Excel courses (Excel). Learning at a simple and accessible level! How to work in Excel (Program): Tips beginners

Anyone who uses in the daily work of the computer, one way or another came across an Excel office app, which is included in the standard Microsoft Office package. It is available in any version of the package. And quite often, starting familiarity with the program, many users are asked about in Excel on their own?

What is an Excel program?

To begin with, we will define what Excel is, and for which it is necessary for this application. Probably, many have heard that the program is a tabular editor, however, the principles of its functioning are found in the root differ from the same tables created in Word.

If in Word, the table protrudes the element in which the text or the sheet with the Excel table is displayed - it is essentially a unified mathematical machine that is capable of producing a wide variety of calculations based on the specified data types and formulas for which one or other mathematical or algebraic operation.

How to learn how to work in Excel yourself and can it be done?

As the heroine of the film "Service Roman", you can also teach a hare to smoke. In principle, there is nothing impossible. Let us try to understand the elementary principles of the application and focus on understanding its main opportunities.

Of course, the reviews of people who disassemble the specifics of the application, they say that you can, let's say, download some tutorial to work in Excel, however, as practice shows and especially comments from beginner users, such materials are very often represented in too increasing form, and It is difficult to figure out enough.

It seems the most the best option Learning will be the study of the main possibilities of the program, and then their use, so to speak, "method of scientific tyk". It goes without saying, first need to consider the main functional elements Microsoft Excel. (The lessons on the program indicate that this) to compile a complete picture of the principles of work.

The main elements to pay attention to

The very first thing that the user pays attention to when the application is started, this is a sheet in the form of a table in which cells are signed, numbered in a different way, depending on the version of the application itself. In earlier versions, the columns were laid out with lines, and rows with numbers and numbers. In other releases, all marking is presented exclusively in digital form.

What is it for? Yes, only in order to always determine the cell number to specify a specific calculation operation by type of how the coordinates are specified in a two-dimensional system for a point. Later will understand how to work with them.

Another important component is a string of formulas - a special field, on the left having the "F X" icon. It is here that all operations are wondering. At the same time, the mathematical actions themselves are indicated in the same way as is customary. international Classification (sign of equality "\u003d", multiplication "*" division "/", etc.). Trigonometric values \u200b\u200balso correspond to international designations (SIN, COS, TG, etc.). But this is the easiest. Operations will have to be discussed with the help of a reference system or specific examples, since some formulas may look sufficiently specific (exponential, logarithmic, tensor, matrix, etc.).

From above, as in other office programs, there is a main panel and the main menu sections with the main items of operations and the quick access buttons to a function or another.

and the simplest operations with them

Consideration of the question of whether it is impossible without a key understanding of the types of data entered in the table cells. Immediately, we note that after prescribing some information, you can press the input button, the Esc key or simply move the rectangle from the desired cell to another - the data will be saved. Cell editing is called by a double click or by pressing the F2 key, and upon completion of the data entry, the saving occurs exclusively when you press the ENTER key.

Now a few words about what can be entered into each cell. The format menu is caused by the right click on the active cell. On the left there is a special column with an indication of the data type (common, numeric, text, percentage, date, etc.). If a general format is selected, the program, roughly speaking, determines what exactly the entered value is similar to (for example, if you enter 01/01/16, the date on January 1, 2016 will be recognized).

When you enter the number, you can use and specify the number of decimal characters (one character is displayed by default, although when you enter the two program, it simply rounds visible valueAlthough true does not change).

When using, say, a text type data type, which would be used, it will be displayed precisely in the form of what is scored on the keyboard, unchanged.

That's what's interesting: if you bring the cursor to the dedicated cell, in the lower right corner there will be a cross, pulling for which when the left mouse is shed, you can copy the data to the following code in order. But the data will change. If you take the same example with the date, the following value will be indicated on January 2, etc. Such copying is useful when specifying the same formula for different cells (sometimes even with cross-calculations).

If we talk about formulas, you can use a double approach for the simplest operations. For example, for the amount of A1 and B1 cells, which should be calculated in the C1 cell, you need to place a rectangle in the C1 field and set the calculation according to the formula "\u003d A1 + B1". You can do otherwise by setting the equality "\u003d amounts (A1: B1)" (such a method is used for large gaps between the cells, although you can use the automatic summation function, as well as the English version of the sum of the sum of Sum).

