How to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic - the better to insulate. How to properly insulate the attic in a private house with a cold roof Warming the attic of a private house with cardboard

Thermal insulation of a residential building will always be the main task that solves the heating problem. After all, you must agree that not the house will be warm, the house that is heated, but the one that keeps it warm. No matter how good heating is, without thermal insulation efforts will be in vain. And in order to reduce heating costs and make your home truly warm, you need to think about saving heat.

Insulating their home, many begin to decorate the attic. Do you need it? Yes, because it is through the ceiling that a lot of heat goes away. And if you start insulating it, then the ceiling will not let heat out. From physics lessons, everyone knows that warm air goes up to the ceiling. And if it allows heat to pass through, then such air will simply go outside. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to choose insulation for the attic in order to reduce heat loss.

What is the insulation of the attic at home

What is the work of warming the attic space. The technology is quite simple: the insulation material can be laid on the floor, in the space between the floor beams and additionally between the roof rafters. If we talk about the insulation of the room, which is located at the bottom of the attic, then it is enough to insulate the floor. In the event that you want to store something in the attic or use it as an attic from time to time, then the roof is also insulated.

What materials can be installed in the attic for insulation? In this article, we'll look at the different options and their pros and cons. Immediately, we note that there are several types of insulation:

  1. Plated.
  2. Rolled.
  3. Sprayable.
  4. Bulk.

Each of the insulation options is good in its own way. We will select the optimal insulation that is suitable for this purpose. You must understand that the choice is yours. Our site will offer you only a list of proven materials for attic insulation, which have won many positive reviews. So, we will consider the following options:

  • classic - mineral wool;
  • irreplaceable foam;
  • expensive, but very high quality polyurethane foam;
  • simple and cheap bulk materials such as expanded clay, sawdust or slag.

What are they like? What is the technology of laying each insulation and its advantages? Let's find out further.

Mineral wool insulation

Perhaps only the grandmother in the village did not hear about mineral wool, and that is not a fact. This is the most common insulation for home insulation, which is used both for self-insulation and professional teams. I would especially like to note the basalt wool, which does not burn at all and has excellent characteristics. Why did they fall in love with mineral wool so much? Consider the positive aspects of it.

  1. Ecological cleanliness.
  2. Good shape-keeping property.
  3. Light weight that does not load the structure.
  4. Low level of thermal conductivity.
  5. It is not spoiled by rodents.
  6. It doesn't burn.
  7. Soundproofing.
  8. Has a "breathing effect", creating a good microclimate.
  9. Relatively low cost.
  10. Ease of work with insulating material.

Why is this insulation so good for the attic? Minvata is sold both in slabs and in rolls. It keeps its shape well, and you can easily insulate the attic floor, as well as the roof. It is enough to put mineral wool in the space between the beams and sheathe everything with hydro and vapor barrier. This is very important, since the main disadvantage of the material is that it is afraid of moisture. It will destroy the insulation, which will eventually lose its original properties.

You can see the technology of laying mineral wool from the video.

Foam insulation

If the grandmother from the village might not have heard about the mineral wool, then the foam is definitely familiar to her. One of the simplest and most affordable insulation materials that is commonly used by builders. The main advantage of foam is its low cost along with good performance. It is much denser than cotton wool, so it is easier to work with foam. It lends itself well to processing and fits in the right place. What else can be noted?

  1. Low thermal conductivity (lower than mineral wool).
  2. Low cost.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Soundproofing.
  5. Immunity to moisture.
  6. Ease of installation.
  7. Keeps its shape well.

However, the low cost affects other points. Foam has more disadvantages. For example, it burns very well. One spark is enough and the material will immediately begin to melt. In addition, it is impermeable, you will not get a breathable effect on the walls. And if it is not properly protected, then the rodents will sharpen the material fairly.

Nevertheless, polystyrene is and will be one of the most popular heaters. Fires are rare, in the attic the breathing effect is not so important, and if you protect the material, then the rodents are not terrible. For such a price - a great option.

PPU insulation

One of the most expensive insulation options, due to the complexity of the process. PPU is a representative of sprayed materials such as penoizol. At first glance, the insulation technology is simple: it is enough to spray the composition from the unit onto the surface, it will increase significantly and fill all the cracks. On the one hand, this is true, but the catch is that such equipment is not easy to find. And the point is not even the availability of units, but the ability to use them. Such work is trusted only by experienced specialists who have access to the equipment.

The components that make up the polyurethane foam are mixed in the unit in an ideal ratio, and the finished composition is sprayed onto the surface, which increases in size. Why is this expensive method so good?

  1. Environmental friendliness of the material.
  2. Low weight.
  3. The smallest indicator of thermal conductivity.
  4. A monolithic structure is created without seams, which can become cold bridges.
  5. Immunity to moisture.
  6. Adhesion to virtually any surface.
  7. Biostability.
  8. Soundproofing.
  9. It is not eaten by rodents.
  10. The quality of insulation is at the highest level.

