Measure download speed. Perform the most reliable speed test no matter what browser or device you are using

Often, when paying for not the cheapest of the Internet service packages, we suddenly find that the speed of page loading and playback of dynamic content is much lower than our expectations. Maybe the problem is with our computer? We look at the characteristics of the network card and find no reason for this conclusion. According to the agreement, we must receive one thing, but in reality we have something completely different.

The fact is that the agreement with the provider indicates not the average, but the maximum possible connection speed with the network. This moment does not immediately catch the eye of consumers, so it remains to complain to oneself about oneself. The first thing to do in such a situation is to measure the Internet speed using the Yandex service. Yes, provides this service as well. The Internet meter of this search engine allows you to measure the connection speed most accurately.

What will it give us? Is it possible, having learned that the speed in our network is significantly lower than the declared one, to make a claim to the provider? Some firms go to meet the consumer, but this is rather an exception to the rule. In most cases, the provider does not respond to claims of this kind, and only the most notorious curmudgeon can go to court because of such a trifle. What will give us the measurement of Internet speed on

First of all, moral satisfaction - we will be able to reasonably and gloatingly talk about the kulak grasp of greedy providers. Secondly, it will give us a reason to think about switching to service to another company.

We measure traffic

To measure the speed of your Internet connection using the service, you need to go to the page We will see something like this:

Launch the Internet meter by clicking on the big yellow "Measure" button. You will have to wait, the incoming and outgoing connections will be tested, and as a result, a mini-report on the indicators of the connection with the network will appear on the screen:

Below and on the side, Yandex will display a lot of other, additional information: your IP address, browser type, region in which you are located, and other technical information. This should be perfectly sufficient for the needs of any user. If you doubt the results obtained, then try testing traffic with other tools. There are plenty of them on the net. In addition, you can use not web interfaces, but full-fledged programs installed on your computer and giving out a lot of useful information about the operation of your network equipment.

Wondering how fast your internet connection really is? Measure your internet connection speed and see how fast your downloads, uploads, ping and jitter are.

The numbers that don't lie

You pay the provider for an Internet connection, which must meet certain technical parameters within the selected tariff. Among them, not only the download speed, but also the transmission speed along with the delay or response (ping).

In practice, however, the measured values ​​may differ significantly from those stated on the paper. Sometimes long term, sometimes only for a short period of time due to a technical problem or aggregation - the joint potential of an Internet connection between several users. Speedtest will help you spot the differences and show you what your connection really is. And all this within a few tens of seconds and without complicated settings.

How does internet speed measurement work?

From the user's point of view, everything is simple. Directly in the web browser, click on the measurement button and wait. Before running the speedtest, it is important to disable all tasks, applications and devices that might be using your internet connection. This would affect the results, and you would not learn anything, or the conclusions would not have the required accuracy.

The technical solutions and background of the speedtest are complex in themselves, but in short and very simplistic, the test simulates the situation when you upload and download data. Measured values ​​are calculated based on how quickly these transfers take place. You can test the speed of up to thirty test servers located in different geographic locations. What data do you find out?

Connection speed under a magnifying glass

The test results will present a series of key values ​​against which you can evaluate your connection and immediately select, for example, another plan or another provider. The main values ​​are:


Download will show you in Mbps the download speed of the data on your device. The higher the value, the better, because the faster the load, the less time you will have to wait for you to load a web page, or, for example, an email attachment. Internet connections at home tend to be asymmetrical. This means that the download speed for the user is faster than the transfer speed.


The specified upload speed is another basic value that the test results will show. Upload again expresses in Mbps how quickly you can upload data to the Internet on a given connection. The higher the number, like download, the better. Fast downloads are essential for cloud backups or streaming video, for example. The higher the value, the faster you can download data from the device to the Internet.


