A message about how the labor market will change in the future. Skills instead of professions: how the Russian labor market will change

To answer the question of how the world labor market and labor relations on the planet will develop in the next 20-30 years, the journalists of the Invest Foresight business magazine analyzed more than 150 forecasts published by various research groups and consulting centers.

The forecasts of futurists, economists and political scientists say that by the middle of the 21st century, the current state of the world and humanity will change quite tangibly. Many predict a bleak picture - almost all work will be performed by robots, and the majority of the population will have nothing left but to live on benefits. This can threaten a variety of problems and conflicts of a social and military nature, as well as a struggle with the robots themselves, a battle for resources, the use of birth control mechanisms and the segregation of different categories of people.

But there is also another concept that essentially proposes to take the next step in the history of human progress. According to it, we are waiting for the onset of a "golden age" due to the infinitely high productivity of robots, tax redistribution of excess profits and the introduction of an unconditional basic income.

It is interesting that the origins of these paintings are the same, and the beginning has already been made. Today, robots and artificial intelligence (AI) perform only a small part of the work in some industries, but many agree that the pace of automation will only increase and lead to the disappearance of some people from the market.

And first of all, robots and AI will replace specialties that are regulated and easily algorithmic, including salespeople, drivers, operators, call center employees, lawyers and economists. And “complex” professions, where artificial intelligence cannot yet replace people (scientists, top managers, cultural figures, top IT specialists, doctors of the highest category, etc.), as well as “simple professions”, where the work is poorly algorithmizable, or replacing workers with "conditional robots" is economically inexpedient (nurses, nannies, social workers, etc.). The crowding out will devalue the value of labor and lead to an increase in technological unemployment. As a result, the labor market and the economy will gain momentum with the polarization of jobs and the erosion of the middle class. Labor income will decline, and income from capital (for its owners) will rise. And then, depending on the decisions made by governments or intergovernmental organizations, mankind will either follow the path of property stratification, or turn to the idea of ​​universal income.

Simultaneously with the release of jobs, new jobs will appear, including those related to cognitive technologies and algorithmic processes - specialists in IT, machine learning, Big Data, robotics, etc. Depending on whether measures are taken in time to preserve jobs or create "new employment", job cuts may or may not have time to be compensated for by this "new employment". At best, all the reduced jobs can be replaced by new professions, at worst - no more than half. However, with proper training, robotization will even lead to an increase in employment and wages, stimulating the demand for highly skilled labor.

The functions of HR services will also change - they will begin a purposeful struggle for talent; it is possible that the tracking and development of abilities will begin at school and even preschool age. The enterprises themselves will begin not only to consume human capital, but also to actively invest in its development. The main asset will be human capital, and the core of motivation will be social factors and the employer's brand. However, some scenarios suggest that in 10-20 years the HR function in its current form will disappear or significantly narrow down: it will gradually be replaced by automation, outsourcing and self-organizing teams.

Experts note that the forms of attracting and motivating personnel will become more flexible and diversified. Based on existing trends, researchers predict a rapid growth in the labor market for remote work, freelancing, self-employment, outsourcing, and temporary project teams.

The education system will catch up with the demands of companies and the general challenges of the labor market. In general, everyone will have to learn new things - those professions that will remain will be seriously changed, even representatives of working specialties will have to constantly improve their level of knowledge. Lifelong leaning - lifelong learning and retraining will become a common practice.

The education system as a whole will be revised and, possibly, created anew, as an option - in a single universal educational space. The educational process will become more flexible and individualized, online and blended forms of education will be further developed. Scientists say that 2/3 of the current first graders will work in professions that do not currently exist. The main thing, again, is to notice the process in time and get involved in the course of not even renewing education, but creating fundamentally new systems of it.

The prospects presented in this forecast were discussed by the members of the expert club "Designing the Future":

- Personally, I lacked one prediction. While it was said about the decrease in the average time of employment, reflecting in a latent form the growth of unemployment (more precisely, its growth within the framework of official employment), there is not a word about where the freed up mass will generally move before the working time of mankind: into "shadow" employment, into gratuitous social activity (volunteering, intra-family work, etc.) or personal leisure (travel, self-improvement, education, religion, culture, etc.).

The forecast convinced me that in the near future they will not be left without work and, moreover, that lawyers of a completely new category will successfully breed: a whole branch of jurisprudence will emerge associated with the so-called. "Right robots". A police robot who shot an offender, a drone that did not deliver pizza on time, or a car without a driver in an accident will be entered into an unambiguous legal framework. In this reality, descended from the pages of Karel Chapek and Isaac Asimov, we will have to live in the coming decades - here I trust the authors of the forecast.

Konstantin Frumkin , Chief Editor of Invest-Foresight magazine

- The authors of the review contrast the growth of income inequality and the option of introducing a basic income - it seems that there is no opposition here. Whether in the form of basic income or another, it is clear that if we enter an era of problematic employment, this will mean an expansion of different types of social transfers and will undoubtedly contribute to inequality between recipients of social benefits and those who will retain more traditional sources of income.

But much more interesting is the prospect that the expansion of social benefits, on the one hand, and the sharp problematization of employment, on the other, may lead to the fact that the issues of employment and the source of income may generally be divorced: that is, it may be about finding employment as a source of personal self-realization and feelings of being in demand - despite the fact that, in fact, income may have a social origin different from labor. Of course, there are many transitional forms between “volunteering” that does not generate income and fully paid work - starting with government-subsidized jobs. Thus, a special kind of "new employment" should arise, which will not imply the need and profitability of jobs in the economic sense of the word. These will be jobs that will either be subsidized to reduce the problem of unemployment, or, rather, satisfy the existential needs of the workers themselves. These will be jobs of a volunteer, sometimes even play type. In this case, an important source of jobs can be the area of ​​politics and public administration, which in itself attracts, etc. We should expect the emergence of jobs that previously did not exist for reasons of economy - now wages will become a form of unemployment benefits.

Dmitry Evstafiev , Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, Higher School of Economics

- The central problem of forecasts concerning the future labor market, both globally and at the national level, is probably that we do not really see the state of the global economy for the next 12-15 years, for a time less than one educational cycle. We understand that, firstly, the future will become very different from the present - both in terms of economics and in terms of social relations, and most importantly, that the landing will be tough. Secondly, we see an approximate set of technologies from which the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" will be constructed, but we do not yet fully understand the relationship between them. Finally, we understand that the so-called. The "fourth industrial revolution" will be as social as it is technological. But we do not have a holistic image of the future economy, except for a few colorful phrases. Hence the contradictory requirements for personnel. However, one thing is clear: the requirements for those who are going, conditionally, to break through "upward" in the social plane (not in the property or professional, but in the social one), if they do not belong to the business or political aristocracy, will increase, which will return us to the problem of the relative pauperization of society, noted by Marx, and to the influence of social imbalances on global and national political processes. And I am afraid we will not find anything but a combination of self-employment and strengthening of state institutions.

The World Economic Forum's Future of Work report focuses on the fourth industrial revolution. It says that the development of technology by 2020 will lead to a reduction in the number of jobs in the world by 5 million, and a number of socio-economic factors will completely change business models in all industries. The competencies required for a successful career will also change.

From the material you will learn:

  • What drastic changes will take place in the labor market;
  • What new competencies will be in demand;
  • How companies prepare for changes in the labor market;
  • What should employers do in the short and long term.

Experts in the report of the World Economic Forum "The Future of Work" note that the most in-demand professions today did not exist at all 5-10 years ago. The rate of obsolescence is growing, which is why it is so important today for both business representatives and employees to anticipate and prepare for new market challenges. The WEF research highlights the main trends in the field of employment, identifies key skills and methods of recruiting personnel in different countries and industries.

Drastic changes in the labor market

According to experts, today we are on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution, so changes are inevitable, in particular in such areas as nanotechnology, genetics, artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D printing. Computers will gradually "replace" people, and "smart" homes, factories and farms will be able to solve various problems on their own. This trend will lead to the fact that more than 7 million jobs will be completely lost, but there will be about 2 million jobs in the field of finance, architecture, management and IT.

The study showed that by 2020, almost in all spheres analysts and sales representatives will be in demand. Many survey participants noted the need for such a specialist as a manager, since it is he who will help, if necessary, to get the company out of a difficult situation.

What new competencies will be in demand

In five years, according to experts, competition, as well as the struggle for specialists, will increase in areas such as mathematics, IT-technology and architecture. The skills required for employment will also change, since, for example, machine learning will not be able to completely supplant some profession, however, it will be able to replace a person in solving a number of issues. Therefore, employees will have to deal with slightly different tasks.

By 2020, social skills such as learning ability, emotional intelligence, persuasion will become increasingly important for employers. Technical skills, such as knowledge of certain programs, are more likely to complement strong social competencies.

How companies prepare for changes in the labor market

According to the study, demographic, technological and socio-economic changes will have a strong impact on employment, which will inevitably cause problems in the areas of recruitment, training and personnel management. Companies that fail to address these issues in time can face serious economic and social costs.

Today, most employers are aware of what awaits them, but so far, unfortunately, they are in no hurry to make any decisions - for example, only 53% of surveyed HR directors are confident in the adequacy of change management planning in the company. As a rule, the impossibility of competently preparing for changes is associated with a lack of understanding of the scale of an impending disaster, limited resources or pressure from shareholders.

Among the most popular directions in the strategy of management and implementation of changes today are investments in professional development of employees, support for vertical and horizontal mobility, as well as mentoring and attracting foreign specialists.

What employers can do in the short term

In the course of the study, the specialists made a number of recommendations for business in the short term. So, in the near future the business should conduct:

  • HR function update. It is she who must identify and use new types of tools to identify hiring trends and knowledge gaps in workers.
  • Data analysis. Businesses need a new approach to talent management and data forecasting.
  • No discrimination. It is necessary to identify unconscious biases in job descriptions and the recruitment process.
  • Moving to online platforms. As organizational boundaries become increasingly blurred, companies need to learn how to interact with remote workers.

Read more about the specifics of the labor market functioning.

Long-term action for employers

  • Rethink the education system. Business and government, according to researchers, must work together to understand what the education system of the 21st century should really look like. Today, there are problems of confrontation between knowledge and practice on the one hand and the prestige and content of education on the other. All existing training systems hinder progress and worsen the situation in the labor market.
  • Provide continuous learning opportunities. Business and government need to do everything possible to ensure that people have the time, money and motivation to continually improve their skills, as knowledge and skills are constantly becoming obsolete.
  • Engage in public-private collaboration. Businesses need to understand that collaboration in talent acquisition is a vital necessity for companies. Cross-sectoral partnerships are an essential component in tackling the recruiting challenge. In addition, it is necessary to establish interaction with government agencies.

Modern innovations create new industries and business models by absorbing old ones. New technologies, the increasing importance of information and big data analysis, as well as social interaction have a huge impact on people, their goals, motivation, types of communication and, of course, the workplace.

How will global changes affect the labor market, and how will HR change?

In this article, we will introduce you to the main results of a project that began in 2007 by a team from PwC and James Martin (Institute for Science and Civilization) at Said Business School in Oxford. The aim of the project is to simulate various future scenarios. The result was the creation of three “workspaces” (Blue, Green and Orange), in which organizations interact in different ways within themselves and with the world around them.

The project is based on a specialized survey of 10,000 people from China, India, the UK and the United States who shared their views on work and its meaning in their lives. Moreover, a survey was conducted of 500 HR professionals around the world who spoke about how they are preparing for the upcoming changes.

The table shows the expectations of the respondents as to what will be the main impetus for changes in the labor market in the next 5-10 years.

Change around the work environment is based on the struggle between individualism and collectivism, corporate integration and business fragmentation. Their interaction gives rise to possible development scenarios:

  • Huge corporations are transforming into small enterprises with a significant role in society;
  • Specialization will spawn a huge amount of collaborative networking;
  • Societal and environmental concerns will fundamentally change the way we look at business and business strategy.

Of course, any of the scenarios will also affect HR, which will have to challenge changes not only in the work environment, but in the entire surrounding world.

By 2022, radical changes in business models will force companies to face the following challenges:

  • The need to create more sophisticated and comprehensive staff assessments to monitor and control productivity and performance;
  • Relationships will be the main driver of growth and success;
  • The line between work and personal life will continue to blur, so companies will be held accountable for the social adaptation of workers.

HR is considered a passive, service-oriented function. However, changes in the business environment are affecting in such a way that the role of HR is significantly increasing. In the future, HR will work closely with business strategy. The HR functionality will expand, and it will become a driver of building relationships not only within the company, but also outside it, and will also be an active participant in the social component of the enterprise.

So what are the above “workspaces”?

Blue workspace. At the heart of everything is the Corporation.

The world is dominated by capitalism, supported by large corporations. Globalization is at its peak and the market is dominated by the consumer. The workplace, career and career advancement are what separates the haves from the have-nots. The main goal in this space is to make profit, grow and achieve market leadership.

Corporations have tremendous influence around the world and have the resources to fight for talent and ideas. The relentless pressure is driven by the high level of competition and the aggressive policies of newcomers to the market. Companies strive to maximize productivity in order to achieve market leadership and super-profits. The main challenge is how to combine talent, resources and innovation to create a sustainable and effective corporate culture. To achieve new heights, companies are forced to constantly invest in R&D and take over small firms.

In such a world, stable employment is becoming increasingly rare, so the stakes in this market are high, as are the rewards for those who were able to find and take a good place. This applies not only to wages, but also to social security, pension insurance and access to other benefits. Technology allows not only to model the best candidate, taking into account all the necessary skills, but also to measure the productivity of each employee.

Accordingly, following such changes, the organizational role of HR will also change. The HR team will not only have a tremendous impact on the overall labor market, but will also develop complex systems for assessing and rewarding personnel. Key issues for HR will be to assess and develop human capital to continuously improve productivity; optimization of resources (technology, artificial intelligence and humans, how to combine them) to achieve the best results; defining the line between the necessary monitoring of employees, their productivity and the personal life of each employee.

A green workspace is a concern of companies.

Companies are trying to develop social conscience and environmental responsibility. Consumers demand ethical behavior and honesty from companies. The main task in this space is the result of activity, namely, positive social changes and environmental changes.

Safety, integrity and ethics are the foundation on which all companies in the Green Space operate. To achieve this, companies control their supply chains and other processes in the company. Corporate responsibility is becoming a prerequisite for functioning in the market.

The stability of all processes and the stable state of all structures are what companies strive for. Therefore, the main tasks of HR are training, adaptation and support of personnel, as well as monitoring the health status of all employees of the enterprise.

The desire to care for the environment is explained not only by the inner desire of people, but also by the need for a more rational and economical use of the planet's resources.

Organizational structures in Green Space are predominantly flexible, where every employee has a say in decision making. HR is involved in building relationships within the team and maintaining a positive work atmosphere. In this way, HR acts as a brand advocate, helping to spread the company's vision, mission and values ​​far beyond it.

Orange workspace - beauty in small.

The influence of large companies is declining under the increasing influence of social networks and networking. The main goal is to maximize flexibility while minimizing fixed costs.

The basis of competition is design work. People are as flexible as possible, do not create permanent organizational ties, but strive for temporary unification to achieve maximum results in each specific project.

Companies in the Orange space break up into autonomous networks to carry out certain operations. For example, supply chains are huge networks that interact at regional and market levels. Network access and participation is the Orange Space's competitive advantage.

It is interesting to note that today in China, about half of the market participants are confident that there will be no traditional labor market in the future. Each candidate will represent their own brand of themselves, for which you need to have a variety of skills and abilities from different areas and industries.

Big business in the Orange space will give way to a more flexible and innovative medium-sized business. All successful businesses operate on a project basis. A well-developed system of contacts and relationships is the key to successful team search, effective interaction and, as a result, achieving high results.

So, the main task of HR is to find and build relationships with a large number of market participants. The wider the organization's partner network, the faster HR can find the right specialist. Moreover, HR has the ability to select a more competent employee to ensure the success of the job. Also, HR is charged with the task of assessing the employee, his skills, interest in the success of the project and the real contribution to the fulfillment of tasks. Accordingly, each employee can be ranked according to his competencies and past experience, which determines his remuneration.

Thus, three scenarios for the development of business models in the future were considered. Each of them is unique and interesting in its own way. Each scenario has both positive and negative points. And one cannot omit the fact that in each of the scenarios there is a place for HR, which is endowed with different functionality. In the Blue space, HR has an important analytical function, in the Green space, it acts as a support for the brand, values ​​and corporate culture. And in the Orange space, HR is the main participant in networking.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the rapid changes in the market, it is necessary not only to look into the future and be ready for dramatic changes, it is also important not to forget about the present and try to use the existing knowledge and resources with maximum benefit for oneself and for the benefit of others. ...

Based on materials from PricewaterhouseCoopers (www.pwc.com/humancapital)

The technological revolution developing in the world is changing the map of professions. Futurologists predict the withering away of a number of professions and a change in traditional professions. This will inevitably be followed by a change in the labor market. However, in our country, the labor market is changing for other reasons.

Yes, futurists cheerfully drew us a colorful picture of the future, where professions with unheard of names appear. However, the crisis corrected the optimistic forecasts. The Ministry of Finance informs us of a slowdown in economic development until 2035. In a surviving economy, there is no time for new professions. More precisely, they are formed, but they are different due to the crisis conditions. Corrects predictions and the notorious import substitution.

What is happening in the world of professions

An analysis carried out several years ago by our and foreign experts showed that due to the emergence of new technologies and changes in social processes, there is a transformation in the areas of design, production, management and service. And this leads, in particular, to a change in the type of workplace, employment style, requirements for new knowledge and skills - that is, to the emergence of new professions.

At the same time, new professions do not appear in all industries and not all professions develop equally quickly. New and knowledge-intensive industries are developing dynamically, while traditional ones, for example, agriculture, construction, energy, mining, transport are developing more slowly. This means that in the first case we observe the emergence of new professions, and in the second - the preservation of old ones.

The most powerful source for the emergence of new professions is new scientific and technical breakthroughs, for example, 3D printing in medicine, biotechnology in the food industry, new biological materials, artificial food, cyberimplants, robotics, etc.

Along with the emergence of new industries and new professions, the style of employment is changing.

The usual look of the organization is changing: remote work today is not a pleasant exception, but an economically sound measure. This is possible under certain conditions, which have already matured today. Companies producing software products are already accustomed to this, and now a large domestic mobile operator is carrying out a reorganization process, transferring several hundred employees to work at home.

What awaits us

The development of the labor market in general and professions in particular is dictated by the challenges faced by our country: the need to rely on our own forces in the production of consumer goods, machinery, agricultural products, new technologies in these and other industries.

For a long time, taking advantage of the weak ruble, the country could afford to buy imported products and technologies. Now everything is different - and we cannot buy, and they do not sell to us either. We need to produce our own, but we have a shortage of production personnel, agricultural specialists, machine builders, scientific and technical thought has lagged behind and the production base has weakened.

Yes, now some industries are reviving, but it will take decades for the development of science, investment institutions, and innovation centers.

These "weak points" indicate to us the need for personnel and professions in the near future, which we will use for scientific and technical re-equipment. So, we need engineers in the field of aircraft construction, transport, mechanical engineering, machine tool construction, who will implement new, progressive technologies. And to develop them will require research engineers, physicists, technologists, chemists, metallurgists, who will seek the very new technologies, materials, means of production.

New agro- and biotechnologies, the construction of "conveyor factories" for the production of vegetables and fruits will be required. For this, the need for biologists, biotechnologists, and geneticists is growing and becoming more acute.

More and more specialists are required in the field of information technology, and the personnel problem in this industry may increase in the next five to ten years. It is not surprising that IT education is one of the main points of the program for the development of the Russian information industry, which is served by a planned increase in budget places in universities: this academic year there have been a third more students in IT specialties.

These professions will shape the labor market in the next 15-25 years.

And what about the labor market today?

Today's demand for professionals is dictated by the current state of the economy and the position of industries and individual companies.

In a crisis, organizations are engaged in "optimization": they reduce costs and personnel. Among the “optimized” positions and professions are those without which the organization can survive. So, medium-sized companies can cut the CFO, HR director, and marketer. But they will not do without the chief accountant, the head of the personnel department and the head of the sales department. At the same time, in order not to lay off the same HR director or director of public relations, they must have a pronounced "economic thinking", which was not previously required of them. This competence helps them become useful to the organization, transforming them from specialists who create only costs to those who can increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

However, a crisis is not only a loss, for some it is also an opportunity. For example, for sales professionals. However, sales are not taught in universities, it is rather a talent, a personality, and not a profession that can be obtained in an educational institution. And if you have that kind of talent, then you are a welcome candidate in any commercial organization.

Veterinarian and zootechnologist are today the most hopeless specialties for the Moscow labor market. There are no fur farms in the capital, there is only one zoo, and the network of veterinary clinics does not have a large capacity of vacancies. However, if a specialist has received such a profession or lives in an area where there are poultry farms, livestock farms, then he will get a job: according to experts from the domestic meat union, this industry is developing rapidly.

Graduates of medical schools will face difficult times due to the reorganization of medicine, the closure of a number of local medical institutions and the creation of regional "clusters", which undoubtedly complicates the employment of young specialists.

Today the demand for specialists in the field of weapons and weapons systems has grown, and the probability of their employment exceeds ninety percent.

The chances of IT specialists to find a job in the capital are not the best because of the great competition, despite the high demand for them in the country as a whole.

Due to the development of local aviation, the expansion of the air communication network, the demand for specialists in air navigation and the operation of aviation and rocket and space technology is increasing.

So, the demand for professions is determined by the action of two trends - global and domestic. The technological revolution, as a global global process, gives rise to new branches and new professions. But the processes taking place in our economy create conditions for the development of specialties that are relevant in the current situation. These processes do not impede the penetration of global trends into our soil, but, on the contrary, create additional opportunities for choosing an occupation.

- opinion of Robert Urazov, General Director of the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers“ WorldSkills Russia ”. He is sure that most of today's junior school students will have to master professions that do not exist now. And in order to prepare society for rapid change, it is necessary to give universities and technical schools much more freedom.

In the coming decade, digitalization will create and destroy hundreds of millions of jobs around the world. The demand for qualified personnel will increase dramatically. Computer systems are capable of performing more and more tasks that require routine actions: filling out statements, computing processes, reporting, and so on. Technologies such as big data and machine learning are already replacing a number of professions that until recently seemed secure, from transport management to journalistic writing. Simple physical labor is also being modernized.

Professions: new and dying

An important factor is the speed of change. A decade ago, some of the most in-demand professions did not exist in the world: mobile application developer, social media promotion specialist (SMM), cloud computing specialist, YouTube content creator, drone operator. In the next decade, they may disappear too. Researchers predict that 65% of elementary school students will end up in professions that do not exist today, such as an artificial intelligence lawyer or a biologist who grows artificial organs ...

Along with the appearance of fundamentally new employment, a general complication of all professions will take place. Automation of simple processes will free up some of the employee's time for more complex tasks, and the familiar principle of “one person - one task” will disappear. Versatility will be in demand: a former tractor driver, for example, will have to master all types of agricultural machinery.

Robert Urazov: The professions of the future are already well known. Worldskills Russia Video

Already, more and more companies prefer horizontal relationships to vertical hierarchies. The focus is on the ability to form and motivate teams, formulate tasks, adequately plan work and manage resources. Not only personal merit, but also the ability to work in a team, the so-called soft skills, are becoming critical skills. The specialists are required to be able not only to realize the assigned task, but also to present the results beautifully.

The expected shortage of highly qualified personnel in the next decade will reach 50 million people in the world. Moreover, the most in-demand IT specialists will, as now, gravitate towards certain developed countries, making staff shortages in the rest of the world even more acute.

Who will be left behind? It is generally believed that the easiest way is to replace the basic link with robots, for example, warehouse employees. But middle managers - accountants, lawyers, analysts - will be at even greater risk of dismissal. They cost the employer more than the basic staff, but it is cheaper to algorithmize mental labor than to robotic physical labor.

You can learn more about the development trends of the Russian labor market from those prepared on the basis of specialized research

Cross-cutting skills

At the same time, humanity is quickly adapting to technological order. On the one hand, a new quality of life is created, on the other, new types of activity are born. However, in this context, it makes sense to talk not so much about professions into which it will be possible to "escape" and "safely hide", but about a set of specific skills, having mastered which employees will be able to gain a foothold in one or another activity of the future and be in demand.

We can already say that many skills will become "cross-cutting". The ability to work with blockchain technologies, augmented and virtual reality, programming skills - all this will be in demand in the next decade in various fields.

The concept of applied labor will change. Working specialties are waiting for reincarnation - they will become completely different, but they will still be in demand. The fact that turners are needed less and less every year is a fait accompli. But more and more specialists are needed who work on numerically controlled machines.

What is blockchain and when it will become indispensable - in an interview with Igor Barinov, the founder of several startups using blockchain systems

Modernization of education

One of the key problems of the Russian labor market is the massive demand for higher education. Now about 5 million people study in our universities. This is twice as much as in technical schools and colleges. But in essence, education has been replaced by diploma. In Russia, there is a whole army of unclaimed economists and lawyers, despite the fact that there is a large shortage of highly qualified labor force.

In recent years, it has been possible to shift the tilt towards secondary specialized education - in 2017, approximately 59% of ninth-graders chose colleges over schools. In our opinion, the proportion should ideally be 80 to 20; higher education is needed only for 20% of the population.

There is one more problem. Despite the fact that the technological structure is changing more and more rapidly, the sphere of education and training remains one of the most conservative. Often, training programs remain frozen for decades. If you look at the list of professions for which they are trained in the system of secondary vocational education, it turns out that many of them will be in demand on the horizon for a maximum of five years. Then the demand for them will inevitably disappear, and people will have to retrain.

Robert Urazov: Professions of the future: what awaits our children.

You can follow the path of preparing new regulations, coming up with standards and educational programs, approving exams, but the promotion of this "engine" will take a lot of time.

The way out is to give more freedom in educational programs to the educational institutions themselves, to introduce tools that will help to quickly imbue teachers with new skills, which, in turn, can quickly transfer these skills to students.

And one more important point - educational institutions should train not only the future employee. In cooperation with enterprises, they need to improve the qualifications of already working specialists, and, if necessary, help them to retrain. Now, even in advanced enterprises, technology cycles become obsolete in two to three years, and educational institutions must be ready to meet this challenge.

You can read more about the problems of Russian higher education and ways to solve them in our review.

Robert Urazov

General Director of the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers" WorldSkills Russia

Graduated from Kazan State University in 2001, qualification manager, specialty "management". Trained in Germany under the program "Innovation Management", in the UK under the program "Study of the organizational and technological aspects of public services in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". Professional retraining at the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation under the Master of Public Administration program.

Academic degree - candidate of economic sciences.

In 2000 - 2007 worked in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan. 2007 to 2011 - Head of the Financial Department of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan. 2011 - 2013 - Deputy Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan. 2013 to 2014 - Assistant to the Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East. From 2014 to the present time, Deputy Director of the Young Professionals Department of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, General Director of the Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers WorldSkills Russia.