Exercises with latex loops. TRX Rubber Loop Exercises for Men: Program, Video

18.09.2018 09:50:00

Many athletes and supporters of a healthy lifestyle have long known such a training accessory as a rubber loop. The rubber loops are used to warm up before the main part of the workout. Also, with their help, you can complicate the performance of a gymnastic skill, increase resistance when working with a barbell, do stretching, help master exercises on horizontal bars and gymnastic rings, and much more.

Trainers and athletes are constantly coming up with new uses for this accessory to help them achieve their goals.

Here are a few rubber band exercises that we recommend incorporating into your workouts to reduce the risk of injury and to get your muscles and joints ready for work.

Activating the muscles of the legs and buttocks

Fasten a rubber band in the middle of the lower leg, do 2-3 sets through a rest of 10-12 steps to the sides, forward and backward, diagonally. This will help warm up your muscles and invigorate your pre-workout routine.

Activation of the shoulder and elbow joints

Be sure to include these exercises in your warm-up when your training plan includes movements with a high load on these parts of the body, for example: exercises on uneven bars, rings and horizontal bars, taking a barbell on the chest, etc. 10-15 movements for each exercise will be enough. They will help warm up the adjacent muscles and increase joint mobility. Also, these movements are used to prevent injuries.

Preparing for the barbell squat

Do 20-30 squats with a rubber band tied above the knees, they will perfectly warm up your leg muscles before training and make further squats with a barbell more comfortable. Squats with rubber shock absorbers will also help to correct the knees being pulled inward when standing up, just remember to keep your feet positioned correctly, keep your heels on the floor and keep your back straight.

Exercises to Prevent Injury and Get Better Results with Free Weights

This exercise is designed to strengthen your core muscles. Do not rush to take the tape of greatest resistance, concentrate on maintaining the correct position of the body: the hands should be centered at chest level, the elbows should be straight, the back is straight, and firm support in the legs. 3-4 sets of 10-12 movements on each side through rest will be sufficient. Variation: holding the rubber band in outstretched hands for 30-40 seconds.

This exercise will help anyone who has insecurity and unsteadiness in the legs when using a lunge or scissor stance. Also pay attention to the correct position of the body: support on a full foot, the body does not fall forward, the feet do not fall to the sides, the back is straight, the shoulders are at the same height. If you cannot perform the movement accurately for 10-12 repetitions, use a rubber band of less resistance.

We strongly advise against exercising to improve joint mobility and prevent injury, whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete. Don't focus on the number of sets, think about the quality of the movement. We wish you health and great training!

Exercises with rubber loops are perceived by many as something frivolous. Indeed, a man stretching elastic bands does not look nearly as impressive as one who deftly handles pound weights or a barbell. But if you restrain your snobbery and personally experience the action of this universal projectile, then make sure that it is capable of giving an excellent load on all the main muscles of the body, so neither beginners, nor amateurs, nor professionals should discount the "frivolous" simulator.
An extremely simple projectile is in some way not inferior to sophisticated simulators

Types of gymnastic bands and their benefits

Archaeologists claim that training with belts and loops was known to our ancestors 8-9 centuries ago. In any case, this is unequivocally hinted at by the mountings found on the site of ancient gymnasiums. In the middle of the last century, exercises with parachute lines were adopted by the US Marines, developing impressive endurance and muscle strength with their help. Well, today anyone can buy trx rubber loops or belts for training and master dozens of new options for familiar exercises. Let's not say that after this acquisition it will be possible to forget the way to the gym, and send dumbbells and other types of home "hardware" straight to the landfill - after all, those and other types of shells give a different load on the muscles - but your usual charge from such a purchase is unambiguous will win.

The hinges are conveniently attached to the bars and crossbars

What are the advantages of gymnastic loops?

1. They are compact. Do you have a small apartment? Do you like to travel? Dangle between the city and the dacha, spending the night here and there? There is always a place for hinges in a travel bag and a corner in the closest home.

2. They are multifunctional. It can take a long time to list all the types and subspecies of exercises for this projectile, so let's put it more simply: the loops involve a maximum of different muscle groups in training.

