Sauna infrared oven. What equipment for an infrared sauna is needed - types of heaters Heaters for an infrared cabin

The healing properties of the bath have been known since ancient times. The development of advanced technologies has also affected this area. Now heat in modern rooms made of solid wood is more often created by infrared radiators for saunas. Consider the types of these devices, the criteria for their selection and installation features.

Advantages and disadvantages

The infrared equipment is compact in size and attractive in design. It is easy to install and does not require constant monitoring of maintaining the required temperature. The purchase and installation of fixtures is an order of magnitude cheaper than equipping a traditional stone or brick oven. In addition, the energy costs of infrared radiators for saunas are 80% lower.

A standard steam room warms up to the optimum temperature for at least two hours; an infrared device will take twenty minutes for this. The heater does not emit unpleasant odors, does not burn oxygen. The unit in question can be operated in the case. During operation, it practically does not heat up, which makes it possible to mount the device on a surface made of any material.

  • A large room will require several devices, which is not so cheap.
  • If it is made in a traditionally Russian style, the unit will not fit into it.
  • Cheap counterparts of low quality quickly fail. Therefore, it is better to purchase equipment from authorized dealers who provide a guarantee.


Sauna infrared radiators are classified into three main types:

  1. Shortwave modifications are determined visually. When activated, they shine with a red light with a yellowish tint. The wavelength is 0.74-2.5 microns. The maximum heating of the working element is 1000 degrees. Such devices are usually installed in rooms with a ceiling height of at least eight meters. It is not recommended to stay in the halls where such equipment is located for a long period (with the heaters running).
  2. Models with medium wavelengths have a working radiated length of 2.5-5.6 microns. They are intended for local heating, create a heat flow more actively and denser than their long-wave counterparts. The plate heating limit is 600 degrees. The optimal regime is achieved in literally one minute. The devices are installed in rooms with a ceiling height of three to six meters. You can stay in rooms equipped with such a heater for up to 8 hours.
  3. Long-wave infrared radiators for saunas. Waves in the range of 50-2000 microns penetrate deeply into heated objects and a person, having a beneficial effect on the body and well-being. The plate heats up to 300 degrees. The optimal working mode for people is 5.6-1400 microns.

Criterias of choice

When choosing, it is worth considering the area of ​​the room, the purpose of the emitter and its parameters:

  • The floor equipment is equipped with an adjustable foot and serves as an additional heater.
  • The version with an open heating element is designed for full or local heating of a room; the structure is usually installed on the ceiling.
  • Closed versions are suitable for any sauna interior. Models are mounted in halls where the ceiling height is from two to ten meters.
  • Sometimes it is appropriate to install moldings over windows or doors to provide a draft shield.
  • In rooms with a ceiling height of less than 3 meters, cassette-type devices are used, which are attached to the suspended structure.
  • Some systems operate on hot water and are designed for concealed installation.
  • For the convenience of adjusting the temperature, a thermostat can be connected to the equipment in question.

Principle of operation

Infrared emitters for saunas (photo above) resemble in structure a fluorescent lamp, they are made in the form of rectangles. The sheet metal body is coated with a special powder coating. Inside there is a heating panel with carbon, ceramic or tubular working element. A reflector is provided on top of the heat reflector, which serves to generate heat. The inner part of the case is protected by a heat-insulating gasket that prevents the surface of the device from heating up.

Plugging in the device to the network activates the effect of the heater on the aluminum plate, which begins to emit waves. Energy with heat is transferred evenly, accumulating the bulk in the area of ​​the floor, not the ceiling.

Heating elements

If we compare infrared ceramic heaters for a sauna with analogs, it can be noted that these elements are a plate with a nichrome conductor. It is capable of heating up to 1000 degrees. Alternatively, a Fechral transmitter with an operating temperature of up to 800 ° C can be used. The average operational period of the device is four years.

The tubular heating element is insulated with an aluminum profile. The result is a wide, long plate, from the surface of which infrared rays radiate. Several such modules are provided in one heater. The service life of the unit is at least seven years.

Infrared sauna with carbon radiators includes a quartz tube with a spiral carbon thread located inside. The tube is completely sealed due to the vacuum. The working temperature of the device is up to 3 thousand degrees. With proper maintenance, the shelf life of the device is practically unlimited.


