How to replace vinyl film primer. Primers for body repair: types and purposes

All styling films have a self-adhesive backing, everyone knows this. Why, then, a primer, you ask ?! When gluing the film to curved surfaces, it stretches strongly, its adhesive layer also stretches and becomes thinner, the film must be helped to stay on the surface to be glued in difficult conditions, for this it is needed Primer 3M ! This is especially necessary when pasting concave surfaces and textured plastics.

Primer 3M 94 is most often used in car vinyl, and on textured plastics in a snowmobile, cross-laced details.

It is applied on a cleaned and degreased surface along the edge.

The main purpose of the primer- enhancing the adhesive effect of films, scotch tapes or other self-adhesive materials. Primer 3M 94 is an irreplaceable assistant when pasting a car with vinyl film! Not a single professionally done work can do without it.

All films for car styling have a self-adhesive base, everyone knows this. Why, then, a primer, you ask ?! When gluing the film to curved surfaces, it stretches strongly, its adhesive layer also stretches and becomes thinner, the film must be helped to stay on the surface to be glued in difficult conditions, for this we need Primer 3M! This is especially necessary when pasting concave surfaces. Having previously coated the glued surface with a primer, we reinsure ourselves against repeated work in such difficult areas as the stiffening ribs of the hood with a concave profile, complex-concave bumpers, places where glue is not enough. It should be remembered that the film loves to peel off at the edges of the parts, and to swell in the recesses, which is why it is advisable to use a primer.

Instructions for use of primer 3M Primer 94:

Shake the container with Primer 94 before use. The surface to be primed must be free from contamination, wipe it with isopropyl alcohol or white spirit. Apply a minimum even layer to the surface to be glued. Primer 94 should not only evaporate, but also dry a little before proceeding with pasting. Typically 1 to 5 minutes to room temperature is sufficient. Maximum adhesion occurs within 1-2 days after pasting.

For absorbent and porous substrates, it is sometimes necessary to reapply the Primer to create a uniform coating surface and good adhesion. In this case, you need to dry the first layer and only then apply the second. Primer 3M 94 is preferably applied with a swab or brush.

Primer Application Tips:


2. It is dried
3. If even immediately after pasting it is necessary to tear off the film, consider it no longer suitable for pasting difficult places, since the primer does not come off the glue, as a result, they are both either on the machine or on the film!

For example, when pasting the hood or trunk, the primer is applied along the edge of the hood from above with a width of about 5 cm and on the reverse side under the wrapped film as well from 1 to 3 cm.Otherwise, a slight shrinkage of the film over time can cause the folded edge to peel off and may even turn the film out.

Primer 3M, or in other words, an adhesion enhancer is a clear liquid with a pungent odor.

What is the 3M 94 primer for?

This product, which still has no analogues in other manufacturers, was developed by 3M, the world leader in the manufacture of auto accessories, chemicals, etc. Its main purpose is to enhance the adhesive effect of films, scotch tapes or other self-adhesive materials. Primer 3M 94 is not an interchangeable assistant when pasting a car with film! Not a single serious work can do without it.

Why do you need Primer 3M 94 when pasting a car with foil ?!

Primer 3M 94 in original packaging.

All films for car styling have a self-adhesive base, everyone knows this. Why then a primer, you ask ?! It's simple, in those places where the film is stretched, its adhesive layer also stretches and becomes thinner, for every centimeter of the covered surface - there is less glue, the film needs to be helped to stay on the body, and then the 3M primer comes into effect! This is especially necessary when pasting concave planes! Having missed the previously pasted area with primer 3m, we reinsure against the inconveniences that often arise if this is not done. Especially at the edges of the parts, the carbon-like film loves to peel off, and in the recesses it loves to swell, which is why you need to use a 3M primer.

What to do if the carbon film is peeled off ?!