3. They are comfortable and low-traumatic thanks to the ergonomic handles and modern high-quality materials.

4. They allow you to select the optimal load for each athlete and change it during training. In particular, rubber loops have varying degrees of resistance, and trx loops allow you to complicate long-mastered exercises, increasing their effectiveness.

5. They provide an opportunity to both lose weight and gain muscle mass, or just keep yourself in shape. It's all about the pace and set of basic exercises.

6. They develop endurance, strength, coordination of movements, make the ligaments more elastic, do not create unnecessary stress on the spine and joints.

To avoid injury, the loops should be inspected for abrasions and tears before each workout.

How to choose a simulator for your needs

It is wiser to purchase a set of several loops for alternating the load.

Rubber loops - the simulator looks simple. In fact, these are simply strips closed in a ring, 1 to 10 cm wide and 1 m long, made of durable elastic material. Sometimes they are equipped with comfortable handles, but more often they do without them. In a stretched state, the length of such a tape can reach 3 m, but whether you will be able to hold the projectile up to the ultimate strength will be determined by its resistance force. It is in order to mark this indicator - and not at all for the sake of raising the mood of buyers - the ribbons are painted in different colors:

  • orange and yellow ribbons are intended for beginners, their resistance force does not exceed 22-25 kg;
  • lilac will give you a resistance of 11 to 36 kg, which makes them an excellent projectile for warm-up or simple basic exercises;
  • for green and blue ribbons, this indicator is in the range from 17-22 to 54 and 68 kg, this is a simulator for serious loads and experienced athletes;
  • the resistance of the dark orange ribbons reaches 77 kg, with which a beginner may simply not be able to cope;
  • black with their 90 kg are intended for professionals.

If you come across an exercise machine from a manufacturer that does not have the habit of painting its products in all colors of the rainbow, read the numbers printed on the surface of the ribbons. The first of these will indicate the initial resistance, and the second will indicate the maximum load.

Trx loops come straight from the marines training arsenal

Trx loops are strips of strong fabric for securing one half of the body in a semi-hanging position - this complicates the exercise due to the instability of the athlete's position and makes the training program more effective.

Loop exercises

Gym loop workouts are based on standard basic exercises familiar to any novice athlete. The whole task is to adapt them to the changed conditions and thus make the workout of the muscles deeper and more qualitative.

For legs

Exercises with a rubber leg loop should be put at the beginning of your workout: they will require significant effort from you.

Place both feet on one half of the loop, sit down and place the other half on your shoulders. Start slowly straightening, squatting and straightening again. Movements are even, the back is straight, the feet are firmly on the floor.

A simple exercise will sparkle with new colors

Place the right foot on the loop, take the left back. Lunge forward with your left knee on the floor and throw the top of the tape around your neck. As you exhale, rise. Perform 12-15 lunges with both legs.

Lifting the strap over your head will put more effort into the exercise.

Attach one part of the tape to any reliable support, and put the other over the ankle or foot so that the projectile remains taut. Overcoming the resistance of the tape, make several kicks and transfer the loop to the other leg.

Swings can be performed forward, backward and sideways with equal success.

For the shoulder girdle

Perhaps the most popular rubber loop exercises for men are those that allow you to simultaneously work out your biceps, triceps and grab your back muscles.

Stand facing a reliable support (pole, horizontal bar), wrap the tape around it, take the ends in your palms and, bending your arms at the elbows, begin to pull your hands to your forehead.

Expand your wrists towards your body

Step on one edge of the tape with both feet, squeeze the other in your palms and lift straight arms through the sides.

Feel the tension in your muscles

To optimally engage the pectoral muscles, do the classic belt push-ups. In this case, its ends should be placed under your palms, and the tape itself should be thrown over your back.

For those who are no longer enough simple push-ups, tape will come to the rescue.


In skillful hands, the tape can not only complicate the performance of an exercise, but also make it easier for a beginner to master a difficult element. For example, exercise with a rubber loop on a horizontal bar will strengthen the arms, chest and back for those who do not yet have the stamina enough to perform pull-ups on their own.

The loop density is chosen based on the weight of the athlete

Starting position: hands are located on the horizontal bar with a classic grip, the tape is fixed between them at one end, the legs are bent, the legs are located at the other end of the rubber loop. Start doing pull-ups. The resistance of the elastic material will greatly facilitate your task, and over time, when your arms and back are strong enough, you can do without an additional projectile.

