Yesenin is the first time I renounce. A blue fire swept around

A blue fire began to sweep,
Forgotten relatives.

I was all like a neglected garden,
He was averse to women and potions.
I stopped liking drinking and dancing
And lose your life without looking back.

I just want to look at you
See the eye of a golden-brown pool,
And so that, not loving the past,
You couldn't leave for someone else.

Gentle gait, light waist,
If you knew with a persistent heart,
How can a bully love?
How he knows how to be submissive.

I would forget the taverns forever
And I would have given up writing poetry.
Just touch your hand subtly
And your hair is the color of autumn.

I would follow you forever
Whether in your own or in someone else’s...
For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I refuse to make a scandal.

Analysis of the poem “The Blue Fire Has Swept Up” by Yesenin

One of Yesenin’s most famous and popular poetic cycles is “The Love of a Hooligan,” created in the second half of 1923. The cycle of seven brilliant works is entirely dedicated to the poet’s next passion - actress A. Miklashevskaya. It opens with the poem “A Blue Fire Has Swept Up.”

Yesenin by that time had already experienced many love disappointments: a failed first marriage, a short-term stormy romance with A. Duncan. The poet saw a way out of his situation in the emergence of a new ardent passion; he pinned many hopes on Miklashevskaya. However, the actress indifferently met Yesenin’s persistent advances. The poet had to express his love longing only on paper.

The poet's stormy and chaotic life, which took place for the most part in low-grade taverns, is widely known. The fame of the drunkard and brawler was no less than his literary fame. In the very first lines of the poem, Yesenin states that a sudden new passion made a real revolution in his soul. For her sake, he is ready to forget about his “native distances.” He considers past love interests to be completely unimportant, since he feels that he truly fell in love “for the first time.” Finally, an important statement is the renunciation of a scandalous life.

Yesenin considers the past years a chain of failures and endless mistakes and compares himself to a “neglected garden.” He sincerely admits that he had a strong addiction to alcohol and fleeting, non-binding love. Over the years, he came to understand the purposelessness and ruin of such a life. From now on, he wants to devote all his time to his beloved, never taking his eyes off her.

Probably, by the time of writing the poem, Yesenin and Miklashevskaya had already had an explanation that was unpleasant for the poet, because he notes that his beloved has a “persistent heart.” Most likely, bad fame also interferes with the development of relationships. The woman considered Yesenin an undoubtedly talented person, but extremely frivolous, and did not believe his promises. The poet strives to prove to her that only a hooligan, due to his depravity, is capable of experiencing sincere feelings. A person who has experienced a deep fall can become a humble servant to someone who will help him improve.

Yesenin’s most serious statement is his renunciation of poetic activity (“I would give up writing poetry”). It cannot be taken literally. This phrase simply emphasizes the power of the poet’s love suffering. Another poetic image is the desire to follow one’s beloved even to the ends of the earth.

At the end of the poem, lexical repetition is used very successfully. The composition takes on a ring character.

The poem “A Blue Fire Has Swept Up” is one of the best works of Yesenin’s love lyrics.

A blue fire began to sweep,
Forgotten relatives.

I was all like a neglected garden,
He was averse to women and potions.
I stopped liking drinking and dancing
And lose your life without looking back.

I just want to look at you
See the eye of a golden-brown pool,
And so that, not loving the past,
You couldn't leave for someone else.

Gentle gait, light waist,
If you knew with a persistent heart,
How can a bully love?
How he knows how to be submissive.

I would forget the taverns forever
And I would have given up writing poetry.
Just touch your hand subtly
And your hair is the color of autumn.

I would follow you forever
Whether in your own or in someone else's...
For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I refuse to make a scandal.

Sergei Yesenin was with the famous dancer Isadora Duncan for a long time. But the difference in age, interests, belonging to different cultures affected, and the uniqueness of Isadora and Yesenin interfered. When their union was almost broken up, the poet met the actress of the Chamber Theater Augusta Miklashevskaya. In August 1923, the poet met his new love and was completely fascinated by a young woman with an iconographic face and always sad eyes, in which crystal tears seemed frozen. Literally the next day, the poem “A blue fire began to sweep…” was written, which opened the cycle “The Love of a Hooligan.”

