned above, when it comes to long-term continuous exposure, even minimal concentrations raise serious concerns.

Some studies have linked asthma in children to formaldehyde exposure.

How to measure the level of formaldehyde in an apartment?

It will not be possible to measure formaldehyde in an apartment with home methods. This requires an appropriate device (gas analyzer) and a specially trained person. If there is a need to check the apartment for formaldehyde in the air (for example, if the strong smell of formaldehyde from the furniture raises doubts about its quality), then the most reliable way would be to contact Rospotrebnadzor, or more precisely, to the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of your city or region. Or you can use the services.

How to test furniture for formaldehyde?

Or rather, how to find out how much formaldehyde is in the furniture before buying?

There are rules for labeling furniture for the content of this gas in its composition. Furniture marked E- (0) is the safest, the risk of formaldehyde release is minimal even at high temperatures. The E- (1) marking indicates the content of 11 mg of formaldehyde per 100 g of weight (i.e., the content of the substance in furniture is about 0.011%). The E- (2) sign is placed on furniture, where for every 100 g of weight there is more than 35 mg of formaldehyde (0.035%). This is how formaldehyde in furniture can be determined.

In addition to marking, you should pay attention to how the furniture is processed: “bare” wood-shaving material at the ends is highly undesirable. Edges and edges must be sealed.

Unfortunately, almost no furniture seller is likely to be able to provide you with a certificate and research results confirming the formaldehyde class. Therefore, when choosing furniture, you should pay special attention to the smell. A pungent chemical smell from samples of furniture presented in the store, and already standing there for some time, should alert you and make you think.

How much formaldehyde escapes from furniture?

Intensive ventilation can significantly reduce the amount of fumes from furniture in the first few months. However, formaldehyde can take several years to erode.

How to get rid of formaldehyde in an apartment?

Or how, at least, to reduce its content to safe limits?

Buying formaldehyde-free furniture is expensive and hard to find. But you can remove the smell of formaldehyde from furniture and reduce its concentration in the air.