Synopsis on biology ecosystem 10. "Synopsis of a lesson in biology on the topic" Community, ecosystem, biogeocenosis

Lesson "Biogeocenosis as a biosystem and ecosystem"

Lesson type: combined

Lesson type: independent work on instruction cards


- to form knowledge about natural communities - biosystems, the concept of biocenosis and ecosystem;

- to continue the development of the concept of the biogeocenotic level of life organization;

Logistics of the lesson: instructional cards, cards with tasks "extra third",CD"Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary", additional literature, computer, projector, tables on the topic.

Lesson plan:

1. Motivation and stimulation. Target setting.

3. Learning new material.

4. Consolidation of the studied material

5. Homework.


1 ... Organization of the class.

In the last lesson, we studied the features of the biogeocenotic level, its structural elements and basic processes. Today you will get acquainted with the relationship between organisms and the environment, learn more about biogeocenosis, meet scientists. All this you will do today yourself. Today you are researchers. And so that you do not go astray, I will give you instruction cards.

2. Actualization of students' knowledge.

Let's start with a warm-up.

1) The game "Third extra":

- lamb - bronzovka - wood lice

- linden - chanterelle - maple

- weevil - platypus - flycatcher

- linden - ladybug - falcon

2) Draw in the form of a diagram or equation the relationship between concepts such asbiotope, biocenosis, biogeocenosis (performed by one student at the blackboard).

3) Is it possible the existence of ecosystems in which the living part is represented by only two groups - producers and decomposers?

3. Learning new material .

Students receive instruction cards and start working.

Instructional card

1. Read the textbook on natural communities on page 79.

1.1. Compare the concepts of natural community and biogeocenosis

1.2. What ensures the stable nature of biogeocenoses (give examples you know)?

2. Read the text of the textbook on the doctrine of biogeocenosis on pages 79-80.

2.1. What organisms are involved in the biological cycle of substances?

2.2. Fill out the "Circulation of Substances" scheme

2.3. How do the cycles of substances of each biogeocenosis affect the overall global cycle of substances and the flow of energy in the biosphere?

3. Read the textbook text on ecosystem doctrine on pages 80-81.

3.1. Compare the definitions of biogeocenosis and ecosystem.

4. Make a short message about scientists VN Sukachev and A. Tensley using the provided additional literature.

4. Consolidation of the studied material.

Job results survey

5. Homework. Paragraph 17. Questions 2-4.

Abstract of a biology lesson in grade 10 on the topic:

Biogeocenosis as a multispecies biosystem and ecosystem

Prepared by the teacher of biology MBOU Secondary School No. 44 named. V. Kudzoeva Khudiyeva Inga Konstantinovna

Target: , to form knowledge about the basic laws of living systems, about the relationship of organisms and supra-organismic living systems with the environment, about the circulation of substances and the flow of energy in biogeocenosis as a necessary condition for its existence.

Tasks: educational: to develop the concepts of "ecosystem", "biogeocenosis", "biocenosis";

developing: improve the skills of independent work with a textbook, the ability to highlight the main thing, to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

educational: to carry out ecological education of students.

Means of education: electronic presentation, PC, multimedia projector, screen, illustrations depicting oak forest biocenosis, freshwater reservoir.

During the classes

    Organizing time

    Knowledge update

Frontal conversation:

    What are the main types of interactions between living organisms you know?

    What is the positive role of predation in nature?

    What is biogeocenosis? What components does it consist of?

Drawing up the scheme "Composition of biogeocenosis":

Biotope (from bio-life and Greek topos-place), a section of a body of water or land with the same type of relief conditions, climate and other biological factors, occupied by a certain biocenosis.

Climatop Hydrotop Edafotope

(climatic (hydrological (soil

factors) factors) factors)

Biocenosis - a set of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms that jointly inhabit a land area or water body.

Phytocenosis Zoocenosis Microbiocenosis

    Learning new material

Although the interactions of organisms are very diverse, they lead to only three main results:

Providing food;

Habitat change;

Resettlement of species in space.

As a result of the complexity and intertwining of relationships between species, efficient use of biocenosis resources, control over the growth of the number of organisms is ensured. Thus, the sustainable functioning of complex natural systems is maintained. Careless human intervention in the life of nature can cause a chain reaction of events that will lead to unexpected and undesirable consequences.