The work became an example of a lyric poem. In it, the poet talks about his love and the changes it brought. Here he again connects the past, future and present in one space and shares his personal feelings, thoughts, and experiences with readers. The poem is dedicated to the poet’s beloved woman, Augusta Miklashevskaya. The poet addresses her directly, tells her about the feelings, noticeable changes that are caused by love for her.

A love poem for your beloved

The main theme of the poem is an unexpected feeling that completely changes the hero’s worldview, and the plot covers almost the entire life of the poet, combining different times. Yesenin recalls his mistakes, his greed for women and alcohol, and his unbridled joy. He admits that he is ready to renounce everything for the sake of love for a woman, to leave not only entertainment, but also thoughts about his native places and nature.

It is interesting that in the very first stanza the poet notes that he is singing about love for the first time. All his feelings are so fresh, captivating with brightness and pristineness that it begins to seem to him that he had not loved at all until that moment. The hero also confesses to past sins, a waste of life on unbridled fun, stupid fun. He compares himself to a neglected garden, says that he was unable to resist various temptations, while Yesenin puts women and “potions” on a par. This further widens the gap between his past hobbies and his new love for Augusta Miklashevskaya. The poet emphasizes that before this he only lost his life, wasted it, although he loved other women and got carried away.

Yesenin writes figuratively about his feelings, admits that he dreams of endlessly looking into the eyes of his beloved, and tying her to him so much that she will stay with him forever. The poet assures that he knows how to love, be submissive, and is ready to dissolve in his feelings without a trace.

It is significant that in this new feeling Yesenin recognizes his readiness to renounce not only taverns, but also creativity, love for his native lands. For the first time, he gives up scandals, his entire past life, and wants to follow his beloved anywhere.

If you try to analyze the idea of ​​the poem, you can come to the conclusion that here Yesenin thinks more in images, takes extreme manifestations of feeling and vividly embodies them in his lines. The meaning of the work should hardly be taken literally. Of course, Sergei Yesenin always remained a poet; he would not have been able to renounce his “I”, purpose on earth, creativity and love for his homeland. However, the poet’s love lyrics are characterized by dissolution in feelings for a woman, since he very keenly senses new emotions and strives to fully embody his love in bright lines.

Composition, poetic means of expression

The poem has a ring composition, which gives it amazing harmony and unites all the stanzas into one whole. At the beginning, the poet says that his native distances have already been forgotten, and he ends the work with the words of readiness to follow his beloved “either to his own or to other people’s distances.” In addition, the third and fourth lines of the first stanza are repeated exactly at the very end of the work. The poem is written in anapest, cross rhyme.

Love is compared to a blue fire, the poet says that he himself was abandoned and lonely, like a neglected garden, the eyes of his beloved seem to him like a golden-brown pool. The language is bright and expressive. For example, speaking about the shade of his beloved’s hair, the poet writes about them: “the color of autumn.” Repetition is actively used as an artistic device: there is a refrain at the beginning and end of the work, “was” at the beginning of two lines of the second stanza, “as best he can” in two lines of the fourth stanza. All this gives unique dynamism and completeness to the work.

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Over the last 3 nights, I read a collection of poems by one of the most revered Russian poets - Sergei Yesenin and highlighted

1). Again spread out in a pattern
There is a crimson over the white field,
And he pours out fervently
Nizhny Novgorod bell.

Under the foggy haze
You seem to be a girl's beauty,
And the wind flutters under the scarf
Red-haired braid.

The arc, splitting, dances,
Now diving, now disappearing,
It won’t fascinate, it won’t wave
Your painted sleeve

I've been dreaming about it for a long time now
The fields are crimson expanse,
A high room for you,
And to me it’s a distant monastery.

There is blue and fire more airy
And the veil is lighter than smoke.
I will be a gentle novice,
And you are a wild wife.

And I know we will both become
Sadness in elastic silence:
I'm in a deep fog for you,
And you will cry for me.

But even having understood, I do not accept
No quiet caresses, no depth -
Eyes that saw the earth
In love with another land.

