Types and purpose of orthopedic pillows for newborns. Torticollis in newborns: possible ways to get rid of the disease as soon as possible Orthopedic pillow for babies how to use it correctly

For a child, a pillow plays an important role from the very beginning of life. The healthy development of the spine, the ability of the back muscles to completely relax during sleep, the proportional development of the shape of the head and the general well-being of the baby depend on what kind of design it has. Modern pillows are made of artificial materials with anti-allergenic properties. The most popular fillers are polyurethane, latex, viscose. They keep their shape well, retain their original appearance for a long time, they can be washed and dried quickly.

Does a newborn need an orthopedic pillow

Why do you need an orthopedic pillow - this question is often asked by young parents to pediatricians. The idea of ​​such a product for babies is to ensure the correct development and growth of the spine, in particular its cervical spine. The pillow should support the baby's head and neck, ensuring that stress on the cervical spine is minimized. It must also guarantee normal blood circulation and muscle tone in the child's spine.

However, despite the impressive number of advantages of orthopedic pillows for newborns that leading companies inspire us, orthopedists do not share their opinion. The natural development process of the baby determines the formation of the cervical bend during the period when the baby learns to hold his head. The thoracic curvature of the spine is formed when the baby begins to sit down, and the lumbar - when he learns to walk. The acceleration of this process sometimes leads to undesirable consequences.

If you ask your doctor if your child needs an orthopedic pillow, they will most likely say no. Previously, all babies did without this kind of pillows and grew up healthy. And a newly born baby, who has not yet formed a bend in the neck, must endure the full load on it. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that babies do not need an orthopedic pillow, since it does not bring any benefit. On the contrary, it puts pressure on the neck, which negatively affects the further growth and development of the baby.

However, there are exceptional cases when orthopedists advise purchasing such a pillow. For example, during the treatment of torticollis. Everything here depends entirely on the incorrect position of the vertebrae and the general health of the child. Orthopedic pillows are indicated for infants in such cases:

  • In the presence of a birth injury.
  • If the baby's head is not straight.
  • With a decrease / increase in the tone of the cervical muscles.
  • If diagnosed with torticollis.
  • With birth trauma.

Types of children's orthopedic pillows - an overview

If your child's neck needs support for one of the above reasons, then the question is: which orthopedic pillow to choose? The modern selection of such products for babies is huge, each type performs a specific function. The most popular models are: butterfly pillow, headrest, support, reclining and anti-suffocating pillow.

Butterfly pillow

This model serves for the healthy development and growth of the cervical spine and the baby's skull. The pillow is shaped like a butterfly - it has the shape of a roller with a recess for the head in the middle. The side walls (rollers) act as retainers. A butterfly pillow is used from the onset of the first month until the child reaches 2 years of age. The width and location of the rollers during the growth of the crumbs can be adjusted.

Pillow headrest

This variation is very popular, because, according to mothers of babies, it is as convenient as possible. Its width is equal to the width of a crib. This is convenient because the child will not be able to slide off of it. The height of the product is small, and the angle of inclination is no more than 15 degrees. How to choose the right type of orthopedic pillow? The main rule is to keep in mind that its angle should not be too large (up to 30 degrees), otherwise the child will have problems with the spine in the future.

Reclining pillow

Trapezoidal model for babies. It is sewn using elastic materials such as polyurethane or latex. The main feature of the product is the tilt, which allows the child to breathe easier and makes the process of burping safe. It is possible to put an inclined pillow under the child's neck from the first days of his life.

Anti-suffocation pillow

When wondering which orthopedic pillow to buy, parents often resort to the anti-choke model for safety reasons. Her main idea is to prevent the sudden death of the baby. This product has a high degree of elasticity and is produced from breathable materials. The surface is covered with a cotton cover and has perforations, so the thing is absolutely safe for the baby, no matter how restlessly he sleeps.

Pillow support

this model has the form of connected or separate rollers of different sizes and heights. These blocks also differ in shape, so they can be either round (oval) or triangular. A large roller provides support for the baby's back, the other (smaller) is located in front and does not allow the baby to roll over on his stomach or actively spin during sleep.

