Corner baths: functional projects. Beautiful projects of baths Project of a corner bath from a bar

Corner bath designs have recently become popular. This is due to their unusual design, as well as the fact that such buildings have a very convenient layout. The project of the corner bath allows you to go beyond the boundaries of the "square" layout, which allows you to more economically maintain the building during its operation. In addition, the plot with a bathhouse built by the "corner" stands out against the background of other plots, which has a positive effect on its price.

Advantages of corner bath projects

In our country, plots for summer cottages and individual housing construction are usually allocated small. This is connected both with the shortage of land near the cities, and with the fact that such land plots are quite expensive. In this regard, architects and homeowners are looking for ways to save land when building on such plots.

One of the ways to save land is to build a "corner" bathhouse. In this case, the structure is not erected with all the usual squares, but consists of two wings connected at right angles. As a result of this configuration, a part of the land plot is freed up, on which you can build, for example, a veranda. In addition, the project of a corner bath with a terrace and a barbecue is perfect for such a construction.

It makes sense to choose a corner building option when your land plot is of an intricate shape, and also when the structure that you plan to build on it has a complex or non-standard shape. For example, using projects of a corner house and a bath, you can "bypass" an old large tree, electric poles, or build a building along a river or ravine.

If we take the technical side of the matter, then the angular design is in no way inferior to the classical one. In addition, if you decide to combine two completely different buildings under one roof, for example, a bathhouse and a relaxation room, the corner project will allow them to be provided with a separate entrance. As a result, you will be able to use the free room to meet guests at a time when your family will be taking bath procedures.

There is also an additional option for saving land on the site. The fact is that for this purpose it will be possible to use projects of corner baths. In this case, you get the opportunity to arrange a full-fledged living room in the attic. It can be used as a study or for a teenage child.

As for the disadvantages of such projects, there is only one - this is that the "corner" may not always fit one or another version of the architectural design of the site. However, such a disadvantage can be considered insignificant, since if the construction project is developed by an experienced architect, he may well be able to "fit" such a building into almost any landscape.

Variants of projects for corner baths

Currently, a wide variety of projects for the construction of corner baths are presented on the construction market. So, for example, you can combine bath and living quarters in two ways: by building them on the same floor or spreading them across different floors. Thus, an additional living room can be made, while the bathhouse itself, with its unpleasant odors and high humidity, will be in a separate wing or on another floor.

In addition, projects of corner baths with a terrace are very popular among fans of recreation outside the city. The fact is that it can accommodate tables and chairs for outdoor recreation, a stove or oven for cooking in summer, or children's toys. Relaxation on the terrace will perfectly complement the sauna relaxation, and if you are not going to take a steam bath, then replace it.

You can also implement a project of a corner bath with a barbecue on your personal or summer cottage. In this case, the same terrace is erected as one of the wings of the building, which is adapted to accommodate equipment for cooking food in nature, and, first of all, meat. Its difference from the usual track or veranda is the arrangement in full compliance with the fire safety rules, a barbecue or a brazier, on which the products will be prepared.

As for the multi-storey construction of corner baths, when choosing these projects, you must always remember that the second floor will necessarily require strengthening of the foundation and walls.

These are additional costs, although if the second floor is light and built, for example, from a bar, the need for a powerful one will disappear.

The project of a bathhouse with a second floor can be performed with or without an attic. In this case, the attic can be built on both over one wing of the building, and over the entire first floor. The project of a corner bath with a terrace may not include the construction of a terrace, but be limited to the construction of only a canopy above it. In any case, the option of building a bathhouse with a residential attic is cheaper compared to the construction of a residential building with a full second floor.

In principle, projects of corner baths with barbecues may also involve the use of only a canopy, however, it still makes sense to complete a full-fledged attic here, in which it will be possible to accommodate the guests remaining with you after spending time outdoors. Thus, you can not only save land on your site, but also create a very original architectural structure that will distinguish you favorably from your neighbors.

The choice of materials for the construction of a corner bath

The most important stage in choosing a project for the construction of a corner bath is the choice of material for construction.