Excel: How to work with Excel sheets

When working with sheets, you can make many actions: add sheets, change their name, delete unnecessary, etc. But the most important thing is that any cells are on different sheetscan be interconnected by certain formulas (especially when they are entered large arrays information of different types).

How to learn how to work in Excel yourself in terms of use and computing? It's not so simple here. As user reviews show, at one time we have mastered this tabular editor, without assistance Make it will be quite difficult. You need to read at least the reference system of the program itself. The simplest way is to enter the same cells in the same formula by highlighting them (it can be done on one sheet, and on different. Again, if you enter the sum of several fields, you can register "\u003d sums", and then simply alternate when the Ctrl key is shed The desired cells. But this is the most primitive example.

Additional features

But in the program you can not only create tables with various types data. On their basis, in a couple of seconds, you can build all sorts of graphics and charts asking for automatic constructions or a dedicated range of cells, or specify it in manual mode when entering the corresponding menu.

In addition, the program has the ability to use special add-ons executed by Visual Basic scripts. You can insert any objects in the form of graphics, video, audio or something else. In general, there is enough opportunities. And here just a small tolika touched on everything that this unique program is capable of.

What to say, she proper approach It can calculate the matrices, solve all sorts of equations of any complexity, find the databases and link them with other applications like Microsoft Access and much more - just do not list.


Now, probably, it is already clear that the question of how to learn how to work in Excel on their own, is not so simple for consideration. Of course, if you master the basic principles of work in the editor, ask the simplest operations of labor will not be. User feedback Testimony that you can learn how to maximize this week. But if you need to use more complex calculations, and even more so, working with reference to databases, no matter how much of this, without special literature or courses here is simply not to do. Moreover, it is very likely to tighten even their knowledge of algebra and geometry from the school course. Without this, you can not even dream about the full use of the tabular editor.


From my own experience I will say one obvious thing: Many novice users underestimate Excel (and I would say that even underestimate very much). Maybe I judge by personal experience (When 2 numbers could not be folded earlier) and did not imagine why Excel needed, and then becoming the user of the "middle hand" in Excel - was able to decide in tens of times faster than the task with which she used to sit and "thought" ...

The purpose of this article: not only to show how to do this or that action, but also show the potential features of the program for novice users who do not even know about them. After all, owning even the very initial skills of work in Excel (as I said earlier) - you can speed up your work several times!

Lessons are a small instructions for performing a particular action. Themes for lessons chose independently, based on issues that I often have to answer.

T. Lekov : Sorting a list by the desired column, folding numbers (summary formula), row filtering, creating a table in Excel, drawing up graphics (diagrams).

Excel lessons 2016

1) How to sort the list according to the alphabet, ascending (you need a column / column)

Very often there is such tasks. For example, there is a table in Excel (or you copied it there) and now you need to sort it on some column / column (for example, a table as in Fig. 1).

Now the task: it would be nice to sort it up to increase numbers in December.

You first need to highlight the table with the left mouse button: Please note that you need to select those columns and columns you want to sort (this is important moment : For example, if I did not allocate a column A (with the names of people) and sorted according to Decablar - then the values \u200b\u200bfrom the column would be lost relative to the names in the column A. ie There would be no connection, and Albina would not be with "1", and with "5", for example).

After selecting the table, go to the next section: " Data / Sorting"(See Fig. 2).

Then you need to configure the sorting: select a column to sort and direction: ascending or descending. There is nothing to comment here (see Fig. 3).

2) How to fold several numbers in the table, the formula of the amount

Also one of the most popular tasks. Consider how quickly solve it. Suppose that we need to fold three months and get the final amount for each participant (see Fig. 5).

We highlight one cell in which we want to get a sum (in fig. 5 - it will be "Albina").

Actually, in the window that appears, you need to specify (highlight) the cells you want to fold. It is done very simple: select the left mouse button and click the OK button (see Fig. 7).

After that, you are in the previously selected cells, see the result (see Fig. 7 - the result "8").