We are often asked this question. This situation can be corrected without the need to re-paste the car parts if you notice it in time. Particulary if the film comes off on the 2nd, 3rd day after pasting and you immediately noticed it - you need to carefully peel back the peeled off film (but if the location is heavily contaminated and dust or even dirt has already adhered to the film, it's too late to save the situation), wipe the area under the film, and then apply primer 3m 94 and after waiting 5 minutes for the Primer to dry, stick on the foil.

Technical information Primer 94 3M:

Product description:

Primer 94 can be used to improve adhesion to surfaces such as polyethylene, polypropylene, ABS, PET / PBT combinations, concrete, wood, glass, metal and painted metal surfaces.

Physical properties:

Surface preparation:

The area to be applied with Primer 94 must be clean and dry. It is recommended to use a 1: 1 mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water to clean contaminated surfaces.


Shake the jar with Primer 94 before use. Apply a thin, uniform layer to the surface to be bonded, using the minimum amount necessary to evenly cover the entire surface. Allow Primer 94 to dry before gluing. This usually takes 5 minutes at room temperature. Make sure the area to be primed is free from contamination.

For porous substrates, recoating of Primer 94 may be required to achieve a uniform finish and good adhesion. In this case, allow the first coat of Primer 94 to dry before applying the second coat.

Primer 94 can be applied with a brush or swab.


To remove Primer 94 is used. *

Shelf life:

12 months from the date of receipt by the customer, subject to the following conditions:

The primer is stored in its original packaging.

The package (jar) is tightly closed to prevent evaporation of the solvent.

Use Primer 94 3M when pasting cars, phones, laptops and other devices, and be sure that the film will not come off tomorrow!

From SW. Arsen Mayilyan

What tools and materials will be required for pasting a car with film, calculating the amount of film and its cost. Preparing a car for pasting with vinyl, as well as do-it-yourself methods for pasting a car with a film.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

Coating the body with a film is today the most widespread and demanded type of car tuning, due to the low cost, efficiency and availability of this method for most car owners. A wide variety of PVC-based films of various types and colors provides ample opportunities, to show imagination and make your car truly exclusive and stand out from the stream of cars on the road. There is nothing complicated in the process of pasting a car body, and if desired, these works can be done independently.

brand-detail-img-title "> Camouflage Vinyl Car Wrap

What tools and materials are required for pasting a car with film

First of all, it should be noted that pasting a car with a film with your own hands requires compulsory adherence to the technology of applying a film coating, as well as the availability of space for the production of these works, where you can create the necessary temperature conditions and absolute cleanliness. The room should have moderate humidity, good lighting and a temperature of at least 20 ° C. To cover the car with vinyl film, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • the vinyl film itself of the selected type in the right amount;
  • scissors and a sharp stationery knife;
  • spray and soap solution prepared from water and detergent or in a 10: 1 ratio;
  • plastic or felt squeegee;
  • alcohol or solvent for degreasing the surface, white spirit is best suited for these purposes;
  • technical hair dryer;
  • masking tape;
  • dry rags made of soft, lint-free cloth;
  • primer 3M - a composition that enhances the adhesive properties of the adhesive layer of the film.

All this should be prepared in advance and be at hand when working.

brand-detail-img-title "> Primer 3M

What film is better to paste over a car

Today there are two types of films for car body wrapping - vinyl and polyurethane. Vinyl-based films come in a variety of styles and colors to transform your exterior design. Although they protect against ultraviolet radiation and minor damage, they are inferior in their protective properties to anti-gravel films made of polyurethane, which are only transparent and are used exclusively to protect the body.

For tuning and styling a car, vinyl films are most often used, which is explained not only by their variety, but also by their lower price.

According to the production method, such films are of two types:

  • calendered;
  • cast.

