How to split the log on the belt panel. How to solely cut the log along the chainsaw types of workers' nozzles

Maintenance of the railway canvase involves cutting of worn sections of rails with special equipment. In this material, it will be discussed on how to cut the rail in domestic (or garage) conditions, which tools are more efficiently suitable, how to act in each case and what are the advantages of this or that method.

Despite the seeming complexity of the operation, divide the metal element into small sections is not difficult. To do this, you can use one of the following devices:

  • sewing needle;
  • chisel;
  • hacksaw ();
  • bulgarian;
  • relusause.

Each method is complicated in its own way, but the expected result (cut on the rail part) will be obtained. Now - in detail about each method.

Cutting with a sewing needle

The method was popular in the past century, when more comfortable devices It did not exist for cutting metal rails. At the same time, the product was not broken, but was flushed.

Principle of operation:

  • the rail edges are installed on two supports base down;
  • a thick sewing needle is perpendicular to the estimated place of the breakfast;
  • the sledgehammer produces a strong and accurate blow to the velocity of the needle, as a result of which the rail is destroyed in half.

The advantages of the method:

  • rapidity;
  • minimum of primary means;
  • low traumatic safety;
  • the ability to make a job alone.


  • experience is necessary - it is not easy to hit the right place at the right place;
  • the destruction line (cut) is sometimes obtained by a curve;
  • it is necessary to apply only one accurate blow; With several unsuccessful attempts, the integrity of the canvas will break.

Using chisel

Here, the metal blank is also divided by cutting, but impact.


  • install rail, as in the paragraph above;
  • all over the perimeter with a chisel and hammer (inquiry) are performed notches of a small depth (1-2 mm);
  • at the place of notes, a sledge hammer is made, the rail splits.

The advantages and disadvantages of the technique repeat the above, only time goes a little more.

Rail cutting knife

Popular way, although energy-cost-agent. It is important to know several requirements for the sawing canvase:

  • the handle is convenient, it is not horizontally, but vertically, slightly with a slope towards the stroke "from myself";
  • there is a spraying of the canvas on the cloth;
  • the teeth are located in the direction of "from ourselves";
  • when working canvate to move so that the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the teeth with the surface of the cutting was maximum;
  • to climb on the density and hardness of the rail material.

How to cut the rail with a hacksaw? The sequence is as follows:

  • the rail is placed on a horizontal surface;
  • if an accurate slice is required, it is necessary to make notches on the ground using a chisel;
  • sink the base on both sides to the rail neck;
  • put an emphasis under the scene;
  • perform a point punch with a sledgehammer.

There are other ways to divide the inscribed rail into two parts. For example, reset it from the height if your handler has a manipulator.


  • the method is safe;
  • sawing passes without excess noise;
  • equipment for work inexpensive.


  • the process can take more than an hour (depends on professionalism);
  • it will take several crafts for a saw (3-7 depending on their quality).

Using Bulgarian

Professional tool will save time on the cutting rail. Experienced people argue that two disks with a diameter of 150 mm are enough to cut the classic rail railway (P65, P75).

Work is performed similarly - the base is inscribed on both sides, then the punch is a sledgehammer. The operation will take 5-10 minutes.


  • rapidity;
  • efficiency;
  • minimum consumables.


  • train safety (the disk can "eat" and lead to a breakdown, flying sparks fall into the eyes, etc.);
  • noise when working;
  • high price of equipment (if earlier the Bulgarians did not exist, spending several thousand rubles meaninglessly);
  • method is bad for home conditions due to the formed dust, dirt, metal chips.

Application of rails

Another method of rapidly dividing rails on a fraction, which is not quite suitable for home conditions, but deserves consideration. Railside is professional equipmentused for different types products. It is usually applied on the railway tracks to quickly restore the canvas to avoid trains delays. For example, two devices are considered.

Machine rails RM5GM


  • cutter stands hackstone 400 or 450 mm long than the equipment resembles a saber saw;
  • there is a grip for fixing products;
  • the presence of hydraulic crime allows us to apply the maximum force to the point of contact on the operating move and unload at idle (reverse).

The cutting time of one rail R65 into 2 parts is about 11 minutes. The device weighs 90 kg, has dimensions of 1465x505x460 mm, therefore it is not considered suitable for home conditions.

