How to choose a hydraulic accumulator tank for a private house? How to choose a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems The optimal size of a hydraulic accumulator for a home.

It is enough to delve into the principle of operation and the device of the hydroaccumulator in order to understand for yourself how important this unit is for water supply systems in a private house.

Any owner of suburban housing is well aware of how difficult it can be to ensure the stable operation of autonomous ones. Water supply failures occur quite often. They lead to the failure of expensive household appliances and significantly complicate a person's life in a private house.

Sometimes one pressure surge is enough for a gas water heater or a recently purchased dishwasher to break. A hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, called in everyday life an expansion, pressure head or storage tank, helps to prevent such troubles.

Hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems

The main tasks of such a device:

  1. Maintaining a constant pressure in the water supply network, protecting the system from pressure drops. With the simultaneous operation of 2–3 taps (for example, in the kitchen and in the bathroom), significant temperature fluctuations are noted with surges in the water pressure. If you take a shower or wash dishes during this time, there is a high probability of getting burned. The installation of an expansion tank for water supply systems allows to prevent such unpleasant situations.
  2. Protection from early operational wear of the water pump. There is always a certain amount of water in the accumulator. When you open the tap, it is she who begins to enter the network in the first place. In this case, the pump does not turn on until the water supply in the storage tank is completely used up.
  3. Protection of the pipeline against water hammer. They are often fixed when the pump is started and cause significant harm to the water supply system.
  4. Providing consumers with a certain amount of water in case of a power outage when the pump does not function due to a lack of electricity. Water, thanks to the installed tank, is still available in such situations. Its specific amount depends on the volume of the accumulator (100 liters, 200 liters, and so on).

As you can see, the hydraulic tank in question is really of great importance for the normal functioning of water supply systems in private homes, especially if they are located outside the city.

By the type of energy storage, the devices of interest to us are with mechanical and pneumatic storage. The first of these functions due to the kinetics of the spring or the load. Mechanical tanks are characterized by a large number of operational drawbacks (large geometric dimensions, high inertia of systems), therefore, they are not used for domestic water supply systems. It should be noted that such devices do not need to be recharged and powered from external electrical sources.

Aggregates with pneumatic storage are more common. They function by compressing water under gas pressure (or vice versa) and are divided into the following types: piston; with a pear or a balloon; membrane. Piston devices are recommended for cases where it is required to constantly have a sufficiently large supply of water (500-600 liters). Their cost is low, but in private homes such installations are used extremely rarely.

Diaphragm tanks are small in size. They are easy to use. They are most often used for water supply systems for private housing construction. Simpler balloon aggregates are also actively used. Such devices are easy to install (you can install them yourself) and maintenance (if necessary, any home craftsman can easily replace a failed rubber bulb or a leaky tank). Although the need to repair bladder accumulators is rare. They are truly durable and reliable in operation.

Diaphragm tank for a private house

By purpose, storage tanks are divided into the following types:

  • for heating systems;
  • for hot water;
  • for cold water.

And according to the method of installation, vertical and horizontal units are distinguished. Both the first and the second function in exactly the same way. Vertical tanks with a volume of more than 100 liters usually have a special valve. It makes it possible to bleed air from the water supply network. Horizontal apparatus are supplied with a separate mount. An external pump is fixed to it.

Also, expansion tanks for autonomous water supply systems differ in their volume. There are very small units for sale, designed for 2-5 liters, and real giants for 500 liters or more. For private houses, it is recommended to purchase accumulators of 100 or 80 liters.

Diaphragm accumulators are a container, inside which a special rubber gasket is installed, dividing the tank into two functional parts. Inert gas or ordinary air is pumped into one part, water is in the second.

The unit we are considering is equipped with a pressure gauge showing the air pressure, as well as a special hole through which water is supplied. Its pumping into the container is carried out by the action of an electric pump. If the hydraulic tank for water supply systems is equipped with automatic devices, they independently turn off the pumping equipment when the set pressure is reached. In this case, water stops flowing into the container.