For the lower back

Exercises with rubber loops for the lower back are easy: stand with both feet on the tape folded in half, take its loops in your hands and begin to perform inclinations, taking your pelvis back and keeping your back straight.

Do not bend in the lower back

For the press

An exercise with rubber loops on the press might look like this.

Fasten one end of the tape to any convenient object at calf level, turn to it with your left side and with both hands, one on top of the other, grab the free end of the loop. Pull the tape to the right and up several times so that it obliquely crosses your body. The arms should remain straight during the entire exercise, the loop itself should be taut. After doing a few reps, turn your right side to the bindings and repeat all over again.

Twisting is one of the most powerful ab exercises

To connect another muscle group to work, for the next exercise, the tape is attached at chest level and the same procedure is repeated.

Train three times a week, gradually increasing the resistance of the tape, the number of repetitions and the number of approaches, and the result will not be long in coming.

Video: Elastic Band Abs Workout

A simple and effective set of exercises for the press from Stas Solomka:

Video: Upper Body Loop Workout

In the video from the WorkOutRussia channel, you will find even more options for exercises with rubber loops demonstrated by a professional trainer: clearly, accessible and without further ado.

Video: Workout with NRX Loops

... And training with trx loops in the gym from the Gravitazia.ru channel.

Rubber loops allow you to work out in the gym and do exercises at home, give a good load on all significant muscle groups, make training more varied, do not require a special level of physical fitness, like, for example, a barbell, but they can also be useful for old-timers of sports. In a word, it is worth thinking about purchasing this simulator. Well, or at least once try it out in the nearest fitness club.

Slimming Rubber Loop Exercises

I have previously written about exercises with rubber loops. But today I would like to focus on exercises with rubber loops specifically for weight loss.

For those who have not read, I will repeat myself a little.

What are rubber loops

Rubber loops are a sports trainer (loop) made of latex. With the help of rubber loops, you can exert stress on all muscle groups. It is this feature that allows the use of rubber loops to speed up the process of losing weight.

Is it possible to train with rubber loops at home

With rubber loops, you can not only train at home, but you can say that they are made for home workouts. They take up very little space during storage, do not make noise during use, and are safe for both you and your loved ones.

How to Build a Workout with Rubber Loops for Active Fat Burn

STEP 1 - Warm up

Be sure to warm up. A good warm-up will save you a lot of injury. Now comes the fun part. If your weight is over 90 kg, be sure to walk for 30 minutes before exercising. Walking will serve you as a warm-up and will additionally burn fat.

Step 2 - Circular Workout

As you already understood, we will use circuit training. That is, do the exercises one by one. At the same time, the total number of exercises we have is always the same, but we change the exercises themselves every week. As an example, I will give a basic version of training with rubber loops.

  1. Rubber Loop Squat
  2. Side lunges with rubber loops
  3. Flexion of the arms with rubber loops
  4. French press with rubber loops
  5. Push-ups from the bench with rubber loops
  6. Raising hands while standing
  7. Press the rubber loop with one hand
  8. Pull the rubber loop to the chest
  9. Row of rubber loop in a slope

This is an example, you can use it as a reference. But I strongly recommend that you change your program every week. At the end of the post, I will post two videos with a very long list of exercises.

How we train

We train three to four times a week. Depending on how you feel. If you feel strong, then train 4 times a week, if you do not feel, then take a walk and return home.

Number of repetitions and total number of laps

The number of repetitions of each exercise is 10-12 times. If you can't do 10 reps clearly, then use a rubber loop of less resistance. The total number of circles is from three to five. But if you did one circle and feel that this is the limit, feel free to end the workout. Make it a rule train strictly according to well-being

What loops to choose for a beginner

Where to buy rubber loops

Nowadays, rubber hinges in the Russian Federation can be bought in several stores at once. These are rubber4power, atletika24, etc. But I'll tell you a secret: all rubber loops are made in China. So you can take it right there. Just in case, here are a couple of trusted traders from the Middle Kingdom

    What is required

    Athletes from all over the world are attracted by CrossFit with its variety of training process. Unlike other strength disciplines, athletes here are practically unlimited in their choice of equipment. You can train anytime, anywhere, using any sports equipment and weight training methods. The choice is not limited to dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells and horizontal bars. Many athletes successfully use exercises with rubber loops in the training process. Loops come in different lengths and stiffnesses and work on the expander principle - they are difficult to stretch, but they just shrink to their original state. With their help, you can work out almost all muscle groups in our body.