Machine-rails Husqvarna K 1260 (Partner K-1250 Rail)


  • power of almost 6 kW (higher than RM5GM);
  • working body - cutting disk with a diameter of 350 or 400 mm (the principle of operation - like the Bulgarian);
  • mass without additional equipment - 20 kg.

The device is 5 times faster by the same P65 than the machine discussed earlier. Compactness, relative ease, efficiency makes it possible to use it for cutting products at home. The only minus equipment is a high cost (more than 100,000 rubles).

What a way to choose

To make a decision, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. Among them are the cost of work (finance and time), noise, the duration of the process, the need assistance. From the point of view of security, the cutting saw of a saber saw looks like a cutting saw. From the speed of speed - Bulgarian or rails.

The last tool is expensive for most masters, so it is recommended to adhere to two ways - with a saber saw (metal hacksaws) or Bulgaris with cutting discs. Being aware, how to quickly cut the rail, the user will quickly achieve the desired result.

Finally, an interesting video

Boards and timber are one of the main building materials. But not everyone has financial opportunities for buying ready-made boards. In such situations, one of the exits is to independently engage in the workpiece of wood on a plot taken in the forestry.

Advantage of chainsaws as a tool for sawing logs

Clear logs can be used by sawmills, benzo- or electropolis and additional devices. When choosing one of these tools, the volume of the upcoming work should be taken into account. The cost of the cheapest stationary sawmill with all components is 150 thousand rubles. Chainsaw is much cheaper. It is more conveniently electropolis for the following reasons:

  • Electricity is not required to bring the tool into action - this makes it possible to use chainsaws on melts.
  • It is more powerful compared to a saw with an electrically driven.
  • It is smoothly started and allows you to conveniently adjust the speed, which reduces the chance of breaking the chain.
  • The operation of the inertial brake occurs faster than the electric saw.
  • For a long time without a break - up to one hour.
  • Can be used in high humidity conditions.

Types of workers' nozzles

When sawing, various nozzles are applied by chainsaw.

    • Nozzle for longitudinal sawmills. Used for sawing the log along, the process passes in a horizontal position. After work, the master gets the same thickness at the product. Finished materials are subjected to drying process, after which the boards are used in construction. By appearance The device is a frame of small sizes, it is attached to the bus on each side.

  • Drum Debarker (Olforiver). With the help of such a nozzle, it is easy to dissolve the log, it works at the expense of the clinorem. It is attached to belts on both sides, for this, special pulleys are used. The speed of rotation of the shaft depends on the size of the pulleys, so the performance of the nozzle is easy to change. Such a technology forces the masters to closely monitor each stage of the process, some specialists during this sawing use assistants. But this option requires increased security measures.
  • Sawing with a lightweight nozzle. The method does not differ in high performance, but is used quite often. The fastening of the element is made on the one hand, but the blanks are a bit uneven. Such materials are necessary for the construction of sheds or fences.

Features of sawing using self-made tools

Split the log on the boards can be easily with the help of an independently made tool. Make it easy. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  • As a support, you need to use the frame from the school desk or a pipe with a cross section in the form of a square, its optimal size is 20x20, allowed and more.
  • It is necessary to build two clamps, on one end to mount crossbar with two holes under the coupling bolts, in the middle to make a protrusion for the tire.
  • For longitudinal sawing log on the boards, it is necessary to make a support frame, its width should be less than seven-eight centimeters.
  • Then two details of ten centimeters are welded to both sides, the bolts are made, the handle is attached in the middle for the convenience of work.
  • Then you need to insert clips in the grooves, install the bus, fix everything thoroughly.

Work with homemade tool It is easy, for this you will need goats, they will serve as a support. In addition, you need to prepare a metal rack or a board for using it as a guide element. Bottom is stacked log, the required height is set to work.

The procedure for performing preparatory work

To cut the log along, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Take two straight boards and attach one to another at right angles. The result is a solid leading line.
  • To maintain the manufactured rule, you need to make up the boards.
  • The movement of the trunks should be performed using a tanker.
  • Log should be placed on a convenient basis.
  • On the tire chainsaws using nuts need to consolidate the frame.
  • Supports of the leading line must be attached to the ends of the log, checking the horizontal position of the level.
  • To fix all brackets and structural elements, you need to use screws. Nails for these purposes are not suitable, since they are further difficult to extract, without causing damage to the details of the structure.
  • The leading line must be attached to the supports with the help of a bracket and adjust its height, taking into account the fact that the propyl will not go through it, but approximately one centimeter above.
  • The log need to turn and consolidate the second board in such a way that it rests on the ground and maintained a log.

