How much does 1 m3 of concrete m200 weigh. How much does a cube of concrete weigh: determining the weight of heavy, light and ultra-light concrete

Let's make a reservation right away why you need to know this characteristic. The fact is that the specific gravity (density) of this or that type of this building material directly depends on: its scope, strength, thermal conductivity and cost.

Here the following "equality" is valid: the higher the density, measured in kg / m3, the greater the weight of the final product. By and large, the weight of the solution depends on the type and weight of the filler: crushed stone, gravel, sand, expanded clay, slag and other types of filler. Accordingly, there are the following main types (types) of concrete:

  • Heavy. The mass of 1 m3 is in the range from 1800 to 2400 kg;
  • Lungs. Weighing range 1 m3 from 500 to 1800 kg;
  • Especially heavy. Weight range of 1 m3 from 2450 to 2950 kg;
  • Especially lightweight. Weight of material with a volume of 1 m3 up to 550 kg.

How much does 1 cube of different types of concrete weigh?

  • Heavy concrete. The composition of this type of building material includes coarsely fractionated fillers, characterized by a significant mass: granite crushed stone, gravel, river sand. In particular, the standard recipe for the preparation of 1 m3 of heavy concrete for widespread use includes the following components: 1250-1300 kg of crushed stone (gravel), 650-700 kg of sand, 160-200 liters of water and 250-450 kg of M400-M500 Portland cement. Scope of heavy concrete: any load-bearing elements, screed, fences, etc.;
  • Lightweight concrete. According to the name, porous (light) fillers are used to mix this type of material: expanded clay, vermiculite, foamy perlite and waste from metallurgical and energy production. Lightweight concretes have a high porosity of the "body", therefore they are used for construction: floor screeds, walls of residential buildings, block products and internal partitions;
  • Especially heavy concrete. This type of material is usually not used in low-rise construction. Almost the entire volume of such concrete consists of large heavy components. Cements of the highest grades are used as a binder. Scope: construction of bridges, flyovers, protective structures of nuclear power plants and structures for hydraulic engineering;
  • Especially lightweight concrete. These are the so-called "cellular" materials, which do not contain large aggregates. Lightweight concrete is a construction mortar based on cement, sand and a foaming agent. In this case, air pores appear in the body of the solution, occupying up to 85% of the volume. Especially lightweight concretes are used for the production of "warm" blocks, slabs and curtain walls.

Weight of 1 meter of cubic concrete of different brands

In accordance with GOST, heavy concretes are subdivided into grades from M100 to M600 (M100, M150, M200, M250, etc.). The composition of concrete of a particular brand depends on the ratio of the quantity: binder, sand, crushed stone, water, as well as on the brand of cement (usually Portland cement M400 or M500).

In construction, it is often necessary to calculate the weight of various structures in order to have an idea of ​​the bearing capacity of the building's supports and the necessary installation work. Knowing how much a kilogram of concrete is in 1 cube of concrete, you can accurately determine the thickness and width of the foundation, the size of the wall, as well as the contact area and the depth of the base. In "amateur" construction, the weight is considered to be 2.5 t / m3, but in fact the value is non-static. The weight of 1 cube of concrete is very different depending on the composition and type of mixture, there are both light types of concrete and heavy, reinforced varieties.

Concrete weight depending on class and brand

Even novice builders know that cement-sand mortar can be of different brands. When using cement of the M300 and M500 brands, the difference in the mass of concrete can reach 500-700 kg. It's all about the density of the cement, which varies greatly depending on the filler.

The weight of various structures often has to be calculated in construction.

Today there are 4 main types of concrete:

  • very light;
  • lungs;
  • heavy mixtures;
  • very heavy.

The heaviest types of concrete are used in the construction of special-purpose structures: bunkers, waste storage, power plants and other structures. The weight of one cube of concrete can reach and exceed 3 tons.

Heavy types are reinforced concrete types used during monolithic construction or during the manufacture of foundations.

Lightweight, porous types of material have a significantly lower specific gravity of concrete. Lightweight varieties include expanded clay concrete, wood concrete, concrete-particle blocks, aerated concrete, etc. They are actively used in finishing works, during the construction of low-rise buildings and as heat-insulating materials.

How much does 1 cube of concrete weigh:

  • the lightest concretes (M50-M75), their weight is up to 500 kg with lightweight fillers;
  • light mixtures (M100-M200) with low-density fillers can weigh from 700 kg. In its pure form, cement + sand, the mass reaches 2.4-2.5 tons;
  • heavy concrete (M200-M400) weighs from 1.8 tons to 2.5 tons. Compositions made on crushed stone from stone or with the addition of gravel are always quite heavy, their weight starts from 2.3 tons;
  • especially heavy species have a weight of 2.5 tons, their brand is from M400.