Vinyl films HEXIS

Cast films are of higher quality and more durable, they are available in a wider range of types and colors, but they are somewhat more expensive than calendered ones. Which film to choose for your car, everyone decides for himself. But, if you decide to do the pasting of the car with your own hands, it is better to choose a cast film, of a higher quality, with which it is easier to work. There are the following types of vinyl films (auto vinyl):

  • transparent and colored;
  • matte and glossy;
  • pearlescent and metallic effect films;
  • graphic films intended for drawing by digital printing methods;
  • textured films, with a surface stylized for various materials, which include a carbon-look film coating;
  • chameleon-type films, the color of which changes from different angles of view.

brand-detail-img-title "> Vinyl film chameleon

The choice is really very large, and everything here depends on your taste, and on what effect you want to get by resorting to this kind of tuning. But, in any case, you need to buy a film of well-known brands if you want it to easily fit on any body parts with complex surface relief and last as long as possible. The most popular and in demand in all countries of the world are the following brands:

  • 3M Scotchprint (USA);
  • KPMF (Great Britain);
  • Hexis (France);
  • ORACAL (Germany).

To determine how much film is needed for pasting, you need to know the area of ​​all body elements on which it will be applied. It is quite difficult to carry out exactly such measurements, therefore, for an approximate calculation of the need for material and its cost, they use data verified in practice.

For the complete pasting of the car body, which is recommended when using auto vinyl, the following film consumption is taken, depending on the class of the car:

  • compact B-class cars - from 18 to 21 sq. m;
  • middle class cars (C-class) 23-24 m 2;
  • large family cars D-class 25-27 sq. m .;
  • business class cars (E-class) - from 27 to 30 square meters;
  • sports coupe S-class 30-34 m 2;
  • compact SUVs 25-30 sq. m;
  • large SUVs 34-37 m 2.

Vinyl in rolls

It is best to buy auto vinyl in rolls with a width of 1.52 m, so that when pasting large body elements, you do not have to make joints.

Preparing the car for pasting with vinyl

In order for the film coating to last longer, before covering the car with film, the car must be properly prepared. This requires:

  • wash the car well with car shampoo and carefully inspect its paintwork for damage and persistent dirt;
  • if there are any remaining insect or bitumen stains, remove them with solvent or alcohol;
  • polish the paintwork of the body, to a smoother surface the adhesion of the adhesive layer of the film will be much stronger;
  • degrease complex body elements;
  • wipe the entire vehicle with a dry cloth.

brand-detail-img-title "> Preparing the car for pasting with vinyl

Ways of pasting a car with film

There are two methods of film coating today:

  • dry;
  • wet.

They are in many respects similar to each other and differ only in the technology of applying the film to the treated surface.

With the dry method, the film is immediately applied to the surface, without preliminary preparation of the latter. In the actions of the gluer, maximum accuracy and confidence of movements must be present, because the adhesive layer will immediately adhere to the body part being glued. The advantages of this method are:

  • saving time for work;
  • better adhesion;
  • no need for long-term drying of the car after applying the film.

Only experienced professionals who have filled their hands in the daily performance of such operations can afford to carry out pasting a car with a dry method.

brand-detail-img-title "> Tool for car wrapping with film

The wet method involves applying a film coating to the surface treated with soapy water. This allows, in case of errors in the imposition of the film, to correct its position relative to the body part. This method is ideal for beginner gluers, or for those who decide to apply a film coating with their own hands.

If you decide to change the appearance of your car by applying auto vinyl, you must definitely decide how to paste over the car with a film - the entire body or its individual parts. Today, many specialized car services offer various options when applying a film, including on individual parts:

  • rear and front bumper;
  • hood and roof;
  • car fenders;
  • doors and thresholds.

