Chemical composition of the spent husk mushroom block. Waste oyster mushroom substrate

Mineral composition of substrates.

Plant raw materials contain a variety of mineral elements accumulated by plants during the growth process. The composition of macro- and microelements of plants (averaged) is shown in the table below.

The main macronutrients of plant raw materials: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur.

Basic trace elements: iron, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt.

Mineral elements perform important structural and metabolic functions in both plant and fungal cells. The content of mineral elements in plant raw materials is usually quite high and the density meets the requirements for mineral elements of the cultivated mushroom.

Mineral composition of plant substrates.

The elements

The main functions of the elements in mushrooms


Calcium (Ca)

Phosphorus (P)

Magnesium (Mg)

Part of enzymes.
Essential for protein synthesis.
Enzyme activator.

A component of cell walls.
Enzyme activator.
Cellular permeability.

As part of energy phosphates (ATP)

Enzyme activator.

Component of amino acids, proteins.

Trace elements

Manganese (Mn)

Molybdenum (Mo)

Cobalt (Co)

Part of enzymes.

Enzyme activator.

Enzyme activator.

Enzyme activator.

Enzyme activator.

Nitrogen fixation.

*ppm -1 ppm, e.g. 1 mg / kg.

The mineral composition of plant raw materials depends rather strongly on the composition of the soil, which was shown for different samples of straw (table below). However, no differences in the yield of oyster mushrooms were found on these samples, which indicates the absence of a deficiency of any mineral elements in this situation.

The mineral composition of raw materials can affect the chemical composition of oyster mushroom fruiting bodies, however, these changes mostly concern the content of trace elements (Table 15).

The mineral composition of the substrate is enriched with elements introduced with a mineral supplement (gypsum, chalk or lime), elements that are part of nutritional supplements and seed mycelium. Thus, the sum of these components can fully meet the needs of oyster mushrooms in mineral nutrients.

Straw mineral composition (dry matter content).

Mineral composition of straw from different growing areas (soils).

Influence of the type of substrate on the mineral composition of oyster mushrooms.


1 - stalks of agricultural crops
2 - stalks of agricultural crops + rice straw (1: 1)
3 - stalks of agricultural crops + rice straw + corn cob (1: 1: 1)

Changes in the mineral composition of substrates during the cultivation of oyster mushrooms.

During the cultivation of oyster mushrooms, a slow mineralization of the substrate occurs, which then continues when the spent substrate enters the soil and ends with the return of nutrients to the global circulation of substances.

The spent substrate loses up to 50 - 80% of dry weight from the initial level, and the relative content of minerals and nitrogen increases significantly (table below).

Changes in the composition of the strawy substrate during the cultivation of oyster mushrooms,% of the dry mass of the substrate.

The composition of the substrate changes greatly due to mushroom monoculture: the C / N ratio decreases, the substrate is enriched with specific amino acids and vitamins. This allows the waste substrate to be used as mushroom compost as well as composted manure. The spent strawy substrate after oyster mushroom cultivation has a fodder value approximately equal to hay.

The difference between this substrate and straw is that it is partially destroyed and organic and inorganic elements are concentrated in an easily digestible form. The spent substrate after growing oyster mushrooms can be used as a mycosubstrate for the cultivation of other types of edible mushrooms, which are secondary destructors, which settle on the substrates after the primary destructors (such as oyster mushrooms) are fruiting. Secondary destructors include mushroom species, ringlet (stropharia), ryadovka, etc.

Vitamins and growth stimulants.

Like most heterotrophic organisms, fungi need vitamins for development and fruiting. Many mushrooms are able to synthesize all essential vitamins from simple nutrients on their own. Vitamins of the B group are the most important for the metabolism of mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms most often need vitamin B1. A good source of B vitamins is whole grain seeds and the bran of these crops. Indeed, the most nutritious medium for the mycelium of edible mushrooms is the grain of wheat, millet, rye or barley. A good stimulating effect is also obtained by introducing 5-10% of cereal bran into a strawy substrate. Acceleration of mycelium growth is also observed when 1, 0 - 1, 5% of coarse flour (wheat, oats, etc.) is added to a liquid or agar medium.

