Meditation to rejuvenate the body and slow down the biological clock! Meditation for Rejuvenation Powerful meditation for rejuvenation.

Keeping physically, mentally and sexually active until old age is every person's dream. Take a look at the Tibetan monks whose age is difficult to decipher. Fit and slender bodies are the result of many days of hard training, abstinence in food, prayers and recitation of special rejuvenation mantras. Sacred texts help to open up the internal reserves of the body and prolong the active phase of life.

In this article

The meaning of the mantra of rejuvenation in the East

Body and spirit are interconnected. A flimsy skeleton devoid of physical activity cannot bear the burden of spiritual aspirations. A person who is mired in bad habits and inclinations does not have enough strength to tear himself away from the Earth and direct his gaze to the sky.

The texts of the rejuvenation mantras are short and long. With the help of sacred chants, people turn to the supreme deities with a request to send down strength, health and longevity. They create vibrations of the highest level, which tune the body to receive pure information from space, nourish with strength and fill with vital energy.

The collective performance of the mantra introduces the worshipers into a trance. In terms of the effect on the psyche, this is similar to a state of altered consciousness. People imbued with a common idea and joy become one whole. An energetic portal opens, which feeds those gathered in the temple.

Home practice does not imply such an effect, but regular reading of mantras has a beneficial effect on a person's biofield, eliminates the negative influence of the environment.

It is impossible to stop the withering process. But it is in our power to grow old beautifully.

The culture of reciting the mantra for rejuvenation requires the adept to observe the following rules. If you think about it, they are in many ways similar to the recommendations given to patients by doctors:

  • try to move more. Walk when time permits, or take short runs in the morning and evening;
  • be outdoors more often. This is especially true for city dwellers who spend 8 hours of working time indoors;
  • drink more water. The fluid displaces toxins from the body;
  • instead of coffee and black tea, drink green. It is a natural antioxidant, has tonic properties, quenches thirst;
  • observe a sleep and rest routine. Adapt to the natural rhythms of your body. Listen to what your body dictates. If you are an owl, then do not try to forcefully alter the circadian rhythms. Choose the type of activity that will be optimal for you.

Mantras of beauty and youth

Buddhist monks - an example of a healthy lifestyle

The first mantra is easy to read and remember. Repeat it at least 8 times a day:


The following mantra will energize, give confidence, give beauty and help you lose weight:


And this mantra for its protective properties is similar to the one that protects against possible troubles. The mantra, which gives youth and health, is comparable to Mahamrityunjay in terms of its influence.


Another mantra for weight loss yoga and Tibetan masters recommend reading to those who want to lose weight:


Sacred words won't work on their own. Pronunciation of this mantra requires perseverance on the part of the student. Limit your intake of junk food, practice chanting regularly, believe in the power of the mantra.

The video contains a powerful mantra to help maintain youthfulness and beauty of the face and body, as well as lose weight:

Read the following rejuvenation mantra 7 times a day:


Practice the rejuvenation mantra every day. Observe this condition strictly. If there are no precise instructions on how many times to repeat the text, stick to the general rule: recite the mantras 108 times. Don't learn everything at once. Stop at one and bring your craft to perfection.

Special anti-aging rituals with mantras

Ritual actions for beauty and youth prolongation do not require professional training or the purchase of miraculous medicines. It is based on the properties of ordinary water, which we are used to drinking every day.

Water will quench your thirst, restore your skin, and give strength after a hard day.

Water is a symbol of life on Earth

How to prepare mantra-infused water

You will need clean water for cooking. If you take it from the tap, then it is better to stand for a day.

There are many impurities in city water, which are used for filtration and purification. It is advisable to use the spring.

  1. Fill the container. Take a glass decanter or earthenware jug. Do not use plastic dishes to store charged water.
  2. Read the rejuvenating mantra over the vessel. If you set a goal for yourself to lose weight, then read the sacred text intended for weight loss. If you want to get health - say the words that are suitable for this case.
  3. It is not necessary to read the text yourself. You can include a recording of your favorite artist.
  4. Another option involves performing mantras together with the singer to musical accompaniment.

The charged water becomes alive. It is used for drinking, cooking and as a cosmetic product. Wash your face with the magic liquid morning and evening to keep your skin toned. Drink 7 sips of structured water on an empty stomach to help you lose weight.

The video contains the Tibetan mantra for rejuvenation, which is used to structure the water.

Strengthening the effect of mantras

To enhance the effect of mantras, combine them with the asanas of Viparita Karai, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Karna Pidasana, Grivasana and Simhasana. Asanas adjust proper breathing: the lungs are enlarged and more oxygen enters the blood. Due to this, there is a natural renewal and regeneration of skin cells.

Mantras for beauty and rejuvenation are recited on the rising moon. Sing the mantras for weight loss in the second half of the lunar cycle. This is due to the natural rhythms of the planet. When the night star grows, life and nature are filled with it. The waning month takes away everything that is superfluous, including weight.

Frozen and thawed water has beneficial properties. It is recommended to drink it to strengthen the immune system and get rid of fatty deposits on the waist and hips.

Meditations for rejuvenation

They affect the human mind, forcing the body to resist the first signs of approaching old age. Reading the rejuvenating mantra is as effective as fashionable cosmetic procedures. Moreover, there are no contraindications, unlike plastic surgery or medication.

By reciting mantras, we program the body for youth and longevity, charge ourselves with cosmic energy, free our minds from harmful attitudes.

The most effective, according to students who practice yoga, is "fire meditation".

Its essence lies in the fact that you imagine yourself next to the vent of an active volcano:

  • breathe in deeply the hot air escaping from the crater;
  • fire gradually spreads through the body and penetrates into every cell;
  • the blood boils, rushes to the face. The vessels expand. Heat engulfs the body: a huge fire burns inside;
  • The practice is considered to be successful when a student manages to really flush, as if he had been near a burning flame for a long time.

Meditation is a special state into which a person is immersed when repeating mantras. Depending on the goal set, this can be a feeling of all-encompassing joy and love for the world, a sudden enlightenment and the awakening of psychic abilities.

Do not expect an instant result: only long-term practice of the rejuvenation mantra and purposeful work will help you achieve the desired effect. Tibetan and Indian mantras help fight disease and instill confidence in their abilities. Bad mood, depression and apathy go away when a person sings sacred texts.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Mantras are prayers in Eastern religions - Buddhism and Hinduism. They can be read in temples or used for meditation and solitude. The correct technique of reciting mantras puts a person into a trance and helps to purify karma.

There are mantras that can help support Krastow.

The mantras of rejuvenation and beauty are needed to increase vital energy, find the true path and purpose.

Tibetan mantras for rejuvenation

In Eastern philosophy, mantras have a special place. This is a means of calming down, searching for one's destiny, spiritual enrichment.

The mantras contain a direct appeal to various Gods. Requests, wishes, gratitude, stories about the most intimate are voiced. Mantras of rejuvenation are based on affirmations, necessary to overcome self-doubt, to accept the body in its current state.

Usually Tibetan mantras are chanted in temples. Gradually all the singers go into a trance and meditate. But those prayers that are read at home do not imply entering a trance state.

The main secret of the action of the Tibetan mantras of rejuvenation is that in the process of reading them, energy flows are activated, which contribute to the launch of the reserve forces of the body. Thanks to the vibrations that are generated during singing, the mind is cleared of vain thoughts, and the body begins to resist the aging process.

Rejuvenation is not always externally expressed. The main thing is that a person feels a surge of vivacity, filling the body with energy. The inner radiance will fill the whole body with beauty. A feeling of relief and a feeling of lightness will come, the person will again feel young, healthy and active.

Mahamrityunjaya mantra of beauty and youth is necessary for overcoming death, protection from it, prolongation of life. It is very powerful and effective. It should be read not only by elderly people, but also by girls.

This mantra of charm, beauty and youth has the following properties:

  • slows down the aging process of the body, especially the female;
  • helps to improve the skin of the face;
  • prevents the formation of wrinkles;
  • gives the meditator charm and charm;
  • gives you an excellent feeling of well-being and a feeling of complete satisfaction from life.

The Mahamrityunjaya mantra of rejuvenation is recited early in the morning. The person should be facing east. It is important that no one is around during meditation. This will allow the person who reads the prayer to completely relax and not be distracted by anything.

It is advisable to memorize the mantra, since it is impossible to get lost when reading it. It should be played continuously for about 15 minutes. The number of repetitions of the Mahamrityunja mantra is 108.

The original text of the Mahamrityunjoy mantra in Sanskrit:


Ohm! Worship the Three-eyed Lord Shiva, the Fragrant, Bringing Good! Breaking the bonds of birth and death. May He free us from death for the sake of Immortality!

Mahamrityunjaya mantra in Sanskrit and transcription

Rejuvenation with mantras and water

This mantra, based on Tibetan prayers, was developed and written by Marta Nikolaeva. Its name in the original language is AUM RAM SHRIM AIM SARVADYAYI SVAAHA.

The mantra of rejuvenation and beauty is very powerful and has a great effect on the female body:

  • the rejuvenation process is activated;
  • the mechanism of renewal of all body systems is accelerated;
  • promotes the production of endorphins - the hormone of happiness;
  • general well-being improves.

For this mantra of eternal youth to have a positive effect, it must be chanted for at least a week every day. The optimal number of repetitions is 108. The prayer is short, and it will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

But for 1 session, in addition to the text of the mantra, you will need 2 glasses of clean water. The procedure takes place in several stages.

  1. It is necessary to pour water into 2 glasses and turn on the mantra with musical accompaniment. Within 2-3 minutes. you need to enjoy its sound, to represent in detail the process of rejuvenation of the body. After that, one glass of water is drunk. In the process, you need to imagine how the body is filled with vital energy, and the soul - with Divine light.
  2. The water in the second glass should be gradually, not abruptly, freeze. This cannot be done in advance, since it will not give the desired effect. It must be chanted with a mantra. For freezing, it is better to choose small square molds. They are the best at retaining whispered information.
  3. Ice cubes must be removed from the freezer in the afternoon. You need to wait for the water to melt. This usually happens after 15-20 minutes. Then these cubes rub the décolleté, face, neck, arms, shoulders, legs. Massage gently. Remember, it is forbidden to interrupt the procedure, even if you experience unpleasant sensations in the process.
  4. Already moistened areas of the body are soaked with a soft towel or napkin. Then they take a cotton pad, moisten it with melt water and apply quick massage movements over the face and the whole body.
  5. Then go to bed. Be sure to get into a comfortable position. Relax and forget about all the problems for at least 6-7 minutes.

The first couple of days, you may experience unpleasant sensations - tingling, itching. Redness will appear. Do not worry, because this is a normal phenomenon that will pass in 2-3 days. Later, the skin will be soft, smooth and velvety. The rash on the face will disappear (if it was before), redness will disappear and wrinkles will slightly smoothen.

After each procedure, a light warm shower is taken. During this, a person should recite a mantra, at the end - voice words of gratitude. It is important to realize that water droplets have a beneficial effect on skin rejuvenation. Marta Nikolaeva also advises getting rid of feelings that negatively affect a person's karma and energy. Among them are:

  • anger;
  • hatred;
  • pride;
  • envy;
  • hypocrisy.

You need to get rid of alcohol abuse and stop smoking. You need to find a hobby and do it regularly. It is important to work on your thinking and change negative thoughts to positive ones. Only then will the mantra increase health and give longevity.

Mantra of charm and beauty

The mantra of rejuvenation and beauty is dedicated to Rukmini. This is Krishna's wife who helps girls and grown women to reveal their femininity. She endows with inner charm. Promotes the development of pleasant sensations, cleansing the body of negativity, gives attractiveness, transformation and charm.

The mantra is especially important for adult women. In addition to improving the state of women's health, it gives longevity, helps to solve family problems. It helps those who cannot conceive a child to get pregnant quickly.

It should be recited early in the morning. You need to stand up, facing the rising sun. During the reading, you need to focus on the inner state in order to strengthen the process of improving health and emotional state.

The original text of the prayer of transformation and charm:


Rukmini - the wife of Krishna

When reciting a mantra, it is important to perform asanas - taking comfortable body positions. A person should be relaxed and focused only on prayer and inner enrichment. Asanas increase blood flow, which is why a natural process of rejuvenation and augmentation of youth occurs. The types of asanas are presented below.

Asana typeDescription
Viparita-karai or inverted actionThe lying position. The arms are near the torso. The legs are bent and slowly raised. You need to pull your knees up to your stomach. The pelvis is supported by the palms. Elbows are not apart. You cannot take your back off the floor.
Sarvangasana or "birch"You need to tear off your back to the cervical spine. The torso and pelvis should be at the same level and create a straight line. Hands lie on the floor along the torso.
Halasana or "plow"You need to lie down straight on the floor. Place your arms parallel to the body. Then slowly raise your legs. At the end, your toes should touch the floor behind your head.
Karna Pidasana or "pinched ears"This asana is not for beginners. Similar to sarvangasana, but the knees should be bent and pressed against the stomach.
GrivasanaTypical headstand. You can use a pillow or stand directly on the floor. The duration of stay in this position should not exceed 10 minutes.

During meditation, breathing should be even and calm. Adhere to the rule: deep breath (3-4 sec.), Exhale slowly (2-3 sec.). The interval between breaths is 2 sec. The optimal number of repetitions is 5-7 times.

Karna Pidasana is a rather difficult exercise


The mantra of rejuvenation is an excellent means of gaining longevity and eternal beauty. You just need to choose the most suitable asana, adjust your breathing and memorize the text of the prayer. Visualization of the process of rejuvenation and enhancement of women's health also plays an important role.

Stress lurks women at every turn - the bustling city is teeming with irritating and unhealthy factors. Work, public transport, boorish sellers, failures in relationships, quarrels with parents, even seemingly nonsense troubles like a broken heel or torn tights are deposited in our body, accumulating negative. All this accumulates over the years, having a negative impact on health, well-being and appearance.

To maintain youth, regain freshness and heal the body, you need to regularly practice meditation. There are special meditations for women to do just that. They have the following effects:

Relieve stress, bad thoughts and resentments;
- Help to improve the health of the body at the cellular level;
- Rejuvenate and make you look good;
- Gives attractiveness, allows you to attract men;
- Fill with energy;
- Gives joy and a positive attitude, improves mood.

For recovery

This practice can relieve depression and frustration, calm thoughts and feelings, and give the body the strength to heal and heal. It is called "Inner Smile", and it helps to love yourself and the whole world around you, which has a positive effect not only on the state of mind, but also on the state of the body as a whole.

Thanks to her, you can relax, achieve harmony and balance. Tension will leave you, giving way to joy and peace.

Sit as comfortably as possible on a straight-backed chair, snuggle against it, and straighten your back. Relax, imagine that you are far from here, where you feel good and calm - in nature or in your favorite home. Imagine a shining little ball emerging in the middle of your forehead. He emits a warm light, he seems to be smiling at you.

Try to visualize this, see as clearly as possible, and give the balloon a smile in return. Imagine that it descends lower and lower, passes through all organs - through the neck, shoulders, chest, enters each arm and leg. He warms everything around him, and the organs in return and in gratitude for this warmly smile at him and turn into flowers. For example, the heart becomes a rose, the liver becomes a gladiolus, and the stomach becomes a peony.

When your whole body becomes a blooming bouquet, listen to the aroma, enjoy it. Feel love for every cell of your body, for every organ and vessel. Let them be filled with the energy of your love, the flow of happiness. Feel how the body thanks you, loves you in return. Now slowly open your eyes and smile. Try to keep this feeling of joy as long as possible.

This meditation should be done regularly, preferably every day. Spending only 5-7 minutes on it, you will achieve incredible results, you will feel better, look younger. Diseases will recede, the joy of life and self-acceptance will appear.

For rejuvenation

This meditation helps to maintain and restore youth, fill with feminine energy and even increase the amount of female hormones in the body. Thanks to her, pheromones begin to be produced, which attracts and attracts men. The entire body is rejuvenated, the eyes begin to shine, the inner state is harmonized. To achieve this, the energy of the uterus is used.

Close your eyes, tune in, breathe deeply. Concentrate on the lower body and tighten the uterus as you inhale. Exhaling, visualize how the energy fills the area of ​​the uterus, fills everything with itself. Repeat this exercise fifteen times, as a result you should get the feeling that your lower body is throbbing.

Now, with the exhalation, begin to imagine how energy comes to you from the Earth, it passes through your legs and fills the entire body. Imagine that the energy is increasing, and gradually it becomes so much that it envelops you from the outside, fills the whole room.

You start to soar in it, merge with the surrounding space, now you are inseparable. Stay in this state for a while, and then return to your seat, compressing the space to the volume of your body. Now you can take a deep breath and open your eyes.


Despite the invariably current years, we want to feel good and stay healthy. It turns out that this is not such a daunting task. Powerful rejuvenation meditation will give you the feeling of maximum freedom. Its strength lies in slowing down the aging process at the cellular level.

In the ancient world, people tried to preserve external beauty and internal good spirits. Special decoctions and ointments were created, prayers were read, ceremonies were performed. People have long dreamed of staying young as long as possible.

Today, the most popular way to preserve youth is surgery and gentle skin care. But all operations, injections, masks have a number of significant drawbacks.

Firstly, their price is not available to everyone. Secondly, there are failures, and a person gets skin and health problems instead of a beautiful appearance. And, thirdly, such techniques have only an external effect, and, moreover, not long-term.

But meditation rejuvenation has no contraindications and side effects. Daily practice will only bring you joy and pleasure. In addition, the result obtained will delight you for a long time. Most importantly, do not forget to meditate regularly and believe in the effectiveness of the technique.

Nature has taken care of many aspects of our life. The problem is that we don't always know how to use her gifts. It is in our power to control our own biochemical processes and control the work of cells.

The developed meditation rejuvenation lays a program in our consciousness, thanks to which the body is renewed, cleansed of toxins, tuned in to self-regulation. As a result of constant exercise, we rejuvenate completely: both externally and internally.

Rejuvenation meditation - effects on the body

According to the results of scientific research, meditation rejuvenation affects many indicators of the healthy functioning of all body systems. You will receive not only external freshness. The main thing is a significant improvement in the work of the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, digestion processes, strengthening of the nervous system. Your body becomes resilient and strong.

The effect of the technique on the body:

  1. Regular meditation for rejuvenation has a positive effect on memory processes and promotes better assimilation of new information.
  2. Affects a positive attitude, as a result of which a person is not disturbed by stress and depression.
  3. The cellular composition of the brain changes, its volume remains full for many years.
  4. A person learns to analyze his condition and behavior, which affects peace of mind and calmness.
  5. Strong rejuvenation meditation helps to overcome all phobias, childhood fears, to take control of your panic attacks.
  6. Emotional harmony appears, irritability and dissatisfaction are no longer worried.
  7. The practitioner develops willpower to overcome all harmful addictions and addictions.
  8. The heart muscle is strengthened.
  9. The immune system is enhanced.
  10. In old age, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is eliminated.

By listening to the advice of your own body and doing the exercises correctly, you, in addition to the points listed above, will receive a positive attitude and love in your heart. The ability to enjoy every day is a great achievement. A powerful meditation on rejuvenation teaches you how to deal with problems big and small. You will stop getting upset over little things and will assess the situation correctly.

Rejuvenation meditation. Execution techniques

The vastness of the Internet, special literature and various audio recordings offer a wide range of methods aimed at improving health and improving appearance. They contribute to the correct work of thought processes, obtaining harmony within oneself and with the outside world, calming down and understanding.

You don't need anything complicated to get the right result. A conducive melody, a quiet environment and a comfortable position are all. You can do it outdoors or in your room - rejuvenation meditation will be just as effective. The main thing is that you feel at ease. A quiet melody that promotes relaxation is suitable as a soundtrack.

Below are 2 meditation techniques for rejuvenating the body.

Put on some soothing music. Sit in a chair and chair so that you feel comfortable and cozy. Try to completely relax and calm all thoughts. Breathe in to engage your stomach. On inhalation, the abdomen increases, and on exhalation, it retracts. Lower your eyelids, but be careful not to be overwhelmed by drowsiness. You may want to sleep, then open your eyes and choose a calm object to observe (for example, a candle flame). Do not try to analyze or control anything. Everything happens as before, but without your participation.

Without changing your mood, imagine that you are at a pond. Its course begins high in the mountain peak. You feel the freshness of the water, its coolness, a special smell. The sound of her movement is quiet and measured. Try to imagine the clearest and most realistic image in your imagination. Thank the water for strength, for youth, for life-giving energy. Wash your hands and face. It is very tasty. You can completely immerse yourself in the source and quietly surrender to its flow.

To rejuvenation meditation helped you, it is enough to devote only twenty minutes to her every day. You should not plunge into this state immediately after eating. Your body should feel not only spiritual, but also physical lightness.

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Every modern woman wants to look beautiful and young, but age takes its toll. Thanks to a variety of injections and operations, it is easy to solve this problem. However, not every lady will go under the knife. In this case, meditation on the healing and rejuvenation of a woman will help. Meditation for women has several common techniques that will be discussed below. To achieve the desired result, you need to approach them as responsibly as possible.

What is Theta Healing

Theta healing is a modern technique that helps to get rid of various ailments using the reserves of your own body. The technique was developed by the American Vianna Stibal in 1995. Theta-healing is actively practiced by the popular transformational trainer - Eva Efremova.

According to practitioners, this technique has an impact on energy levels, DNA. The basis of the technique is to connect with an energy source. The meditator gets rid of the boxes and fears that hold him back. Most diseases, especially skin diseases, arise as a result of metabolic disorders, frequent stress. Meditation allows you to normalize the functionality of all body systems, including the nervous one.

When the meditator is in trance, waves called theta are generated in the brain.

On the basis of theta healing, there are a number of meditations aimed at rejuvenating and healing women. The most common are:

  • visualization of images;
  • "Purification";
  • with a clock;
  • "Inner smile";
  • "Energy of the uterus";
  • at the cellular level.

Image visualization meditation

The main thing in the process is to relax, to be in a positive mood. Probably, this method works like a placebo, however, regular use of the technique will make a woman emotionally stable.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Get into a comfortable sitting position. The back is straight. Breathe evenly.
  2. Start visualizing. Pleasant images, events, or just various figures should pop up in my head. You can imagine yourself young, prettier, healthy.
  3. Continue to breathe evenly, sinking deeper into consciousness. You should not be distracted by external stimuli.
  4. The exit from meditation should be gradual. Start wiggling your fingers, then touch your skin.
  5. The procedure should be completed with a small warm-up to maintain muscle tone.

Do the meditation daily to stay calm and confident.

Purification meditation using water

With the help of cleansing meditation, a woman will be able to relax, and regular fulfillment of the requirements will help her rejuvenate and improve her health.

The process looks like this:

  • get under the shower;
  • the water temperature should not be distracting, so make it comfortable;
  • breathe evenly and measuredly, imagining how the accumulated negative goes away with drops of water flowing down the body.

Meditation with a watch

This is a simple procedure that every lady can follow. Technique:

  • take a comfortable position, lie down;
  • tune in to the rejuvenation process;
  • imagine that a clock is installed inside the body, on which life years are indicated instead of the usual dial;
  • now imagine the age you want to look at, with the large arrow at the "0" mark and the small arrow at the required number;
  • mentally say the phrase - "the body easily and safely rebuilds to the desired age", you need to pronounce the installation clearly, trying to represent what has been said;
  • when you're done, lie down for a while.

Reference! According to the opinion of the famous meditation practitioner Elena Gamayun, the established age limits should not exceed 10 years. If the woman is 42 years old, the age represented is 32 years old.

Inner Smile Meditation

This technique will help you get rid of stress, recharge yourself with a positive, and become younger:

  1. Sit on a chair, press firmly against the back.
  2. Relax. Imagine a peaceful place - a beautiful country house with an amazing garden.
  3. Imagine that a luminous ball appears in the forehead, it seems to be smiling. Smile back.
  4. The ball begins to pass through the body, continuing to shine brightly.
  5. Each organ touched by the ball turns into a beautiful flower. The body has become a large, beautiful bouquet.

Visualize the bouquet in detail. Enjoy what is happening. Enjoy the scent of the bouquet.

Uterine Energy Meditation

This method charges positively, improves the hormonal background of a woman. The technique consists of several steps:

  1. Get into a comfortable position, focus on your lower body. Breathing should be deep and measured. Tense your uterus as you breathe in. When you exhale, imagine how positive energy fills it, and hormones begin to do the work in full force.
  2. It is necessary to carry out the manipulation before the appearance of pulsation in the organ. As soon as you feel this sensation, imagine that the energy first fills your body, and then the room.

Meditation at the cellular level

To rejuvenate, you need to tidy up the inner core. The meditation is done as follows:

  • lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands on your stomach, palms down, close your eyes and relax, let no outside factors distract you;
  • imagine how the body and the room are filled with light;
  • when you breathe in, visualize that light fills your body, and with each exhalation, negative energy leaves it;
  • go to a beautiful garden with flowers;
  • now slowly and calmly open your eyes, roll over onto your stomach and stand up.

The benefits of practice

For many clients, these methods make it easier to tolerate the premenstrual period. Performing the techniques in the morning will help you get in the right mood for the day. Meditation in the shower, on the bed, will help relieve the stress accumulated over a hard day.

With any method, you can use a variety of aromatic oils, calm music without words. In the evening after meditation, you can apply a face mask or night cream.