Depending on the wavelengths, the infrared heater plates for saunas can be heated from 260 to 600 ° C. At the same time, the body does not exceed 60 degrees in this indicator. The weight of the devices varies from 3.5 to 5 kilograms, the panel length is 1000-1500 mm, the width and thickness are 160/40 mm.

The standard package includes the heater itself, mounting brackets and hardware, instructions. Additionally, you will need to buy a wire with a plug (the cross-section is selected for the working load), a thermostat, automatic fuses, magnetic starters.

type of instalation

The best infrared heaters for saunas come in a variety of ways:

  1. The floor-standing version is easy to install, but requires the allocation of a special place. It can be knocked over if handled roughly. For this, the model must be equipped with a special option that turns off the device in the event of a fall. Pay special attention to this if the family has small children.
  2. More complex installation for wall-mounted versions, but they do not take up useful space and decorate the overall interior, fitting into it as harmoniously as possible.
  3. Ceiling units are distinguished by a uniform direction of rays and heat, and have a laborious and complex installation method.

Infrared heaters for saunas are often fitted with a cut-in in the corners of the room. The opening range in this case is 90-120 degrees. Maintaining a certain temperature regime for a long period of time will allow the use of a thermostat. The best option would be a model with a swivel mechanism.

What should you pay attention to?

When purchasing an infrared radiator for saunas of the RS350K type, pay attention to a number of nuances so as not to be disappointed in your purchase:

  • The packaging should be free of deformation and damage, it is better if foam inserts are present.
  • Before purchasing, be sure to check the device for serviceability.
  • The unit must operate absolutely silently, any extraneous sound indicates poor assembly quality or a malfunction.
  • The seller is obliged to issue a receipt and a warranty card.
  • Check the data in the passport of the heater with the certificate.

Irrespective of the type, infrared heaters for saunas must be placed in such a way that a uniform thermal field is provided, which guarantees uniform heating of people. The standard installation scheme consists of 6 units: two heaters are installed on the rear wall, one on the side walls or in the corners plus a radiator for heating the legs.

The power of the device is selected depending on the area of ​​the room. This is due to the fact that this type of heater is not intended for heating the air, but for objects and people in the room. The higher the emissivity, the more efficient the device is. One of the main criteria when choosing is the height of the ceiling. Devices with low power are impractical to install in rooms with a ceiling height of more than four meters, since the rays will be scattered without reaching the floor. Also, a powerful analog is not recommended for use in rooms with low ceilings (less than three meters). This can lead to excessive heat build-up.

Film analogs

If we compare infrared ceramic heaters for a sauna with their film counterparts, it can be noted that the second option is used as additional heating. The film is treated with a special carbon paste and equipped with the finest. The surface of the equipment is laminated with a special polyester. Heating of such a device is from 30 to 110 degrees with a beam length of 5-20 microns.

The film with a thickness of 0.4 mm is suitable for any topcoat in terms of its characteristics. The material in question is decorated on the front side, which allows it to be mounted on the ceiling and walls. Heaters of this type are equipped with a thermostat and a cable with a plug. Service life - at least twenty years with proper operation.


Flat radiators are used for rear walls. They are cut on the sides of the canopy or mounted in the lower part of the bench. The panels are distinguished by their intensity of work at a maximum operating temperature of 70 degrees.

The decorative frame of flat heaters is usually made in "silver" or "gold", which allows you to choose a model for a different interior. There are instances with a mirrored surface. Such options combine a mirror and a heater. Additionally, the device can be equipped with LED backlighting.


A ceramic infrared emitter for a sauna in St. Petersburg and other regions can replace a reflector. It is a curved metal plate with a reflector. This solution makes it possible to accumulate more than 90% of the radiated energy at the facility. Modifications of reflective elements correspond to the parameters of ceramic analogs such as ECS-2, FCH-2.

The wide reflector configuration allows the radiation to be softened and diffused at an angle of about 120 degrees. Similar variations are used in small booths where a person sits in the immediate vicinity of the device. Corner counterparts concentrate rays in the range of 90 degrees, are mounted in spacious saunas, concentrating heat on the bench.

In conclusion

Infrared emitters are ideal for heating saunas. They meet all fire safety requirements. The silent operation of the unit, the absence of vibrations and the provision of uniform heating of the room allows a person to completely relax. Low power consumption and long working life make this device the best in its class in terms of price / quality ratio.