As you can see, there are really many advantages of insulation. But they are offset by some factors. First, the insulated attic will not breathe. Secondly, you will not be able to carry out insulation with your own hands without specialists. Thirdly, such a pleasure for the attic will be expensive. Is it worth it - you decide.

Thermal insulation with bulk materials

This option can be called the simplest and "hastily" without problems. All that is required is to fill in the selected insulation of a certain layer. What can you use?

  1. Expanded clay.
  2. Sawdust.
  3. Slag.

Expanded clay

Insulation material is made of balls that fall asleep on the floor. You realized that they will not be able to insulate the walls with them. It is divided into fractions: expanded clay sand, crushed stone or gravel. What is the feature of the material?

  1. Does not burn.
  2. Environmentally friendly.
  3. Long lasting.
  4. Frost resistant.
  5. Has high strength.
  6. Low weight.
  7. Sound and heat insulation.

Insulating material is poured over a layer of roofing material, at least 15 cm thick. It all depends on the attic floor and the properties of thermal insulation. So that you can walk on the floor surface, you can make a concrete screed from above, the thickness of which is about 5 cm. It remains to arrange the flooring of wood, chipboard or other material.

As for sawdust and slag, the technology is almost identical. The laid material will retain heat, but not as well as the above options. But labor costs are minimal. If you don't want to bother, then this is a good alternative to conventional insulation.

Let's summarize

As you can see, the variety of materials for attic insulation is really great. Each of them is good at something different. If you are on a budget, you can use Styrofoam. And when you have funds, then choose between mineral wool and PPU. Some combine insulation materials, leveling the disadvantages of foam. How? The bottom layer is made of thick foam, and a thin layer of mineral wool is laid on top. Simple and fireproof. However, remember, whatever insulation you choose to cover the attic, adhere to the technology of its installation. This is the only way to achieve high-quality insulation of the attic.

When insulating a private house, one must not forget that special attention should be paid to such a place as the attic.

Warm air tends to rise to the top, and therefore, in a temporarily unheated room, heat can escape through the space of the cold attic. Therefore, the issue of warming the attic must be solved without delay.

1 Why do you need insulation of the attic floor?

Insulation of the cold floor of the attic with stone or mineral wool, by and large, is needed in little-used rooms that are properly equipped with special roof ventilation.

The attic, or rather its overlaps, perform the function of a kind of boundary between heat and cold. In such places, the attic floors are exposed to intense moisture due to the formation of condensation.

However, it is possible to properly insulate the floors in the attic of the house with mineral wool with your own hands. The very process of insulating the floor in the attic with mineral wool is the creation of a durable thermal insulation coating, which will have a low degree of thermal conductivity.

The very technology of insulation with mineral wool overlap in the attic, as well as implies strict adherence to its stages and requirements.

By itself, this technology is quite simple and straightforward. Good thermal insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool helps to close unwanted gaps.

For this, the insulation must be laid tightly. In most cases, mineral wool is used to insulate the attic of the house.

The presented insulation is the most suitable for this type of work, it can also insulate the floor surface in the living quarters of the house.

With the organization of good insulation with mineral wool, the most optimal temperature will be maintained in the living quarters.

If the procedure is not performed correctly, moisture rising from the floor of the house will lead to the formation of condensation.

It will accumulate on the ceiling and then seep through the ceilings. The resulting temperature difference in those areas where the attic floors are adjacent to the walls of the house, initiates the formation of mold and microscopic fungi, which can be causative agents of allergic diseases.

1.1 Requirements for insulation of the attic

The process of insulating the attic floor and, more precisely, the level of its quality has a direct impact not only on the size of heat loss, but also on the duration of the service life of the entire rafter structure and roof covering.

The fact is that the water vapor inside the heated room diffuses to the attic of the house. In order for the insulation used to provide a high degree of calculated efficiency of the heat-insulating layer, it must always be dry.

Based on this, the insulation must be protected from excessive humidification by the vapor of the rising heated air using a special vapor-proof material.

If the attic space is well insulated, then it will provide not only high-quality thermal insulation, but will also contribute to an increase in the operational life of the entire roofing structure.

If there is no vapor barrier, steam will penetrate through the unprotected attic floors and condense on the ceiling surfaces.

This will lead to the fact that moisture will drain onto the rafters, which, under its influence, will slowly begin to rot from the inside.

As a result, the likelihood of destruction of the entire roofing cake increases. The thermal insulation performance of the structure also decreases due to the fact that the tightness of the vapor barrier layer has been broken.

Before insulating the attic, you need to drain the layer and remove moisture from the entire attic space. For this, ventilation should be carried out through the windows. They may be:

  • Skate like;
  • Cornice;
  • Slotted;
  • Auditory.

In order to ensure the maximum ventilation intensity, the indicator of the total area of ​​all ventilation openings should be equal to 0.2-0.5% of the attic floors.

If all work is carried out correctly, then icicles will not form on the roof in winter. The very process of warming the attic space is carried out not from the side of the living quarters, but from the attic floor.

So it is most convenient to lay insulation, the choice of which depends on the technology used and the design features of the structure.

1.2 Features of warming beams

When implementing such a thermal insulation scheme using mineral wool, heat is stored in the space between the beams. Their usual height is almost always sufficient for this, however, if necessary, several bars are stuffed on top.

The lower part of the overlap is sewn up using molded material as with. For this, lining or drywall sheets can be used.

On top of the beams, the sub-floor covering is laid. This can be a grooved board, plywood sheet or OSB board. Mineral wool is installed on a previously prepared special vapor barrier layer.

An alternative to it can serve as an ordinary film made with polyethylene. If the vapor barrier material is foiled, then it is laid with a shiny surface down.

The intermediate distance between the beams is filled with mineral wool with the required thickness parameters. The surface of the beams must be equipped with an additional insulation layer.

This will lead to blocking of the so-called cold bridges and significantly reduce the overall level of heat loss. If high quality timber was used to create the beams, then the finishing material should be laid directly on their surface.

Minvata is placed between them as if, and the attic floor is laid on top. The use of this technology is especially important in houses that are made of logs or beams.

It is important to protect the mineral wool from the smallest drops of moisture with a high degree of reliability, this is especially true if the roof has minor coating defects, due to which leaks occur.

The layer of mineral wool must be reliably protected from the wind from the eaves. For this, mineral wool slabs with a high degree of density are used.

2 Why is mineral wool used to insulate the attic?

In most cases, when insulating attic floors, the consumer's choice falls on mineral wool. Its advantage lies in the fact that no special skills are required for its installation.

Mineral wool has excellent thermal insulation properties. Its structure consists of thin glassy fibers, the length of which ranges from 2 to 60 millimeters.

High sound insulation characteristics are provided due to the presence of a large number of air pores.

These pores are located in the space between the fibers and can occupy 95% of the total volume of the insulation. Minvata is presented in three varieties, it can be glass and stone basalt.

Basalt wool is made using molten basalt rocks, into which binding elements are added.

It can be a carbonate type rock, which regulates the acidity level of the substance, which entails an increase in the operational life of the insulation. Glass wool exhibits high heat-resistant properties and is able to withstand temperatures up to +450 degrees Celsius.

2.1 Technology of insulation of attic floors with mineral wool

When carrying out work related to mineral wool, it is important to comply with all safety requirements and regulations.

This is due to the fact that in the process of cutting and laying such material, the air is filled with the smallest particles that can enter the respiratory organs and thus harm human health.

When carrying out installation, be sure to take care of the availability of personal protective equipment. Goggles, a respirator and heavy rubber gloves should be available.

The very process of warming attic floors begins with the selection of the necessary tools and additional materials. You can't do without:


  • Planks and plywood;
  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Minwaty (excellent);
  • Waterproofing;
  • Scotch tape;
  • Roulette;
  • Knife;
  • Construction stapler;
  • Spatula.

The essence of the insulation technology lies in the fact that the insulation must be carefully laid in the space between the attic floors or beams.

To enhance the thermal insulation qualities, a reliable vapor barrier should be used. Warm and moisture-saturated air will continuously rise from the living rooms and go upstairs through the ceiling.

There, in the under-roof space, he will collide with a layer of insulation. In view of the fact that mineral wool is generally recognized as a vapor-proof material, it will take all the outgoing moisture inside itself.

If it is left without the necessary access to air and sunlight, it will gradually shrink and, in the end, will lose all its heat-insulating qualities.

In order to avoid such destructive consequences, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier material under a layer of mineral wool.

Before starting the main work, you will need to carefully calculate the required amount of insulation.

The amount of wool purchased depends on how many layers you plan to use when covering the attic. In addition, the parameter of the thickness of thermal insulation directly depends on the characteristics of the climatic conditions in the region.

2.2 Correct insulation of the attic floor (video)

High-quality insulation of the ceiling in a house with a cold roof reduces heat costs, reduces heating costs and increases the comfort of living. Thermal insulation is carried out in different ways, using materials of various composition and form of release. How do you choose the best option?

We will tell you what methods are most effective in constructing a system that prevents heat leakage through the ceiling. We will show you what to look for when choosing a heater. In our proposed article, you will find valuable recommendations for improving the thermal insulation characteristics of a house.

A cold roof is a budget and practical option for organizing the roof of a house for seasonal living. This design significantly saves construction costs, but does not contribute to heat retention.

It is advisable to solve the issue of thermal insulation of the ceiling zone at the stage of building a house. However, insulation is often resorted to in the operated premises.

The warm air of the heated room rises and, in contact with the cold ceiling, quickly cools. Heat losses through the non-insulated roof and ceiling reach 25-40%

Ceiling thermal insulation solves a number of tasks:

  1. Reduces the intensity of cooling the heated air, helping to save heating costs for the home.
  2. Improves indoor sound insulation by dampening hum from the wind or noise from heavy rain.
  3. In summer, the insulation material helps to keep the room cool, not letting in the heated air from the outside.

Ceiling insulation increases the comfort of a private house and optimizes the indoor climate. Subject to the installation technology, thermal insulation excludes the appearance of condensation on structural elements.

Floor insulation methods

Thinking about how to properly under a cold roof, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the method of thermal insulation.

There are two radically different approaches:

  • insulation from the attic side;
  • installation of thermal insulation material from inside the room.

The first method is preferable for a number of reasons. So, the installation technology itself is greatly simplified - there is no need to build a suspended frame or fix the insulation with glue to the ceiling.

External insulation eliminates costly repairs inside the room, and also does not reduce the height of the ceilings. The latter is especially true if the distance to the ceiling in rooms does not exceed 2.5 m.

Also, with this approach, the risks of condensation are minimized. The same cannot be said about thermal insulation from the inside of the room.

If you choose the wrong insulation and do not exclude the contact of warm air with a cold stove, then water vapor from the room will accumulate - this is fraught with the appearance of dampness, fungus and the gradual destruction of the floor.

However, in some situations, the internal insulation of the ceiling is a necessary measure, for example:

  • lack of access to the attic;
  • reconstruction of an old building with a ready-made attic floor;
  • thermal insulation of the garage located in the basement.

If internal insulation is necessary, the installation technology should be followed in order to prevent condensation from forming inside the building. It is important to comply with two requirements: block the flow of water vapor and use insulation of sufficient thickness.

Review of the best insulation for the ceiling

The choice of installation method also determines the list of possible options for heat insulators. When insulating from the attic, the range of materials is much larger - from natural compounds to technologically advanced modern solutions. Installation from inside the room imposes a number of restrictions.

Regardless of the placement method, it must have a low thermal conductivity. The coefficient determines the ability of an insulator to transfer energy from heated elements to cold ones. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better the material retains heat.

An important parameter of choice is moisture resistance. The ability of the material to maintain its physical characteristics in a humid environment is especially important when insulating from the attic side, when the roofing is worn out enough

Additional requirements include:

  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness and safety for humans;
  • low flammability - it is better to use non-combustible insulators, compositions with minimal smoke generation;
  • resistance to rodents - relevant for materials placed in the attic.

It is also important to take into account the vapor permeability index of the insulation. But there are nuances here. When insulating a concrete slab from the attic side, a vapor-permeable material must be used. For installation from inside the room, on the contrary, it is a vapor-proof insulation.

Type # 1 - mineral wool insulation

The popular thermal insulator maintains its leadership position due to its affordability, ease of installation and good thermal efficiency.

For installation under a cold roof, mineral wool with a synthetic binder, basalt insulation and glass wool are used. The latter option provides maximum thermal efficiency. Thermal conductivity of glass wool - 0.044 W / (m ° C).

However, it should be used with caution - the particles irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Glass wool is not suitable for indoor use. Basalt insulation is devoid of these disadvantages. Additional advantages of the material: fire safety and plasticity.

Common disadvantages of mineral wool materials:

  • water absorption;
  • low strength;
  • tendency to shrinkage;
  • the content of unsafe components - abrasive particles or formaldehyde resins.

To place layers of mineral wool, you will need to install wooden logs; it is advisable to waterproof the insulation itself from above.

Type # 2 - Bulk Cellulose Insulator

Bulk material made from waste paper and cellulose. To protect against decay and fire, synthetic components are added to ecowool.

The material is used with an external method of insulation - in the attic. Ecowool is sprayed dry over the floor or mixed with glue. Special equipment is required for work

The characteristics of cellulose insulation and the technology of its application have endowed the modern method of thermal insulation with a number of advantages:

  • good thermal efficiency - an indicator of thermal conductivity of about 0.038 W / (m ° C);
  • the material fills all voids and cracks, forming a solid canvas - cold bridges are not formed;
  • due to its light weight, ecowool of any thickness can be laid;
  • durability of service and preservation of the original properties;
  • environmental friendliness - ecowool does not emit toxic fumes;
  • low flammability and self-extinguishing ability;
  • vapor permeability.

Despite the mass of dignity, ecowool has not gained much popularity. The main reasons for the low demand: high cost, impossibility to install with your own hands.

In addition, ecowool is prone to shrinkage and crushing - it is advisable to equip a rigid support from above for movement in the attic.

Type # 3 - slab polymer types

This group of heaters includes: foam and (EPS). Their thermal efficiency exceeds the indicators of mineral wool insulation. The leader is EPS, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.038 W / m ° С.

Expanded polystyrene surpasses polystyrene in terms of strength, rigidity and fire safety. However, in case of fire, EPS boards also emit toxic vapors.

Styrofoam is cheaper than expanded polystyrene. Among the general advantages are:

  • water resistance;
  • low biological activity;
  • wide range of geometrical dimensions and thicknesses.

Both materials are vapor-tight, so they are used to insulate concrete and brick surfaces.

The material is suitable for. Penofol is placed with the foil side inside the room - the canvas not only retains heat, but also partially reflects it back.

It is advisable to use polyethylene foam as an independent material in areas with a mild climate. In regions with severe winters, a combination of penofol and penoplex shows a good effect.

Type # 4 - bulk heat insulator

Lightweight porous material in the form of rounded granules. In the composition - fired clay. The natural origin of the insulation explains its environmental friendliness.

Additional advantages of expanded clay:

  • fire resistance;
  • providing a good degree of sound insulation;
  • durability;
  • chemical inertness;
  • not of interest to rodents;
  • the insulation does not produce dust.

The thermal efficiency of expanded clay depends on the density of the embankment, the size of the granules.

To ensure the preservation of heat, it will be necessary to use an embankment with a thickness of 20 cm or more, in cold regions the layer is increased to 40-50 cm. This leads to an increase in the cost of the insulation procedure and significantly increases the load on the floor.

Type # 5 - liquid polyurethane

Polyurethane foam is applied to the surface under pressure; a special technique is used for spraying. Polyurethane foam is an excellent solution for attic floors with complex relief and thermal insulation of hard-to-reach places.

The main advantages of foam ceiling insulation:

  • the formation of a seamless sealed coating;
  • high adhesion to materials - polyurethane foam fills all cracks and voids;
  • low water absorption;
  • an excellent indicator of thermal efficiency due to the porous structure of the hardened foam - a thermal conductivity of about 0.027 W / m ° C;
  • preservation of qualities in humid conditions;
  • the possibility of multilayer spraying - relevant for cold regions;
  • providing acoustic insulation;
  • durability of the coating - service life of about 25 years;
  • speed of processing;
  • resistance to microorganisms;
  • lightness of the material - does not exert pressure on the overlap.

Polyurethane foam is difficult to ignite, insulation does not spread combustion.

Spray-on insulation is considered one of the best solutions for the treatment of attic floors. The limited use of polyurethane foam is due to the high cost of the method

The total cost includes the price of the insulation itself and the cost of attracting craftsmen with equipment. Spraying foam must not be carried out if the air temperature in the attic is below +10 ° C.

View # 6 - natural materials

The main advantages of traditional methods: affordable cost and environmental friendliness. The use technique and effectiveness of natural materials such as sawdust and algae are different.

Features of insulation with sawdust

Bulk wood waste is often mixed with shavings and distributed over the ceiling from the attic side.

Warming methods:

  1. Dry backfill... Wooden logs are mounted on the floor, the cells are filled with sawdust. The material shrinks over time and requires periodic renewal.
  2. Wet method... Sawdust, cement and water are combined in a ratio of 10: 2: 1.5, respectively. This thermal layer is more durable.

Weaknesses of sawdust: flammability, fear of rodents and water absorption.

Characteristics and varieties of algae

In coastal areas, algae are commonly used, the second name for insulation is kamka. The material is distinguished by its naturalness, good thermal insulation characteristics. Rodents do not start in algae, and the insulation itself is not afraid of moisture and does not rot.

There are three types of damask:

  • by weight- bales or loose bales collected from dried pressed seaweed;
  • mats in nets- canvases 10 cm thick, tied with synthetic thread for ease of installation;
  • dense slabs- up to 85% algae are present in the composition, the rest is a binder, for example, silicone.

In terms of thermal efficiency, the damask is significantly inferior to many heaters, the heat capacity coefficient is 0.087 W / (m ° C).

Calculation of the thickness of the thermal insulation layer

The effectiveness of thermal insulation depends on the accuracy of determining the thickness of the insulation, which is a part. In addition, the indicator allows you to calculate the loads imposed on the ceiling structure. When calculating, the values ​​of the permissible weight and the required thermal protection are compared.

The thickness of the insulation is determined by the formula

q = R * k,

  • q- thickness of the heat-insulating material, m;
  • R- thermal resistance, m 2 ° C / W;
  • k- coefficient of thermal conductivity of the insulation, W / (m ° C).

The value of R is determined according to tabular data - the indicator is calculated for each region, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate.