Extracts and decoctions of plants, rich in biologically active substances, stimulate the growth of mycelium of fungi. Mixtures of amino acids and nucleotides (yeast hydrolyzate) also stimulate the growth and fruiting of mushrooms when a small amount of these drugs (0.05 - 0.2%) is added to the substrate.

Endogenous stimulators of fungal growth, similar to plant growth hormones, have not yet been isolated, but there is a possibility of their detection, since the growth rate of various types of fungi can differ tens and hundreds of times. Heteroauxin, and epin, plant stimulants, have a positive effect on mycelium growth and fruiting.

Optimization of the physical properties of the substrate.

Optimization of the physical properties of the substrate can be carried out according to various parameters, for example, in terms of structure, moisture capacity, density, aeration, size and weight of the substrate block, perforation area of ​​the film coating of the block, etc.

Each plant substrate has its own characteristics. Strawy substrates are distinguished by good structuredness, aeration, and sufficient moisture capacity. An example of calculating the optimal density of a strawy substrate is given in Table .. The most acceptable substrate density is 0.4 kg / l. In this case, a sufficiently high density is maintained in the substrate and the free gas space exceeds 30%, which creates good aeration. Higher substrate density (0.5 kg / l) significantly reduces aeration (gas space less than 30%). On the other hand, the density is too low (< 0,3 кг/л) не позволяет сформироваться крепкому блоку и не создает условий для накопления в субстрате высокого уровня СО2, стимулирующего рост мицелия вешенки.

In some cases, optimization of physical properties can be achieved by combining different types of plant materials. For example, bonfire flax has a good structure, but low moisture capacity. Paper or tows of cotton have good water holding capacity, but poor texture. Their combination improves the physical properties of the substrate. Another example is sawdust and wood chips. Sawdust has good moisture holding capacity, but too fine structure. Chips have a good structure, but low moisture capacity. Their combination gives a substrate with good physical properties. For small volumes of home cultivation, a combination of cereals, wheat and straw, such as bonfire flax, is most suitable.

Physical parameters of a strawy substrate


Substrate density (at 75% humidity)

Substrate volume, Vob.

Substrate weight, mc

Dry matter mass, m.w.

Weight of water, mw

Solid phase volume,

Water volume, Vв

Gas volume,
Vgas = Vob - (Vv +

Free gas space,
SGP = Vgas / Vob x 100%

1. How to make a mushroom block for growing oyster mushrooms yourself?

Here we will describe the easiest way to make a block (it is not suitable for industrial production). To prepare a mushroom block, you first need to prepare a substrate. The substrate can be prepared from straw, hay, seed husks, shavings, sawdust. See what you have nearby in abundance. To begin with, you need to pasteurize the material you have, before pasteurization, it is advisable to grind straw and hay. You don't need to do anything with husk, shavings, sawdust. Take any container you have for the desired volume of substrate, fill in the material that you have chosen and fill it with water, heat to a temperature of 80-100 degrees Celsius, pasteurize for 2 hours. Place a weight on the surface if necessary. The need to add lime during pasteurization depends on the Ph of the water, if the Ph is about 7.5, you do not need to add lime, below - add lime at the rate of 50 grams per 10 kg of substrate. (The various supplements offered by some stores are complete nonsense, this is lime, chalk, gypsum, don't waste your money! Buy lime at any garden store). Further, the substrate must be transferred to any surface with holes so that excess moisture can drain off, it can be a vegetable box, a net, etc. In all actions, try to maintain cleanliness as much as possible, pre-treat the working surfaces with a spray gun, or with a rag with a solution of whiteness, or with a solution of water with hydrogen peroxide.

Let's move on to inoculation, that is, to the direct filling of the polyethylene bag with the substrate and mycelium .. We take the bag and start laying, an armful of the substrate, a pinch of mycelium, and so on until the bag is completely filled. Make sure that there is no air left inside, tightly seal the bag! We tie it with a rope, or pack it with tape. We make 5-6 slots in a checkerboard pattern with a length of 3-4 cm.Place the blocks for incubation, for the first 2-3 days it is advisable to lay them with the slots down, so that the excess moisture finally drains away


2. How to incubate and distill mushrooms from a block made or from a site purchased on the site The incubation period takes place in a dark place at a temperature of 18-24 degrees Celsius, it is advisable to leave a distance between the blocks and not pile on each other. The incubation period lasts from 14 to 25 days. At the end of incubation, the block will become completely white, that is, it will be overgrown with mycelium!

The fruiting period takes place in a dim or lighted place (3 hours a day is enough) at temperatures from 8 to 20 degrees. After 7 days, primordia will appear, after another 5-6 days the first crop can be harvested, then after another 5-7 days primordia will form again and this can be up to 8. Mushrooms must be plucked from the root, not cut!

Composition: total nitrogen - N total. 0.71-0.86

Ash - 21.16 K-1.18 P- 0.08 Ca-0.16 Mg-0.19


A) Mulching

B) as a biological fertilizer, baking powder

C) is food for soil bacteria

D) improves soil aeration

E) fresh, can be a feed additive (for ruminants)

E) moisture-saving component

  1. Spent mushroom blocksare used a second time to solve various practical problems. They are useful as an additive to animal feed, as a fertilizer.

-Used mushroom blocks and their application

-Let's list the options for using this waste in agriculture:

- Fertilizer with a sufficiently high content of nitrogen components. It should be noted that in this case, components of natural origin are used, harmless, environmentally friendly.

- If you have to fight weeds, used mushroom blocks useful as a material for mulching. Having made of them a surface layer of several centimeters, it will not be difficult to slow down the growth of unnecessary plants. On the other hand, if the summer is hot, such insulation will prevent the soil from overheating.
Used mushroom blocks have a high porosity, so they are used to protect the root systems of plants in winter. In particular, by covering the rose bushes, it will be possible to prevent the harmful effects of severe frosts. The thickness of such a layer is selected taking into account certain

climatic conditions.

- Good results can be obtained if used mushroom blocks apply to obtain vermicompost. After natural processes of processing such raw materials by earthworms, the value of biologically active substances increases. They are better absorbed by plants, which allows you to count on a good harvest. This organic fertilizer does not contain dubious ingredients like some of its chemical counterparts. It retains its beneficial properties after a single application to the soil for up to five years.
Used mushroom blocks can be added to food for pets. These supplements contain nutritious proteins that are essential for their normal development.

Film perforation

The inoculated substrate, covered with a film, is protected from drying out, since under the film the relative humidity of the air approaches 100%. The film retains up to 98% of evaporation from the substrate surface. In addition, the film restricts air exchange, creating an excess of CO 2 inside the substrate, which stimulates mycelium growth. However, the mycelium is an aerobic organism that needs oxygen to function normally. The optimal level of CO 2 for the growth of mycelium inside the substrate is 20-25%. To create such a concentration of CO 2, the film is perforated so that the open surface area of ​​the substrate does not exceed 3-6%. There are different types of perforation:


For sterile technology, the containers are closed with filters, which ensure the preservation of the sterility of the substrate. Various types of filters are used:

  1. Cotton stoppers (made of tightly twisted cotton wool) for bottles,
  2. Cotton-gauze bottle stopper,
  3. Asbestos microcellular filter for cans,
  4. Microporous polyamide or fluoroplastic filters for sealed bags.

For polypropylene heat-resistant bags, microporous filters in the form of circles, squares or strips are glued into the film. The filter limits the gas exchange in the packets. The smaller the filter size, the greater the level of CO 2 that accumulates in the substrate. If it exceeds 25%, then inhibition of mycelium growth begins. The infectiousness of the substrate also increases with a small filter size also because the diffusion of gases through a smaller filter area occurs at a faster rate and causes contamination or infection.

Dependence of the yield and contamination of the substrate on the area of ​​the microporous filter

Open systems. Open cultivation systems are widespread in Southeast Asia, where humid, warm maritime climates favor it. The substrate is incubated in a film and after incubation, the film is removed and the blocks are set for fruiting. The substrate is completely open, and the air exchange is quite intensive. Open systems are characterized by large losses of CO 2, which freely diffuses from the substrate. The release of CO 2 during the period of fruit formation is 0.1 g per 1 kg of substrate per hour. When carbohydrates are "burned", heat, carbon dioxide and water are released from the substrate. About 30% of the energy is spent on maintaining mycelium metabolism, and 70% is released into the environment. To grow 1 kg of mushrooms, 220 g of dry matter is required, of which 90 g are part of the fruiting bodies, and 130 g are burned to provide energy. С 6 Н 12 О 6 + О 2 - -> 6СО 2 + 6Н 2 О + 674 Kcal Zadrazil gives the following data for growing oyster mushrooms on a strawy substrate in an open system: during the fruiting cycle, from 1 kg of dry matter of the substrate, 50% of carbon escapes from CO2 (~ 250 g), 20% turns into biological water, 10% goes into the composition of fruit bodies ( = 1kg wet weight of mushrooms) and 45% remains as waste substrate. The advantages of an open system are that the cultivation cycle is faster, it is possible to effectively moisten the substrate from the outside, and treat it with disinfectants. However, the disadvantages are also significant: large losses of dry matter, small fungi, increased risk of infection, increased sensitivity to climate conditions. The same technology is used by some lovers of home cultivation of exotic species of mushrooms, including medical ones, constructing greenhouses where a special microclimate with high humidity is maintained. This practice is ineffective, in the sense of high energy consumption to ensure the required microclimate and lower productivity, compared to other systems.

Physicochemical parameters of the substrate block.

Density of the substrate. The density of the substrate must be high enough to form a strong, solid, non-crumbling production block. A too loose structure will not provide a strong bond between the components of the substrate. Different types of containers are characterized by their own level of compaction (table).


Density of the substrate for different types of containers.

In all cases, where possible, compaction of the substrate is carried out. This allows a high level of CO 2 to accumulate inside the substrate, which stimulates the growth of mycelium and inhibits the development of competitors. A denser substrate gives a higher yield per unit volume. However, compaction over 0.5-0.6 kg / l threatens the formation of anaerobic zones and inhibition of mycelium growth due to a too low level of gas exchange. An important factor for proper fruiting through the perforation is the uniform compaction of the block and a good tight adhesion of the film to the substrate. The substrate should expand the film from the inside and stretch it, or vice versa, the film should fit over the substrate (self-shrinking films). Uniform compaction is achieved with good structural properties of the substrate (elasticity), optimal particle size (0.5-5.0 cm), optimal moisture content (65-70%) and sufficient film strength to create the required density (0.35-0, 55 kg / l). Humidity. For closed systems where the substrate is wrapped in foil or in cans, water losses due to evaporation are very low. The film reduces evaporation by 95-98% compared to an open system. That's why optimum substrate moisture content for closed systems 65-70%. During incubation, it is also released inside the "biological water" block (during metabolic reactions of the mycelium), which can lead to waterlogging of the substrate. For open systems, the substrate moisture must be maintained at the highest possible level (75-78%) and periodically between fruiting waves with using watering to moisten the substrate to the required level. For sterile technology, where bags or bottles with filters are used, waterlogging is especially dangerous, since evaporation is very insignificant, and the appearance of free water creates a risk of bacterial infection. So for grain, in the production of grain mycelium, the optimum moisture content is 45-55%, and for substrate mycelium and substrates in sterile technology - about 60%. NS. During heat treatment, the pH of the substrate can change significantly. At the time of inoculation and filling, the pH of the substrate should be slightly alkaline (7.5-8.5) to limit the development of competitive molds. For sterile technologies, the pH of the substrate in containers can have a slightly acidic reaction (5.5-7.0) or neutral, which is more favorable for mycelium growth (in the absence of competitors). Formation of blocks. Manual. On many farms, substrate blocks for growing oyster mushrooms are formed manually Substrate is mixed with mycelium on work tables and brought into p / t containers or p / e boxes by hand bumpers and special openings for attaching polyethylene bags The substrate is guided into the opening by hand, and it falls into the polyethylene bag. p / e sleeves), then after filling and tying the bag, it can be turned over and "re-packed". With layer-by-layer inoculation, a layer of substrate (5-7 cm) is placed in polyethylene bags, a little seed mycelium is scattered, the next portion of the substrate is added and compacted. Thus, the operations are repeated until the entire container is full. Glued two-dimensional bags have one drawback when filling, they leave empty corners. If the bags are made from a sleeve, tying it on both sides, this does not happen and, in addition, the sleeve is always stronger than the bag and can be packed more tightly. The packing quality is also influenced by the diameter of the polyethylene bag.It is difficult to seal well a narrow and long bag or too wide and short. Perforation on polyethylene bags is applied after packing, considering that it is better to compact the substrate in an intact film. Another option is also possible. After filling in the bags, microperforation is made (the filled bags are lowered onto a board with nails on one side and the other), and after placement in the incubation chamber, macroperforation is made (slots 4-6 cm, round with a diameter of 20-30 mm, cruciform 30x30 mm). If there is a risk of excess free water accumulating at the bottom of the bag, several slots are made there for the water to drain. There are mechanized compaction options that we are releasing in this publication due to their irrelevance to the audience to whom this publication is addressed.

Oyster mushroom strains

Oyster mushroom strains can be divided into two main groups:

  1. The strains are "cold-loving", fruiting at temperatures below 15 o C. These are mainly P. ostreatus strains. The color of the fruit bodies is dark gray or dark brown. Fleshy aggregates of excellent quality. Strains of this group (Px, P1, P4) were intended for cultivation in the autumn-winter period in poorly heated rooms.
  2. Strains "thermophilic", fruiting at temperatures above 15 o C. These are "hybrid" strains of P. ostreatus (NK-35) or strains of more thermophilic oyster mushrooms (P40, P20, P50, PZO, P74, P77).

The Px strain is the most common in cultivation from the "cold-loving" strains of oyster mushroom Px forms weighty, fleshy fruiting bodies of ashy gray or brown color Large congregations Mushrooms of excellent quality, unbreakable, easy to transport Mushrooms appear 25 days after inoculation of the substrate. During fruiting, the optimum temperature is 13-15 ° C with a sufficiently high level of ventilation. In the European part, mainly oyster mushroom strains or hybrid strains obtained by crossing P. ostreatus and P. Florida are cultivated. Unlike P. ostreatus, hybrid strains have a wider range of fruiting temperatures (14–25) and do not require a cold shock to initiate fungal primordia. Stropharians are mainly thermophilic species, growing mainly in the tropical, and less in the subtropical zone. Some species growing in very humid and hot areas bear fruit at the temperature of mycelium growth, and even higher. For example, such a fast-growing and with strong resistance to competitors type "Cambodia". Other species that grow in cooler areas of the United States and Mexico require a slight decrease in temperature compared to the temperature of overgrowth (28 o C) by 5 - 10 degrees. And only some species, such as azurescens, require a cold shock, that is, placing them at a temperature of about 5 o C. So for fruiting azurescens, humid weather is required at 5-10 o C at night and 15 o C during the day. This is usually October 15 - November 15.

Oyster mushroom cultivation conditions

Characteristics of the cultivation conditions of oyster mushrooms

  • the substrate is inoculated, cooled to a temperature of 25-28 ° C (this is for all types of mushrooms). Sowing rate - 30 l of mycelium per 1 ton of substrate,
  • during incubation, the air temperature should not exceed 20 ° C, and the substrate temperature 30 °, in order to avoid the development of competitive microflora,
  • during the fruiting period, the air temperature should be in the range of 14-20 ° С, the best quality of mushrooms is obtained at a low air temperature - 14-16 ° С,
  • the first wave of fruiting occurs 4 weeks after inoculation. Mushrooms appear evenly, without pronounced fruiting waves,
  • it is important to provide a large amount of air during the fruiting period. The relative humidity of the air during this period is maintained at the level of 8O-90%. If it exceeds 90%, there is a risk of developing bacterial spotting. The need for lighting in the NK-35 variety is low, the more light, the darker the color of the fruit bodies, when growing NK-35, as well as other varieties of oyster mushrooms, it is necessary to observe good hygiene in production:
    • to control flies, use preparations of synthetic pyrethroids (arrivo, cymbush, etc.),
    • to combat competitive molds, spray containers with a substrate with a 0.3% solution of 6enomil (10 liters of solution per 100 bags). Do not use during the harvest season.

