What kind of exercise to do when playing sports. Do sports every day at home

Maxim Bodyagin

Writer, blogger, podcaster and media consultant. The author of the iDiot Daily blog.

Now, in the first days of the new year, everyone starts life from scratch, lose weight madly and without memory, and often ask: how to make yourself go in for sports? Well, or some kind of physical education.

I have been practicing since the age of 19, I don’t remember how many gyms and coaches I have seen over the years. I've been coaching myself for ten years in total. And on the basis of my experience, a simple answer to this essential question was born: nothing. Do not force yourself in any way. People who can force themselves to exercise, the question "how?" are not set. They are naturally endowed with volitional qualities that help them achieve success. This post is not for them. This post is for ordinary people who are not endowed with superpowers, but instead enriched with a full-fledged set of neuroses, fears and expectations.

There are two ways to motivate: “violent” (this is just when you need to force yourself) and “encouraging” (this is when you need to be inspired). It is very simple to figure out what you need. Ask yourself: what do I need? If your goal requires some super-efforts (to get on the cover of a glossy magazine, to win a boxing tournament for amateurs, to lift a half-ton barbell), then everything is simple - you surrender to a professional trainer who will volens-nolens squeeze these super efforts out of you, and under his magic cuffs you will quickly understand everything about "forcing" and about "no pain - no gain".

If you have a more mundane goal, such as “lose weight by summer” or just “feel comfortable in your own body,” then perhaps you should stop forcing yourself to do what your heart does not lie in, and try to find something that will inspire you ...

Let me give you an example. I hate running since childhood. Nevertheless, I had to run a lot. At different times I ran from "five" to "ten" every day, and once even ran a foolish marathon distance and almost died. Every time I needed to go for a run, I started to hate myself. Own life. Own choice. Each blow of a sneaker into a forest path or a treadmill was accompanied by an obscene exhalation. Of course, having reached the "age of Christ," I finally gave up running.

For a while I replaced running with jumping rope, but last year I discovered Nordic walking. For me, it really became the “discovery of the year”: it is a great way to breathe out all the lungs from top to bottom, load both arms and legs, “move” the spine, and so on. And now I don't need to come up with complex motivational moves, my feet carry me to the park by themselves. I happily walk six to eight kilometers with chopsticks almost every day. Moreover, I curse the days when the walk gets interrupted or when I have to close the distance due to time pressure.

One more example. As a child, I tried to do judo, athletics, cycling. And, to be honest, I hated sports as such. I thought I hated any physical activity ... Until I discovered Okinawan karate at the age of 19. I was amazed at the wealth that lurked there, and began to train 20-25 hours a week, leaving for myself the only day off on Sunday. Of course, then life changed and I had to revise my schedule. But I still remember that inspiration.

The last example. I hate yoga. I was in several classes led by my very qualified friends, and every time a mother came out of them, everything living on what was worth. For me yoga is painful and boring to the point of madness. I understand that all this is terribly useful, that we are not getting younger day by day, and so on blah blah blah. But the thought of ever having to creak with my cords on a yoga mat terrifies me.

But then I remembered jumbi undo - a set of breathing, strength and stretching exercises that Shojun Miyagi invented in the 1920s. This complex was specially created so that a simple Okinawan fisherman could keep himself in shape suitable for practicing martial arts. This complex is also beautiful in that you can sculpt what you need from it, like from Lego bricks. If you want - you add a stretching module, if you want - a power one. And again I forgot about "pushing myself". I enjoyed experimenting with these exercises, adding or subtracting one or the other. When I came to practice hapkido after a long break, it turned out that I was quite in shape.

The secret of independent training was discovered to me twenty years ago by one Shito-ryu karate master:

You can never force yourself to do your best by exercising alone. It all ends with the fact that, once forcing yourself to do super-effort, you simply hate yourself and spit on the class. To train successfully all your life, you need to work not with one hundred percent, but with seventy percent load. For example, you can pull up a maximum of ten times and then die from the pain. Okay, but you can probably do seven pull-ups with relative comfort, right? So increase this volume without ever stopping.

In Buddhism, this incessant effort is illustrated by the image of an elephant or a turtle, since these animals are never in a hurry, but they never stop.

