We remove dried polyurethane foam using available tools. How to wash dried polyurethane foam How to wash polyurethane foam from windows

It is understandable, such windows are not only better than wooden ones from an aesthetic point of view, but also outstrip them in terms of technical characteristics. Plastic windows retain heat better, do not let excess noise and dust into the house. In general, some advantages. So if you don't have plastic windows yet, then think about installing them.

When installing plastic windows, however, like any structures made of glass, plastic, concrete and even metal (for example, doors), polyurethane foam is used. This excellent sealant can rightfully be called an indispensable assistant! It gets into even the smallest and narrowest cracks, seals the seams, glues the parts together. In addition, high-quality polyurethane foam has heat, sound and moisture insulating characteristics.

However, as is usually the case, among all these significant advantages, comparable to a huge barrel of honey, there is a small drawback. In the role of a fly in the ointment, the complexity of laundering polyurethane foam that has fallen on surrounding objects during its use acts.

We will tell you how you can wash non-dried and dried polyurethane foam from hands, from clothes, from doors and other surfaces.

If the polyurethane foam has not yet had time to dry, i.e. completely harden, then it is very easy to wash it off with various solvents, acetone, special cleaners and, of course, White Spirit. That is why, before using polyurethane foam, prepare something from this (for example: "Sol-Off", "Soudal Pu Remover", "Thinner 646" or "Cosmofen 10") to remove the drops of sealant.

What to do while the polyurethane foam has not frozen

If you realized in time and decided not to complicate your life by scraping and wiping off the frozen polyurethane foam, then arm yourself with some kind of solvent and a rag and gently wipe off the foam that has not yet hardened. Everything about everything will take you just a few minutes.

Important! However, it is not possible to safely remove uncured sealant from every surface with a solvent. For example, lacquered and painted surfaces are afraid of such "execution" like the devil of incense. In the first case, there is a high probability that you will erase the varnish layer along with the foam, and in the second, you can leave ugly whitish or yellowish spots. Therefore, before you start erasing the polyurethane foam (or better, before using it at all), check how the surface will react to the solvent you have chosen. Rub a small amount of the product in an inconspicuous place and wait, if everything is fine - you can start installation, if not - then first select a suitable cleaner.


If you have an insoluble, as it seems to you, dilemma: what to choose between two "evils" - to wipe off fresh polyurethane foam, knowing that LITTLE damage will be done to the surface, or literally "gnaw" and scrape off the frozen polyurethane foam? It is more rational to choose the first option after all. However, if the damage is still significant or as options: you could not find a suitable solvent or did not notice drops of polyurethane foam that fell into the wrong places, then use our tips on how to wash dried polyurethane foam.

How to wash dried polyurethane foam

How can you wash the frozen polyurethane foam

There are several ways to remove cured polyurethane foam. However, whichever method you choose, a small trace will still remain. This is connected, so to speak, with nature, or rather with the characteristics and structure of the polyurethane foam, with the principle on which it works. Namely: the foam is in the cartridge under very high pressure, when released outward, it expands tenfold. In this case, the polyurethane foam tightly holds the necessary items together, because it penetrates into the material at the molecular level (in scientific parlance, this is called "adhesion"). This means that no matter how you try to scrub, scrape off the polyurethane foam, be aware that it has managed to penetrate into the substance and "spoil" its structure.

Now all that remains is to choose the method of cleaning the polyurethane foam that will “sweep up the traces” as much as possible.

Method number 1

Take a few sharp blades and very carefully cut the foam to the very spine. Then apply sunflower oil or thinner to the remaining foam particles. Wait 15-20 minutes, during this time the remaining foam should soften. After that, with a double-sided sponge, start, as it were, to erase the polyurethane foam alternately alternating the soft side with the hard one. Once you've scrubbed off the foam, prepare a warm soapy solution and wash the area where the foam was.

Method number 2

Using sharp blades, we try to carefully and as much as possible cut off the hardened polyurethane foam. Then, wearing gloves, we apply Dimexide gel for joints (or any other analogue), and again leave it for 20 minutes so that the rest of the foam softens. Wipe off the foam with a double-sided sponge, and then wipe the area with a damp cloth.