The procedure for performing basic work

  • Now you need to run chainsaw and make the first cut.
  • Next, you need to free the log from the stops and boards and attach the leading line on the cut surface of the log in the direction of the next propyl. The mounting of the line is performed directly to the surface or to the ends of the log using the supports. The second cut is done perpendicular to the first slice.
  • The log need to turn and fasten the board to the focus to the ground.
  • To perform further actions, the leading line is not required. As a guide serves one of the cropped sides.
  • It is necessary to adjust the thickness of the cutting on the frame and squeeze the log on the other side in such a way that the bar is with the bark remaining only on the one hand.
  • This bar must be flipped over and fastened so that the attachment point of the locking board is as low as possible.
  • Then it is necessary to adjust the frame on the required thickness of the board and cut the bar on the board.

Security rules when performing work

  • Do not use disk saw without protective casing.
  • It is necessary to wear headphones, gloves, glasses, tight clothing and respirator.
  • It should not be fuel in a hot tool tank, you need to wait until it cools.
  • It is impossible to prevent the presence of children at the place of work.
  • It is necessary to launch the tool on the ground with the chain involved in the brake, which you want to release only before the start of sawing.
  • You must always have a first-aid kit.
  • When working, you need to keep chainsaw for the handle of the arc, moving it forward on the guide. It should not put pressure on benzopil with great effort - it should move freely.
  • Rightstims should have a log on the right side of themselves, left-handers - with left.

Usually I use chainsaw for this purpose, and it is quite suitable and stihl MS 180. The sawtite is pretty easily, despite the fact that the sleeper comes across from larch. But! There is one huge but ... There will be quite simple to sharpen the chain often, as it sleet used and full of pebbles and dirt in it, and they stupid the chain very quickly. So make a file, and preferably not one and saw the sleeve as you need.

Of course, one sleeve can be cut down and a two-handed saw, but it is only if one. Otherwise, it will be appropriate to apply a manual gasoline saw. Also, if the woodworking machine is not sorry, then you can cut it on it. So even it will be even faster and easier, but the saws there are even more expensive. As for domestic needs, when it comes to the construction of utility buildings, then of course good and reliable chainsaw is indispensable.

Of course, such a thickness will be easier to cut by chainsaw. If there is no such tool, then the extreme version is a saw-friendship. One-handed saw to cut the sleepers will be extremely difficult and long. I am sure after the first sleeper hand will be completely clogged. So my advice is unambiguously chainsaw.

[Email Protected] 01-08-2010 15:19

Hello everyone!!! Komrada, be kind, reed Help here with such a zimka: I bought Huskvarna chainsaw 137. For all different dacha need. Here I had to drink rail sleepers. Cooked with a dozen and ...... rushed, the chain is stretched, it is weakened by itself, scolding from the tire. Adjust the stretch regularly, clean the tire and saw. The chain fastened in a mum. With a detailed inspection I find out, the tire darkened along the edges! When moving the chain, sparks are noticeable. Oil in sawdust present, but somehow is not enough, something. I sin on the label of the chain. When buying, it was recommended to pour any oil, except for testing, poured a sesintec from BP, which remained from the replacement in the car. Maybe there is an accumulated? The saw is very necessary in the coming Vykhi. What recommendations will advise?
ZY Before this saw, I saw them only in pictures and on TV!

kaizer2007 01-08-2010 15:26

[Email Protected] 01-08-2010 16:51

First of all, if the chain fell out and it faded - change.

The chain darkened, noticeably. Sharpening will not save "patient"?

Mikhai. 01-08-2010 17:15

Sharpening will not save "patient"?

[Email Protected] 01-08-2010 17:24

Not. Only replacement. Better with a bus.

But! I am a reason Understand, there is still such work ahead. God with him, one can change the tire with a chain, but every day off, it turns out to turn out. Still, can tell me at least an approximate cause of such a tire consumption with chains? Not that oil?

kaizer2007 01-08-2010 18:02

qUOTE: Originally Posted by [Email Protected]:

But! I am a reason to understand, there is still such a job ahead. God with him, one can change the tire with a chain, but every day off, it turns out to turn out. Still, can tell me at least an approximate cause of such a tire consumption with chains? Not that oil?