Currently, the following types of materials are used for the construction of baths:

  • logs and beams;
  • brick;

All of these building materials can be used in the construction of a bath "corner". At the same time, they have both their pros and cons. For example , the cost of construction of a log bathhouse will be the lowest. The fact is that a tree is usually inexpensive, especially since a log house does not need any additional processing operations, such as in the manufacture of a bar. When choosing a project for the construction of a bath from a bar, you must pay special attention to the fact that the wood from which you will build the building is treated with antibacterial and fire retardant compounds.

The second most popular building material used for the construction of wooden baths is timber. It costs a little more than logs, but it is quite possible to build buildings from it yourself, without involving professional builders for this. The timber is compulsorily treated industrially with anti-feather and antibacterial compounds, which protects it from possible fire and insect damage.

As for the brick bath, it is perhaps the most expensive, since the brick itself has a fairly high price. However, this construction option has several advantages. For example, a stone structure is not combustible, and this is very important, since a bathhouse is an object of increased fire hazard. Also, a brick building can withstand quite serious mechanical loads, which is very important in the case when construction is carried out on weak and moving soils.

An intermediate and fairly good construction option is the construction of a bath from foam blocks, while a bath from them can be built even on "problem" soils. This is due to the fact that such blocks weigh very little, thereby creating a small load on the soil. The blocks also do not burn, are not afraid of damage by microorganisms, and are easy to process. However, at the same time, they absorb moisture very well, which will require additional costs for waterproofing.

The final stage in choosing a bath project is its placement on the site. The fact is that building codes and regulations establish special requirements for the placement of a bath, depending on how far it is from other buildings. So, it can be erected no closer than 5 meters from a residential building. In addition, it is necessary to erect the structure exclusively from the leeward side so that in the event of a fire, the fire does not spread with the wind to other buildings.

In addition, the corner bath should be located with its "back" to the leeward side so that snow does not drift into its patio in winter. In this case, all windows should be installed strictly to the west, since in this case they will be illuminated for most of the day, which can lead to quite serious electricity savings.

To save water and ensure the highest level of comfort, it is recommended to build a bathhouse on the banks of water bodies, as well as next to the pool. In this case, you can create a complex relaxation area from a bathhouse, rest rooms, verandas with a barbecue area and a pond. At the same time, such a zone can be decorated with ornamental plants using landscape design methods.

Also, in order to combat the spring flood, the bathhouse must be placed on a certain hill. As a result, the drainage of water is facilitated, and excess moisture is removed from the foundation of the building. With the help of a drainage system, such water can be used to irrigate a personal plot.

There are also those places where it is impossible to build a bath in any case. It is forbidden to erect such structures in the immediate vicinity of neighbors' plots or streets. If it is not possible to avoid construction, you will have to obtain special permission for this from both your neighbors and the building supervision authorities.

In addition, it is worth avoiding the construction of baths on soft soils without special preparation, since the wastewater flowing from the bath can wash them out, as a result of which your structure can simply collapse. A way out of the situation here can be a high-quality sewage system and good drainage, which will protect the building from the negative effects of groundwater.

You can build a corner bath both independently and with the assistance of professional builders. In the first case, you can save a lot, but you will need the knowledge and skills of an experienced builder. In the second, you will receive a ready-made "turnkey" bath, but you will have to spend more money. The choice of construction option is yours.

If you have a plot of land outside the city, you probably have thought more than once to order a bath project. The Tsar Banya company will gladly become your guide to the world of bath traditions of our ancestors who took care of their health.

But we have a special offer for you. It is quite possible that you will be interested in a turnkey corner bath. You will not only feel closer to nature, but also save a significant amount due to the peculiarities of building such a steam room.

Corner bath: what is the appeal of this option?

Turnkey projects of corner baths involve placing the premises of the building in the shape of the letter "G". Considering that it is quite expensive to purchase a large plot near Moscow, this is the best option for building a steam room in a limited space.

You should take a closer look at our projects of turnkey corner baths for the following reasons:

  1. We are ready to make for you both a standard and an exclusive project, taking into account any of your wishes and financial capabilities. You describe the appearance and interior of your bath - our specialists embody it on paper.
  2. Our sauna blockhouse will look great even on a standard plot of 6 acres due to its unconventional design, which provides a more compact arrangement of premises.
  3. Our company's projects have a huge advantage - energy efficiency. In the corner baths, a steam room, a shower room, a relaxation room will be located as close as possible to the stove. This means that you get maximum comfort and minimum expenditure on additional heating.