Method number 3

If the polyurethane foam does not need to be removed from a smooth surface or from the surface that you are going to paint or varnish, then you can literally scrape it off using blades and sandpaper.

How to wash polyurethane foam from your hands

It is best to wash off the polyurethane foam, we will repeat it when it did not have time to completely harden and with the help of acetone or various solvents. But what if the polyurethane foam is dry on your hands? Stock up on hot water, a rag, pumice stone, hand cream (any other nourishing cream or regular oil will do), and a train of patience. Steam your hands in a container of hot water (hold them for about 30 minutes), dry your hands, apply a generous layer of greasy cream and start washing the foam from your hands with a piece of pumice. And, of course, help yourself with your nails - some pieces can be removed by prying them with your fingernail.

How to wipe polyurethane foam from clothes

Understandably, no one makes repairs to their weekend clothes. For this case and any other household chores, simpler clothes are chosen, from the category "you can wear it in the country" or "do not mind throwing it away." However, the cases are different, for example, you came to visit where there was a recent renovation and accidentally fell into an uncured sealant, or you came with an audit to check how the workers, your son, etc. are doing. etc. and again accidentally stained their clothes with polyurethane foam. What to do in such cases? Really reconcile and send the thing to the trash heap?

In such cases, one rule works, the sooner you realized it and ran to wipe the polyurethane foam from your clothes with acetone, solvent, cleaner, the better. When the sealant hardens completely (it takes several hours), the thing can no longer be washed off and saved.

However, there is also a pitfall here: some things begin to bleach under the influence of a solvent, especially those on whose tags they show off. So choose what is better: walk into things without drops of polyurethane foam, but in their places there will be faded or yellowish spots or in clothes with frozen drops of polyurethane foam. We agree that the choice is not so hot in any case.

How to wash the foam from the door

When the door is being mounted, foam often gets onto the very surface of the door.

It is best to wash off the polyurethane foam when it has not yet dried and with the help of special cleaning agents, then there is a great chance that there will be no trace of the sealant on the surface.

How much foam will affect the door depends on the quality of the wood and whether it is painted or varnished. If yes, then wipe off the foam with a solvent, if not, then scrape off the foam, and clean off its remnants with fine-grained sandpaper, and then cover the door with varnish or paint.

How to prepare a room before working with polyurethane foam

The golden rule that it is easier to prevent a problem than to work with its consequences also works with polyurethane foam. Therefore, before you start installing windows, doors and anything else using polyurethane foam, prepare the room for work.

Take out all valuable and expensive items.

Wear work clothes, gloves, and a hat. It is necessary to cover the skin as much as possible, and most importantly the hair so that it will not be a pity to throw it away or ruin it.

Cover with oilcloth any surrounding objects that could not be pulled out. The same applies to floors, batteries, etc.

Anything that could not be covered with a film or something that is in close proximity to the work area - grease with oil or fatty cream. This is especially true for lacquered surfaces.

Believe me, it is much easier and cheaper to prepare a place for working with polyurethane foam, rather than then scrubbing and scraping it off without the confidence that there will be no trace of it.

Polyurethane foam is a chemical substance in the form of an aerosol designed to seal cracks, sound and heat insulation. The sealant is in the container under pressure; when released, the substance increases in volume several times. To clean the foam, use home remedies first. If this method does not help, use chemicals. Pre-check their effect on an inconspicuous area.

Removal methods:

  1. Mechanical (scraping with a sharp object) is used provided that it is frozen.
  2. Acetone (or nail polish remover) is used to remove fresh sealant.
  3. Store products are used depending on the time that has passed after the formation of the stain.
Name Scope of application
For fresh sealants
ULTIMA Professional It is used for cleaning windows, clothes, foam guns.
PENOSIL Foam Cleaner Removal of polyurethane foam from windows, wooden window sills, metal surfaces, clothes, pistols.
Isofoam R621 Universal cleaner.
Cosmophen Produced by the German company Weiss, it has three modifications (5, 10, 20). Use Cosmofen 20 to remove polyurethane. Suitable for all types of surfaces.
Macroflex Premium Universal solvent, cleanser.
Solvent 646 Not suitable for painted and varnished plastic and wood surfaces.
For cured sealants
PENOSIL Premium Curеd Dissolves and cleans cured foam from all types of surfaces.
Isofoam R621 Universal cleaner.