    In this article, we will look at how to do exercises with rubber loops correctly, and what results can be achieved with their help.

    Using rubber loops

    The design of the rubber loop is extremely simple: it is just a thin cord of elastic material that easily stretches and pulls back, at the ends of which there are handles. It would seem that there are more suitable equipment and simulators for strength training, however, rubber loops are quite successfully used in fitness, bodybuilding, and crossfit.

    Simulation of classic exercises

    With the help of rubber loops, you can imitate almost any classic strength exercises: barbell deadlift, biceps barbell lift, dumbbell swings to the sides, etc. Such an embodiment will completely eliminate the axial load on the spine and minimize the load on the stabilizing muscles.

    It turns out that this is almost an ideal way to achieve maximum pumping at the end of a workout, when there is no longer any energy left for strength work, but you want to properly "harvest" the muscles.

    You can also use rubber loops to warm up. So you prepare the muscles and the entire articular-ligamentous apparatus for subsequent strength work, tune the central nervous system for subsequent activity and improve neuromuscular communication.

    © puhhha - stock.adobe.com

    Increase in strength

    Rubber loops are often used by powerlifters in their workouts. This is a very effective means of increasing power performance.

    Attach one loop handle to a barbell during squats, deadlifts, or bench presses, and the other securely to racks or other fixed support. This will work out the most important phase of any basic exercise - the breakdown (a sharp rise from the bottom). Without a powerful breakdown, there are no serious results. The positive phase of the movement will be much harder, and the higher you lift the barbell, the more the loops are pulled and prevent you from doing this.

    You can perform a similar technique with other exercises: sit-ups in Smith, leg press, T-bar deadlift, etc.

    Joint and ligament training

    Rubber loops allow not only muscles to be involved in the work, but also joints with ligaments. Due to this, they become stronger and more elastic, the risk of injury is significantly reduced. Make it a rule to do a few light sets of dorsal and mid-delt leads before a heavy bench press. The rotator cuff will thank you for that.

    Exercises for different muscle groups

    There are many rubber loop exercises for men and women in which you can work on a particular muscle group in isolation. These include the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis and deltoids, biceps, triceps, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and neck. How to do all these exercises correctly, read below.

    Back exercises

    The back muscles are trained when working in two planes: horizontal and vertical. Vertical pulls develop more back width, and horizontal rows develop thickness. Accordingly, with the rubber loop, we will imitate them.

    With the imitation of horizontal rods, it is easier - you only need a reliable support for which you can hook the loop. If you hold the body upright, you get something like a horizontal block row, if you lean forward, you will simulate a barbell row or a T-bar row with a narrow grip.

    If you hang a rubber loop over the horizontal bar, you can swing your back in a vertical projection. The movement will resemble a low-weight vertical block row or a lighter version of a pull-up bar. You can also do some kind of pullover variation by placing the loop above the level of your head and leaning forward slightly.

    Working with elastic loops, you will make your back muscles stiffer and fuller, as the latissimus dorsi are very fond of maximum contraction and "squeezing".

    • horizontal traction to the abdomen;

    • vertical pull to the chest;

    • standing pullover;

    • craving for the belt;

    • one-handed bent over row.

    In all exercises, try to focus as much as possible on the work of the back muscles. The bands provide relatively little resistance, so you can easily do it without straining your biceps.

    Exercises for legs and buttocks

    This section will be especially relevant for girls who do not have the opportunity to regularly visit the gym. With just a rubber loop (or a strap without handles) on hand, you can work your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes properly in the comfort of your home. You just need to tie this tape around your shins so that it constrains your movements, and it was more difficult to take steps than usual.

    Then you can start performing all kinds of lunges (on the spot, side, reverse, and others) and steps. The main thing is not to let the tape completely relax, there should always be additional resistance. You can also do squats or forward bends by wrapping the tape on a stationary surface.