When using vinyl film, it is advisable to completely cover the entire body with it, because such material does not transmit ultraviolet light. And the paintwork of the body elements not covered with a film, by the time of its removal, can have time to fade in the sun, and will be noticeably different from the rest of the car.

brand-detail-img-title "> When using vinyl film, it is advisable to cover the entire body with it

How to cover a car with a wet film yourself

The technology for wrapping a car with a wet method is quite simple. To do this work with your own hands, you must:

  • Mark the material, for which, without removing the backing, attach the film to each body element and mark the cutting line.
  • Cut the material according to the markings made. You need to perform work on a flat surface using a clerical knife and scissors, leaving a small supply of film on all sides.
  • Spray soapy water evenly over the entire surface of the body part to be glued, without leaving dry places on it, in order to prevent the film from sticking to the body.
  • With the appropriate pattern down on a flat surface, gently remove the backing paper from the adhesive.
  • Try, as accurately as possible, to apply the film to the body element, pulling it slightly and fixing it on the upper corners. If this did not work out the first time, you need to raise the material and adjust its position relative to the boundaries of the body part.
  • Using a plastic squeegee, smooth out the film from the center to the edges, displacing the soapy solution from under it.
  • After removing the soapy water, repeat this procedure, heating the film with a technical hair dryer, and at the same time smoothing it from the center to the edges with a felt squeegee. Drying temperature should be in the range of 50-70 o C. This is done to activate the adhesive layer. Try not to overheat the film surface. The hair dryer must be held at an angle of 45 ° and no closer than 20 cm from the surface of the film.
  • Trim the edges of the film, leaving a margin of 5 mm, coat them with a primer and, bending, glue to the end surface of the part, smoothing with a plastic squeegee.
  • Wipe the glued surface with a dry cloth and leave the machine to dry at the same temperature for 24 hours.

For final adhesion of the film, it will take another 4-10 days. During this period, you should not drive the car quickly and wash it.

Plastic squeegee 3M with felt strip for auto film

How to properly glue the film on a car with a dry method

The technology of dry gluing a car with auto vinyl differs from the wet method only in that the film, after removing the substrate, is applied to the dry surface of the body elements.

brand-detail-img-title "> Technology of dry gluing machine

This work is best done with an assistant, and when working, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • for a more accurate overlay of the film, you need to carefully mark the material and cut it with a small margin;
  • without removing the backing, try on the pattern, marking its edges on the body with masking tape;
  • remove the backing only on a flat surface, avoiding gluing;
  • to start applying the film from the part of the part with a smaller radius of curvature, in order to slightly stretch the material during further operations;
  • in case of inaccurate application, slightly warm up the film and, removing it from the surface to be pasted, perform the operation more accurately.

Removing the vinyl from the machine

The application of film coatings to the car body is a popular type of styling, the popularity of which is also explained by the fact that at any time, the film can be easily removed without damage to the paintwork, returning the car to its previous state, or pasting it with another material.

To remove auto vinyl you need:

  • warm up the car in a warm room or in the sun;
  • heating the surface with a technical hairdryer to 70-80 ° C, pry off the film from one of the edges and start slowly pulling it up at an acute angle, moving towards the center of the coating;
  • reaching the middle, repeat the procedure, starting from the other side;
  • especially carefully you need to remove the film from plastic parts so as not to overheat them and not deform;
  • if, after removing the film, traces of the adhesive layer remain on the surface of the paintwork, remove them with a solvent or alcohol.

Subject to all technological requirements, the removal of auto vinyl from the car, as well as pasting the body, can be completely done with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialized services.

This product, which has no complete functional analogs from other manufacturers, was developed by 3M, the world leader in the development and production of high-tech materials. Suffice it to recall the world-famous Thinsulate® insulation, Scotch® adhesive tapes, which gave the Russian name to similar products even from other manufacturers, and many other useful inventions for home and professional use.

The main purpose of the primer is to enhance the adhesive effect of films, scotch tapes or other self-adhesive materials. - an irreplaceable assistant when pasting a car with vinyl film! Not a single professionally done work can do without it.