How to properly build a corner bath in the national style

The qualifications of our specialists are quite high, so the construction of corner baths will not cause them any difficulties. Among the undoubted advantages of working with us, we note the following:

  1. We only work with suppliers of high quality materials. The client can choose a suitable option for himself based on the price. A bathhouse made of logs or profiled beams - any of these buildings will be built in strict accordance with the project and modern building standards. Therefore, its durability and safety for health is beyond doubt.
  2. When building corner baths, we strictly adhere to the terms specified in the contract, regardless of the complexity of the project.
  3. The construction of such structures will cost you significantly less due to the ability to use not only long beams or logs, which is explained by the special architecture of the corner bath.

We are ready to guide our clients through the entire cycle of creating an elite bath - from design to construction - with minimal costs and no loss in quality. The final price for the final product of our cooperation will undoubtedly please you.

In 2018 they built a house for me, according to my project, by professionals in their field. The project itself is somewhat more expensive in comparison with competitors, but in our village they built another house and the owners were satisfied.

We ordered the construction of a bathhouse, coped with it in the shortest possible time, without any complaints about the work of the brigade.

The full cycle from the production of material to the assembly of the house is perfectly organized. Quality, professionalism at the highest level. Recommend.

It is very important to find your own manager who will advise not only when concluding a contract, but also during construction. We talked with Igor, in the end the bathhouse is ready on the site, we are using it, everything is fine. Thank you.

Great homes, great service! They told everything, helped with the choice. You can see everything alive - we went to a facility under construction, roughly similar to ours, where they saw how they work, only after that they decided to build. Thanks for the patience of the managers and builders for answering all the questions!

In 2018, they ordered a bathhouse. We are very pleased with the work of the employees of this company. Starting with an estimate and ending with a team of builders. We were lucky with the action, we received a stove-heater for a bath as a gift!

Thank you for the sauna house. On the site, some prices are indicated, but in fact there are more. But it is understandable that the price is indicated for the very minimum, like everyone else on the Internet, if you want with comfort, pay extra for special stages. In general, "thank you" to the builders.

Everyone remembers the expression: "cornered." The association of a hopeless impasse and a hopeless situation immediately arises. Roughly the same, the owners of the corner summer cottages felt, by the will of fate or lot, "who have become in the corner." And such an owner conceived to build a bathhouse, and a standard project, if it fits, so with big reservations. Don't be discouraged. Corner baths will successfully solve the dilemma of rational use of space, and what seemed to be continuous shortcomings can appear in an extremely presentable form. Let's get acquainted.

The project of the corner bath provides for a specific arrangement and distribution of the internal volume. The classic looks like this:

  • The recreation room and the steam room are closed at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The heater stove is located in the center of the projection and has a through type with a long furnace tunnel, which allows the most efficient use of its thermal energy to heat almost the entire internal volume;
  • Very often, premises of this type are equipped with not one, but two doorways, providing communication with the outside world. On the one hand, it is convenient, on the other hand, it makes you seriously think about the issues of keeping warm;
  • Finally, in general terms, the structure has an L-shaped shape, which is why, in fact, it got its name.

What are the advantages

The L-shaped projection provides several very significant advantages relative to the traditional layout, in which the shape of the structure has rectilinear sides:

  1. There is a great opportunity for the rational use of the area of ​​the site. As a rule, the corner sectors of the courtyard are completely unclaimed. One has only to place the bathhouse in the corner, and right there, just like in an old anecdote, there is also a lot of room "for the little things".
  2. Imagine that you have a two-century-old luxurious oak tree on your property. Chopping a tree - conscience does not allow, to build an ordinary classical bathhouse, the lack of space does not allow. The corner bath solves the problem not only effectively, but also devilishly elegantly. The bathhouse winds around the tree, and we have a gorgeous composition, which, all other things being equal, we should also look for.
  3. Take a look around. Quite often we have standard baths, as if from an architectural incubator, which seem to be tied to a simple and uncomplicated geometric figure - a rectangle. A little bit of zeal and you will build a non-standard beauty in which the chief architect of the district will draw both ideas and inspiration for a long time to come.
  4. The central location of the stove opens up new opportunities for interesting interior solutions, and the heating of the interior itself becomes more uniform and, as a result, efficient.
  5. The concept of two separate entrances will allow you to implement interesting solutions, for example, to place a separate barbecue area, and everything under one roof.