In theory, this amount is usually required for each participant in the table. Therefore, in order not to enter the formula once again manually - you can simply copy it to the desired cells. In fact, everything looks simple: choose a cell (in fig. 9 is E2), in the corner of this cell there will be a small rectangle - "stretch" it to the end of your table!

As a result, Excel will consider the amount of each participant (see Fig. 10). All simple and fast!

3) Filtering: Leave only those strings, where the value is greater (or where it contains ...)

After the amount is considered, very often, it is required to leave only those who fulfilled a certain barrier (for example, made more than 15). To do this, excel has a special feature - filter.

First you need to highlight the table (see Fig. 11).

Small "arrows" should appear. If you press it, the filter menu will open: you can choose, for example, numeric filters and configure which lines show (for example, the "More" filter will only leave the rows in which the number in this column will be greater than you specify).

By the way, note that the filter can be set on each column! A column where there are text data (in our case the names of people) - will be filtered by several other filters: namely, it is no longer less (both in numerical filters), and "begins" or "contains". For example, I entered the name filter, which begin with the letter "A".

Fig. 14. The name of the name contains (or starts with ...)

Pay attention to one point: columns in which the filter acts is marked in a special way (see green arrows in Fig. 15).

In general, the filter is very powerful and useful tool. By the way, in order to turn it off, simply in the Excel top menu - "Press" the same button.

4) How to create a table in Excel

From such a question, I sometimes lose. The fact is that Excel is one big table. True, she does not have borders, there is no marking of the sheet, etc. (as it is in Word - and this is misleading many).

Most often, under this issue implies the creation of the borders of the table (table formatting). It is done quite easily: first allocate the entire table, then go to the section: " Home / Format as a table". In the pop-up window you take the design: frame type, its color, etc. (see Fig. 16).

Fig. 16. Format as a table

The formatting result is shown in Fig. 17. In such a form, this table can be transferred, for example, to the Word document, make a visual screenshot from it, or simply submit on the screen to the audience. In this form, it is much easier "read."

5) How to build a chart / chart in Excel

To build the chart, you will need a ready table (or at least 2 columns with data). First of all, you need to add a chart to do this: " Box / Circular / Volume Circuit Chart" (for example). The selection of the diagram depends on the requirements (which you follow) or your preferences.

Next, you can choose its style and design. I recommend not to use in diagrams weak and dull colors (light pink, yellow, etc.). The fact is that usually make the diagram to show it - and these colors are poorly perceived both on the screen and when printed (especially if the printer is not the best).

Actually, it remains only to specify the data for the diagram. To do this, click on the left mouse button: on top, in the Excel menu - the section should appear " Working with diagrams

Fig. 23. The resulting diagram

Actually, on this and this diagram, I will sum up the results. In the article I collected (it seems to me), all the main questions that arise from novice users. Having understood with these basic capabilities - you yourself will not notice how new "chips" will start learning faster and faster.

Having learned to use 1-2 formulas, many other formulas will "be created" in the same way!

The Excel program is one of the most powerful applications of the entire Office complex. She enjoys not only accountants and economists, but also ordinary people. The program is designed to work with numbers and tables, makes it possible to submit information to the most favorable for perception of the form: as diagrams and graphs. Here you can implement the most complicated calculations and perform various mathematical operations. In addition, the user will not need special knowledge, it is enough to learn how to work in Excel.

What is this office application?

The Excel program works with files that form a certain book consisting of separate sheets. In the cells of the tables, letters, symbols and numbers are introduced. They can be copied, moved or deleted. If necessary, various operations are carried out with them: text, mathematical, logical and other. Newbies, who only learn how to work in the Excel program, should know that any information can be displayed in the form of graphs or diagrams.

How to create a file?

First you need to open a document. To create it, you need to click on the program label or go to the application through the "Start".

By default, the name "Book 1" is specified, but in the "File Name" line, you can enter any name. Working, it is worth periodically to save data to avoid loss of information in the event of a power failure or hang.

Between the sheets you can easily switch by pressing the appropriate inscription at the bottom of the page. If the tabs are very much, it is better to use the arrows on the keyboard. To insert a sheet, you need to find the item "Insert" in the "Home" menu. There will be all possible actions applicable to sheets, for example, add or delete. Also tabs can be moved.

"Face" of the program

Before you figure out how to work in Excel, it is worth studying the interface. Tools are located in the upper and lower part of the window, and the rest area occupy rectangles that are cells. The feature of the spreadsheet is that the actions can be performed in some cells, and the result is displayed in others.

Each table has columns that are denoted by the letters of the English alphabet. Rows are numbered on the left. Thus, any cell has its own coordinates. In each cell, you can enter both data and formulas. Before entering the latter, it is necessary to put the symbol "\u003d".

Each cell - its own characteristic

To understand how to learn how to work in Excel correctly, the user should know that before entering the values, you must specify the dimension of the column or cell. It will depend on what the data is measured. To do this, click on the right mouse button on the dedicated range and select "Cell Format" in the Dialog box.

If the number entered is greater than 999, it is necessary to establish a splitting. You do not need to enter spaces yourself.

For correct data display, you cannot enter in one cell more than one separate value. Also, you should not enter the listings separated by commas or other characters. For each value there should be its own cell.

How to enter data?

Users who know will not be difficult to enter data. To do this, click on the cell and dial letters or numbers on the keyboard. To continue work, you must click "Enter" or Tav. The row rupture is carried out using the ALT + "input" combination.

When entering a month or number in order, it is enough to register a value in the initial cells, and then drag the marker to the required range.

Transfer text

Most often, users are interested in how to learn how to work in Excel with text. If necessary, it can be transferred according to words. To do this, select certain cells and in the Home tab you need to find the "Alignment" option, and then select "Transfer of Text".

If you need an automatic change in the width and height of the cell according to the text entered, the following must be followed: Go to the "Home" tab and in the "Cell" group to select "Format". Next you need to choose a suitable action.


To format numbers, it is necessary to highlight the cell and in the Home tab, find the group "Number". After clicking on the arrow next to the "Shared" item, you can select the required format.

To change the font, you need to highlight a specific range and go to the "Home", "Font" menu.

How to create a table?

Knowledge about how to work in the Excel program is unlikely to be useful to the user if he does not know how to create a table. The easiest way is to highlight a specific range and mark the borders with black lines by clicking on the appropriate icon at the top of the page. But often a non-standard table for forms or documents is required.

First of all, it is necessary to determine how the table should look like to set the width and length of the cells. Having highlight the range, you need to go to the "Format of the Cell" menu and select the "Alignment" item. The option "Corging cells" will help remove extra boundaries. Then you need to go to the "Borders" menu and set the required parameters.

Using the "Cell Format" menu, you can create various options Tables, adding or removing columns and strings, as well as changing borders.

Knowing how to work in the Excel table, the user will be able to create headlines. To do this, in the "Formatting Table" window you need to check the checkbox opposite the "Table with headlines" item.

To add items in the table, you must use the Designer tab. You can select the required parameters.

What are macros for?

If the user has often to repeat the same actions in the program, it will be useful to knowledge about how macros work in Excel. They are programmed to perform actions in a specific sequence. The use of macros allows you to automate certain operations and facilitate monotonous operation. They can be recorded in various programming languages, but their essence does not change.

To create a macro in this application, you must log in to the "Service" menu, select Macro, and then click "Start Record". Next, you need to perform the actions that are often repeated, and after completing the work, click "Stop Record".

All these instructions will help the newcomer to figure out how to work in Excel: keep records, create reports and analyze numbers.

There are such things without which it is quite possible to live. For example, an electric canning knife, or "cutter" for sausages. This list could be continued to infinity, however, the meaning is probably already clear. In ordinary life, they are simply not needed. Of course there is a certain proportion that someday they also have an application.

For example, you expect a large number of Guests and you need to open 10 green peas cans, and then cut into thin slices of 20 sausages sausages. Of course, in such circumstances, the above things will be very useful. But these are special cases. In the usual arrangement, it's easier for us to open canned jar in conventional method, As well as cut off a pair of slices of sausage for sandwich.

The same with computer programs. Study them just for common development, in the hope that someday they will need, it would be a waste of time. Of course, during training you in any case improve and overall computer skills. For example, more confidently keep the mouse in your hands, you begin to quit text faster, more freely oriented in unfamiliar interfaces ... Nevertheless, first of all it is worth mastering programs that will actually help you in your work or personal life.

