What is considered absenteeism to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When is an employee's absence considered absenteeism? Absenteeism without dismissal

It is unlikely that a working person does not have information that there is an article for dismissal for absenteeism. In this context, it is advisable to consider in detail in what circumstances its use is lawful. After all, sometimes leaders abuse the threat of imposition of punishment.

Absenteeism criteria for TC

The Labor Code describes the rights of workers, at the same time explains under what circumstances the employing party can justifiably terminate the employment agreement of its own free will.

Among the significant factors, even in a single case of neglect of labor duties, in paragraph 6 of article 81 of the article, the failure of the worker is spelled out, provided that there is no justifiable justifiable reason, namely absenteeism.

Basic criteria for determination:

  1. Absenteeism is an absence from the workplace for more than 4 hours or, as an option, during a complete shift.
  2. The presence of a good reason, with documentary evidence, fully justifies the absence of a labor participant to work.

Hence, it turns out that not all cases of a subordinate's admission, which is unexpected for a leader, can be classified as absenteeism and punishment established.

Memorandum on violation of labor discipline

How many hours can you walk without the risk of being fired?

If a shift work schedule is established, and the duration of the shift is 4 hours or less, an employee can be recognized as a truant only if the working time is completely missed. Should work 2 hours a day, did not come for these 2 hours - this is absenteeism, the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation confirms. Appeared 1 hour 45 minutes after the start of working hours, in this case, not absenteeism, although there were only 15 minutes left until the end.

If shifts are longer, or an employee works on a standard 8-hour schedule, more than 4 hours must be absent to classify absences as absenteeism. Absent for exactly 4 hours or 240 minutes - not absenteeism. The definition of what is considered truancy according to the Labor Code unequivocally states - more than 4 hours.

It is not legal to add up hours of absence. The hired performer of the labor function was 2 hours late on Friday, 3 hours late on Tuesday. This cannot be considered a truancy. It is a mistake to conclude that you can be systematically absent from work. Numerous violations of labor discipline also give the employer the right to part with a person who is unable to show up on time.

The break does not count towards truancy hours. For clarification, a specific case should be considered. The specialist has an 8-hour working day from 9 to 18 with a lunch break from 13 to 14. He was absent from 9 to 13, it would seem, 4 hours 30 minutes, prepare an order. However, the lunch time prescribed in the employment agreement or other documents is not taken into account. The offender was absent for exactly 4 hours, the term absenteeism cannot be used. He showed up at 14.05 and does not have a voucher - absenteeism.

Reasons that can justify a truant

A working citizen has a guaranteed right to vacation. The director requires the employee to complete the work during this period and threatens with an article for absenteeism, the refusal of a specialist is legitimate. Such a situation cannot be classified as absenteeism for no good reason.

An important detail: the vacation is a planned event. No one is immune from situations where the need to be absent arises spontaneously.

The employer will not dispute valid reasons in a number of cases:

  1. If you need the help of medical personnel. It is allowed to contact the medical service and support when there is a threat to the life and health of a colleague. A doctor's note will fully justify the pass.
  2. If you are under investigation or participate in investigative measures in the role of a witness, an attesting witness. However, we must not forget about the supporting document.
  3. If your payment is delayed more than 15 days. It is necessary to notify the company and write an application in advance. Be sure to capture the fact of its transfer, leave a copy for yourself. It would be rational to simultaneously report a flagrant violation to the labor inspectorate.
  4. If you donated blood or underwent the necessary research.
  5. If insurmountable events prevented you from appearing on the spot: flight postponement, accident, natural disaster, and the like. A supporting document will be required in this case as well.

Since the labor legislation of our country does not provide a clear and unambiguous clarification of valid reasons, if in doubt, it is better to familiarize yourself with the existing judicial practice and make a decision based on precedents.

Explanatory note on absence from work

Article for dismissal for absenteeism, restrictions

An analysis of regulatory documents shows that if absenteeism is absolutely unambiguous, an employee cannot always be asked to collect things. It is a bad idea to part with a woman in a position for absenteeism, no matter when the fact of expecting a child has been established.

The procedure for dismissal for absenteeism of underage workers has special features. It is necessary to coordinate with the State Labor Inspectorate and the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights.