What are the disadvantages

It is well known that there are no ideal architectural solutions, as well as no general construction concept, for all occasions. The projects of corner baths, unfortunately, are also not devoid of a number of disadvantages, which are worth mentioning in more detail:

  • Compared to a traditional bathhouse of a simple geometric shape, such a structure is distinguished by a slightly larger, within 15 - 17%, consumption of building materials;
  • For an inexperienced designer, it is more difficult to calculate, and for an inexperienced builder, it is more difficult to realize in nature a reliable structure for closing two internal volumes. This primarily applies to the roof. It is not easy to securely tie a rafter set in a perpendicular projection without sufficient experience;
  • Multiple exterior doorways are definitely comfortable to use. However, it is worth taking care of the implementation of a number of measures aimed at keeping your bath warm. Here it is worth using either very high-quality door systems, which is expensive, or duplicating vestibules, and this, you see, is troublesome;
  • Now about the oven. Its central location, an undoubted and bold plus. However, be prepared for additional costs. In order for such a furnace not only to justify itself, but also to work highly efficiently, a long furnace tunnel is needed. For the implementation of structures such as air, you need a skilled master stove-maker, with a head, hands and a conscience and a good choice of refractory. Cast and welded metal furnaces of this type are also far from a budget option.

If you have weighed all the pros and cons, and the positive from the implementation of a project of this type, outweighed all the shortcomings, then smoothly proceed to the projects themselves. Which to choose?

Options for the implementation of the concept of a bath of this type

Corner baths, projects of which have been calculated somewhere, implemented somewhere, have one common feature. Trying to make the most of the interior space. Their outer dimensions can vary widely. The most common budget-class project is a bath with dimensions on the long sides of 6 × 6 m.

Budget bath 6 × 6 m: what we have in the end

It is probably not profitable to implement a project of a corner-type structure with a smaller size. First of all, a decrease in the linear dimensions will cause a dramatic decrease in the internal space of the bath. In essence, incomplete 28 sq. m, which we get in dimensions of 6 × 6 m, will allow a family and 4 people to be accommodated with full comfort. It will be problematic to accept and serve a large company in such a bathhouse.

A few words about the choice of material. When building such a bath, you can use various means, from bricks to logs. However, here's what you need to consider. In a small overall size, you need to get as much internal space as possible so that the load-bearing walls of the structure and partitions dividing the useful volume are eaten up as little as possible.

Attention! Among other things, take into account the place of perpendicular closure of structures. It must be reliable, stable and practical, both in construction and in subsequent maintenance and repair. If you prefer exclusively wooden baths, then the optimal choice, obviously, should be considered a profiled beam. Elements calibrated in a single size are easier to install, and good thermal insulation can be achieved, especially if you use a jute gasket between all mating elements.

In general terms, such a structure will have the following usable areas of the main functional areas:

  • Rest room - 16 sq. M;
  • Pair department - 4 sq. m;
  • Washing room - shower room - 4 sq. m;
  • Tambour is a dressing room where you can store the current stock of firewood and bath inventory will also take about 4 sq. M.

The closing area can be covered with a canopy and the main supply of firewood can be stored there.

Full bath, size 10.7 × 7.6 m

Such a structure will provide opportunities for full-fledged placement of the company and will allow placing a small pool or a voluminous font in the under-roof space, with all communication lines and service equipment.

The useful area of ​​the internal space of a bathhouse of such a project is about 44 sq.m. Consider the internal volume differentiated:

  • Rest room - 9.5 sq.m;
  • Terrace - 16 sq.m;
  • Steam room - 7.1 sq.m;
  • Washing department with a hot tub with a useful volume of 2.5 cubic meters - 7.0 square meters;
  • Bathroom - 2.1 sq.m;
  • Tambour, combining the functions of a technical room - 2.2 sq.m.