How to choose and which one is better

One of the most frequent requests of parents who have come to an appointment with an orthopedist is “advise an orthopedic pillow”. When choosing a product, you should trust trusted companies that attach all the proper quality certificates to their product, confirming that the item is made using environmentally friendly materials and cannot provoke an allergy in a small child. When buying a product, consider these important rules:

  • You shouldn't buy it before the baby is born. Orthopedists advise using a pillow 2 weeks after the birth of a baby, during this period it is possible to understand the characteristics of the baby.
  • If your toddler has restless sleep, a supportive model should be preferred.
  • The headrest must be chosen according to the age of the baby.
  • If the child often spits up, an inclined product will be the best solution.
  • The anti-suffocating variation is suitable for babies who like to sleep on their stomachs.
  • The seams of the product must be made neatly and evenly, and its size must not go beyond the bed.
  • A synthetic model should not smell unpleasant.

The most popular models of orthopedic pillows:

  1. Feretti. The Italian-made anti-suffocating orthopedic pillow is created using non-woven fabric and weaving of special perforated fibers. Its size is of two types: 60x40 cm and 55x35 cm. The average cost is 1,500 rubles.
  2. Trelax P23 Banana. Multifunctional orthopedic model of Russian production. It is made in the shape of a banana and has a removable cotton cover. Polypropylene balls are used as fillers. These materials guarantee the product's breathability without causing the baby to sweat. Size: 135x26 cm.The average cost is 3200 rubles.
  3. Klin TM Womar. Orthopedic pillow of an inclined type, produced in Poland from polyurethane. Has a removable terry pillowcase. Size: 60x36 cm, the slope is 17 degrees. The average cost is 900 rubles.
  4. F-505 Luomma. The Russian-Finnish model has a memory function. It is filled with viscoplastic polyurethane, which can remember and repeat the shape of the baby's head. A special recess is provided in the middle for this purpose. Can be used for a child up to 1.5 years old. Size: 25x23 cm.The average cost is 1100 rubles.

How to use the pillow correctly - instructions

Not every baby needs an orthopedic head pad, however, when the child reaches the age of one, this thing becomes relevant. However, many parents are not aware of how to use an orthopedic pillow, which is important. So that the thing does not harm, but becomes a good addition, even during the purchase, take into account the child's age and state of health. The first question that may arise during the operation of the product is how to properly lay the orthopedic pillow?

  • A smaller roller is placed under the baby's neck if he sleeps on his back.
  • A large bolster is placed in when the baby sleeps on its side. So, the normal position of the cervical vertebrae relative to the entire spine is maintained, evenly distributing the load and giving the muscles a rest.
  • How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow to maintain a normal neck position? Make sure that her height is equal to the shoulder of the baby. This is the only way you can maintain the correct position of the baby's neck.
  • What time should orthopedic rollers be placed under the child's head? You can start from 1 month to 2 years.

Where to buy and how much it costs - average prices

Moms and dads are often interested in the question: where to buy a children's orthopedic pillow for a child? Such things are sold in almost every children's store, including online services. Their assortment is huge and can satisfy the most discerning parents. The models are presented in various sizes, shapes and colors, have a variety of fillings and differ in other characteristics.

Russian-made orthopedic models have a low cost, their price can vary within 400-1500 rubles. Alternative imported goods are valued much higher, their average price is 1500-3000 rubles. Often the cost for products brought from abroad is formed without reference to the quality of goods, but based on brand recognition.

Healthy sleep during childhood is essential for the proper growth and development of every person. It is normal for a newborn to rest about 20 hours a day. He spends this entire period in bed. The task of the parents is to provide him with a normal sleeping place. An orthopedic pillow for newborns, complete with a blanket and mattress, create the ideal environment. High-quality bedding will allow your baby to gain strength for play and fun.

The baby needs to get good rest. Thanks to this, it will be possible to resist various chronic diseases. Parents should provide him with all the necessary bedding. If a child sleeps well, then he is guaranteed to grow up healthy and beautiful. His good mood will delight mommy for a long time. The orthopedic pillow for babies helps to form the correct posture.

During sleep, the position of the baby's body should be correct. That is why parents should pay due attention to the choice of accessories. You can also sew them yourself. At the same time, the individual requirements of the baby are taken into account without fail. A pillow for a newborn should not interfere with breathing, because some of them like to sleep with their nose buried in it.

The pad helps to properly support the head and spine. That is why it is categorically not recommended to rest without it. During sleep, the baby can actively roll over from one side to the other. This situation affects the blood flow. Parents must teach him to lie correctly. After all, only in this case will no harm be done to his health.

The need for an orthopedic pillow

Not in all cases it is necessary to use it. Doctors insist on this only in certain cases. It is mandatory to sleep on an orthopedic pillow for newborns only if the child has been diagnosed with torticollis. The choice of an accessory largely depends on the degree and nature of the manifestation of pathology.

You do not need to buy a pillow if the baby spits up quite often. In this case, this attribute can only significantly aggravate the situation.

In medical practice, it is believed that an orthopedic pillow is needed in the following cases:

  • During labor, the baby was seriously injured in one of the cervical spine.
  • Doctors diagnosed torticollis.
  • An uneven head surface was revealed.
  • The baby has a pronounced increased tone of the cervical muscles.

In some of the cases described above, the baby needs surgery. However, most often the pathology can be eliminated through the use of drug therapy. Also, a pillow with memory effect will help to achieve the desired result in a short time.

Where should the treatment begin? At the first stage, therapeutic massages and physical procedures help to achieve positive dynamics. All manipulations are allowed only under direct parental control. They must also adhere exactly to all the doctor's recommendations. In this case, in the future, it will be possible to avoid serious deviations in development. Only a pediatrician can correctly develop a set of therapeutic measures.

An orthopedic pillow must be purchased not according to the manufacturer's advice, but as prescribed by the attending physician. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve positive dynamics in treatment.

Main characteristics and purpose of orthopedic accessories

Whether it is possible for a newborn to sleep on a regular pillow depends largely on the individual characteristics of his body. Accessories should provide the necessary head support. Only then will it be possible to achieve optimal rest for all muscle groups and the spine.

It is correct for any person to sleep in a lateral position. However, it will not always be convenient for the child in such a position. When using an orthopedic pillow, it will be possible to maintain the interaction between parents and babies. He will feel much more comfortable and sleep well.

An orthopedic pillow for a newborn is a guarantee of quality sleep. This will ensure the correct blood circulation and the position of the spine. Only hypoallergenic materials are used for its manufacture. Additionally used accessory can be washed. It will retain its shape and size. Even numerous washes will not be able to negatively affect these indicators.

It is also necessary to use orthopedic accessories for prevention purposes. They will not allow the crotch to develop, and the baby is guaranteed not to suffer from headaches. Improving general well-being is achieved through the following points:

  • In the cervical region, the muscles are toned.
  • Correct formation of all curves of the neck.
  • If the newborn has had birth injuries, then the pillow will be able to relieve their intensity.

Main selection criteria

A baby pillow must meet several requirements. Only then is it completely safe to use.

Accessories for sleeping babies are required to include the following features:

  • do not cause allergies;
  • be completely safe for the baby;
  • keep warm well;
  • be made of high quality materials;
  • serve for a long time.

Only with the combination of these criteria are pillows allowed for babies. Today, manufacturers also offer orthopedic models that are specially designed for feeding. When choosing them, the height of the roller plays an important role. It is this indicator that you should pay attention to.

Product shape

Today, a huge number of shapes and sizes of pillows are presented in any children's store. When choosing, it is necessary to analyze the structure of the baby's skull. The pillow should have a small indentation to keep the head in position.

It is most convenient to place the child on a pillow with small sides. Their height should not exceed four centimeters. Otherwise, the risk of developing a curvature in the occipital region or deterioration of blood circulation in the cervical region increases. Only a properly selected configuration will allow the baby to breathe deeply and receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.

The baby should be comfortable while sleeping

Filler is the main selection criterion

When choosing any accessory for sleeping, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the fabric that is used for sewing the cover and filler. They can be completely sewn with your own hands, because in this case you can be completely confident in the material.

You should not stop your choice on a filler made of wool and down. These materials often cause allergies in babies. Also, in products of this type, the risk of tick breeding increases. Washing things made from natural materials is not possible, so you must refuse to use them. From what age they are allowed to use depends largely on the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

It is best to buy a pillow with a spongy or perforated structure. Thanks to this, the proper level of ventilation is provided in them. Parents in this case will not worry that the child may suffocate at the most unexpected moment. It is best to choose linen, chintz or cotton as the material for the cover.

When should an orthopedic pillow be discarded?

Orthopedists from all over the world are convinced that such a pillow should not be used if the child is under one year old. However, in some cases, the clinical picture requires the purchase of this sleep accessory. The pillow pattern is presented on the site, so you can make it yourself.

Thanks to the pillow, it is possible to restrict the movement of the baby during sleep. However, if, for example, a baby needs to vomit urgently, he may choke. Therefore, parents should know exactly why they use this bedding.

The main types of baby pillows

If the child is completely healthy, then there is no need to buy him orthopedic accessories for sleeping. If parents find out how much such a thing costs, they will prefer to use the usual option.

Butterfly pillow helps to deal with cervical injuries caused during childbirth

Today, all orthopedic pillows are divided into the following groups depending on the position of the head during sleep:

  • A butterfly is a special roller with a small depression in the middle. Thanks to this, a reliable fixation of the head is achieved during sleep. It is advisable to use this variant of the pillow in the presence of pathologies in the neck area. Regular use will allow the cervical spine and skull to form properly. The accessory is allowed to be used from early childhood.
  • The pillows are shaped to fit the body thanks to the fillers. For this purpose, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, buckwheat husks or feathers are used. You must be careful with such a product, as it can cause allergies.

What is torticollis (torticollis) in newborns? We will give a detailed answer to this question, and also talk about all possible ways to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. What a complex, multifaceted, but at the same time joyful, sweet science to comprehend - to raise a baby.

Everything was fine, but suddenly ...

Someone does not even know from which side to approach the tiny lump, gently snoring in new clothes, and someone boldly picks up the crumbs, frivolously believing that a newborn is an adult in miniature.

Meanwhile, the crumbs that have just been born have a lot of features. Everything is important here, from nutrition and hygiene to how the child lies in his crib. After all, failure to comply with even such a seemingly insignificant nuance can lead to violations.

From the hospital, a newborn can be discharged completely healthy, and after a week or two, a keen-sighted mother may notice an alarming sign: the baby's head is tilted to the same shoulder all the time and turned away from it in the other direction... This is how torticollis looks like, arising from deformation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle - congenital or arising from birth trauma.

Most parents can simply plunge into a stupor the words of the doctor that the child has torticollis. An unaesthetic word irritates those who hear about it for the first time. But orthopedists encounter this disease quite often and already learned how to successfully heal it.

The main thing is to recognize the signs of torticollis in time, which can be noticeable as early as 2-3 weeks of your baby's life.

One of the reasons for the development of torticollis in newborns can be:

  • improper intrauterine development,
  • difficult childbirth,
  • scarring in the tissues and muscles of the neck,
  • inflammation of the ear, nose or throat, etc.

For these reasons, an incorrect position of the head arises, in which the baby all the time "looks" in one direction - the opposite of the changed muscle.

In this case, the neck of the crumbs is constantly tilted towards the shortened muscle.

Also, the cause of torticollis lies in the same notorious sternocleidomastoid muscle, located in pairs on the lateral surface of the neck (has 3 attachments: on the collarbone, sternum and at the ear). Her tone also triggers the disease.

Since in the first months of life the child grows at a very fast pace, excessive spasm of a muscle group or one muscle leads to a curvature of the body.

When the left muscle contracts, the head of the crumbs tilts to the left, and the face turns to the right, and when the right muscle contracts, vice versa.

If both muscles contract at the same time, then the head tilts back and extends slightly.

Congenital or acquired attitudinal?

Such a disease is classified as congenital if torticollis is the result of complicated childbirth or some kind of intrauterine developmental disorder, if scars have formed in the muscle tissues.

It can also lead to crooked-necks that an inexperienced mother does not shift the baby from one barrel to another, which is a consequence of the fact that the child, lying on his back, is constantly looking for his mother with his eyes, watching what is happening in the room outside of his crib, and meanwhile his neck "gets used" to be tilted to one side.

Mom, do not ignore the recommendations of the medical staff in the hospital, the health visitor, the district pediatrician that after each feeding, be sure to transfer the baby to another barrel. Such a simple rule will be the prevention of the acquired installation torticollis.

If torticollis is not caused by a violation in the development of muscles and bones, that is, it most likely belongs to the setting, it can be corrected in simple ways. All that is required from the mother is tireless attention to the baby and time. By the way, some of these measures will simply not allow the disease to develop.

What to do?

As soon as the head is constantly bent to one side, it immediately stands show the baby to the orthopedist and follow his instructions:

  • massage,
  • physiotherapy,
  • orthopedic styling.

Otherwise, the insidious muscle will distort the shape of the skull and facial features.

Massages and other treatments should be provided by an experienced, specially trained nurse, and it is within the power of the mother to properly lay the baby.

Orthopedic styling

For the treatment and prevention of torticollis, you can use orthopedic pillows and rollers for newborns.

First, you should pay attention to how the bed is.

It should be positioned so that light falls on it from the side to which it is difficult for the child to turn his head.

From the same side, you should approach the baby, talk to him, sing lullabies, put toys.

Then the baby will have no choice but to develop a capricious muscle, which will be an excellent gymnastics for her.

The position treatment is recommended to be carried out for 30 minutes several times during daytime sleep, arranging a newborn with torticollis on the back on a semi-rigid mattress without a pillow - with a diaper folded four times under the back of the head. The device must be placed under the head of the crumbs so that it lies straight, on the same axis with the body.

Position treatment

Option No.

Required inventory


Option number 1 A pair of bags in pillowcases with fine sand (pre-calcined in a frying pan for disinfection), connected by a fabric bridgePlace a bag on both sides of the head or one on the side of the torticollis
Option number 2 A rubber ring (you can buy it in the pharmacy chain) or a specially sewn "donut" from a cotton diaper rolled into a tubeIn order for the newborn to lie straight, it is recommended to place on the sides from the armpits to the knee 2 long and narrow bags of dense fabric rolled into a sausage, half filled with sand, or flannel blankets

The orthopedist will tell the mother how long it will take to carry out this "procedure", because each baby has its own characteristics of disorders and development.

How to keep?

In our article, we all touch upon the options for how to put the baby in bed and how to "treat" it with the position, and let's not forget that the baby can cry, he needs care, hygiene procedures, and the mother must imagine how to hold the baby ...

A newborn with torticollis should be handled in such a way as to fix its head.

If you pick up a child, be sure to fix his head.

If the child likes the horizontal position of the "helicopter", then you need to hold it in your hands on the problem barrel or facing yourself, while holding your head and lifting it to the healthy side.

Professional massage

Massage for torticollis in newborns, as well as special exercises for developing the muscles of the neck, which are mandatory for babies with congenital torticollis, should be carried out at first only by a professional masseur.

After the massage, thermal procedures (paraffin wraps or with isokerite) are useful.

Parents, saving on massage is fraught with serious consequences for the future health of the child. Therefore, if there is a huge queue at the clinic for a massage and you have to wait several months, you should contact the services of a private massage therapist or a medical center.

Before Mommy can handle the baby herself, she must learn from specialists to do everything right. And only when they "give the go-ahead", you can start additional massage sessions at home: 2-3 massage sessions, 1-2 exercises several times a day.

Like most diseases, torticollis can have different stages, so the approach to each child is individual. And massage, and therapeutic gymnastics, and even the position in the bed for each tiny patient is selected.

We align ourselves


All exercises and massage must be agreed with the attending physician.

Initial position of the child: on the side of an adult in his arms.

We work: holding the baby's head, the adult needs to slowly circle in one direction. Then the direction of rotation should be changed.

The exercise is performed correctly if the baby strains the neck muscles to maintain balance. After this reaction, it is important to lift the baby up and repeat the exercise. The whirling ends at the very bottom, almost near the floor itself.

Then you should go to swinging: left and right, up and down. To do this, it is enough to arrange the little one in your arms (you can sit or lie on your back). Holding the child firmly by the handles, you need to perform the movements slowly. After that, you need to lie down, raise the crumbs above you on outstretched arms and rotate.


Initial position of the child: on the edge of the table with a healthy side to the adult.

We work: clasping the baby with your arms and stroking him, you should stretch his "sick" barrel, as if encircling yourself. It is necessary to carry out simultaneously both stretching and vibrating movements. One palm should be directed to the armpit, the other to the leg, then to the foot. The baby's head should lie on the elbow of an adult and slightly deviate into the problem area.

Additionally, it is worth working with that leg and arm that are in good shape. Stroking and shaking are effective. The main task is to relax the muscles of the child.

For mothers who sign their insolvency, I would like to cite the lines of the children's writer E. Karganova:

If you try and not be lazy,
You can always learn everything!

When to expect the result?

As mentioned above, the treatment of torticollis in newborns will take time: from the moment of diagnosis to the complete elimination of the deformity and within several months after that as a fixing component.

If the parents notice in time that the baby is somehow not turning the head so well or is not at all able to do it, they will immediately consult a doctor, then by the age of one, neither they nor the child will remember the "trouble" that happened.

Health to you and your crumbs!

Here are some more helpful tips on how to recognize and correct torticollis in a newborn baby.

In contact with

Before the birth of a baby, parents try to prepare as much as possible for this event. Given the fact that the child will spend a significant amount of time horizontally, it is necessary to equip the crib. Bed linen should be made from natural ingredients, the mattress should be tough. Previously, pediatricians believed that the anatomical pillow for newborns was strictly prohibited. However, now one can argue with this, because manufacturers produce such models that are not able to negatively affect the health of children.

The use of a regular pillow for a newborn baby is strictly prohibited by pediatricians. This can negatively affect his spine, neck.

Reasons why your baby shouldn't sleep on a regular pillow:

An orthopedic pillow is another matter entirely. It adapts to the physiological characteristics of the child and has a positive effect on his health.

What does it give?

  1. Supports the cervical spine, normalizes muscle tone.
  2. Helps to avoid flattening in the occipital region, from birth forms the correct shape of the skull in the baby.
  3. Allows you to avoid putting on caps, regulates a comfortable temperature for the child.

At what age can a baby sleep on such a pillow? This question is of interest to all young parents. Now manufacturers are producing such options for pillows, on which you can put a child from the first days of life.... Of course, it would be advisable to first consult a pediatrician. He will tell you what kind of pillow the baby needs.

The need for an anatomical pillow for pathologies

Sometimes an orthopedic pillow for children is needed due to the presence of congenital abnormalities. The pediatrician must first examine the child, to understand at what age this particular child must be put to sleep on an anatomical pillow.

Common pathologies:

  1. With torticollis, the muscles of the cervical spine are poorly developed, which leads to the fact that it is constantly tilted to one side. If treatment is not started on time, the baby will develop scoliosis in the future. In case of crookedness, the pediatrician recommends that the baby sleep on a special pillow with a depression (turn to the sore side).
  2. Hypotension and hypertonicity. In this case, massage and physiotherapy are often prescribed. The orthopedic pillow also helps to correct the condition of the muscles. Any orthopedic surgeon will advise you to purchase it.
  3. With birth injuries in a baby, the pain can be alleviated in this way. Surprisingly, the anatomically correct shape has been shown to calm nerve endings.
  4. When rickets has been diagnosed at an early stage, a special anatomical pillow can be used to avoid deformity of the cervical spine.

In any case, before using an orthopedic product, it is imperative to consult with your doctor and find out from what age your child can sleep on an anatomical pillow.

Varieties of pillows

Today, manufacturers produce a huge number of anatomical pillows for children, various in size, color, thickness, and specific effects on the body.

  1. Headrest with a small recess. It is called "butterfly". It is very useful for torticollis in a child. There are models on sale that are different in size, for your child you need to choose the one that will suit him in terms of head size. "Butterfly" supports muscles, maintains a comfortable temperature for the baby.
  2. "Positioner". This prosthetic model consists of two rollers connected in the middle with a tape. The model can be used for children of any age. It is possible to adjust the distance between the rollers with Velcro.
  3. Inclined. It is very similar to the usual one. The shape is the same, only the model is tilted at 30 degrees. This option is very convenient for a child.
  4. Anti-suffocating. When parents just hear the name of this model, they begin to have the most unpleasant thoughts. Of course, the name is scary, but for children it is safe and comfortable to sleep on. Perforated surface, covered with a special cotton cover. When the baby is spinning in a dream, this orthopedic pillow will provide a constant flow of air to the baby.
  5. Multifunctional model. It can be used by mothers when feeding a baby. She maintains the spine in the correct condition and will be needed during the growing up of the baby, when he will begin to sit down slowly.

Manufacturing materials

It is necessary to choose an orthopedic pillow for your child, taking into account the individual characteristics of his body. Check with your orthopedist and pediatrician in advance so that they can advise on the optimal shape and model of the pillow that your baby needs.

Anatomical pillows for small children are made of anti-allergenic synthetic materials, for this very reason you do not have to worry about the baby getting a rash on the body. It will not happen.

Fillers used for pillows:

  • polypropylene;
  • viscose;
  • polyurethane;
  • latex.
  1. When choosing a pillow, pay attention that it is made by a trusted manufacturer and has a quality certificate.
  2. Buy orthopedic goods for children only in specialized stores so as not to stumble upon a fake.
  3. When choosing a pillow, you need to take into account the age of the baby and the size of his head. The child should be able to sleep comfortably.

Manufacturers do not just choose these materials for the manufacture of their products. Their main feature is elasticity, durability and slow wear. When the baby sleeps on such a pillow, his body and head will be in the correct position. This will promote better and healthier sleep, and you do not need to worry about discomfort - there is none.

A properly selected anatomical pillow for babies is an excellent option for taking care of the child's spine from early childhood.

Instructions for use and features of the butterfly orthopedic pillow.

Now a lot of controversy arises around the health of babies. This is primarily the use of a pillow, walker and nipple. There is also a lot of controversy surrounding feeding. Someone thinks that the baby needs to be fed by the hour, while someone adheres to the scheme at will.

Many pediatricians argue whether a baby needs a pillow. If your child is absolutely healthy, he does not have congenital injuries, disorders of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system, then he does not need a pillow. It is forbidden for newborns to put an ordinary feather pillow under their heads. It can cause allergies and even suffocate your baby.

If the child has congenital injuries, doctors recommend using an orthopedic pillow. It supports the head in the correct position and promotes normal blood flow to the muscles and head.

Indications for the use of an orthopedic pillow:

  • Torticollis
  • Decreased or increased muscle tone
  • Congenital injuries of the cervical vertebrae
  • Scoliosis
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The orthopedic butterfly pillow is used for the prevention and treatment of certain ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Not all babies need to purchase such a product. If the child is healthy, then up to 2 years old, you can put the child to sleep on a flat surface. Doctors believe that the height of the chest and head is the same, so the child's head does not need additional support.

It's another matter if the child has torticollis. In this case, the baby turns his head to one side. It is caused by muscle tension on the right or left side of the neck. To correct the violation, you have to use special collars. A butterfly pillow is shown to such children.

Benefits of a butterfly pillow:

  • Supports baby's head in anatomical position
  • Allows the child to move and does not hinder movement
  • Prevents the baby from choking up when regurgitating
  • Improves blood circulation in the brain

Orthopedic, anatomical pillow, butterfly for a newborn on Aliexpress: price, catalog, photo

Using such a pillow is quite simple. It is necessary to carefully take the baby under the head and put it in the recess. It is necessary that the head is in the fossa, and the roller is under the child's cervical vertebrae. In this case, the head should not fall to one side, but be strictly in the middle.

Pillow requirements:

  • Natural fabric with excellent breathability
  • Hypoallergenic filler
  • Resistance to washing

In such a pillow mites will not start, and dust will not accumulate. It is convenient to wash such a pillow in the washing machine. It dries quickly and does not deform after washing. Be sure to check the composition of the filler and fabric before buying.

The pillow is very comfortable to use. Moreover, it can be used not only in a crib, but also used for sleeping on a walk. Just put your pillow in the stroller. This will help your baby feel comfortable. This reduces muscle tension. The child sleeps calmly, does not spin in a dream. A head with such a pillow cannot be thrown back and forth. You can see how to use the pillow in the video.

VIDEO: How to use a butterfly pillow