It seems to me that this is a rather productive way of training thinking:

  • work at 70 percent load, not 100 percent, but do it honestly;
  • not "dying" in a workout, but ending it at an endorphin peak, keeping you fresh and inspired for the next workout;
  • experiment and search;
  • never stop.

Stop deluding yourself and looking for complex ways of violent self-motivation. Just find the kind of physical activity that will inspire you and be amazed at the changes that will happen to you. Fortunately, now there is plenty to choose from.

Believe me, as long as you are looking for support outside yourself, looking for “who would make you”, trying to think in line with violent motivation, you will not change. You will sigh and reflect for years instead of proudly walking forward like an elephant, never stopping.

Inspiration. Here's what to look for in order to truly change. Good luck and good health!

All people strive to be healthy, energetic, in good physical shape - no one wants to be the owner of flabby muscles and a sagging belly. It seemed that there was nothing difficult: it was enough to eat right and not forget about physical activity. However, despite the fact that the implementation of these points is quite realistic, most people have a question about how to force themselves to play sports.

The most common mistakes

Even with all the awareness of the importance and benefits of exercise, regular exercise can turn into a routine that is not enjoyable. This can happen for various reasons, for example:

Many of the articles are geared towards encouraging you to find motivation so that you can practice. Some are helped by posters of famous people, others are annoyed by the beautiful appearance of their peers (also a good incentive).

However, motivation is usually short-lived. At the same time, one should not think that nature simply gifted someone, and the person himself does nothing. It is important to realize that in order to get the desired result, you will have to work hard and hard - and this is the norm. At the same time, playing sports is working on oneself not only physically, but also morally.

If you understand how to force yourself to go in for sports, and regular training will not be a problem for you, you can say that you have become stronger in spirit, a more enduring, hardened person.

What if there is no time for training?

One of the common excuses is that there is simply no time for classes. However, the whole question here is only in the organization of the daily routine.

A very important topic - We all postpone sports until the next week, month or from the new year. We are such interesting people. And even if we give ourselves a "kick" and start to play sports, then after a while we abandon it, because ... laziness, no time, no strength, etc. This list "because" can be continued indefinitely, each of us will find reasons, no matter what we go in for sports. I have compiled a small list of motivations and secrets on how to force yourself to play sports. I recommend reading the article to the end, because you will definitely find your a way to force yourself to play sports.

1. Choose the sport that you enjoy. It is very important. You can say the golden rule of motivation. If you go in for sports from under the stick, then you will last a maximum of a month. And if you find something to your liking, then you will go in for sports with pleasure, and it will become your hobby and leisure at the same time. If you love to run, then morning or evening jogging will be a joy for you, but classes in the gym will be a burden. See what a variety of sports, choose only what you like. Skiing, skating, rollerblading, swimming, running, walking, cycling, volleyball, football, fitness, aerobics, dancing, water aerobics, table tennis, tennis, etc. This list is so huge that it makes no sense to list it. Think about what you loved to do as a child. Try several sports and see what you like. This will help you to force yourself to play sports.

2. Find a sports friend or group. Call all your acquaintances and invite everyone to go to the skating rink, go for a bike ride out of town to nature with barbecue, go all together to the pool, etc. In this case, you will not notice fatigue, such training will bring you great pleasure from communication and from playing sports. If there are no acquaintances and friends who love the sport that you prefer, go to the forum of your city, there will be many like-minded people. And also you can find fans of group sports, such as volleyball, basketball, who rent gyms for games or have a net that is hung in nature. If you really want to - you can fly into space. The main desire, and like-minded people for sports can always be found. Even if you constantly go to the skating rink on your own, then over time you will find there those who go there regularly.

3. In order for the first sports to be a joy, get yourself new sportswear. The main thing is that you feel beautiful and attractive in it. After all, when we look 100%, we feel great. If you have problems with being overweight, then perhaps at the first lessons you will feel inconvenience, discomfort, etc., and beautiful, comfortable clothes will help you cope with complexes. Well, as another small incentive - do not lie around the new beautiful tracksuit idle)

4. Now everyone has pages on social networks, see what your peers look like? It is not by nature that they are so fit, they are working on themselves! And you, if you try a little, you will definitely look like this! The main thing is not to be lazy! And at the alumni meeting, you will be on top! Isn't that a reason to force yourself to play sports?

5. Set a goal for yourself. As in childhood, I made a wish and thought, if I do something through force, then my wish will definitely come true. The desire, of course, did not always come true. But the habit remained. I kind of take a small step to fulfill my desire, even if nothing depends on me. Well, sports, figure and health are interrelated things. Think, for example, if I stick to my jogging plan for a month, then at the end of the month I will definitely lose 3 kilograms.

6. Make a workout plan. But, the main mistake of all those starting a new sports life is a sharp start. You simply burn out from excessive loads. Even if you can run 10 kilometers at a time, you do not need to do this. Run 2 kilometers and stop, even if you want to run further. remember this feeling when you want to run further. And remember it when you want to skip a workout. Remember, increase the load gradually! Then there will be a desire to continue playing sports.

7. This advice is not so effective, but I cannot get around it. This advice is given by many bloggers, but personally it will not force me to go in for sports. Buy a gym membership, aerobics, etc., and then you will feel sorry for the money spent, and you will be engaged. For me, this is not an incentive, the subscription will end in a month, and you will drop everything and certainly will not buy a new one.

8. Are you running out of time? Unplug the TV or remove the batteries from the remote control. How much time will be free? Try just one week and see how much free time you have. Press the exit as soon as you exit social networks and the next time you start entering your username and password to enter the social network, click on the cross on the page) And now, at least 30 minutes you have provided yourself. And in sports, the main thing is to start, then you will enjoy it.

9. The help of loved ones is indispensable, and without it, anywhere. Ask your loved ones to follow you for the first month, drive you out of the refrigerator before bed, or send you to workout. Sometimes it will be very annoying, I have tested it myself, but it will definitely help.

10. Photos of people BEFORE and AFTER are very motivating to start playing sports. Look at the photo, read how people's lives changed after they started playing sports.

11. Good health is a great incentive. If you are often sick, you have poor immunity, then sport is what you need. But again, without fanaticism, gradually increase the load.

12. You can force yourself to play sports by remembering how men and women look at each other. After all, when you are in great shape, you will catch the interested glances of men and the envious glances of women. And also, while playing sports, you can meet your soul mate.

This article is not for those who just need the word "need" to overcome laziness and force of circumstances. We hope that it will serve the rest of us.

1. Come up with tangible rewards

A tit in the hands is better than a crane in the sky. Ghostly goals like "good health", "longevity", "mind blowing" or "I'm trending" may not be tangible enough for most. What to do? Come up with a feel-good reward. For example, you can treat yourself to something sweet after a grueling hike.

Lestertair / Shutterstock.com

How it works is detailed by Charles Duhigg, an American writer, Yale University graduate and Pulitzer Prize Winner for Excellence. In his book The Power of Habit. Why do we live and work this way and not otherwise? ”Charles delves into the scientific rationale for the formation of ossified habits and describes the three-step creation of a neurological“ habit loop ”. Let's try to briefly explain what it is.

First, there is a sign that forces the brain to turn on the automatic mode and start a habitual action, then the action itself follows (physical, mental and emotional), and everything ends with receiving a reward. The last stage is especially important: thanks to it, the action acquires a certain benefit for you. It is because of him that the brain understands that the game is worth the candle, and in the future, more willingly or simply automatically starts a "habit loop".

Let's translate what we read into a real situation. You pack your bag to the gym (sign), exercise (action), relax to the fresh release of your favorite TV series (reward).

Over time, motivation begins to come from within, because the brain directly associates sweat and pain with the upcoming release - the very hormones of happiness that delight our brain.

2. Make a public pledge

It's cool to be a full-fledged master of your word: you wanted it - you gave it, you wanted it - you took it! No responsibility of the offending party, for example, for a breakdown. However, as soon as you state your intentions publicly, the rules of the game will change dramatically. Try posting a photo of your new sneakers on Instagram and make an oath promise to try them out in the five-kilometer race. Believe me, you have many empathetic and attentive judges. :)

Aren't you afraid of daring jokes and raunchy comments? Add material penalties to the contract. Choose a lucky “victim” and promise to pay her a certain amount for every failure of your workout. Of course, the figure should be injected: for someone a couple of dollars will be enough, but somewhere the rate will rise to hundreds. And the "freebie" will certainly follow your sporting (un) successes.

The effectiveness of this approach is confirmed by Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, Ph.D., assistant professor of medical sciences at Stanford University. Jeremy links to the popular stickK site created by economists at Yale University. On the site, users can declare their intentions by all means to make their goal come true, write out a plan for achieving it and put their reputation or money on the line. Years of academic research confirm that greedy people don't like to lose money, such public contracts increase the chance of success threefold. Moreover, long-term agreements take precedence over short-term ones.

3. Work on positive thinking

99% of early climbs are never good. However, it is worth imagining how in the evening you will stretch out on the bed with your favorite book in your hands, how pleasant notes of anticipation will immediately color a not such a terrible morning. Now you are among the remaining 1%! This is because positive visualization is a loyal companion of motivation. Think about how great it is to watch your abs build up, and the moral strength to go to the gym will spontaneously appear.

However, dreams alone are not enough - certain conditions must be met. Gabriele Oettingen, Ph.D., psychologist at New York University, author of several books, talks about them. In Rethinking Positive Thinking, Gabrielle describes a rigorous structure that can yield positive results. It consists of:

  • thinking about what you want to achieve;
  • representations of what the result is associated with;
  • determining those obstacles that may be encountered on the way to the goal;
  • formulating ways to overcome possible obstacles.

The proposed scheme is based on a study in which 50 female students took part with a strong intention to eat healthier foods. The girls were asked to present the benefits of proper nutrition. Those of them who clearly realized the goal and built a detailed plan for achieving it were more successful in their pursuit.

4. Get monetary rewards

No matter what the idealists mutter, money still rules the world. Even future American presidents find their way into their chair with the help of former presidents immortalized in a green-tinged currency.

When applied to our topic, money can help motivate you to do sports. This is what Gary Charness, Ph.D., economist at the University of California, says. The words are backed up by research showing that monetary rewards doubled the frequency of gym visits.

Of course, only a few can find a generous sponsor who will dare to accompany your physical education achievements with a strong ruble. Therefore, you can try the Gym-pact web service. His community pays for successful workouts by skipping classes. All are thrown off, and the site distributes funds between those who are firmly on the chosen path. Of course, lazy people get nothing.

LoloStock / Shutterstock.com

Unfortunately, the service does not work in all regions of the world, check it out.

How do you motivate yourself to get off the couch?

How many of us didn't want to start a new life on Monday? Each of the readers will lament his address and say, "What a weak character I am." And how can you finally force yourself to play sports? To some extent, he will be right. After all, our character is the root of our hesitation in promoting health. But why can someone curb their habits and immerse themselves in the world of movement, while others are not even able to take action?

It all lies in our misunderstanding, underestimation of sports, active. Moreover, it is an excellent tool with which you can improve, develop your character.

No, we will not talk about physical education. We hope our readers have already grown up from the age when we limited ourselves to elementary movements "for show" and calmed down on this. Let's talk about sports that can change the course of every person's life, and only in a positive direction, and we will carefully study how to educate with the help of sports activities:

  • willpower;
  • improve character;
  • develop excellent self-discipline;
  • stimulate yourself to achieve and succeed in any business.

Where to begin

Some are sure that going in for sports like bodybuilding, swimming, football or figure skating is possible only by looking at the successes of great athletes. We hasten to disappoint - the pictures are, of course, impressive. Unfortunately, their victories cannot stimulate your body to strongly desire to be active. It's all about the inside. If it is not there, you will not achieve anything! For it to appear, you need to understand why you need sports?

Why do we need sports

Well, the question is very relevant. If you get an exhaustive answer to it, then you can already consider that half the battle has been won. We are all familiar with the saying "". These are not empty words, they have a solid foundation. We just repeat this phrase out of habit and do not try to grasp its true essence. The reason for this is that we are not quite aware of what a healthy human spirit is. Or we try not to think about it, which is very frivolous.

So, a healthy mind. Let's start from the very beginning, from childhood. It is then that an opinion about the world around begins to form. This is how the child learns good-evil, body-brain, spiritual and material. This approach in philosophy is called dualism, that is, a dual reflection of the world.

The opposite ratio allows us to more easily see everything around us in all its diversity. It is because of this approach to fusion with the environment that it gives us false beliefs that such concepts as body, spirit, our thinking are autonomous phenomena.

In fact, everything is one and one does not exist without the other, the third. And if any of them disappears, or is in a "poor quality" position, then problems arise with everything else. For example, when a person is physically ill, he cannot have a healthy spirit - qualities that correspond to his moral, intellectual state.

But as far as the latter is concerned, here some psychologists might argue. After all, there are so many scientists, doctors and other luminaries in the world who have obvious deviations in health. The same Stephen Hawking, a man spent his whole life in a wheelchair and easily coped with mathematical formulas. But here it also needs to be clarified. We are talking about the fact that you cannot start the state of your body. That is, again, self-discipline is involved in the process.

A paralyzed person cannot go in for sports, but not start a state of health, work on his illness. Everyone should control the processes. And if you are frivolous about your body, neglect the elementary rules of hygiene, abandon an active way of existence, then expect problems.

How a healthy mind manifests itself

We already know that everything is one in us. A spirit without a body and thinking is simply unable to exist. Our muscles, bones are a shell, a physical body, inside which our "golden" vessel is placed - spirit. And everything that comes from our consciousness directly follows from the state of the body, spirit. And you need to understand that we should not oppose these phenomena, they should work in tandem.

As soon as an imbalance arises, the natural chain collapses, something terrible happens to us. We are like dolls on hinges, we lose the threads of interaction and cease to exist as normal people. The imbalance has a detrimental effect on us. We are not able to concentrate, pull ourselves together, control behavior, character. There is a vacuum, a void that you just want to fill with something. And here cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex life, etc. come into play.

A healthy body is a guaranteed healthy mind. Someone will object and note that there were many tyrants in the world with excellent health, but their thoughts were destructive for the mass of people. Let me disagree! We just don't know what exactly was wrong with their health, otherwise they would have thought completely differently, positively. It's just that they are so unpleasant to us that we didn't even bother about their condition.

As for us and the influence of our health on the state, let's remember the last trouble. Is it really not knocking at the temples, the pressure does not rise, the hands do not go numb when we are offended, or we find ourselves in a bad situation. So the relationship is proven for us every day and no one dares to argue with it. Now let's talk about motivation for sports.

Sports people are the most beautiful

Nobody thinks to dispute this pattern, right? Let's look at photos of famous athletes. Well, who does not want to have such a fit figure, and women look with envy at the indicators - chest, waist, hips. After all, all this is the result of efforts, work, a scrupulous attitude towards oneself. An athlete is a person who treats himself with love. No, we are not talking about selfishness, self-centeredness, bragging, but about love. Simple, kind, human. Is it possible not to start a new life for this?

Let's think about why we are attracted to beautiful people? What is the reason? After all, few people fall in love with a fat, unhealthy person with loose skin. Imagine, the reason is really serious and very interesting.

Everything was built over the centuries. The successor of the human race sits in each of us; it is this function that is the main one in man. Good appearance is an indicator of good health, and this is the main sign of healthy offspring. This is how natural selection works. A beautiful appearance, a figure directly indicate to our subconscious mind that it is with this person that you need to connect your life and procreate children. Therefore, we are attracted to strong and strong people with good life indications.

The second reason for the attractiveness of healthy people is a signal that we will be next to a strong, strong-willed person who is responsible for his body. This means that this person does not neglect the moral, intellectual components of his own character.

Important: before choosing a spouse, pay attention to his appearance. Give preference, no matter how cynical it may sound, to a person who is athletic, active, strong, who looks after his health and does not have addictions.

A lazy, vicious person manifests itself clearly. He is most often overweight, with unkempt skin, a rough voice and a swollen face. That is, he does not take care of himself because of his own laziness and irresponsibility. He believes that others, diets and pills will do it for him.

Imperfect body due to imperfection of our spirit

Why do some people get better? It's all about gluttony and you can't argue with that. Of course, there is another reason - metabolic disorders, problems with the endocrine system, blood vessels, diabetes, etc. Stop! If the disease is not congenital, then it is acquired, and most often, due to the weakness of the person himself.

It would be worthwhile to pull yourself together and not gorge yourself, go in for sports, as the problem would disappear by itself. Only in rare cases are active movements contraindicated. But even with the most serious contraindications, no one canceled recreational gymnastics and a certain diet in which the body maintains its optimal weight, and the person does not recover, his skin, nails and hair do not deteriorate.

The imperfection of our body directly depends on the inner world. Only a wise, intellectually developed and open person with willpower and discipline can exercise regularly and look decent.

Let's take a look at the spiritual world of someone who while away his free time not on the sports ground or in a fitness club, but in a bar with a glass of wine, with a cigarette in his hands. What kind of wealth of his inner world can we talk about. Because for him the whole existence is reduced to momentary pleasures that have a detrimental effect on his own health. The main landmark of life in this case is stomach filling, satisfaction of sexual desires and dizziness from degrees.

We are familiar with the hero of Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" since childhood. The main character is aging in his image, and in life he leads a riotous lifestyle. But if you think about it, then the work directly indicates to us that our habits are manifested on the face, figure, health, longevity. This means that we need to cultivate a desire to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy life in its real manifestations, and not exist in an illusory world where everything happens under the influence of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes.

How sport builds the spirit

When we need to get up early, of course, each of us feels lazy, cannot jump out of bed. This suggests that we have not yet fully appreciated the importance of our health and take it lightly. You will not ignore the alarm if you need to get to work within 10 minutes to receive a large reward. Here all the resources of the body will turn on, allowing you to quickly wake up and feel vigorous. But health is a much more valuable thing than a reward.

Sports activities allow us to bypass momentary hobbies and desires. Having accepted motivation, we easily get up, do exercises, eat a healthy breakfast, feel a surge of strength and energy under a contrast shower. So, we achieve long-term prospects, that is, we want to live long, be healthy and young as long as possible.

Observing a strong-willed person, we are sure that he is not lazy and, to be honest, we envy him a little. No, it's not that simple. Even the strongest and most disciplined athlete is periodically lazy and does not want to do anything. But such people have mastered a unique art - they have taught themselves not to obey laziness and move, be active, work, study.

They can say "No" to relaxation and do not stop. And this did not come to them with mother's milk, they brought up these qualities in themselves. This is why they achieve more and more in their careers. It is worth stopping, the body sends a signal, and again the movement. All this is provided by sport.

What else can our body and spirit receive from an active way of being?

  1. The character is hardened, the level of willpower develops. We more easily achieve our goals, wisely and steadfastly endure any obstacles, physical and spiritual pain.
  2. Excellent health, regulation of metabolism, restoration of balance, normalization of hormonal levels.
  3. Elimination of negative thoughts formed against the background of stagnation and laziness, getting rid of melancholy, depression, despondency.
  4. Energy is added, a powerful surge of strength arises, and the internal potential increases. We feel capable of anything, there is a desire to live, to enjoy every minute.
  5. The body becomes strong, healthy, beautiful.
  6. The mood rises, the tone grows stronger.
  7. The body masters the ability to withstand depression, stress, and troubles.
  8. We guarantee ourselves longevity, and healthy, free from sores and infections.
  9. Sport regulates metabolism, metabolic processes improve, which radically reduces the risk of developing vascular diseases: Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.
  10. An active lifestyle does not allow the accumulation of slags, toxins, putrefactive bacteria that contribute to the development of inflammatory and oncological processes.

As you can see, there are a lot of positive aspects and bonuses in sports. After all, thanks to them, life only gets better. Therefore, you need to force yourself to go in for sports, and even better, do it with pleasure. But as?

How to force yourself

It would seem, what other reasons should be for us to come to our senses and begin to act? But no, many, having read the article up to this point, understand that there are still not enough factors that would make them get up from their seats. Let's consider how to stimulate behavior.

No motivation

The fact that we have already talked about the methods of motivation is an empty phrase for you. Well, forget about her, apparently, this is not about you. Rather, you do not quite understand what its essence is. You do not need to look at those who have achieved a lot and look great thanks to their perseverance, willpower.