The three main parameters end with a response (ping) in milliseconds. On the contrary, the lower the better. Its value is especially important for online gamers who need a quick server response while playing so that there is no lag in the game. Anything below 40 ms can be considered a relatively fast ping, but a really good result is everything in the 0-10 ms range.


Jitter is also part of the results. It expresses ping fluctuations in milliseconds, and therefore the stability of the connection. The result should be as low as possible. The higher the jitter value in the test, the less stable the Internet connection.

The speedtest results will show in detail how many MBs of data you can theoretically download and upload in a given period of time. You can easily find out if the specified amount of data, and thus the speed, is sufficient. This is useful, isn't it ?. Blog and website owners have the option to embed a connection speed test for free right on the site via the embed code.

Check your connection regularly

Connecting to the Internet is certainly not the case when what was yesterday is still valid today. Remember to repeat the speedtest from time to time or apply it every time you suspect a connection speed problem.

He will answer you immediately, and you have the opportunity to decide what your next steps will be. In any case, there is no point in wasting time with a slow Internet at this time.


I think that not everyone and not always are satisfied with the speed of their Internet. Yes, when files are loaded quickly, online videos are loaded without jerks and delays, pages open very quickly - there is nothing to worry about. But in case of problems, the first thing that is recommended to be done is to check the Internet speed. It is possible that you simply do not have a high-speed connection to access the service.

How to check Internet speed on a Windows computer

Moreover, it is important to note that despite the fact that many providers write rather high numbers when connecting: 100 Mbit / s, 50 Mbit / s - in fact, the real speed will be lower (almost always the contract specifies the preposition Up to 50 Mbit / s, therefore you will not undermine them). Here are the ways in which you can check this, and we will talk further.

Built-in tools

Do it quickly enough. I will show it using the example of Windows 7 (in Windows 8, 10, this is done in the same way).

Note! Whatever number Windows displays, the real figure may differ by an order of magnitude! Shows, for example, 72.2 Mbps, and the real speed does not rise above 4 Mb / s when downloading in various downloader programs.

Online services

To determine exactly what the speed of your Internet connection really is, it is better to use special sites that can perform such a test (more about them later in the article).

One of the most popular tests.

As for, it is a very popular service for measuring Internet connection speed (according to many independent ratings). It's easy to use. First you need to follow the link above, and then click on the "Begin Test" button.

Then, in about a minute, this online service will provide you with the verification data. For example, in my case, the value was about 40 Mbit / s (not bad, close to the real tariff figures). True, the ping figure is somewhat confusing (2 ms is a very low ping, almost like in a local network).

Note! Ping is a very important characteristic of an Internet connection. If you have a high ping, you can forget about online games, as everything will slow down and you simply will not have time to press the buttons. Ping depends on many parameters: the remoteness of the server (the PC to which your computer sends packets), the congestion of your Internet channel, etc. If you are interested in the topic of ping, I recommend that you read this article:


A very interesting service for testing connectivity. How does he win over? Probably a few things: simplicity of checking (press just one button), in real numbers, the process is in real time and you can clearly see how the speedometer shows the speed of downloading and uploading a file.

The results are more modest than in the previous service. Here it is also important to take into account the location of the server itself, with which the connection is made for verification. Since in the previous service the server was Russian, but in this one it is not. However, this is also quite interesting information.

For many people, especially in our country, everything German is associated with precision, quality, and reliability. Actually, their service confirms this. To test, just follow the link above and click one button "Speed ​​test starten".

Not a bad service in which it is easy and simple to select a server to test, and then start testing. This is how he bribes many users.

By the way, a great way to check your internet speed is, in my opinion, various popular torrents. Take a file from the top of any tracker (which is distributed by several hundred people) and download it. True, the uTorrent program (and others like it) show the download speed in MB / s (instead of Mbit / s, which all providers indicate when connecting) - but this is not scary. If you do not go into theory, then the download speed of the file is sufficient, for example, 3 MB / s * multiplied by ~ 8. As a result, we get about ~ 24 Mbps. This is the real meaning.