As we can see, the construction of such a layout belongs to the type: corner baths with a terrace. As we mentioned above, the terrace allows not only to fully accommodate those present in the open air, but also to protect people from possible bad weather, and taking into account global climate change, and the heat of the sun in summer. In addition, it should be noted that the sufficient area of ​​this zone creates opportunities for the construction of a barbecue oven, which will not only radically revive the interior of the site, but will also have excellent functionality for preparing dishes over an open fire.

Having mentioned the terraces, it is worth mentioning this type of structures as corner baths with a veranda. It is the corner layout that provides excellent opportunities for arranging the veranda, which can more fully provide shelter from adverse weather events. Its presence somewhat expands the functionality of the bath, especially in the spring-autumn period of the year. Due to the high density of the light flux on the verandas, it is convenient to equip the semblance of greenhouses, this is especially true in places where natural vegetation is rather scarce and unpresentable.

Important! The terrace allows you to implement another type of corner baths - triangular baths. The name does not mean that the bathhouse is erected in the form of a pyramid of Cheops, and its visitors can expect to automatically receive the academic title of Doctor of Science in Egyptology. No, the structure looks like a triangle in plan, when viewed from above, and it is this solution that perfectly matches the construction of the veranda along with the main functional rooms of the bath.


Corner bath projects are gaining more and more popularity. There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, the cost of land around megalopolises is growing, and it is quite natural that the developer tries to use the resulting space as efficiently and efficiently as possible. On the other hand, baths of this type, with a competent organization of construction, allow you to end up with an effective and convenient structure, which, among other things, will be very non-trivial and successful from a design point of view. Still in doubt? Then try it.

The architectural bureau of Alexei Sukhov has developed an original design for a corner bath, which will be implemented in the Bely Bereg cottage village near Moscow. Since the general appearance of this settlement with its reservoirs and natural forest zones is perceived as a corner of wilderness interspersed with civilization, our task was to organically fit the object into the landscape, while not forgetting about its practicality, comfort and functionality. Details about the result are below.

Stylish corner bath: room layout

So, our corner bath in the project consists of a small vestibule, a spacious recreation room with a kitchen, where there is everything to prepare almost any dish and set a table for a crowded company, a cozy fireplace and a TV, as well as a suitably equipped changing room, from which you can go to the shower room, and then to the sauna, or you can go directly to a room with a large jacuzzi (it acts as an equivalent replacement for a traditional pool).

In addition, the building has a bathroom and a utility room. Since one of the client's wishes was a corner one, we built a semi-open veranda-gazebo with a solid brick oven, in which you can cook not only a barbecue, but also any other dish that requires frying, stewing or simmering. And directly from the gazebo - access to an open sunny terrace, blown from all sides by a warm summer breeze. It is comfortable to sunbathe here on a hot afternoon or enjoy the surrounding landscape with a cup of tea or a glass of wine on a warm summer evening.

Materials and techniques in the construction and decoration of a corner bath with a terrace

For the implementation of the project, we have chosen strong, durable and energy efficient SIP panels. The corner bath will be built using Canadian frame-panel technology - it is fast, inexpensive, convenient and reliable.

To cover the gable roof, our specialists settled on flexible bitumen shingles of chocolate brown color. Against its background, narrow chimneys covered with laconic umbrellas look especially aristocratic and elegant.

The basement of the building is finished with brown facing bricks, while the walls and floor are finished with natural thermal wood. The walls of the veranda are half open, thanks to which fresh air freely penetrates into the room, while a solid roof provides everyone who is inside the gazebo with reliable protection from precipitation and sunlight.

The facade glazing of our bathhouse with a terrace is designed like French windows - to the full height of the wall. In fact, these are not windows, but sliding glass doors that allow you to quickly go from the street directly to the recreation room and provide a room for relaxation with full-fledged natural light.

According to the project, the bathhouse will be protected from uninvited guests and idle glances by an elegant fence made of wooden fences and pillars of wild stone on the same base. The approaches to the building should be lined with paving slabs, but we decided to leave the surrounding area as close as possible to the natural landscape - with green grass and a small number of single bush plantings. In this form, the corner bath, designed by our architectural bureau, will be able to harmonize with the general view of the cottage village.

Alexey Sukhov's architectural bureau. https: // site /

The layout of the corner bath:
