How to make a bed with your own hands - from the choice of materials to the finished product. DIY crib Making cribs

For a newborn baby, the main place of his stay is a cot. Parents try to choose only the best and the safest for their own. However, quality items are quite expensive. Some imported cribs are prohibitively expensive. But what about such a difficult situation? Buy a cheaper model with poor quality?

Remember an important rule: saving on the health and well-being of your children is unacceptable!If you do not have the opportunity to buy a good-quality crib for your child, then a crib for a newborn with your own hands is exactly what you need.... Maybe it will be inferior in design to a store counterpart, but you can be absolutely sure of the quality of this furniture. A do-it-yourself baby bed for a newborn, made with love, will become your child's favorite resting place and a source of pride for the whole family for the skillful hands of dad.

DIY newborn crib - manufacturing technology

This article sets out all the necessary information on how to make a do-it-yourself crib for a newborn: drawings, photos and a detailed description of the process. The choice of material is not an easy question. The table below describes the most common types of materials for making a crib with your own hands.

Type of material Benefits disadvantages
Wood Environmentally friendly and completely safe material, pleasant to the touch, with excellent aesthetic qualities High price
MDF Eco-friendly and safe;


easy to use;

covered with safe paint, looks aesthetically pleasing

Needs coating with paints and varnishes
Chipboard Affordable material;

practical and aesthetic (covered with laminate or melamine);

easy to use;

light weight

Contains formaldehyde hazardous to children's health

MDF bed

Chipboard crib

Wooden cot

To begin with, you need to prepare all the necessary tools, materials for the crib and its finishes, accessories and be patient.

Materials for work

The best material for making a crib for a newborn is wood.... This natural resource is environmentally friendly, safe, does not cause allergies and is pleasant to the touch. Recognized as the best wood for children's furniture beech: it is very durable and aesthetic. Also, a good option can be oak, birch, ash and alder... Pine wood is quite soft and may not withstand the active onslaught of children. So, you will need the following consumables:

Tools for the job

In addition to the materials, it will be necessary to prepare a set of tools in advance:

  • Level gauge and tape measure;
  • Rasp;
  • Manual milling machine;
  • Hammer;
  • Drill and matching drills;
  • Varima;
  • Wood machine;
  • Electric jigsaw.

Now in more detail about how to make a crib for a newborn with your own hands: drawings, photos and instructions will help you understand this matter.

We determine the overall dimensions and draw up a drawing

The starting point is the mattress for the crib, or rather its dimensions... Take the money and buy your baby a quality mattress with a "complex filling" of coconut fiber with latex layers. The usual size of a children's mattress is 1200 x 600 mm. What other mattresses there are for children, you will learn from the table below.

A kind of children's mattress



With spring frame

With dependent spring block Affordable;

good orthopedic properties; reliable and durable

Over time, it starts to creak;

Builds up dust and insects; springs corrode and accumulate electromagnetic waves

With independent spring block Increased wear resistance and strength;


High price

Springless mattresses (by type of filler)

Coconut fiber Moisture resistant;


Does not accumulate insects and pests;

It has medium hardness;


Latex Moisture resistant;

Eco-friendly and safe;

Excellent orthopedic properties;

Wear resistant

High price
Cotton wool and foam rubber Most affordable Build up dust, moisture, pests and bacteria;

Low wear resistance;

Short operational life;

Does not have orthopedic properties

Polyurethane foam Non-toxic and harmless; Excellent orthopedic properties;

Hypoallergenic and resistant to pests and bacteria;


Relatively affordable

Spring mattress

Springless mattress

Cotton wool mattress

The dimensions of the mattress are fundamental for determining the size of the crib. The height of the bed from the floor should be such that the grown baby can climb into the crib on its own. It is recommended to make it equal to 350 mm.

The distance between the lattice and the solid wall of the bed is 12 mm, and between the rods - no more than 9 mm. Such indicators guarantee the safety of the baby. Based on these points, you can prepare a schematic drawing, which is much easier to work with.

How to proceed further?

Now you have all the necessary components to make an excellent do-it-yourself crib for a newborn: drawings, a photo of the model you like, and it's time to start the manufacturing process. First, let's prepare everything you need to build.

We make materials and carry out details of the crib

You need to perform the following types of work:

  • Process wooden boards with a machine, which should be 70 x 35 mm in size;
  • To design the bottom, you will need a beam from which the frame is made. You will also need 6 transverse bars, in which you will need to make 25mm nests;
  • These cuts can be made both on the machine and with a straight cutter;
  • To calculate the back frame, it is required to add the side wall thickness indicator to 600 mm, multiplied in half and another 25 mm;
  • For the bars of the lattice walls of the crib, 20 x 20 mm slats are needed, which are rounded off on a milling machine.

Do not forget that this crib is made for a child, so all sharp corners and edges should be rounded and sanded.

Parts assembly and finishing

When all the details are ready, it's time to put them together:

  1. We assemble the back frame using a 35 mm spike;
  2. We connect the blanks of the side walls with poles and two backs using deaf thorns;
  3. Glue the backrest to the side walls. After the glue dries, you can connect the parts with self-tapping screws;
  4. After all the parts are assembled, the crib can be covered with finishing material. Remember that child safety comes first at this stage. Therefore, all finishing materials must be absolutely harmless to the baby. Choose a water-based primer and paint. The varnish layer must always be sanded.

If you choose varnishes, then buy those that have the NC marking. Only such materials are allowed for use on children's furniture.

How to assemble the crib yourself?

If you decide that a crib for a newborn with your own hands is too tough for you and bought a ready-made one in a store, then, for sure, upon arrival home you will have a lot of questions about assembling this piece of furniture.

If you are at a loss to sit in front of a pile of parts and cannot figure out how to assemble a crib, instructions, photos and recommendations will help you in this matter. In order to properly put together all the details, you need to follow these steps:

  1. All parts must be moved to the nursery. This will save you the trouble of moving around the crib that has already been assembled. In addition, in this case, there will be no question: how to squeeze the bed into the doorway;
  2. Unpack the box. Inside, there must be detailed information on how to assemble a crib, instructions, photos and a list of necessary tools. Typically, these are a screwdriver, a reversible wrench, and a hammer;
  3. Check the availability of all of the crib parts listed. If something is missing, then immediately contact the seller for a replacement or return of the goods;
  4. If suddenly there was no instruction, then you can check the complete set of all parts without it. Be aware that all cots are standardly composed of the following elements: upper and lower parts, rubber furniture wheels, a support structure for the mattress and the mattress itself, two side thin boards. Inspect all parts carefully for defects;
  5. Now let's proceed directly to the assembly of the crib. Fastening the screws should start from the bottom and side backs. Screws must be loose. Next, we connect the back wall with 2 screws to the side backrests;
  6. The next step is the front side of the crib. Most models have this part one-piece and movable. You need to insert this element into the grooves on the side parts. Then, firmly holding all the fasteners, we check how freely the facade moves;
  7. For the motion sickness of the baby, arched components, which are located on the lower part of the side walls, will be useful. When the baby grows up, they will need to be fixed in metal grooves in the sidewalls;
  8. Evaluate critically the strength and stability of the entire structure, the strength of the bottom, the absence of sharp corners and material defects ;
  9. Next, we place a mattress in the crib and arrange a baby bed according to our own taste.

These simple instructions will help you assemble a new crib bought in a store on your own without involving a specialist.

Assembling the pendulum bed

The pendulum crib differs from all other analogues in the presence of the baby rocking system. This function is very convenient for the first months of a baby's life. However, with the complete set of this model, difficulties may arise. But a further description of how to assemble a crib - a pendulum: instructions, photos and a step-by-step guide will help you deal with this issue.

This type of bed consists of a frame, bottom, sides, legs and a pendulum mechanism. Also, such models can be equipped with special drawers for clothes and linen crumbs. The mechanism itself can swing up and down. When the need for it disappears, the structure is fixed.

The assembly is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. You will need all the elements of the crib, a work plan, screws, mufflers and a screwdriver;
  2. The workplace on the floor should be covered with a light-colored cloth to prevent the loss of elements;
  3. Fasten the static rear wall to the side backrests with screws. In order not to confuse the top and bottom of the back wall, be guided by the legs;
  4. The next step is to install the bed. It can be either solid or rack and pinion. The slats are inserted into special holes in the back wall bar. First, the stock is fastened slightly with screws. The movable front piece attaches to the notches on the side backs of the crib that serve as guides. Further, the screw connection should be tightened more;
  5. Then the finished case can be turned over and the pendulum system can be assembled. If the model includes linen boxes, then they are placed in the inner space of the pendulum. Further, its side panel is fastened with screws. The housing is mounted on the pendulum with bearings. Make sure the grooves in the tabs match exactly. The screws are closed with plugs for an aesthetic look.

A do-it-yourself baby bed for a newborn, carefully prepared for a baby, or bought in a store that meets all safety requirements, will become the best place for your baby to rest and sleep and will worthily take a central place in the interior of a children's room. To carry out these manipulations, it is not necessary to call the wizard. Thanks to this guide on how to assemble a crib - a pendulum (instructions, photos and recommendations), you yourself will perfectly cope with this task.

If a person has a desire, basic skills, as well as a set of simple tools, then a do-it-yourself baby bed is not a problem for him. Yes, you can buy ready-made furniture for your child. But there is an option to save money by making a bed for the baby yourself.

In this article, we will tell you how to make your own crib for a preschool child and demonstrate step by step the whole process.

What should be a crib

Making a crib with your own hands must comply with the following rules:

  • only natural and environmentally friendly materials are used;
  • the crib has a reliable design;
  • devoid of potentially traumatic corners, protrusions, details;
  • the surface is perfectly smooth, without roughness, chips;
  • corresponds to the parameters of the child;
  • completely eliminates the possibility of falling.

The advantages of making a bed with your own hands

The advantages of a handmade baby bed are:

  1. Confidence in the materials used to make the crib. In the case of off-the-shelf items, parameter information is not always available.
  2. The design is developed according to your own parameters and requirements.
  3. During the manufacturing process of the product, you can independently verify the strength, which is especially important in the case of children's jumps on the mattress.
  4. A handmade crib saves the family budget
  5. You get incomparable pleasure from furniture made for your child yourself.

Bed design options: choosing the right one

There are a large number of bed modifications, but let's focus on the most popular ones:

  • with and without bumpers;
  • loft bed;
  • transformer.

Below we will look at the process of making an ordinary baby crib on legs with a headboard and footboard with our own hands. An option without tweaks, does not imply particularly difficult work and does not take much time.

Also, having understood the principle of operation, you can, by analogy, make a crib for a newborn, toddler or child from 3 years old.

How to make a crib with your own hands

Before you start purchasing materials and tools for a baby bed made of plywood or other materials, you need to carefully think over the whole process of creating this piece of furniture, understand the main elements.

  1. Frame. The parameters depend on the size of the bed and, accordingly, the mattress used. The main material for manufacturing is a dry board.
  2. Lamels. The product supports the mattress and is a base in the form of lattice slats or plywood with ventilation holes.
  3. Sidewalls. Lattice or solid safety fences.
  4. Byltsa. They are made of solid wood, chipboard or plywood. The height at the foot is traditionally made lower than that of the headboard element.
  5. Legs. Can be made by yourself or purchased from a store. They are integral with the main structure or attached separately.

Drawings and diagrams

Start by preparing a drawing, according to which the structure will be cut. Below we offer you options for ready-made drawings and diagrams that you can use.

To view the drawing in full size, right-click on the image and select the "open picture in a new tab" command.

Materials and tools

The outer parts of the bed, visible to the eye, are made of MDF. You can choose the wood based on the finances at your disposal. If the bed will often be moved or moved, it is worth giving preference to light wood species. A baby bed can also be made of plywood, which is installed on the frame. You will need edged and planed lumber in the form of a board and a bar, in one piece or in pieces.

You also need the following tool to work:

  • saw for woodworking;
  • milling cutter;
  • grinding machine;
  • drill;
  • corner;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fasteners;
  • screeds;
  • screwdriver.

The first stage is the manufacture of legs

We start with the legs, making blanks from a bar. You can also contact the sawmill, ordering their manufacture there according to your size. Requires 4 pieces of each length.

Remember! In the headboard area, the legs of the bed are longer and shorter on the foot side.

We connect the blanks with glue and self-tapping screws.

The screws must be well sunk into the wood and covered with putty. After the product has dried, all unevenness and joints are sanded.

We start work with the manufacture of legs. To do this, we take the blanks in pairs, glue them evenly and twist them with self-tapping screws.

These are ready-made crib legs. It remains only to putty.

Second stage - dowel holes

A groove must be made for mounting the backs. Its width is equal to 2.5 cm. Use a router or, if there is none, contact a joiner. It is easier to take ready-made dowels by choosing a drill of the appropriate diameter.

Having previously measured the exact distance and level on the planks, drill holes for the dowels at the ends of the planks. Control the depth of immersion of the drill using the beacon attached to it.

The third stage - the headboard and foot of the bed

From a board of 2.5 * 5 cm, boards of equal length must be cut to fill the headboard and footboard with them. Next, we insert them into the groove filled with glue.

We drill a hole in the leg, then mark the middle, attach and align the back. Then we mark the areas where the holes for the dowels will be drilled. We put a little glue in them and insert the back. The canvas should fit snugly, avoid crevices.

We attach the legs to the back of the crib.

The same process is duplicated on the other leg. If an unaesthetic joint is formed, it is masked with a board, fixing it on self-tapping screws.

Ready-made footboard and headboard

The fourth stage is the base for the mattress

We take two boards 5 * 10 cm along the length of the mattress, on the screws and glue we fix a bar that is 10 cm shorter. We drill holes closer to the edge. The hats should eventually be completely hidden.

Installation of bed slats

We cut the slats and, with a step of 10 cm along the width of the mattress, attach them to the slats with an emphasis on two self-tapping screws. Holes for fasteners are covered with putty and subsequently sanded.

Fastening cross bars

In the extreme slats, cutouts must be made for the legs of the crib.

The fifth stage - assembling the crib

Now we finally eliminate all defects in the wooden parts of the bed (chips, cracks, etc.) by sealing with putty, then we grind to smoothness.

The next step is priming and painting all parts.

Everything. It remains for us to connect the backs and the base for the mattress. Our crib, which we made for the baby with our own hands, is ready!

For fastening, use furniture fittings that are sold in stores.

Baby Crib Decorating Ideas

After completing the main work, it's time to do the decor to give the bed a finished look.
The sides in terms of the implementation of the decor represent a wide field for action. The decoration can be an original ornament or pattern, a print with the image of your favorite characters. Using harmless acrylic or silicone paint in this case will allow you to add unusual touches.

You can upholster the product with a fabric for furniture, having made a pattern a couple of centimeters larger than the size of the parts in advance. The material is leveled to avoid bubbles and secured with a furniture stapler. This option will look harmoniously on the girl's bed with your own hands.

You can paint the crib with a special furniture paint that is safe for humans.

Coating the frame with varnish can also be attributed to finishing methods. For this, it is recommended to use products that dry quickly. All parts are sanded and polished.

So, we have analyzed the process of making a crib with our own hands. If something remains unclear and you have any questions, ask in the comments below. We will definitely answer them.

Making a crib with your own hands has a number of advantages. This is both a lower cost in comparison with buying ready-made furniture, and quality (parents can be sure of the safety of the materials used). Despite the fact that working with wood is laborious and requires a lot of time, the result will greatly delight the child, who will receive a unique sleeping place, made taking into account his needs and wishes.

Preparatory stage

Before starting to manufacture, you need to take into account all the nuances and prepare materials without which work will be impossible.

Bed design

A baby cot must be at the same time:

  • comfortable (to give the child the opportunity to roll over in a dream, without hitting the walls, and due to the "breathing" structure to ensure the flow of air);
  • safe (protect from falling, have no protruding sharp parts, have a sufficient safety margin);
  • functional (the space under or above the bed should be used for storing toys, clothes and bedding);
  • attractive (evoke pleasant emotions and the desire to use it for its intended purpose, fit into the general style of the room).

When choosing a design, it is important to consider your carpentry skills and technical capabilities. A novice master, who has access to a minimum set of tools, will be able, without loss of quality, to make only the simplest bed models, consisting of sides, headboards, legs, slats and drawers.

It is worth starting to create beds in the form of a car, an airplane, a flower or other complex structures only in cases where the person performing the work has considerable experience and plans to process parts on professional equipment.


The more varied tools the master has, the faster and easier it will be for him to complete the work. However, there are some that you can't do without:

  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Knife saw.
  • A sander (it can be replaced with sandpaper, but in this case, the processing of the boards will take many times longer).
  • Screwdriver.
  • Drill.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Needle files.

Materials (edit)

Solid wood is considered the best material for making children's furniture. A pine, beech or oak bed will last a long time and will be relatively resistant to moisture and pest attacks. At the same time, natural wood has two qualities that do not always make it possible to use it - a significant weight of finished products and a high price.

Instead of solid wood, you can use cheaper materials (such as MDF, chipboard, OSB, plywood and others). It should be remembered that during their production, substances based on formaldehyde are used, the vapors of which even negatively affect the health of adults, and they can cause irreparable harm to the fragile body of a child.


You will also need consumables:

  • Self-tapping screws of different diameters.
  • Metal corner and screeds.
  • Slats or other guides and casters (for designs with pull-out elements).
  • Pencil or colored pencil.
  • Note paper.

Making a bed: step by step instructions

Making a crib can be broken down into many small steps:

  1. Wood markings. Using a regular clerical pencil, you should draw the location of the parts. When all the work is completed, the traces of the lead are erased from the surfaces visible to the eye with an eraser or rinse off with alcohol. To draw complex decorative elements, you can use objects that come to hand (for example, to draw a circle, it is enough to circle the bottom of the glass).
  2. Sawing out. Performed using an electric jigsaw. During work, you need to ensure that the cuts are neat and even. Finished parts should be numbered if the design involves a construction of many elements.
  3. Preparation of fasteners. It is necessary to cut out spikes and sockets for them in the details that will be connected to each other. Also at this stage, you should cut off two pieces of a metal corner for attaching the slats, from which the bottom of the bed is formed. On the cuts, mark the holes for the screws and drill them.
  4. Grinding of parts. All cuts and the surface of the boards, if it is rough, are processed with a sander or emery paper.
  5. Varnishing and other decorative treatments. If it is assumed that the parts will be painted, varnished, pasted over with foil or upholstered with fabric, this work should be done when the bed is disassembled.
  6. Assembly. By gluing the spikes into the grooves and using metal ties, the structure is assembled, starting from the main frame. Castors are attached to the boxes, slats are attached to the walls of the bed. When everything is ready, they put down the mattress and cover the bed with linen.

Possible mistakes

Anyone who has not dealt with the manufacture of furniture before can make a number of mistakes. The most common ones are:

  • Use of fresh wood. Since over time the material will dry out, compact and, accordingly, decrease in size, the structure will simply fall apart. For a bed, you should buy only boards that have been lying in a dry, ventilated room for two or three years or have been machine dried.
  • Neglecting to grind parts. All parts of children's furniture must be properly processed to avoid injury. Since a child can stick his hand even in narrow crevices or completely crawl under the bed, even those that are inside the structure should be sanded.
  • Connecting parts with screws. This assembly option is good anywhere, but not in children's furniture. Under the influence of constant loads, the thread will destroy the structure of the wood fibers, and over time, the structure will loosen. To assemble the parts, use special spike joints, which are shown in the figure below, and be sure to glue them with wood glue. To strengthen the places that give in to the greatest loads, metal screeds are used.

Decor ideas

To make a do-it-yourself baby bed out of wood, you need to be guided by the accompanying drawings and dimensions. Since the size of the mattress is fundamental, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the parts yourself.

Based on Harry Potter

Making such a bed is not much more difficult than an ordinary one, but the joy of a child who dreams of touching the magical world of Harry Potter will be endless.

The main decorative elements are:

  • the number 5979 (numbers can be easily cut out of wood, painted in silver and glued to the footboard, or use metal badges for this purpose, which are sold in a hardware store to indicate apartment numbers);
  • an inscription symbolizing the Hogwarts school of magicians (the easiest way to do it with your own hands is to print it on a color printer, stick it on a piece of veneer cut to size and cover it with several layers of varnish).

The space under the bed can be left empty, but it is much more efficient to fill it with drawers. An excellent option would be to equip an extra bed there, which will come in handy if one of your friends comes to visit the young wizard.

The original dimensions of the bed and the color combination are shown in the picture.


This bed will suit the taste of girls more. According to the design concept, the canopy is made in the form of side curtains, and the top of the berth remains open, however, if you wish, you can improve the design (for example, tighten the upper part with a cloth).

Since the curtains need to be washed regularly, the mount should allow them to be easily removed and hung back.

If for some reason the presence of a canopy is undesirable, the same bed can be made without it. To do this, it is enough to shorten the slats on which it is held, so that the legs end flush with the sides.

Cozy house

A real lifesaver for parents whose children do not fall asleep well. The design of this bed creates a calm and at the same time fabulous atmosphere, and high sides in the form of walls and a roof help the child to feel protected.

The night sky effect can be created on a tree in several ways:

  • paint with acrylic paints that have a beautiful glossy texture, are durable, and they do not have a pungent odor;
  • purchase wallpaper or self-adhesive film with a similar design;
  • cover the board with a cloth of the appropriate color (in this case, you will have to regularly vacuum the inside of the bed).

Instead of drawers under the bed, you can equip a pull-out berth for guests.

Bunk with chest of drawers

If the family has two children, and the area of ​​the apartment does not allow each to be allocated a separate bed, you should pay attention to this option. True, unlike simple designs, it will take more time, skill and effort to create a bunk bed.

Bedside drawers and a dresser ladder will optimize space and get additional storage space. If desired, the steps can be made normal.

When working on such a bed, you need to take care of the safety of the child who will sleep on the lower tier. All fixtures for the "top floor" must be reinforced with metal corners.

Loft bed

An excellent combination of sleeping space and play area. Such a bed will be a godsend for owners of small-sized apartments, and if there is a separate children's room, it will delight a child who loves adventure and active games.

Depending on personal preferences, the roof of a makeshift house can be closed with slats in whole or in part. It would be a good idea to use fabric instead of boards, but you should not fasten it tightly - since the woven fabric collects dust, such a canopy will often have to be shaken out and washed.

With working area

Suitable for an older child. The only inconvenience when using such a bed will be the choice of a suitable location, because if the place to sleep assumes maximum shade, then the desktop should be in an area with sufficient lighting.

With some skill, such a structure can not be made from scratch, but the bed can be modified, the diagram of which is given above. To do this, you will have to move the ladder to the side, disassemble the roof, cut the countertop and shelves from the new board.


To build a bed of this type, you need a minimum of material, tools and effort. Even a beginner in joinery can do the job without spoiling the wood.

The absence of carved decorative elements can be easily compensated for with beautiful bedding or special stickers for furniture. If the style of the room allows, it is worth covering the wooden panels with adhesive film with interesting drawings, later the appearance of the bed can be refreshed by simply peeling off the old film and replacing it with a new one.

For a younger child who can slide to the floor in a dream, a limiting side should be provided.

Of course, within the framework of one article it is difficult to describe all possible design options and talk about all the possible errors and misunderstandings that may arise during work. But carpentry is a kind of creativity, so do not be afraid to improvise and deviate from the previously planned plan.

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DIY children's bed: drawings, photos, material of manufacture

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of adequate sleep for a child's health. Therefore, it is so important to get a comfortable and safe bed. By the way, it is not necessary to buy furniture for arranging a children's bedroom, because you can assemble it yourself. Read on to learn how to do it right.

Baby cot elements

Before we start making a baby bed, let's decide what distinguishes it from its adult counterparts. Among the distinctive features:

  • Dimensions (edit)... Mattresses for cots are shorter and older than their counterparts (see table of standard sizes of sleeping mattresses).
  • Number and location of berths... The bed in children's furniture is not made double, more often these are single structures. If you need to accommodate two children, the building is going to be in two tiers.
  • Operational safety... High-quality furniture for a children's room has no sharp corners and traumatic parts.
  • Decoration... Furniture for a children's room should be fun and visually attractive for a child.

Let's summarize the listed points. A children's bed is made of the same elements as adult counterparts, that is, a supporting frame around the perimeter, lamellas of the mattress holder, a mattress, etc. are used. But, all these elements have smaller dimensions, are made of environmentally friendly materials.

Elements in the construction of children's furniture are rounded at the corners and painted in bright colors. An important point - to ensure safety, high sides are used in the design of most children's beds. The use of such elements is mandatory in cots for children under the age of 3 years.

Determining the model

The choice of the design of a child's bed determines:

  • Children's age... The dimensions of the bed depend on the age - the older the child, the larger the bed.
  • Amount of children... A single-tier bed is built for one child, and with an increase in the number of children, the number of tiers increases.
  • Baby gender... The gender of the child affects the decorative design of the furniture.
  • Features of the room... In a spacious nursery, several single-tier beds can be installed, and in a cramped room, the structure is built in several tiers.
  • Project budget... Material possibilities determine what materials it will be possible to assemble furniture from.

Basic parts of wooden beds

The design of a single-tier children's bed consists of a supporting frame, which is assembled from boards and encircles the product around the perimeter. At the corners of the supporting frame there are vertical supports that function as legs and as side holders.

In the upper part of the supports there are horizontal boards - sides. Bumpers for older children are installed on three sides of the bed, and for younger children on four sides.

Slats are fixed along the inner perimeter of the frame, on which the mattress will be held. There is a free space at the bottom of the bed, which contains boxes for storing linen and bedding.

The design of a bunk bed repeats the design of a single-tier structure with the difference that two beds are held on the same supports. In order to make it easy to climb to the second tier, a ladder is used in the construction. To ensure safety, the side of the second tier is located on four sides.

Materials (edit)

Illustrations Materials and their description

Solid wood lumber... Boards, beams, furniture boards are all-wood environmentally friendly materials, which I primarily recommend for assembling children's furniture.

Metal... Children's beds can be assembled from rolled metal, provided that the welds are neat.

Particle board (chipboard). Particle board is not the best option in terms of environmental safety. But due to the affordable price, laminated chipboard is still the most popular and demanded material.

Oriented strand board (OSB)... From the point of view of environmental safety, OSB is worse than chipboard, since the formaldehyde content in these boards is higher. If OSB is used for the manufacture of furniture, then on condition that the surface is covered with several continuous layers of varnish.

Fiberboard - auxiliary material... Fiberboard (Fibreboard) is used as a structural material, which is used to knock drawers from below or cover a bed on top.

About fasteners

If you make a bed of lumber or particle boards, you will need confirmations for fasteners - universal fasteners in the form of screws with an increased thread pitch. In order to provide the fastening on the confirmations with greater strength, you can use dowels - wooden chops, which are driven into pre-drilled holes.

You will also need L-shaped corner perforated plates and self-tapping screws to fix them.

Corner fasteners are on sale, ordinary and reinforced with kerchiefs on the fold, as shown in the photo. When choosing, we give preference to reinforced plates, as they are stronger and more reliable.

About fittings

A children's bed is a simple structure, where the list of special accessories is limited to guides for folding the front wall, a pendulum mechanism for rocker cradles, etc. For self-assembly, you can limit yourself to casters for drawers, as well as hinges and latches for a hinged front wall.

Required tool

The choice of tool depends on what the furniture will be assembled from. To work with lumber, you need a basic set of carpentry equipment, including a drill, a screwdriver, a jigsaw, a router, a 5 mm hex wrench, and a measuring tool. You will also need free space where you can cut the necessary parts and then put them together.

Wooden bed

After we have decided on the choice of materials, fastening hardware and accessories, we will consider how to assemble wooden furniture for a children's room with our own hands. As an example, I propose the assembly instructions for the typical bunk bed shown in the drawing.

The structure, assembled according to the proposed scheme, is durable, neat and at the same time budgetary in terms of materials. The most important thing is that such a bed is easy to make yourself, even if this is the first time such work is done.

Illustrations Making a crib with drawers

Materials and tools... To assemble this bed, you need pine or beech boards with a cross section of 35 × 100 mm and 25 × 100 mm. To process wood, you will need a miter saw, a milling cutter, a drill, a key for confirmation, a screwdriver.

We cut out the details... From a 35 × 100 board we cut 4 blanks 1900 mm long, 4 blanks 1810 mm long and 4 blanks 800 mm each. On workpieces with a length of 1810 mm, we make grooves 35 × 100 mm as shown in the photo.

We make legs (supports). As shown in the photo, in the grooves of the vertical supports, we fasten the transverse beams, which will be the headboard and foot of the bed on the upper and lower tier.

Assembling the bed and installing the stairs... After the end nodes of the bed are ready, we attach the longitudinal boards to the safety barriers.

In the inner perimeter of the upper and lower beds, we install lamellas - mattress holders. We assemble a ladder from a board and a rounded bar, if there is no round bar, a step can be made from a board.

Installation of drawer fronts... We collect the boxes from the board as a rectangular frame, at the bottom of which the bottom is fixed.

For the convenience and safety of operation, drawer fronts are made without handles with recesses, as shown in the photo. We attach roll-out rollers at the bottom of the boxes.

Let's take a closer look at those operations that you will encounter during assembly.

Illustrations Details of the assembly process

We screw in the confirmations... To screw in the confirmation, we drill a hole - for this we use a drill with a special cutter. If there is no special drill, we drill a hole with a length of confirmation and a diameter of 3 mm. Then we expand the edge of the hole made to 5 mm to a depth of 5 mm and get a sweat under the head of the confirmation.

We screw in the confirmation so that its head is completely recessed in the wood. Subsequently, the mounting hole will be closed with a decorative plug.

Dowel holes... To install the dowel, holes of the corresponding diameter are drilled in the parts to be joined, most often 6 or 8 mm. The depth of the hole in each of the parts to be joined is 15 or 20 mm (depending on the length of the dowel).

The dowel is driven into the wood with or without glue.

Making the base for the mattress... To install an orthopedic mattress, you can purchase ready-made slats, like those shown in the photo, or you can saw the same pieces of boards yourself.

A barrier is made from a bar along the inner perimeter of the bed, on which prepared lamellas are laid.

Lamella base suitable for firm mattresses. If the mattress is soft, the base is not made from slats, but from a solid sheet of plywood.

Installation of swing facades... As an alternative to the drawers, hinged fronts can be installed at the bottom of the bed. Installation of facades is carried out on conventional adjustable hinges.

Bed decoration... Finished furniture can be stained and varnished if it is made of wood. In other cases, painting is the preferred option.

Alternatively, a bed made of wood or chipboard can be upholstered with a fabric pre-glued with foam rubber.

Homemade car bed

Illustrations Putting together a car bed

Supporting frame... A rectangular frame is assembled from a furniture board - a box. With an electric jigsaw, gaps are cut from one of the ends of the box, imitating a radiator grill, headlights, etc.

Imitation windshield... On the sides of the body, openings are made through which the child will enter the structure. At the distance at which the hood is supposed to end, we attach a frame assembled from rails.

Installing the drawer cover... A piano hinge at the front of the bed secures the lid of the bedding drawer to simulate the bonnet. At the same stage, wheel disks are attached to the sides.

Mattress holders... A plywood sheet is installed inside the assembled box, on which the mattress is laid.

Priming and painting... After the bed is assembled, the surface is primed and painted.

Considering the complex structure of furniture, it is preferable to use a brush for working with paints and varnishes. The choice of paint is not important, the main thing is that it is completely dry before use.

Let's summarize

Now you know how and from what to make a baby bed. If you still have questions about the proposed step-by-step guide, ask them in the comments to the article.

Children grow up quickly, and now they need to create more adult, spacious sleeping conditions. It is very important to make a good bed for a girl with your own hands. The resting place must meet all the requirements for quality, safety and, of course, look aesthetically pleasing. After all, children spend more time in bed than adults. How the child slept determines his well-being, mood, activity during the next day, desire and ability to learn, comprehend the world around him.

Important aspects when choosing a baby bed

  1. Having decided to make a bed for a girl or a boy, the main thing that adults should think about is the choice of materials. The best material for making furniture with your own hands is natural wood. This is an environmentally friendly, natural and durable raw material. Consider using pine, birch, alder, etc.
  2. Carefully consider the choice of the design of the bed. Experts recommend the presence of a spring strip system at the base. They allow you to properly distribute the load, to ensure a comfortable position of the spine. An orthopedic mattress is placed on top of the slats. Sometimes the slats should be replaced with a solid covering, such as plywood. Whichever base you choose, consult with experts about the reliability of the material - your active child can not only sleep, but also jump on the bed.
  3. If the bed is intended for a child under 10 years old, take care of the safety of the bed. Do not make the bed too high, consider installing small removable side rails, plan the model without sharp corners, irregularities.
  4. Many parents, saving room space, expand the functionality of the bed with various shelves, drawers for linen, wardrobes, and hinged structures. Doing all this, do not forget that the sleeping place must be well ventilated and, above all, adapted for good rest.

The requirements for cots and teenagers apply equally to the models for boys and girls. An external difference can be the decor of the bed itself, bedding, accessories (carving, pillows, canopy, etc.) Therefore, when choosing the shape of the headboard, footboard, color and design of the wooden bed, take into account the character, hobbies, taste preferences of the girl, as well as the interior of her room.

Classic bed

If you want to make a classic country-style bed for your daughter's room, this project is for you. A product with simple but graceful patterns, large laconic headboard and footboard, standing on solid legs, will decorate any room. Due to its logical construction, the bed can be easily supplemented with lower drawers, safety railing, and a gas or chintz canopy.

Thanks to a detailed description, lists of materials, step-by-step diagrams for connecting structural parts, assembling a bed for a girl will be simple, interesting and take a little time. Exactly less than you would spend searching for a model of the desired color, size and shape.

Preparing to create the bed

To assemble a bed for a girl yourself, purchase the materials that you need to create a wooden product in a classic style.