2). I asked the money changer today,
What does a ruble give for half a fog?
How to tell me for the beautiful Lala
Tender “I love” in Persian?

I asked the money changer today
Lighter than the wind, quieter than the Van streams,
What should I call the beautiful Lala?
The affectionate word “kiss”?

And I also asked the money changer,
Shyness is hidden deeper in the heart,
How to tell me for the beautiful Lala,
How to tell her that she is “mine”?

And the money changer answered me briefly:
They don't talk about love in words,
They sigh about love only furtively,
Yes, the eyes are burning like yachts...

A kiss has no name
A kiss is not an inscription on coffins.
Kisses blow like red roses,
Melting like petals on your lips.

No guarantee is required from love,
With her they know joy and sorrow.
“You are mine” only hands can say,
That they tore off the black veil.

3). A blue fire began to sweep,
Forgotten relatives.

I was all like a neglected garden,
He was averse to women and potions.
I stopped liking drinking and dancing
And lose your life without looking back.

I just want to look at you
See the eye of a golden-brown pool,
And so that, not loving the past,
You couldn't leave for someone else.

Gentle gait, light waist,
If you knew with a persistent heart,
How can a bully love?
How he knows how to be submissive.

I would forget the taverns forever
And I would have given up writing poetry.
Just touch your hand subtly
And your hair is the color of autumn.

I would follow you forever
Whether in your own or in someone else’s...
For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I refuse to make a scandal.

4). Here they drink again, fight and cry
Under the harmonics yellow sadness.
Curse their failures
They remember Moscow Rus'.

And I myself, with my head bowed,
I pour wine into my eyes,
So as not to see the fatal in the face,
To think for a moment about something else.

Something is lost forever by everyone.
May my blue! June is blue!
Isn’t that why it smells like carrion?
Over the loss of this revelry.

Oh, the Russians are having so much fun today,
Moonshine alcohol - river.
Harmonist with a sunken nose
He sings to them about the Volga and Cheka.

Something evil in the eyes of the insane,
Disobedient in loud speeches.
They feel sorry for those stupid young people
That they ruined their lives in the heat of the moment.

Where are you who have gone far away?
Do our rays shine brightly for you?
The accordionist treats syphilis with alcohol,
What I received in the Kyrgyz steppes.

No! These cannot be crushed or scattered.
Recklessness is given to them by rot.
You, my Scattering... Scattering...
Asian side!

5). The poem that the group “Mongol Shuudan” used for their song, translated from the Mongolian language, the name of this group is translated “Mongolian Post”.

Yes! Now it's decided. No refund
I left my native fields
They will no longer be winged leaves
I need the poplars to ring.

My low house has long been stooping,
My old dog died long ago.

I love this elm city,
Let him be flabby and let him become decrepit.
Golden nap Asia
She rested on the domes.

And when the moon shines at night,
When it shines... God knows how!
I walk with my head hanging down,
Down the street to a familiar pub.

The noise and din in this terrible lair,
But all night long until dawn,
I read poetry to prostitutes
And I fry alcohol with the bandits.

The heart beats faster and faster,
And I say it out of place:
"I'm just like you, lost,
I can’t go back now.”

My low house has long been stooped,
My old dog died a long time ago.
On Moscow's crooked streets
To die, to know, God destined me.

6). The scarlet light of dawn was woven on the lake,
On the forest, wood grouse are crying with ringing sounds.

An oriole is crying somewhere, burying itself in a hollow.
Only I don’t cry - my soul is light.

I know that in the evening you will leave the ring of roads,
Let's sit in the fresh haystacks under a nearby haystack.

I'll kiss you when you're drunk, I'll fade away like a flower,
There is no gossip for those who are intoxicated with joy.

You yourself, under the caresses, will throw off the silk veil,
I’ll carry you drunk into the bushes until the morning.

And let the wood grouse cry with the bells,
There is a cheerful melancholy in the red of the dawn.

7). You don't love me, you don't regret me,
Am I not a little handsome?
Without looking in the face, you are thrilled with passion,
He placed his hands on my shoulders.