Hydraulic tank device

The pressure in the tank decreases with every water flow. When it becomes the minimum allowable, the automation restarts the pumping equipment and pumps up water. As you can see, the principle of operation of the accumulator is very simple. Dealing with this issue is easy even for a person who is very far from the intricacies of water supply systems and equipment for them. The device of tanks with a pear or a cylinder (they are most often made for 100 liters) differs from membrane tanks in that there is no contact between the liquid and the container body. In balloon aggregates, water enters the pear, and then is consumed as intended.

An important point! Diaphragm tanks with a capacity of more than 100 liters are always equipped with an air bleed valve. In accumulators with a smaller displacement, there is no such additional element. Therefore, when installing them, it is imperative to provide the water supply with a tap or a special tee, with the help of which it will be possible to shut off the main mains of the network, and then bleed unnecessary air without any problems.

Balloon and membrane tanks are mounted according to two methods. If you use surface pumping equipment, the accumulator is connected according to the following scheme:

  1. Determine the pressure inside the container. Its indicator must be 0.3-1 bar less than the pressure required to start the pumping equipment (a specific number is usually indicated on the pump relay).
  2. Connect the fitting to the hydraulic tank. It must have 5 outputs - for connecting a water pipe, a pump, directly a storage tank, a pressure gauge, a pump unit and a relay. The fitting is connected to the accumulator through a flange, which is equipped with a special valve (bypass) or a rigid hose.
  3. Screw all other elements of the system to the union.
  4. Seal all joints with tape or sealant and tow.

Accumulator connection diagram

Pay particular attention to the connection of the pressure switch when installing the equipment. There are two contacts under its cover - a pump and a network. You need to bring the appropriate wire to each of them. This is easy to do if the contacts are signed. Otherwise, you will have to call a professional electrician. After installing and connecting the tank, be sure to check the system for leaks. If there are any, better seal the joints.

Connecting the storage tank to has some peculiarities. Such pumping equipment is installed in a well with water or in a well. In this case, a check valve must be installed. It is placed on the pump (through the internal thread made in the cover of the device).

A valve is required to prevent backflow of water into the well. This is his only task. After installing the check valve, the hydraulic tank can also be connected to the water supply system according to the scheme you already know. Now you know everything about the principle of operation, the device and the intricacies of mounting storage tanks. Feel free to install a hydroaccumulator so that there will never be interruptions in water in your home!

What makes us install a hydraulic accumulator for a water supply system? So, let's take a closer look:

  • Firstly, it is the need to accumulate (accumulate, store) the volume of liquid;
  • Secondly, it is the need, while accumulating liquid, to take away excess pressure;
  • Thirdly, it is the need to damp water hammer in the water supply system;
  • Fourthly, the accumulator allows you to maintain water pressure even when the pump is off;
  • Fifthly, the presence of a hydroaccumulator gives the pump "advanced", it turns on less often;
  • And sixth, at peak water consumption, the hydroaccumulator "smoothes" them ...

The accumulator has synonyms to designate the same product and structural element of the water supply system: "Expansion tank" and "Expanzomat" are among them, and are used quite often, especially the first. They designate exactly the same as the hydraulic accumulator.

Historical retreat: For a more conscious perception of the function and location of the accumulator in our water supply system, it is good to remember the design and purpose of water towers known to many. They stored water and also provided water pressure in the system (head in common parlance).

But due to their design and location in the water supply, they could not and should not have smooth out the excess pressure and damp the water hammer. But both the water tower and the hydraulic accumulator improve the operation of the system: the first is due to the potential energy of the water raised above the ground, the second is due to the potential energy of the compressed air in it.

Digression about color: In heat supply systems, hydraulic accumulators are also installed. And here it is worth remembering that accumulators for water supply systems and for heating systems are usually (by most manufacturers) made with a difference in coloring. Blue ones are for water systems. Red - heating supplies. There are also colorless ones.

In any case, you should read the technical documentation. to be sure of the purpose of the device. Among the differences between these devices from each other: in the blue, only food grade rubber is used. They are blue, designed in such a way that you can change the membrane yourself. In the red ones, the rubber is technical, and the membrane can not be changed independently in all. Therefore, the accumulator for the water supply system is a blue accumulator.

Hydroaccumulator device for water supply systems

The appearance of the accumulator- a container that actually accumulates water, a membrane or a pear inside, a filter - also usually inside, inputs and outputs for water and air, and various pipes, valves, devices and structures to ensure the functioning of the water supply outside.