All films for car styling have a self-adhesive base, everyone knows this. Why, then, a primer, you ask ?! When gluing the film on curved surfaces, it stretches strongly, its adhesive layer also stretches and becomes thinner, the film must be helped to stay on the surface to be glued in difficult conditions, for this it is needed! This is especially necessary when pasting concave surfaces. Having previously coated the glued surface with a primer, we reinsure ourselves against repeated work in such difficult areas as the stiffening ribs of the hood with a concave profile, complex-concave bumpers, places where glue is not enough. It should be remembered that the film loves to peel off at the edges of the parts, and to swell in the recesses, which is why it is advisable to use a primer.

Product description:

Can be used to improve adhesion to surfaces such as polyethylene, polypropylene, ABS, PET / PBT combination, concrete, wood, glass, metal and painted metal surfaces.

Transparent amber color, consumption of about one liter per 211 sq. m.

Surface preparation:

The surface to be applied must be clean and dry. To clean contaminated surfaces, it is recommended to use a 1: 1 mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water.


Shake the jar well before use, then apply a thin uniform layer on the surface to be glued, using the minimum amount necessary for an even coating. Allow time for the composition to dry before pasting. This usually takes 5 minutes at room temperature. Make sure that the surface to which the Primer is applied is free from dirt and dust. Porous substrates may require reapplication to achieve uniform surface coverage and good adhesion. In this case, it is necessary to allow the first layer to dry and only then apply the second.

Primer ZM 94 can be applied with a brush or swab. Isopropyl alcohol is used to remove Primer ZM 94.

Product shelf life:

12 months from the date of purchase, subject to the following conditions:

The primer is stored in its original packaging.

The package is tightly closed to prevent evaporation of the solvent.

Release form: metal cans with a volume of 0.946 l and 0.237 l.

This clear yellowish liquid is used for tackifying a wide variety of self-adhesive materials. Technically speaking, it enhances the initial adhesion of the adhesive layers.

Where applicable.

The scope of application is not limited by anything, except for the recommendations of the manufacturer (3M), which, by the way, is a recognized leader around the world. Recommendations mean the acceptable materials on the surface of which the film is glued. It:
- Polyethylene.
- Thermoplastic resin (aka ABS).
- PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and PBT (polybutylene terephthalate).
- Metals.
- Smooth concrete surfaces.
- Wood.
- Glass.
- Painted surfaces.
So, in any area where the above materials are available, this drug can be used.

What is it for?

Despite the fact that the self-adhesive base of the films is quite effective when applied on a flat surface, the adhesive effect along the edges is insufficient. As a result, the edges of the film flake off and bend. To prevent this from happening, a primer is used, smearing problem areas with it. But this is on a flat plane, but if it has bends, curvature and concavity, then it is generally impossible to do without this drug.

The film is not only elastic, but also resilient. Therefore, it tries to take its original (even) appearance, which means that in all concave places it tries to peel off the surface. The same happens around curved places.

The use of a primer provides excellent adhesion of the film to the surface, even in the most difficult places.

How to use.

1. It is recommended to pre-degrease and clean the glued areas from dirt. To do this, it is advisable to use isopropyl alcohol in half with water.
2. Allow the cleaned areas to dry thoroughly.
3. Shake the contents of the jar thoroughly so that the preparation takes on a homogeneous structure.
4. Apply a layer of primer evenly to the prepared areas of the bonded surface. The layer should be thin and uniform throughout the entire area. For application, you can use any suitable tool (brush, sponge, etc.).
5. Leave for 5-7 minutes until completely dry.

Then you can start gluing directly, but in some cases it is recommended to apply the 2nd layer of the preparation before that. For example, if the surface has a porous structure and the 1st layer is partially absorbed inside.
Naturally, the 2nd layer must also be allowed to dry.
If it becomes necessary to remove the applied primer layer, then this can be done using the same isopropyl alcohol.


The product has an amber hue and a pronounced solvent odor.
It is stored for 1 year, subject to simple requirements - that it is in a tightly closed original packaging.
Produced in metal cans of 0.946 and 0.237 liters.