Light, porous types of material have a significantly lower specific gravity of concrete.

Weight of 1 cubic meter of concrete, depending on the brand:

  • M100 - 2.49 t;
  • M200 - 2.43 t;
  • M300 concrete - 2.5 t;
  • M400 concrete - 2.38 t;
  • M500 concrete - 2.98 tons.

Using the data presented, you can easily calculate how much weight in a liter: 0.001 m3 * 2.49 t = 2.5 kg of M100 concrete without aggregates.

How to determine the weight of 1 cube of concrete

To have a correct idea of ​​how much a kilogram of concrete is in a cube, you can use the tabular values ​​of the specific gravity of 1 cube of concrete or resort to calculating the weight of different components. For the preparation of high-quality concrete, cement and sand are used, and for the construction of the foundation, a dense filler can be used: gravel, crushed stone, etc. The calculation of concrete is easy to make if you know the proportion of mixture preparation.

The designation of concrete cubic meters is not constant and depends on different characteristics. If the accuracy of the calculation is important, we recommend that you first set the proportions of the mixture and then calculate how much a cubic meter of concrete weighs. The principle for calculating this characteristic is as follows: we determine the proportion of all elements in the composition, according to the table we find out the specific gravity of the materials and connect.

Weight of 1 cube of concrete

The weight of the concrete mortar for heavy concrete is:

  1. We determine the proportion of the mixture, for example, TskhPkhSh - 1 to 3 to 4. There are only 8 parts of materials, and cement takes 1/8: 1/8 = 0.125 m3.
  2. Cement weight at a specific gravity of 1400 kg / m3: 0.125 * 1400 = 175 kg.
  3. The mass of sand with a density of 1600 kg / m3: (0.125 * 3) * 1600 = 600 kg.
  4. Crushed stone weight with a density of 1400 kg / m3: (0.125 * 4) * 1400 = 700 kg.
  5. We add the weight of the liquid, depending on the desired viscosity of the composition, 0.5-0.7 liters per 1 kg of cement: 0.6 * 175 ~ 100 liters.
  6. Total mortar weight: 175 + 600 + 700 + 100 = 1575 kg / m3.

In fact, the weight will turn out to be more, since we used the density of materials without compaction, respectively, with the addition of water, the material will become denser and become heavier. To get a real figure, you can immediately use the characteristics of several compacted materials, but there is a simple way - add about 200 kg / m3 to the result. Approximately this value will be fair. At the exit, we get a weight of approximately 1800 kg / m3.

What you need to pay attention to

What determines how much 1 cube of concrete weighs:

  • the weight of 1 cube of concrete varies depending on the density of the filler. Gravel is often added to increase the weight of the composition. Expensive but heavy materials include marble (2.3-2.6 t / m3) and granite (2.7 t / m3);
  • to determine the weight of a cube of concrete, it is important to take into account the degree of compaction of the materials. Fresh cement weighs 1.1-1.3 t / m3, depending on the brand, during transportation, the material is shaken, increasing the density to 1.3-1.5 t / m3. If the material is stored for a long time, it cakes, and the density can reach 1.5-1.6 t / m3. Similar processes take place in other materials;
  • the type of constituent is essential. Crushed stone can be of various types: from slag weighing 800 kg / m3 to 3 t / m3 of secondary material produced by the metallurgical industry;
  • the fraction of the components strongly influences the weight. The largest specific gravity is in the coarse fraction of the compacted material. Gravel slag of fraction 0-5 weighs 1600 kg / m3, and fraction from 160 - 1730 kg / m3.

The mass of concrete is a fundamental characteristic when calculating the bearing capacity of the foundation and walls. If necessary, the weight can be increased by adding heavy components, or reduced by using lightweight materials.

This building material is used everywhere and is considered to be truly versatile. It is used for the construction of foundations and floor slabs, screeds and plastering layers. But depending on the specifics of the work, it is often necessary to make certain calculations, and for this you need to know the weight of 1 m 3 of concrete.

This value is not constant, since this material is subdivided into several types. Their differences are not only in the proportions of the "ingredients", but also in the structure. But they are distinguished, first of all, by their specific gravity.

Particularly heavy

1 "cube" weighs in the range of 2.5 - 3 tons. This indicator depends mainly on the type of aggregate. As such, barite, hematite, metal scrap, magnesite and some others can be used. Considering how much a cube of concrete weighs, it is clear that it is used infrequently, mainly in special construction (underground storage facilities, tunnels, etc.).


Traditionally used not only in civil and industrial construction, but also in the private sector. Due to its strength, various types of foundations, floor and interfloor slabs, and other load-bearing structural elements are made from such concrete. Gravel and crushed stone of large fractions are used as backfill. The weight of 1 m 3 is in the range from 1.8 to 2.5 tons.


The fillers are either lightweight fractions (expanded clay, shell rock, tuff), or they are not used at all. The porosity of the structure is achieved artificially (cellular types - gas and foam concrete). The weight of 1 "cube" lies in the range of 0.5 - 1.8 tons. This material is suitable for both partitions and other unloaded parts of the building. Often in low-rise construction for walls.

The total weight is in direct proportion to the components. In particular, sand can be either fine, sifted, or large river sand. Therefore, it is correct to focus on the specific gravity of all ingredients.

The size of the fractions of solid components is also taken into account. It is clear that the smaller they are, the more densely they will fill the volume. But the use of large fractions presupposes the formation of voids, and the larger their size, the lighter the concrete will be in the end. In addition, the various fillers used, which are introduced into the composition to improve certain properties of the final product, the amount of added water, also have an effect. By the way, the quality of mixing the composition can also slightly change the total weight. It also depends on whether the sand was originally wet or dry.

Knowing the proportion in which the various components are taken, and their specific gravity, it is easy to calculate the weight of 1 m 3. At the same time, the exact result will not work, since it is impossible to measure all the components with "pharmaceutical" accuracy.

If for calculations it is required to know the specific gravity of one m 3 of concrete, then experts advise focusing on an indicator of 2,500 kg / m 3. This value is true for almost any design and appears in many reporting documents.

You can give some more data on the specific gravity of common concretes (in kg / m 3):

  • with coarse gravel - 2,400;
  • with volcanic aggregates - from 800 to 1 600;
  • gas, foam concrete - from 300 to 1,000.

More extensive data are available in special tables, but they are used mainly by professionals.

One of the main indicators of a concrete solution is its density. And when the question is raised how much a cube of concrete weighs, it is necessary to understand that we are talking about density, the unit of which is kg / m³.

And the higher the density, the greater the weight of the solution itself. It should be remembered that these two indicators will depend on the type of filler. Hence the main classification of artificial stone.

Separation by specific gravity

There are four groups in the classification, the ranges of the weight of 1 m 3 of the mixture:

  1. Heavy 1800-2500 kg.
  2. Light 500-1800 kg.
  3. Particularly heavy 2500-3000 kg.
  4. Especially lightweight up to 500 kg.


This solution contains large and heavy fillers (crushed stone, gravel, coarse sand). A cubic meter of material weighs 1800-2500 kg. Even according to the recipe, it becomes clear that the bulk of the mixture is occupied by fillers.

For example, a standard recipe includes: 1200-1300 kilograms of gravel or crushed stone, 600-700 kilograms of sand, and only 250-450 kg of cement. The volume of water is 150-200 liters.

These are traditional (classic) types of concrete that are used for a wide range of applications. Load-bearing structures, screeds, fences and so on are poured from them.


As fillers for this type, porous materials are used, such as expanded clay, vermiculite, foamed perlite, waste from various industries. The porosity of the material reduces the weight of concrete, which is why it is called lightweight.

The weight of a cube of this type of concrete ranges: 500-1800 kg. Not all light types use sand. But if, according to the recipe, it should be present, then its mass in 1 m 3 is approximately 600 kilograms. Light solutions are used to fill screeds, fences, block products.

Particularly heavy

In private housing construction, this type is not used. Let's just designate its indicators. The mass of 1 m 3 of such concrete is 2500-3000 kg. The main volume is occupied by large aggregates. Cement with high strength is necessarily used. Most often, this type is used as a protective structure in nuclear reactors.

Extra light

In fact, these are cellular concretes, in the composition of which there are no large fillers. This is a cement and sand based mortar, where a foaming agent is added. In this case, air pores are formed inside the solution (their volume is 85%). Therefore, the specific gravity is very low: less than 500 kilograms. Most often, this type is used for the production of slabs and blocks that serve as insulation.

Separation by brand

In the production of heavy concrete, namely, they are classic, there are several brands. The ratio of the components in the recipe for each brand is different. Somewhere more fillers, somewhere less. Accordingly, the mass of concrete will differ. The differences are insignificant, but they are there.

Below is a table showing the ratio of components in different brands.

As you can see, the strength of a concrete solution has nothing to do with weight. It depends on the brand of cement. However, there is one nuance here. For example, you did not find M400 grade cement, but purchased M300. Is it possible to make concrete M200 from it? No problem.

Recipe change

You will have to increase the amount of cement applied by decreasing the amount of fillers applied. In this case, the recipe can be as follows:

  • cement M300 - 350 kg;
  • sand - 795 kg;
  • crushed stone - 1080 kg;
  • water - 175 l.

The weight of the concrete will decrease due to a large reduction in the volume of crushed stone, while the strength will increase. There are no standard recipes in which you can change the brand of cement to a higher or lower one. Therefore, at home, it is very difficult to adapt a changing recipe to a new one.

Below is a table of concrete mix weights by brand.

It is much easier to do this in the factory, laboratories do it there. Therefore, experts recommend using classic recipes, using the required components in them, especially for the brand of cement.

Ready-made cement mixtures

Manufacturers of dry mixes based on cement, realizing the complexity of creating a solution in precise proportions, today offer ready-made mixes in which all components are adjusted to a certain strength. This simplifies the process of making concrete mortar itself, plus guarantees its quality characteristics.

Cement mortar is one of the most popular materials in construction. When erecting any structures, it is important to take into account the specific gravity of the substances used. For example, if a construction site involves the use of cement, then you need to know how much a cube of concrete of a particular configuration weighs. Reinforced concrete and concrete structures are the basis of many buildings, so it is impossible to neglect their properties at the design stage.

Weight classification

Concrete mixes are used in quite a variety of ways. Modern cement is necessary for such operations:

  • interior decoration of living quarters;
  • construction of reinforced concrete foundations of buildings;
  • erection of dams and monolithic structures.

It is used for other purposes as well - this is just a rough list that shows the variety of uses for this material. Of course, different characteristics are required from cement for interior decoration and foundation construction, which is why all mixtures are divided into classes and brands.

Using the classification, you can also determine the weight of 1 cube of concrete. The mass increases with a change in type:

  • heat-insulating (especially light, classes below B7.5);
  • easy (grades B7.5-B15);
  • heavy (B15-B30);
  • heavyweight (more).

The first includes brands from M50 to M75, their specific weight does not exceed 500 kilograms. To the second - from M100 to M200, which range from 500 to 1800 kg. "Heavy" ones are marked as M200-M400, and their specific gravity is 1800-2500. All brands from M450 are considered especially heavy. The specific gravity of such concrete reaches three tons.

Thermal insulation mixture

Such a cement contains a large volume of fillers, due to which a level of 85% of voids is achieved. Although the mass of a cubic meter of such a mixture does not reach half a ton, and in a frozen state, it cannot withstand heavy loads and perform a load-bearing function, the brand has the lowest values ​​of thermal conductivity. Porous structures do not withstand cold well and wear out quickly under the influence of frost, therefore, to increase strength, a plasticizer for concrete is also included in the mixture. The instability of moisture should not be ignored, which is why the installation of waterproofing is mandatory.

Medium types

"Light" mixture is not uncommon, especially M150. Many types of ready-mixed concrete are in the range of 500-1800 kg specific gravity. Most building blocks have pores in their structure. Air bubbles in the mass are created using foaming agents or cellular fillers. Among the latter, expanded clay is often used.

"Heavy" concrete is used much more often than other types, because it is used for the construction of many components of the structure. First of all, it is used for parts that perform a load-bearing role. A cube of concrete M300 weighs at least 1800 kilograms - this applies to all mixtures belonging to the heavy type. If it becomes necessary to make the supporting structure stronger, the density is increased to 2.5 tons per cubic meter. This is done by changing the ratio of sand and coarse filler. The density of the latter also plays an important role - gravel crushed stone is much heavier than granite or expanded clay.

Extra heavy concrete

This species is not widespread due to its specificity. Such concrete can reach maximum values ​​when one meter cube weighs about three tons. To achieve such indicators, metal fillers are included in the mixture, many of them are relatively specific materials for the construction industry. They are also quite expensive. But the M450 brand perfectly prevents the spread of radiation.

Particularly heavy concrete is used only for the construction of special structures. Walls made from dense mixtures with metallic impurities reflect most of the radioactive radiation. This is beneficial for the construction of nuclear power plants, laboratories and "sarcophagi" in the field of disasters associated with the release of radiation.

Volumetric and specific gravity table

Volumetric weight is calculated during transportation and differs from the actual one. The density depends not only on the brand, but also on the state of the mixture (liquid or dry).

As it becomes clear from the table, the weight of concrete per 1 m³ in a liquid state is higher than in a dry state.

The values ​​always differ, how much 1 cube of concrete in kg weighs actually and calculated. The real values ​​are shown in the second table..

If you compare these two tables, you will notice that the estimated weight of the M200 brand is equal to the actual mass of the M250 cube. This also applies to other species. How much does a cube of concrete M300 actually weigh, as much as M250 according to calculations.

Attention! The exact correspondence of the described characteristics to the specified brand is achieved only with the factory production of the mixture.