Ecosystem characteristics (students work with textbook text and illustrations and find answers to questions:

    How are living organisms in an ecosystem related to each other?(through substances and energy)

    Indicate the constituent parts of the ecosystem that provide the cycle of substances.

Answer: - the presence of producers - organisms capable of creating organic matter from inorganic;

- the presence of consumers - organisms - processors of organic substances;

- the presence of decomposers - destructive organisms that decompose organic matter.

Thus, an ecosystem is a very broad, rank-free, flexible concept that refers to systems of any size. From a drop of pond water or a stump with a whole range of inhabiting organisms, an aquarium with plants and animals to a meadow, forest, the World Ocean and the biosphere.

It is possible to maintain a cycle in any ecosystem only when completely different organisms enter into it, which are different throughout the way of life and in the role they play in nature.

(Recording)The sustainability of ecosystems is influenced by:

    living space - the average area or volume per one individual of the considered populations and species;

    richness of species composition;

    interaction of species;

    environment-forming properties of species;

    anthropogenic impact.


Solution of biological problems

Objective 1.

In any community, dominant species can be distinguished. What are they? What species is considered dominant in the spruce forest? What is the role of dominant species in the community? Numerous types?

Objective 2.

A variety of insects live in any ecosystem. What link (producers, consumers, decomposers) include insects? Explain the answer. What role do insects play in the ecosystem? Make a food chain, one of the links of which will be insects.

Objective 3.

There are territorial and food ties between the inhabitants of the aquarium. Note the connections between plants and animals in the aquarium. What happens if all plants are removed from the aquarium? Shellfish? Why is it necessary to feed aquarium fish with animal food? Explain why the fish in the pond live without feeding.

(Ivanova T.V. Collection of tasks in general biology: a guide for students of educational institutions / M.: Education.-2002)


§17, questions after the paragraph.

Lesson topic: Biogeocenosis as a multi-species biosystem and ecosystem. Grade 10

Target: to form knowledge about the basic laws of living systems, about the relationship of organisms and supra-organismic living systems with the environment, about the circulation of substances and the flow of energy in biogeocenosis as a necessary condition for its existence.

Tasks:educational: to develop the concepts of "ecosystem", "biogeocenosis", "biocenosis";

developing: improve the skills of independent work with a textbook, the ability to highlight the main thing, to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

educational: to carry out ecological education of students.

Means of education: electronic presentation, PC, multimedia projector, screen, illustrations depicting oak forest biocenosis, freshwater reservoir.

During the classes

1. Organizing time

2. Knowledge update

Frontal conversation:

1. What are the main types of interactions between living organisms you know?

2. What is the positive role of predation in nature?

3. What is biogeocenosis? What components does it consist of?

Drawing up the scheme "Composition of biogeocenosis":


Climatop Hydrotop Edafotope

(climatic (hydrological (soil

factors) factors) factors)


Phytocenosis Zoocenosis Microbiocenosis

3. Learning new material

Although the interactions of organisms are very diverse, they lead to only three main results:

Providing food;

Habitat change;

Resettlement of species in space.

As a result of the complexity and intertwining of relationships between species, efficient use of biocenosis resources, control over the growth of the number of organisms is ensured. Thus, the sustainable functioning of complex natural systems is maintained. Careless human intervention in the life of nature can cause a chain reaction of events that will lead to unexpected and undesirable consequences.

Ecosystem characteristics(students work with textbook text and illustrations and find answers to questions:

1. How are living organisms in an ecosystem related to each other? (through substances and energy)

2. Indicate the constituent parts of the ecosystem that provide the cycle of substances.

Thus, an ecosystem is a very broad, rankless, flexible concept that refers to systems of any size. From a drop of pond water or a stump with a whole range of inhabiting organisms, an aquarium with plants and animals to a meadow, forest, the World Ocean and the biosphere.

It is possible to maintain a cycle in any ecosystem only when completely different organisms enter into it, which are different throughout the way of life and in the role they play in nature.


1. living space - the average area or volume per one individual of the considered populations and species;

2. richness of species composition;

3. interaction of species;

4. environment-forming properties of species;

5. anthropogenic impact.