    The following exercises with rubber loops for the legs and buttocks are considered very effective:

    • lunges with a step forward;

    • side lunges;
    • tilts forward.

    In all exercises, do not let the tape relax, as your muscles in your legs and buttocks will be in constant tension.

    Exercises for the pectoral muscles

    The rubber loop can be used to train your chest. The simplest exercise you can do is to bring your hands together in front of you. This movement will almost completely repeat the information of the hands in a crossover or pitch deck. If you have a bench, you can simulate a dumbbell press or dumbbell breeding while lying down. To do this, grab the handles, and wrap the loop itself around the bench. The resistance will turn out to be not strong, but it will be quite enough to carry out a light chest workout. The main thing is to always strain the pectoral muscles as much as possible at the point of peak contraction. This simple technique will allow you to improve neuromuscular communication, and you will begin to feel better the work of the pectoral muscles in all exercises.

    So, we do exercises with rubber loops for the pectoral muscles:

    • Hands standing in front of you;

    • Push-ups with loops.

    • Simulated bench press of dumbbells. (for example, a press with a barbell, but you can do without it)

    In all exercises, we fully stretch the pectoral muscles at the bottom point, at the top - we try to shorten as much as possible and stay in this position for 1-2 seconds. This will shift the emphasis of the load to the mid-chest - exactly the segment that is underdeveloped for most amateur athletes.

    Exercises with rubber neck loops

    Rubber loops are one of the safest ways to effectively work your neck muscles. Many men ignore this muscle group in their training process, but in vain. The developed neck gives the upper body a more "complete" look. But not everyone understands that it is very easy to injure the cervical vertebrae, and the cervical spine itself is a very thin structure. Therefore, you need to train your neck very carefully, and exercises like the wrestling bridge or neck curls with a disc on the head are not suitable for most people. The rubber loop can be used to train both the back and front as well as the sides of the neck. To do this, it is enough just to securely fasten the handles, and place the loop itself at the level of the forehead in the front, back or side of the head. Create tension on the loop and bend your head at different angles, so you will work all parts of the neck muscles without creating an axial load on the cervical spine.

    So, we do exercises with rubber loops for the neck:

    • extension of the head while sitting with a loop at the back of the head;

    • bending the head while lying with a loop on the forehead;

    • bending the head while sitting sideways with a loop at the temple.

    In all exercises, we work in a high repetition range (from 30 and above) and try to additionally strain the neck at the time of contraction. Do not help yourself with the body, the work should be strictly isolated.

    See how to do exercises with rubber loops in the video:

    A set of exercises with loops

    Working with rubber loops may well replace strength training in the gym. It will be most effective to do this in a circuit training format, doing one approach for each muscle group without rest. Be sure to rest between each circle until your breathing is fully restored. For beginner athletes and girls, 3-4 laps will be enough, for more experienced ones - 5-6 laps. We start with the muscles of the neck and go down to the very calves. Try to do at least 15 reps for each set. Neck and trapeze exercises for girls can be removed.

    The exercise Number of repetitions
    Seated head extension with a loop at the back of the head

    15 and more
    Shrugs, holding the handles and stepping on the noose with both feet

Rubber loops are an innovation in the world of home fitness equipment that every girl should have. Today we will talk about what results can be achieved thanks to training with rubber, we will create an individualized methodology and training program. Rubber loops for women and their practical application is the topic of today's conversation.


Training with rubber loops allows girls to achieve the following results:

  • Improve figure... With the help of the loops, you can perform hundreds of different exercises for all muscle groups. The girl becomes the sculptor of her own body, can change the proportions in any direction at will. This requires the knowledge that we will give you below;
  • Get rid of problem areas... The result is achievable both with the rubber loops and thanks to the Mini Bands, which are aimed at pumping small areas;
  • Improve overall appearance... Exercise removes toxins from the body that have accumulated in the body for decades. The lymphatic system is cleansed, the pollution of which is the cause of bad skin, rashes and dermatitis anywhere on the body. Lymph pollution slows down a girl physically and mentally, and leads to the development of neoplasms. All this is reflected in your appearance;
  • Improve health... Regular work with loops improves the condition of the cardiovascular, respiratory and hormonal systems. Especially true for ladies who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Due to the rapid technological progress, a person did not have time to adapt to office chairs, as a result of which age-related diseases become very young. Home workouts with rubber - an opportunity to heal and increase the duration of a quality life;
  • Improve mental health... During and after training, the girl receives hormones of pleasure, and also drives a huge amount of oxygen through the entire body. We get a paradox: we come to training tired, exhausted and in no mood, and after 20 minutes the whole world is at our feet. Psychological stress goes away, concentration on physics appears, which gives a tremendous burst of energy after training;
  • You become a more attractive, developed and fulfilled woman.... This attraction comes from within. It's not about magic: during the right workouts, the internal reward system injects so many hormones of happiness into the blood that the charge of vivacity is enough for the next 2-3 days. From a depressed, driven "vegetable" we turn into an energetic, cheerful girl.

Rubber loops for women can be a chance for a second life, a new youth. But only if you use them correctly.

The vast majority of women, instead of achieving the above results, drive themselves into conditions that worsen their lives.

Manufacturers of exercise equipment write out bright slogans, talk about the results that can be achieved, but they forget to notify how exactly to achieve the desired.

We will fix this massive oversight.

Varieties of loops

Training rubber refers to the following equipment:

  1. Rubber hinges... One-piece trainer that is the center of this material. Rubber loops for women are the best option to achieve the above goals;
  2. Mini Bands... Mini loops, which are best used for training the lower body and working out problem areas. Usually girls take Mini Bands as an adjunct to rubber bands;
  3. Elastic band... Non-solid rubber that looks like a cut rubber loop. Analogue of standard rubber hinges with a difference;
  4. Tubular expander... Rubber harness (or several harnesses) with a handle. Complements the above simulators.

Our workouts will be based on a combination of rubber loops with Mini Bands. Some exercises can be done with an elastic band or expander. The difference is negligible.

Exercises with rubber loops for women

The following exercises can form the basis of your training:

Exercise # 1. Loop Squats

Purpose: pumping the legs and buttocks

Additional muscles: All muscles of the upper and lower body receive static stress.

Step # 1. Starting position. We keep the loops at shoulder level.

Step # 2. While inhaling, we take the pelvis back, squat down to parallel. We look at the point that we looked at in the starting position. The back is straight.

Step # 3. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.

Commentary: The main exercise for pumping the lower body.

Exercise number 2. Loop lunges

Target: glutes and legs

Additional muscles: All muscles of the upper body receive static load.

Step # 1. We fasten the loop at shoulder level, as shown in the photo.

Step # 2. While inhaling, we bend the working leg at the knee joint. We look at the same point as in the starting position. The back is straight.

Step # 3. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.

Commentary: The best exercise for pumping up the gluteal muscles. We put it in first place if the buttocks are in priority.

Exercise number 3. Standing Loop Press

Target: Shoulders, Triceps, Upper Chest

Additional muscles: biceps, forearms, traps, back muscles.

Step # 1. We keep the loops at shoulder level. The elastic is in the palms, getting ready to push it up.

Step # 2. While inhaling, we unbend our arms at the elbow joints, squeeze the loops to the limit.

Commentary: The best shoulder exercise is with loops. Helps in the elimination of fatty deposits in the triceps area.

Exercise number 4. Extension of the arms from behind the head

Purpose: pumping triceps.

Additional muscles: forearms.

Step # 1. Starting position. We hold the loops on the bent arms.

Step # 2. While inhaling, we unbend our arms at the elbow joints until they stop.

Step # 3. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.

Commentary: The best exercise with loops for pumping triceps. Allows you to eliminate the problem area on the hands.

Exercise number 5. Breeding hands with a loop

Target: chest, back, middle and front delta, arm muscles

Additional muscles: forearms, traps, back

Step # 1. We hold the loop in front of us.

Step # 2. While inhaling, we spread our arms with loops to the sides, to the limit. Feel the tension in the target muscles.

Step # 3. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.

Commentary: Optimal torso exercise for women. Does not contribute to the formation of excess muscle mass, improves posture.

