What vapor permeability is better for insulation. Parley-permeable insulation (not extrusion) Polystyrene foam Neopor (Neopore) from BASF

Parry permeability table building materials

I collected information on vapor permeability by setting up several sources. On sites walks the same plate with the same materials, but I expanded it, added modern meanings Parry permeability from site manufacturers sites. Also, I verified with the data from the document from the document "ACC of Rules of the SP 50.13330.2012" (Appendix T), added those that were not. So at the moment it is the most complete table.

MaterialParry permeability coefficient
mg / (m * h * pa)
Reinforced concrete0,03
Cement-sandy (or plaster)0,09
Cement-sand-limestone solution (or plaster)0,098
Spring-sand-sand with lime (or plaster)0,12
Ceramzitobetone, 1800 kg / m3 density0,09
Ceramzitobeton, density 1000 kg / m30,14
Ceramzitobeton, density of 800 kg / m30,19
Ceramzitobeton, density 500 kg / m30,30
Brick clay, masonry0,11
Brick, silicate, masonry0,11
Brick ceramic hollow (1400 kg / m3 gross)0,14
Brick ceramic hollow (1000 kg / m3 gross)0,17
Large-format ceramic block (warm ceramics)0,14
Foam concrete and aerated concrete, density 1000 kg / m30,11
Foam concrete and aerated concrete, density of 800 kg / m30,14
Foam concrete and aerated concrete, 600 kg / m3 density0,17
Foam concrete and aerated concrete, 400 kg / m3 density0,23
Fibrolite and arbolit plates, 500-450 kg / m30.11 (SP)
Fibrolite and arbolit plates, 400 kg / m30.26 (SP)
Arbolit, 800 kg / m30,11
Arbolit, 600 kg / m30,18
Arbolit, 300 kg / m30,30
Granite, Gneis, Basalt0,008
Limestone, 2000 kg / m30,06
Limestone, 1800 kg / m30,075
Limestone, 1600 kg / m30,09
Limestone, 1400 kg / m30,11
Pine, fir across fibers0,06
Pine, spruce along the fibers0,32
Oak across fibers0,05
Oak along the fibers0,30
Plywood glued0,02
Chipboard and dvp, 1000-800 kg / m30,12
Chipboard and dvp, 600 kg / m30,13
Chipboard and dvp, 400 kg / m30,19
Chipboard and dvp, 200 kg / m30,24
Plates of plaster (plaster), 1350 kg / m30,098
Plate from plaster (plaster), 1100 kg / m30,11
Minvata, Stone, 180 kg / m30,3
Minvata, Stone, 140-175 kg / m30,32
Minvata, Stone, 40-60 kg / m30,35
Minvata, Stone, 25-50 kg / m30,37
Minvata, Glass, 85-75 kg / m30,5
Minvata, Glass, 60-45 kg / m30,51
Minvata, Glass, 35-30 kg / m30,52
Minvat, Glass, 20 kg / m30,53
Minvata, Glass, 17-15 kg / m30,54
Polystyrene foam extruded (EPPS, XPS)0.005 (SP); 0,013; 0.004 (???)
Polystyrene foam (foam), stove, density from 10 to 38 kg / m30.05 (SP)
Polystyrene foam, stove0,023 (???)
Equata pulp0,30; 0,67
Polyurethan, density 80 kg / m30,05
Polyurethan, density 60 kg / m30,05
Polyurene foam, 40 kg / m3 density0,05
Polyurethane foam, 32 kg / m3 density0,05
Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 800 kg / m30,21
Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 600 kg / m30,23
Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 500 kg / m30,23
Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 450 kg / m30,235
Ceramizite (bulk, i.e. gravel), 400 kg / m30,24
Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 350 kg / m30,245
Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 300 kg / m30,25
Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 250 kg / m30,26
Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 200 kg / m30.26; 0.27 (SP)
Polyurethane mastic0,00023
Foamed synthetic rubber0,003
Ruberoid, Pergamine0 - 0,001
Asphalt concrete0,008
Linoleum (PVC, i.e. unpretentious)0,002
Foam glass block0 (rare 0.02)
Foam glass bulk, density 400 kg / m30,02
Foam glass bulk, density 200 kg / m30,03
Tile (tile) Ceramic glazed≈ 0 (???)
Clinker tilelow (???); 0,018 (???)
Ceramographiclow (???)
OSP (OSB-3, OSB-4)0,0033-0,0040 (???)

Learn and indicate in this table the vapor permeability of all types of materials is difficult, manufacturers are created great amount a variety of plasters, finishing materials. And, unfortunately, many manufacturers do not indicate such products such an important characteristic as vapor permeability.

For example, determining the value for warm ceramics (a "large-format ceramic block" position), I studied almost all the manufacturers of this type of brick, and only some of them in the characteristics of the stone were indicated vapor permeability.

Also U. different manufacturers different values Parium permeability. For example, most foam-cellular blocks it is zero, but some manufacturers have a value "0-0.02".

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To create a favorable microclimate in the room, it is necessary to take into account the properties of building materials. Today we will analyze one property - parry permeability of materials.

Parry permeability is called the ability of the material to skip the pairs contained in the air. Water pairs penetrate the material due to pressure.

They will help to understand the question of tables that cover almost all materials used for construction. Having studied this materialYou will know how to build a warm and reliable home.


If we are talking about prof. Construction, it uses special equipment to determine vapor permeability. Thus, the table appeared in this article.

Today uses the following equipment:

  • Scales with a minimum error - an analytical type model.
  • Vessels or bowls for experiments.
  • Tools S. high levels Accuracy to determine the thickness of layers of building materials.

We understand with the property

It is the opinion that the "breathable walls" is useful for the house and its inhabitants. But all the builders are thinking about this concept. "Breathable" is called that material that in addition to air is missing and steam - this is the water permeability of building materials. Foam concrete, clamzit tree possess a high indicator of vapor permeability. Walls made of brick or concrete also have this property, but the figure is much less than that of the ceramzite or wood materials.

During the adoption of a hot soul or cooking, steam stands out. Because of this, an increased humidity is created in the house - fixing the position can extract. To find out that the couples do not go anywhere on the condensate on the pipes, and sometimes on the windows. Some builders believe that if the house is built of brick or concrete, then in the house "hard" breathing.

In fact, the situation is better - in a modern housing, about 95% of the pair goes through the vehicle and extract. And if the walls are made of "breathable" building materials, then 5% of the steam go through them. So residents of houses from concrete or brick do not particularly suffer from this parameter. Also the walls, regardless of the material, will not pass moisture due to vinyl wallpaper. There are "breathable" walls and significant drawback - in windy weather from the housing goes warm.

The table will help you compare the materials and find out their permeability indicator:

The higher the indicator of the paronymestility, the more the wall can accommodate moisture, which means that the material is low frost resistance. If you are going to build walls of foam concrete or gas block, then you should know that manufacturers often creep in the description where vapor permeability is indicated. The property is indicated for dry material - in such a state it really has a high thermal conductivity, but if the gasoblock wet, the indicator will increase 5 times. But we are interested in another parameter: the liquid has a property to expand when freezing, as a result - the walls are destroyed.

Parry permeability in a multilayer design

The sequence of layers and the type of insulation - this is what primarily affects vapor permeability. In the diagram below you can see that if the insulation material is located from the facade side, the indicator pressure on the saturation of moisture is lower.

If the insulation is located on the inside of the house, then condensate will appear between the supporting structure and this construction. It adversely affects the entire microclimate in the house, while the destruction of building materials occurs markedly faster.

We deal with the coefficient

The coefficient in this indicators determines the number of vapors measured in grams that pass through the materials with a thickness of 1 meter and layer in 1m² for one hour. The ability to skip or delay moisture characterizes the resistance of vapor permeability, which in the table is indicated by the symbol "μ".

Simple wordsThe coefficient is the resistance of building materials comparable to indirectness of air. We will analyze a simple example, mineral wool It has the following parry permeability coefficient: μ \u003d 1. This means that the material misses moisture no worse than air. And if you take aerated concrete, then it will be equal to 10, that is, its steadyness is ten times worse than the air.


On the one hand, vapor permeability is well affected by the microclimate, and on the other hand destroys materials from which houses are built. For example, "Wat" perfectly misses moisture, but in the end due to excess steam on the windows and pipes with cold water Condensate may form, as the table says. Because of this, he loses its quality insulation. Professionals are recommended to install a layer of vaporizolation with outside at home. After that, the insulation will not skip steam.

If the material has a low vapor permeability rate, then it is only plus, because the owners do not have to spend money on insulating layers. And get rid of a couple, forms from cooking and hot water, Help and the Fortochka will help - this is enough to maintain a normal microclimate in the house. In the case when the house is built from the tree, it is impossible to do without additional insulation, while special varnish are needed for wood materials.

Table, schedule and scheme will help you understand the principle of operation of this property, after which you can already decide on the choice suitable material. Also do not forget about climatic conditions outside the window, because if you live in the zone with high humidity, then about materials with high indicator Parry permeability is at all forget.

Everyone knows that comfortable temperature mode, and, accordingly, a favorable microclimate in the house is ensured largely due to high-quality thermal insulation. Recently, there are a lot of disputes about what should be perfect thermal insulation And what characteristics it should have.

There are a number of properties of thermal insulation, the importance of which is no doubt: it is thermal conductivity, strength and environmental friendliness. It is obvious that effective thermal insulation should have a low thermal conductivity coefficient, to be durable and durable, not contain substances harmful to humans and ambient.

However, there is one property of thermal insulation, which causes a lot of questions - it is vapor permeability. Should the insulation flow to water vapor? Low vapor permeability - is this or disadvantage?

Points for and against"

Supporters of cotton insulation assure that high steam-permeable ability is a certain plus, a vapor-permeable insulation will allow the walls of your home to "breathe", which will create a favorable microclimate in the room, even in the absence of any additional ventilation system.

The adepts of Polyeplex and its analogs declare: the insulation must work as a thermos, and not as a holey "vicar". In their defense, they lead the following arguments:

1. Walls are not at all "respiratory authorities" at home. They perform a completely different function - protect the house from environmental exposure. Breathing authorities for home is ventilation systemAs well, partially, windows and doorways.

In many European countries supply-exhaust ventilation It is mandatory in any residential room and is perceived as the same norm as centralized system Heating in our country.

2. Penetration of water vapor Through the walls is a natural physical process. But at the same time, the amount of this penetrating steam in the residential room with the usual operating mode is so little that it can not be taken into account (from 0.2 to 3% * depending on the presence / absence of a ventilation system and its effectiveness).

* Pogodelski Y.A, Kaspirkevich K. Heavy protection Multiphannie homes and energy savings, planned theme NF-34/00, (typewriter), ITB library.

Thus, we see that high vapor permeability cannot act as a cultivated advantage when choosing a thermal insulation material. Now let's try to find out if this property is considered a disadvantage?

What is dangerous high vapor permeability of the insulation?

IN winter time Years, as minus temperature Outside the house, the dew point (conditions under which water steam reaches saturation and condensed) must be in the insulation (extruded polystyrene was taken as an example).

Fig.1 Dew point in Epps plates in houses with facing by insulation

Fig.2 Dew point in Epps plates in frame-type houses

It turns out that if the thermal insulation has high vapor permeability, condensate can accumulate in it. Now find out what condensate is dangerous in insulation?

Firstly, When forming in a condensate insulation, it becomes wet. Accordingly, its decreases heat insulating characteristics And, on the contrary, the thermal conductivity increases. Thus, the insulation begins to perform the opposite function - remove heat out of the room.

Famous in the field of thermal physics expert, Doctor, Professor, K.F. Fokin concludes: "The hygienists consider the air permeability of fences as positive qualityproviding natural ventilation premises. But from a heat engineering point of view, the air permeability of the fences is rather negative quality, since in winter the infiltration (air traffic from the inside) causes additional heat losses with fences and cooling rooms, and the exhaustion (air movement outside the outside) may adversely affect the humidity mode of external fences , contributing to moisture condensation. "

In addition, the SP 23-02-2003 "Thermal Protection of Buildings" section No. 8 states that the breathability of enclosing structures for residential buildings should be no more than 0.5 kg / (m² ∙ h).

Secondly, due to wetting, the thermal insulator is dried. If we are dealing with a cottonier insulation, then he sends, and cold bridges are formed. In addition, the load on bearing structures. After a few cycles: Frost - a thaw such insulation begins to collapse. To protect the moisture-permeable insulation from wetting it is covered with special films. A paradox arises: the insulation breathes, but it requires protection with polyethylene, or a special membrane that reduces all its "breathing".

Neither polyethylene nor the membrane passes the water molecules into the insulation. From the school year of physics, it is known that air molecules (nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide) is greater than the water molecule. Accordingly, the air is also not able to pass through the like protective films. As a result, we get a room with a breathable insulation, but a airtight film coated - a kind of greenhouse from polyethylene.

In domestic standards, vapor permeability resistance ( resistance to PPP, m2. h. PA / mg) It is normalized in chapter 6 "Resistance to Parphum Distribution of Fencing Designs" SNiP II-3-79 (1998) "Construction Heat Engineering".

International Standards Parry Permissions of Building Materials are given in ISO TC 163 / SC 2 and ISO / FDIS 10456: 2007 (E) - 2007 standards.

Permanent resistance indicators are determined on the basis of the international standard ISO 12572 "Heat engineering properties of building materials and products - determination of vapor permeability." Parry permeability indicators for international ISO norms were determined by a laboratory method on time-resistant (not just released) samples of building materials. Parry permeability was determined for building materials in a dry and wet state.
In the domestic reduction, only the calculated data of vapor permeability is given with a mass of moisture in the material W,% equal to zero.
Therefore, to select water-permeability building materials coloring construction better to focus on international Standards ISO.which is determined by the vapor permeability of "dry" building materials with a humidity of less than 70% and "wet" building materials with humidity of more than 70%. Remember that when leaving "pies" of vapor-permeable walls, the vapor permeability of materials from the inside should not decrease, otherwise it will gradually happen to "harness" of the inner layers of building materials and their thermal conductivity will increase significantly.

The vapor permeability of materials from the inside of the bed of heated house should decrease: SP 23-101-2004 Design of thermal protection of buildings, P.8.8: To ensure the best performance characteristics In the multilayer structures of buildings with a warm side, layers of greater thermal conductivity should be placed and with greater vapor-permeal resistance than the outer layers. According to T. Eridizes (Rogers T.S. design of thermal protection of buildings. / Per. From English - M.: C, 1966) Separate layers in multilayer fences should be placed in such a sequence so that the vapor permeability of each layer increased from the inner surface to Outdoor. With this location of the layers of water vapor, which fell into a fence through interior surface With increasing ease, it will take place through all the protection of the fence and removed from the fencing from the outer surface. The enclosing structure will function normally if subject to the formulated principle, the vapor permeability of the outer layer, at a minimum, will exceed 5 times the vapor permeability of the inner layer.

Mechanism of vapor permeability of building materials:

With low relative humidity moisture from the atmosphere as individual water vapor molecules. With increasing the relative humidity of the pores of building materials, they begin to be filled with liquid and the mechanisms of wetting and capillary suction begin to work. With increasing humidity of the building material, its vapor permeability increases (the resistance coefficient of vapor permeability is reduced).

Parry permeability indicators of "dry" building materials on ISO / FDIS 10456: 2007 (E) are applicable to internal structures Heated buildings. Parry permeability indicators of "wet" building materials are applicable to all external structures and internal structures of unheated buildings or country houses With variable (temporary) heating mode.

1. Minimize the selection indoor space can only insulation with the smallest thermal conductivity coefficient

2. Unfortunately, the accumulating heat capacity of the array outdoor Wall We are losing forever. But here there is your winnings:

A) no need to spend energy resources to heat these walls

B) When you turn on even the smallest heater indoors, it will almost immediately become warm.

3. In places of connecting the wall and overlapping "cold bridges", you can remove if the insulation is partially and on the ceiling slabs with the subsequent decoration of these adjoins.

4. If you still believe in the "breath of walls", please read this article. If not, then there is an obvious conclusion: the heat-insulating material should be very tightly pressed against the wall. Even better, if the insulation becomes one whole with the wall. Those. There will be no gaps and cracks between the insulation and the wall. Thus, moisture from the room will not be able to enter the zone of the dew point. The wall will always remain dry. Seasonal temperature fluctuations without moisture access will not provide negative influence On the walls, which will increase their durability.

All these tasks can solve only sprayed polyurethane foam.

Possessing the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient of all existing thermal insulation materials, polyurethane foam will take at least the inner space.

The ability of polyurethane foam reliably adhere to any surfaces makes it easy to apply it to the ceiling to reduce "cold bridges".

When applied to the walls of polyurethane foam, being some time in liquid state, fills all the gaps and microstilia. Foaming and polymerizing directly at the point of application of polyurethane foam becomes one whole with a wall, overlapping the access of destructive moisture.

Parry permeability of walls
Supporters of the Pipples of the "Healthy Breathing of Walls" besides sin against the truth of physical laws and conscious introduction to the delusion of designers, builders and consumers, based on the mercantile motivation, to sell their goods with more than methods, inspire and remove the layle on thermal insulation materials with low vapor permeability (polyurethane foam) or The thermal insulation material is monitored (foam glass).

The essence of this malicious insinuation is reduced to the following. It seems like, if there is no notorious "healthy breath of walls," then in this case the inner room will definitely become raw, and the walls will be wrapped in moisture. In order to debunk this fiction, let's see more carefully on those physical processes that will occur in the case of cladding under plaster layer or use inside masonry, such as such material as foam glass, the vapor permeability of which is zero.

So, due to the inherent foam cell of the heat-insulating and sealing properties outer layer Places or masonry will come to an equilibrium temperature and humidity with an outdoor atmosphere. Also, the inner layer of masonry will enter a certain balance with the microclimate interior premises. Diffusion processes of water, both in the outer layer of the wall and in the internal; Will be the character of the harmonic function. This feature will be caused by the outer layer, daily drops of temperature and humidity, as well as seasonal changes.

Especially interesting in this regard is the behavior of the inner layer of the wall. Actually, interior The walls will act as an inertial buffer, whose role to smooth out sharp changes in the humidity in the room. In the case of a sharp moistening of the room, the inner part of the wall will adsorb the excessive moisture contained in the air, without giving air humidity to achieve the limit value. At the same time, in the absence of moisture isolate into the air in the room, the inner part of the wall begins to dry at the same time, without giving the air to "dry" and will become deserted.

As a favorable result of a similar insulation system using polyurethane foam harmonic fluctuation of air humidity in the room smoothes and thus guarantees a stable value (with minor fluctuations) acceptable to a healthy humidity microclimate. Physics of this process was well studied by the developed construction and architectural schools in the world and to achieve such an effect when using fiber inorganic materials as insulation in closed systems insulation is strongly recommended for a reliable paronymable layer on inner side insulation systems. Here you and the "healthy breath of the walls"!