Do it differently - buy a complete pool pass. Money is the greatest motivation. After all, you do not want to lose your hard-earned money. On the contrary, you will go swimming until the end until the term of the personal subscription expires.

Or, get some expensive running shoes. So whether you like it or not, you have to run. The best thing is to get a bike. There is no need to invent motivation here either. Fresh wind, speed, mood rise, adrenaline will do their job - you will ride with pleasure.

Important: you do not need to stimulate yourself to study because of visiting the gym with friends. They can give up sports at any time. As a result, you will lose incentive. It is better to rely only on yourself, and not external circumstances.

It is important to understand that playing sports is for you, and not for bragging to the environment. The hardest thing is to prove your willpower, discipline and responsibility to yourself than to outsiders.

The one who depends on stimuli is absolutely weak-willed and weak-willed person. But we are not saying that there is no need to look for them. You just can't depend only on them, try not to pander to them.

Going in for sports is boring

Nobody even says that the initial stages of playing sports look like a fun pastime. Agree, any action aimed at health benefits requires work and effort. But you can also decorate these moments. Practice listening to your favorite music - players are available to everyone. "Empty" your head from obsessive, routine thoughts, rest mentally.

Just think how pleasant it is to spend time alone with yourself. Noise, bustle, constant calls - all this can infuriate the strong-willed person himself. And then there is silence, only sports, music and you!

So that you don't get bored with boredom, you should know that this is a negative quality that you can get rid of. You are painfully in need of brain stimulation, every now and then you look for new information and go on about this whim. Sports activities, monotonous jogging on the simulator will help get rid of it. This will free your brain from informational "breakdowns". Be patient and continue for 1-2 weeks. As a result, you will get used to a new, pleasant state in which you will not be bored.

You don't like sports

Yes, this is quite common. It is much more pleasant for us to watch the competitions on the screen. Wait, does anyone say that we should love sports. After all, few of us like to visit a dentist, but for dental health we go for it. It's the same with sports - don't love it, but do it.

As a result, there will come a moment when you can’t live without it. Little children also do not immediately fall in love with the section to which their parents give it. A week, a month passes, and he himself puts on a sports uniform. With pleasure, without tears and refusals, he goes to play sports.

You have no time

Do not assume that playing sports will take up a lot of your time. It is enough to allocate at least half an hour, an hour a day and everything will be in openwork. Do not start with long workouts - this will quickly get bored with classes. You can even start at the 20 minute mark. Take a run, wave your pen to friends, grandmothers you know along the way. On the way back, stop at the park. Warm up, watch the sunset, drink some clean water and go home to the TV light.

If you do not have enough time due to late returns from work - think about whether it is worth overworking. Slavery has been abolished since the century before last, so fall in love with yourself and find another job. This will help you make time for yourself and fulfill your obligations normally.

Bad habits bother me

How often do we hear that our friends give up swimming, jogging because of the fact that they smoke. They claim they cannot be active while they have it. But if things go on like this, then this person will never be able to play sports. It should be an incentive to give up addictions.

After running 100 meters, the smoker will immediately feel the harm of nicotine on his respiratory tract. As a result, he will think that it is really time to quit cigarettes. And in the hope of quitting addiction, they will live to see health problems. So get down to business and do not delay, the saying "Delay is like death" is really relevant here. Simple exercises can be done with smoked lungs. As a result, as the level of willpower increases, it will be easier for you to quit cigarettes.

How to do sports

First of all, start small. Nobody obliges you to visit the pool or gym every day. Let it be once a week, then gradually increase the number of visits to the gym.

  1. Make a plan. Write a schedule for going to the gym or doing exercises at home on a piece of paper and stick to it.
  2. Gym visits should be directed by an experienced instructor - listen to what he has to say. This is the only way to achieve results.
  3. Monitor your health. So you recognize positive body signals in gratitude for being active, improving metabolism, blood flow and other processes. And outdoor activities will eliminate nervous tension. Light and pleasant fatigue will pass through the body, plus a feeling of complete satisfaction with one's actions.

Don't rely on a quick win. Starting classes, you do not need to constantly peer into your reflection and look for instant improvements. This will take time. Think about how long you pampered yourself and allowed too much. Is this process not worth it to be patient and expect success. This is how self-discipline, willpower and strength of character are brought up.