Drying time of the polyurethane foam. Removing old polyurethane foam

How long it will take to when it will be possible to use the doors after their installation depends on many factors, first of all - on the means used, which ensures sealing at the junction of the door frame with the wall. Also, the rate of polymer solidification is affected by the state of the environment: temperature and humidity. The quality of the sealant is determined by its coefficient of expansion and adhesion, which is characterized by the adhesion forces of the foam to the surface.

Expansion ratio

Polyurethane foam is prized for its ability to expand quickly. Household types of this sealant can increase in volume by 60% of the original state. Professional foam has a higher expansion coefficient and doubles or even triples its original appearance. The expansion coefficient can vary depending on the humidity and temperature of the environment in which the polymer is used, on the rate at which the agent is withdrawn from the container, and on the manner in which the foam is applied to the surface.
The polymer belongs to a dielectric building material, it is not afraid of mold or mildew. The only damage to the already hardened foam during operation can be ultraviolet radiation. If the sealant is used outdoors, it is recommended to cover it with finishing materials. Porosity is another important quality of the composition. The fewer the pores, the stronger the connection and the lower the consumption of the composition.
The volume of already frozen foam is also indicated on the cylinders. Manufacturers inform about these parameters taking into account the normal conditions for use: positive temperature conditions and high humidity conditions. Foam, even of the highest quality, can be cut in half in a cold atmosphere.


An important characteristic of the sealant is adhesion, which indicates the ability of the compound to adhere to the surface. For a quality material, this unit of measurement should be high in relation to any building materials. Connection problems occur when you need to fix polyethylene or cellophane, or Teflon.

The quality of the joint material depends on the packaging. Good containers have durable and reliable valves that prevent the atmosphere from entering the cylinder and the excessive escape of compressed gas from it.
A good quality balloon has more weight and if you turn it over, you should feel how the contents move quietly and slowly in it.

How long does the polyurethane foam dry

A hermetic agent is a rather complex building material. Characteristics and quality are ambiguous and depend on a lot. The foam turns into a solidified state under the influence of its own data and the conditions of the environment in which it is used. The polymerization process depends to a large extent on water. The higher the humidity, the faster the agent solidifies and the degree of adhesion increases. Professionals recommend wetting the surfaces of cracks and openings with water before starting to seal them.

If the humidity is high, then a five centimeter layer of prepolymer will dry for about 3 hours. Then he gains the required hardness for another 6-9 hours. At negative temperatures, this process stretches to a day. Builders with experience do not recommend rushing with the final finishing of already foamed holes and crevices. The sealant must be given time for maximum solidification in order to gain strength: in the summer - a day, in the winter - a day and a half. In order for the material to harden faster, it must be periodically moistened. The main thing is to remember that the polymer does not tolerate solar radiation.

Sealant selection and market analysis

The use of high-quality and reliable building materials is the key to a successful repair. In order to seal cracks, holes, seams at a professional level, a product must be selected with high operational and technical data.

In the construction markets, you can find a large amount of different polyurethane foam. Experts recommend paying attention to the following product brands:

  1. "Moment Montage"... A well-known brand, with a well-deserved popularity, is sold in all building stores. Differs in density of homogeneous consistency, high adhesion to almost any materials. You can work with it both indoors and outdoors. Minus - secondary overgrowth, as a result of which, with a large amount of foam used, the sealed seams can be deformed.
  2. "Makroflex"... One of the best brands. Can be used for work both in winter and in summer. The foam has a uniform structure, adheres perfectly to any surface, and secondary growth is minimal. The disadvantages include a market defect in cylinders that do not work for long. Then either only gas comes out of them, or just a sealant.
  3. "Soudal"... Not a very well-known company that produces quality products. There are polymer options on the market for winter and summer work. Winter species are suitable even in 20 ° C frosts. All products have good adhesion, little secondary growth, little shrinkage. Foam also does not react well to the sun.
  4. "Penosil"... High-quality hermetic product of dense consistency. Secondary expansion is almost absent, it is distinguished by a large outlet size. Effective for indoor use, not suitable for outdoor use. Temperatures below minus 4 and above plus 35 will completely discredit him.
  5. "Titan 02"... The most famous brand of professional polyurethane foam. It has a relatively low cost, has excellent performance properties, a high degree of adhesion, and a dense consistency. Suitable for use in various conditions.


There is no perfect sealant. Every professional knows that any material is characterized by both positive and negative properties. In order for the result of the work performed to be the desired one, you need to carefully select the product and use it in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer.

The drying process of the polyurethane foam depends on many influencing factors: the quality of the material, its composition, the temperature of the external environment and its humidity. All this must be taken into account before starting to seal up seams or openings.


Polyurethane foam is classified as a sealing agent, which is almost impossible to do without in the construction process. It is used in cases where there is a need to seal seams or joints with a depth and width of more than 3 cm.Before using this material, builders wonder how long it takes for the foam to dry completely, but it turns out that this question has been posed incorrect. First of all, it should be said that the main secret of the complete transformation of the material into strong polyurethane foam is the degree of wetting. But we will pay more attention to this fact.

First you need to decide why builders prefer polyurethane foam:

  • its application is very simple;
  • pricing policy is available;
  • long service life.

In addition, this material has qualities that isolate sound and make it possible not to lose heat from the room.

Most often, foam is used during the installation of balcony blocks, windows or doors of various types. When applied, the composition begins to expand and at the same time fills all the voids, thereby gluing the desired surfaces. It should be noted that the curing time also depends on how thick the layer was applied. If it is not more than 5 cm, then within 3 hours after leaving the cylinder, the foam will reach the required density.

Foam is also so popular for the reason that, when frozen, it is not subject to the effects of temperature, moisture and even electricity, in addition, fungus does not appear on it. It should be noted that the foam can undergo changes from the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but this defect can be eliminated by using decorative plaster.

Material characteristics

With the help of polyurethane foam, various types of work are carried out, this does not necessarily apply to windows and doors, with the help of this sealing consistency, builders close up large gaps, eliminate voids and fasten structures. If you familiarize yourself with all the qualities of the material, you can understand that it can be compared to sealants due to its ability to seal the required surfaces.

Before disassembling the drying process in detail, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the material.

  1. Output volume. This indicator shows what changes have occurred with the material in comparison with its original state. The unit in which this volume is measured is liters. The main aspects that affect this indicator are the temperature and humidity of the treated surface.
  2. Clutch. This characteristic allows you to determine how well the material will adhere to the surface. Exceptions in this case may be surfaces such as polyethylene, ice, greasy bases, Teflon and silicone.
  3. Viscosity index. These data will depend on the quantity and quality of the components used to prepare the foam. In addition, the outside temperature will also affect this property. It is recommended to use the material only at an indicator from +5 to +30 degrees.

If you apply foam outside the established boundaries, then it will lose its main qualities, and the original product will not meet all the requirements put forward.

If the consumer needs to purchase a sealing foam, then, in addition to the drying rate, you need to pay attention to a few more main parameters.

  1. Porosity index. The smaller it is, the better the foam quality. This parameter is determined by the number of closed pores on the surface.
  2. Volume. In this case, you need to pay attention to the mass of the polymer already in a solidified state.
  3. The quality of the packaging, in our case, the bottle. It would seem that this is not such a serious criterion, but it is the design and integrity of the container that can affect the quality of the material inside and the final result.


Polyurethane foam is a material that, like any other, has a number of requirements.

These requirements include:

  • good adhesion of surfaces;
  • elasticity;
  • after solidification, the material should not crumble, even when exposed to sub-zero temperatures;
  • shrinkage of a solution that has already dried should be moderate.

We draw the attention of users to the fact that the foam is very afraid of direct sunlight. For this reason, after complete solidification, the excess is cut off, and all sealed places are treated with paint or plaster. And in order not to disturb the density of the material and to make the application sequence correctly, you need to know how long it takes to completely solidify.

To eliminate gaps between door frames and openings, only a third of the sealant will be required. The material will begin to solidify on the surface within half an hour after application. You will notice that a film will appear on the surface.

Final drying can be expected 8 hours after application. The fixing process occurs due to the expansion of the substance that comes out of the container and solidifies.

Conventionally, this is divided into several stages:

  • primary, which is carried out immediately at the exit from the package;
  • secondary, which is not completed until the final transformation of the foam into a solid composition.

If the material is of high quality, then at the second stage the expansion rate can reach 30%, this must be taken into account in the process of work. Most often, it takes a third of the material to fill the space, this is enough to fill all the cracks when expanding.

But you should also pay attention to the fact that the foam should shrink, you should not be afraid of this action, it will not bring problems. In high-quality materials, shrinkage can reach 5%, and this is invisible externally. If shrinkage still occurs, and this is clearly visible from the side, then the polyurethane was purchased of poor quality.

Polymerization time

So, at the beginning we pointed out that water plays a rather important role in the use of polyurethane foam. This is due to the fact that it is the liquid that increases the adhesion rate, for this reason, experts recommend wetting the working surface before carrying out work. It is not necessary to pour a large volume of water onto the walls; it is enough to use a conventional spray bottle.

If we consider the process of installing door structures, then, as already mentioned, the drying process will be affected by the thickness of the layer and, of course, the temperature indicator of the environment. Under normal conditions, the excess foam can be cut off after 3 hours, and after that you can start plastering. Speaking of the final hardening, it should be noted that it will come after about 12 hours.

Many people wonder how much foam dries when installing windows or doors in an apartment., and if it has already been applied, then why does it take a long time to dry. Foam dries for a long time for various reasons. One of the main ones is to use it at the wrong temperature.

For sealing joints, joints, performing moisture and heat insulation work, in the construction industry, polyurethane foam is widely used. The material easily adheres to different surfaces, has a long service life, high strength. The polyurethane sealant is easy to apply with a construction gun. To finish the foam areas, you need to know how much polyurethane foam dries. This parameter depends on several factors - the quality of the sealant, the conditions of use, the type of material.

Polyurethane foam belongs to the category of one-component polyurethane sealants. Without such a tool, the process of installing windows and doors, hermetically filling voids and cracks in brickwork, and performing other work related to repair, installation and construction becomes more complicated. According to the drying time, polyurethane foam refers to substances with a high polymerization rate. Foam assembly fills well cracks, gaps and cavities of any size and shape. Manufacturers produce several types of foam with different properties:

  • By appointment - household and professional. The household foam is equipped with a plastic tube for easy application. To use professional foam, you need a construction gun.

  • Terms of use- winter and all-season. Frost-resistant products are suitable for outdoor work, winter foam retains its qualities at temperatures from -50 to + 90 ° C. All-season sealant is a universal compound for all types of installation work.

  • Fire fighting equipment- differ in fire resistance classes. They are used to seal the joints of heated surfaces or communications in rooms with a high level of fire hazard - stoves, fireplaces, baths, chimneys.

Foams are supplied in the form of cylinders in which the assembly substance (liquid prepolymer) is under the pressure of a propellant. When the foam is released from the tube, a reaction of the components occurs, the composition expands in volume and hermetically fills the gaps or crevices.

Note: In order not to buy a construction gun, a cylinder of household foam equipped with a tube is enough for one-time household installation work. If you need to fill a large number of overall voids, use a professional sealant with a gun.

To understand how much polyurethane foam dries, you need to find out what qualities and features the composition has. After leaving the tube, the liquid mass increases in volume and takes on a porous structure. This process is called primary expansion. The assembly staff from the initial volume increases 20 (inexpensive) - 50 (expensive) times. The material takes up empty space and its top layer sets in a few minutes.

≡ 18 July 2017 Heading: Finishing works

In fact, the question "How long does the foam for installation work dry?" delivered absolutely wrong! The secret to changing the prepolymer into a dense synthetic latex is how well it gets wet. Actually the speed of "drying" of the foam depends on moisture. Let's try to figure it out in detail.

1 Magnification is the main parameter

The value of this building material for the most part depends on its property to increase repeatedly. Homemade foam is capable of increasing up to 60% of the initial volume, highly professional compositions have a much high coefficient - up to 300%. Moreover, the same foam in different conditions can increase in absolutely different ways. The prepolymer is influenced by temperature, air humidity, type of application, and the rate at which the foam leaves the balloon. And different professionals in the same room may have different results. On the packaging, manufacturers indicate the largest yield of polymer material, but you do not need to look strictly at it.

The increase in prepolymer in the procedure for exiting the balloon and curing is divided into 2 types: primary and secondary. An increase is called primary immediately after leaving the balloon, the secondary continues until the end of the process of changing the polymer material. The secondary increase in high quality materials can reach 30%, which is impossible not to foresee when using them. In most cases, it is sufficient to fill the gap by one third, so that in the end it is completely filled with artificial latex.

In addition to enlargement, artificial latex can also shrink, although for high-quality products this shrinkage is infrequent when it is 5%. If you see a lot of shrinkage - unfortunately, you came across a very low-quality polyurethane. In this case, even a rupture of the mass may occur, which in its turn will entail a lot of other problems. Any professional selects the foam as needed. For some, the main thing is a tremendous increase, in these cases Makroflex, Penosil GoldGun, Moment, Macrosil are suitable, it is advisable to use Tytan for window installation - it provides a suitable increase and quickly solidifies.

2 Properties of foam for installation work - let's try to figure it out in detail!

This sealant began to be used in the construction industry not so long ago, but during this short time, artificial latex has actually completely replaced its previous rivals. It is applied easily, is inexpensive, lasts for decades, has sound and heat insulating qualities. Very often it is used to seal the gaps between the door opening and the door frame during its installation, as well as during window installation.

Expanding, the sealant fills in all the voids, firmly "glues" the surfaces to each other, and when solidified, the polymer material attaches the door frame or window. Foam is not afraid of precipitation and cold, it does not transmit electric current and is not afraid of fungus and mold. There is only one drawback - the fear of ultraviolet radiation, however, very often the material is applied at the stage of rough work, which are then hidden under a decorative plaster layer.

Anyone who comes across such material very often begins to look at these parameters, as:

  • Porosity of artificial latex. The smaller the pores, the more preferable - the less plaster consumption and the stronger the structure of the material. The more closed pores on the surface, there is a good quality material - it will firmly retain heat in the middle of the house.
  • The volume of foam for installation work. We are talking about the volume of a polymer material after it has hardened. It must be remembered that manufacturers indicate the volume based on typical climatic conditions: positive temperature, high humidity. In winter, the volume of finished foam from a cylinder of the same company may be two times less, and the company has nothing to do with it - the low temperature and low air humidity are to blame for everything. in most cases, more than from the version with a ready-made adapter, because manufacturers pump more gas into highly professional cylinders. It is a fact that in household cylinders most often the gas ends earlier than the material, and this is wasted money. Classically, the cylinders have a capacity of 300 ml, 500 ml and 750 ml. A 300-milliliter can contains about 30 liters of foam, which is enough to close the gap of up to five centimeters between one door frame and the door opening. If the gap is larger, it is proposed to make the width of the gap smaller due to an interlayer of expanded polystyrene or other material of this type in order to save money. The foam output from a 500 ml container is up to 40 liters, and from a 750 ml container - up to 50 liters. One 750 ml can is enough to finish 2 standard door frames.
  • Material adhesion. The very concept of "adhesion" means the ability of one material to stick to another. In the case of foam for mounting, the adhesion of the material is quite large to virtually any surface, not counting cellophane, polymeric ethylene and Teflon. Due to the high adhesion rates, this sealant is often used as an adhesive, especially when pasting plastic Euro lining or expanded polystyrene. Be sure that after the binder has completely hardened, the panels can only be peeled off with the "meat." However, in these cases, there is no need to save on material - poor quality foam clings to the surface worse, falls down, more is spent. Simply put, it is better to purchase the one that is more expensive.
  • The quality of the balloon. Both the design and the quality of the cylinder can affect the bottom line. First of all, good products are equipped with reliable valves that easily return to their original position after pressing, closing off the air and gas outlet. By the way, actually by the cylinders you can determine what you are dealing with - a good material or an inexpensive fake. To compare, take two cylinders in a store - if the content is different in quality, then you will feel it. The best tank will be heavier, and as you move, you will feel the content rolling slowly from side to side. In an inexpensive bottle, the prepolymer will dangle like sour yogurt.

3 How much foam dries for installation work - we are looking for the right answer

As you already know, foam for installation work is a rather difficult material and has a lot of invisible moments. As with the magnification factor, which depends on most factors, the answer "How long does the foam cure for installation work?" Is very difficult. First of all, it depends on the actual moisture.

Water participates in the prepolymer polymerization procedure, moreover, the foam has very high adhesion to wet surfaces, due to this it is proposed to wet the cracks and openings with water before applying the foam.

If the humidity is normal, then it will take 3 hours for a five-centimeter layer to harden, after which you can cut off the protruding pieces of artificial latex and apply plaster. The final polymerization will take much longer - from 7 to 12 hours. If the weather is cold and dry, then the process can take a day. Actually, this time will be the final output in the question "How long does" foam for installation work "dry out? In any case, if you have time, do not rush, wait until everything solidifies properly.

To make the curing process faster, sometimes spray or moisturize in any way you feel comfortable. Do not forget that polymer materials are afraid of the sun's rays, thanks to this, as soon as possible, protect the foam for installation work - paint or plaster the surface that is in contact with ultraviolet radiation. The plastering process in most cases is similar to plastering on foam.


How much does polyurethane foam dry on average?

What is polyurethane foam? Polyurethane foam is a sealant with polyurethane foam filler. It contains two main components - polyol and isocyanate. A polyol is nothing more than an aromatic diisocyanate, better known as methylene diphenyldiisocyanate.

Polyurethane foam characteristics

Many masters ask themselves the question: "how long does the polyurethane foam dry?" Before answering this question, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself in detail with its characteristics.

The characteristics of the polyurethane foam are:

  • 1.The volume of the foam outlet. It is measured in the amount of expansion and yield of polymer-containing raw materials per cylinder. Measured in liters. Strongly depends on the temperature of the outer surface of the can, humidity, wind.
  • 2.Adhesion. It is a term that denotes adhesion to various types and variations of building surfaces. With this, the polyurethane foam is in complete order. But there are also exceptions. These are polyethylene, silicone, ice, teflon, surfaces that are not free from the oil film.
  • 3. Viscosity. The result that you get during use, its quality largely depends on this characteristic of the working substance. The viscosity is influenced by factors of high or low temperature. At temperatures below 5+ degrees Celsius or above 30+, polyurethane foam may begin to lose the desired consistency of the working mixture, which will have an extremely unfavorable effect in the future on the result obtained.

Polyurethane foam properties

Due to its excellent characteristics, polyurethane foam has the following properties.

Mounting properties - used in the installation of metal-plastic windows, installation of doors, attachment and connection of structures of various types.

Soundproofing properties - polyurethane foam traps and does not transmit sound waves of both the lower and high frequency spectrum.

Thermal insulation properties - perfectly retains heat inside the building in winter and does not allow heat from outside to seep into the house in summer. Model workshop

Sealing properties

The polyurethane foam, expanding during use, is capable of filling any cavities, joints inaccessible when using any other similar means.

Polyurethane foam is a self-curing material, which is incredibly convenient for builders. Working with it is easy and simple precisely because of this property. Before the widespread use of polyurethane foam, materials such as cement and tow took its place.

In the case of cement, you first had to stir it with water, make sure that the resulting solution reached a strictly defined consistency, then mix it evenly with tow. In the case of polyurethane foam, it is enough to go to the store and buy a cylinder. As you can see, everything is much more convenient.

And most importantly, polyurethane foam is a very versatile tool in the hands of a craftsman; there are thousands of options for its use.

Separation of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam can be divided according to the composition of the mixture into one-component and two-component. There is a separation of foam and temperature, which postpones certain restrictions on its use. The temperature separation is as follows - there is a summer polyurethane foam, winter, and the most comfortable, all-season. Some share the polyurethane foam by the method of release from a special can. Foam with a pistol method is called professional, when foam is released from the adapter tube, the foam is called household foam.

Polyurethane foam requirements

  • 1.Mounting foam must adhere perfectly to any surfaces without dripping from them.
  • 2. Shrink of a moderate size (will not greatly decrease in the original volume after complete drying).
  • 3.Have excellent elasticity.
  • 4. Crumbling of frozen foam is unacceptable (especially important at low temperatures).
  • 5. If the working substance is contained in a cylinder in a volume of 750 grams, its weight should not exceed 850-900 grams.

Curing time of polyurethane foam

So how long does polyurethane foam dry? The curing time of high-quality polyurethane foam is 8 hours.

Video: Features of polyurethane foam

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How long does polyurethane foam harden? Foamed up the door frame. How long does it take to open the door now?

Everything is written on the balloon. 24 hours approx.

24 hours .... depending on how much they blew :-)))

In general, it should be written on the cylinder. On average, the foam itself hardens for 6 hours. This time directly depends on the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air. But it's better to wait a day.

You may not need to open it if you have not put the mounting spacer on while the foam dries! And the door can be opened immediately, it has nothing to do with foam! The door frame is fixed to the wall with anchors, screws, etc. etc. ... after that, the gaps between the box and the wall are filled with foam. It's just a marriage on the foam!

spacers are necessary, dries for almost 4 hours, but it is better to add fasteners in addition to mounting foam

we opened the window for a trial, so after 6 hours

Usually they write on a spray bottle. Time varies greatly from temperature, humidity and the gap left on the foam. To remove excess: 2 to 12 hours. If it is well moistened before blowing out, then at room temperature the foam is inflated to its full volume for 2 hours and 2 hours for drying. With small feeds, the door can be operated after 5-6 hours, maximum 12, if the conditions fluctuate significantly from the norm. The increase in volume occurs due to reaction with moisture.

The door can be opened after 2 hours.

open immediately

Cut off the excess and if the foam inside is dry, then you can open it, even if there is no additional fastener.


Polyurethane foam Macroflex: product series, consumer reviews

Polyurethane foam Macroflex appeared on the construction market for a long time. The trade mark was registered in 1978. Over the long period of its existence, the one-component polyurethane sealant has been improved, new products have appeared on the market, old ones have disappeared.

Both professionals and home craftsmen were able to evaluate the advantages and study the disadvantages of the foam.

Polyurethane foam Macroflex: product lines

The main component in the composition of Macroflex polyurethane foam is polyurethane. Additional elements in different proportions have allowed manufacturers to create different product lines.

1. Standard polyurethane foam.

Household version of polyurethane sealant in cylinders with an applicator. There is standard summer foam and winter foam.

2. Polyurethane foam Makroflex Pro.

One-component sealants for professionals. You need a pistol to use them. There is a summer version and a winter version - Makroflex Pro Winter assembly foam.

3. Assembly sealant Macroflex Premium.

It differs in a higher liquid yield from the cylinder (approximately by 10%; in Premium Mega - by 40%) and an improved composition. This series of sealants is designed for the gun professional. After curing, the density of Macroflex polyurethane foam remains unchanged. Therefore, the products of this line are ideal for installing windows and doors.

The minimum application temperature for the winter Premium version is -15 degrees. All foams in the series have a low curing pressure, which makes it possible to dose the sealant more accurately.

4. Special foams Macroflex.

This line includes all-season and fireproof sealants. Macroflex 2 × 2 is an all-season option. Macroflex FR 77 - fire resistant foam. Classified according to EN 13501-2: 2005 and EN 13 501/1; in accordance with the DIN 4105 standard has a class B1. Macroflex Sibirskaya is a product for the harsh conditions of northern latitudes.

Cylinders '65' and '70' designations indicate increased foam yield.

Foam Macroflex: technical information

1. Fresh polyurethane foam has a slight specific smell. Cured polyurethane foam does not smell.

2. Time of primary hardening (formation of a film on the surface of the foam) - five to ten minutes. This is at an air temperature of 20 degrees; humidity - 50 percent.

3. Full curing time - from one hour to eighteen hours. How much Macroflex polyurethane foam dries depends on the air humidity. With a humidity of 93% - about an hour, 15% - about a day.

4. Index of secondary expansion. The smaller it is, the better.

For standard Macroflex foam - about 150%.

For Makroflex Pro - about 80% (for Makroflex Pro 65), about 40% (for Makroflex Pro).

For Premium foam - about 40%.

For an all-season product - 50-100%.

For "Siberian" sealant - about 80%.

5. The magnitude of the expansion pressure.

If it is high, then the sealant can deform the building structure. The lower the pressure, the more comfortable it is to work with the foam. Professional polyurethane foams Macroflex have low expansion pressures.

6. Standard and household options can be cut in 45-50 minutes. Pro products - in 35-40 minutes. Macroflex Premium - in 25-30 minutes.

7. For all Macroflex polyurethane foams, the shrinkage value does not exceed 5%.

Of the positive qualities of the foam of this brand, consumers note:

  • good adhesion to various building materials;
  • high level of noise and sound insulation;
  • durability and strength;
  • uniformity of the structure;
  • low shrinkage;
  • significant primary expansion.

Among the shortcomings are called:

  • high cost;
  • significant primary expansion (some craftsmen find it inconvenient to work, since it is difficult to calculate the optimal volume of filling the gap with foam).


How much foam dries | Construction portal

This article will address two issues:

How long does the foam dry? - Where and what is the use of polyurethane foam?

Answering the first question, we can say that the drying time of the polyurethane foam will depend on the ambient temperature. If the air humidity is high enough, the drying speed can last as little as 4 hours. However, all builders recommend not touching the foam for 24 hours.

Also take a close look at the balloon. It will tell you how many hours you need to wait for the foam to dry.

Where and what is polyurethane foam used for?

Polyurethane foam appeared relatively recently and became widespread. Indeed, this material is very convenient, quick to use and has a number of advantages, which we will talk about later.

The polyurethane foam is put on a construction gun and applied to the place of application, where it cures successfully.

Advantages of polyurethane foam and its properties:

Sound insulation. - Sealing. - Thermal insulation. - Connects and bonds. - Penetrates almost all crevices and cavities. - Fills all empty spaces and is self-curing.

Lack of polyurethane foam:

Polyurethane foam is not used and does not bond together with silicone or polyethylene.

Foam has replaced traditional materials such as bitumen, cork, cement and many others. This material is also considered versatile, as it is able to bond and glue incompatible surfaces in terms of properties and textures. Cured foam is an excellent insulator and does not conduct electricity.

Application of polyurethane foam:

Gluing. This material is suitable for fastening balcony, door and window openings. Can also be used for fixing insulating materials. - Sealing. It is possible to insulate the room by sealing any cracks. - Soundproofing. Any holes can be repaired in a short time.

Another small drawback of polyurethane foam in temperature conditions. It is recommended to use it at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees Celsius.

Video: How much foam dries.


Please tell me, when installing plastic windows, the assembly seams are sealed with foam.

depends on the environment of exposure, accordingly, the more negative factors are affected, such as cold, sun, the faster it is destroyed

Don't be scared before dinner. It means that it is still destroyed. But what about the 20-year gorantia?

She does not begin to destroy. It swells to the limit during the day, then it needs to be carefully cut off and putty. Both from the inside and from the outside

The foam is destroyed only when exposed to sunlight. So I did not notice until the summer, it will stand-The question is incomprehensible

what 2 hours! complete crap, just foam after installation, after 24 hours it is necessary to cut it off and immediately close it either with slopes, platbands, etc., etc., because, firstly, the cut foam releases potassium cyanide in small quantities, but still, and secondly, under the influence sunlight it begins to collapse.

this foam must be sealed. outside with a special mixture that includes an alibaster (professionals know) and from the outside it needs to be repaired by ANYONE from the sun, it will dry out and the wind will blow it out, and inside, too, but with putty. in this mode, it will stand for 10 years without any intervention, and it is also afraid of moisture.

If asked about freezing, then two hours and you can work with her. And if it collapses, then even the foam for outdoor work will still collapse. It needs to be closed up with a slope once, and then forget about it. And so what do not zapente, but it will all the same collapse. If the outer slopes are located so that you cannot get out of the room, then in this case the work can still be done.

Nichrome foam does not collapse, you just need to look at what temperature the foam is intended for, for outdoor work you need to use foam, for five years your brother has foam, and the sun and frost, does not take anything, it just darkens, if it collapses, it was not used in production in such quantities as now!

We put up the windows and laid the slopes in one day, all the seams were plastered to us with something white, and then we painted, and from the inside the plastic slopes were closed, the foam does not see the light, and therefore does not collapse. I have been at my dacha for 7 years already, it deteriorates in the sun. So far, just yellow, but traces of destruction have already appeared. so don't wait long, putty


How to use polyurethane foam: the main nuances when working with it

Everyone knows that in the modern world, polyurethane foam is used in almost all types of repair and construction work, where its properties are required. This building material is used to install doors, windows, window sills, sandwich panels and all kinds of insulation for pipelines are made from polyurethane foam, it is widely used to insulate large containers, such as water heating tanks, baths and similar products. The main advantage of this building material is its ease of use, which we will talk about on the pages of stroisovety.org. In addition, we will also answer the questions of how to use polyurethane foam, what types of foam are there and how to choose it correctly?

How to use foam photo

How to use foam: what to choose, professional or household material

Today, modern industry produces three main types of polyurethane foam - professional and household cylinders. There is also the so-called two-component polyurethane foam, which we will not consider in this article for one simple reason - it is used exclusively for production purposes. What is the difference between professional and household foam? Which one to give preference to?

The answer to this question lies in the plane of your activity. If, due to the specifics of the work, you are faced with its use every day, then it is undoubtedly necessary to opt for a professional version of polyurethane sealant. Professional polyurethane foam has one significant advantage - thanks to the gun used for its use, the foam output from one cylinder is much greater. Thanks to the same tool, a cylinder with professional polyurethane foam can be used for a long time, and it will not dry out. Unlike professional, household polyurethane foam is intended exclusively for single use - the remnants of this material will surely dry out in a cylinder after a day.

In addition, when identifying the differences between household and professional foam, you should also pay attention to the characteristics of this building material - the density of foam in professional cylinders is much higher, and their filling is also greater. The only thing that surpasses professional household polyurethane foam is in cost, as well as in the absence of the need to use a gun for polyurethane foam for work, which, by the way, is also not cheap.

Gun for polyurethane foam photo

Now about the quality. As a rule, construction polyurethane foam sold today can have a different quality, which is rather difficult to assess by the type of cylinder. In principle, you can focus on the price, or you can resort to the experience and observation of professionals. The fact is that all the qualities of the polyurethane foam can be determined, as they say, offhand: by the weight of the cylinder and how its contents behave when slightly shaken.

A high-quality foam cylinder is heavier, and when shaken, its contents roll heavily from one end of the container to the other. You need to feel it - just take and compare two cylinders of the same volume, but different in price. Trust me, the difference will be noticeable right away.

Construction foam: how to work with it

It is customary to write instructions point by point - this is how we will answer the question of how to use polyurethane foam correctly.

  • It doesn't matter what kind of foam cylinder you buy (professional or household), the first thing to do is to warm it up in hot water and shake it well. This is necessary in order to mix the gas and the liquid component of the foam, thus increasing the foam output from one cylinder.
  • Then we screw the tube that comes with it onto the household cylinder, and install the professional one on the pistol.

How to use polyurethane foam correctly

  • Now about the surface on which the polyurethane foam is planned to be applied. First, it must be cleaned of dust and dirt. Secondly, moisten with plenty of water. The fact is that the polymerization process of polyurethane sealant is much better at high humidity. In addition, polyurethane foam adheres better to a surface moistened with water, which is by no means unimportant when blowing out large cracks - foam does not fall out of them, as is the case when working with dry surfaces.
  • At this step, let's talk directly about the process of applying polyurethane foam. There is nothing difficult here - the only thing that has to be done is to get used to dose the foam coming out of the cylinder. In this regard, it is much easier to work with a professional foam cylinder and a gun - the dosage of the foam output is carried out by a special valve. In household cylinders, this process has to be regulated by the force of pressing on the cylinder valve. And one more nuance - in the process of foaming, the cylinder must be held with the valve down.

Polyurethane foam: instructions for use

  • After that, we wait until the foam hardens. How long does polyurethane foam dry? As a rule, complete polymerization of this building material is carried out within 6-8 hours. So, at least, the manufacturer claims, but in practice the situation is a little different - the foam setting time depends on its volume and can go up to 12 hours.
  • When the foam hardens, its excess is cut off with a sharp knife or metal saw.
  • Polyurethane foam is a material that is sensitive to ultraviolet rays - it breaks down under their influence, changes color and crumbles. If we are talking about the use of polyurethane sealant on the street, then after drying and removing the excess, the foam must be covered with cement mortar.

Features of installing wooden windows

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  • How much polyurethane foam dries is influenced by many factors, ranging from the quality and composition of the sealant used, and ending with the temperature and humidity of the environment. All these characteristics must be taken into account for reliable sealing of cracks and openings.

    What is the expansion coefficient of a sealant

    Which sealant to choose - analysis of the modern market

    The key to a successful renovation is the use of the highest quality, reliable building materials. To carry out professional sealing of joints and crevices, choose sealants with the best technical and operational characteristics.

    Among all the brands of polyurethane foam on the market, we recommend paying attention to the following:

    1. 1. Moment Installation... Justifiably popular brand, represented in almost every hardware store. Differs in uniform density, good adhesion to almost all materials, can be used for external and internal repair work. The downside of the brand is a strong secondary expansion, as a result of which the use of a large volume of foam can lead to deformation of the sealed joints.
    2. 2. Makroflex... One of the most famous brands. It can be used for work at any time of the year, adheres well to various surfaces, has a homogeneous structure and is characterized by minimal parameters of secondary expansion. The disadvantages include the presence of a frank marriage in the market. Cylinders are usually defective, which, after a short work, begin to produce either one gas or one sealant.
    3. 3. Soudal... A lesser known brand under which quality sealants are produced. There are foams on the market for work in summer and winter. The winter version can be used even at temperatures of minus 20 degrees. All products under this brand are distinguished by good adhesion, low secondary expansion and minimal shrinkage. Foams do not tolerate sunlight well.
    4. 4. Penosil. High quality sealant with a uniform and dense structure. It has almost no secondary expansion and has good output volumes. Especially effective for indoor work. Poorly suited for outdoor use. At temperatures below -4 and above +35 it cannot be used.
    5. 5. Titan O2. It is considered the most popular brand of professional sealants. At a low price, it has excellent performance characteristics, good adhesion and dense structure. Can be used in different conditions.

    There is no perfect sealant. Any professional knows that every material has both positive and negative qualities. Therefore, to achieve a good result, you should carefully choose a sealant and use it in full accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

    Polyurethane foam is one of those materials that recently appeared on the market, but has already gained popularity and wide distribution among builders and repairmen.

    Indeed, many have already abandoned the use of cement, plaster, mineral wool. In addition to the fact that it is quite difficult to work with these materials, there is still no guarantee that you will be able to completely fill up all the holes and holes. Polyurethane foam is a truly versatile option.

    This product has a number of advantages over other sealants:

    • ease of use;
    • no additional skills or abilities are required;
    • speed of application;
    • affordable price;
    • the ability to penetrate into hard-to-reach places;
    • safety for human health;
    • possession of sound and heat insulation qualities;
    • high degree of adhesion to all materials.

    Mounting foam is used during the installation of windows, doors, when filling holes inside walls, ceilings, filling up holes near pipes. As already noted, polyurethane foam can be used with metal, glass, wood, concrete, brick, ceramics.

    In order to select a good foam and carry out effective work, you should know the main characteristics of a given substance.

    Temperature is of great importance, which affects drying time of the polyurethane foam... It is believed that the best option would be a range of +5 to +30 degrees indoors. In addition, the can itself must be heated to a temperature of +10 degrees. The polyurethane foam dries up precisely when exposed to atmospheric conditions. Humidity is also important, which also affects the speed and drying time of any polyurethane foam. If there is not enough moisture, moisten the surface to be treated with water using a conventional spray before starting work. Experiments have shown that the ideal conditions are a temperature level of + 20 ° C, and a humidity level of 60-80%. Then the time for complete drying of the polyurethane foam is approximately 3-5 hours, but it is quite difficult to achieve such conditions.

    Most often, the appearance of the first hard crust occurs within 20-30 minutes, but complete solidification can last a day. It also depends on the amount of material applied. In any case, the curing time of the polyurethane foam is usually written on the package. It may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

    When working with polyurethane foam, remember about the expansion that it has. This substance usually increases in size 2 times: when it is first poured from a can, with gradual hardening. It is necessary to take this fact into account, since if the structure is not fixed, this can lead to its deformation, because the hardened polyurethane foam is very strong and solid.

    Also, good foam has a sufficient degree of viscosity that does not allow it to spread over the surface.

    Nowadays many companies manufacture this product. You should not buy cheap polyurethane foam, otherwise you risk facing low quality. It is best to use a well-known, reliable brand. Belinka has always produced quality products. In the catalog of this company, you can find several types of polyurethane foam.

    BELINKA BELPUR PU FOAM GUN is a wonderful summer polyurethane foam, when working with which it is necessary to maintain the air temperature not lower than + 5 ° С. It has a high level of adhesion to all materials, never spreads, does not crumble, and retains its properties for a long time. When working with this type of product, a gun is required. It is much more convenient and faster to work with such equipment. The curing time of this polyurethane foam ranges from 5 to 12 hours. Polyurethane foam is produced in 750 ml cylinders only. This substance perfectly tolerates exposure to water, moisture, chemicals.

    In fact, the question "How long does the polyurethane foam dry?" delivered completely wrong! The secret to transforming the prepolymer into strong polyurethane foam is how well it gets wet. The speed of foam "drying" depends on moisture. Let's figure it out in more detail.

    1 Expansion factor is the main parameter

    The value of this building material mostly depends on its ability to expand many times over. Household foam is capable of expanding up to 60% of the original volume, professional formulations have a much higher coefficient - up to 300%. Moreover, the same foam in different conditions can expand in completely different ways. The prepolymer is influenced by temperature, air humidity, type of application, and the rate at which foam comes out of the can. And different masters in the same room may have different results. On the packaging, manufacturers indicate the maximum volume of polymer yield, but one should not focus strictly on it.

    Expansion of the prepolymer during release from the balloon and solidification is divided into two types: primary and secondary. The primary expansion is called the expansion immediately after leaving the cylinder, the secondary lasts until the completion of the polymer transformation process. The secondary expansion of high-quality materials reaches 30%, which cannot be ignored when using them. Usually, it is enough to fill the gap by one third, so that in the end it is completely filled with polyurethane foam.

    In addition to expansion, polyurethane foam can shrink, although for high-quality products this shrinkage is rarely 5%. If you see a lot of shrinkage, alas, you have come across a very low-quality polyurethane. In this case, even a mass gap may occur, which in turn will entail a host of other problems. Each master selects the foam according to his needs. Someone needs a large extension, in such cases it will do Makroflex, Penosil GoldGun, Moment, Macrosil when installing windows it is best to use Tytan- it gives optimal expansion and hardens quickly.

    2 Characteristics of polyurethane foam - let's figure it out!

    This sealant began to be used in the construction industry relatively recently, but during this short time, polyurethane foam has almost completely replaced its former competitors. It is easy to apply, is inexpensive, lasts for many decades, and has sound and heat insulating properties. Most often it is used to seal the gaps between the doorway and the door frame during its installation, as well as when installing windows.

    Expanding, the sealant fills in all the voids, reliably "glues" surfaces to each other, and when solidified, the polymer fixes the door frame or window. Foam is not afraid of precipitation and cold, it does not allow electricity to pass through and is not afraid of mold and mildew. The only drawback is the fear of ultraviolet radiation, however, the material is often applied at the stage of rough work, which are then hidden under a decorative layer of plaster.

    Anyone who comes across this material quite often begins to pay attention to such parameters as:

    • Porosity of polyurethane foam. The smaller the pores, the better - less plaster consumption and stronger material structure. The more closed pores on the surface, the higher the quality of the material - it reliably retains heat inside the house.
    • The volume of polyurethane foam. This refers to the volume of the polymer after it has solidified. It is important to remember that manufacturers indicate the volume based on standard climatic conditions: positive temperature, high humidity. In winter, the volume of ready-made foam from a cylinder of the same company may be half as much, and the company has nothing to do with it - the low temperature and low air humidity are to blame. than from the option with a ready-made adapter, since manufacturers pump more gas into professional cylinders. It is a fact that in household cylinders very often the gas runs out earlier than the material, and this is a waste of money. Traditionally, cylinders have a capacity of 300 ml, 500 ml and 750 ml. 300 ml can contains about 30 liters of foam, this is enough to close up a gap of up to 5 cm between one door frame and a doorway. If the gap is larger, it is recommended, in order to save money, to reduce the width of the gap by using a layer of foam or other similar material. The foam output from a 500 ml container is up to 40 liters, and from a 750 ml container - up to 50 liters. One 750 ml can is enough to process two standard door frames.
    • Material adhesion. The very concept of "adhesion" means the ability of one material to adhere to another. In the case of polyurethane foam, the adhesion of the material is very high to almost any surface, except cellophane, polyethylene and Teflon. Due to its high adhesion rates, this sealant is often used as an adhesive, especially when gluing PVC or foam panels. Be sure that after the binder has completely hardened, the panels can only be peeled off with the "meat". High adhesion allows you to close even large gaps by applying the polymer in several layers. However, in such cases, do not save on material - poor quality foam clings to the surface worse, falls down, more is consumed. In a word, it is cheaper to buy the one that is more expensive.
    • The quality of the balloon. Both the design and the quality of the cylinder can affect the final result. Firstly, high-quality products are equipped with reliable valves that easily return to their original position after pressing, blocking the air and gas outlet. By the way, it is by the cylinders that you can determine what you are dealing with - a high-quality material or a cheap fake. Take two cylinders for comparison in a store for comparison - if the contents are different in quality, then you will feel it. The best bottle will be heavier, as you move, you will feel the contents roll slowly from side to side. In a cheap bottle, the prepolymer will dangle like sour yogurt.

    3 How much polyurethane foam dries - we are looking for the exact answer

    As you already understood, polyurethane foam is a rather complicated material and has many nuances. As in the case of the expansion coefficient, which depends on many factors, it is rather difficult to answer the question "How long does the polyurethane foam cure?" First of all, it depends on the humidity.

    Water participates in the process of polymerization of the prepolymer, moreover, the foam has increased adhesion to wet surfaces, which is why it is recommended to wet the crevices and openings with water before applying the foam.

    If the humidity is normal, then 3 hours will be enough for a five-centimeter layer to harden, after which you can cut off the protruding pieces of polyurethane foam and apply plaster. The final cure will take much longer - 7 to 12 hours. If the weather is frosty and dry, then the process can drag on for a day. It is this time that will be the final answer to the question "How long" does "polyurethane foam" dry. In any case, if time permits, take your time, wait until everything solidifies properly.

    To speed up the curing process, periodically spray or moisturize in any way convenient for you. Remember that polymers are afraid of the sun's rays, so as soon as the opportunity arises, paint or plaster the surface that is in contact with ultraviolet light. The plastering process is very similar to.

    Polyurethane foam belongs to the group of sealing agents, which cannot be dispensed with during the construction process. It is used in cases when it is necessary to seal seams / joints more than 3 cm. You can often stumble upon the question "How much polyurethane foam dries", but it turns out that it is not quite correct. The fact is that the secret of converting the prepolymer into strong polyurethane foam lies in the degree of its wetting.

    Expansion ratio

    The main feature of the described building material is its ability to expand several times. If we talk about household foam, then its coefficient of increase in volume reaches 60%, in professional formulations it can be all 300%

    Attention! The same types of material can behave very differently, and this is determined by environmental conditions. We are talking about the temperature of the air, its humidity, the type of application, the speed of the release of the foamy composition from the container. Manufacturers always indicate overestimated volumes of output, but you should not be guided only by them.

    Before figuring out how long the foam dries, let's consider its types. It can be primary, i.e. the prepolymer begins to expand directly upon application to the surface. As the name implies, secondary expansion lasts throughout all stages of the transformation of a high molecular weight compound. This should always be remembered when using such building materials.

    The ability to expand is not the only characteristic. How much polyurethane foam dries in an apartment sometimes depends on the degree of its shrinkage, which rarely reaches 5%. If this happens, then most likely you are using substandard materials. Be prepared for the fact that a mass rupture may even occur. Each master selects the best option for himself, taking into account his needs. If the expansion ratio is in the first place for you, then the products Macroflex, Moment, GoldGan, Macrosil are suitable.