MS Excel program It is a universal tool and is suitable for almost anyone who has been able to calculate something on duty, to carry out databases, to build diagrams and the like. Moreover, the word "calculate" is often frightened ordinary people. It immediately seems to be something like the transposition of the matrix or differential equations.

In fact, even in ordinary life there is a place for calculations. Let's consider a few simple examples.

The first is the most banal: it is necessary to keep the table of spending and income. If not lazy and record at least large spending there, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the cost structure and correct them.

Second: you need to make a chart according to the existing table. In Excel, this is done literally in a few minutes (naturally, if you know how).

Fourth: It is necessary to lead a small database for the company's customers.

All these and many other tasks become easily solvable if you use Microsoft Excel.

By the nature of your activity, I constantly have to analyze digital data. Previously, it took a lot of time, as I preferred to work with a conventional calculator. However, when the chef once again hinted on the presence of constant mistakes in the calculations and asked to speed up the provision of reports with the results of business trips, the "bad" thoughts began to climb that it was time to shaking ancient and start learning.

How can I learn Excel

Each comes to Excel in its own way. However, few people manage to master the program independently, on textbooks. The fact is that time for this is usually not at all. The bosses do not really care that you need to learn something. He needs a result.

Therefore, you have to engage in worries. IN free time. Buying books at your own expense.

There is one more tactic: you can endlessly terrorizing your colleagues by asking them the question of the question, asking for to show how one or another operation is done. Colleagues are different. Some at first try to help you. Others immediately come up with a way to make it so that you are "bought out". For example, give advice in deliberately dismissive tone, with all its appearance showing that you are impassable deadlock, and without a single hope for correction.

Alas, independent training usually goes slowly. Sometimes a person simply flows into a stupor, because she tightly rests into an irresistible barrier. The day after day nothing works, and it is not particularly not to ask. Colleagues, envy your approach to their table, immediately take such a puzzled look that questions are simply not turning to ask them.

What to do, you think you and decide to look for some mS Excel Passing Courses.

Courses on MS Excel

Here, as they say, someone as lucky. If you are lucky enough to find a good teacher who really works with the program in practice, and did not study it on books a month before the start of your courses, consider that it was done.

If your boss agrees to let you go to study in working time - It will be even better. And if he also drops down to pay for your learning, then we can consider yourself a real ballet destiny.

What if everything turns out the opposite?

You will ride the training center after work when the head has already boiled from production tasks. You pay for an exile rate a considerable amount from your own pocket. And with all this, you will get a teacher who can tell about the program only within the Excel book for dummies. Any question "to the side" from the general line will put it in a dead end.

As a result, after graduation, you will be completely convinced that Excel is one of the most complex programs in the world.And you yourself are one of the most stupid students, the shame of the educational center and the teacher who released you. How not to return to the old good Calculator, causing the wrath of the authorities and smasters of more advanced colleagues.

Even if this sad "second option" does not happen to you, still ride through the Poliorod to classes at the end of the working day, spend time on traffic jams, sit in a stuffy class under flickering neon light, adapt to the speed of the slower student of the group - is it really So should be trained in the XXI century?

Online lessons MS Excel

Of course not! I immediately scolded full-time courses and began to search for online learning options. In general, there are a lot of completely free on the Internet. excel Development Materials. At first I was delighted and started, it was, to view them, but over time it became clear that free lessons were very fragmented, it is difficult to find a continuation, etc.

Sometimes the quality of the information is left to desire a lot of better.

However, at some point I discovered two courses that seemed to me by successful. Alas, one of them was not complete enough and contained only the most. It was only suitable for the most novice users. The second course was solid, serious. Most bribed the fact that the analysis of the program functions was not a simple abstract listing, but on specific examples.

Let these were examples of not quite from my area, but they helped to master the possibilities of the program, fill the hand, to absorb work techniques. All this made it possible to make subsequent independent steps, acting by analogy.

Online learning against classic courses

There are such discipline where online learning powerless. Everything is built on the live interaction of the mentor and the student. However, if we are talking about the development of a new computer ProgramThe video tutorial will work more successfully than the usual one when the teacher and the student is in the class at the same time.