An article for absenteeism does not oblige the employer to abruptly break off relations with the employee. The head of the organization has the right to make a more loyal decision, use a different disciplinary sanction. It is undeniable that a person can receive no more than one punishment for a misdemeanor. It is unlawful to reprimand and fire at the same time.

An employee cannot be deprived of work for absenteeism if the term for the application of the punishment has expired, that is, more than 6 months from the day the offense was committed or 1 month after the fact was revealed.

Algorithm for registration of truancy

When the employer plans to say goodbye to the offender who is absent from the office, it is better not to waste time, to immediately form an act (registration with the past number is not allowed). A single universal form of paper has not been established. As a rule, the organization independently determines its type.

Mandatory conditions:

  • fixing the date and time of the employee's absence with absolute accuracy;
  • stamping the exact date and time of writing the act;
  • the presence of witnesses (it is permissible for colleagues to act in this role) confirming absenteeism with signatures on official paper.

The violator of the routine does not attend work for several days, similar to shifts, in a row - each time a separate act is drawn up.

In the report card, before the return of a potential truant, a failure to appear for unexplained reasons is displayed. Subsequently, the absence premise must be classified as either respectful or disrespectful.

The employer's obligation is to request an explanatory note from the truant and submit the act for review. This can be done in person or by a registered letter if the truant does not appear for a long time.

If a person does not agree to make contact, refuses to give explanations in writing, the fact is recorded by another act. Involvement of witnesses is obligatory.

The next step is to notify the CEO of the enterprise. To do this, the head of the absentee sends a report, mentions in the text that there was an absence from the workplace without a good reason, records his assessment of the events. The author expresses his position regarding the deserved punishment.

In the case of a cardinal attitude, an order of dismissal is drawn up. The text contains links to all documents signed in connection with absenteeism. The former employee should be given the opportunity to read the official paper and sign. In case of refusal, the next act is formed.

Employment book entry, mandatory payments

If the nuances and subtleties of the regulations for the dismissal of a hired specialist during absenteeism are observed, an entry in the work book in accordance with the established model becomes a fixing step on the way to parting with the employer. It reflects the reason and refers to an article of the Labor Code.

The work record book is handed over to the person who has walked away or is sent by mail in a registered format by mail.

Employment history

Sometimes a loyal leader asks the offender to file a letter of resignation with a softer basis, of his own free will. In this case, the mention of parting with the employer under the article in the documents and labor does not fit. The process of finding a new job will be much easier.

Dismissal of an employee for absenteeism is not a reason to cancel mandatory payments when settling with the offender.

  • hours worked;
  • days of the due vacation in the format of compensation;
  • sick leave, travel and other expenses confirmed by documents and not paid before.

Objections from the organization are grounds for filing a court application.

Reinstatement after dismissal for absenteeism

It so happens that a person who has lost his position is firmly convinced that dismissal for absenteeism is a mistake by the company. There is a chance to try to challenge the injustice and return to your place. It is permissible to file a claim within a month from the date of familiarization with the order or delivery of the work book.

The court will assess the disputable situation from several sides:

  1. Whether there was a neglect of the working time precisely without a good reason.
  2. How legally competent is the procedure for terminating labor relations (whether acts, orders and other documents have been drawn up; is there evidence of witnesses; do the dates and time intervals converge).
  3. Are the clauses of the employment contract and the internal labor regulations spelled out correctly? Working hours should be clearly marked (from 10.00 to 19.00, from 10.00 to 22.00 or another option), place: a specific office, office, warehouse, general area of ​​the enterprise.

If in the course of the proceedings it is established that the former employee was not present for a good reason and can confirm this that the employer forced him to appear in the office at the time when the person had the statutory right to refuse, the acts were drawn up with errors, then the judge will approve the decision in favor of reinstatement for the previous position. He will also consider the issue of payment of funds for forced stay outside the workplace, the cost of judicial measures, compensation for moral damage.

Dismissal under the article for absenteeism is a procedure that requires specialists in charge of personnel documents and legal control in an organization to strictly adhere to many rules. However, it is rash to hope that it will be possible to avoid punishment for failure to appear without a worthy excuse. The best solution is to coordinate an unexpected pass with your line manager as early as possible and not bring disciplinary action to bear.