Hydraulic accumulators have two typical design options. Diaphragm accumulators and accumulators with a rubber bulb.

Both the pear and the membrane are hidden inside the device.

The membrane follows the shape of the tank as we see it from the outside. In this case, water enters it from below. Its place is inside the membrane. Outside, the membrane is surrounded by air.

The water inlet is at the bottom, the air inlet is at the top. At the inlet at the bottom - a filter, at the inlet at the top - a spool.

Note: sometimes they make an entrance for water from above.

Hydraulic accumulators with a pear are arranged in about the same way, but there are modifications when the water inlet is located on the side, the whole device is as if horizontal. The pear can be attached both from one side and from both ends, to opposite walls.

Ecological retreat: Opinions about which is better, a pear or a membrane, and which material for a pear or a membrane gives you better water at the outlet, are very diverse. Many people believe that a pear, and even made of rubber based on natural rubber, gives the best in an ecological sense water. There are other opinions that different types of membranes and pears have a sufficiently high-quality material, and do not affect the composition of water.

Selection of a hydraulic accumulator for a water supply system. How to choose?

We can confidently offer lovers of simple solutions: buy a 24-liter hydraulic accumulator, and take the place as close to the pump as possible - and your water supply system will work normally.

If the building is larger, or the family is large, and the activity in the use of water is high, it is worth doing some calculations.

We approach in terms of pump on-off... It is best not to turn on the pump more than 30 times per hour. Find out the capacity of your pump, most likely it is about 40 liters per minute. In the accumulator, water and air divide the space in half ... so from this point of view, you need a volume of the accumulator of up to 100 liters.

Peak consumption issue: 8 liters of water for the kitchen, 10 liters for the shower, and 6 liters for the toilet. It's in a minute!

If there are two toilets, then this must also be taken into account.

We get a figure of 30 liters per minute. We have only half in the accumulator tank - this is water, we remember that. A hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems up to 100 liters and from this point of view is suitable!

Note for the assiduous: If you want to approach the issue even more thoroughly, take an interest in a fairly well-known international calculation method. It is also designated by the abbreviation from the Latin letters UNI. The technique will require efforts from you - you need to fill in the tables and figure out the calculation formula.

From the point of view of water reserve in case of shutdown - make a decision subjectively, based on your understanding of what a reserve is and how much water you need "just in case".

How to choose a hydraulic accumulator for water supply in terms of pressure... The pressure should in no case be less than the pressure in the water supply system of the house. A pipe height of 10 meters gives you a pressure of 1 bar. The valve works normally at 0.5 bar.

You need the pressure to be at least the sum of these two values, that is, 1.5 bar. Typically, manufacturing plants provide exactly this figure. However, the pressure in the accumulator should be checked once or twice a year!

Installation of a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems

It will always not be superfluous to remind that the installation of the accumulator must be carried out in full accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

It will be ideal if it is carried out by experienced specialists. A non-specialist with the ability, experience and desire, the owner of a house, for example, often prefers to do everything on his own. In this case, again, the manufacturer's instructions must not be violated, and prudence and caution should be shown:

  • Accumulators with external damage should not be installed;
  • The conditions at the place of installation and operation must correspond to those specified by the manufacturer;
  • Tank weight! The weight of the accumulator should be taken into account, not forgetting the amount of water that will be in it after installation!
  • Sometimes it is necessary to drain the water from the accumulator. Think ahead and do whatever is necessary in this case!
  • Freezing of water in the accumulator is unacceptable. The room must be heated!
  • The hydroaccumulator and its elements, and the inlet parts of the water supply system should not be subjected to any static loading;
  • Protect your guild accumulator from moisture and mechanical damage outside;
  • If you are lucky and you need a hydraulic accumulator with a volume of, for example, 750 liters, estimate in advance how you will get a large tank into the house (door openings, etc.)

Hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems: connection diagram.

Hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems: malfunctions

Accumulator malfunctions are overwhelmingly removable - it is ideal to invite a specialist for this, but you can do a lot yourself.