* - it is important to wait until the program reaches the maximum indicator. Usually in 1-2 minutes when downloading a file from the top rating of a popular tracker.

That's all, good luck everyone!

Do you feel that the internet is not fast enough and the service provider is playing a foul game? For your own reassurance and, if necessary, the subsequent restoration of justice, use the tools for checking the speed of the Internet connection.
How services work correctly and how to use them - read on.

Internet connection speed is checked using special online services. You are presented with an overview of popular options, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each.


Among other functions, the service allows you to check the connection parameters. The latest design change made the work with the site even easier, more convenient and enjoyable.

Having entered the service website, the user is immediately provided with a computer. Additionally, on the main page, there are links to conducting tests, one of which is the testing you are interested in.

Useful advice! Before starting testing, close other browser tabs, stop downloads, turn off programs running over the Internet.

The service offers to enter information about the download and upload speed indicators declared by the provider in the corresponding windows. Fill in or leave blank as you wish. Start testing by clicking the corresponding button.

The test takes a certain amount of time. Wait until the process is complete, and then see the results of the testing. Additionally, the site will give you a code to publish the results of the check on third-party resources, for example, on the provider's forum.

As practice shows, providers provide an asymmetric channel, in which packets are loaded faster than given - this is a common practice.

Keep in mind that a single measurement is unlikely to be reliable. To get objective results, open the section on average speed measurements. Here, specify the frequency and the desired inspection interval.

After a certain time, a detailed report on the measurements performed will be sent to your specified email address.

For the test to pass correctly, do not turn off the computer during testing, refrain from downloading files, watching online videos and turning on online games.

Thus, the advantages of the 2IP service are the following points:

  • efficiency and simplicity of verification;
  • the ability to run multiple checks over a period of time to obtain reliable results;
  • availability of additional services and functions.


Another "old man" of the industry. To run the test, go to the specified address and click "Start Test".

If you wish, you can pre-specify the location of the server for verification using the proposed map.

Important! The default test is carried out in your network zone, to the nearest provider included in this network. If the provider provides high speed in its network area, then select another city or even country to check to external resources.

The service has an interesting animation: the user is shown the processes of transferring packets between the computer and the selected city, which does not let him get bored while waiting for the results.

In 30-40 seconds, a final report is prepared, including, in addition to indicators of the incoming and outgoing speed, information about the user's location and ping.

Service advantages:

  • quick check;
  • reliability of results;
  • good animation.

Flaw: check may fail to start if flash is missing / disabled.


The "father" of modern Runet - Yandex company - provides a service for checking the connection called the Internet meter. Opens by link.

Benefits of the Yandex service:

  • ease of use;
  • fast work;
  • reliability of results.

Among the shortcomings, the absence of additional "chips" is noted, but this point is subjective, since the service copes with its task - checking the connection parameters.

ByFly Internet connection speed

ByFly Is a popular Internet provider working for the benefit of the residents of the Republic of Belarus. The company provides a range of services for full and comfortable interaction with the worldwide network and, at the same time, has its own service for checking the connection speed. It can be called "own" at a stretch - by going to the address, the user gets access to a stripped-down version of the previously considered service

Among the available functions are only checking the speed of the Internet connection and a link to go to the full version of the main service.

Checking the connection speed between PCs via the Internet

The need to check the speed of connection with other computers arises for various reasons. For example, users are planning to play a game online and want to know in advance what speed they can expect.

Important! You can check the speed of the Internet connection from a PC only knowing the IP address of the latter.

To carry out such a check, you do not need to use any third-party services - everything is performed using standard tools of the Windows operating system. First of all, press the Win (with the Windows logo) and R keys at the same time. A system window will open. In it, you need to enter the ping command, where is the IP address of the checked computer.

Based on the results of the check, the system will provide information on the minimum, average and maximum values ​​of the duration of packet reception and transmission in ms. Additionally, information on the number of lost packages will be provided.