4. Anchoring

Solution of biological problems

Objective 1.

In any community, dominant species can be distinguished. What are they? What species is considered dominant in the spruce forest? What is the role of dominant species in the community? Numerous types?

Objective 2.

A variety of insects live in any ecosystem. What link (producers, consumers, decomposers) include insects? Explain the answer. What role do insects play in the ecosystem? Make a food chain, one of the links of which will be insects.

Objective 3.

There are territorial and food ties between the inhabitants of the aquarium. Note the connections between plants and animals in the aquarium. What happens if all plants are removed from the aquarium? Shellfish? Why is it necessary to feed aquarium fish with animal food? Explain why the fish in the pond live without feeding.


§17, questions after the paragraph.



Biogeocenosis as a multispecies biosystem and ecosystem

Target: to form knowledge about the basic laws of living systems, about the relationship of organisms and supra-organismic living systems with the environment, about the circulation of substances and the flow of energy in biogeocenosis as a necessary condition for its existence.

Tasks: educational: to develop the concepts of "ecosystem", "biogeocenosis", "biocenosis";

developing: improve the skills of independent workwith a textbook, the ability to highlight the main thing, to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

educational: to carry out ecological education of students.

Means of education:electronic presentation, PC, multimedia projector, screen, illustrations depicting oak forest biocenosis, freshwater reservoir.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time
  2. Knowledge update

Frontal conversation:

  1. What are the main types of interactions between living organisms you know?
  2. What is the positive role of predation in nature?
  3. What is biogeocenosis? What components does it consist of?

Drawing up the scheme "Composition of biogeocenosis":

Biotope (from bio-life and Greek topos-place), a section of a body of water or land with the same type of relief conditions, climate and other biological factors, occupied by a certain biocenosis

Climatop Hydrotop Edafotope

(climatic (hydrological (soil

factors) factors) factors)

Biocenosis - a set of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms that jointly inhabit an area of ​​land or water

Phytocenosis Zoocenosis Microbiocenosis

  1. Learning new material

Although the interactions of organisms are very diverse, they lead to only three main results:

Providing food;

Habitat change;

Resettlement of species in space.

As a result of the complexity and intertwining of relationships between species, efficient use of biocenosis resources, control over the growth of the number of organisms is ensured. Thus, the sustainable functioning of complex natural systems is maintained. Careless human intervention in the life of nature can cause a chain reaction of events that will lead to unexpected and undesirable consequences.

Ecosystem characteristics(students work with textbook text and illustrations and find answers to questions:

  1. How are living organisms in an ecosystem related to each other?(through substances and energy)
  2. Indicate the constituent parts of the ecosystem that provide the cycle of substances.

Answer: - the presence of producers - organisms capable of creating organic matter from inorganic;

The presence of consumers - organisms that process organic substances;

The presence of decomposers - destructive organisms that decompose organic matter.

Thus, an ecosystem is a very broad, rankless, flexible concept that refers to systems of any size. From a drop of pond water or a stump with a whole range of inhabiting organisms, an aquarium with plants and animals to a meadow, forest, the World Ocean and the biosphere.

It is possible to maintain a cycle in any ecosystem only when completely different organisms enter into it, which are different throughout the way of life and in the role they play in nature.

(Recording) The sustainability of ecosystems is influenced by:

  1. living space - the average area or volume per one individual of the considered populations and species;
  2. richness of species composition;
  3. interaction of species;
  4. environment-forming properties of species;
  5. anthropogenic impact.
  1. Anchoring

Solution of biological problems

Objective 1.

In any community, dominant species can be distinguished. What are they? What species is considered dominant in the spruce forest? What is the role of dominant species in the community? Numerous types?

Objective 2.

A variety of insects live in any ecosystem. What link (producers, consumers, decomposers) include insects? Explain the answer. What role do insects play in the ecosystem? Make a food chain, one of the links of which will be insects.

Objective 3.

There are territorial and food ties between the inhabitants of the aquarium. Note the connections between plants and animals in the aquarium. What happens if all plants are removed from the aquarium? Shellfish? Why is it necessary to feed aquarium fish with animal food? Explain why the fish in the pond live without feeding.


§17, questions after the paragraph.


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