Does the pump run too often? This is a signal of several possible malfunctions of your accumulator at once:

  • The container may not contain compressed air... You can fix the problem simply by pumping air with a car pump;
  • Membrane may be damaged... You should replace it by contacting specialists or yourself. Be sure to read about replacing the membrane. It is imperative to use only the original membrane (or, as we say, our own);
  • Damaged case... This breakdown speaks for itself. It is necessary to repair the case by contacting professionals;
  • Difference between pressure too small, at which the pump is turned on, and by the pressure, at which the pump is turned off. It is necessary to change the pressure on and off the pump (on the pressure switch).
  • Is there water flowing out of the air valve? The membrane is clearly damaged. It is necessary to change, again in the service center it is preferable, and if on your own, then only to the original one!
  • Air pressure dropped below design value? The nipple is to blame, it should be purged, restoring the pressure inside.

Has the water pressure dropped below normal (no “head”)?

There may be two reasons for this:

  1. Lack of compressed air in the accumulator. Then we upload it there!
  2. Or the pump does not provide the required pressure. We need to check the pump, Maybe there is a malfunction in it. Or he does not cope with the load according to his technical data.

Hydraulic accumulators for water supply systems: prices

The price of the accumulator is different. The price is influenced by the volume, brand, country of the tank manufacturer. Also, prices vary depending on the region of Russia in which the accumulators are sold. It is believed that a Chinese-made hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 24 liters can be purchased for 1200 rubles at retail.

On the Internet, the cost of accumulators for water supply systems is from 1100 rubles to 7500.

Let's summarize

When dealing with a water supply system, we usually consider the pump to be the most important thing in it. If the pump is working properly, then there is also water.

But after all, the pump, taking water from a well, a well or the same water supply system, pumps it into a hydraulic accumulator, let's say even more precisely, into a rubber membrane or a pear inside it.

Water is pumped into the accumulator. Having reached a certain point, the pressure set during the setting gives a signal to the pump to stop pumping water.

And only when the shower or washing machine is running, or another water flow occurs, the pressure sensors give a signal to the pump to resume work.

The hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems protects and our water supply, and the pump itself, and energy, and even more so our nerves.

Its size and pump power can be calculated, it is inexpensive, maintenance is not difficult, and repairs are not burdensome.

It is the hydroaccumulator that belongs to those things that can make your country house really comfortable in a modern way!

Hydraulic accumulators are used in various water supply systems. In this paper, we will consider the methods of their selection for an individual water supply system. In addition to the traditional shower and faucet in the kitchen, modern homes can be equipped with a bath, bidet, sewer, washing machine and other equipment that requires water to operate. In addition to the equipment, the number of people in the house can vary. These are objective factors, but when choosing the size of the accumulator, subjective ones have to be taken into account. For example, how many times per hour can the pump be turned on and the accumulator filled? What happens if several people use the water at once? What happens if the washing machine is running at this time?
For the correct calculation of the parameters, we propose a method for the selection of the volume of the accumulator, which is based on the international calculation method UNI 9182 designed by Italian engineers.
To begin with, if your house has only a water tap, a shower and a watering tap, then you don't need to count anything. You need a standard water installation with a 24 liter hydraulic accumulator. Feel free to buy it. It is optimal in cases where equipment for a small house (summer cottage) is considered and with inconstant use. Even if in the future it is necessary to increase the number of water sampling points, then it will be possible to simply buy separately and install another 24-liter hydroaccumulator at any point in the water supply system. If the house does not have a sewerage system, but with more than three water points, then in any case a 50-liter hydroaccumulator is enough for you.
The calculation method is intended for individual houses equipped with a sewage system (septic tank), with bathrooms and other equipment that consume a significant amount of water, and consists of several points
1. Determine the total coefficient of water consumption Cy. To do this, make a list of draw-off points in your home and indicate the amount of each type of equipment.