Exercises with rubber loops can be found in the following videos:

Training supplement

Loop exercises are strength training, which is one of two varieties of the physical matrix. To improve results, you should add aerobic training to the rubber:

  1. Jumping rope;
  2. Swimming;
  3. Walking or cross-country skiing;
  4. A ride on the bicycle;
  5. Scandinavian running or walking;

You can choose 1-2 exercises that you like.

An option for beginners is to work only with a rope. Or just running.

Principles are more important than particulars

Girls who do not get results in training with loops always neglect the following principles:

  • Principle of load progression;
  • The principle of gradualness;
  • Supercompensation principle.

The above principles make rubber loops a super-effective exercise machine for girls. The extent to which we get the declared result depends on their use.

The principle of progression of loads in women's workouts

Progress is the foundation of loop training. Most of the girls train according to static programs, which is the reason for the lack of results.

The body adjusts to training stress. Under this level of stress, the body gains muscle mass, and physical skills develop. Due to the set of muscles, the figure and appearance are improved. When we don't make progress in training, the results also stand still.

You can follow the principle of load progression in loop training using the following factors:

  1. Increased loop resistance;
  2. An increase in the number of approaches;
  3. Increasing the number of repetitions;
  4. Adding new exercises;
  5. Reducing rest between sets or exercises.

The basis of progress is the alternation of the first point with the second.

Consider a typical women's program using the loop squat as an example:

Workout number 1-30

Workout number 31-70

There is no progress or it is minimal. The result is that the muscles are toned, but they do not grow. Due to this, the effect is observed only in the first weeks of training.

This is how the correct progress looks like:

Workout #

Loop color (resistance)


Rest between approaches in minutes

Orange (2-15)

Orange (2-15)

Orange (2-15)

Orange (2-15)

Orange (2-15)

Orange (2-15)

Red (5-22)

Red (5-22)

Red (5-22)

Red (5-22)

Red (5-22)

Red (5-22)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Purple (12-36)

Green (17-54)

Green (17-54)

Green (17-54)

Green (17-54)

Green (17-54)

Green (17-54)

Blue (23-68)

We progress until we are satisfied with the result.


Girls tend to light up with the desire to change their lives and burn out just as quickly. The main reason (other than laziness) is incorrect training. Overtraining in the early stages of working with loops leads to the following consequences:

  • During and after exercise, a ton of stress hormones are released. The postulate “Training is stress” is consolidated at the unconscious level. The following trainings are held with a subconscious rejection of the opportunity to include training in your lifestyle;
  • The stress level rises with each session. You are putting more stress on your body than it can handle. Over time, the condition becomes completely deplorable, the thought of training causes an attack of nausea;
  • After 2-4 weeks of training, everything ends. If a girl has enough willpower to force herself, she simply destroys her nervous system, earns overtraining, nervous exhaustion and risks going to the hospital.

It usually does not reach the most deplorable states. We demonstrate them so that you understand the importance of gradual progress, and a smooth start to loop workouts.

Training frequency

To the question "How often to train with loops?" meets the principle of supercompensation. He divides the training process into the following phases:

  1. Trauma... Muscles are damaged, all systems of the body are stressed. Injury occurs during training. This phase is an incentive to achieve the results that we talked about at the beginning, but does not guarantee them;
  2. Recovery... Muscles and all systems of the body gradually return to their initial level. After recovery, the body returns to the pre-workout level;
  3. Supercompensation... The body accumulates additional resources and creates a reserve in the form of muscles, strengthening the nervous and hormonal systems. You only need to train in the supercompensation phase!
  4. Loss of supercompensation... Occurs when the girl has not trained during the supercompensation phase. The body returns to the pre-workout state, progress is lost.

We focus on supercompensation in the muscular system.

Signs of supercompensation:

  • Muscle pain and discomfort in the target group disappears. In this case, the other muscle group may ache, be in the recovery phase;
  • There is a mental freshness, a desire to train.

On average, we train one muscle group 1-3 times a week.

Avoiding the workout-recovery cycle is overtraining.

The cycle "Training-recovery-supercompensation-loss of supercompensation" - lack of training.

Proper training takes place in the supercompensation phase, when the body is ready for them. Only such training gives the maximum result.

Rubber loop programs

A comprehensive full body workout program might look like this.