  • 2 wooden blocks 10x10 cm, about 2.5 m long;
  • 4 strips 3x10 cm, 2.5 m long;
  • 4 boards 3x15 cm, 2.5 m long;
  • 1 board 5x10 cm, 2.5 m long;
  • 1 strip 5x15 cm 2.5 meters long.
  • 3 wooden planks 5x10 cm, 2.5 m long;
  • 2 boards 3x25 cm, 2.5 m long;
  • wooden beam 50x50 mm;
  • 8cm screws;
  • 3 cm nails;
  • special glue for wood materials;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper with different grain sizes;
  • ground cover;
  • acrylic water-based paint in white (or another color that suits you);
  • brush.

Prepare carpentry and auxiliary tools for work: a tape measure, a square, a pencil, a drill with a set of drills and special attachments, a circular saw, a device for attaching to nails, a sander.

Start cutting wood pieces according to the lists below. If for some reason you cannot make blanks, order a cut of wood material at the place of purchase.

For the headboard:

  • 2 parts-legs 10x10 cm long, 1.37 m each;
  • 4 blanks for forming a panel 3x10, length 98 cm;
  • 7 panel boards 3x10 cm x 76 cm;
  • 1 blank 5x10 cm, 11.6 m long - the upper bar above the legs and the panel;
  • 1 piece of the upper part of the headboard 5x15 cm, 12.1 m long.

For the foot:

  • 2 legs 10x10 cm long, 53 cm each;
  • 4 parts forming the panel, 3x10 cm, length 98 cm;
  • 7 panel boards 3x15 cm each 38 cm long;
  • 1 strip for installation above the legs and the footboard 5x10 cm, 11.6 m long;
  • 1 upper part of the foot 5x15 cm, 12.1 m long.

For the base under the mattress:

  • 2 elements of the side parts of the base 5x10 centimeters, 20.5 m long each;
  • 2 side panels 3x25 cm, 19.4 m long;
  • 2 blanks for the short sides of the base 5x10 cm long, 90 cm each.

Before you start assembling the bed with a grinder, remove burrs from the workpieces, level the surfaces. Prepare your workplace. To do this, select the most flat surface, remove dirt, dust, and unnecessary objects from it.

Assembly instructions

  1. Build the headboard, referring to its schematic image below. First, assemble the inside of the panel from 7 planks, 76 cm long. Align the planks, connect them tightly together with glue and 3 cm nails.
  2. Fix the panel strips on both sides (at the ends of the strips) by placing them on screws and glue perpendicular to the edges of the board 98 cm.
  3. Place the entire center piece between the leg blocks. Drill holes, apply glue, connect with 8cm screws. The top edge of the panel and the ends of the legs should form one line. After each step, use a square to check the 90 degree connection / position of the parts.
  4. Install a 11.6 m long strip on the screws and glue. Drill the holes in advance, countersink them so that the screw heads do not protrude above the level of the wood. Make the connection. Wipe off excess adhesive immediately. This will allow the paint to cover the wood evenly during the final finish.
  5. The final step of the assembly. Install a 12.1 m plank on top of the structure. Align the position of the part so that the edges protrude from all sides above the surface of the headboard by about 30 mm. Since this part serves only a decorative role, there will be enough glue and finishing nails for fastening.
  6. In the same sequence, from the prepared parts, use nails, screws and glue to assemble the foot.

If you have a ready-made metal frame under the mattress, this will simplify the work and help you finish it earlier. You only need to build the side wood panels. If you are going to make a completely wooden frame, continue with the assembly.

  1. Connect the footboard and headboard with 19.6m wood panels. To do this, mark the parts. Prepare holes for 8cm screws. Apply glue. Connect the parts.
  2. Attach the inner rails for the base under the mattress to the panel with screws and glue. Place them at a distance of 30-40 mm from the bottom edge of the panel.
  3. Attach short ones (90 cm each) to the ends of the long slats. Attach from the inside so that the ends of the 8cm screws enter the wood of the leg. Use glue.

Make room under the mattress in a way that suits you best. You can install 50x50 mm slats on screws with a distance of 15 cm from one another, order a ready-made base from lamellas, use another option. Take into account the recommendations of specialists on this issue and the characteristics of your child (weight, habits, activity, etc.).

Completion of work

Before proceeding with the finishing of the finished bed, decide on how to decorate it. The surface can be decorated with carved elements, applied gilding using decoupage, transfer a floral or other image to the headboard. Paint it bright pink, red or purple. In this project, we offer a classic universal finish that will suit any interior:

  1. Fill grooves, screw holes, irregularities on the wood surface with putty.
  2. Leave the product on until the putty is dry.
  3. Sand the details of the bed.
  4. Remove dust. Apply a coat of primer.
  5. After the composition has dried, paint the bed.
  6. For an even and rich color, apply 1 or 2 more coats of water-based acrylic paint.

It remains only to put the mattress, make the bed, using decorative pillows, bedspreads. This bed will become your little girl's favorite place in the house.