Oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications. Oregano, its beneficial properties and application

The common flea has an extraordinary number of names. The people call her a bathing suit, a flea, a dream book, a fat woman, a dressing, an uman. It grows in Ukraine, Belarus and in the central region, and in the south of the European part of Russia on sandy lands along the banks of rivers and reservoirs.

In appearance, the plant does not differ in beauty. 70-90 cm high. Thick curved fleshy stems, sharp hairy leaves. The flowers are like chamomile with a large heart, only entirely dirty yellow. Blooms from mid-July to early September. A low plant with a very unpleasant odor, it is often used to get rid of insects: fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes and flies.

It is worth mentioning that scientists have not fully studied this plant. It does not work miracles, but it brings some benefits. Traditional healers use the whole plant with benefit. Leaves, stems, roots and flowers go into healing liquids and powders.

The top of the flea, collected by herbalists, contains organic acids, components of essential oils, flavonoids, vitamin C, anticoagulants, nitrogen-containing compounds.

The rhizome contains polyacetylene compounds: tridecaene - pentaine, dycetoxy - tridecantriin, tridecadiene - tetraine.

1. Herbalists recommend decoctions of herb from flea beetles for chronic constipation and dysentery.
2. Enemas and warm sitz baths for hemorrhoids.
3. Gargles and compresses for stomatitis or toothache.
4. If you add parts of the root to the herb, the broth will be diuretic. It can be taken as a remedy for edema.
5. Infusions are prescribed for albulemia.
6. In herbal baths, it is recommended to bathe babies to raise vitality. But you need to discuss this with your pediatrician.

How to prepare a medicine

Leaves, stems and flowers, that is, the tops of the plant, its aerial part is harvested during the flowering period. All parts are neatly separated from each other. Spread loosely on clean paper or cloth. Dry the plant in a well-ventilated area. Without mixing, the parts of the plant are regularly mixed so as not to become damp.

It is necessary to observe a moderate thermal regime, avoiding direct sunlight. The drying period for flowers and stems is different. After all the parts are dry, the parts of the plant can be mixed. Store the collection in cloth bags. It is important that the herb is not stored dry for more than two years. Then the beneficial properties are reduced significantly.

Harvesting flea roots, they are dug up early in late summer or early autumn. And so that there is no earth left on the roots, they cannot be soaked in water. Then the roots are dried with a napkin, cut into small pieces. The raw materials are laid out in a ventilated place. Dry without access to direct sunlight, at constant temperature and humidity.

Methods of preparation and use

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, a two-hour infusion is prepared from one tablespoon of dried herbal mixture in 200 ml of hot boiled water. The filtered liquid is used in enemas or added to warm medicinal baths.

For chronic constipation or intestinal upset, insist a teaspoon on a glass of boiling water for a couple of hours and take half the volume three times a day, until the patient's condition improves. Also, taking this broth will help with tuberculosis.

If you want to drive out the hated insects from your own home, then the common flea will help you with this, thanks to its insecticidal properties. , fleas, biting flies will no longer bother you.

Description of the plant

She is a swimmer, a fat woman, a dream book, a womanizer, the common flea is a herbaceous, annual plant. A characteristic feature of the flea is its specific unpleasant smell, which scares away insects. The branched stem reaches a height of 30 cm. The shape of the leaves differs depending on the location on the stem. The lower leaf plates are oblong, slightly narrowed towards the end, the stem plates are without petioles, lanceolate, wavy with small denticles.

The common flea bloom in the middle of summer. Small, yellowish flowers are collected in basket-shaped inflorescences. The receptacle is flat, slightly convex, the stamens are long, their number is usually five. All flowers are female; after flowering they form double-tuft achene fruits. The flea can be found in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus along the sandy shores of reservoirs, wastelands.

Useful properties, use of the flea

For medical purposes at home, the ground part of the plant is used: young shoots, leaves, inflorescences and fruits. The plant contains: organic acids, alkaloids, coumarins, monoterpinoids, rubber, ascorbic acid, polyacetylene chemical compounds, saponins.

Due to its unique composition, the flea is rightfully recognized as a curative effective drug against many diseases.

  • The rhizome of the plant has diuretic properties, and a prepared decoction or infusion will perfectly cope with edema.
  • Infusion of flea grass is used for chronic constipation, dysentery, tuberculosis.
  • If you are plagued by hemorrhoids, try a flea herb medicated bath. Enemas from the cooked broth will also help heal from ailment. But in any case, it is better to consult with a proctologist, since you can not help the body, but harm it.
  • Stomatitis, a toothache will stop and heal also a medicinal drug from the flea. But it is not recommended to constantly use the herb of the plant; it is better to consult a dentist.
  • Baths with the addition of a womanizer will help increase the immunity of a small child, but all independent actions must be coordinated with your pediatrician.

The use of the flea beetle in folk health recipes

With hemorrhoids internal and hemorrhoidal cones

Take one tablespoon of dry crushed herb, pour 1 cup of boiling water. The contents must be infused for at least two hours, then strain. Use a warm composition for enemas, sedentary medicinal baths.

For constipation, dysentery and dental problems

To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of dry chopped raw flea beetle and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for at least 2 hours, strain. Take a healing potion inside 1/2 cup three times a day until the condition improves.

If you are self-medicating or want to heal loved ones at home using folk methods, do not overdo it, because each organism perceives the properties of a particular medicinal plant differently, so trust the professionals, and also use our health recipes.

This is a shrub or tree of the Adox family. There are more than 150 species of this plant, which is distributed mainly in the northern hemisphere. The height of the tree can be up to 4 meters. The leaves are arranged alternately opposite or whorled. Viburnum leaves are solid or lobed, with whole edges or toothed. Apical inflorescences of flowers, umbrellas or shields. Viburnum flowers are white or pinkish. They are of two types: sterile and fruiting. Infertile large flowers are located along the edge of the umbellate inflorescences, surrounding the spherical inflorescences, consisting of small and narrow tubular flowers. Fruits are edible drupes, excluding decorative species that are not edible. Edible fruits have a bitter-sour taste and a very pungent odor. They come in red or black. Kalina is used in folk and scientific medicine for treatment.

Useful properties of viburnum

Viburnum is a medicinal plant. This is due to its rich composition. Viburnum contains tannins, pectins, sugars, essential oil, organic acids, amino acids and phytoncides. Of the vitamins, it contains A, P, K, E and C. Mineral substances are present in the viburnum: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, strontium, magnesium, manganese, iodine. Viburnum red has an astringent, antibacterial, anti-febrile, diuretic, expectorant, firming and sedative effect. Not only berries, but also leaves, seeds, bark and flowers have healing properties. Viburnum leaves contain vitamin C, up to 50 mg. The bark contains organic acids, resins, tannins, vitamin K,.

The healing properties of viburnum

Red viburnum berry is useful both fresh and dried. They are used to prepare jelly, compotes and juices that have medicinal properties. Viburnum cures many diseases. These include diseases of the heart, nervous system, digestive system, respiratory and reproductive systems, skin and blood vessels. Kalina normalizes heart rate and blood pressure, improves heart function. It has choleretic and diuretic properties. It has a beneficial effect on the brain, relieves vasospasm, strengthening their walls. For the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, viburnum is used to cleanse the blood from cholesterol. Viburnum juice also has high medicinal properties, along with berries. It is used to treat allergic reactions in the body and to reduce the risk of cancer. Viburnum juice is used for diseases of intestinal or stomach ulcers, colitis, cough and hemorrhoids. Viburnum tea with honey is used to fight fever. Fruit drink made from viburnum berries, pounded with sugar, is used for low acidity of stomach juice, as well as for the treatment of hypertension and skin diseases.

The juice of viburnum leaves, diluted with honey, strengthens the immune system, helps the body recover after diseases and operations, heals skin abscesses, acne and boils. A bath with steamed viburnum branches treats an allergic rash. The benefits of viburnum for the body of women are enormous. Viburnum red has high medicinal properties, so it is used to treat gynecological diseases: fibroma, amenorrhea, painful menstruation. These diseases are treated with bark infusion. Viburnum juice can cure an ovarian cyst if you seriously approach the treatment. For this, viburnum juice and flower honey are used, in a 1: 1 ratio. The same medicine is used to treat cancer. To get rid of breast cancer, additional lotions are made from chopped or crushed viburnum berries. When there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as with cramping pains, take an infusion of bark. For the treatment of peptic ulcers, they drink an infusion of viburnum berries - poured berries are poured with boiling water and insisted. For the treatment of bronchial asthma, coughs and colds, rub the berries with honey, melt for several hours, and then drink several times a day.

The berries themselves are eaten with edema of a cardiac or renal nature, since they have a pronounced diuretic and choleretic effect. They are also recommended for the treatment of liver diseases, colds, flu. Red viburnum seeds can replace coffee when dried and ground. This drink is useful for constipation, stimulates the intestines. Also, for a long time, stones were removed from the kidneys and gallbladder with the help of bones. It is necessary to swallow one bone 10-15 times a day during the day until the sand or stones leave the body. Viburnum juice is also used for external use - freckles are removed, the skin is whitened, skin abscesses and acne are treated. To do this, make masks (for example, mix viburnum juice and sour cream).

Contraindications to the use of viburnum

With all the great benefits of viburnum, it has a number of contraindications. It can be harmful if the blood clots up. It is not recommended to use it with high acidity and low blood pressure. With great care, you need to use viburnum for pregnant women. It is best to consult your doctor first.

Medicinal properties of products with the letter M

Mint is a very useful plant for humans. Peppermint contains an essential oil (2.5%), the main component of which is menthol, which determines the taste of mint, as well as other substances - ethers, felandren, pinene, yasmon, piperitone, mentofuran, etc. It contains tannins, flavonoids, bitterness. Menthol turns mint into a bactericidal plant.

Lotions and rubbing with mint infusion are good for delicate, sensitive and easily inflamed skin. Mint tones skin cells, relieves itching and rashes. To prepare an infusion of mint, pour a glass (200 ml) of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried leaves, leave for 30-40 minutes, and then strain. The resulting infusion of mint can be used separately for wiping the face and body.

Peppermint properties

Peppermint has analgesic and vasodilatory properties. Peppermint oil is a part of many medicinal preparations: peppermint drops, stomach pills, various ointments.

Peppermint improves digestion, eliminates nausea, has choleretic properties, is used for asthma, flatulence. Mint decoctions are drunk as a sedative for inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, as well as for cardiovascular and gynecological diseases.

Decoctions of mint leaves are used to disinfect the oral cavity in various inflammatory processes. They relieve abdominal pain, heart pain, heartburn. Mint baths have soothing properties. Menthol is the main component of mint essence. The latter is added to various toothpastes, powders, colognes, elixirs, etc.

Peppermint is used as a tonic for the heart, relieves the palpitations, stimulates the activity of the heart and blood circulation, and also has diaphoretic properties. Peppermint is used to fight colds and fevers. The relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint make it an excellent remedy for pain and cramps such as stomach pain, colic, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, hiccups, headaches, migraines, nausea and motion sickness. The tannins contained in peppermint protect the intestines from irritation, which is very useful for relieving cramps in case of diarrhea, for combating spastic constipation and ulcerative colitis. The bitterness of mint stimulates the liver and gallbladder, so it is used to cleanse the liver and remove gallstones.

Mint is used in the pharmaceutical and food industries, perfumery, confectionery, in the production of liqueurs and alcoholic beverages. In cooking, it is both a seasoning for all kinds of dishes (meat, vegetables, etc.), and an additive for flavoring.

Mint is effective for indigestion, and peppermint infusion is used to prevent gastritis and to relieve nausea. By irritating the receptors of the gastric mucosa, menthol improves digestion and appetite. To prepare the infusion, take 2 teaspoons of dry mint leaves, brew with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes and filter. The infusion is taken in 1/3 cup 2 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

The anti-inflammatory properties of mint make this herb effective for bronchitis, sore throat, runny nose, and pharyngitis. To cope with colds, it is recommended to drink mint tea - 1 tablespoon of dry leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for 10 minutes. And peppermint essential oil is added to water during inhalation to get rid of persistent cough.

For the prevention of hypertension attacks, a mixture of one part of mint, one part of chamomile and 1/2 part of valerian is used. An infusion is prepared from herbs and drunk for a month, 1/3 cup daily.

Mint broth is a good remedy for relieving the unpleasant symptoms of menopause (2 teaspoons of dry mint leaves are poured into 1/2 liter of hot water and brought to a boil /

In case of bad breath, rinse with infusion: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of mint with 500 ml of boiling water and stand for 2 hours, strain.

Mint has anti-toxic properties: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped mint leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day with meals.

For abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of mint with 1 glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped for 30-40 minutes, drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours. During vomiting, take 1/3 - 1/2 cup.

With a headache:

a) apply fresh mint leaves to the forehead and bandage;

b) insist the mint on a triple cologne for 8 days, strain, squeeze, rub the temples, forehead, nape.

For headaches, nausea: tincture of chopped leaves: 1 part of the leaf to 20 parts of 70% alcohol, leave for 1 week. Take 10-15 drops.

As a remedy against nausea and vomiting, with neuralgic pain: 20-25 drops in 1 glass of cold water. Take for headaches.

With bloating, improves digestion, relieves nausea in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and during pregnancy: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped leaves, brew 2 cups of boiling water and drink 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals, 1/2 cup each, children - 1/4 cup each.

Apply fresh gruel from mint leaves to the skin affected by fungal diseases.

The beneficial properties of tea with mint are shown with increased acidity of the stomach and convulsive colitis, heavy and scanty menstruation. For fungal infections between the toes, grind the mint with salt and place between the toes for 1 hour. Repeat the procedure until the fungus disappears.

A mixture of mint leaves and dandelion root is shown with diabetes mellitus, to improve the activity of the pancreas and as a choleretic: Mix 1 teaspoon of chopped dandelion root with 3 teaspoons of mint leaves and pour 1 glass of water, boil for 5-7 minutes and leave under the lid for half an hour, drain. Take 1/4 cup 2-4 times daily before meals.

Useful properties of red viburnum

Red viburnum has been revered in Russia since ancient times. Many songs and poems have been composed about her. It was the sprigs of viburnum, with its red clusters, that were used to decorate wedding tables and various feasts. Women hung both fresh and already dried berries in their houses in order to ward off evil spirits from their homes and bring health and wealth into the house. Compotes and jelly were cooked from viburnum, and healthy and aromatic jam was also prepared. And also the red viburnum is a wonderful decoration of the personal plot, because in the spring it pleases with white tassels during flowering, and from autumn to the very frost with blood-red berries. The beneficial properties of red viburnum are appreciated by many people, because this plant really helps to fight many ailments. It is about the beneficial properties of red viburnum that you can find out by reading this article.

Viburnum red belongs to those types of medicinal plants that are widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in scientific medicine. This plant has the richest chemical composition, especially the berries of the red viburnum are endowed with useful properties. They contain malic and valeric acids, sugars, tannins and pectin substances, ascorbic acid and carotene. In addition, the plant bark has healing properties, which contains viburnin, which helps the vessels to narrow, this explains the effectiveness of viburnum in stopping bleeding.

In order for the medicine prepared from the red viburnum to be always at hand, it is necessary to take care of its preparation for future use in advance. You need to harvest viburnum at different times, depending on which part of the plant is needed for treatment. The fruits and berries of the viburnum are harvested when they are fully ripe, will be juicy and bright red in color. Red viburnum berries are collected in bunches and dried either in dryers or in the fresh air. Then they are separated from the branches and the damaged fruits are removed. Well-dried viburnum is stored in paper or canvas bags, in a dry, well-ventilated area.

Viburnum bark is harvested in early spring, when sap flow begins. They dry it, like berries, in well-ventilated areas. Lay out the bark in a thin layer and periodically turn it over so that it dries well.

Berries and bark of red viburnum are used for various diseases. The fruits are useful for improving the work of the heart muscle, increasing immunity and body tone, relieving stress, with neuroses, and hypertension. Viburnum berries are included in various vitamin preparations and teas, which have a general strengthening effect for the body. The syrup obtained from berries and sugar successfully lowers blood pressure, which is simply necessary for people suffering from hypertension. Fresh fruit juice is used as a sedative for dry lingering coughs, bronchial asthma, headaches, high blood pressure, diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines. It can also be used for stomach ulcers. Viburnum juice is recommended for patients with low hemoglobin levels, in particular with iron deficiency anemia. It is also necessary for those people who work in harsh industrial and chemical conditions; viburnum is able to extract salts of heavy metals from the body.

Viburnum fruit juice is used not only internally, but also externally. It is a good disinfectant. It can be used for acne, lichen and pustular skin lesions. A decoction of viburnum berries, which must be taken warm with the addition of honey, helps with colds, coughs, bronchitis, kidney and liver diseases. The decoction will be no less useful for gastritis, with low acidity, gastric ulcer and intestinal diseases.

Infusions and decoctions made from the bark of red viburnum are used for various bleeding in gynecology, for hemorrhoids, toothache. In case of nosebleeds, cotton or gauze turundas are soaked in broth and injected into the nasal openings. A decoction of the bark is used to wash parts of the body in young children with diathesis and scrofula. The decoction of the bark has a calming effect, relieves itching and swelling, therefore it is recommended to use it after the bites of various insects: mosquitoes and midges.

Sometimes used in medical practice and viburnum root. A decoction is prepared from it for the treatment of scrofula, insomnia, pain and spasms in the intestines, and also as an effective remedy for diarrhea.

For stomach ulcers, diarrhea, enterocolitis, furunculosis and eczema, an infusion of berries is made. For this, 2 tbsp. fresh viburnum berries are ground with a spoon and poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for two hours, then filtered. It is necessary to take the infusion in 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

For hypertension, coughs, colds, use a decoction of berries with honey. Half a glass of viburnum fruits should be poured with 500 ml of water, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for 10 minutes, then let the broth brew for an hour. Then strain it and add 2-3 tbsp. honey. Take the broth should be 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

For neuroses, hysteria, insomnia, colds, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, external bleeding, a decoction is prepared from the bark of red viburnum. 1 tbsp dried and crushed bark must be poured with a glass of boiling water and kept on a steam bath for 7-10 minutes and then filtered. Take the resulting product in 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

And above all, red viburnum is a useful plant and a high-vitamin remedy.

Kalina red - useful properties and contraindications

Viburnum red or ordinary - a wild plant, widely known for its medicinal properties and taste. Viburnum berries, leaves and bark are used to treat colds, inflammation of the kidneys, urinary tract, skin rashes, bleeding, digestive problems and hundreds of other diseases. In ancient times, viburnum was considered a special shrub - a universal doctor who could help with any ailment. Today, viburnum continues to be actively used in official and folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Viburnum - composition and healing properties

Viburnum red is a wild-growing melliferous shrub that grows throughout Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Europe, excluding the southern regions. To date, there are about 150 species of shrubs, many of which are decorative and have no healing properties. Wild plants can grow up to small trees - up to 4 m or grow in the form of low spreading shrubs up to 2 meters high. The shrub blooms from May to June, and large white flowers, attracting bees and other insects to the viburnum, do not give berries, but small, flower-like flowers collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences bear fruit. The berries ripen in August - September, but it is recommended to pick them only after the first frost, since before that they are very bitter, and after frost they become sweeter, while fully retaining their medicinal properties.

Our ancestors knew about the beneficial properties of viburnum since ancient times, and all parts of the plant were used for treatment - berries, leaves and bark. Today, viburnum is grown as an ornamental plant, and thanks to breeding, varieties with sweet fruits have appeared, but only a wild-growing shrub with tart sour berries and a specific, strong smell is truly medicinal.

The beneficial properties of a short shrub are explained by the large amount of nutrients contained in all parts of the plant. So viburnum fruits contain:

  • pectins - they are called "orderlies of the human body", they cleanse the blood and cells from toxins, pesticides and radioactive elements. In addition, pectins reduce blood cholesterol, improve metabolism and the processes of digestion and assimilation of food in the intestines;
  • tannins - prevent the development of inflammatory reactions, destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses and accelerate the healing of wounds, abrasions and ulcers;
  • flavonoids - enhance the activity of enzymes, reduce the permeability of blood vessels and improve their elasticity and permeability;
  • steroidal and triterpene saponins - enhance the action of hormones and enzymes, have anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic effects, regulate water-salt and mineral metabolism;
  • organic acids - malic, ascorbic, valeric, formic, isovaleric, citric. These acids normalize all types of metabolism, prevent the formation of free radicals, protect the body from the effects of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi;
  • lipids - necessary for the formation of proteins and hormones;
  • vitamins - the fruits of viburnum contain 2 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits, they are no less rich in vitamins A, E, K and P, and it is precisely the lack of vitamins that leads to a decrease in immunity, a general weakening of the body, a deterioration of all types of metabolism, a violation functions of all internal organs and other disorders;
  • minerals - viburnum fruits accumulate calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, nickel, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, lead, strontium, bromine and other micro- and macroelements.
  • In addition to berries, bark, flowers and leaves of viburnum are used for treatment.... They need to be harvested during the flowering period of the viburnum - at the very beginning of spring. Viburnum leaves are used for inflammatory skin diseases, festering wounds and ulcers, furunculosis and acne. The viburnum bark has pronounced hemostatic properties, it is used for bleeding gums, stomach, uterine or pulmonary bleeding. In addition, the viburnum bark, due to the high content of tannins, flavonoids, organic acids and other biologically active substances, helps with allergic rashes and skin diseases. It dries out the skin, relieves irritation and inflammation.

    The healing properties of red viburnum

    Our ancestors believed that there is no such disease in which red viburnum would not be useful, but the plant is most effective in treating the following diseases:

    • ARVI, flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis - viburnum is very useful for any colds, it has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties, enhances immunity and accelerates recovery;
    • diseases of the digestive system - viburnum juice and a decoction of them help with gastritis and stomach ulcers with low acidity, inflammatory diseases of the liver, gall bladder and other organs. Viburnum juice stimulates the formation of bile and gastric juice, and a decoction of berries has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect;
    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels - alcoholic tincture and a decoction of viburnum berries are recommended for hypertension, angina pectoris, pain in the heart, atherosclerosis, and so on. Viburnum red has a hypotonic effect, normalizes heart function, lowers blood cholesterol levels and strengthens blood vessels;
    • pathology of the nervous system - viburnum juice and fresh berries are very effective for headaches, insomnia, neuroses, hysteria and even seizures. The high content of vitamins and minerals make up for their deficiency in the body, and lowering blood pressure and normalizing metabolism help fight diseases of the nervous system;
    • dermatological - a decoction of viburnum bark and a decoction of berries reduce inflammation, itching and redness of the skin, they help with eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, allergic dermatitis and other skin diseases. Tannins and organic acids destroy pathogenic bacteria and accelerate the healing of wounds, abrasions and ulcers;
    • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract - viburnum juice and berry tincture are recommended for pyelonephritis, cystitis or urethritis. The anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of the plant will help to cope with infection and inflammation in these organs;
    • gynecological diseases - viburnum juice and fresh berries can be used for painful or heavy menstruation, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs or cervical erosion. Viburnum is also useful as a tonic and immunostimulating agent. Regular intake of the decoction and juice of the plant will help strengthen blood vessels, lower blood cholesterol levels, and prevent cardiovascular, colds and other diseases.
    • Despite all the beneficial properties of Viburnum vulgaris, decoctions and tinctures from its berries and fruits will not be useful for all patients. It is contraindicated to use viburnum preparations for:

    • pregnancy - it is categorically impossible to be treated with viburnum while carrying a child, the juice and fruits of the viburnum contain substances that are analogs of female sex hormones. Their excess in the body of a pregnant woman can provoke an abortion or the development of various pathologies in the fetus;
    • increased acidity of gastric juice - viburnum increases the secretion of bile and hydrochloric acid and can cause an exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcer disease;
    • hypotension - decoctions and infusions of fruits and viburnum bark can lower blood pressure and even cause a hypotonic crisis;
    • arthritis and gout - a large amount of biologically active substances can exacerbate the inflammatory process in these diseases;
    • with increased blood clotting - viburnum enhances the coagulating ability of the blood and can cause the formation of blood clots in the vessels.

    Viburnum red - recipes

    1. Viburnum infusion- used for colds, hypoacid gastritis and stomach ulcers, diseases of the cardiovascular system and nervous diseases. For the preparation of the infusion, dry viburnum berries are used. 2 tbsp of berries are poured with 1 tbsp of boiling water, heated in an enamel bowl in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, then infused for 30-40 minutes and filtered. Boiled water is added to the infusion, bringing its amount to 200 ml. Take an infusion of 1/4 tbsp 3-4 times a day for a long time.

    And for the treatment of hypertension and with high cholesterol, it is recommended to use an infusion of viburnum with honey. For its preparation, 1 tbsp of dry fruits is poured with 1 tbsp of boiling water, insisted for 40-60 minutes in a warm place and after straining, add 2 tsp of honey to it and take 2 tbsp 4 times a day.

    2. Viburnum juice- You cannot drink undiluted viburnum juice because of its too sour and rich taste. Diluted juice is used to treat hypertension, allergic reactions, colds, hysteria, neuroses and as a means to stimulate the immune system. To prepare such a remedy, fresh berries with 1-2 clusters of viburnum pour 1 tbsp of boiling water, insist for 5-10 minutes, then knead the berries, dilute with boiled water to 200 ml and give the patient 1 \ 2 tbsp 1-2 times a day for 10-20 days.

    3. Viburnum bark decoction- one of the most effective remedies for skin diseases and allergic rashes. Prepare such a decoction from 10 grams of bark and 1 tbsp of boiling water, boil the broth in a water bath for 30 minutes, then cool, filter and add boiling water, bringing to 200 ml of volume. Take a decoction of the bark, 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, after meals until the rash disappears completely.

    4. Alcohol tincture of viburnum bark- it is recommended to use it for heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding and other conditions in which blood loss occurs. Prepare a tincture of 2 tbsp of bark and 1 tbsp of 40% alcohol. Pour the bark with alcohol and leave to infuse in a dark, cold place for 7-10 days. Take a tincture of 15-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals, for 10-14 days.

    5. A decoction of viburnum leaves- an excellent remedy for acne, furunculosis and other skin rashes. To prepare the broth, 2 tablespoons of dry or fresh viburnum leaves are poured into 1 tablespoon of boiling water, brought to a boil over low heat and insisted for several hours. After the broth is filtered and used to wipe problem areas of the skin or to prepare compresses for purulent wounds.

    6. Viburnum berry tea- it is recommended to drink it for diseases of the nervous system, decreased performance and problems with immunity. Such tea is prepared from viburnum berries, rubbed with sugar, it is enough to pour 1 tbsp of the mixture into 1 tbsp of boiling water and after 5-10 minutes a tasty and healthy drink is ready.

    7. Viburnum tincture with honey- recommended as a prophylactic agent for strengthening the immune system and for colds. A tincture is prepared from 0.5 kg of fresh seedless berries, which are thoroughly kneaded and poured with 0.2 liters of 40% alcohol and 0.5 kg of natural honey. The tincture is placed in a dark cool place for 10-14 days and taken 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for a long time.

    8. Berries with honey- used in the treatment of colds, hypertension and neuroses. To prepare the medicine, grind fresh viburnum berries, mix with the same amount of honey and leave to infuse for 7-10 days. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, for the treatment of 1 tbsp of the mixture, dilute with 1 tbsp of hot boiled water and give the patient 12-1 tbsp 2-3 times a day until he recovers.

    Kalina red is used not only in medicine, but in cosmetology. You can rub oily skin with berry juice to tighten pores and reduce breakouts. Viburnum berry juice with honey will help restore elasticity and velvety skin and will be an excellent tool for the prevention of premature wrinkles. To do this, it is enough to make a mask from the mixture every day, before going to bed for 5-7 days, then take a week break and repeat the course.

    Useful red viburnum berry. Medicinal properties and contraindications

    This low green shrub grows mainly in the northern hemisphere. Comes from the Kalina genus of the Adoksovye family, numbering about 150 species of both ornamental plants and edible drupes. Red viburnum is widespread in Russia, Ukraine and other European countries, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are well known. It tastes bitter, with a very pungent odor, but this does not interfere with the widespread use of viburnum for medicinal purposes.

    Healing viburnum red

    The medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of viburnum are due to its rich composition. It contains tannins, sugars, pectins, phytoncides, essential oil, amino acids. Among the vitamins, A, E, K, P and C are distinguished, and the minerals in its composition are iodine, potassium, iron, fluorine, manganese, copper and strontium. It is difficult to imagine how such components, collected in one plant, may not bring huge benefits to the body. The medicinal properties of red viburnum are based on antiseptic, diuretic, astringent and antibacterial properties. By the way, it is worth noting that not only the berries themselves are used in folk medicine, but also the leaves, which contain up to 50 mg of vitamin C, the bark, which includes vitamin K and tannins. Let's see how the red viburnum can be useful.

    Medicinal properties and contraindications

    Kalina can be dried or eaten fresh, compote and jelly can be prepared from it, but in any case, the berry will retain its healing qualities. It is good for the prevention of atherosclerosis, will be able to clear the blood of cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels, normalize the pulse and blood pressure, strengthen the walls of the cerebral vessels, and also has choleretic and diuretic properties. Will have a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body: reproductive, nervous, digestive and respiratory - this wonderful red viburnum berry. The medicinal properties and contraindications should be studied very carefully, since it can be harmful with increased coagulability, acidity, low blood pressure, and it is advisable for pregnant women to first consult a specialist.

    Viburnum juice is very useful for allergies, as well as for ulcers, colitis, cough, hypertension and for the prevention of cancer. It is very tasty and useful to drink fruit drink from viburnum with sugar at low acidity, and viburnum juice with honey will help to recover from an illness, raise immunity and cure acne and abscesses. Viburnum bark infusion treats mainly female diseases. It helps with painful periods and gynecological conditions such as fibroma and amenorrhea. The tincture is recommended for breast cancer, menopause, as well as for the relief of cramping pains and the threat of miscarriage.
    Tincture of viburnum berries on boiling water is drunk with an ulcer, and in combination with honey, it is taken for bronchitis, colds and coughs. Interestingly, viburnum seeds can be ground and drunk instead of coffee. This "coffee substitute" is good for constipation and stimulates digestion. Getting rid of gallstones or kidney stones requires swallowing about 15 stones every day. With the help of a mask with the addition of viburnum juice and sour cream, freckles can be removed.

    The healing properties of red viburnum berries should not leave anyone indifferent. This is a real panacea for all ailments!

    Common flea (Pulicaria vulgaris)

    Natural remedy for mosquitoes, flies and fleas. It is popularly used as a diuretic.

    Common fleece is not used in traditional medicine, but it was experimentally found in folk treatment that decoctions and infusions of this plant help fight edema, dropsy. Inside the plant is taken for constipation, albuminuria, dysentery. Flea gargles can help relieve toothaches, and compresses or baths can help heal hemorrhoids.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Individual plant intolerance is possible. Allergy is expressed in the form of itching on the skin, runny nose, nausea and vomiting. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

    The flea helps in the fight against insects. It got its name due to the fact that it helped fight lice and fleas in any room. The flea's stems and leaves were collected in bunches, hung under the roof of a building and set on fire. For the procedure, they used fresh thickets or dry grass lightly dipped in water to generate more smoke.

    Fumigation of the premises destroyed flies, mosquitoes and fleas. Today the flea is also used in June-July, when there are a lot of insects outside. Bundles of grass are hung on the verandas and set on fire, this scares away all the flying inhabitants of the street.

    The common flea (Pulicaria vulgaris) belongs to the Asteraceae family. Order - astrocytes, family - asteraceae (Asteraceae). The genus Fleet includes 63 species. Among the people, the common flea has many names: womanizer, bathing suit, flea, dream book, fat woman, dressing, uman.

    Botanical description

    The common flea is an annual herb with a height of 10 to 50 centimeters. A striking feature is an unpleasant smell. The stem of the plant is branching and erect, covered with small gray hairs, mostly glabrous.

    The leaves are almost glabrous, elongated or lanceolate, with a rounded base or finely toothed, wavy, 1.5-3.5 cm long. Baskets are single or in irregular scutes, numerous (up to one hundred pieces per plant), as a whole form a very dense paniculate inflorescence. It has two types of flowers: ligulate (female) along the edge of the flower and tubular (bisexual) in the center. Each flower has 5 stamens combined together. The lower ovary is unilocular, single-seeded with a bifurcated stigma.

    The fruits of the flea beetle are achenes with a double shank, the outer one consists of small denticles formed by short fused hairs, and the inner one consists of longer, rough hairs. Flowering occurs from June to September; hemicarps reach maturity in July-October.

    The plant is widespread in the European part of the Russian Federation (especially in the southern and middle zone), as well as in Altai, throughout the territory of Ukraine and Belarus. The common flea is listed in the Red Data Books of Lithuania and the Udmurt Republic.

    It grows mainly on wastelands, river banks, lakes, pastures, wet meadows, roadsides, ravine bottoms, in weedy places and other damp places. Prefers sandy soils.

    In medicine, the aerial part of the plant (flower baskets, leaves, stems) and roots are used. The flea beetle stems and leaves are harvested during the beginning of flowering (June-July) in dry, sunny weather. Dry in rooms with good ventilation, avoiding direct sunlight, spreading in a thin layer on cloth, paper or wood flooring. The dried raw materials are crushed, sieved and stored in a tightly sealed container for no more than two years.

    The roots are dug up and washed under running water. Then it is necessary to dry this part of the plant, the easiest way is to soak the raw material with a paper napkin. Then the root is cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters long and spread under a canopy. To prevent the plant from dampening, you need to turn it over once a day. Drying time from 7 to 10 days. Expiration date 24 months.

    Of the active substances in the aerial part of the flea, the following are contained: alkaloids, polyacetylene compounds, coumarins, essential oils, ascorbic acid, tannins, organic acids, rubber, saponins, essential oils, coumarins, flavonoids, polyacetylene compounds. In the roots of the flea, rubber and polyacetylene compounds were found.

    Pharmacological properties

    The fleece has a pronounced diuretic effect, in folk medicine it is used in the treatment of edema. Has an anti-inflammatory effect when applied externally, is effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

    This plant is known for its insecticidal effect, it helps to fight insects that can bite humans. It is relevant for use against fleas, lice, as well as flies and mosquitoes.

    Application in traditional medicine

    In folk medicine, the common flea is actively used to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, and chronic colitis. Decoctions and infusions are used orally to improve the functioning of the stomach, normalize the acid-base balance.

    The fleece helps in the treatment of tuberculosis, it is brewed together with aromatic herbs and drunk regularly for a month. The flea also helps with albuminuria (excretion of protein in the urine).

    Broths and infusions of flea beetle are suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids, they are used in the form of microclysters, lotions and sitz baths.

    Also, gargles and poultices with this plant help with acute toothache. For one tablespoon of dry raw materials, you need a glass of boiling water, heat the solution in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then let it brew for at least 60 minutes. Rinse 3 times a day.

    Adding a decoction to the bath has a tonic effect, therefore such procedures are recommended for young children prone to frequent colds.

    Historical reference

    A large number of insects live on the territory of modern Russia, they also existed in antiquity. A variety of flies, mosquitoes and fleas were present in the life of any person. The problem became especially urgent in May-June, when many mosquitoes appeared in some areas. To cope with this problem, residents looked for different means and the most effective was a certain herb that grew along the roads. They began to set it on fire to remove all the insects. That is why she was given the name "flea".

    Fleas often penetrated into a person's dwelling from chicken coops. They could appear both in summer and winter. In the warm season, fresh grass was set on fire to remove insects; for the winter, the flea was dried. Today, such methods are relevant only on individual farms and are used in animal pens. The smell of a flea does not harm animals, but it protects them from bites.

    Maznev N.I. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants. - M .: Martin, 2004. - 496 p.

    Medicinal plants: encyclopedia / ed. - comp .: I.N. Putyrsky, V.N., Prokhorov - Minsk: Book House, 2005 .-- 655 p.

    Gubanov I.A. Flora of the European part of the USSR. - L .: Nauka, 1994 .-- v. 7. - 317 p.

    Ivan tea: an analogue of Chinese tea in Russia

    Ivan tea is a common name for the fireweed plant, which is the prototype of Chinese tea brought to Russia. The second name is Koporsky, it received because of the places where it grew en masse - in the village of Koporye, near St. Petersburg. The photo shows how beautiful this plant looks: pink flowers resemble a rich summer bouquet!

    Ivan tea is brewed like the famous subtropical tea, it is used mainly among people who do not have the opportunity to pamper themselves with an expensive foreign drink. But do not think that domestic Ivan tea is inferior in taste - reviews say the opposite. And the benefits to the body can hardly be overestimated - useful properties beat all records.