There are 2 types of infrared emitters. Ceramic and carbon. Very often people wonder which one to choose.
In fact, everything is very simple, you just need to understand the difference between them. So, Ceramic radiators and heaters for saunas are the essence of an infrared sauna, when the air is almost not heated and your body warms up as if you were in a steam room at a temperature of 70-90 degrees.

But the air temperature remains almost at room temperature. this is the infrared effect, the air does not heat up, but the surrounding objects are heated. On average, a continuous session lasts 40-45 minutes, during which breathing is easy and comfortable. Now let's look at the carbon emitters ... the air heats up to a temperature of 60-65 degrees, and from it the human body. The temperature is not too high and the humidity is moderate accordingly and it is just as easy to breathe. Did you see the difference? Now all that remains is to understand what you, your family or clients want more.

How to choose a remote control for infrared emitters

Today there are a lot of sauna remotes. it is worth understanding what you need. Various bells and whistles in the form of DVD, MP3, USB, TV, etc. or just turn it on and off and add degrees, concentrating your attention on the procedure. You decide! Knowing the answers to these questions, our managers will be able to quickly select equipment for an IR sauna for you.

Proponents of infrared heaters for saunas always emphasize the main advantage of infrared devices - the ability to heat objects, and not the air, where the latter is already heated from the interior. If you also want to equip the room with such heaters, then you will have to take into account some nuances - from the location to the power of the reflector and at the same time avoid counterfeit products.

Now we will try to tell you how to do this, and also, as a supplement, we will watch a thematic video in this article.

IR heaters

General characteristics

  • Such devices, due to their performance characteristics, do not burn oxygen., which allows you to maintain an atmosphere of freshness even after prolonged inclusion and use. Also, various unpleasant odors that arise when other devices are heated are impossible here, since the reflector itself does not heat up. Energy saving in such cases reaches 60% -80% compared to boilers, which means that the total cost of using the sauna is reduced.
  • It is noteworthy that infrared heaters allow you to regulate not only the overall temperature in the sauna room, but also to do it by sector, adding-lowering power or even turning off certain devices. Also, infrared devices do not dry the air when heating the room, that is, oxygen does not burn out and the humidity in the sauna does not change.

Advice. If you want to purchase an infrared heater for a private sauna, then avoid buying industrial equipment unsuitable for small spaces.
The maximum power of infrared reflectors for saunas should not exceed 400it.
Also, choose certified products.

Installation work - distribution of devices

Each device has instructions for its installation and operation, but it is important for you to choose the right dimensions and install them in the right place so that their use is most effective. Do not forget that the reflector heats in a directional way, so the temperature in the sauna will be different in certain places.

Such requirements also apply to its size - the larger the area of ​​the infrared heater, the more evenly the bather's body warms up, and small appliances will warm you in a dotted manner.

The optimal power for infrared heaters in a sauna is considered to be 330-360W - if they are correctly positioned, the effect will be similar to that of a steam bath heated to a temperature of 100⁰C-110⁰C.

Only there is no steam here, which means that when breathing you do not burn your lungs, and the body itself reacts to high temperatures in a completely different way - “dry” steam is tolerated much easier than usual.

The number of IR emitters will directly depend on the size of the sauna, but in any case, the optimal distance to the body will remain 10-20 cm, that is, you just sit on and position yourself as needed.

When installing infrared heaters with your own hands, your main goal will be to arrange the devices in such a way that there are no "empty spaces" left when the body warms up, that is, the radiation should be evenly distributed. Therefore, the devices must be positioned so that they are at the level of the end of the body, and also, for greater comfort, one reflector can be installed at the level of the legs, as shown in the picture above.

Electrical Compliance and Safety

Note. An asterisk in the table indicates the parameters of infrared reflectors that are undesirable to use in a sauna.

It is very important that you choose the right wiring cables when connecting infrared emitters, because there are usually from three to eight pieces of them, and if you connect them in parallel, a large load is formed, at which the wiring can simply burn out.

For example, you want to install 5 devices with a power of 360W, which means, in general, you get 360 * 5 = 1800W or 1.8kW, which means that you need copper wiring with a cross section of 1.5 mm2 or aluminum, with a cross section of 2.5 mm2 - a selection can be done using the table above.