By yield, European varieties of oyster mushrooms can be divided into three groups

  1. High-yielding, producing 220-250 kg of mushrooms from 1 ton of substrate NK-35, R-24, Px,
  2. Medium-yielding, giving 180-200 K1 from 1 ton of substrate P4, P20, P40, 3200,
  3. Relatively low-yielding, yielding 120-150 kg of mushrooms from 1 ton of substrate. This is Р1, 3210 The Р-24 variety also deserves attention, due to the high rate of fruit formation and good yield. The color of fruit bodies at low temperatures is dark gray, at high temperatures - gray and light gray. Fruiting is possible in a wide temperature range from 14-16 ° to 24-26 °. Russian laboratories sell the mycelium of various strains (several types) of oyster mushrooms, including a lot of local wild-growing strains.

Sowing mycelium. Oyster mushroom seed mycelium is produced on various materials or carriers. Large foreign laboratories (Sylvan) grow oyster mushroom mycelium on millet and, less often, on rye. The mycelium is sold in large 15 liter polypropylene bags with microporous filters for air exchange. The mycelium in such packages is sterile and retains high germination energy for a long time when stored in refrigerators with a temperature of O-2 ° C. Russian laboratories produce oyster mushroom mycelium on the grain of millet, rye, barley, oats, wheat. Some laboratories produce oyster mushroom substrate mycelium, most often from sunflower husks. Mycelium is sold both in sterile packaging (polypropylene bags with a filter) and repackaged in perforated plastic bags. Of course, overcooked mycelium is inferior in quality to sterile ones. This refers to one aspect of the quality of the mycelium - sterility. In addition, the mycelium should have good germination energy and germination (the rate of overgrowth of mycelium grains after sowing into the substrate and the percentage of overgrown grains). The mycelium must be of a specific variety or strain, and the mycelium grower is obliged to provide the mushroom grower with all the information necessary for the successful cultivation of oyster mushrooms. The competitiveness of the mycelium in relation to molds (trichoderma, etc.) is another important characteristic of the strain. Some strains are so weakly competitive that for normal development in the substrate it is necessary to increase the seeding rate up to 10% or more or switch to sterile processing of the substrate. The mycelium taken for sowing should have a short shelf life (the fresher the better). Storage limits and conditions are determined by the mycelium laboratory. Storage of mycelium, preparation for sowing. The mycelium is stored in refrigerators or refrigerated chambers at a temperature of O-2 ° C. The shelf life of the mycelium largely depends on the strain, carrier material, packaging, perforation. For domestic mycelium, this is usually 2-3 months, for imported mycelium - up to 6 months. The substrate mycelium is stored somewhat longer than grain mycelium (up to 6-9 months), due to the depleted composition of the carrier. Before use, the mycelium is transferred from the refrigerator to a room with room temperature 16-24 hours before the intended sowing. By the time of sowing, the temperature of the mycelium should be close to the temperature of the substrate. This prevents "thermal shock" when cold mycelium enters a warm (25-30 ° C) substrate and, moreover, promotes faster mycelium growth in the substrate. Prior to sowing, the mycelium must be transferred from a "fused block" state to a completely free-flowing state, facilitating an even distribution of the seed in the substrate. The mycelium can be lightly sprayed from a spray bottle with sterile warm water (without the formation of puddles) and allowed to start growing (pubescent) to enhance its active properties of subsequent overgrowth. All manipulations with the mycelium are carried out in clean boxes, with a clean instrument. Inoculation personnel wear clean clothing. Very often, it is dirty dressing gowns that are the cause of the spread of infection. The room where the substrate is packed and inoculated must be separated from the "dirty zone" - the zone for loading raw materials for heat treatment. If this is not possible, then before inoculation it is necessary to sanitize the room (wet cleaning, treatment with 1-2% hypochlorite (chlorine - whiteness)). Analysis of the sources of infection of the substrate with trichoderma spores shows that in the first place are two main sources: workers and organic residues of the spent substrate. This is followed by tools, equipment. In last place is the original untreated substrate. Therefore, hygiene and hygiene are imperative, especially in the inoculation room. Sowing rate and sowing methods. The sowing rate depends on the quality of the mycelium, the strain and type of fungus, and on the material of the carrier. Mycelium on millet has 4-5 times more points of inoculation than mycelium on rye or barley at the same seeding rate. Therefore, the rate of millet mycelium can be reduced by almost 2 times compared to mycelium based on coarse grains (barley, rye, wheat). Foreign manufacturers of mycelium, for example Sylvan, recommend adding 30 liters of millet mycelium per 1 ton of substrate (wet weight) or 1.8% of the weight. Russian mycelium producers recommend adding 50-60 liters of millet mycelium (3.0-3.6%) or 80-100 liters of mycelium on coarse grains (4.8-6.0%). The substrate mycelium is introduced at the level of 6.0-8.0% of the substrate weight. In some cases, when the substrate is highly infected or the strain is weakly competitive, the sowing rate is increased to 8-10% of the substrate weight (for mycelium on large grain). In the case of sterile technology, the sowing rate of mycelium is reduced to 1–2% for large grain and 0.5–1% for millet. The grain is its own source of nutrients for the mycelium to absorb. And since nutrition is directly related to a certain amount of water in the substrate block, which is limited and without which food cannot be absorbed. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the amount of introduced mycelium as a source of nutrition, which should not be more than needed for the colonization of the substrate block and for the complete assimilation of nutrients. There are several ways to plant mycelium:

  1. Surface.
    For sterile technology. The mycelium is scattered over the surface of the substrate in jars or bags. The mycelium grows in a continuous front from top to bottom. Overgrowth is long-term 25-30 days.
  2. "Into the channel".
    For sterile technology. The mycelium is placed in a canal punctured in the substrate before sterilization (in jars). The mycelium grows from the center in all directions. The overgrowth is fast, about 14 days.
  3. Layered
    For non-sterile technology. The mycelium is applied in layers, through layers of a substrate 5-7 cm thick. The technique is convenient for some non-flowing substrates such as cotton wool, straw. Overgrowth is relatively fast, 14-20 days.
  4. Mixed
    For non-sterile technology. The mycelium is mixed with a certain portion of the substrate and then packaged in containers. This method is used by all major oyster mushroom producers. Mixing can be manual or mechanized in mixers. Uniform distribution of mycelium with mixed sowing contributes to the rapid overgrowth of the substrate with mycelium (in 10-14 days).

During sowing, the substrate temperature should be in the range of 20-30 ° C, and the substrate moisture content from 65 to 70% for all types of mushrooms. This concludes the first and second parts of the book on cultivation. Most of the materials were taken from the methodological developments of leading domestic and foreign mushroom growers. First of all, we express our gratitude Tishenkov A.D., who made available knowledge on the technology of cultivation of macromycetes to a wide range of mushroom growers. And also - to many unknown researchers of this topic, who wished to remain anonymous, but contributed to the study of the conditions for favorable cultivation of mushrooms. (vlnick).


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  16. Bekker A.M., Gurevich L.S., Drozdova T.N., Belova N.V. Indole hallucinogens psilocybin and psilocin in higher basidomycetes. = Mikol. and phytopathology, 1985, v. 19, issue 6, p. 440-449 - Bekker A.M., Gurevich L.S., Drozdova T.N. Ivanov A.M., Belova N.V. Search for psilocybin-containing agaric mushrooms in the USSR. - Mycology and phytopathology, 1988, v. 22, issue 2, p. 120-122.

Much has been written recently about soil mulching. However, mulch is still poorly used in the beds of our summer residents. The habit of cleaning everything to the last blade of grass so that the neighbor envies will never leave our summer residents. So vegetables grow in the country in the soil, which every year more and more erodes and becomes poorer.

I bring to your attention a story about the mulch of an American vegetable grower. In the USA, mulch has been used for a very long time; you can buy mulching materials from them in containers of various capacities: from a package to a truck body.

Here's what the American wrote about mulch.

Mulch is a protective layer that is placed on the soil. There are different types of mulch for the purpose, from creating ornamental paths to protecting against weeds.

There are many varieties of garden mulch. Mulch is chosen based on the purposes and methods of its application. There are many types of organic mulch available. For example, sawdust or grass cuttings. Gravel and polyethylene are not organic, but organic gardeners find good uses for gravel and polyethylene in the organic garden.

When to mulch?

Autumn is the best time to apply mulch. Mulch keeps the soil warm in winter, helping perennial crops winter. In addition, mulch protects the soil from weathering and erosion. In the spring, for the earliest warming of the soil, the mulch must be moved. But it is advisable to immediately mulch the planted plants to retain moisture in the soil.

Opponents of digging and organic vegetable growers in tall beds may use mulch all the time. And it gradually decays, enriching the soil. In areas where nothing is growing yet, it is very helpful to spread mulch to conserve soil and keep weeds out. Standing bark or gravel mulch can be placed near shrubs, paths and ornamental trees.

How can different garden mulches improve your organic garden?

- gives attractiveness to the garden,
- suppresses weeds, does not allow weed seeds to spread - a layer of 5-7 centimeters reduces the growth of weeds several times,
- protects the soil from trampling and compaction,
- protects the soil from erosion and erosion by rain,
- reduces water loss and retains moisture in the soil,
- protects plant roots from overheating,
- in winter time keeps the soil warm for earlier germination of plants,
- does not allow berries and vegetables to come into contact with the soil, which protects them from rot,
- reduces harm from snails and slugs,
- organic mulch, rotting, fertilizes the soil and improves its composition,
- stimulates the activity of earthworms, which improve drainage and soil quality.

I'll tell you a case from personal experience: about ten years ago, my husband and I grew oyster mushrooms on bags full of sunflower husks. At the company where we bought the mycelium, we were convinced that the spent husk after mushrooms is an excellent fertilizer and mulch for garden beds. In full confidence that it was so, we scattered the spent husk in the beds, but did not stint, there was plenty of good. And they covered the peppers' legs and covered the strawberries, and on other beds with vegetables. After a few days, I noticed that everything in the garden had stopped. Neither the weeds grow, nor the vegetables, even the strawberries have stopped pushing their whiskers. Only the tomatoes, as before, grew full of health. It was then that, in fright, I began to look in the literature for information about whether sunflower husks could be used as mulch. And I learned this (I don’t remember literally, but the meaning is this): sawdust, husk, straw are organic residues with a high content of cellulose and have a low content of nutrients, since cellulose itself contains nothing but oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. But at the end of the decomposition process, these organic residues, turning into vermicompost, give the plants all the nutrients a hundredfold in a form more convenient for plants.

I decided to remove the husks from the ridges into the compost heap, for rotting, but there were so many earthworms under it, even though the rowing bucket and the clay soil, into which you can't drive a shovel in summer, became damp and loose. So the hand did not rise to remove the husk from the beds. I had to pour 1 matchbox on an 8 liter watering can with azofoska solution, and all the plants immediately revived, then every ten days I watered them with infusions of mullein, nettle and bird droppings, and infusion of ash. In short, the harvest did not suffer, but the next year there was no need to dig the beds, the earth was like fluff. I had such an interesting experience. So, if mulch is urgently needed, there is fresh sawdust (husk, straw), and there is no time to prepare rotten sawdust (husk, straw) from them, then you can do this: water the soil well in the beds, sprinkle with nitrogen-phosphorus -potassium fertilizer not exceeding the norm according to the instructions and mulch the bed with fresh sawdust (husk, straw). Just do not forget to observe the plants, and their appearance will certainly tell you what substances they lack.