    Unique properties of Ivan tea

    Product properties largely depend on factors such as:

    1. Ivan tea is an effective sedative that has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system;
    2. Powerful anti-inflammatory agent;
    3. Suitable for the prevention of prostate adenoma. For this reason, tea is called the herb of men.
    4. When taken regularly, relieves insomnia, headaches;
    5. Normalizes digestion;
    6. The bacterial action of the herb helps to get rid of colds and throat diseases as soon as possible;
    7. Used as a hemostatic agent;
    8. Infusion of fireweed is shown by doctors to improve immunity, normalize metabolism;
    9. The drink is rich in antioxidants, therefore it removes toxins and toxins - it is used to cleanse the body;
    10. Useful for neurocircular dystonia, cardiac diseases;
    11. Its anti-inflammatory properties heal wounds, relieve swelling;
    12. The plant is widely used as a cosmetic product: Ivan tea is added to creams, masks, and baths are made from it.
    13. Fireweed has a powerful prophylactic effect on various neoplasms, including benign, malignant tumors;
    14. Useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver, genitourinary system;
    15. Its properties are amazing: fireweed is used to prevent tooth decay;
    16. Useful for strengthening the endocrine system;
    17. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
    18. Its beneficial properties will help to cope with stress, neuroses, shocks;
    19. In case of radiation contamination, it reduces the level of intoxication;
    20. It is used as an antipyretic agent, and not only for adults, but also for children;
    21. The beneficial properties of the herb will help to cope with poisoning (food, alcohol);
    22. A decoction of fireweed is used to lubricate abscesses, rashes and other manifestations of skin diseases.

    Can I give it to children?

    The beneficial properties of Ivan tea are so unique that sometimes the drink is shown even to children - this is also evidenced by user reviews. It is indicated during teething - it eases the painful process, since it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Also Ivan tea is shown to children as an antiviral agent.

    The best recipe for making Ivan tea

    Contraindications Ivan-tea

    If we talk about contraindications, there are much fewer of them. Ivan-tea contains no caffeine, so it can be consumed in small quantities by everyone!

    Analyzing the reviews of lovers of this drink, it is generally difficult to identify contraindications in it. They can appear with abuse, very long-term use, manifest as minor violations of the digestive tract.

    However, some contraindications for Ivan-tea can be distinguished:

  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • Reception for more than two weeks without interruption (diarrhea may begin). Even if you are a real lover of fireweed, take it intermittently, otherwise you may find out "all the delights" of contraindications;
  • Reception of Ivan-tea is contraindicated together with sedatives (sedatives);
  • Another drink is contraindicated when taken with pharmacy antipyretics. Do not drink at the same time, for example, paracetamol, and write down with a decoction of Ivan tea.
  • Fireweed has a laxative effect, so if you are prone to diarrhea or suffer from it from time to time for several years, consult your doctor before drinking Ivan tea. Be prepared for the fact that the product may be contraindicated for you.
  • Some reviews say that a drink made from fermented plant leaves lowers blood pressure (it's all about the absence of caffeine). Therefore, this tea is contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension;
  • Sometimes pregnancy can be a contraindication - a doctor's consultation is needed here.
  • It can be concluded that the contraindications of Ivan-tea are insignificant, compared with the healing properties, they are practically invisible, but in order not to harm the body, you need to know about them.

    Useful properties and chemical composition of a unique plant

    Ivan tea is a unique plant: it can be seen in the photo, heard from the reviews, but it is even better to try the fireweed broth yourself, evaluating the beneficial properties.

    The chemical composition of the product is impressive, if a doctor does not look at it, it will immediately become clear how Ivan tea can treat so many diseases and why there are so few contraindications. After reading the reviews, we see that most people who take Ivan tea are satisfied with their well-being.

    Preparing a drink

    It is necessary to prepare Ivan tea in such a way as to preserve its beneficial properties to the maximum. Thanks to reviews and photo recipes, you will discover an amazing drink for yourself, easily brewing it!

    So, Ivan tea is prepared from dried leaves - this will help to preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible and "reduce" contraindications (fresh leaves more often cause diarrhea than dried leaves).

    After you have brought home Ivan tea leaves, they need to be washed, dried, then fermented. You need to walk over the leaves with a wooden rolling pin, put them tightly in an enamel pan, cover with damp gauze, put oppression, wrap the pan tightly in a damp linen towel. Thus, you will preserve the beneficial properties of Ivan tea.

    Now the fermentation process itself, which determines what kind of tea will turn out: black, green. Black Ivan tea is aged for several days, green - an average of 12 hours. Drying for both varieties is different: it is better to actively dry black in the oven, green in the sun.

    Homemade Ivan tea is brewed as usual, the one that is sold in the store. But in the drink that you collected, you dried more useful properties with your own hands, several times fewer contraindications.

    You need to drink Ivan tea with pleasure, without haste, think about the good! This is such a pleasant procedure, akin to the Chinese tea tradition.

    Oregano is a perennial plant belonging to the lamb family. On the territory of the Russian Federation, it grows everywhere. Also widely distributed in the USA, Mediterranean, Europe. The grass has a tetrahedral stem about 60 cm high, oblong whole-edged leaves and small flowers collected in inflorescences. It is actively used in folk medicine, cooking, cosmetology. Oregano, the medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of which are discussed in the article, is one of the most popular medicinal plants today.

    Oregano is considered a female herb, since the substances it contains are capable of influencing in a certain way the work of the genitourinary system of female representatives.

    The pharmacological effects that allow the use of oregano preparations in the treatment of gynecological diseases include:

    • the herb's ability to normalize the menstrual cycle;
    • increased contractility of smooth uterine muscles;
    • the calming effect of herbal decoctions;
    • antiseptic effect of oregano;
    • lactogonic action.

    In addition to the above, the components of the plant in question are able to improve intestinal function, normalize the process of digestion and excretion of waste products. It also indirectly affects the work of the female genitourinary structures.

    What diseases does it help against?

    The main indication for the use of the plant in gynecology is oligodysmenorrhea - a pathological and regular delay in the onset of menstruation. The herb oregano has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, which enhances its contraction and accelerates the onset of the necessary physiological processes.

    The second mechanism contributing to the normalization of the cycle is the hormone-like action of oregano preparations. The herb contains components that chemically resemble female sex hormones, which compensates for the lack of these substances and stabilizes the menstrual cycle.

    Oregano is also capable of arresting neurotic conditions that often occur in women during the period of premenstrual cyclic syndrome. Decoctions based on it have a calming effect on the nervous system, reduce the level of psycho-emotional stress and the severity of the vegetative-vascular manifestations of PMS.

    The indications for the use of oregano by women include not only menstrual irregularities, but also inflammatory diseases of the external genital organs. Decoctions and infusions of the plant are used in the form of douching to combat infectious processes, prevent postoperative complications, relieve inflammation and swelling.

    Benefits and harms during pregnancy and lactation

    The use of oregano-based medicines during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated. The fact is that the herb has a pronounced stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus. This leads to an increase in its contractility and creates a threat of miscarriage. Women who risked consuming oregano while carrying a fetus often end up in obstetric hospitals with uterine hypertonicity and lose their baby.