Young, with a sensual grin,
I am neither gentle nor rude with you.
Tell me how many people have you caressed?
How many hands do you remember? How many lips?

I know they passed by like shadows
Without touching your fire,
You sat on the knees of many,
And now you're sitting here with me.

Let your eyes be half closed
And you're thinking about someone else
I don’t really love you very much myself,
Drowning in the distant dear.

Don't call this ardor fate
A frivolous hot-tempered connection, -
How I met you by chance,
I smile, calmly walking away.

Yes, and you will go your own way
Sprinkle joyless days
Just don’t touch those who haven’t been kissed,
Just don’t lure those who haven’t been burned.

And when with another in the alley
You'll walk by chatting about love
Maybe I'll go for a walk
And we will meet again with you.

Turning your shoulders closer to the other
And leaning down a little,
You will tell me quietly: “Good evening!”
I will answer: “Good evening, miss.”

And nothing will disturb the soul,
And nothing will make her tremble, -
He who loved cannot love,
You can't set fire to someone who's burned out.

8). And this poem was turned into a song by singer Alexander Malinin

There's only one thing left for me to do:
Fingers in mouth - and a cheerful whistle.
Notoriety has spread
That I am a bawdy and a brawler.

Oh! what a funny loss!
There are many funny losses in life.
I'm ashamed that I believed in God.
It’s sad for me that I don’t believe it now.

Golden, distant distances!
Everyday death burns everything.
And I was rude and scandalous
To burn brighter.

The poet's gift is to caress and scribble,
There is a fatal stamp on it.
White rose with black toad
I wanted to get married on earth.

Let them not come true, let them not come true
These thoughts of rosy days.
But if the devils were nesting in the soul -
This means that angels lived in it.

It's for this fun that it's muddy,
Going with her to another land,
I want at the last minute
Ask those who will be with me -

So that for all my grave sins,
For disbelief in grace
They put me in a Russian shirt
To die under icons.

9). The evening raised black eyebrows.
Someone's horses are standing in the yard.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that I drank away my youth?
Didn’t I stop loving you yesterday?

Don't snore, belated three!
Our life flashed by without a trace.
Maybe tomorrow there's a hospital bed
Will put me to rest forever.

Maybe tomorrow will be completely different
I will leave, healed forever,
Listen to the songs of rain and bird cherry trees,
How does a healthy person live?

I will forget the dark forces,
That they tormented me, destroying me.
The appearance is affectionate! Cute look!
The only one I won’t forget is you.

May I love another
But also with her, with her beloved, with the other,
I'll tell you about you, dear,
That I once called dear.

I'll tell you how the old one flowed
Our life, which was not the same...
Are you my bold head?
What have you brought me to?

10). Well, kiss me, kiss me,
Even to the point of bleeding, even to pain.
At odds with cold will
Boiling water of heart streams.

Overturned mug
Among the merry ones is not for us.
Understand, my friend,
They only live once on earth!

Look around with a calm gaze,
Look: damp in the darkness
The month is like a yellow raven
It circles and soars above the ground.

Well, kiss me! That's how I want it.
Decay sang a song to me too.
Apparently he sensed my death
The one who soars on high.

Fading Power!
Die like that!
Until the end of my sweetheart's lips
I would like to kiss.

So that all the time in blue slumbers,
Without being ashamed and without hiding,
In the gentle rustle of bird cherry trees
It was heard: “I am yours.”

And so that the light over the full mug
It didn’t go out with a light foam -
Drink and sing, my friend:
They only live once on earth!

eleven). And this poem in the form of a song sounded in the film “The Crown of the Russian Empire or the Elusive Ones Again”

There is a month above the window. There is wind under the window.
Golden poplar is silvery and light.

The song cries and laughs.
Where are you, my linden tree? Is the linden tree centuries old?

I myself once on a holiday early in the morning
He went out to his beloved, unwrapping his tattoo.

And now I don’t mean anything dear.
I laugh and cry to someone else's song.

12). Apparently, it’s been this way forever -
By the age of thirty, having gone crazy,
Increasingly stronger, hardened cripples,
We keep in touch with life.

Honey, I'll soon be thirty,
And the earth becomes dearer to me every day.
That's why my heart began to dream,
That I burn with pink fire.

If it burns, then it burns and burns,
And no wonder in the linden blossom
I took the ring from the parrot -
A sign that we will burn together.

The gypsy woman put that ring on me.
I took it off my hand and gave it to you,
And now, when the barrel organ is sad,
I can’t help but think, not be shy.

There's a whirlpool swirling in my head,
And there is frost and darkness on the heart:
Maybe someone else
Did you give it away laughing?

Maybe kissing until dawn
He asks you himself
Like a funny, stupid poet
You brought me to sensual poems.

Well, so what! This wound will also pass.
It's just sad to see the end of life.
The first time for such a bully
The damned parrot deceived me.

13). Life is a deception with enchanting melancholy,
That's why she's so strong
That with your rough hand
Fatal writes letters.

I always, when I close my eyes,
I say: “Just disturb your heart,
Life is a deception, but sometimes it
Lies decorate with joys.

Turn your face to the gray sky,
By the moon, guessing about fate,
Calm down, mortal, and don't demand
The truth that you don’t need.”

Good in the bird cherry blizzard
To think that this life is a path
Let your easy friends deceive you,
Let easy friends change.

Let them caress me with a gentle word,
Let the evil tongue be sharper than a razor, -
I've been living for a long time on everything ready,
I got used to everything mercilessly.

These heights chill my soul,
There is no heat from star fire.
Those whom I loved renounced
Who I lived - they forgot about me.

But still, oppressed and persecuted,
I, looking at the dawn with a smile,
On earth, close and beloved to me,
I thank this life for everything.

14). Don't twist your smile, fiddling with your hands
I love someone else, just not you.

You yourself know, you know well -
I don’t see you, I didn’t come to you.

I passed by, my heart doesn't care -
I just wanted to look out the window.

15). Don't look at me reproachfully
I have no contempt for you,
But I love your dreamy gaze
And your crafty meekness.

Yes, you seem prostrate to me,
And, perhaps, I'm glad to see
Like a fox pretending to be dead
Catches crows and crows.

Well, then, look, I’m not chickening out.
Just how would your ardor not go out?
To my cold soul
We've come across these more than once.

It's not you I love, darling,
You are just an echo, just a shadow.
I dream of another in your face,
Whose eyes are dove.

Don't let her look meek
And, perhaps, it looks cold,
But she walks majestically
It shook my soul to the core.

You can hardly fog one like this,
And if you don’t want to go, yes you will,
Well, you don’t even lie in your heart
A lie infused with affection.

But still, despising you,
I will shyly open myself forever:
If there were no hell and heaven,
The man himself would have invented them.

16). This is the last poem of the great poet.

Goodbye, my friend, goodbye.
My dear, you are in my chest.
Destined separation
Promises a meeting ahead.

Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,
Don’t be sad and don’t have sad eyebrows, -
Dying is nothing new in this life,
But life, of course, is not newer.

17). The red wings of the sunset are fading,
The fences sleep quietly in the fog.
Don't be sad, my white house,
That again we are alone and alone.

Cleans the month in the thatched roof
Blue-rimmed horns.
I didn’t follow her and didn’t go out
Escort behind the blind haystacks.

I know that the years will drown out the anxiety.
This pain, like the years, will pass.
And lips and innocent soul
She saves for others.

The one who asks for joy is not strong,
Only the proud live in strength.
And the other will wear out and abandon,
Like a clamp eaten away by raw materials.

It’s not out of melancholy that I await fate,
Will the powder viciously twist?
And she will come to our land
Warm your baby.

He will take off his fur coat and untie his shawls,
Sit down with me by the fire...
And he will calmly and affectionately say,
That the child looks like me.

18). I remember, darling, I remember
The shine of your hair.
It’s not happy and it’s not easy for me
I had to leave you.

I remember autumn nights
Birch rustle of shadows,
Even if the days were shorter then,
The moon shone longer for us.

I remember you told me:
"Blue years will pass,
And you will forget, my dear,
With the other one forever."

Today the linden tree is in bloom
I reminded my feelings again,
How tenderly then I poured
Flowers on a curly strand.

And the heart, not preparing to cool down,
And sadly loving another.
Like a favorite story,
On the other hand, he remembers you.

19). Letter to a woman

Do you remember,
Of course, you all remember
How I stood
Approaching the wall
You walked around the room excitedly
And something sharp
They threw it in my face.

You said:
It's time for us to part
What tormented you
My crazy life
That it's time for you to get down to business,
And my lot is
Roll further down.

You didn't love me.
You didn’t know that in the crowd of people
I was like a horse driven into soap,
Spurred by a brave rider.

You didn't know
That I'm in complete smoke,
In a life torn apart by a storm
That's why I'm tormented because I don't understand -
Where does the fate of events take us?

Face to face
You can't see the face.
Big things can be seen from a distance.
When the sea surface boils,
The ship is in poor condition.

The earth is a ship!
But someone suddenly
For a new life, new glory
In the thick of storms and blizzards
He directed her majestically.

Well, which of us is the biggest on deck?
Didn’t fall, vomit or swear?
There are few of them, with an experienced soul,
Who remained strong in pitching.

Then I too
To the wild noise
But maturely knowing the work,
He went down into the ship's hold,
So as not to watch people vomit.
That hold was -
Russian pub.
And I leaned over the glass,
So that, without suffering for anyone,
Ruin yourself
In a drunken stupor.

I tormented you
You were sad
In the eyes of the tired:
What am I showing off to you?
Wasted himself in scandals.

But you didn't know
What's in the smoke,
In a life torn apart by a storm
That's why I'm suffering
What I don't understand
Where does the fate of events take us...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Now the years have passed
I'm at a different age.
And I feel and think differently.
And I say over festive wine:
Praise and glory to the helmsman!

Today I
In the shock of tender feelings.
I remembered your sad tiredness.
And now
I'm rushing to tell you,
What was I like
And what happened to me!

I'm pleased to say:
I avoided falling off the cliff.
Now in the Soviet side
I am the fiercest travel companion.

I have become the wrong person
Who was he then?
I wouldn't torture you
As it was before.
For the banner of liberty
And good work
I'm ready to go even to the English Channel.

Forgive me...
I know: you are not the same -
Do you live
With a serious, intelligent husband;
That you don’t need our toil,
And I myself to you
Not needed one bit.

Live like this
How the star guides you
Under the tabernacle of the renewed canopy.
With greetings,
always remembering you
Your acquaintance
Sergey Yesenin.

“A blue fire began to sweep…” Sergei Yesenin

A blue fire began to sweep,
Forgotten relatives.

I was all like a neglected garden,
He was averse to women and potions.
I stopped liking drinking and dancing
And lose your life without looking back.

I just want to look at you
See the eye of a golden-brown pool,
And so that, not loving the past,
You couldn't leave for someone else.

Gentle gait, light waist,
If you knew with a persistent heart,
How can a bully love?
How he knows how to be submissive.

I would forget the taverns forever
And I would have given up writing poetry.
Just touch your hand subtly
And your hair is the color of autumn.

I would follow you forever
Whether in your own or in someone else’s...
For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I refuse to make a scandal.

Analysis of Yesenin’s poem “A blue fire began to sweep…”

In August 1923, Yesenin returned to Moscow after traveling around the United States of America. By this time, his scandalous marriage to Isadora Duncan was on the verge of divorce. Almost immediately after arriving in the Soviet Union, Sergei Alexandrovich met Augusta Leonidovna Miklashevskaya, a beautiful actress who served in the famous Tairov Chamber Theater. The poet instantly fell in love with the artist. Much later, she admitted that their romance was purely platonic in nature, the couple never even kissed. Yesenin dedicated the heartfelt cycle “Love of a Hooligan” to Miklashevskaya, which included seven poems - real masterpieces of Russian intimate lyrics of the twentieth century. The series opens with the work “A Blue Fire Has Swept Up...”.

The key motive not only of the text under consideration, but also of the cycle as a whole, is the motive of abandoning the past life. The lyrical hero actually promises his beloved to start all over again. He intends to forever renounce scandals and alcohol. The strongest feeling he feels towards a woman makes him change completely. His goal is to prove “how a bully knows how to love, how he knows how to be submissive.” It’s interesting that the lyrical hero is ready to give up creativity: “...and I would give up writing poetry.” For the poet, this is a more serious step than stopping visiting taverns. The meaning of life no longer lies in having fun and creating lyrical works. Concentration occurs on the image of the adored woman:
I just want to look at you
See the eye of a golden-brown pool...

The poem “A Blue Fire Has Swept Up…” is distinguished by its ring composition. In the first and last stanzas two lines are repeated:
For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I refuse to make a scandal.
Everything is clear about the scandals - they formed the image of Yesenin for a long time. It's a little more complicated with love. Intimate lyrics were found in the work of Sergei Alexandrovich even before his acquaintance with Miklashevskaya. But love there was often presented in a completely different way. You don't have to look far for examples. In 1924, the poet published the collection “Moscow Tavern”. It contains a section of the same name, which precedes “The Love of a Hooligan.” In this cycle, love appears to readers not as a bright feeling, but as an infection, a plague, a whirlpool. It seems that the lyrical hero has become disillusioned with all representatives of the fairer sex. He does not mince words, allowing himself to be openly rude, vulgar, and disrespectful. This is the first time such an attitude towards women appears in Yesenin’s work. However, some light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. For example, in the last lines of the poem “Rash, harmonica. Boredom... Boredom...":
Honey, I'm crying...
Sorry Sorry!

“Moscow tavern” is the cry of a wounded soul that is trying to find healing. “The love of a bully” is newfound happiness. From the poem “A blue fire began to sweep…” it is clear that the lyrical hero had never experienced such a strong feeling before. Moreover, until that moment, true love was unknown to him. Therefore, he believes that he sang about her for the first time.

Unfortunately, love for Miklashevskaya did not become such a desired salvation for Yesenin. After his relationship with the actress, he had several more novels. In September 1925, Sergei Alexandrovich even married for the third time. His chosen one was Sofya Andreevna Tolstoy, the granddaughter of Lev Nikolaevich. This marriage did not bring happiness to Yesenin either. Relations with Tolstoy did not help to avoid the tragedy that occurred at the end of 1925, when Sergei Alexandrovich committed suicide at the Angleterre Hotel in Leningrad.

Yesenin’s lyrical poetic lines “A blue fire swept away” are dedicated to Augusta Miklashevskaya. The poet saw the actress of the Chamber Theater in August 1923 and was fascinated by her subtle beauty. The poem was included in the poetic cycle “Love of a Hooligan.” The theme of the poem is a fire of feelings that unexpectedly engulfed the poet. These new sensations make Yesenin think about his past life, get away from scandals, forget taverns and “potions”, forget his native lands and poems, just to be close to his beloved, touch hands and “autumn-colored hair.” Of course, the poet could not, and did not want to completely renounce creativity, because poetry is his true “I”, his immortal soul. The words of the work only in a poetic form emphasize the intensity of emotions and the novelty of sensations that gripped the poet.

“A blue fire swept away” is a verse in which expressive language is used. In the text of the poem one can find colorful comparisons and expressive epithets. The ring composition, cross rhyme, repetitions at the end and beginning of the poem give it a special harmony, a lyrical melodiousness characteristic of Yesenin’s work.

A blue fire began to sweep,
Forgotten relatives.

For the first time I refuse to make a scandal.

I was all like a neglected garden,
He was averse to women and potions.
I stopped liking drinking and dancing
And lose your life without looking back.

I just want to look at you
See the eye of a golden-brown pool,
And so that, not loving the past,
You couldn't leave for someone else.

Gentle gait, light waist,
If you knew with a persistent heart,
How can a bully love?
How he knows how to be submissive.

I would forget the taverns forever
And I would have given up writing poetry.
Just touch your hand subtly
And your hair is the color of autumn.

I would follow you forever
Whether in your own or in someone else’s...
For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I refuse to make a scandal.