Table 2 Private house

Users With
Sink 1
Bidet 1
Bath 2
Shower 2
Toilet bowl 3
Washout 6
Kitchen sink 2
Washer 2
Dishwasher 2
⅜ tap 1
½ tap 2
¾ tap 3
1 tap 6

Table 3 Communal building

Users With
Sink 2
Bidet 2
Bath 4
Shower 4
Toilet bowl 5
Washout 10
Kitchen sink 4
Sink for feet 2
Drinking fountain 0,75
⅜ tap 2
½ tap 4
¾ tap 6
1 tap 10

2. Fill in the table. 4. In its second column, the coefficients of the frequency of use of each type of equipment (Cx) are presented. In the third column, indicate the number of devices of each type of equipment in your home (ni). In the right column of the table, multiply Cx by ni. By adding the values ​​of this column, you get the total coefficient of water consumption in your home.
Total coefficient
Su = ——————————

Table 4 Determination of the total coefficient Su

Equipment type Utilization rate C x Quantity of each kind n i Work

C x x n i

Toilet 3
Shower 2
Bathroom 2
Sink faucet 6
Bidet 1
Faucet in the kitchen 2
Washer 2
Dishwashing machine 2
Watering tap 2

3. Depending on the obtained value of the total coefficient Su, determine the value of the maximum water flow Qmax required for your home. These values ​​are presented in table. 5.
For example, if you have a toilet, shower, a faucet in the sink, a faucet in the kitchen (one for each device) in your house, then the consumption coefficient

Su = 3 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 13.

The closest value of Su in tab. 5 equals 12. This value corresponds to the maximum water consumption for your house: Qmax = 36 l / min.

With Q l / min With Q l / min With Q, l / min
6 18 100 189 1250 930
8 24 120 219 1500 1050
10 30 140 234 1750 1128
12 36 160 255 2000 1230
14 40,8 180 276 2250 1320
16 46,8 200 297 2500 1410
18 51 225 321 2750 1470
20 55,8 250 345 3000 1560
25 67,8 275 366 3500 1680
30 78 300 387 4000 1830
35 87,6 400 468 4500 1950
40 97,2 500 540 5000 2070
50 114 600 600 6000 2280
60 132 700 660 7000 2460
70 144 800 714 8000 2640
80 159 900 774 9000 2820
90 174 1000 828 10 000 3000

4. To determine the volume of the accumulator, it is necessary to decide how many times per hour the accumulator can be turned on at the maximum consumption rate. 10-15 times is considered normal. Please note that a large value of this parameter (some companies recommend assigning this parameter at a maximum intensity of up to 45 inclusions per hour) leads to frequent loading of the accumulator membrane in tension-compression, and the total number of such loads is limited by the strength of the membrane. In addition, if 45 starts per hour, this means that the pump is running until it is turned off for only about a minute. Typically, the performance of domestic pumps for individual water supply systems is small, and it is simply impossible to fill a properly selected hydraulic accumulator in a minute. Our recommendation for assigning this parameter is 10.
When checking the possibility of using an existing accumulator in those cases when a new source of water consumption is added to the house, this parameter can be taken equal to 15.
It is also required to assign thresholds for the pressure switch of the water supply station (Pmin and Pmax). The lower threshold Pmin for two-storey houses is usually 1.5 bar, and the upper threshold Pmax is 3 bar. Then, to determine the volume of the accumulator, you must use the following formula:

where V is the total volume of the accumulator, l; Qmax is the maximum value of the required water flow rate, l / min; a - the number of system starts per hour;
Pmin - lower pressure threshold when the pump is turned on, bar;
Pmin - upper pressure threshold when the pump is turned off, bar; P0 - initial gas pressure in the accumulator, bar.
For example, if Qmax = 36 l / min, a = 15, Pmin = 1.8 bar, Pmax = 3.0 bar,
P0 = 1.5 bar, then the total volume of the accumulator is:

The closest in size is a 150-liter hydroaccumulator.
Next, we present our recommendations for setting the thresholds for the pressure switch of the water supply systems of an individual house. The difference in response thresholds Pmax - Pmin determines the amount of water produced by the hydraulic accumulator of the water supply system. The greater this difference, the more efficient the operation of the accumulator, but the membrane is loaded more heavily in each cycle of operation.
The Pmin value (pump start pressure) is determined based on the hydrostatic pressure (water height) in your home's water supply system. For example, if the height between the lowest and highest parsing points in the system is 10 m, then the water column pressure is 10 m (1 bar).
What should be the minimum pressure Pmin?
The air pressure in the backpressure chamber of the accumulator must be greater than or equal to the hydrostatic pressure, that is, in our case, 1 bar. The lower response threshold Pmin should then be slightly higher (by 0.2 bar) than the initial air pressure in the accumulator.
However, we need the system to work steadily. The most critical, in terms of operational stability, is the highest parsing point (for example, a faucet or a shower on the top floor). The valve works normally if the pressure drop across it is at least 0.5 bar. Therefore, the pressure must be 0.5 bar plus the hydrostatic pressure of this point. Thus, the minimum value of the gas pressure in the accumulator P0 is equal to 0.5 bar plus the value of the reduced hydrostatic pressure at the point where the accumulator is located (the distance in height between the upper point of analysis and the point where the accumulator is located). In our case, if the accumulator is located at the lowest point of the water supply system, the minimum gas value in it is P0 = 1 bar + 0.5 bar = 1.5 bar, and the threshold of operation (switching on) of the pump Pmin = 1.5 + 0.2 = 1.7 bar. If the accumulator is located at the upper point of the system, and the pressure sensor is at the bottom, then the gas pressure in the accumulator should be 0.5 bar, and the pump activation threshold should be -1.7 bar.
When assigning the upper threshold for the operation of the automatic water supply system Pmax, it is necessary to take into account several points, first of all, the pressure characteristic of the pump. The pressure generated by the pump, expressed in meters of water column, divided by 10, will show the maximum pressure value. However, it should be borne in mind that:
- in the characteristics of the pump, the maximum parameters are indicated without taking into account the hydraulic resistance of the pipelines;
- the voltage of the electrical network often does not correspond to the nominal value of 220 V, and the real values ​​may be lower;
- manufacturers of domestic pumps often indicate overestimated characteristics;
- at maximum pressure values, the pump flow is minimal and the system will fill up for a very long time;
- during long-term operation, the characteristics of the pump decrease.
With this in mind, we recommend that you set the high threshold 30% lower than the maximum head of your pump. However, the initial point in determining the upper trigger threshold is the height of your house, or rather, the height of the water supply system at home. The value of the upper alarm threshold is equal to the height of the water supply system (expressed in meters) plus 20 m, and divided by 10. You will get the pressure expressed in bar.
In domestic water supply systems, the recommended difference between the lower and upper response thresholds is 1.0 - 1.5 bar. These values ​​are the most acceptable.
Thus, to determine the upper threshold of the pump activation pressure, we recommend:
a) determine the lower threshold of the pump activation pressure;
b) add 1.5 bar to the obtained value;
c) the obtained value is compared with the pressure characteristics of the pump.
It should be 30% below the maximum head of your pump. Thus, it is possible to check the correct selection of the pump and accumulator or the possibility of using the existing additional equipment that consumes water during the installation.

To create an even and constant flow of water in private water supply systems, hydraulic accumulators, pressure or expansion tanks are used. These devices smooth out pressure surges during operation (on / off) of pumping equipment or the analysis of a resource by consumers.

The reservoir of such a tank is divided into two compartments by a powerful and elastic membrane. Water enters one compartment (lower) through a filter connection. The other part of the total tank capacity (top) is filled with air. Work begins by turning on the pump. The increase in pressure in the network provokes the injection of liquid into the lower compartment, while the membrane begins to stretch. When the pressure drops, it squeezes the water back. This is how the destructive shocks of water in the pressure pipes and nodes are smoothed out.

Video review - The principle of operation of the accumulator

A special relay box automatically shuts off the pump when the pressure tank is full. And for some time the energy of the membrane does not allow the pressure to decrease. When the accumulator is empty, the pump starts up again. Such an arrangement relieves the unit pumping water from short-term and frequent start-ups / shutdowns. This reduces the wear rate of its parts. In order for everything to work correctly, the pressure tank must correspond in capacity to the volume of the required parsing of water. Normally, the tank must hold from a quarter to half of the displacement, which the pipes are capable of passing in a minute.

Correctly selected volume of the device ensures the frequency of its operation from five to fifteen times per hour. In this mode of operation, it is imperative to use a reliable and elastic membrane that can withstand heavy loads.

Since accumulators work in domestic water supply systems, the material from which they are made must be non-toxic, with a permit for use in contact with clean drinking water.