For example, the standardized thermal resistance of floors for Nizhny Novgorod is 4.26 m2 ° C / W. If you use penoplex for ceiling insulation, you will need a layer of thermal insulation 12 cm thick

For the calculation, it is enough to multiply the indicators 4.26 and 0.038. The last value is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of extruded polystyrene foam. The weighting of the ceiling is calculated based on the volume of the insulation and its density. The first indicator is determined by the product of the area and the thickness of the insulation, the second is the tabular value.

The minimum load on the floor is provided by polyurethane foam and ecowool, their density is in the range of 25-60 kg / cu. m. One of the heaviest heaters is expanded clay - 180-330 kg / cu. m.

Features of mounting different materials

The tactics of action depend on the chosen material and the place of its placement - from the inside of the room or from the side of the attic.

Laying mineral wool

Installation of insulation is carried out on the attic floor.

When constructing a heat-insulating cake, it is important to withstand two conditions:

  • to provide protection of mineral wool from water vapor coming from inside a warm room;
  • equip ventilation of the outer surface to weather moisture from the insulation.

Mineral wool slabs are placed between the beams or slats of the prepared lathing. Installation on the floor surface is possible.

Before starting work, it is necessary to check the boards for rot, treat the wooden elements with an antiseptic. Make sure the roof is not leaking

The surface is cleaned of debris, if necessary, a wooden frame is erected.

Further actions:

  1. Install vapor barrier membrane.
  2. Roll out rolls or place mats between the beams.
  3. Mount a wooden base, maintaining a ventilation gap between the insulation and the hard floor.

The last step can be skipped. However, it will not be possible to walk or store things in the attic, since the mineral wool cannot be pressed.

Sheathing from the inside with expanded polystyrene

This insulation option is suitable for concrete ceilings. Plates of expanded polystyrene are fixed to the surface with glue and fixed with "fungi".

Before installing the insulation, the ceiling is treated with an antifungal compound and a primer.

The procedure for fixing expanded polystyrene plates:

  1. Apply glue to the insulation, attach and press it to the ceiling.
  2. Cover the entire area with slabs, leaving no gaps between the elements.
  3. Drill holes for fasteners with a hammer drill.
  4. Kill the fungi.
  5. Foam joints and gaps between the boards.
  6. Cut off the remaining foam, fix the reinforcing mesh with adhesive.
  7. Prime and plaster the surface.

After the layer has dried, clean the ceiling and apply a finishing decorative coating.

Backfilling the attic with expanded clay

The minimum layer of bulk insulation is 20 cm. To adjust the height of the backfill, it is necessary to prepare a beacon - make the desired mark on the piece of reinforcement, fixing a piece of electrical tape.

If a wooden base is insulated with expanded clay, then the floor must first be covered with waterproofing with an approach to the walls. Plastic wrap will do

There is no need to lay a water barrier on a concrete base.

Sequence of work:

  1. Pour expanded clay and distribute the granules evenly.
  2. Check the thickness of the insulation layer. Its height should be 3-4 cm below the level of the flooring. If this norm is neglected, then when walking in the attic, the sound of friction of granules will be heard.
  3. Spread a layer of vapor barrier membrane, glue the joints of the sheets with tape.
  4. Mount a rigid base. Boards, fiberboard or OSB panels are suitable.

A floor on top of expanded clay makes it easier to move around the attic and increases the effectiveness of the thermal insulation cake.

Application of sprayed insulation

It will not be possible to carry out the work on your own, since spraying will require expensive equipment - a high-pressure apparatus. In addition, technical skills are required to evenly distribute the polyurethane foam.

It is better to entrust the work to a specialized company and conclude an agreement with them for the provision of services. At the appointed time, the brigade arrives, extends a hose with a pistol into the house

  1. Mount wooden logs on the floor of the attic. They will be needed for the subsequent fastening of the flooring.
  2. Fill the device with components in the required proportions.
  3. Set the gun to minimum foam force.
  4. Apply an even layer of polyurethane foam between the logs.
  5. Wait for the composition to dry. If the thickness of one layer is not enough, then the processing must be repeated.
  6. Smooth the hardened coating by cutting off the excess to the lag level.
  7. Mount a rigid base on the boards.

To insulate a small ceiling with your own hand, you can use a disposable foam spraying kit.

The set includes everything you need: cylinders with components for the preparation of foam insulation, a spray gun, hoses, personal protective equipment

Assembly and preparation takes a couple of minutes, no power supplies are needed - the device works autonomously.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Floor insulation technology with mineral wool:

Thermal insulation of the ceiling of a private house with sawdust:

Ceiling insulation with a cold roof is one of the conditions for a comfortable and economical operation of a house. When arranging a heat-insulating layer, it is important to choose the right material. The method of installation is important, as well as the obligatory formation of a reliable cut-off of condensate.

Announcement: If you properly insulate the attic of the house, you can significantly save on heating. To do it yourself, you need to know the technology of insulation and what kind of insulation there are - let's talk about it.

