We make an entry in the work book about rewards, gratitude and encouragement: how and when? Sample order of gratitude.

Letter of thanks is an excellent tool for building strong and loyal relationships. Let's look at what types of thank-you forms there are, how they are compiled and why they are written.

What is a thank you letter

A thank you note refers to a business document that includes an expression of gratitude to a specific person or business for any reason. Gratitude can be expressed for professional performance of a task, for the quality of services provided, etc. Gratitude can be a separate letter or a response to some initiative (for an invitation, congratulations, etc.).

How to write a letter of gratitude

There are no special requirements for the design of a thank-you form; such a document can be drawn up in a free style. However, the letter is considered a business document, so certain recommendations have been established for its structure:

  1. Form header located at the top, right. It is filled out only when necessary. Here you can see information about the person or company you are contacting with gratitude:
    • Name
    • job title
    • FULL NAME. person.
    • Specific appeal.
  1. Main section of the document displays an expression of gratitude. As a rule, the appeal begins with template words (“Allow me to express my gratitude...”, “We are grateful to you for...”, “We express our gratitude...”, etc.).
  2. Signature. At the bottom left, the full name and position of the person expressing gratitude is written, and the document is signed.

Instructions for writing a thank you letter

The format for writing a thank you letter has a clear sequence. By performing it, you will be able to ensure that the structure and logic of the appeal are preserved, and your gratitude to the addressee will be clearly displayed. The volume of the document should be half an A4 sheet.

  1. If the document is addressed to an employee of the enterprise, then it is advisable to use the phrases “Dear...”, which emphasizes a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. It is advisable not to use official phrases “Mr...” or “Dear...”. They look unnatural and destroy the official style of the document. Using the phrase “Dear...” is only possible when you have a personal relationship with the recipient.
  2. When expressing gratitude to your team, you can use the phrase “Dear colleagues!” The content of the document needs to clarify to whom exactly gratitude is being expressed.
  3. It is necessary to indicate the person who initiated it, that is, who thanks and to whom gratitude is expressed. A thank you form can be sent from a company, a group of people or an individual. For example:
    • “Svetly Path LLC expresses gratitude”
    • “Management of the “Horns and Hooves” enterprise...”
    • “On behalf of the employees of Stroygidravlik and on my own behalf, please accept our gratitude.”
  1. If you are writing a letter to partners or employees, then you can use phrases indicating to whom the document was sent: “We want to express our sincere gratitude to the employees of your plant,” “The Stroygidravlika company thanks your team.” When contacting employees, it is advisable to note several people (no more than 5-7 people). For example, “Dear colleagues! I, as a manager, want to express my sincere gratitude to the employees...” If the department has a large team, you can simply note the head of the department.
  2. You should always indicate what gratitude is being expressed for. It is necessary to avoid vague phrases like: “Dear...! The organization thanks you for everything, for your kind attitude...” This formulation is incorrect. A correctly written gratitude will look like this: “Dear...! The company’s team expresses gratitude to you for your assistance in establishing partnerships, etc...."
  3. The gratitude must be specified and detailed, noting the moments that were successful for the recipient of the form. It is this wording that makes this letter individual.
  4. At the same time, you cannot resort to outright flattery such as: “It has no equal...”, “incomparable...”, etc. As stated earlier, you need to specifically note what the recipient received gratitude for.
  5. It would be a good idea to wish the recipient success in the future.
  6. The last stage of drawing up the form should include checking for errors and correcting the written content of the document.

A thank you form is presented for a job well done, assistance, support, financial sponsorship, etc.

for work

A letter of gratitude for the work must be expressed by the immediate supervisor of the employee or team. The text contains a message both to one employee and to the general team of the company. Appreciation is usually shown when a task was completed on time or ahead of schedule. If the employees of an enterprise worked for a long time on some project, as a result of which the enterprise earned a solid profit, then gratitude will be a good moral boost.

Indicative content:

“Dear (name by name, patronymic or company name)! Taking this moment, I would like to express my gratitude to the employees of the company (name) for the assistance provided, excellent quality, prompt work and assistance in eliminating problems that arose. I hope for further long-term collaboration. Sincerely, (full name)."

Sample form

  • For their contributions:

It is not uncommon for enterprises to thank their sponsors for their assistance, support, and contributions. Filling out the form is similar to the previous samples:

Dear (I.O.)! The management of [company name] thanks you for your contribution to organizing the song and dance competition. The successful implementation of this project would not have taken place without your active help. We wish you health, promising projects and further development of the company. Sincerely, (full name).

Sample letter

This type of thank you document is very common. It is sent to both company employees and business partners. Such a letter is presented at the official level.

The indicative content is as follows:

Dear (name by name, patronymic)! We deeply value our joint cooperation with your company. We fully recognize that we owe our high achievements to the successful activities of your enterprise. We wish you and your company success and prosperity! Sincerely (full name of the manager).

Sample letter

Gratitude to the organization

A form thanking an organization is usually an official document containing kind words addressed to the organization for a completed project, for assistance in an event, or for other work. This section provides some examples of filling out such a document.

Such letters of gratitude have the following structure:

  • The addressee fills in the top right of the form.
  • Then an appeal is written from the organization wishing to express gratitude.
  • The text you fill out does not have to be official. The text of the appeal is written in a free style with an expression of gratitude.
  • The form is signed by an official expressing gratitude indicating the position.

Thank you to an employee - How to write correctly

Any work must be rewarded - this is an axiom. Therefore, the various achievements of employees must be rewarded, stimulating them to even greater achievements in the process of their joint work. The labor legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates different types of incentives. Thus, Article No. 191 states that the manager’s gratitude to individual employees can be expressed in the form of rewarding with valuable gifts, bonuses or in the form of moral encouragement. Moral encouragement can include a thank you form.

In this section we will try to describe the intricacies of filling out such a form.

As a rule, a thank-you form is presented to a leading employee in honor of some famous event. Gratitude to the employee for timely completion of work is issued on behalf of management. More often, such a letter is awarded at a ceremonial meeting in front of all employees.

  1. The document is drawn up on the company's letterhead. You can draw up a document on a specialized form purchased at a store or printing establishment.
  2. The letter is formatted in a business style. When registering, it is recommended to do the following:
    • Apply an official, business style of design
    • The employee is addressed by name and patronymic: “Dear...”
    • Do not use familiar, colloquial phrases
    • The text must reflect the reason for the award
  3. The content of the text should reflect the employee’s merits, his positive characteristics that are significant for the company.
  4. At the end of the text, it is necessary to wish a successful career and hopes for continued joint activities.

Sample gratitude to employee

Gratitude to the client

When doing business, an important point is to strengthen the relationship with the client so that they use your services again and again. And here a letter of gratitude plays a big role. This document must be individual and adhere to the following rules:

  • When drawing up a document, you must write the client's name correctly in the greeting.
  • Specify the reason for the thank you document.
  • The appeal must be sincere. You can cite excerpts from a conversation with the client so that he understands that he has not been forgotten.
  • Attach related questions to improve the service.
  • Express the hope that the client is satisfied with the service and note your willingness to respond to his questions and recommendations.
  • Ask whether additional services are needed to increase his satisfaction.
  • Write down your company name, logo and brand marks. It is better to fill out on letterhead where these symbols exist.
  • When sending a thank-you form by E-mail, the name and logo of the company must be placed under the sender’s signature.
  • In conclusion, we must express hope for continued cooperation with the client.
  • The letter must be certified by hand in person.

Letter of gratitude and entry in the work book (sample)

If the employer has decided to reward the employee with a certificate or letter of gratitude, an entry in the work book about this event (sample here) is made in accordance with the rules established by the norms of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. To correctly make such an entry, you will need to take into account the provisions of special instructions, which will be covered in detail in this article.

Types of incentives

An indication of the generally accepted types of such incentives is contained in Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • declaration of gratitude with entry into the work book;
  • bonuses;
  • presentation of a valuable gift;
  • diploma;
  • nominating an employee for the honorary title “best in the profession.”

An employer has the right to apply other incentives to its employees (for example, being included in a book or on an honor board), if they are enshrined in a collective agreement or local labor regulations of the employer (for example, in regulations on labor discipline).

Gratitude with entry into the work book

Labor legislation requires employers (except for citizens not registered as entrepreneurs) to fill out work books for their employees.

Based on the provisions of Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this document is the main document confirming the employee’s work experience, as well as containing other information about his work activity.

The form and procedure for maintaining work books are approved in two regulatory legal acts:

  • in the Rules for maintaining the Labor Code, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules);
  • in the Instructions for filling out the Labor Code, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 N 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

As follows from subparagraph “c” of paragraph 24 of the Rules, any incentives provided for by labor legislation or a collective agreement, as well as local acts of the employer, are entered in the work book.

Rewarding in the form of gratitude is no exception. An example of writing gratitude in a work book can be found here.

Section 4 of the Instructions contains a detailed list of actions when reflecting the relevant information in the work book. It is like this:

  • in the third column “Information on awards” of the work book, enter the name of the employer (full and abbreviated - if available);
  • in the first column, the record number is entered in a cumulative total;
  • in the second column the date of the award promotion is entered;
  • the third indicates who rewarded the employee, for what exactly, as well as the type of reward. For example: “Gratitude was announced for the great contribution to the development and promotion of the new PR project “Advertising Technologies Today”;
  • the fourth column reflects the details of the corresponding reward document (for example, an order in accordance with which gratitude was declared and an entry was made in the work book).

Registration of incentives in the form of gratitude

Let us give the procedure for promotion using a specific example.

As a rule, gratitude is issued by the employer at the request of the employee’s immediate superior.

For example, a structural unit of an organization managed to create and promote an important commercial project. The General Director, wanting to encourage the employees who took part in this project, requests from the head of the structural unit a petition to reward the employees. The head of the division submits such a petition to the general director and the latter gives it a go, sending it with a visa “for execution” to the personnel department. The specified department draws up an order (for this you can use the unified form No. T-11, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1) and sends it to the general director for signature.

Based on the signed order, the HR department enters gratitude into the work books.

The form of the announcement of gratitude to employees may be different, because it is not established by law. For example, it can be expressed in the presentation of a letter of gratitude and (or) an announcement of gratitude at a general holiday meeting.

What does gratitude give in a work book?

The legislation does not provide for any legal consequences for employees whose work books contain a note of gratitude. At the same time, the presence of incentives indicates the conscientious performance by the employee of his duties, which can be taken into account, for example, when imposing a disciplinary sanction on him for misconduct. In addition, the presence of such incentives for an employee may be taken into account by the employer as one of the incentives for career growth.

An employer can express gratitude to an employee for successful work, achievement of certain performance indicators, and conscientious performance of duties.

The declaration of gratitude is formalized by order of the director; you can use the standard form T-11 or draw up an order in free form.

To issue an order, you must have an idea for the award, usually it is drawn up by the head of the department where the employee to be awarded works. An employee of the HR service (HR department) can also provide an idea. The presentation must contain a motive - for what the employee should be thanked, for what successes and achievements.

Gratitude is one of the types of rewards that can be applied to employees in order to increase their loyalty to the employer, as well as recognition of the employee’s merits. This is always formalized by order.

Often a cash bonus () or a material gift is also added to this, which further encourages the employee to increase the impact of his work.

Such types of incentives significantly improve the work process at the enterprise, reduce staff attrition, and increase productivity and quality of work.

Organizations that want to use incentives to stimulate work must develop a special Regulation that will stipulate for what and how the employee will be rewarded.

The declaration of gratitude usually takes the form of a letter of gratitude or, which are presented on the basis of an approved order. The law does not establish any strict requirements regarding the form.

How to fill out form T-11?

It is recommended to use the unified form T-11 to express gratitude to one employee and T-11a for a group of employees. To apply, you must have a petition or submission for promotion. The head of the organization marks it “for execution”, after which the HR department prepares a corresponding order with subsequent approval by the director of the company.

Filling out the T-11 form is discussed in. If incentives in the form of gratitude are used, then in the corresponding line of the order you should indicate wording like “declare gratitude.”

If an additional bonus is paid, its amount is entered in the field below. If the monetary component is not provided for the employee, then the field indicating the amount is not filled in.

Be sure to fill out the “motive for encouragement” field, where the wording from the presentation to the announcement of gratitude to the employee is entered - the employee’s achievements and successes.

The incentive clause can determine how the employee will be rewarded. For example, this could be a formal occasion, a meeting of employees.

Once completed, Order T-11 is submitted to the manager for approval. Next, the awarded employee gets to know him.

Do I need to make an entry in the work book?

A work book is a document that testifies to the work experience of its owner. It contains records of hiring, transfers, and dismissals. This may include making a record of imposing a disciplinary sanction or expressing gratitude to the employee. However, this is not always done; the decision to record an award is made taking into account the opinion of the employee to be awarded.

According to the Rules for maintaining work books (clause 24), making an entry about promotion in the work book is mandatory.

An entry in the work book is made on the basis of an order.

What does such a record give to an employee? In fact, the employee does not receive any special privileges from the appearance of a thank-you note in the work book. However, this may serve as a good signal for future employers to hire such a person. Such records indicate a conscientious attitude towards the labor process.

An employee can be deprived of a bonus under certain circumstances, and an order for deprivation of the bonus is issued.

Representation of an enterprise or firm addressed to the director. In the submission, indicate the full name of the employee to whom you consider it necessary to express gratitude, as well as his length of service in this organization, type of activity, position, assessment of his actions, and the basis for declaring gratitude and type of incentive. Yes, it's announced Gratitude may be for a significant contribution to the activities of the enterprise or the development of some special area, for conscientious, impeccable work, for professionalism in performing certain tasks, for exemplary performance of certain job duties, for a creative approach to fulfilling assigned obligations, for active participation in some either on behalf of a company or firm, etc.

After the manager has written down the words about recommending a particular employee for reward in the form of gratitude on behalf of the entire company, the director analyzes the situation, considers the issue and imposes a resolution.

Issue an internal order. Such an order “On promotion” has a corresponding serial number depending on the document flow on. It indicates the motive for such encouragement (a statement of all the circumstances of the case), the name of the person assigned to the incentive in the form of gratitude, his position, the structural unit in which he works and the words of gratitude themselves.

On the basis of such an order, words of gratitude are announced among the team or at a public meeting, and a special record of encouragement is made in the labor record. Give the employee a letter of gratitude signed by the manager and the seal of the organization.

Everyone evaluates the results of their activities based on personal beliefs and criteria. He can get an idea of ​​the attitude of the company's management to his work through certain signs of attention. Written Gratitude- one of the best ways to demonstrate your loyalty to a subordinate and say pleasant words, for which there is always not enough time in the everyday bustle.

You will need

  • - personal file of the employee;
  • - a beautiful form.


Determine the purpose for which you are writing Gratitude. If this message is related to any holiday, Gratitude will be accompanied by wishes and plans for future years. If you are seeing a person off to retirement, you should use more sincere and warm phrases, since the employee will probably re-read this text more than once.

Find the employee's personnel file so you have a clear picture of the person you are addressing the document to. You should not be mistaken about the dates and exact facts of his career. Select the most striking moments from the employee’s work history and reflect them in the appeal.

Try to express your Gratitude at 800-. This will be enough to highlight the main points on which your text is based. In a few sentences, list the main achievements of your subordinate in his workplace. If he excelled in individual projects, be sure to mention them as well. Try to summarize and highlight how this person's work impacted the company's overall performance.

We’ll tell you how to thank an employee for their work and how to formalize it.

Labor legislation allows rewarding employees who conscientiously fulfill their duties, both materially and intangibly (Part 1 of Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). One of the ways of non-material reward is gratitude for work.

Gratitude to employee for achievement of merit

First of all, the employer needs to determine for what achievements it is worth announcing to the employee gratitude for the work. Typically, these achievements include:

  • improvement in production performance compared to the same period last year;
  • significant overfulfillment of the plan;
  • successful participation in events of great importance to the organization;
  • successful implementation of large projects;
  • rationalization proposals;
  • improvement of labor organization;
  • active mentoring activities for young professionals.

The procedure for declaring gratitude for work, including for what merits it can be declared, follows in the local regulatory act of the organization. This document can be drawn up as shown below.

Sample Statement of Gratitude for Work

Petition for declaration of gratitude for work

So, one or more employees of the organization particularly distinguished themselves in their work. In this case, their immediate supervisor draws up a petition to nominate them for promotion. If the employees who have proven themselves are themselves heads of departments, it is not necessary to file an application; an order from the head of the organization is sufficient.

A petition containing a request to announce to the employee gratitude for the work, compiled in any form. It should reflect the following data:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the employee;
  • position held;
  • structural subdivision;
  • basis for presentation for promotion (achievement).

In some cases, if necessary, additional information is indicated, such as work experience, date of birth (if the announcement of gratitude is timed, for example, to coincide with an anniversary), education, etc.

In a number of organizations, it is customary to attach documents confirming the achievements of employees to the application. These can be reports, statements, graphs, diagrams that reflect the numerical indicators of a specialist’s work activity. If it is impossible to express labor efficiency in digital terms, a description of the employee’s success by his immediate supervisor is sufficient. In addition, the document can be supplemented with employee characteristics if desired.

The petition can be completed as shown below.

Sample petition for declaration of gratitude for work

Order of gratitude for work

After the application is approved by the head of the organization, it is usually transferred to the personnel department, where a draft order is prepared to declare gratitude to the employee for his work. In this case, you can use order forms No. T-11 or T-11a, which are approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 (sample below). The employee being encouraged must be familiarized with the order against signature.

Entering gratitude for work into the work book

Based on the order, an entry is made in the work book of the awarded employee stating that he has been declared gratitude for the work. The procedure for making an entry in the work book about encouraging an employee, including declaring gratitude to him, is regulated by paragraph 4 of the Instructions for filling out work books, which was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

The step-by-step procedure for making an entry about declaring gratitude to an employee in the work book in the “Information about awards” section looks like this (sample below):

  • in column 3 (as a heading) we enter the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if available);
  • Column 1 - serial number of the record (numbering increasing throughout the entire period of the employee’s labor activity);
  • column 2 - date of award;
  • column 3 - by whom the employee was awarded, for what achievements and with what award;
  • Column 4 - the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

Sample of filling out a work book


about awarding

date and number
entry made

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Thanks declared

for successfully implemented


proposals and active

participation in the liquidation of the accident

Thank you form for work

Recognition of the employee's services to the company will most likely be expressed in writing. There is no established form of the document; it is developed by the enterprise independently, so the appearance of the form depends only on the imagination of the employer. This can be the organization’s letterhead, a special “Thank You” form printed in a printing house, a postcard, or a framed letter.

The text is compiled depending on the circumstances and in relation to a specific employee. The form indicates to whom the announcement is made. gratitude for the work and for what. The document must be signed by the head of the organization. Additionally, members of the board of directors or honored employees of the company, for example veterans, mentors (sample below), can add their signatures.

Most often, gratitude for work is expressed to an employee in the presence of the entire company team or employees of a structural unit. Often he is given a gift or monetary reward. It all depends on what is specified in the employee incentive regulations.