Before use, apply the above products to inconspicuous areas of the product. All aerosols are toxic, use personal protective equipment.

  1. Dimexide (or its analogs with identical components) is a drug purchased in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Sunflower oil - softens contamination; subsequent treatment with soapy water is required.
  3. Cold exposure.

From a construction pistol

  • mechanical method - scrape off the remains with a sharp object (knife, scissors);
  • the use of chemical cleaners - put the solvent in a special gun. Pull the trigger several times until the solvent comes out.

Windows and doors

PVC footprints:

  • fresh sealant can be removed with acetone, vinegar, vegetable oil, construction gun cleaner;
  • grease old stains of sealant with Dimexide and a polyurethane foam remover;
  • dry - remove mechanically.

Use acetone and solvents with caution on plastic surfaces as they may leave yellow stains.

Ways to eliminate traces of polyurethane foam from wood and MDF:

  1. You can wipe off the solidified substance with sandpaper. Carefully cut off the protruding parts with a sharp object. This method has a drawback - the possibility of damaging the wooden surface. In case of damage, the door section should be re-varnished.
  2. Saline solution (1 tablespoon of water for 1 glass of salt). 5 minutes after applying the solution, clean the surface with a damp sponge or cloth.

You can clean the metal with sunflower oil. Half an hour after dissolving the chemical, clean the place of contamination with a sponge dipped in soapy water.

Powder coated iron doors are mechanically cleaned using baking soda and a rubber scraper (baking soda acts as an abrasive).


It is easier to wipe off the foam from a glass door than from a wooden or metal door. Wait until the stain dries, then scrape off with a sharp object.

Vinegar will help get rid of the stain on the tile. Dampen a sponge or napkin with vinegar and rub vigorously.

Do not remove the sealant immediately, but also do not allow it to dry completely. It is necessary to catch the moment when the substance will have a "rubberized consistency", reminiscent of plasticine. Take the stain by the edge, pull it slightly - this method avoids streaks and does not require financial costs.

Removal rules from laminate and flooring

Dimexide is used to remove stains from linoleum, laminate, wood, parquet. Acetone must not be used for flooring, as it may cause streaks.

To remove dirt from the carpet or carpet, put a damp cloth on the dirty place, wait for the foam to completely soak. After softening, the stain is removed with a sponge dipped in soapy water.

Use store products. If they did not help, use less gentle methods: sanding, sanding with a disc.

How to clean foam from clothes

Since the particles of the sealant reliably bind to the fibers of the garment and fill all cavities, it is difficult to scrub off dried polyurethane foam. For these purposes, the following means are intended: white spirit, stain removers, distilled gasoline, sealant solvents.


  • cut off protruding parts of the substance;
  • apply one of the listed products to the contaminated area of ​​clothing;
  • wait 15-20 minutes;
  • remove residues with a sponge or damp cloth;
  • repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • wash the item in the washing machine using multiple rinses.

Pre-study the information on the product tag, whether the use of chemicals is permitted for this type of fabric.

Foam stains are completely removed if contaminated clothing is placed in the freezer for an hour. Then clean the sealant residues mechanically, if this does not help, apply a solvent. Wash the item after cleaning.

Things made of dense fabric (jeans, jackets, overalls) are cleaned with Dimexidum. You need to work with gloves, the solution is concentrated and diluted with water for medical purposes. Apply the preparation with a cotton swab on the stain for 5-10 minutes and wipe off the dirt with a brush.

  1. To clean clothes made of colored fabrics with acetone - you can damage the thing.
  2. Use solvents with care on fine fabrics (cotton, silk).
  3. Do not use solvents on varnished and painted surfaces, the sealant layer will peel off along with the paint.
  4. Do not use acids or alkalis to remove foam from your face. Polyurethane does not react to them, and a burn will remain on the skin.
  5. Do not wash off fresh dirt with water.

