Creation of individual educational trajectories. Individual educational trajectory – student’s educational program


The article discusses the possibility of junior schoolchildren constructing their individual educational trajectories, the importance of independently determining the plan and path of their self-development in certain educational areas. In the aspect of federal state standards (FSES) for primary general education, the existing basic concepts of the individual educational trajectory of junior schoolchildren are analyzed. The Federal State Educational Standard reveals the need to create an individual educational learning path, which is a purposeful educational program that provides the student with the position of a subject of choice, development, and implementation of an educational standard when the teacher provides pedagogical support and self-realization. In this regard, an algorithm for constructing an individual educational learning trajectory was developed, as well as an algorithm for self-analysis when moving on to the next topic. Testing this algorithm for constructing an individual educational trajectory makes it possible to identify its effectiveness in teaching primary schoolchildren.

individual educational trajectory

student-centered education



result (product)

1. Evdokimova Yu.V., Skybina E.I., Dmitrenko Yu.M. Individual educational trajectories of primary school students within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.

2. Krylova N.B. Individualization of a child in education: problems and solutions / N.B. Krylova // School technologies. – 2008. – No. 3. Khutorskoy A.V. Development of giftedness in schoolchildren: Methods of productive teaching: A manual for teachers. – M., 2000.

4. Khutorskoy A.V. Methodology of person-centered training. How to teach everyone differently?: A manual for teachers. – M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2005. – 383 p.

5. Federal state educational standard for primary general education. Basic provisions. catalog.aspx?CatalogId=730.

The last decade has become a period of intensive search for new conceptual ideas and development paths for school education. In theory and practice, issues of differentiation and individualization of education have been developed, and in recent years, the leading role has been given to the problem of the quality of education. Particularly important in the context of modernization of school education is the task of ensuring the quality of education, student development, and fully satisfying individual educational requests and needs of students.

Humanization, differentiation and democratization of education have made the education system more flexible, variable and open. As a result, prerequisites arose for students themselves to choose individual educational trajectories that would most fully meet their personal needs and aspirations.

A significant contribution to the development of the problem of forming individual educational trajectories of students in line with the problem-reflective and activity-based approaches is presented in the psychological and pedagogical research of P.S. Vaisman, V.V. Davydova, I.A. Zimnyaya, I.S. Kona, V.D. Shadrikova, I.O. Yakimanskaya, A.B. Khutorskoy and others. Individual educational trajectories of schoolchildren are associated with the implementation of personally significant activities in the works of L.Ya. Dorfman, I.Ya. Lerner and S.B. Vorobyova and others. They believe that an individual educational trajectory is a personal way to realize the personal potential of each student in education.

The trend of individual learning is reflected in the regulatory document - the basic school curriculum, which provides for the allocation of separate hours for the student component. The “student component” is not limited to individual work with the student. But this term allows us to bring the understanding of not only scientists, but also the administration of educational organizations and teachers to the recognition of the role of the student in his own education. We are talking not only about the selection of individual educational content, but also about the possibility of a student choosing his own learning style, his ideological foundations, optimal tempo and rhythm, diagnostics and evaluation of results.

Taking into account individual characteristics and the nature of learning is necessary already in elementary school. Each student is given the opportunity to create his own educational trajectory for mastering all academic disciplines. The task of teaching is to provide an individual zone for the student’s creative development, allowing him to create educational products at each stage, relying on his individual qualities and abilities.

An individual educational trajectory is the result of the realization of a student’s personal potential in education through the implementation of appropriate types of activities. The organization of student-centered education sets the goal for the realization of the following rights and opportunities:

The right to choose or identify individual meaning and goals in each academic subject;

The right to personal interpretations and understanding of fundamental concepts and categories;

The right to draw up individual educational programs;

The right to choose an individual pace of learning, forms and methods of solving educational problems, methods of control, reflection and self-assessment of one’s activities;

Individual selection of subjects studied, creative laboratories and other types of classes from those that are in accordance with the basic curriculum;

Exceeding (advancing or deepening) the mastered content of training courses;

Individual choice of additional topics and creative works on subjects;

The right to an individual picture of the world and individually substantiated positions on each educational field.

The main elements of a student’s individual educational activity are the meaning of the activity (why am I doing this); setting a personal goal (intended result); activity plan; implementation of the plan; reflection (awareness of one’s own activities); grade; adjusting or redefining goals.

The condition for achieving the goals and objectives of student-centered learning is the preservation of the individual characteristics of students, their uniqueness, multi-level and diversity. The following methods are used for this:

Providing a choice of ways to build an individual educational trajectory;

Individual assignments for students in the classroom;

Organization of pair and group work;

Formulation of open tasks for children, which require each student to complete them individually (“My image of winter”, “My mathematics”, etc.);

Inviting students to draw up a lesson plan for themselves, choose the content of their homework, the topic of creative work, and an individual educational program in the subject for the foreseeable period of time.

The main task of student-centered learning is for each student to build an individual trajectory of their education that would correlate with the generally accepted achievements of humanity. A student's education is not limited only to the achievement of his personal goals. After demonstrating the student’s educational products, they are compared with cultural and historical analogues. This stage can give rise to a new learning cycle with appropriate goal setting. During the reflective-evaluative stage of learning, the student’s educational products are identified, relating both to the individual results of his activities and to the studied general cultural achievements, including educational standards.

Organizing training along an individual trajectory requires a special methodology and technology. In modern didactics, it is usually proposed to solve this problem in two opposite ways, each of which is called an individual approach.

The first method is differentiation of learning, according to which it is proposed to approach each student individually, differentiating the material he studies according to the degree of complexity and focus. To do this, students are usually divided into groups (by type: capable, average, slow) or levels (high, average, low).

The second method assumes that each student’s own path of education is built in relation to each educational area he or she studies. In other words, each student is given the opportunity to create his own educational trajectory for mastering all academic disciplines.

The first approach is most common in schools, the second is rare, since it requires not just the individual movement of the student against the background of general, externally set goals, but the simultaneous development and implementation of different models of student learning, each of which is unique in its own way and related to the personal potential of any individual student. The task of teaching is to provide an individual zone of creative development for each student. Based on individual qualities and abilities, the student builds his educational path. The simultaneous implementation of personal models of education is one of the main goals of student-centered education.

The student will be able to advance along an individual trajectory if he is given the following opportunities: choose the optimal forms and pace of learning; apply those teaching methods that best suit his individual characteristics; reflexively understand the results obtained, evaluate and adjust your activities.

When drawing up an individual educational trajectory, the teacher gives the student the opportunity to choose, acting as a consultant, takes into account his individual interests, features of educational activities, methods of working with educational material, features of mastering educational material, types of educational activities. At the same time, in the process of drawing up an individual trajectory, the most important thing for a student is to assess his capabilities, abilities, prospects, interests, and efforts that he expects to make to study this or that material in order to achieve the planned result.

The possibility of choosing an individual trajectory of a student’s education presupposes that the student, when studying a topic, can, for example, choose one of the following approaches: figurative or logical cognition, in-depth or encyclopedic study, introductory, selective or expanded mastery of the topic. Preservation of the logic of the subject, its structure and substantive foundations will be achieved with the help of a fixed volume of fundamental educational objects and related problems, which, along with an individual learning trajectory, will ensure that students achieve a normative educational level.

Students' educational products differ not only in volume, but also in content. This difference is due to individual abilities and the types of activities corresponding to them. The teacher can and should offer students various types of activities, both emotional-figurative and logical, to master, but if we take into account the priority types of activities individually for each student, children should be allowed to choose these types when studying the same educational objects. In this case, not one general educational trajectory will be provided for all students, differing in the scope of mastering standards, but individual trajectories leading students to the creation of personal educational products that differ in both volume and content. Even with the same knowledge about the objects being studied, the educational products of different students are different, since the types of activities they have learned and the level of their development are different.

The results of progress along the educational trajectory can be checked, focusing on the product created by the student: the acquired knowledge, which is realized in the skills (mental, cognitive, communicative) to operate with them in a standard or creative situation. In addition, constant feedback is needed to allow assessment or timely adjustment of the student’s path along his trajectory. To build with students their individual educational trajectories, to help the student in the research process, a memo “Algorithm for constructing an individual educational learning trajectory” has been developed, which is presented in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Memo “Algorithm for constructing an individual educational learning path”

Also, this algorithm for constructing an individual educational learning path can be depicted in the form of a block diagram shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Flowchart “Algorithm for constructing an individual educational learning path”

Following the points in the memo or flowchart “Algorithm for constructing an individual educational learning path,” students fill out the table according to the form presented in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Table for the step-by-step path to implementing an individual educational learning path

It should be noted that when moving from one topic to another, students also perform self-analysis using the algorithm presented in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. Algorithm for self-analysis of a specific topic studied by the student

The use of this algorithm for constructing individual educational trajectories when working with primary schoolchildren has a positive effect on their level of learning.

Bibliographic link

Mikerova G.Zh., Zhuk A.S. ALGORITHM FOR BUILDING AN INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL LEARNING TRAJECTORY // Modern science-intensive technologies. – 2016. – No. 11-1. – pp. 138-142;
URL: (access date: 04/21/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The humanistic paradigm initiates the emergence of personality-oriented education, one of the aspects of which is variability, which in turn leads to the possibility of students choosing an individual educational trajectory. What is it individual educational trajectory?

This term has several meanings that are similar in meaning: individual development trajectory, personalized learning, targeted training model, individual educational route. Let us briefly describe each of these concepts.

V.P. Bespalko defines personalized learning as “a pedagogical system with a correctly stated didactic task and pedagogical technology capable of solving it,” and adjustments to the pedagogical task are determined by the personality characteristics of the students.

ABOUT. Mochalova believes that one of the areas of personality-oriented learning is personalized training programs that take into account the capabilities and individual characteristics of students. She proposes to determine individually oriented matrices for student development. Their construction occurs in several stages, by superimposing matrices that determine the ideal capabilities of students and a matrix built on the basis of the results of a psychological and pedagogical examination.

The targeted training model is characterized by T.G. Ivoshina as “a learning strategy that solves the problem of individualizing learning.” The author notes that “individualization requires the development of a system of tasks that would correspond to the pace of entry into the subject content, the level of its mastery by each student, as well as forms of presentation of educational material that are adequate to the cognitive capabilities of the child. The combination of these indicators constitutes an individual cognitive strategy.

The term “individual development trajectory” was introduced by I.S. Yakimanskaya, who believes that the individual development trajectory is built in two different directions: the child’s adaptability to the requirements of adults and creativity, which allows him to seek and find a way out of the current situation, overcome it, build a new one for himself, relying on existing ones in the individual experience of knowledge, methods, actions. The ability to determine the trajectory of individual development of I.S. Yakimanskaya connects it with the formation of a mechanism of self-organization and self-realization of the individual within the framework of personality-oriented learning.

E.I. Kazakova, A.P. Tryapitsyna, E.I. Sundukov in her research connects the concept of “individual educational route” with the concept of “educational program”, which allows students to master a certain level of education. I.V. Galskova notes the ability of students to consciously choose an individual learning route with the implementation of various options for developmental education: person-centered learning, project-based learning, modular, humanistic school.

All of the above concepts are united by the orientation of the content, forms, and methods of teaching on the personal characteristics of students, which, depending on the specifics of the concepts, may be different. The individual educational trajectory they propose also depends on the characteristics of the students.

B.S. Gershunsky connects the individual educational trajectory with the interests, capabilities, and abilities of the individual, but at the same time notes that “no attention has yet been paid to personality-oriented standards that make it possible to differentiate education in accordance with the interests, abilities and educational needs of the individual.”

A well-known developer of the theory and practice of technologization of the pedagogical process V.V. Guzeev, considering the concept of “educational technology” at the present stage, recognizes the probabilistic nature of the educational process. “Each student deserves his own path through the learning material that meets his goals, needs and interests.”

O.A. Abdullina and A.A. Pligin, the development of individual educational trajectories is associated with the type of thinking and the way of perceiving educational information. According to A.A. Pligin, the teacher must know who his student is: a visual learner, an auditory learner or a kinesthetic learner. This information is necessary to create individual educational trajectories for students.

Unlike previous authors, N.N. Surtaeva gives a clear definition of what an individual educational trajectory is: “This is a certain sequence of elements of each student’s educational activity, corresponding to his abilities, capabilities, motivation, interests, carried out with the coordinating, organizing, consulting activities of the teacher in conjunction with parents.”

By individual educational trajectory we mean the creation of special social and pedagogical conditions for the possibility of choosing ways, forms and methods of personal development that allow supporting the various educational interests of adolescents. This determines the personal path to realizing personal potential in the educational environment as a channel of socialization.

I.S. Shcherbakova believes that the choice of an individual educational trajectory is determined by the individual typological characteristics of a teenager’s personality:

  • a) cognitive interests;
  • b) “success” of educational activities;
  • c) “professional dreams”;
  • d) life plans;
  • d) readiness to implement them.

G.V. Kupriyanova believes that an individual educational trajectory is determined by a complex of factors:

  • characteristics, interests and needs of the student himself and his parents in achieving the necessary educational result;
  • professionalism of the teaching staff;
  • the ability of the educational institution to satisfy the educational needs of the student;
  • capabilities of the material and technical base of the educational institution.

The logical structure of designing an individual educational trajectory, according to G.V. Kupriyanova, includes the following stages:

  • setting an educational goal for individual development that reflects his interests, capabilities, and needs;
  • introspection, reflection (awareness and correlation of individual needs with external requirements);
  • choosing a way to achieve the goal;
  • specifying the goal (selection of activities);
  • preparation of a route sheet.

The effectiveness of developing an individual educational trajectory is determined by a number of factors:

  • awareness by all participants in the pedagogical process of the need and significance of an individual educational trajectory as one of the ways of self-determination and self-realization;
  • providing psychological and pedagogical support and information support for the process of developing an individual educational trajectory for a teenager;
  • active inclusion of adolescents in activities to create an individual educational trajectory;
  • organization of reflection as the basis for correcting an individual educational trajectory.

The need to design an individual educational trajectory is dictated by the following considerations:

  • 1) entire pedagogical systems have emerged that consider individual educational trajectories as the main pedagogical tool;
  • 2) the material and technical capabilities of providing individual education have expanded;
  • 3) an individual trajectory is the main condition for social and pedagogical support for each student.

When considering the scientific design of an individual trajectory, we mean the integral features of the scientific method, and not just a “set of rules” that is proposed to be introduced into the practice of socio-pedagogical support for each teenager in the educational process.

V.V. Ilyin identifies seven groups of such rules:

  • objectivity - mediation by reliable knowledge;
  • universal significance - the intersubjectivity of actions, in contrast to personalized unique acts that remain the preserve of non-science;
  • reproducibility - invariance of actions for any subject in an identically similar situation;
  • expediency - meaningfulness, rational controllability of the implementation of both individual steps and systems of operations as a whole;
  • determinism - predetermined, foreseen, genetic connectedness of principles, sequences, chains of intellectual movement in objectivity;
  • necessity - the guarantee of results when standards are observed, as opposed to the unscientific feature of their accidental, unintentional achievement;
  • efficiency - planned social assimilation, implementation, consumption of both the process itself and its result, which is unusual for a non-scientific way of cognition based on situational, hermetic recipes.

Within the framework of this terminology, two primary tasks of scientific design of individual trajectories can be formulated as conditions for social and pedagogical support of each teenager, which correspond to this concept of the method:

  • 1) the task of mediating socio-pedagogical programs and projects with reliable knowledge;
  • 2) the task of ensuring the reproducibility of the results of socio-pedagogical programs and projects based on the development of models of “invariance of actions for any subject in an identically similar situation.”

The main provisions of the concept of the next stage of reform of the education system involve a transition to a diversity of educational content and educational programs that create the prerequisites for the real choice of individual educational trajectories in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the individual. Personality queries “Dictionary of the Russian language” S.I. Ozhegova connects with the needs and interests of the individual, which, along with motives, goals, etc., are components of the motivational sphere and can be designated by one word - motivation. Learning opportunities are defined as the ability to learn, and requests are defined as motivation, including needs, motives, and goals. Considering all this, S.A. Vdovina gives the following definition of individual educational trajectories: “the manifestation of the style of educational activity of each student, depending on his motivation, learning ability and carried out in collaboration with the teacher.”

“Cooperation, dialogue, partnership in the relationship between the student and the teacher,” notes N.Yu. Postalyuk, “allows us to transform the student from a passive subject of pedagogical influence into a creative personality capable of setting the direction of his own development.” The teacher must help the student understand his strength and weakness: intellectual, moral - this is what O.S. believes. Gazman, who defines individualization in education as “a system of means that promotes a growing person’s awareness of his differences from others... to choose his own meaning in life and life path.” This requires pedagogical support, “the subject of which is the process of jointly determining with the child his own interests, goals, capabilities...”.

So, the humanistic educational paradigm forms relationships according to the type of “subject-subject” relationships, when the additional education teacher and the student are in a state of cooperation and co-creation, interaction. The possibility of realizing such relationships is achieved through the formation of individual educational trajectories. The term “individual educational trajectory” itself, despite the insufficient interpretation of its content, is firmly established in modern pedagogical literature.

We understand individual educational trajectories as a manifestation of the style of educational activity of each teenager, depending on his motivation, learning ability and carried out in collaboration with the teacher.

According to the studied methodological and pedagogical literature, the value of the individual educational trajectory of adolescents is that it allows, on the basis of operationally regulated self-esteem, an active desire to improve one’s own knowledge and skills, to replenish knowledge when designing one’s educational activities in order to develop methods and techniques for independent work in various forms of educational and cognitive activity. At the same time, it is very important that each teenager has a personally oriented task of designing an individual educational trajectory, which helps to increase his personal growth and the successful functioning of the socialization channel.

Thus, an individual educational trajectory is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides each individual with the position of a subject of choice, development and implementation of an educational program when the teacher provides socio-pedagogical support for his self-determination and self-realization in one direction or another of the functioning of the socialization channel.

Annotation: The article presents approaches to organizing a child’s individual educational trajectory.

Keywords: individual educational trajectory, development of the education system.

In the modern world, cyberspace has a serious impact on the socialization of children and adults. As Noseem Taleb wrote in his book “The Black Swan,” the more information you give, the more hypotheses arise, and this leads to the fact that information garbage begins to be perceived as information.

This also applies to the education system. Now there are so many channels, so many sources telling us how and what we need to teach children, that it becomes very difficult to figure it all out. Most parents view schooling as an autopilot process. This model of behavior/learning sits deep in their heads and is most likely inherited.

Many of them do not know that this process needs and can be managed. But even those who want to understand education often encounter obstacles associated not with a lack, but with an overabundance of information. The Pitcairn Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean. One of them is the smallest inhabited island, with 56 people living on it. There is no airport on the island, so communication with the mainland is carried out via waterways. The island has 1 satellite phone and 1 wireless Internet access point with a speed of 128 kbps. Residents listen to the radio and watch DVDs. They receive most of the information about life on the mainland from tourists from Australia, New Zealand, and Great Britain who actively visit the island. The education system, in a sense, also resembles an island. By system I mean a set of organizations involved in mass education, which are financed and controlled by the state - from the content of education to the regulatory framework. Organizations that carry out government orders. Why is the education system like an island? Firstly, because it is a closed system. It has very little contact with the rest of the educational world. I separate the concepts of education system and education sector. Those innovations that appear in world education, like rare ships with tourists, penetrate into the system and often these innovations meet more political and business interests than educational interests.

State orders are a tasty morsel, especially when it comes to technology. Secondly, the education system often lacks connections with related areas. She looks up to herself only. We recently conducted a survey among managers of the Moscow education system regarding their interest in the field of marketing in educational institutions. Managers pay the closest attention to promotion and advertising. This is very consistent with the latest trends in the education system. Far fewer managers are interested in creating a sought-after product. It is not right. The whole point is in the product. The packaging is created later. I hope that I’m wrong and there is already a high-quality product and the tasks really lie in its promotion. Meanwhile, every school needs a marketer! Marketing in a market economy and ongoing reforms is the future. Thirdly, teaching teams often stew in their own juice: they communicate with colleagues, relax with colleagues, learn from colleagues from the system, collaborate with those with whom they can, order books from a specific publisher, etc.

Those who have attended professional retraining courses, for example, outside organizations operating under educational authorities, or attended international educational conferences and forums can feel the difference. Don’t think, I’m not scolding the education system, I’m just talking about its features, which often do not allow the effective implementation of new technologies and following global educational trends in terms of content, and not in terms of equipment. This is a clumsy mechanism, a many-kilometer locomotive that is difficult to turn in the other direction overnight.

Having worked both within the system and outside it, I realized that the talent of a teacher and an individual school lies precisely in the ability, thanks to the huge system and its resources, to sometimes work contrary to its requirements, creating additional value. Recently, the number of critics of education has become equal to the number of people declaring the need to modernize this area. However, there are very few people who are trying to do something. And despite ambitions and serious financial support, this does not always lead to the desired result.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently invested $100 million into reforming the education system in Newark, New Jersey. After a few years, it became clear that the money had been spent, but there were no results. He faced numerous challenges while trying to change the education system of an entire city. American Salman Khan took a different path. He founded an academy that allows you to study various sciences via the Internet.

The idea of ​​the academy is based on a lesson in reverse, when a student learns new material at his own pace through video lessons, and then, together with the teacher, practices the material using specific examples. Moreover, the teacher acts only as a mentor. During the training process, the student actively interacts with other children, which increases their expertise. First, Khan tested his method online, recording several thousand video lessons on mathematics, then conducted an experiment in schools in the small city of Los Altos, which is located in Silicon Valley. And this experiment turned out to be successful. Salman Khan did not prioritize money, but quality content and sound methodology. But he is in no hurry to spread the ideas to the whole of America or at least the state. Realizing that this will be very difficult to do. Recently, at the Gaidar Forum, the chairman of the board of Sberbank, German Gref, said that it is necessary to change all government systems, especially the education model. Sberbank's charitable foundation "Investment in the Future" supports many educational projects, for example the "Teacher for Russia" project or "Emotional intelligence at school." Sberbank has relied on individual projects, which reduces risks to a minimum.

You always need to start changes small, but best of all, from yourself. Talking about the activities of these people, I once again wanted to emphasize that it is difficult to reshape the entire education system overnight and we need to start doing it from the inside, which many have already begun to do. We know many examples of original schools that have become famous throughout Russia. It was not the system that made them famous, nor technology, but brilliant ideas and talented people.

There is also a great desire to make education personalized. Let's see what has changed recently. The introduction of information technologies, MOOC, LMS, BYOD, OER, electronic journals and textbooks - these are all technological changes, the content of education has remained virtually unchanged.

As my supervisor said, don’t forget about elementary truths. And if we look at the law on education, we will see that it implies the realization of the individual abilities of each child. We are all different. By character, by health, by abilities, by values, they have different goals, ideals, dreams. If a personality is multifaceted, then options must exist.

Some want to study in a private school, some in a public school, for some the atmosphere and attitude are important, and for others a high level of knowledge, some plan to study abroad, and some to go to a technical school. Everyone needs their own plan, their own pace. It is naive to believe that the state will come up with an educational model that will satisfy everyone with its content: students, parents, teachers, and future employers.

But what prevents you from starting to form this model yourself. The number of families choosing education outside of school is increasing every year. According to statistics, more and more students around the world are switching to family education, more and more students are choosing external studies, and many have already tried individual educational plans. This is why parents tend to send their children to private schools.

When I worked as a school director, more than 200 children studied in a family form of education. At first I didn’t understand why parents came to this decision. But when I left school and was able to look at this fact from the mainland, through the eyes of a father of two daughters, I realized that many have good reasons. The main ones are related to the needs of children and dissatisfaction with the educational process. Individualization of education is something that has been talked about for many decades, but not everyone implements it in practice. The curriculum sometimes resembles a cluttered closet - everything students need and don't need is there.

And all this is mandatory for all students to study. Parents are gradually getting tired of the unified approach to learning, the effect of technology wears off and they will begin to look for options where an individual approach will actually be used, where the child can learn at his own pace, where he can concentrate on the subjects he needs for further education and professional activities .

Why not offer him these options. Individualization of learning is something we are returning to, or rather, beginning to actually implement. And this can really be considered one of the nearest prospects. Of course, it is very difficult to do this in a class of 25 people, but it is not necessary. While a small proportion of parents are ready for this, I still don’t fully understand what the advantage of an individual approach is. Why not offer this on an alternative basis? Technology will make things easier for us, but it should not become our primary means. It is based on an idea and a methodology. You still need to start with yourself with internal motivation - the parent should think about the characteristics of his child, set educational goals, develop a family educational policy, and begin to manage the learning process. Teachers will have to reconsider their approaches, master new technologies, and become family partners (this process is already gaining momentum in dozens of schools).

Managers will have to change their approaches to motivating teaching staff and realize the need to attract professionals from other areas to the organization. But let's talk about everything in order.

This is a joint project between school and family, in which all participants act as subjects - they change themselves, change their methods and principles and help each other grow. Before running a marathon, athletes study every meter of the distance, find out where the nutrition points are, when the steepest climb will be, how many energy gels to take with them, what sneakers to wear, remember to set up the tracker - a huge number of different little things.

Some people run 42 kilometers in 2 hours, and others in 7. Everyone moves at a pace that is comfortable for them. Studying at school is a much longer process, but it is very much like a marathon. And before you start it, you need to explore the route and determine your pace. Of course, parents must first of all realize that a child is their most important life project and they need to invest time, effort and money in it.

By the way, I believe that these three elements - time, effort and money - make up the formula for quality education. In the West, parents are used to saving money for their children’s education, but we are not. We are like those children from the experiment who are offered one candy now and ten tomorrow. We are choosing one today. And then we urgently look for a university and take out educational loans. But you can think about your child’s future education, even when he doesn’t exist yet, and sign up for the endowment life insurance program.

This will greatly increase the value of education for both parents and children themselves. But parents need to hear about this, they need to be told about it, to direct their thoughts in the right direction. The school can help do this. But for a school to help, you must first choose a school. And this is also very difficult. Moreover, you need to choose not the best one, but the appropriate one, based not on the opinions of neighbors and friends, but on the characteristics, abilities, and health of the child.

A school with an in-depth program will be harmful to a child with mediocre abilities. This can form a C student complex and kill interest in learning forever. Traveling to school, which is located on the other side of the city, can affect the health of a child, especially a first-grader. There are no identical schools with the same level of education. Therefore, you need to choose from. The quality of education depends on the area and on those people who study there and on those who teach there. In general, the human factor is key in education. Just imagine an old district, a working-class one, with five-story buildings all around; there are no plans to build new houses.

The number of school-age children is constantly decreasing. The parents of these children have a certain level of aspirations; often it is more important for them that the child simply be under supervision. But another area - it has just been rebuilt, commercial housing is for sale here, and here parents are more interested in their children’s education. They will shape the school and will indirectly influence the level of education.

The educational journey lasts a very long time. And you need to be prepared for this path, know where to speed up, know where to slow down. Every year, parents must set educational goals and set school checkpoints. Checkpoints are a kind of educational map with the ability to adjust your path and make timely decisions on further education. Checkpoints are key points on the educational path and the activity of their interest will depend on the final results. The journey of 11 years is a very long one. But there are key stages at which you need to be especially careful.

1st grade is adaptation and identification of the child’s characteristics: right-handed, left-handed, right-brained or left-brained, auditory, visual or kinesthetic, what is his temperament, what is his personality type, etc. It is very important. Knowing these introductory information, it is much easier to work with a child and motivate him. You can choose suitable teaching methods and find an approach to any first-grader.

4th grade is the time to choose where to continue education - fifth grade regular school or transfer to a gymnasium class or to a school with in-depth study of individual subjects. The foundation has been laid and if the child has the ability, why not recommend him to another school with a more serious program.

In our country, stars are often deliberately not released and left under any pretext to maintain performance. But teachers do not work to improve the school’s performance or statistics, but to improve the performance of students, for children. Checkpoints help you make the right, informed decisions in a timely manner and give you an understanding of when and what aspects you need to pay special attention to. This again comes to the issues of marketing and analytics. It is necessary to analyze every day.

8th grade is career guidance and choice of university and so on. This is a whole system, but it really helps parents and children. Parents should also evaluate their internal resources: financial capabilities, logistics (who will take the child to school, who will pick them up, how leisure time will be organized), whether the child has an individual workplace, plan rest time on weekends and holidays, etc. And all this needs to be done at the start.

The model of an individual educational trajectory can go far beyond the school and concern the university and professional activities. After all, a university is often chosen by parents based on the most primitive criteria - proximity to home, low cost of education, on the recommendation of friends who are already studying there. And this is also a difficult choice. But I won’t write about it today. What can the school do now in this direction? Offer services for building an individual educational trajectory. This is not only an opportunity to increase extra-budgetary revenues, but also a good chance to increase your expertise and raise your authority.

In addition, the recommendations can indicate which clubs the child should attend and remind them that these clubs are available at school. Here again is marketing - product, sales. By the way, about the circles. When the capital's education reforms were just beginning, I remember how one director told his teachers: everyone must, in addition to their main workload, figure out what kind of circle they can teach. Then it turned into a farce. Now the situation has changed, but what prevents us from making it even better?

Why not open areas that will allow you to develop personal effectiveness skills, the so-called soft skills - this includes emotional intelligence, public speaking, time management, leadership courses and teamwork. But teachers don’t need to be forced to urgently write programs. They have enough to do. Go beyond the system, invite outside specialists. You will be able to develop the strengths of students, and not drill biology and chemistry into the future designer until he is blue in the face.

If he needs them, he will study them himself in practice. Conduct seminars and webinars for parents, where you can give practical advice on teaching and upbringing, and on working with the individual characteristics of the child. This is also marketing and parental loyalty. Of course, this requires additional time and preparation, and teachers are already busy.

But this is already a question of effective management. All this will stimulate parents to actively participate in the educational life of the child, increase his interest and their competence. The next level of complexity is teachers and leaders. Teachers bear the greatest responsibility, as always.

I have already said that they work for the sake of the children, that they should become family partners. In a word, the times when the teacher had a higher status than the parent, and often told directives what to do and how to do it, are gone. Domination is replaced by collaborationism. This time. But it’s very difficult to change in one year, so a lot depends on the manager and whether he can provide decent motivation.

Motivation is like enlightenment - it cannot be conveyed, it must be born inside a person, on its own. Many business people are finding that the push concept is changing to a pull concept from prescription to choice. For example, we pull from the Internet what we need, and not what is pushed to us. Another example of replacing an authoritarian style with coaching. Now coaching technologies have begun to be used in education.

Managers order professional coaches who work with teachers, revealing their potential, helping to increase work efficiency, and develop internal motivation. Then the return on work will be much higher. Coaching in education is no longer a new phenomenon and is worth thinking about. Now a few words about technology. Education of the future cannot be imagined without technology. The key to a successful product is the combination of quality content and software.

In the following slides, I will try to talk about technological trends that are helping to individualize education. If we are talking about building an individual educational trajectory, we automatically assume an application that will help parents take the first steps and provide automated calculations. For example, one of the organizations that trains young businessmen launched an interactive goal-setting service a year ago. A wonderful motivational resource.

There is a lot of talk about Lego education, allowing students to choose their own courses and services. This will help relieve students of the need to study all the subjects on the list and focus only on the main thing. Portals such as Univresarium, Coursera and others are working in this direction. I have already talked about the Khan Academy - a brilliant project that arose in the closet of its author, who gave up his career as a financial analyst and took up education.

Moreover, Khan Academy is a free information resource. Khan, with his desire, was able to receive investments from the Bill Gates Foundation and from Google. He literally revolutionized the education system by allowing students to study at their own pace until they mastered the material 100%. No curriculum, no breakdown of subjects by subject. He tests knowledge with tests in which the child must answer 10 questions out of 10. Only this allows him to move on to the next topic.

Its educational platform is being improved, and videos are translated into the most popular languages. The advantage of Khan Academy courses is that they represent a system of knowledge with sequential learning. In 2017, according to expert forecasts, adaptive educational technologies will appear. They will allow you to master knowledge at a comfortable pace, depending on the student’s abilities. The system will be able to remember the learning model and offer it to students with similar parameters. It will be funny to hear in 50 years a student’s phrase “I am learning according to the model of our president.” Find out - try.

Everything that children learn, they must try in practice. Students should receive not theoretical knowledge, but specific skills in order to understand how and where to use knowledge. And here, too, there is no place without technology. It’s not without reason that game-based learning systems like KidZania, Kidburg, Masterslavl, or science festivals are gaining enormous popularity. They give children the opportunity to touch the practical side of science and look at the profession from the inside. This contributes to early career guidance and increased motivation. This lights up the child and largely determines his future educational path.

Instant feedback. When I come to pick up my daughter at kindergarten, I often hear from the teachers that Oleg is great, he gets an A today. Already in kindergarten, children are accustomed to this poor, universal assessment system, which cannot reflect the dynamics and give a qualitative assessment of the child’s activities and successes. Instant feedback, as opposed to numbers, will allow you to better understand mistakes, track dynamics and become more individual. When I worked as a school director, my colleagues and I developed an electronic journal project that allowed a teacher, in a few clicks, to evaluate a student not with a grade, but with a qualitative characteristic. And they even began to implement this project together with MESI, but due to some events they did not complete it.

Nowadays it is called LMS - they allow you to comprehensively manage the learning process. They have long been talking about the so-called God Point - the moment when all the information accumulated by humanity will be online, and the network itself will be available to everyone at any time and anywhere. A certain prototype of Neuronet - an analogue of the Internet in our heads. But in these conditions, the help of an educational consultant and a developer of individual educational trajectories is especially needed. Once again I will return to the words of Nosim Taleb that excess information is not a good thing.

It cannot be contained in one’s head, it cannot be kept at home, it is not needed to the extent that it exists by all residents of our country. And you will need to learn to understand it, including by resorting to the help of specialists who are already beginning to appear. Previously, Russian people didn’t take a taxi to the bakery - but they started. And we’ll also start thinking about an individual program and trajectory, and it’s better to do this earlier in order to gain experience and master information. Sometimes you need to look beyond the boundaries of the system, get off the island on a professional vacation and start thinking one step ahead. Start with yourself.

Mitin Mikhail Ivanovich, independent consultant in the field of education

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Individual educational trajectory of a student

The trend of individual learning is reflected in the regulatory document - the basic school curriculum, which provides for the allocation of separate hours for the student component.

The “student component” is not limited to individual work with the student.
But this term allows us to draw the understanding of not only scientists, but also administrators and teachers to recognize the role of the student in his own education. We are talking not only about the selection of individual educational content, but also about the possibility for the student to choose his own learning style, his ideological foundations, optimal tempo and rhythm, diagnostics and evaluation of results.

Taking into account individual characteristics and the nature of learning is necessary already in elementary school. Each student is given the opportunity to create his own educational trajectory for mastering all academic disciplines. The simultaneous implementation of personal models of education is one of the goals of education in a senior specialized school. The task of teaching is to provide an individual zone for the student’s creative development, allowing him to create educational products at each stage, relying on his individual qualities and abilities.

Individual educational trajectory– this is the result of the realization of the student’s personal potential in education through the implementation of relevant types of activities. The organization of student-centered education aims to realize the following rights and opportunities:

– the right to choose or identify individual meaning and goals in each educational course;

– the right to personal interpretations and understanding of fundamental concepts and categories;

– the right to draw up individual educational programs;

– the right to choose an individual pace of learning, forms and methods of solving educational problems, methods of control, reflection and self-assessment of one’s activities;

– individual selection of subjects studied, creative laboratories and other types of classes from those that are in accordance with the basic curriculum;

– exceeding (advancing or deepening) the mastered content of training courses; individual choice of additional topics and creative works in subjects;

– the right to an individual picture of the world and individual substantiated positions in each educational field.

The main elements of a student’s individual educational activity are the meaning of the activity (why am I doing this); setting a personal goal (anticipating the result); activity plan; implementation of the plan; reflection (awareness of one’s own activities); grade; adjusting or redefining goals.

The condition for achieving the goals and objectives of student-centered learning is the preservation of the individual characteristics of students, their uniqueness, multi-level and diversity. The following methods are used for this:

a) individual assignments for students in class;

b) organization of pair and group work;

c) formulation of open tasks for children, which require each student to complete them individually (“My image of winter”, “My mathematics”, etc.);

d) inviting students to draw up a lesson plan for themselves, choose the content of their homework, the topic of creative work, and an individual educational program in the subject for the foreseeable period of time.

The main task of student-centered learning is for each student to build an individual trajectory of their education that would correlate with the generally accepted achievements of humanity. A student's education is not limited only to the achievement of his personal goals. After demonstrating the student’s educational products, they are compared with cultural and historical analogues. This stage can give rise to a new learning cycle with appropriate goal setting. During the reflective-evaluative stage of training, the student’s educational products are identified, relating both to the individual results of his activities and to the studied general cultural achievements, including educational standards.

Organizing training along an individual trajectory requires a special methodology and technology. In modern didactics, it is usually proposed to solve this problem in two opposite ways, each of which is called an individual approach.

The first method is differentiation of learning, according to which it is proposed to approach each student individually, differentiating the material he studies according to the degree of complexity and focus. For this purpose, students are usually divided into groups according to the following types: “physics”, “humanities”, “techniques”; or: capable, average, lagging behind; levels A, B, C.

The second method assumes that each student’s own path of education is built in relation to each educational area he or she studies. In other words, each student is given the opportunity to create his own educational trajectory for mastering all academic disciplines.

The first approach is most common in schools, the second is rare, since it requires not just the individual movement of the student against the background of general, externally set goals, but the simultaneous development and implementation of different models of student learning, each of which is unique in its own way and related to the personal potential of any individual student.

The task of teaching is to provide an individual zone of creative development for each student. Based on individual qualities and abilities, the student builds his educational path. The simultaneous implementation of personal models of education is one of the goals of student-centered education.

An individual educational trajectory is a personal path to realizing the personal potential of each student in education.

Student's personal potential– the totality of his abilities: organizational, cognitive, creative, communicative and others. The process of identifying, realizing and developing these abilities of students occurs during the educational movement of students along individual trajectories.

It follows from this that if we single out specific personal abilities of students as guidelines for their educational activities in each academic subject, then the path to mastering these subjects will be determined not so much by the logic of these subjects as by the totality of the personal abilities of each student. The main role among these abilities will belong to those thanks to which the student creates new educational products, that is, creative abilities.

In student-centered learning, the following point is fundamental: any student is able to find, create or propose his own solution to any problem related to his own learning. A student will be able to advance along an individual trajectory in all educational areas if he is given the following opportunities: to determine the individual meaning of studying academic disciplines; set your own goals in studying a specific topic or section; choose the optimal forms and pace of training; apply those teaching methods that best suit his individual characteristics; reflexively understand the results obtained, evaluate and adjust your activities.

The possibility of an individual educational trajectory for a student suggests that when studying a topic, a student can, for example, choose one of the following approaches: figurative or logical cognition, in-depth or encyclopedic study, introductory, selective or expanded mastery of the topic. Preservation of the logic of the subject, its structure and substantive foundations will be achieved with the help of a fixed volume of fundamental educational objects and related problems, which, along with an individual learning trajectory, will ensure that students achieve a normative educational level.

To organize the learning process “in different ways for everyone,” it is necessary to have uniform methodological, logical and organizational foundations. The individual path of students’ mastery of educational topics and sections presupposes the presence of reference points.

Reference points– points around which everyone’s learning trajectory will be built. These points will make it possible to compare and contrast the personal content of education of different students and to assess the individual nature of their activities.

Structural and logical diagrams, algorithmic instructions, and generalized activity plans can be used as universal foundations for individual education. Algorithmic plans can be reviewed and created by students.

Let's consider the stages of a student's educational activity organized by a teacher, allowing him to ensure his individual trajectory in a specific educational area, section or topic.

1ststage. Diagnosis by the teacher of the level of development and degree of expression of the personal qualities of students necessary for the implementation of those types of activities that are characteristic of a given educational field or part of it. The initial volume and content of the students’ subject education is recorded, that is, the quantity and quality of ideas, knowledge, information, skills and abilities available to each of them on the upcoming subject topic. The teacher establishes and classifies the motives of students’ activities in relation to the educational field, preferred types of activities, forms and methods of classes.

2nd stage. Fixation by each student, and then by the teacher, of fundamental educational objects in the educational field or its topic in order to indicate the subject of further knowledge. Each student makes an initial concept of the topic that he will have to master.

3rd stage. Building a system of the student’s personal relationship with the educational field or topic to be mastered. The educational field appears before the student in the form of a system of fundamental educational objects, problems, and issues.

Each student develops a personal attitude towards the educational field, self-determines in relation to the formulated problems and fundamental educational objects, establishes what they mean to him, what role they can play in his life, how his activities influence or will influence this sphere of reality. The student (and teacher) fix the priority areas of their attention in the upcoming activity, clarify the forms and methods of this activity.

4th stage. Programming by each student of individual educational activities in relation to “their own” and general fundamental educational objects. At this stage, students create individual training programs for a designated period. These programs are an educational product of an organizational type, since they stimulate and direct the realization of the student’s personal educational potential. When assessing students' organizational activity products, the same methods of diagnosis, control and evaluation are used as for subject-type products.

5th stage. Activities for the simultaneous implementation of individual educational programs for students and a general collective educational program. Students implement their planned programs over a certain period of time: for a first-grader this could be a lesson, for older children – a week or more. The student carries out the main elements of individual educational activity: goals - plan - activity - reflection - comparison of received products with goals - self-assessment.

6th stage. Demonstration of students’ personal educational products and their collective discussion. Introduction by the teacher of cultural analogues to student educational products, that is, ideal constructs belonging to the experience and knowledge of mankind: concepts, laws, theories and other products of knowledge. Students are organized to enter the surrounding society in order to identify in it the same issues, problems and products, elements of which were obtained by students in their own activities.

7th stage. Reflective-evaluative. Individual and general educational products of activity are identified (in the form of schemes, concepts, material objects), the types and methods of activity used (reproductively acquired or creatively created) are recorded and classified. The results obtained are compared with the goals of individual and general collective training programs.

The achievements of each student are correlated with the identified common set of means of cognition and types of activities as a collective product of learning, which gives him the opportunity not only to understand the collective results, but also to assess the degree of his own progress in mastering these methods of activity and realizing personal qualities.

Based on a reflexive understanding of individual and collective activities, as well as with the help of control means, the activities of each student and everyone together, including the teacher, are assessed and self-assessed. The completeness of achieving goals and the quality of products are assessed, and conclusions are drawn.

Thus, the range of opportunities provided to the student in his movement along an individual educational trajectory is quite wide: from individualized cognition of fundamental educational objects and personal interpretation of the concepts being studied to the construction of an individual picture of the world and personal lifestyle.

Table of contents
Individual training.

In modern pedagogy, two concepts are actively used - “individual educational trajectory” and “personal educational route”. These categories are considered as particular and general. Simply put, an individual educational trajectory is specified in a route. The latter, in turn, is more widely used in the system of additional education. The route is considered an important component that determines the success of the personal development environment in a pedagogical institution. An individual trajectory is a personal way to realize the student’s potential in the educational process. Let's take a closer look at it.

Key directions

As an analysis of psychological and pedagogical publications shows, the organization of an individual educational trajectory is of key importance in science and practice. It is implemented in the following areas:

  1. Content-based - through pedagogical programs.
  2. Activity - through non-traditional teaching technologies.
  3. Procedural - determining the types of communication, the organizational aspect.


An individual educational development trajectory can be considered as a certain sequence of components of activity aimed at realizing one’s own goals of knowledge. At the same time, it must correspond to the capabilities, abilities, motivation, and interests of the person. This activity is carried out with the organizing, coordinating, consulting support of the teacher and in interaction with parents.

By summarizing this information, we can derive a definition of the category in question. Individual educational trajectories of students are manifestations of a style of activity, depending on motivation, ability to cognition and implemented in interaction with the teacher. Structural elements connect the category with such a concept as a pedagogical program. They allow students to master a specific level of education.

Key aspects

The educational program is considered as:

In a broad sense, the program incorporates the ideas of personalization and differentiation. In the first case, the pedagogical process takes into account the personal characteristics of children in all methods and forms of teaching. Differentiation involves grouping students based on highlighting certain features. With this approach, the personal path is a purposeful, modeled program. It is focused on creating the necessary conditions for self-expression with the obligatory achievement of established standards.


To shape a child’s individual educational trajectory, it is necessary to implement psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge and define specific goals. There are several principles at play within this process.

The first is the need to create a program in which the position of the person receiving knowledge would be clearly demonstrated. It should begin the construction of an individual educational trajectory, which would take into account his potential capabilities and the characteristics of his weaknesses.

The second principle presupposes the need to correlate environmental conditions with the advanced abilities of a person. This principle is expressed in the constant determination of tasks that are adequate to modern conditions and prospects for the development of education. Ignoring this principle can provoke the destruction of the integrity of the entire pedagogical process. Moreover, this can contribute to the loss of either the individual himself or the values ​​of cognitive activity from the system.

The third fundamental position reflects the need to bring a person to technology, with the help of which his proactive construction of an individual educational trajectory will be carried out.


The individual educational trajectory of the student is built while simultaneously mastering methods of activity and knowledge. This process can occur at the level of conscious memorization. Externally, it manifests itself in close to the original and accurate reproduction of the material. Assimilation can occur at the level of applying methods of activity and knowledge according to a model or in a similar situation. In addition, a creative approach to the process is also used.

Required Features

Research shows that a student’s individual educational trajectory can be successfully completed in all cognitive areas under certain conditions. In particular, opportunities should be provided to:

Key Ideas

The key feature of the process within which a student’s individual educational trajectory is formed is that the primary role is given to the abilities through which a person creates new cognitive products. This work is based on the following ideas:

  1. Any person is able to find, formulate and propose his own version of a solution to one or another, including didactic, task related to his process of acquiring knowledge.
  2. An individual educational path can only be completed if the opportunities specified above are provided.
  3. A person is placed in a situation of searching for his own solution to a given problem. At the same time, he uses his creative abilities.

Summarizing what has been said, we can draw the following conclusion. An individual educational trajectory is formed using a creative approach. In this regard, in the process of its creation, corresponding patterns operate.


They represent a kind of visual matrices of the cognitive process. At present, especially in the process of improving remote forms of knowledge acquisition, navigators have shown their effectiveness. Without them, an individual educational trajectory is simply unthinkable. In the matrices, through symbols, signs, and abbreviations, the level of a person’s ascent to a cognitive product is noted. Simply put, the navigator is a visual and detailed map. In it, the student easily identifies his position, as well as the tasks that face him in the near future. The matrix allows you to determine the coordinates of the four-link system “I know - I am studying - I will study - I know something new.” This process is presented as a spiral path of ascent to truth. The components of the matrix are projections, addresses, names, directions of activity on the sheet plane. The student’s work aimed at mastering a discipline, subject, block, course, acquiring knowledge, skills, abilities, professions is depicted as a vector. It records the content of the activity.

Formation of conditions

An individual educational trajectory is realized with the awareness of the need for independent movement, formulation of specific and general subject problems and tasks related to the acquisition of a specialty. Productive activity is carried out according to the personal characteristics of each person. A teacher who wants to see and develop the unique personality in each student will have to solve the difficult task of teaching everyone differently.

In this regard, organizing the process along an individual trajectory will require a special technology for the interaction of all participants. In modern didactics, this problem can be solved in two ways. The most common is a differentiated approach. In accordance with it, when working individually with each student, it is proposed to divide the material according to the level of complexity, focus and other parameters.

In the second approach, one's own path is formed in accordance with each area being studied. In this case, the student is invited to form his own trajectory. It is worth saying that the second option is almost never used in practice. This is due to the fact that its application requires the simultaneous development and implementation of different models, each of which is unique in its own way and correlates with the personal potential of the individual student.


As part of the educational program, the student must learn to determine his personal steps towards achieving knowledge. They can additionally be recorded in the form of various kinds of entries (diaries, for example). This, in turn, will require the student to have a high level of planning and ability to summarize. As observations show, this activity is quite easily carried out by modern schoolchildren with the help of computer technology. At the same time, the work does not cause any rejection on their part. Formalization and, to a certain extent, detailing of programs and plans using drawings, maps, logical-semantic models, tables, in the opinion of the students themselves, make it possible to regulate and clearly see the cognitive strategy and perspective in life. Navigators widely used today are becoming, in a way, guides in the world of knowledge.


A paradoxical situation is emerging in modern education. It lies in the fact that the emergence of new technologies counters the complication of the process. Their essence lies in the desire for a certain formalization of the content of the cognitive process through splitting in accordance with the image of computer language perception. Apparently, this trend will continue and may become one of the main directions for improving education or a related aspect. Meanwhile, the very idea of ​​​​creating navigation components in an increasingly complex cognitive process is, of course, a positive thing.