How to learn to work in Excel yourself: Description of the program, recommendations and reviews. Exel - Free Online Training

The Excel program is one of the most powerful applications of the entire Office complex. She enjoys not only accountants and economists, but also ordinary people. The program is designed to work with numbers and tables, makes it possible to submit information to the most favorable for perception of the form: as diagrams and graphs. Here you can implement the most complicated calculations and perform various mathematical operations. In addition, the user will not need special knowledge, it is enough to learn how to work in Excel.

What is this office application?

The Excel program works with files that form a certain book consisting of separate sheets. In the cells of the tables, letters, symbols and numbers are introduced. They can be copied, moved or deleted. If necessary, various operations are carried out with them: text, mathematical, logical and other. Newbies, who only learn how to work in the Excel program, should know that any information can be displayed in the form of graphs or diagrams.

How to create a file?

First you need to open a document. To create it, you need to click on the program label or go to the application through the "Start".

By default, the name "Book 1" is specified, but in the "File Name" line, you can enter any name. Working, it is worth periodically to save data to avoid loss of information in the event of a power failure or hang.

Between the sheets you can easily switch by pressing the appropriate inscription at the bottom of the page. If the tabs are very much, it is better to use the arrows on the keyboard. To insert a sheet, you need to find the item "Insert" in the "Home" menu. There will be all possible actions applicable to sheets, for example, add or delete. Also tabs can be moved.

"Face" of the program

Before you figure out how to work in Excel, it is worth studying the interface. Tools are located in the upper and lower part of the window, and the rest area occupy rectangles that are cells. The feature of the spreadsheet is that the actions can be performed in some cells, and the result is displayed in others.

Each table has columns that are denoted by the letters of the English alphabet. Rows are numbered on the left. Thus, any cell has its own coordinates. In each cell, you can enter both data and formulas. Before entering the latter, it is necessary to put the symbol "\u003d".

Each cell - its own characteristic

To understand how to learn how to work in Excel correctly, the user should know that before entering the values, you must specify the dimension of the column or cell. It will depend on what the data is measured. To do this, click on the right mouse button on the dedicated range and select "Cell Format" in the Dialog box.

If the number entered is greater than 999, it is necessary to establish a splitting. You do not need to enter spaces yourself.

For correct data display, you cannot enter in one cell more than one separate value. Also, you should not enter the listings separated by commas or other characters. For each value there should be its own cell.

How to enter data?

Users who know will not be difficult to enter data. To do this, click on the cell and dial letters or numbers on the keyboard. To continue work, you must click "Enter" or Tav. The row rupture is carried out using the ALT + "input" combination.

When entering a month or number in order, it is enough to register a value in the initial cells, and then drag the marker to the required range.

Transfer text

Most often, users are interested in how to learn how to work in Excel with text. If necessary, it can be transferred according to words. To do this, select certain cells and in the Home tab you need to find the "Alignment" option, and then select "Transfer of Text".

If you need an automatic change in the width and height of the cell according to the text entered, the following must be followed: Go to the "Home" tab and in the "Cell" group to select "Format". Next you need to choose a suitable action.


To format numbers, it is necessary to highlight the cell and in the Home tab, find the group "Number". After clicking on the arrow next to the "Shared" item, you can select the required format.

To change the font, you need to highlight a specific range and go to the "Home", "Font" menu.

How to create a table?

Knowledge about how to work in the Excel program is unlikely to be useful to the user if he does not know how to create a table. The easiest way is to highlight a specific range and mark the borders with black lines by clicking on the appropriate icon at the top of the page. But often a non-standard table for forms or documents is required.

First of all, it is necessary to determine how the table should look like to set the width and length of the cells. Having highlight the range, you need to go to the "Format of the Cell" menu and select the "Alignment" item. The option "Corging cells" will help remove extra boundaries. Then you need to go to the "Borders" menu and set the required parameters.

Using the "Cell Format" menu, you can create various options Tables, adding or removing columns and strings, as well as changing borders.

Knowing how to work in the Excel table, the user will be able to create headlines. To do this, in the "Formatting Table" window you need to check the checkbox opposite the "Table with headlines" item.

To add items in the table, you must use the Designer tab. You can select the required parameters.

What are macros for?

If the user has often to repeat the same actions in the program, it will be useful to knowledge about how macros work in Excel. They are programmed to perform actions in a specific sequence. The use of macros allows you to automate certain operations and facilitate monotonous operation. They can be recorded in various programming languages, but their essence does not change.

To create a macro in this application, you must log in to the "Service" menu, select Macro, and then click "Start Record". Next, you need to perform the actions that are often repeated, and after completing the work, click "Stop Record".

All these instructions will help the newcomer to figure out how to work in Excel: keep records, create reports and analyze numbers.

You need to know the main techniques of working with cells and their contents in Excel to make calculations, analysis and systematization of information.

In this lesson, you will learn how to select cells, enter the contents, delete cells and their contents. You will also learn how to cut, copy and paste cells, drag and fill the cells using a fill marker.

Cells and their contents

Cells - main building blocks Sheet. Cells can have a variety of contents, for example, text, formulas or functions. To work with cells, you need to know how to allocate them, enter the contents, delete cells and their contents.


Each rectangle on a sheet is called a cell. The cell is suppression of a string and column.

Each cell has a name or cell addresswhich is formed on the basis of the names of the column and string, the curb of which is formed by the cell. The address of the selected cell is shown in the Name field. Here you can see the cell chosen C5..

You can also simultaneously select multiple cells. The group of cells is called range of cells. If you refer not to one cell, but on the range, then use the entry from the addresses of the first and last cells separated by the colon. For example, the range of cells, including cells A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5, will be recorded as A1: A5..

To select a cell:

You can also move between the cells and allocate them using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

To select several cells:

Each cell may contain its own text, formatting, comments, formulas or functions.

Cells can contain letters, numbers and dates.

Formatting attributes
Cells may contain formatting attributes that change the method of displaying letters, numbers and dates. For example, dates can be formatted as MM / DD / GGGs or Month / d / yyyy.

Cells may contain comments from several reviewers.

Formulas and functions
Cells may contain formulas and functions that calculate the cell values. For example, amounts (cell 1, cell 2 ...) is a formula that sums up the values \u200b\u200bof several cells.

To enter the contents:

  1. Click on the cell to highlight it.
  2. Enter the contents to the selected cell using the keyboard. It will appear in the cell and string of formulas. You can also make and edit the contents in the formula row.

To delete cell contents:

  1. Highlight the desired cell.
  2. Click on the command to clean on the tape. A dialog box appears.
  3. Select Clear Content.

You can also use the Backspace key to remove the contents from the same cell or the Delete key to delete content from several cells.

To remove cells:

  1. Select the cells you want to delete.
  2. On the tape, select Delete.

There is a huge difference between deleting the contents of the cell and removing the cell itself. If you delete the cell, then the default cells below removes will rise up into its place.

To copy and paste the contents of the cells:

To cut and paste the contents of the cells:

To access the insert parameters:

There are many insert parameters, access to which can be obtained in the insert command drop-down menu. These parameters can be conveniently used to use experienced users whose cells contain formulas or formatting.

To access formatting commands:

  1. Select cells to format.
  2. Right-click on the selected cells. A dialog box appears where you can easily find a variety of commands that also have on the tape.

To move cells:

To use the filling marker to fill the cells:


  1. Open the existing Excel 2010 book.
  2. Select a cell D3.And pay attention to how its address looks like in the field name and its contents in the formula row.
  3. Try to write text and numbers.
  4. Use the fill marker to fill the adjacent cells vertically and horizontally.
  5. Cut the cells and insert them into another place.
  6. Remove the cell and pay attention to the cells under it will shift up.
  7. Try dragging the cells.

Excel is the most common program in the world to draw up tables, calculating various difficulties, creating diagrams, reporting and creating databases. Almost on any, both home and office, computer installed Microsoft Office software, and Excel is included in this package. At any office work, it will not be superfluous to know the foundations of this program, any tutorial will help. Excel for beginners is better to study after acquaintance with, since these programs have a lot in common.

The main features Excel

This application has become an integral part for accountants, secretaries, operators or economists. For a more detailed acquaintance with Excel, you can pass special courses that are now many. There are courses that are focused on advanced users, there are also courses for beginners.

Excel office program features:

  1. Excel is an initially finished table, so it is easy to use it for conducting impersonal calculations that have a tabular presentation (price lists, schedules).
  2. The program library has graphs. These charts and charts are built on the basis of the created tables, and they use data of the highlighted table range, which is very convenient even for dummies.
  3. Excel can be used to keep home accounting and similar accounting operations (settlements for utility bills).
  4. The program is rich in the functions of statistics and mathematical functions. Thanks to them, the program is easily suitable for students, schoolchildren and students of various educational institutions While writing exchange rate and thesis, as well as such reports on practitioners, filling the balance sheets, etc.
  5. The program is used to maintain databases, Excel is not a program specializing in databases, but is widely used in this area in the absence of other specialized programs. Excel has the ability to use the built-in Visual Basic programming language for, which significantly expands the capabilities of this tool.
  6. The program is easy to learn how to use. Any tutorial, guide for beginners or video will be easy to go through the basic principles of working with the program for unprepared users.

Unlike the MS Word editor, in which the file being created is called a document in this application The file was called "Book".

The main elements of the Excel window

The work sheet is the main document for performing various operations in Excel. The work sheet is part of the working book (always). The sheet consists of cells, columns, strings.

Workbook - Excel file with XLS extension (in MS Office 2003 version), XLSX (in MS Office 2010). By default, one book contains 255 sheets that can be deleted, renamed, add.

The cell is the component of the table that is filled with data. It is a cell crossing the desired column with the desired string.

A number of vertical cells is a column. There may be an unlimited number in the table.
The string is a series of cells horizontally.

Microsoft Excel has a range of built-in helpers for kettles, they help relieve and make a more optimized work carried out in the program. With their help, it is more comfortable to train work with the application, especially for beginners. The program courses always include a description of the data of the assistants.

What is assistant masters and what are they intended for?


  1. Master charts. Allows you to work with diagrams much easier.
  2. Wizard features. With it, the program is also simplified.
  3. Master tips. He is a good assistant in finding information. He is more a search engine than an assistant.
  4. Wizard web pages. Helps in creating HTML pages in microsoft program Excel.
  5. Master templates. With this assistant, you can simply create templates for work, simplify work with databases.
  6. Master of pivot tables. It helps to carry out an easy analysis of any information that is entered in the Excel table, streamlines strings, columns and pages headlines very simple way (Working only with the mouse).
  7. Master of transformations. An ideal assistant to convert files and documents of other formats in the Excel program.

In addition to assistant masters for dummies, there are many possibilities and functions in the program, allowing to facilitate work and carry out calculations and calculations. For example, autofill table. Using this mode, it is easy to create certain sequences from the values \u200b\u200bof text and numeric type. It does not need to enter data manually. The foundations of this function include the creation of own automatic filling modes. As an example, the autofill mode can be used when you need to enter months (August, September, and so on). For proper setting The program will do everything herself. This feature sorts the fill lists created by you automatically. Thanks to her without special efforts Sort your information.

No attention will be left and the function of autosuming. It allows you to complete the addition of numbers the only press of the left mouse button on the Σ icon of the tape. This can be done both with columns and with rows. It is useful because you can calculate the amount of necessary numeric valuesEven in tables in which there are intermediate results.

Training in the work of S. excel program It will not be difficult if you use our tutorial. Everyone should know the foundations of this program, since it is indispensable in many situations.

How to work in the Microsoft Excel program - look at Andrei Sukhova's video course.

This video course is devoted to the basics of work in the Microsoft Excel program. With the help of Excel, you can create different directories and files, make calculations of almost any complexity, analyze data, build graphs and charts. Excel features are almost limitless and a program can be adapted to solve a huge number of various tasks. © Andrei Sukhov.

The content of the video course "Excel for beginners"

  • Lesson 1. Program Interface - Program Review.
  • Lesson # 2. Enter the data - In the second video, you will learn to enter data into the spreadsheet, and also get acquainted with the operation of autocomplete.
  • Lesson # 3. We work with cells - In the third video language you will learn how to align the contents of the cells of your spreadsheet, and also change the column width and the height of the table rows.
  • Lesson # 4. Format text - In the fourth video language you will get acquainted with text formatting operations.
  • Lesson # 5. Borders of tables table - In the fifth video language, we finally format the format family budgetOver which they started working in previous lessons.
  • Lesson # 6. Fill out the table - In the sixth video language, we will fill our family budget form data.
  • Lesson # 7. Calculations in Excel - In the seventh video tutorial, it will be about the most interesting - about formulas and calculations.
  • Lesson # 8. Let's finish work - In the eighth video tutorial, we will completely finish work on the family budget form. We will accommodate all the necessary formulas and carry out the final formatting of rows and columns.
  • Lesson # 9. Charts and graphs - In the final ninth lesson, we will learn to create diagrams and graphics.

Download an Excel tutorial and learn the program on practical examples!

Video information

Microsoft Excel tabular processor. Appointment program. Program Interface Interface Setup: Quick access panels, ribbons, column header areas. Scale.

Enter and edit information.

Entering information.

Error editing (replacement, delete, add, error correction).

Selection of columns, rows, cell ranges, unrelated cells, sheet. Deleting the cell content, copying, insertion.

Work with sheets (insert, moving, copying, deleting).

Change table structure.

Adding and removing cells, rows and columns. Changing columns, strings. Selection of cell widths on content. Task the same width for several columns, rows.

Combining cells.

Formatting cells:

Work with fonts, alignment of the contents of cells, turning the text, the tincture of indents.

Copy sample format. Cleaning the format.

Creating borders for the table (using the boundaries button, border tabs and drawing individual boundaries).

Ways to create fill for cells.

Lesson 2.

Creating numerical sequences.

Creating lists.

Restriction on data entry.

Overlaying conditions for data entry.

Formation of an error message when entering data.

Formation of the data entry message.

Work with data formats.

Data Types and Microsoft Excel Formats: Text, Numbers, Dates, Time, Money Format. Their setting.

Problems in the use of formats.

Custom format.

Creating a custom format for text, dates and time.

Organization of calculations in Excel.

Enter the formula into the cell. Copying formulas using autofill.

Formulas with percent. Absolute and relative links. Creating a formula with an absolute link. Creating a formula with data different sheets, different books. Named cells. Creating a formula with cell names. Editing and deleting names.

Affecting and dependent cells.

Preparation of a document for printing.

Configure page settings.

Creation of footers

Installation of end-to-end rows and columns.

Preparing document preparation. Using preview.

Print the selected area. Set the print area.

Lesson 3.


Use of simple functions (summation, average, minimum, maximum, number).

Ways to work with functions. Use reference. Entering functions using the functions wizard. Function categories.

Logic functions: If, and, or, if. Nested logic functions.

Mathematical and static functions: they silent, resulting,

Text functions to catch up, Levsimv, registered, duct.

Functions of arrays: GRP, PRD, TRAC.

Solving practical tasks using functions.

Copying the results of calculations and formulas using a special insert.

Overview possible errors in formulas.

Lesson 4.

Charts. Graphics in documents.

Creating diagrams. Master charts.

Setting the properties of the chart.

Building different types diagrams.

Print diagram.

Insert graphic elements. Insert pattern.

Smartart objects.

Conditional formatting.

Concept of conditional formatting.

Creating conditional formatting (comparison with value, with a result of a formula or function.

Copying conditional formatting.

Editing and removing conditional formatting.


Lesson 5.

Work with databases.

Concept database.


Removing duplicates.


Grouping, creating a structure.

Hide and display data.

Fastening rows and columns when viewing.

Split sheet to parts when viewing.

Consolidation of data.

Apply filters. Selection of data by means of filtering.

Advanced filter. Creating conditions for an extended filter.

Search and replacement.

Summary tables.

Creating summary tables.

Change formats in summary tables.

Configure summary tables.

Editing a consolidated table.

Updating a consolidated table data.

Lesson 6.

Notes (creation, editing, deletion).

Creating hyperlinks.

Protection of information.

Installation of the Password on the opening of the book.

Leaf protection to data entry.

Permission to work with individual cells and prohibition of work on the rest of the cells.