    When breastfeeding, oregano can be used to stimulate milk production. The plant actively affects lactogenic mechanisms by irritating the corresponding structures of the brain. Unfortunately, this method of enhancing lactogenesis is not safe for the child. The substances in the herb are excreted in breast milk and can affect the infant's body.

    Note: Using oregano to increase milk production is possible. However, before this, you should consult with your doctor and carefully assess the potential benefits and risks to the child.

    Oregano in gynecology

    In gynecology, oregano can be used topically or as an oral agent. Local use of herbal decoctions is indicated for inflammatory diseases of the vagina, external genital organs, and the urethra (in particular, its external outlet). Often, rinsing is used to prevent genitourinary infections after invasive medical procedures or unprotected sexual intercourse.

    Reception of decoctions and herbal infusions inside is carried out if it is necessary to achieve a systemic effect.

    Indications include:

    • delayed menstruation;
    • increased nervousness and PMS;
    • insufficient milk production during breastfeeding;
    • insufficient contractility of the uterus;
    • hormonal disorders.

    Decoctions of the plant are not completely safe means. Their illiterate and unreasonable reception can lead to the development of negative effects.

    Correct application and dosage

    Preparation of herbal decoctions for oral administration can be carried out in two ways: in a water bath or by ordinary boiling.

    1. Water bath: 6 grams of chopped and dried oregano are poured into 200 ml of water heated to 30 ° C. Then the mixture is placed in a water bath, kept for 15 minutes, removed and insisted for half an hour. After that, the solution is filtered and cooled to an acceptable temperature. The remedy should be taken for ½ glass, shortly before meals, twice a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.
    2. Classic broth: 6 grams of dry raw materials are poured with 250-300 ml of water, and then put on a slow fire. The mixture must be brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. Next, the broth is cooled and the solid fraction is filtered off. The resulting liquid is taken in 100-150 ml 2 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The course is 2 months.

    Oregano for topical use is prepared in the form of an aqueous infusion. To prepare it, you should take 3 grams of chopped herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for two hours. Then the mixture is filtered and used to wash the pathological focus. The duration of the course is until the symptoms of the disease disappear. If there is no improvement after 7 days of using the infusion, it is recommended to choose another treatment.

    Note: it is more convenient to dose raw materials not in grams, but in tablespoons. According to authoritative resources, 1 tablespoon contains 3.4 grams of common oregano.

    Use in cosmetology

    The beneficial properties of oregano make it possible to use it not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Most often, the herb is used in baths, as well as in the preparation of infusions for washing. For the preparation of the bath, a concentrated decoction of herbal raw materials is used. 250 ml of chopped herbs should be poured with a liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. After that, the resulting product is poured into a bath filled with hot water.

    The duration of such baths is 30 minutes. It is not recommended to use soaps, shampoos and other cosmetics together with a decoction of oregano. The multiplicity of the procedure is every other day. Baths with oregano allow you to get rid of acne and inflammatory skin diseases, make the skin elastic and smooth.

    For washing, oregano is used in the form of an infusion. 20 grams of raw materials should be poured with three cups of boiling water (600 ml) and insisted for three hours. After that, the drug is filtered and used for washing. The tool allows you to reduce the oily skin, increase its turgor, and reduce the number of inflammatory rashes.

    Oregano seasoning in cooking

    Oregano is also used in cooking. There, this plant is used to make the oregano seasoning (the second name for oregano). The herb, crushed to a powdery state, has a bitter and tart taste, gives dishes a special taste, and is often used in conjunction with potatoes and as part of preserves. Housewives often use it to flavor salad or pizza.

    It is worth noting that it is useless to use the spice for medicinal purposes. Oregano, not filled with liquid and heated to temperatures above 40 ° C, loses its medicinal properties. In addition, in dry form, it has practically no therapeutic effect, which was discussed above.

    Contraindications for women

    The main contraindication for taking oregano-based products in women is pregnancy. As mentioned above, the herb affects the tone of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage and fetal death. In addition, the plant should not be used for menorrhagia (too heavy menstruation), increased uterine tone, high risk of uterine bleeding (coagulopathy of various origins).

    Oregano is an excellent remedy that can correct the work of the female genitourinary system. However, it should not be forgotten that herbs are the same medicines as their synthetic counterparts. This means that they also have some side effects and contraindications. The possibility of therapy with oregano decoctions for gynecological pathology should be assessed by a doctor. Self-treatment can have negative health consequences.

    Common flea (Pulicaria vulgaris)
    Aster family (Compositae).
    Popular names: dream book, bathing suit, womanizer, fat woman.

    Common flea - Herbaceous annual plant. The plant has a distinctive feature - an unpleasant odor.

    The stem is branched. Stem leaves - wavy, whole-extreme or oblong-lanceolate, sessile; lower leaves - narrowed towards the base, oblong.

    The flowers are collected in an inflorescence - a basket, at the base with a perennial wrapper. Receptacle - convex or flat, glabrous.

    Marginal flowers are ligulate, female, dirty yellow, slightly longer than average flowers (tubular); all flowers are fertile.

    Stamens - with free filaments and with anthers welded into one tube, through which a column passes, including 5 pieces.

    Ovary - with a bifurcated stigma and one column, single-seeded, unilocular.

    The fruit is a double-tuft achene.

    Plant height up to 30 cm.

    Flowering time: July - August.

    The flea beetle grows in Belarus, Ukraine, in the southern and middle zone of the European part of Russia. It grows in weedy places, wet meadows, along the shores of lakes and rivers.

    In folk medicine, herbs (flower baskets, leaves, stems) of a plant are used for medicinal purposes.

    The herb with the root has a diuretic effect. An infusion of the herb together with the root was used for albuminuria and was bathed in the infusion of weakened children.

    The plant also has insecticidal properties.

    The common people are used to fumigate rooms with the aim of exterminating mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs and flies.

    Mode of application.

    ♦ Pour one tablespoon of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours and strain. The herb infusion is used for sitz baths and enemas in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

    ♦ Pour one teaspoon of dry chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours and strain. Drink half a glass three times a day for constipation, dysentery.

    CONTRAINDICATION: Individual intolerance. It is not advisable to take preparations of the flea beetle during pregnancy and lactation.

    Source: Lavrenova G.V., Lavrenov V.K.Encyclopedia of medicinal plants

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