Water entering accumulators for water supply mainly comes from underground wells or wells. Hence, its saturation with oxygen, which is released during the operation of the system, accumulating in the membrane. For this, most modern devices of this type have a safety valve, bleeding air if necessary. As a rule, accumulators are used on cold water supply lines, so the temperature regime in which they are used is more gentle.

It is advisable to install such a pressure element before the water supply circuit begins to branch. The best place is right after the water supply pipe enters the housing. Also, it will not hurt to install a check valve .. Especially if there is no such valve in the pump. In addition, it is recommended to install a pressure gauge to control the generated pressure.

Installation of equipment in the water supply system

Hydroaccumulators are of vertical and horizontal design. Choose one of them that fits more compactly in the allotted place. The mounting position is selected as high as possible. This makes it easier for the whole circuit to function. The fact is that by raising the unit to a height of, for example, 5 m, we get a water column, which “helps” the working membrane with an additional pressure of ½ atmosphere.

Devices such as hydraulic accumulators for water supply are auxiliary devices for cold and hot water supply systems. They provide the water pressure necessary for the operation of the line. The operation of such systems reduces the number of pump starts and reduces the likelihood of water hammer. They also contain some supply of water, which will be important during a power outage.

How to choose the right one?

It is necessary to choose accumulators for water supply, taking into account the volume of water that this system uses. By their configuration, they are divided into two types:

  • vertical, the main advantage is that they take up less space;
  • horizontal, it is more convenient than the accumulators of the first type, since they have mountings for installing an external pump.

Also important in choosing a hydraulic accumulator is the question of its volume. A tank with a small volume will make the pump cycle more frequent. Still, such small-volume devices are subject to frequent pressure surges within the system. A large tank will allow you to store enough water.

Especially the moment with frequent activation of the pump should be taken into account. Due to frequent switching on, it overheats, which, accordingly, significantly reduces the service life.

However, here you can also pay attention to the choice of the pump itself. Submersible pumps have a limit of 20-30 starts per hour, but external ones are not so picky about frequent starts, therefore they work great with low-volume tanks.

The subjective factor responsible for the correct selection of the size of the accumulator is an approximate calculation of how many times the pump will turn on during an hour. Or, how many people will simultaneously use water in a room using the work of the water supply system. Today there is a patented method for calculating the volume of a hydraulic accumulator, which was developed by Italian engineers. It is intended directly for private houses with sewerage, the presence of bathrooms and other equipment that consumes a sufficient amount of water.

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Knowing how to choose a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, you can not only ensure pressure stability in an individual pipeline, but also extend the service life of the pump and communications.

A pressure accumulator is a reservoir that contains pressurized water to compensate for changes in the system. What is a hydroaccumulator in a water supply system for? Its presence can solve many problems often encountered during the operation of individual water supply systems and provide:

  • maintaining the pressure required for normal operation when the pump is not turned on,
  • prevention of frequent starts of the pumping unit, which can lead to rapid wear,
  • protection against water hammer, dangerous for pipes, fittings and gaskets,
  • the presence of a supply of water in the event of a power outage or failure of the pump.

The correct choice of a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems allows you to establish a reliable intermediate link between the pump and the consumer. Such equipment compensates for minor changes - small flow and pressure drop, allowing powerful equipment to replenish the volume only when it is significantly reduced.

Types of construction and their device

In order to know exactly how to choose the right accumulator for water supply systems, it is important to study the characteristic features of various models.


There are on sale horizontal and vertical models of accumulators, the type is chosen, first of all, guided by the availability of free space in the pumping room. If the free space allows you to install any of the modifications, and the volume of the accumulator exceeds 100 liters, it will be more expedient to purchase a vertical model.

This choice is due to the fact that when the liquid is flowing in the tank, air bubbles appear, which always collect in the upper part of the tank. In a vertical accumulator, the area of ​​the upper part is smaller, which makes it easier to bleed air. This is usually done with a special nipple. The location of bubbles in a horizontal tank with a large top area is more difficult to determine. A tapping with a valve can be used for bleeding. The presence of air in the accumulator is undesirable due to the likelihood of air congestion.

For models less than 100 liters, the location does not matter, although when used in conjunction with pumping stations, the choice is usually given in favor of the horizontal option.