If working with video tutorials, then we are not tied to a specific time and place of study. You can do when the time was issued. The main thing is not to throw. This rule is very important! Many people who scold remote training are imposed on the verification of undisciplined ramps. After paying the course, they believe that they will learn in any case and are very surprised when a month passes over the month, and knowledge is not at all accumulated at all.

Nothing amazing. On weekdays, they usually learn once - work, fatigue, TV. And when they sit for the lessons on the weekend, what mastered a week ago, almost forgotten. You have to return to endlessly, the video tutorials have already passed again. And not just watch, but to do all actions yourself. And here more tasks for independent work.

Another problem is a passive viewing of video clocks without any attempts to perform the proposed exercises with your own hands. Indeed - why do they do when and so everything is clear. Let's follow ...

As a result, without receiving the day after the day of practical skills, simply looking at the lessons during a lunch break with a cup of coffee in his hands, a person does not study, and the time spends the time. It is not surprising that the remote learning has a persistent antipathy.

Yes, it is not for Ripples. Want to learn something - look and learn.

Excel Lessons Andrei Sukhova

As I said, I liked the course. All themes are considered on specific examples that are much better remembered. I liked the fact that the author recorded not one big video tutorial, covering a whole section of the course, but broke it into several short rollers.

Watch a short roller covering specific situation And its decision is much more convenient. It's very easy to wind video back if something listened. It is constantly proposed to perform this or that action yourself. So not only the head, but also the hands remember the sequence of operations.

It is valuable that the author offers to see the first one, the introductory part of the course without setting any conditions. There are considered the most initial information and skills, which are nevertheless sufficient to solve simple, non-soccer problems.

At the same time, it becomes possible to listen to how the author leads lessons. Are there any problems with diction, is the pace of presentation of the material, are examples, etc. are clearly understood.

At one time, I also first subscribed to the first free part, and then paid full course. He cost 1800 rubles. On the one hand, it seems to be expensive. On the other hand, full-time courses are much more expensive. If you buy a tutorial, the savings will be very dubious. Indeed, there are inexpensive books, but training is very stretched over time.

Excel learning and implementation result

Now the bosses are quite pretty for me. I have less mistakes and reports I rent in time. Why there is the bosses! I myself am in complete delight. After all, it cost me once again and debug a table and then all the work consisted only in the addition of fresh current numbers into several cells. The program instantly made a calculation and outpathed finished numbers.

If earlier the preparation of the damned report was a real carriage, now it turned into a holiday. Everything works quickly and without errors. Almost that "self" :)

Who told the phrase there: "manual work on the shoulders of cars?" That is what happened in my case. The time spent on training paid off by a hundredfold. Thank you by Microsoft for such a useful program and Andrei Sukhov for understandable and useful.

Good day, dear reader of my site. I have not written new articles for a long time, and I still decided. The topic "" is quite difficult to master, but useful if you deal with large quantity figures. What I will show in this article.

This lesson will be devoted to the main purpose of spreadsheets. And if possible, I will tell you how to make a table with calculations and plus to this table to build a schedule. I hope the article will be useful and interesting.

1. Basic table management elements.

2. Building a table.

3. Editing table and filling data.

4. Use of formulas in Excel.

5. How to make a schedule in Excel.

6. General design document.

7. We draw conclusions.

Basic table management elements.

In the last lesson, we studied the structure of the sheet of spreadsheets. Now let's try to apply some controls in practice.

Write a table header.

There are three options here. The first option without combining cells. The second option using the cell combining tool. And the third option is to insert the element of the figure in which you insert the text of the header.

Since we need to learn how to work professionally and efficiently in Excelpro, forget forever. Why? It is not correct, not professionally and further work Many problems may occur when editing and mapping.

Personally, I use the second or third option. Ideally, if you learn how to use the elements of the shapes and insert the text in them. It is forever forget about the problem of placing the text and its further editing and adjustment.

Consider how this is done:

1. Select the right mouse button area of \u200b\u200bthe cells that we need to combine. To do this, put the mouse cursor in the first cell of the area and keeping the left mouse key lead to the final cell area.

2. In the toolbar - Tab Main - Block Alignment - Tool Combine cells. Choose the parameter you need and click on it.

Watch Figure:

3. Click on the combined cell twice the left mouse button and enter the header text. It can also edit, change the size, font style and alignment in cells.

Building a table.

Go to the next item, building a table. Use the selection of cells, select the area you need and set the border of the table. To begin with, draw schematically on a sheet of paper or in the head (if you can imagine visually) table structure. The number of columns and lines. And then, already proceed to the allocation of the area. It will be easier.

Watch Figure:

Tab Home - Block Font - Border Tool. Select the desired version of the distinguished boundaries. In my case - all borders.

You can also set the thickness of the border allocation line, the color of the lines, the style of the lines. These elements give a more elegant, and sometimes understandable to the readable form of the table. We will talk about it in more detail later in the chapter "Registration of the document".

Editing table and filling data.

And now the most responsible moment you need to remember. Editing tables is as follows.

1) We highlight the desired area. To do this, first we determine what will be in the cells. It can be numbers that indicate monetary equivalent, interest, measuring values \u200b\u200bor simple numbers.

2) Click on the highlighted area with the right mouse button and in the context menu, select the item "Format of the cells ..."

3) Deciding with a digital value, choose the display format you need.

Watch Figure:

4) Configure automatic alignment of cell content. Here you optimally choose: to transfer the width according to or auto production.

Watch Figure:

This is an important point that will help you to watch in the cells of the number as numbers, and the cash equivalent as a cash equivalent.

Use of formulas in Excel.

Go to the main part, which will consider the full potential of spreadsheets.

Let's start with the automatic numbering of cells. We put the digit "1" in the first cell, the number "2" into the second cell. We highlight these two cells. In the lower right corner of the boundary of the selected area, click on a small black square. Holding the left mouse button, pull in the direction of the numbering, thereby continuing to highlight the column or string. In the desired cell, you stop and let go of the mouse.

Watch Figure:

This feature allows you to apply distribution and copy to selected cells.

Formula of addition, subtraction, multiplication, divisions.

In order to make any computation, you must enter the value "\u003d" in the cell. Next, the mouse cursor click on the cell with the first indicator, set the calculation sign and click on the second indicator, and at the end of the calculation, press the Enter key.

Watch Figure:

The "sums" function is required for summation a plurality of cells. Type of formula Next: \u003d sums (amount range)

Watch Figure:

We put the cursor in the brackets and the cursor allocate the summable area.

Here are the basic formulas that are most often found in working with spreadsheets. And now the task: you need using these formulas, make a touch table.

Watch Figure:

Who does not work out in the comments, I will help!

How to make a schedule in Excel.

Creative moment in this lesson, stepped! What is a diagram? This is a graphic, visual display of data in the form of two scales of indicators and result.

To build a chart, we need a table in which there are at least two indicators.

We see an example:

And look at the chart formatting

1) Designer

2) Layout

3) format

In these three tabs, you will find everything you need for quality design chart. For example, the name of the axes, the header of the chart, appearance.

Ready to task?

To the table you executed in the previous task you need to build a chart.

You can have your own option! At the end of the article, I will show my own.

General design document.

Design of spreadsheets, as well as any text document It is necessary to give a style. The style in turn can be a business, draft, presentation, educational, youth.

This section can include the following points:

- Color allocation.

- Use of various fonts.

- Location of objects in the document.

- Registration of charts and other objects.

All these items are primarily aimed at the fact that anyone could easily understand all the values \u200b\u200band indicators. As well as a beautiful or strict appearance of the document, depending on the destination, should emphasize your competence and professionalism.

We look at my design option:

Of course, not the most original and best, but emphasizing everything that can be applied to design.

We draw conclusions.

The material in the article can be said huge. But at the same time, I tried to highlight all moments that reveal the potential and appointment of spreadsheets. I gave the basic tools for the full use of spreadsheets for the purpose.

At first glance it seems, very increasingly and insurmountable. But it is not so! Take a similar table and schedule at the rate of your cash per month or week. Or, for example, make calculation of your travel trips. Thus, you will get the statistics and analytics tools.

I will be glad if you knock on the social buttons a couple of times and leave comments to my hard work.

See you in the following articles!