Rather, not the tree.
Each chain, the tire is designed for a certain hardness of the tree.
They moved the little with the sawing.
At the expense of the replacement of the tire, I will express my opinion, - it is possible to replace the appropriate
chains - Try to cut if it is not nactone, then change the bus.
Before replacing, go to the manufacturer's website additional Information Also help in the future.

[Email Protected] 01-08-2010 18:09

qUOTE: Originally posted by kaizer2007:

Rather, not the tree.

Yes, the tree is definitely not that. Sleepers in Creosote, although old. Thank you very much, now I will go aphpoisk.

Mikhai. 01-08-2010 20:24

qUOTE: Originally Posted by [Email Protected]:

Sleepers in Creosote, although old.

One little Council: Soak the bus in kerosene, rinse, dry and be sure to regularly stuff the lithol bearing of the asterisks (there are two skinny holes. Convenient syringe without a needle).

[Email Protected] 01-08-2010 20:47

qUOTE: Originally Posted by Mikhai:

If I'm not mistaken, then in the manual it is written that old trees and a dog contribute to the speedy failure and chains and tires.

Yes, I read, but there is no way out. For advice Thank you! Kerosene (or rather, I cleared, everything is not so bad with a bus. Black traces are rather from Creasota, washed off a mixture of gasoline and driven. I am not a special, but nothing suspicious has revealed, it seems still live. With a chain worse, the verdict is one, change. I thought to find a chain more powerful to wear, for my case, but on the official website of an explanatory info as always.

Serjant. 01-08-2010 22:41

need a chain with carbide teeth.
it is as a small plane, but it works for a long time.

qUOTE: uT recently had to drink rail sleepers.

yourself or for money ??
if they are well their nah and immediately and in the nearest swamp drowned.
if for money, the chela must be set in the conditions that the purchase of a new chain and tires behind it. anyway.
otherwise, let it go to the swamp for such money ...

[Email Protected] 01-08-2010 23:24

yourself or for money ??

Yes No, not yourself and not for money. Parents help, the construction there is a little-Mal. Something like a shed rank so that you can't ask anyone, except with myself, Iha sleepers, I also can't turn in the swamp, for obvious reasons. Of course, all this does not justify the bloody saw, which is more expensive than these sleepers. But they decided, and we were not accepted. Naturally and demand compensation is simply not with whom, besides himself.
qUOTE: Originally Posted by Serjant:

and the usual chain is periodically accusable.

I do not fix the case, I will look for a chain with tungsten carbide I will not find, buy a couple of simple, how do you go?

Serjant. 01-08-2010 23:43

qUOTE: Yes No, not yourself and not for money. Parents help, the construction there is a little-Mal.

throw these sleepers at all from the site. And the smaller the better.

1. Stick. always. Under any conditions.
2. The smell will never disappear and nothing.
3. Poisonous impregnation of health sleeves will not add anyone and never. (if only speeding up the process of drunking under 7 feet underground is not gathered)
4. stink.

if there is benzuchi, it is used in the woods of the Osin or abed, the case is the face in the forest, and if there is a second eagle type, you must drag the osinka in size with a sleeve that does not bay lying.

[Email Protected] 02-08-2010 12:24

qUOTE: Originally Posted by Serjant:

Shl. Saws not to happen. We think the head, you do not need sleigh in the construction of letting it all the more for yourself and loved ones.

It's late to drink Borjomi old people not to redo, but with the poison of something thread. The room is not residential, just open sleepers will not stay, plans and experience in the isolation of Creator is there.

Monolit-kbf. 02-08-2010 08:37

qUOTE: Originally Posted by Serjant:

and forget about spats as about building material. Forget at all. Poisonous rubbish and pain.

I completely agree. In the cold, especially in frosty weather, the creosote does not smell and does not evaporate, but in the heat ... Working El.Monturom has worked on the Creozoic supports not enough.
1 \\ 2 off. Comrade complained one time that rats in a barn with chickens got. And once the drinks churbaki from the supports of the Creosic cells folded in this sarahushka. Rats are gone. Kuras, too, died