Also, without fail, you need to install an RCD in case of emergency situations, which turns off all the wires at the same time. This suggests that with a short circuit or accidental exposure of the wire, the line is completely blocked, and the possibility of electric shock to a person is reduced to zero.

The protective device is usually installed in the dressing room or near the electric meter, but in no case should it be installed in the sauna room due to high humidity.

A warning. Do not replace RCDs with conventional circuit breakers, as in this case only one of them can trip, leaving the line under partial voltage.
In a humid environment, this can be hazardous to health and even life.


If an oak or birch broom is not a necessary attribute of a bathhouse for you, then you can successfully use an infrared heater for a sauna. The body will warm up in any case and the healing effect will not diminish.

Ecology of consumption. Homestead: The infrared sauna improves, stimulates and tones the activity of the whole organism, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system, improves overall well-being.

In order to correctly understand what exactly we are talking about, you should remember the basics of what IR rays are.

Let's understand the terminology

Infrared is a type of electromagnetic radiation described by optical laws. That is, the nature of IR radiation is similar to that of ordinary light. These rays in the spectrum occupy the range between the visible (red), with L = 0.74 μm (where L is the wavelength), on the one hand, and HF radio emission, L = (1-2) mm, on the other.

This region of the spectrum is subdivided into three groups:

  • DV - Long-wave (50.0≤L≤2000) microns;
  • CB - Medium wave (2.5≤L≤50) microns;
  • HF - shortwave (0.74≤L≤2.5) microns.

This radiation takes place in any heated body. Moreover, the more significant the temperature of the source, the shorter L, and the more intense the IR radiation.

At low temperatures, almost the entire range of such radiation is located in the infrared range. A visually similar body appears dark. With an increase in temperature, the wavelength emitted by the body shifts towards the visible spectrum, passing, successively, red, yellow and, when high temperature values ​​are reached, white.

On the one hand, this information is not relevant to the topic of this article, but on the other hand, it relates directly. It allows you to understand the terminological confusion that manufacturers of IR ovens allow themselves to describe their products:

  • Some call it infrared;
  • Others are long-wave;
  • Still others are dark;
  • The fourth is light.

But all of these ovens are infrared. And the discrepancy in the names is due to the fact that DWs have a lower temperature of the outer surface, therefore their IR radiation lies in the long-wavelength range. Such emitters are often referred to as dark ones, because at such temperatures, bodies practically do not glow. SV stoves are called gray. Their outside temperature is higher. And KB are characterized by maximum temperatures, and are called light or white. In numbers, it looks like this:

  • Superdark bodies - (200≤t≤400) ° С;
  • Dark - (400≤t≤600) ° С;
  • Catalytic low temperature
  • (600≤t≤800) ° C;
  • Medium-temperature light - (800≤t≤1000) ° С;
  • High-temperature light - over 1000 ° C.

Infrared oven design

It is more correct to call IR stoves for a sauna heaters, since the principle of their operation is exactly the same as heaters.

These devices have:

  • a metal or ceramic heat-resistant body of a rectangular shape having appropriate strength;
  • an IR lamp is installed in it, similar to a fluorescent lamp (daylight);
  • a heat-reflecting screen and a heat-insulating layer are placed in the body, which protects the body from overheating;
  • a reflector that emits heat;
  • the panel on which the heating elements are mounted.

When connected from the mains, the latter are heated. Heat is transferred to the reflector - emitter. The room is warmed up in stages. At first. Radiation zone. Then the air in the room. This ensures uniform heating.

In modern products, the following elements can be used as a heater:

  • ceramic. A plate made of ceramic material, into which a high-resistance conductor is embedded:
  • (nichrome), designed to heat up to a thousand degrees;
  • Fechral (with very high resistance) - up to 800 ° C, respectively.

Due to the specific design features, they are used only in ceiling and wall models. They are not used in floor-standing devices. Average service life - up to 4 years;

  • Quartz. They are made of tubes made of quartz glass. They are insulated with Al profile silt, which makes it possible to achieve heat radiation from the entire surface of the plate at once. In many models there are several similar heating elements.