Download the PCATTCP program, unpack it into the C: \ Users \ "username here" folder on both computers between which you want to check the speed (works for local networks and for checking via the Internet).

On the 1st PC, on the command line, write “ pcattcp -r"- receiving data from the second PC.

We launch the command line, on the 2nd PC we write “ pcattcp -t"(Without quotes, where - is the IP of the first PC). This computer will send and receive data.

Wait for the test to finish and the results will be displayed on both computers.

Important! Disable Firewall for the duration of the test or add the PCATTCP program to the exceptions.

You have read the information about the most popular services for measuring the speed of the Internet connection. Each of the available options has both advantages and a number of weaknesses. Choose a specific option based on your needs and requests.

Do you want to get the most reliable result? Use the function of measuring the average speed from the 2IP service.

Do you want to check the speed as quickly as possible without unnecessary "embellishments" and "chips"? Use the service from Yandex.

Do you want to get the same reliable test results as in the previous two cases, watching beautiful animations in the process? Go to the SpeedTest website.

Greetings to you, dear readers of the blog site! Today, in order to check the speed of the Internet, it is not at all necessary to be an advanced connoisseur of high technologies. It is enough to use an online service where you can determine the speed of the Internet connection by simply pressing a button. There are a sufficient number of such services on which the Internet connection is checked online.

A simple user, as a rule, does not attach much importance to the speed of the Internet connection. By and large, the most important thing is that the necessary files (movies, music, documents, etc.) are uploaded and downloaded as quickly as possible. But if any delays or failures in the Internet connection begin to occur, any of us starts to get nervous.

The lack of Internet speed at the moment has a special effect on the nerves. self-creation of a website or blog(this is me about myself and "my high-speed" Internet connection).

Of course, the speed of data transfer on the Internet depends on many factors. And all these nuances are negotiated with the Internet provider, with whom an agreement is concluded to provide them with network access services. But providers often do not fulfill their obligations, and the actual data transfer rate turns out to be much lower than stipulated in the contract. And most users simply do not know how to check the Internet connection, or rather, its speed.

To begin with, to test the speed of the Internet, disable, if possible, all network programs (including antivirus). Check the status of the network connection.

Look at network activity.

My computernetworkShow network connections- select State working network connection.

If the window State there is an active data transfer (digital values ​​change quickly), check if all programs are disabled. If so, you may have a virus. Then first treat your computer with some antivirus program ( you can also use a free antivirus program).

After these steps, the Internet speed can be measured using the online services listed below.

Checking Internet speed on Yandex Internet.

Perhaps the most "Spartan" online service where you can measure the speed of the Internet is Yandex Internet.

But, despite its simplicity, Yandex does the speed test in a very original and high-quality way. It is enough to go to his service to check the speed of the Internet - Yandex will immediately determine your IP address, browser, extension of your computer screen and what region you are from.

Further, to measure the speed of the Internet in Yandex, click on the "ruler" button and after the test of the Internet connection is completed, you can view detailed information. Where will the upload speed and download speed be indicated. And as a souvenir, when the Internet speed check is over, you can grab the HTML code of the banner with you to insert it on your blog or website.

How to determine the connection speed of the Internet service

This is one of the most popular online services, on which it will be simply pleasant for many to measure the speed of the Internet. The service promoted in Runet has an attractive design, and it is a pleasure to check the speed of the Internet on this resource. After measuring and testing the speed of the Internet connection, speedtest presents a report in the form of a banner, which indicates the data of the download speed from the network and the transmission data that comes from the user's computer.

Just like in Yandesk, this banner can be placed on your website or blog. In addition, on the online service, you can take the script of the Speedtest Mini miniature module and install it on your website or blog. Then anyone can measure the speed of the Internet directly on your website. And perhaps the most attractive product of Speedtest Mobile. This application is for mobile devices running Android and iOS.

Internet speed test online service