Are there good reasons for absence from work? Some employers joke that only death is considered a valid excuse for absenteeism. But absenteeism is often due to illness, a wedding, or a university exam. Let's figure out what truancy is and what reasons can be considered valid.

What is considered truancy

Absenteeism is considered the absence of an employee from work for more than 4 hours in a row, but provided that the lunch time, which is due to a person by law, has been deducted. Periods of absence less than the specified period must be recognized.

Absenteeism falls into two categories:

  1. Without good reason. Such absenteeism can be a reason if the employer does not impose another punishment on the employee.
  2. For a good reason, when a person was forced to be absent.

In practice, situations often arise when the employer does not recognize the employee's arguments as valid and fires him. Then the employee can go to court and appeal the decision.

By analyzing the circumstances of modern life, one can identify some valid reasons for the absence of an employee.

Personal reasons

1. Illness or injury.

Absenteeism is due to the employee's health, when a person goes to the hospital, but does not get sick leave. Many people give up sick leave to keep their wages. In this case, the employee must provide a certificate from the doctor, which will indicate the date of the appointment.

2. Medical examination.

If a person works in a grocery store, childcare, catering, military, fire or rescue service, then a medical examination is a mandatory procedure, and the absence of an employee cannot be considered absenteeism. But if an employee appointed a medical examination himself and did not bring a certificate from a doctor, then this can no longer be considered a good reason.

If the employee refused to write out sick leave or was undergoing a medical examination, then he must provide a certificate from a doctor.

3. Illness of a child or other family member.

This fact must be confirmed by a certificate from a doctor or take a sick leave to care for a child.

4. Unexpected breakdown in the utility sector.

These reasons include a gas leak, a break in heating or water pipes, a short circuit in electricity, or a fire.

5. Participation in government processes.

The reason for absenteeism is considered valid if the employee is in court on a subpoena, for example, as a plaintiff, witness, jury or election commission representative. According to Art. 46 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, such a reason is considered valid, because a person has the right to personal participation in court.

6. Delayed wages.

Delaying salary payments for more than 15 days can also be a valid reason. The employee has the right not to go to work, but must notify the employer in writing. According to Part 2 of Art. 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the absence can continue until at least part of the salary is paid.

Reasons for truancy provoked by an external factor

The circumstances for absenteeism may or may not be related to personal reasons. Everything that can be attributed to force majeure situations justifies the absence of a person from work for 4 hours or more.

Force majeure situations:

  1. Breakdown of an elevator in a house - an employee got stuck in the elevator and could not come to work.
  2. Traffic accident.
  3. Malfunction of transport, if it is not possible to transfer to another bus, trolleybus, etc.
  4. Natural obstacles (flooding, ice, strong gusts of wind).
  5. Epidemiological situation in the village and compulsory vaccination.
  6. Flight delay, which creates obstacles for the timely return home from vacation, business trip or other trip.
  7. Lack of tickets at the box office of any road, water or air service.

If the employee has confirmation that the absenteeism was due to serious circumstances, then you cannot fire him.

Reasons for absenteeism that are known in advance

Sometimes other circumstances that arose the day before or were known in advance may be the reason for absenteeism. Such reasons include a wedding, the birth of a child, or the death of a close relative.

Also, the employee has the right to receive additional days off, which are not paid by the employer and cannot be considered absenteeism. But the employee is obliged to notify the manager in writing about these circumstances, if this is not possible, then you can just call. According to Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the period of absence from the workplace cannot exceed 5 days.

The employee has the right to receive additional days off, which are not paid by the employer and cannot be considered absenteeism.

Absenteeism does not always happen at the will of the employee. Sometimes a person is forced to stay late or not come to work at all due to unforeseen circumstances. But if there is a justification for absenteeism and it is respectful, then you have no right to exceed your authority and deprive an employee of work. Before publishing, give the subordinate the opportunity to justify themselves.