The products are designed for seven years of operation;

  • Carbon fiber. A tube made of quartz, into which a spiral-shaped carbon filament is mounted. The flask is vacuum. Carbon yarns are heated up to 3000 ° C (while maintaining strength). The type of heating element determines the heating temperature of the reflector plate. Usually it is (200-600) ° С. But the maximum heating temperature of the case is ≤ 60 ° C.
  • Film emitters. They are fixed on the entire inner surface of the cab (walls, ceiling). operating temperatures of the surface of such a radiator (25-50) ° C. Often used in conjunction with ceramic.

Average dimensions of such a device: (1000-1500) * 160 * 40. Weight, depending on the model, (3.5 - 5.0) kg.

IR heaters are offered to the client in the following configuration:

  • Heater assembly;
  • Fasteners included (this includes brackets, as well as hardware).

Everything else is required to be purchased additionally:

  • Automatic switches;
  • Cable and plug adapted to the existing load;
  • Thermoregulator;
  • Other components.

Installation of infrared ovens

Such heaters can be installed:

  • On the floor. The disadvantage of this option is that it takes up a lot of space. There is a high likelihood of overturning due to carelessness. Therefore, the devices must be equipped with an automatic shutdown if the heater falls;
  • On the walls. It is more difficult to fix. But this is completely offset by the safety of this option, its compactness and visual appeal;
  • On the ceiling. Requires the most complex installation and adjustment.

There are options for infrared ovens designed for corner installation. They radiate in the sector (90-120) °.

To maintain the required temperature, special thermostats are used.

The maximum efficiency zone of the heaters is approximately 150 mm from the bather's body. Taking this into account, a vertical wall-mounted installation option is considered optimal, in the immediate vicinity of the shelves.

One or two heaters are installed to warm up the legs at the level of the calf muscles.

Infrared chest heaters are installed in the corners of the sauna cabin.

The optimal power for an IR sauna is considered to be 350 W (when located at a distance of 150 mm from the body). It is not recommended to install heaters of higher capacity. At this distance, they can cause burns. And at a greater distance, the efficiency of infrared radiation decreases.

The surface of the installed radiators needs cooling. This explains the recommendation to leave between their rear wall and the enclosing structure of the sauna cabin 30-50 mm for the formation of convective flows. This allows the appliances to cool down and shortens the heating time for the entire volume of air in the sauna cabin.

The furnaces are connected to a standard electrical supply network (230V / 50Hz) at a current of 15A. a special socket for connecting an IR sauna cabin is not required.

IR oven control

There are 2 control options:

  • Providing regulation of temperature values. Heaters are switched on and off automatically by commands generated by the DKT (temperature control) sensor. This option does not allow to completely warm up the body of the person in the steam room;
  • Designed to adjust the power consumption. These models are designed to change the intensity of IR radiation, which allows you to select an indicator that is optimal for a particular person. In such a case, the entire human body warms up evenly, gradually and smoothly. That provides the maximum therapeutic effect.

To control IR ovens the following can be used:

  • External control panel located outside the sauna cabin. Allows you to set the radiation power and duration of the procedure. After the expiration of the set time, the system is disconnected from the network automatically;
  • Built-in automation unit for adjusting the operation of all heating elements. With an average power consumption of 1.1 kW, this product is designed to control 6 IR heaters. Therefore, they are equipped with mini steam rooms for one or two users. For large saunas, a more powerful (1.5 kW) unit for 8 heaters is recommended;
  • Internal remote control for adjusting the microclimate parameters to optimal values.

Advantages of IR ovens

Among the main advantages of such sauna heaters it should be noted:

  • Their compactness, which makes it possible to equip even small apartment saunas with them;
  • Simplicity and ease of installation and dismantling;
  • Autonomy. Such furnaces do not require constant human monitoring and do not require periodic fuel addition;
  • Minimum warm-up time. A classic stove will heat the steam room to the desired temperature in 1.5 - 2 hours. An infrared oven requires ≤ 20 minutes. At the same time, oxygen is not burned out of the air;
  • The low temperature of the case makes it possible to mount such heaters on surfaces finished with any materials;
  • High efficiency. The choice in favor of infrared ovens provides double the savings:
  • They are cheaper than classic electric ovens;
  • Consume 80% less electricity.

The choice of infrared saunas allows lovers of visiting steam rooms to equip them even in their own apartment. published by

If you have any questions on this topic, ask the experts and readers of our project.

Infrared heaters for baths and saunas are an innovation in the modern world. This equipment is used not only to heat baths and saunas, but also to maintain a positive temperature in warehouses, hangars and other rooms. Next, we will talk about what advantages an infrared heater has over a sauna stove, as well as how to choose the right infrared heater for a bath and a sauna.

Infrared heater composition

The infrared heater for saunas and baths has a fairly simple design, which has been modernized since 1965 (at this time, Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa developed this equipment).

The infrared heater for baths and saunas includes an infrared lamp with a power of up to 300W, a special reflector and a thermostat, which is often represented by a control panel. The lamp and reflector are emitters. This emitter is connected to the control panel using a heat-resistant silicone cable.

Advantage of infrared heater for bath and sauna

Despite the fact that many bathhouse attendants try to maintain all existing traditions, or, today, in some cases, it is advisable to abandon the classic sauna stove and use more modern equipment - infrared heaters for baths and saunas.

Among the advantages of an infrared heater are:

  • Ease of installation / dismantling of equipment
  • Compactness of heaters
  • There is no need to prepare firewood and throw it up during the rest in the bath
  • Infrared heaters are economical and consume 40-80% less energy than an electric sauna stove
  • Relaxing in a steam room with an infrared bath will not entail headaches that can be caused when the steam room is heated by a stove (pain occurs due to burning oxygen)
  • Infrared heaters do not emit unpleasant odors (for example, fumes from burning wood or gas)
  • The sauna stove heats the entire steam room completely, and with the help of the heater you can heat only the necessary area (for example, if you decide to steam alone)
  • It will take at least 1.5 hours to heat the steam room with a sauna stove, while 20 minutes of operation is enough to heat the steam room with an IR heater.
  • There will be no drafts during the operation of the IR heater.
  • Infrared equipment does not affect the humidity of the air, or rather, does not dry it out
  • The cost of an infrared heater for a bath is much less than the construction of a capital bath
  • You can use this equipment for heating

Despite this, infrared heaters have disadvantages:

  • The infrared heater is only suitable for small steam rooms, suitable for relaxing with a small company.
  • There are many contraindications for resting in an infrared steam room for people with various kinds of diseases.
  • Infrared heaters don't fit in a traditional Russian bath
  • The sauna stove can be used to cure medicinal ones, which, when heated, stabilize the pressure, clean the respiratory tract, etc. Infrared heaters are not used to heat stones.
  • Despite its low cost, to heat a small bath with infrared heaters, you will need about 4-6 devices, which together form a decent price.
  • There is a high probability of purchasing a low-quality heater that can quickly fail.

How to choose the right IR heater?

First, before purchasing an IR heater, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the leaders in the production of this equipment and, if possible, give preference to them. Among domestic manufacturers, it is recommended to give preference to the companies "Pion", "Krona", "Ecoline" and "General". Better quality infrared heaters are manufactured by the Italian companies AEG and ITM. German heater manufacturers are also renowned for the quality of their equipment (Kroll, Seibel Eltron and Eckerle). In addition, companies such as Energotech (Sweden), Noirot (France) and Nobo (Norway) have taken a stable position in the market.

Secondly, it is necessary to consider the power of infrared heaters. For sufficient body heating, equipment with a power of about 350 W must be used.

Third, pay attention to the size and shape of the heaters. The larger the heater, the more space it will heat up, while the effectiveness of its effect on the body will decrease. If you choose narrow, small infrared heaters, they will direct all their heat only to a specific area of ​​the body.

Fourth, calculate the number of heaters correctly. For example, for a normal rest in a sauna, you need about 6 pieces (4 will affect the back and 2 in front).

Where and how should IR heaters be placed?

The effective area of ​​infrared heaters is about 15 cm from the human body. Based on this, it is recommended to install the heaters vertically on the walls of the steam room next to the shelves.

Those heaters that will be aimed at a person's chest are recommended to be installed in the corners.

We draw your attention to the fact that the optimal power of heaters for baths and saunas should be about 350 W, despite the fact that they will be at a distance of 15 cm from the human body. It is not recommended to use more powerful heaters, because they will cause burns from a distance of 15 cm, and if they are pushed further, heating the body will become less effective.

That's all you need to know about infrared bath and sauna heaters! We draw your attention to the fact that if you have money, it is recommended to give preference to the traditional Russian stove for a bath, because it will allow the company to relax in the best quality in its own steam room!