Long gone are the days when straw or old blankets were used as insulation for the attic. And the attic itself has ceased to be a cold kennel in which trash is stored. In almost every country house, a living space is made of it - an attic. Equipped with furniture and appliances. Such an attic should be well insulated and protected from moisture. In addition, high-quality thermal insulation in the attic will help prevent heat loss throughout the house.

The market offers many different heaters, but let's talk about those that have established themselves as the most comfortable and reliable - expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, polyurethane foam and expanded clay. A good owner can easily insulate the attic of the house with this material without the help of a specialist. We will understand the pros and cons of each of them, as well as the installation features.

Important: use a lime mortar to treat all cracks and joints on the roof, before insulating the attic!

Attic insulation technology with mineral wool

Mineral wool is a simple and inexpensive insulation. It is produced in the form of slabs or rolls. There is foil mineral wool - it does not absorb moisture and will last longer. If you want to save money, you can buy a simple mineral wool, but then be sure to cover it with plastic wrap or foil - this is a good alternative to foil mineral wool.

Installation of mineral wool

We put mineral wool on the crate between the rafters or logs. Remember that the layer of mineral wool should be at least 200 mm, which is more than the thickness of the rafters, so make a padding to increase it.

We put a vapor barrier film on top of the mineral wool. There should be no joints, the edges of the film overlap, and the joints are fixed with adhesive tape or glue. Next comes either lining, or boards, you can fiberboard - this is at your discretion.


    Mineral wool has good thermal insulation properties.

    Elasticity - it is convenient to insulate the gables, floor and walls of the attic.

    Good soundproofing.

    Mice won't start.

But there are disadvantages - it is a heavy material that overloads the roof structure, so make sure that all beams and floors are in good condition.

Important: direct contact with mineral wool is unsafe. It cannot be inhaled - use a respirator. Wear goggles to prevent material particles from entering your eyes. Skin contact with mineral wool will cause irritation - use gloves.

Properties and installation of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam material is a more reliable attic insulation, because it has advantages over mineral wool, but it is several times more expensive. Although, during operation, it pays off completely.

Benefits of polyurethane foam

    Polyurethane foam is a plastic material. It does not need additional waterproofing, it has its own moisture-proof properties.

    This insulation is sprayed onto the floor, roof and gables of the attic with a thin layer, several times thinner than mineral wool. This allows them to fill the smallest gaps and hard-to-reach places, which will protect against drafts and insect penetration.

    When spraying polyurethane foam, there are no joints, so no additional processing materials are needed.

    There is no load on the attic structure, the roof becomes stronger - no hurricane will destroy it.

Important: polyurethane foam is a non-flammable material, has self-extinguishing properties - this is its plus. But this insulation is prone to decay, then toxic substances are released, so you should not use it near the chimney and stove.

Warming with expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is similar to polystyrene, but polystyrene easily ignites and is toxic, so they are not recommended to insulate the attic for safety reasons. There are types of polystyrene foam that are similar to polyurethane foam - they do not burn.

Expanded polystyrene is produced in the form of slabs, and is attached with a special glue. It is cheaper than polyurethane foam, but requires processing of joints like mineral wool. The common advantage of polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam is that they can be processed with anything - they will not lose their shape and properties.

How to insulate an attic with expanded clay

Expanded clay is often used to insulate the attic floor and save heat in the house. It is non-toxic and fire safe. This insulation is produced in the form of granules of different sizes. Due to the fact that it is a bulk material, it not only retains heat, but also serves as ventilation.

Expanded clay is used mainly for insulating only the floor. A frame is created in the form of a box, where expanded clay is then poured. First you need to lay a vapor barrier film.

You can combine insulation. For example, you can lay mineral wool on top of expanded clay or mix it with sawdust. Then you can lay wooden boards or lay linoleum. If you have a cold and non-residential attic, then you can fill the expanded clay with concrete, but it must be thick so that it does not flow into the space between the granules.

We talked about how to insulate the attic, and now some tips on how to choose insulation, given the type of roof.

The main types of roofs

In order for the thermal insulation to be of high quality and not create unnecessary problems, it is important to take into account the type of roof of the house.

In the case of a gable or pitched roof, you need to try to make sure that the insulation fits very tightly to the rafter structure. To do this, use additional fasteners. If you do not pay enough attention to this, then over time, mineral wool or tile material will sag and cold voids will appear.

Sloping roof - it is most often used for attics. Consists of several rays. Windows are made on inclined ones, and insulation is attached to horizontal ones more easily and does not sag over time, therefore this type of roof is easier to install heat-insulating material.

Important: before the start of the insulation work, cover the wooden structures with a fire retardant and an antiseptic!

Now that you know about the properties and features of the installation of insulation materials, it will not be difficult for you to insulate the attic with your own hands.


2. Lay a vapor barrier film on top of the mineral wool. There should be no joints, the edges of the film overlap, and the joints are fixed with adhesive tape or glue. Next comes either lining, or boards, you can fiberboard - this is at your discretion.

