World of tanks graphical settings. Optimal graphics settings World of Tanks

As you know, dear players, an automatic fire extinguisher for World of tanks 1.0 costs 10k silver, or, of course, you can buy it for gold. But even so, you need to farm endlessly to play on tanks of 9 and 10 levels. And now a working cheat, an automatic fire extinguisher for World of tanks, will instantly extinguish the fire, and its use will not cause suspicion, everyone will think what kind of gold you bought from you.

Automatic fire extinguisher overview
In any battle, it happens that a tank catches fire - a fire. This in-game event occurs after a penetration, usually from a large caliber gun or many shots from small cannons, a fuel tank, or hitting the engine directly (Hi Lowe!). Moreover, if the fire is not stopped in time, the tank can completely burn out. It is very similar when you play free flash games, and there is almost instant crit, this applies to war games. And in order not to die right away, the hero has a couple of seconds to recover (antidote, respawn, and so on). In World Of Tanks, this means the early end of the battle and a ticket straight to the hangar.

At the moment, there are two types of fire extinguishers to choose from in World Of Tank 1.0. This is the usual manual one, its price is 3,000 credits, or automatic, at a price of 20,000 credits or 50 gold. The difference is enormous, especially if you play without a premium account. But thanks to the fashion, an automatic fire extinguisher - a manual one will work like an automatic one. That is, it will itself be triggered in the event of a fire.

In the heat of battle, no enemy cares what kind of fire extinguisher you stopped the fire with. Here the only question is spent on loans and nerves. Because the fire also causes great amount crits, which can be fatal in battle.

To install, unpack the archive and copy along the path World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ 1.0 \ scripts \ client \ mods

ATP raziel for the working version of the mod

Installing mods in WoT

Copy content avtomat1 in res_mods \ 1.0 \ scripts \ client \ mods \
Download cheat Automatic fire extinguisher for 1.0

-maps and new music version 1.0 will be one of critical milestones in the history of World of Tanks. Realistic graphics came from Core, our proprietary engine that breathes life into gaming locations. With the transition to this engine, the graphic settings will be reset. Don't worry, we'll explain in detail how to get it right. And today we'll talk about how to make settings for your computer and how the automatic settings detection function works.

Please be patient: technical information there will be many (but useful!). And if you don't like reading long articles, you can watch a video about game settings or use the information blocks to jump straight to the questions you are interested in. Go!

Automatic detection

The auto-detection function is activated in two cases: when you start the game for the first time and when you click on the " Recommended " in the graphics settings. This feature evaluates the performance of a game on your computer using new algorithms for processor, video card, graphics and system memory, and other system performance tests. After all these tests, the system determines the golden mean between the comfortable FPS (frames per second) and the quality of the graphics on your computer and sets one of the ready-made settings: "Minimum", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Maximum "Or" Ultra ".

Important! Differences in performance between client version 1.0 and 9.22 may include autotuning results. As before, the highest quality picture for your PC will be displayed while maintaining comfortable performance. If the frames per second value does not suit you, try adjusting the client's graphics settings yourself.

How it works

The auto-sensing system tries to find a balance between the best graphics settings and the fastest frames per second. Please note that you may notice changes in FPS after automatic detection in comparison with the previous version (we have already talked about this, but we will repeat it, because this is really important), since our main task is to provide the highest quality picture with comfortable performance indicators. Basically, the feature can offer an option that will lead to FPS changes, but only if such changes are not critical to the game's performance.

If you are not happy with the FPS after starting autodetect, select lower graphics settings - this will significantly improve performance (for example, select "Medium" if the system prompted you "High"). However, we do not advise switching from the enhanced render to the standard one if the auto-tuning offered you exactly that one. You will significantly lose the quality of the picture, and the performance can be tightened by adjusting the graphic settings.

Still not happy with the result? Then change the preset settings as you like.

Manual graphics settings

Choosing the type of graphics

With manual settings, you will initially be able to select the type of graphics: "Standard" or "Enhanced". Both are redesigned in HD quality. The only difference between the two is that Enhanced supports a full set of new technologies and effects.

Advanced settings

Some graphics settings affect client performance more than others. By decreasing the value correct parameter, you can achieve good FPS without significantly degrading image quality. We recommend starting with effects (anti-aliasing, texture and object quality, draw range, lighting and post-processing), these are resource-intensive settings, and cutting them down will help to increase FPS in most cases.

Review the list below to familiarize yourself with each of the settings and how they all affect the picture. The graphical settings are grouped in order of the most resource-intensive, so that it is clearer to you which ones to disable first.

Smoothing: flattens rough pixelated or jagged edges of objects using different technologies in Standard and Enhanced graphics.

  • Anti-aliasing is optional in Standard graphics and is not tied to graphics presets.
  • In Advanced Graphics, anti-aliasing is required to provide the best picture and is tied to graphics presets.

Here's how anti-aliasing will affect the picture:

Texture quality: affects the resolution and the type of filtering used. The higher the level of detail, the better. However, it should be borne in mind that this setting is resource-intensive. Maximum texture quality includes HD textures in the HD client.

The quality of the objects. Object detailing affects the Level of Detail (LOD). For each object, several variants are created with different levels of detail. The closer the player is to the object, the more detailed this object is depicted. This eliminates the need for highly detailed objects at a distance when careful rendering is not needed, and saves performance resources. In this case, the higher the quality of the settings, the greater the distance from the player there is to switch the object detail settings. This parameter also affects the realism of the tank tracks. At "Medium" settings and below, they are rendered in a simplified form.

Render range: affects the distance at which objects are displayed. This setting only applies to objects that are not critical to the game. For example, the monastery on the map of the same name will be the same for all settings, but the fences around the fields will be different.

Why is optimal draw distance important for your computer? On some maps, with a small drawing range, the enemy may be behind a small obstacle - and you will not know about it until you shoot at him.


  • Motion blur and post-processing Are cinematic effects like vignetting, chromatic aberration, distortion, and film grain. They support the overall graphics experience.
  • Shadow quality We removed them from the "Main" settings in Update 1.0 due to significant optimization of their transmission mechanisms.
  • Lighting quality extremely important for the overall perception of the image. Lighting interacts with all other graphic elements. Depending on the selected quality, the complexity of its calculations differs: it depends on some technologies (Screen Space Reflection, Global Illumination, God Rays, Lens Flare, HBAO, the effect of wetting and puddles).

Landscape and water: The effect of water quality on performance depends on the type of card. Locations with nautical theme("Fjords", "Fishing Bay", "Calm") consume slightly more resources than those without water.

We have completely reworked the landscape: improved its quality, added support for tessellation, which we also reworked specifically for the "Improved" graphics. This technology will now work on graphics cards that fully support DirectX 11 (but will not be available with "Standard" graphics, as the landscape will be simplified to improve performance).

Small stones, tracks of tracks, craters from shells will receive geometric shape with additional detail. This is just a graphical enhancement and will not affect vehicle behavior.

You can turn off tessellation to improve performance in sniper mode, and also so that this technology does not interfere with aiming. Here's how the terrain will change depending on this setting:

Effects: allow you to adjust the required quality of explosions, fire, smoke and other similar effects. This parameter can be useful in battle, since such effects indicate which enemy vehicles have just fired off (there will be puffs of smoke around them). When adjusting the quality of effects, keep in mind the benefits they provide.

The enhanced physics of destruction thanks to Havok Destruction technology means that objects can fall to pieces. If this functionality is disabled, detailed destruction will not be displayed. The setting works only with "Improved" graphics and is calculated in separate streams. You can disable this functionality if your computer's processor is not powerful enough.