    Detailed description of the sealant

    Interesting! This type of sealant in the construction industry began to be used recently, but despite this, it quickly replaced competitors.

    The advantages of polyurethane foam include:

    • easy application;
    • affordability;
    • durability.

    And the most important thing is that polyurethane foam has sound / heat insulating qualities. Often, building materials are used in the process of installing doors, window blocks. Expanding, it completely fills the voids, gluing the work surfaces. How much polyurethane foam should dry directly depends on the thickness of the layer. For example, if it is 5 cm, then it will harden within 3 hours after leaving the balloon. In solid form, the material is not afraid of precipitation, cold, mold, mildew and even electricity. But the same cannot be said about ultraviolet radiation. But this drawback can be easily eliminated by applying a layer of decorative plaster.

    If you have to choose a sealant, then, in addition to how much Macroflex polyurethane foam dries, you should be interested in the following parameters:

    How does hardening take place, how long can it last?

    Initially, it was said that water plays a major role in the curing process of the sealant. It is under its influence that the level of adhesion increases, therefore experts recommend pre-wetting the working surfaces. If you are interested in how much polyurethane foam dries when installing doors, then keep in mind that this indicator is influenced by the thickness of the layer and the air temperature. With optimal performance, completely dried excess pieces of material can be cut off after 3 hours, and start plastering. As for the final polymerization, it lasts for another 12 hours. In cold and dry weather, the process can take an indefinite amount of time. One thing is for sure that it is possible to proceed to the next stage of work only after the porous mixture has completely solidified.

    If you are not satisfied with how much foam dries when installing windows, you can speed up the process. To do this, you need to periodically spray the sealant (moisten it in any way convenient for you). Do not forget that despite the many advantages, polyurethane foam is afraid of the sun's rays, so at the first opportunity it must be protected from them by plastering.

    Index Din Mounting KS Pistol NBS
    Fire resistance class of material 4102 AT 3 AT 3
    Thermal conductivity 52612 0.035 W / (mºC)
    Tensile strength 53455 140 kPa 65 kPa
    Elongation at break 53455 13% 17%
    Shear strength 53422 90 kPa 40 kPa
    Compressive stress at 10% deformation ISO 844 25 kPa

    With a damp surface

    No moisture

    Hygroscopicity 53428 0,3% 0,3%
    Temperature resistance For a long time from -40 ° C to + 90 ° C

    from -40 ° C to + 130 ° C

    from -40 ° C to + 90 ° C

    from -40 ° C to + 130 ° C

    Processing temperature from -10 ° C to + 35 ° C
    Loss of tack (at a strip thickness of 30 mm) In 10 minutes In 10 minutes
    Cutting (with a strip thickness of 30 mm) After 60 minutes After 45 minutes
    After 24 hours After 24 hours
    Foam yield 750 ml 42 l 45 l
    Raw material density 25 - 33 kg / m³ 15 - 25 kg / m³
    Shelf life in the warehouse 12 months from the date of manufacture
    Storage conditions in the warehouse in a cool dry place in a horizontal position

    Do not forget about precautions, this will avoid unpleasant consequences.

    There are a number of factors that affect how much polyurethane foam dries. Polymerization, or in simple terms, the curing time of the foam is completely dependent on moisture. Water catalyzes this process, as a result of which a certain pattern is obtained: the more the material gets wet, the faster it solidifies.

    Polyurethane foam is prized primarily for its expandability after being applied to a surface. Moreover, the volume of this material increases several times.

    Conventional household sealants increase in volume by up to 60%. Professional formulations of high quality have a coefficient of more than 250%.

    Foam for household (with applicator) and professional use

    The same composition has a different expansion coefficient under different conditions.

    These conditions include:

    • Temperature indicator;
    • Application method;
    • Air humidity level;
    • The rate at which the substance exits the container.

    Although manufacturers put volume information on the label (final volume after expansion), you should not rely too much on this data.

    The expansion of the substance occurs when the sealant leaves the container and solidifies.

    Conventionally, this process is divided into two stages:

    1. Primary expansion - occurs when the material is applied.
    2. Secondary expansion - carried out until the conversion time is over. For high-quality materials at this stage, the expansion coefficient is 30%, which is taken into account when working. More often, filling the space by a third is enough. As a result, the material after expansion will fill the gap completely.

    The foam shrinks. When choosing high-quality material, you can not be afraid that this will cause problems. , since the shrinkage in this case is a rare event. The ratio is 5% and the shrinkage is difficult to see with the naked eye. If this is visible, then the polyurethane is of poor quality.

    Using foam when installing doors

    Features of polyurethane material

    Polyurethane foam is widely used in construction. Due to the expansion of the material, the voids are filled and the surfaces are glued together.

    The use extends to:

    • Installation of window and door structures;
    • Sealing elements of communication systems;
    • Insulation of premises;
    • Filling hidden voids and defects on various surfaces, etc.

    The foam is vulnerable to UV exposure. Therefore, the application of the material is carried out at the stage of roughing. Subsequently, the cracks are closed with finishing materials.

    In addition to the coefficient of expansion, there are other parameters that are considered when choosing a material.

    Main characteristics:

    • Structure - a quality product is characterized by small cells and a large number of closed pores on the surface;
    • Final volume - the volume of the foam after the drying time has elapsed. Some sealants with a 0.75 L bottle can provide up to 60 liters of final volume;
    • Adhesion properties - the property of a sealant to provide good adhesion to the surfaces to which it is applied. The exception is Teflon, cellophane, polyethylene - they do not lend themselves to good gluing with foam;
    • The device of the cylinder - a high-quality container is equipped with a reliable valve, the material should move slowly during the movement of the cylinder.

    The result of applying different sealants

    Principle of material polymerization

    Water plays a major role in the hardening of the sealant. Under the influence of moisture, the adhesion level increases, therefore, experts recommend moistening openings and cracks with water before applying the sealant.

    At normal humidity, a five centimeter thick layer of foam can dry out within three hours. After that, a correction is performed. All protruding and sloppy parts of the sealant are cut off and plastering is performed.

    The completion of polymerization occurs after 12 hours, sometimes less. The influence of frost and dry weather conditions increases the setting time, which can take another 24 hours. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is better to postpone further work until the sealant hardens.

    What else can you learn about polyurethane foam:

    There are ways to speed up the polymerization. It is enough to moisten the surface of the sealant with improvised means or spray it with water from a spray bottle. To protect the material from the sun, the filled areas are covered with a layer of plaster or painted over (only those areas that are exposed to sunlight).