If you plan to do repairs, purchase polyurethane foam solvents in advance. Before starting work, remove valuable things from the room, cover furniture, bathtub, floors, batteries with oilcloth. For items that cannot be removed, grease with sunflower oil or fat cream. Carry out repairs in overalls, use gloves and hats.

Any builder knows that it is not so easy to wash polyurethane foam. It quickly eats into the material, sticks to the hands and often causes damage to clothing. It is impossible to wash off fresh foam with water - it expands and hardens from contact with it. It is removed with special cleaners, mechanical methods or using folk remedies. All options have their own nuances, which we will discuss below.

Cleaning hard surfaces

No matter how carefully the work is carried out, sprays and excess foam always fall on nearby surfaces. It is better to remove stains immediately: fresh polyurethane foam is more pliable and does not require the use of caustic solvents.


  1. Remove the top layer of foam with a wooden trowel or rag. It is also easily collected with a plastic bag or cling film - it sticks to them best. If the foam is already dry, use a sharp knife.
  2. Treat the remaining adhesive mass with a special cleaner, Dimexide (pharmacy agent), white spirit, acetone or nail polish remover.
  3. Rub the area with a hard sponge.

In a similar way, you can easily clean plastic windows, enamel surfaces, tiles, metal doors from mounting foam. If there are no solvents in the house, the mechanical method remains. You can try to scrub the stain with a plastic scraper or a hard scrubber and a cleaning product.

Cleaning delicate materials

Take extra care when removing polyurethane foam from floors, varnished and laminated items. Linoleum, laminate and other delicate surfaces can become discolored or deformed from the use of strong solvents. It is better to use other methods here:

  • Mechanical cleaning. Wait until the foam dries a little and stops sticking to your hands (2–4 hours). Pick up the edge and gently pull it towards you.
  • With oil. Cut off the foamy top "under the root" and pour over the sticky residues with sunflower oil. Now they can be easily wiped off with a stiff brush or sponge.
  • Removing dried foam from laminate and linoleum. If it has been 8 hours after the foam sealant hit the floor, all that remains is to cut it off. Cover the remaining dirt with wet rags. After 20-30 minutes, they will become slightly soaked and will be easier to scrub off.

Many special fresh foam cleaners are suitable for plastics, laminate, linoleum, MDF. They impregnate a napkin or rag with them and remove dirt pointwise.

How to remove foam from hands?

Putting your hands with fresh foam under the tap is completely pointless and reckless. It expands from water, becomes larger and harder. But then how to properly clean your hands from the assembly sealant?

  1. Dry your hands with a rag or tissue.
  2. To rinse off any remaining foam, prepare 3 tbsp of saline solution. tablespoons of table salt and 1 liter of warm water.
  3. Dip your hands in a container of solution for 5 minutes.
  4. Try rubbing off any traces of foam with a piece of pumice stone.
  5. Lubricate your hands with moisturizer.

Some builders prefer to use sunflower oil to remove the foam from their hands. You can also try removing it with a rag dipped in a vinegar solution (diluted in half with water).

Polyurethane foam is non-toxic and poses no threat to health. Its presence on the skin is a purely aesthetic problem. If it was not possible to completely wipe off the remaining foam, do not worry. After a few days, the skin of the hands will cleanse itself due to the natural renewal of epithelial cells and the secretion of sebum.

Removing polyurethane foam from clothing

Cleaning your clothes is much more difficult than cleaning your hands or hard surfaces. Polyurethane foam is capable of deeply eating into fabrics. The thinner the matter, the less likely it is that the thing cannot be restored. However, it's worth a try anyway.

First, let the foam dry, otherwise the stain will smear even more. Then it is carefully cut with a sharp knife "under the root" and proceeds to cleaning.

  • Method number 1.

The surest way to remove foam from clothing is to dissolve it. But the product itself is likely to be damaged. Test somewhere on the wrong side: drip a drop of white spirit, acetone, cleaner, gasoline or dimexide. If the fabric has not deteriorated, use a tested detergent solution.

  • Method number 2.

If the goal is not to clean the clothes urgently, you can try to destroy the polyurethane foam with ultraviolet rays. Just hang it in the sun and leave it for a week or more. From exposure to direct sunlight, pollution will harden, turn yellow and begin to crumble. You will need to rub the fabric vigorously and shake out the crumbs.

If the attempt to remove the foam from the clothes is unsuccessful, creativity will help to save it. The affected areas must be cut and patched. After that, you can sew on pockets on top, glue emblems, embroider a drawing with satin stitch.

Special cleaners

First of all, when working with construction foam, the tool (assembly gun) suffers, as well as the adjacent surfaces: window and door openings.

To remove both fresh and frozen residues, special cleaners are produced:

  • PENOSIL Foam Cleaner;
  • ULTIMA Professional;
  • Repairs 100%;
  • OPPA;
  • WS profi;
  • PENOSIL Cured PU-Foam Remover for cured foam.

A feature of this type of product is the content of caustic substances that can dissolve the foam. But at the same time, they can damage delicate surfaces and are especially dangerous for the skin of the hands and mucous membranes.

Cleaners are used with extreme caution and only with protective gloves.

Some of these products can clean your clothes. Before using any cleaner, read the instructions on the packaging and test by spraying the chemical in an inconspicuous place.

People say that a bad master is betrayed by dirty hands. Of course, during repairs, dust and fine dirt will always be present. But foam splashes and heavy dirt can be avoided. Firstly, when working with it, you need to wear gloves and clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. Secondly, the adjacent surfaces should be covered in advance with old newspapers or oilcloth. And thirdly, the gap must be filled with foam-glue in stages and no more than a third. Observe these three rules, and then you will not have to rack your brains thinking about how to remove the polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam is indispensable for the installation of windows, doors and many other repair and construction activities. This tool allows you to firmly hold a variety of elements and surfaces. However, such work in rare cases does without getting a sticky substance on hands, clothes and other places, so the owners of houses and apartments think about how to wash the foam, which has already hardened.

Simple and affordable ways

Removing frozen editing is very difficult.... A few years ago, acetone was used for this purpose. Today, there are many alternative options that allow you to remove the substance from a particular surface.

It should be noted that foam acts in completely different ways on different materials, so you will have to select the means and methods individually. The most popular methods for removing substance residues include the following:

If you have a desire to use any of the above methods to remove foam, then the selected tool must first treat a small area. In the event that no consequences appear on the surface, then full cleaning can begin.

Cleaning the gun

If a special device (pistol) was used to apply the composition, then traces of polyurethane foam were necessarily left in it. There are several ways to clear it:

  • Mechanical technique. With the help of an awl, flat screwdriver or knife, hardened remains of the mixture are removed;
  • Chemical method. For this purpose, you need to insert a can with a special foam solvent into the gun. For example, OPPA or PENOSIL. Press the trigger until a completely clear liquid is removed from the device.

Cleaning of PVC and timber structures

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) reacts negatively to powerful solvents, especially those based on acetone. As a result, stains may appear on the material, which will be completely impossible to get rid of. Foam sealant is very easy to remove from plastic windows... Once frozen, it can be easily scraped off with a piece of wood or a plastic spatula. At the same time, no traces of it remain.

You can also use ordinary oil (vegetable), applying it to the surface and waiting thirty to forty minutes. Then the remaining foam can be removed with the same spatula or a damp sponge.

If you are looking for how to clean foam from doors, you should remember that wooden window and door structures are usually painted or varnished to improve aesthetics and provide protection. It is not worth using classical cleaners to remove sealant foam from such surfaces, otherwise you can ruin the smooth surface, the structure of which will be damaged. You can dissolve one tablespoon of ordinary salt in a glass of water and treat the problem area with this mixture. After five to seven minutes, wipe the surface with a damp cloth or sponge.

Removing foam from metal and glass

Many builders and repairmen often think about how to clean the foam from a metal door and other metal objects... First you need to cut off the bulk with a sharp object, and then carefully treat the metal surface with sunflower oil and wait about half an hour. After this procedure, the remaining foam will be wiped off with a sponge or rag. Grease can be washed off with soapy water.

Foam is removed from glass coatings only after complete solidification. Only after that, you can already look for how to clean the foam from the door. With the help of a sharp device (knife, chisel, etc.), the mixture is scraped off without any consequences. If small opaque spots remain, they can be treated with a solvent.

Floor coverings

To remove sealant residues from different types of flooring, you need to be aware of all the features of the procedure. In this case, the methods depend on the structure and type of material:

If, after using solvents, there are still traces, then the surface will have to be sanded with a sanding disc or sandpaper.

How to clean your hands from editing

When working, the composition can easily get on the skin., therefore, you need to use protective gloves, otherwise you will have to worry about how to wipe the dried polyurethane foam from your hands. If it was not possible to avoid getting the substance on your hands, then you can get rid of it using the following means:

  • acetone;
  • three percent vinegar solution;
  • petrol;
  • medical alcohol.

One of the means is to process the cotton wool and wipe the skin thoroughly. After that, hands should be washed with water and liquid soap. After cleaning, apply baby cream to the skin.

There are other techniques:

Wardrobe items

When caring about how you can wipe off the polyurethane foam, you must not forget that it is impossible to completely remove dirt from the fabric material, since the foam interacts very strongly with the fibers. But you can still try to reduce its traces. At the same time, it is undesirable to use acetone-based products, because they can spoil the structure or color of the clothes.

To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • special stain remover;
  • White Spirit;
  • pure gasoline without impurities;
  • foamy solvent.

To remove foam from clothing, the order of actions should be as follows:

There is another method that is known to many home craftsmen - freezer use... It can be used in the event that a small splash of the composition has got on the clothes. The instruction is as follows:

  1. Fold the soiled wardrobe item into a plastic bag and place it inside the freezer.
  2. After an hour, remove the item from the freezer, and remove the pieces of frozen sealant with your own hands.
  3. If stains are present, you can use a stain remover.
  4. Clothes should be properly washed in a machine.

It is much easier to avoid problems with polyurethane foam than to deal with the consequences of such mistakes later. One way or another, but using these recommendations, you can get rid of the pollution yourself.

Attention, only TODAY!

The smooth, non-porous surface can be cleaned mechanically using sharp knives or a plastic card. If the surface has managed to absorb some of the foam, you need to resort to chemical solvents, white spirit or "Galosha". For surfaces that do not tolerate solvents poorly, Dimexide can be used. Residual traces are washed off with a concentrated warm soapy solution.

Few people use closed protective clothing when working with polyurethane foam, so it often gets on your hands. Nearby objects, furniture, windows, doors made of various materials may also be damaged.

Cleaning PVC windows or doors

Polyvinyl chloride reacts very poorly to processing with chemical solvents; together with contamination, the liquid can dissolve the material itself.

Removing foam from PVC surfaces

PVC has a very dense, non-hollow, glossy structure that does not allow stains to penetrate deep into the material.

Therefore, adhering polyurethane foam, as well as, can be easily removed using mechanical methods. A sharp utility knife, plastic card, or any other sharp object is usually fine.

Note! The sharpened edge used to remove the foam must not be damaged or chipped. When they come into contact with the glossy surface of PVC, deep grooves and scratches can be left.

With moderate pressure, you will be able to remove stains from the surface almost completely. After using mechanical methods, the window can be wiped with a regular detergent and clean cloth. You can wipe off dried foam with needles and nail scissors for very small stains.

Cleaning of wooden doors and windows

Solvents can be used to remove cured polyurethane foam from wood products and panels.

They also negatively affect wood, LDPE, MDF, veneer, eco-veneer and all veneer materials, but the reaction does not proceed as quickly as it can happen in the case of PVC. Immediately after removal, the cleaned area should be thoroughly washed with soapy water and dried well. Soap neutralizes the action of the solvent, preventing it from violating the integrity of both natural wood and paintwork, and drying will not allow a window or door to deform from moisture.


As in the case of PVC, linoleum has a dense enough structure so as not to absorb aggressive foam. It is undesirable to remove it with solvents, because ugly matte stains can remain after them. A similar problem occurs with tiles.

Cleaning linoleum

To clean linoleum, you need to use a sharp clerical knife, the tip of which can pry the stain under its very base. The remains can be washed with a concentrated soap solution prepared in warm water, which will also wash off and. If the linoleum is dense, then you can use the hard side of the dishwashing sponge or.

Advice : You need to take a new sponge so that there are no abrasive materials in its villi that can damage the linoleum.

The agent called Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) actively dissolves foam, while it is completely neutral to surfaces suffering from chemical solvents.

At the end of cleaning, the surface is wiped with a clean dry cloth to remove excess moisture.


The villi of any home carpet are instantly impregnated with polyurethane foam, so mechanical cleaning can only do much harm.

Dried foam can be removed with plain water

It is also a bad idea to use an aggressive solvent because it can ruin the surface of the carpet (or sofa) and its pattern.

At the same time, old dried foam is not resistant to ordinary water. Put a wet rag on the stain and leave it in this position for several hours. The pile absorbs moisture, becomes very slippery, and it can even be removed by hand by gently peeling it off the carpet.


This material also does not absorb liquid foam. It is not worth using mechanical cleaning methods and chemical solvents, because there is a high risk of knocking off the glossy finish of the laminate or scratching it badly.

In this case, it is advisable to use Dimexide, which does not affect the material in any way, but at the same time dissolves the foam well. You can wipe off the remains of construction foam with soapy water, after which it is desirable with the help of an aerosol polish.

Parquet and parquet board

From a smooth surface, liquid foam can be removed with an ordinary dry cloth or paper towel, and if it has cooled slightly, it can be wet with the use of detergents. The dried stain is removed with Dimexide solution and wiped off with a regular cloth.

Further care of the parquet is the same as for.

Foam on clothes

To clean it from fabrics (silk, jeans), it is better to use solvents such as white spirit, gasoline "Galosha" or any stain remover that can remove dried stains.

The top layer of the hardened stain is removed from the surface by hand, the contamination is soaked in liquid. After 10-15 minutes it can be wiped off with a cloth. Clothes must be washed, first on linen.

We use the freezer

If the solvent does not help, then put the thing in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for several hours. In frost, the foam hardens very strongly, and it will be easier to remove it mechanically. You can do it in the same way.

Stone, concrete, metal surface

These surfaces are absolutely indifferent to the agents that will be used for cleaning. You can safely use both mechanical methods and any solvents.

Untreated surfaces such as iron (cast iron batteries) and wood can even be sandblasted and treated with soda as an abrasive. The only exception is surfaces that have a paint-and-lacquer coating; after treatment with a solvent, they will need to be renewed in places that have become discolored.

Glass surface

Automotive glass and window glass are perfectly cleaned with a sharp knife without chipping. If you are afraid to damage the smooth surface, then you can immediately use solvents, including acetone. To remove streaks that may remain after treatment, you can use alcohol or.

We wash our hands

We can only hope for solvents. Using a cotton pad or a clean cloth, apply the liquid to the foam, taking care to avoid exposed skin. The foam will begin to dissolve as a result of a chemical reaction, and it can be simply washed off the skin. Solvents from the skin of the hands as well, and.

Advice ! To prevent foam from getting on the skin of your hands, you need to use closed protective clothing and gloves.

After cleaning hands with solvent, wash them thoroughly using toilet soap.

Removing from delicate surfaces

If you are in doubt about whether to use a harsh chemical solvent on a specific surface or material, it is best to go for a Dimexide solution. It is guaranteed to leave intact any material it gets on, while the foam dissolves under its action quite actively.

Aerosols and pastes

As professional assistants in cleaning various surfaces from polyurethane foam, you can use special aerosols and pastes, which have a composition that actively interacts with the foam. For each type of surface, you can find a product with an individual composition.

Below is a video that describes how you can wipe dried polyurethane foam from any surface.

Larisa, June 20, 2018.