) Is the basis for termination of the contract at the initiative of the employer. In accordance with, absenteeism means:

  • absence of an employee without good reason for more than 4 hours in a row;
  • absence of a citizen at work during the whole working day ( Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The following circumstances can also be considered:

  • if the employee wrote a letter of resignation, but during the working off decided not to go to work;
  • if the employee decided to terminate the fixed-term contract before its termination and did not go to work without notifying the employer about it;
  • unauthorized use of time off and going on vacation without warning.

What is considered a good reason for absence

The Labor Code and the one being commented on allows you to dismiss an employee for a single gross violation, and absenteeism means precisely a gross violation of labor law. But at the same time, it is important to understand which circumstances are respectful and which are not. Otherwise, the employee will have the opportunity to recover from work with the help of the court. V Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is no clear indication of which reasons for absence are 100% valid. But based on life circumstances, the list may be as follows:

  • the employee's illness (confirmed by medical documents);
  • illness or death of a relative;
  • natural disasters;
  • unexpected utility problems (which can be confirmed by a certificate from the HOA).

Since the list of these reasons is open, the employer, each time faced with a long absence of his subordinate at work, is forced to solve this issue individually. For legal and fair conclusions, it is necessary to request an explanation from the subordinate and provide two days so that he can clearly state his reasons for what happened. After which the employer will have to decide whether it is absenteeism or not?

Please note that valid reasons include permission from the employer, even if it was done verbally. If an employee has asked for time off, he can no longer be considered a truant. But we advise employees to contact the employer with a request for free time in writing, with the help of an application. It is desirable that the director put a resolution of consent on it. This will protect yourself in the event of misunderstandings.

V Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the definition of the workplace is given - this is a space or room where an employee must be or where he needs to arrive in connection with his job function and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer. It can be an office, a lathe, or a whole service station, but in this case, the sign of the employer's control, in other words, its territory, is important. If an employee was absent and was absent from his office for several hours, but was on the territory of the enterprise to resolve work issues, such absence will not be considered absenteeism.

Dismissal procedure for unreasonable absence from work

Gives the right to fire for absenteeism. If the employer decides to punish absenteeism in this way, he must follow article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation... The sequence of dismissal in this case is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to record the fact of missing work. An act is drawn up, which indicates the period of time during which the citizen was absent.
  2. A written explanation must be required from the employee. It is necessary to indicate the reason for the absence.
  3. If he refuses to explain his action, an act of refusal is drawn up.
  4. A specially appointed commission or an official of the enterprise prepares an opinion in which it recognizes the fact of absenteeism (or refutes it) and presents its proposals to the head of the organization.
  5. An order is issued to terminate the contract, with which the employee is introduced against his signature.
  6. An entry is made in the work book and in the personal card of a citizen with the following wording: dismissal for absenteeism, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 6 of part one.

For absenteeism at work, the punishment is not only in the form of dismissal. Much depends on the employer. For example, if a valuable employee has missed work, instead of terminating the contract, the manager may use other methods of influence: reprimand, warning, loss of bonus. If the situation repeats, dismissal cannot be avoided.

After the conclusion of the labor contract, each employee is obliged to familiarize himself with the job description, internal regulations in the organization and other local regulatory documents.

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It is the duty of every worker to strictly observe the norms of both federal and local legislation. In particular, it is the duty of each employee to be present at the workplace during the established work schedule.


Truancy is the absence of a worker at his place of work:

  • during a full working day, regardless of how long it lasts (5, 6 or 7 hours);
  • or 4 hours in a row within 1 working day.


The Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates under which article dismissal for absenteeism is made, the procedure for issuing an order and familiarizing an employee with it, what disciplinary measures, except for dismissal, can be applied, etc.

basic information

Truancy is recognized as a gross violation of labor duties, along with:

  • the appearance of a worker at work in a state of intoxication;
  • disclosure of commercial secrets that have become known to the worker;
  • theft at the place of work or damage to government property;
  • violation of safety precautions, resulting in the death of employees or other persons by negligence.

For the above offenses and for absenteeism, dismissal may be made, or other types of disciplinary punishment may be applied - at the choice of the employer and taking into account the severity of the offense / personality of the offender.

What exactly is considered absenteeism

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that absenteeism is either absence from a job for 4 or more hours in a row, or generally absent from work on any working day.

Article for absenteeism of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismissal

Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for dismissal for absenteeism - pp. “A” clause 6 of Art. ... It is this basis that is entered into the work book.

Upon dismissal on this basis, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not indicate any restrictions for the employer on the application of the most stringent disciplinary measure - dismissal.

The choice of the measure of responsibility is left to the discretion of the employer, who, taking into account the severity of the offense and other factors (for example, repeated absenteeism), imposes:

  • either a remark;
  • either a reprimand;
  • or dismissal.

For example, with the 1st absenteeism, the employer can make a remark, with the 2nd - a reprimand, and only with the 3rd absenteeism, make a dismissal, and maybe even with the 1st absenteeism issue an order to terminate the employment relationship.

Rules and order

The procedure for dismissal for absenteeism includes 2 components:

  • the imposition of disciplinary punishment in the form of dismissal;
  • directly the dismissal itself.

1st procedure is as follows:

  1. The fact of absenteeism is recorded by drawing up, in which the names of the witnesses (at least 3 people), as well as the specific time and date of absenteeism, must be indicated.
  2. An explanatory note is required from the employee.

This article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not give the terms of dismissal for absenteeism, but it seems that the date specified in the order will be the final date of dismissal.

First of all, the head issues an order to terminate labor relations in a single or form of organization, which indicates:

  • the date of the conclusion of the employment contract and the end of its validity;
  • The full name of the offending employee, his position, the name of the structural unit where he worked;
  • the basis for termination of the relationship (entry in the employment) - pp. “A” clause 6 of Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • documents confirming absenteeism (memo, certificate of absence from the workplace, etc.);
  • signature of the head of the company and transcript.

At the request of the employee, an order in the form of a company or T-8 must be issued to him, having previously certified the document.

At the final stage of the procedure, the final settlement is made with the employee.

The truancy was forced

Forced absenteeism is recognized as the fact that a worker has no actual opportunity to appear at work.

A list of such possible cases:

  • illegal dismissal;
  • conclusion of an employment contract not within the established time frame;
  • execution of the court verdict on reinstatement at work not on time;
  • the employer entered the wrong wording in the work book, which prevented the employee from leaving for another job.

Absenteeism is reprimanded

Dismissal for absenteeism is possible, but it is applied only in exceptional cases - for example, if the employee has poorly proven himself at the place of work, constantly violated the rules of labor discipline, or otherwise did not comply with the requirements of his immediate superiors.

If the worker is absent for the first time, has a good characterization at the place of work and has never been noticed in violation of local labor rules before, the head of the company may limit himself to a remark or a reprimand.

The procedure is the same as for dismissal, that is:

  • first, the employer requests a written explanation from the employee;
  • waits for 2 days;
  • if after this time the explanatory has not been presented, the corresponding act is issued;
  • further, no later than 30 days from the day of absenteeism, issues an order to impose a reprimand, which the worker must familiarize himself with within 3 working days, confirming the familiarization with his signature.

After the reprimand is issued, the employee will be considered subject to disciplinary liability for 1 year (Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employer has the right to withdraw the penalty and before the expiration of 1 year:

  • of their own free will;
  • at the request of the employee himself;
  • at the request of the immediate superior of the employee or the trade union.

Consequences of a reprimand

The consequences of the imposition of a reprimand, other than dismissal for subsequent delays or other violations of the internal regulations, are not determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, it is not specified whether the employee is deprived of bonuses and other material incentives during the period of the reprimand.

Dismissal for absenteeism- the strictest disciplinary measure allowed for the absence of an employee at work for a long time. The concept of truancy, the procedure for dismissal, signs of its illegality and the possibility of applying an alternative penalty are described in this article.

What is considered truancy: truancy according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Truancy, in accordance with the provisions of Article 81 of the Labor Code of Russia, is considered the absence of an employee at the workplace if the following conditions are met:

  • lack of valid reasons;
  • duration of absence for 4 consecutive hours or throughout the entire work shift.

Absenteeism is not absenteeism due to seeking medical help, being on sick leave (including taking care of a child or other disabled family member), participation in investigative actions or a court hearing. All these circumstances must be confirmed by appropriate supporting documents (medical certificate, certificate of incapacity for work, summons).

In addition, Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation grants an employee the right to suspend work and, accordingly, be absent from the workplace in case of non-payment of wages for more than 15 days. But first, it is necessary to inform the employer about this intention in writing (see: 2016-2017 ).

In the absence of well-documented reasons, the employee may face dismissal for absenteeism.

Article of the Labor Code providing for dismissal for absenteeism in 2017

By virtue of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, absenteeism is a legal basis for terminating an employment contract with an employee. At the same time, the law does not establish mandatory conditions for the application of the strictest disciplinary sanction, which is dismissal (for example, the presence of an unrecoverable penalty, repeated, etc.). That is, based on the meaning of the article, dismissal under the article for absenteeism is possible even after a single employee admits such a violation of labor discipline.

However, in judicial practice in cases of reinstatement at work, there are cases of recognition of dismissal as illegal due to the fact that, when making a decision, the employer did not take into account the severity of the offense, the employee's previous attitude to the performance of his job duties and his behavior preceding absenteeism.

The procedure for dismissing an employee for absenteeism at work according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Dismissal on negative grounds, according to labor law, is classified as a disciplinary sanction. The procedure for its application is established by Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In terms of dismissal for absenteeism, the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following procedure:

A memorandum on the identification of the fact of absenteeism is drawn up by the immediate supervisor of the employee who committed the misconduct, and sent to the first head of the organization along with the act of absenteeism, the employee's explanation or an act of refusal to provide an explanation. There is no unified form of a note, that is, the order of its execution is arbitrary.

Don't know your rights?

  1. Issuance of a dismissal order.

This stage must be preceded by clarification of the circumstances due to which the employee made absenteeism. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation imposes this obligation on the employer, however, in the interests of the employee, as soon as possible, provide supporting documents, if any, or try to avoid dismissal, explaining the reasons for absence from work.

For example, the elimination of failures of engineering, electrical or sewer communications at the place of residence of a truant worker can be recognized as a valid reason.

IMPORTANT Dismissal for absenteeism is a procedure that requires strict adherence to the norms of the Labor Code at each stage. Therefore, the slightest inconsistency with the law, expressed in the incorrect execution of documents (acts, orders) or non-compliance with the established procedure for terminating the employment contract, will be the basis for challenging the dismissal and, as a result, recognizing it as unlawful.

Absenteeism order: sample order of dismissal for absenteeism, requirements for drafting and content

The dismissal order is usually drawn up according to the form No. T-8, approved by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 05.01.2004. However, since 01.01.2013, the use of unified forms of documents has ceased to be mandatory.

Nevertheless, there are still some requirements for the content and execution of the order to terminate the employment contract (that is, to dismiss):

  • availability of the date of termination of the employment contract (compliance with the date of the document is optional);
  • a link to the grounds for dismissal with a list of documents confirming the fact of absenteeism (memorandum, act of absence from the workplace, timesheet, etc.).

The employee, in respect of whom the order of dismissal for absenteeism has been drawn up, must be familiarized with it within 3 days from the date of its publication (excluding the time spent on vacation or on sick leave). Refusal to read or sign the order does not prevent its entry into force.

Important: if there is an elected trade union body in the organization, the order must contain its reasoned opinion about the dismissal of the employee.

Forced truancy

Dismissal for absenteeism is not allowed if it is recognized as forced, that is, if the employee does not have the opportunity to start work or appear at the workplace through the fault of the employer. Such cases include:

  • illegal dismissals or transfer of an employee to another position;
  • untimely conclusion of an employment contract;
  • non-execution or untimely execution of a court decision on reinstatement at work;
  • incorrect wording about the reasons for dismissal in the employee's work book, preventing him from going to another job;
  • failure to provide or untimely provision of a work book after dismissal.

Reprimand for absenteeism: sample order, order

Dismissal is the strictest punishment for absenteeism. But in some cases, taking into account the employee's previous merits, the employer may confine himself to imposing a less severe penalty - for example, to issue a reprimand.

The procedure for announcing a reprimand is generally similar to the procedure for dismissal for absenteeism - the procedure is also determined by Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The result in this case will be the issuance of an order to impose a penalty in the form of a reprimand. A sample order, if necessary, is easy to find on any thematic Internet resource.