Device models

Choosing a battery for a water supply system includes deciding which of the devices will be more effective. In general, the device of all types of equipment in this category is similar - the capacity of the accumulator is divided into two parts. One part contains compressed air and the other contains water. The plasticity of the partition of the materials separating water and air allows the latter to "push" liquid into the system.

There are two main types of accumulators - membrane and balloon... The latter are often called "pears" in everyday life.

  • membrane models literally divide the reservoir into two parts,
  • Balloon tanks are arranged according to the principle of "vessel in vessel", water is pumped into a container made of rubber rubber, which, in turn, is surrounded by air on all sides.

Doubts when choosing are usually caused by the fact that in membrane models, water comes into contact with the walls of the accumulator, however, in models from reliable manufacturers, high-quality materials are used, so the risk of corrosion is not high, and the water does not acquire an undesirable taste.

To make it easier to understand the question of how to choose a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, we recommend watching this video.

Criterias of choice

Obviously, one of the main characteristics of a hydraulic accumulator is its volume. Remember - water usually takes up only half of the tank. In addition, you should take into account the peculiarities of operation - this equipment can be a "reserve" in the event of a power outage. The pump does not work at this time, but the water supply to the house will not stop due to the supply of liquid from the accumulator. In this case, a volume that is more than nominal is selected.

The nominal volume is selected taking into account the fact that the accumulator during normal operation is switched on about 15 times per hour. The performance of the pump also matters. In this case, the basic parameter in the calculations is the volume of water consumption. It is not difficult to calculate it with a high degree of accuracy by counting the number of consumption points with water consumption coefficients according to the UNI 9182 system. At the same time, there is no need for such accuracy, since there are not many variations of such equipment.

Rough calculations are enough:

  • No more than three points of consumption and a pump with a capacity of about 2 cubic meters. m / hour correspond to a 20-24 liter hydroaccumulator.
  • Up to 8 consumers and a 3.5 cu. m / hour - 50-60 liters.
  • More than 10 flow points and a 5 cc pump. m / hour - 100 liters.

When calculating the air pressure in the accumulator for water supply systems, the location of the accumulator is taken into account in relation to the highest point of water intake.

The accumulator must provide:

  • the pressure is higher than in the system,
  • rise to a certain height (from the basement to the level of the living quarters, and sometimes to the 2nd, 3rd floor),
  • normal pressure in the tap (not less than 0.5 bar).

When calculating the pressure for lifting, it is assumed that for every 10 meters (approx. 3 floors) 1 bar of pressure is required.

Thus, for private houses, accumulators are selected with a pressure in the range of 1.5-4.5 bar.

Important: The operating pressure of the accumulator must be at least 0.5 bar lower than the starting pressure of the water pump.

Sometimes it is recommended when choosing to take into account the mass of the filled accumulator, however, this characteristic is more important when installing equipment, preferring a tank with a pressure less than necessary just because it is lighter, wrong.

The hydroaccumulator works in conjunction with the automation system, which it acts as. Find out more about its structure and how it works.

How to choose a pumping station, read the material.

And you will find the hydroaccumulator connection diagram at this address

Possible malfunctions

  • A breakdown, which in any case requires contacting specialists, is damage to the case... It will not be possible to "patch" it at home.
  • The appearance of water in the air valve- sign of membrane damage. Such a partition cannot be repaired. It needs to be replaced, and it is important to purchase an identical one, without trying to fit the first one that you managed to buy. Procedure:
  1. Cut off the accumulator from the water supply system by shutting off the valve.
  2. Drain water from the reservoir and from the section of the underwater pipe downstream of the valve.
  3. Disconnect the reservoir and partially disassemble it (unscrew the screws and remove the counterflange).
  4. Remove the damaged membrane through the hole formed.
  5. Prepare the membrane by treating its outer surface with talcum powder.
  6. Prepare the inner cavity of the accumulator by blowing it with air.
  7. Install the new diaphragm in accordance with the instructions (ensure that its apron fits snugly against the flange).
  8. Assemble the accumulator.
  9. Restore the air pressure that has dropped due to loss of tightness.
  • Rapid air pressure drop- evidence of damage to the nipple. If purging does not change the situation, it will need to be replaced.

The correct choice, competent installation and operation of the accumulator will stabilize the water supply in the house or in the country.