To ensure comfortable living conditions and savings on heating the house, it is necessary to take care of the competent insulation of all its structures. A competent choice of materials and adherence to installation technology allow you to protect the house from cold penetration with minimal cost for a long time. One of the important stages of carrying out measures for the thermal protection of a building is the insulation of the attic in a residential private house, which can be done with your own hands.

Why is insulation necessary

From the school physics course, everyone knows that warm air rises. That is why the bulk of the building's heat loss occurs through the overlap of the last floor or the roof pie. When building a house, it is necessary to calculate not only on the basis of the cost of materials, but also take into account the further costs of operating a private lady, which will significantly reduce the insulation. So how to insulate an attic?

In order to properly insulate the attic structures, it is necessary to figure out in which cases additional measures are required. When insulating with your own hands, all responsibility rests with the owner, so you need to carefully study the issue.

Types of lofts

When carrying out work, it all depends on the method of using the roof space. There are three of them:

  1. Cold attic. Such an attic is not heated, and air from the premises does not enter it. In this case, the room temperature is taken according to the norms of +5 degrees Celsius.
  2. Warm attic. The presence of a warm attic is typical for apartment buildings. All ventilation ducts with heated air open in the attic space, increasing the temperature in the room.
  3. Attic. The roof space becomes a full-fledged living space and is heated, like all rooms in a house. In this case, we recommend that you read the article about insulation of the attic.

In a wooden or any other private house, it is correct to use the first or third option.

This is how you can transform an attic, turning it into a residential attic:

The choice of insulation

It is better to use modern efficient materials for carrying out thermal protection measures. They will provide good insulation with a minimum layer thickness.

When insulating the floor and roof of the attic in the house, they use:

  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam.

Details about the insulation of the attic with polyurethane foam are described in the article. It deals not only with floor structures, but also with walls and roofs.

Polyfoam is popular due to its rather low price, but at the same time, thermal conductivity indicators are close to mineral wool. Its use in floor construction is complicated by its low strength, but it suits very well for walls.

If you have enough money, it is better to give preference to the closest relative of the foam - extruded polystyrene foam. This material is devoid of the main disadvantages of the previous one, and has the following positive characteristics:

  • high strength;
  • low water absorption;
  • incombustibility;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • resistance to low temperatures.

For wall insulation, it is preferable to use foam or extruded polystyrene foam, but for laying between the rafters, mineral wool is more often used.

To provide thermal insulation in the house with your own hands, you can lay thermal insulation material both above and below the floor. Better, from the point of view of heating technology, to perform work from above. More similarly, you can learn about protecting the attic floor in a wooden house in the article "Insulation of the attic floor using wooden beams".

Attic wall insulation technology

Depending on the material of the walls, different ways of carrying out thermal insulation measures with your own hands are possible. The most common ones are listed below:

  • construction of multi-layer brick walls;
  • wet facade technology;
  • ventilated facades.

All these options assume external insulation. If necessary, the material can be secured from the inside, but this is less effective and can lead to high costs.

Multilayer walls

With this method of construction, a layer of insulation is laid between the outer and inner versts, due to which the walls of the entire building are insulated, including the attic (attic). It is important to prevent the risk of material subsidence, otherwise a "bare" area will appear in the attic.

Wet facade technology

In this case, the insulation is attached to the wall with your own hands and covered with plaster on top. For durable materials, the plaster layer can be 20 mm. If it is necessary to prevent damage to the heat insulator, apply a layer of 40 mm plaster over the reinforcing mesh. This type of insulation is quite simple, but does not provide reliable protection of the heat-insulating layer.

Ventilated facades

In this case, the heat insulator is attached to the wall, and the facade trim is hung from above. Between the layer of insulation and the decorative layer, an air-ventilated layer is arranged to remove condensate. Mineral wool materials are used for this type of construction, for expanded polystyrene and foam, the technology can be the same, but they do not require interlayers from the air.
DIY finishing can be done with siding, hinged panels, porcelain stoneware, wood.

To insulate the attic roof with your own hands, insulating material is laid between the rafters. Rigid mineral wool slabs are most often used. They provide reliable protection and ease of installation. The distance between the rafters in cleanliness is taken 2 cm less than the width of the slab and it is held due to friction.

Below, for reliable fastening, a crate is performed, along which finishing work is being carried out. Above the insulation, it is necessary to provide an air gap to remove the resulting moisture. The size of such a layer is taken 3-5 cm. It is provided due to the height of the rafters or the installation of a counter-rail.

Competent insulation of the attic and attic space with your own hands can reduce heat losses and maintain the strength of structures for a long time, therefore it is so important to pay attention to both the floor and walls, and the roof.

A great example of how you can turn an attic into a comfortable living space with the help of insulation: