The norm of the distance of the cesspool to the neighboring house. Standards for distances from a well, a water supply system and other objects on a site to a cesspool

Many people know what rules regulate the construction of such a necessary structure as a cesspool on a private site: sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN), as well as building codes and regulations (SNiP) that determine what a sewage system, water supply networks, water protection, etc. , and their requirements must be met strictly. However, not everyone is aware of these requirements. The most important of them are given in our article.

Choosing the location of the cesspool

Using SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97, you should first determine the most suitable location of the cesspool on the territory of the summer cottage:

  1. A household waste storage pit for a private house should be located on the territory immediately adjacent to it.
  2. The cesspool should be located at least 10 meters from the central water conduit and at least 20 meters from the drinking water well in order to avoid accidental pollution in the event of an emergency violation of the tightness of the sanitary treatment plant.
  3. The distance of the cesspool from the house on the site and from houses and structures located on neighboring sites should also be at least 10-12 meters. The closer location of the cesspool to structures can lead to flooding and destruction of the foundation of a building or outbuildings in case of emergency.
  4. The distance to the drain pit from the fence that limits the site must be at least 1 meter.
  5. The depth of the pit is selected depending on the depth of the groundwater, and should not exceed 3 meters.

Cesspool device options

It is possible to arrange a sewage system in a small country cottage or on a garden plot in two ways:

  1. use the usual;
  2. to create an engineering system for the accumulation of wastewater.

Features of cesspools without a bottom

The simplest option provided by SNiP is a cesspool without a bottom. Such structures are allowed to be used with a daily volume of wastewater discharged from the house, no more than 1 cubic meter. According to SanPiN, cesspools without a bottom must certainly be equipped below the level of the drinking water intake in order to avoid contamination of the water in the well with sewage.

When constructing a cesspool, a number of different parameters must be taken into account. So, there are requirements for the location of the mutual location of such a pit and a drinking well, depending on the type and properties of the soil in place, where the drain pit is located - SNiP presents the following rules:

  • If clay soil prevails on the site, the distance should be at least 20 m.
  • In the case of loamy soil - 30 m.
  • Sandy and sandy loam soils suggest the relative position of the well and the cesspool not closer than 50 m from each other.

In the event that more than 1 cubic meter of wastewater is generated in the household every day, the option of a cesspool without a bottom should be abandoned and the possibility of constructing a cesspool made of concrete, brick or metal on the site should be considered. An excellent option would be to use.

Features of sealed cesspools

Sealed cesspools have their own characteristics:

  • Design features. The bottom of the pit should have a significant slope towards the access hatch for cleaning it.
  • Choosing a location. As we already know, the distance of the cesspool from the building and from the fence of the site is 10 meters and 1 meter, respectively.
  • Periodic cleaning. The sealed cesspool is cleaned by specialists with the help of.

Pro tip: Do not make a hole deeper than 3 meters. Otherwise, its emptying will not be effective enough due to the limited length of the special vehicle's hose, and all the sludge that forms over time at the bottom of the pit will remain at the bottom.

  • Providing free access of a special vehicle to the tank for cleaning.
  • The possibility of methane formation during the operation of the storage tank.

Pro tip: To prevent the accumulation of explosive gas in a sealed container, be sure to equip it with ventilation. Construction standards for the cesspool provide for the installation of a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of more than 60 cm above the ground.

Communications and cesspools

It will not be superfluous to bring the main parameters of the mutual arrangement of water, gas pipes and a sealed waste accumulator at the site:

  1. The distance from the storage pit to asbestos-cement or reinforced concrete pipes is at least 5 m.
  2. The distance to cast iron pipes with a diameter not exceeding 200 mm is at least 1.5 m.
  3. Up to cast iron pipes with a diameter of more than 200 mm - 3 m.
  4. The minimum distance to gas pipes is 5 m.

The basic requirements for communications located on the local area, as well as the requirements for cesspools, are spelled out in building and sanitary norms and rules. Therefore, in order to avoid possible accidents on water pipelines and gas pipelines, they should be strictly carried out by equipping a wastewater storage device on your site.

Very often, during the construction of country houses for the removal of wastewater, cesspools are equipped, which are sealed tanks in which wastewater accumulates. This article will consider the various requirements that the cesspool must meet - sanitary norms and rules that should not be violated during construction.

Sanitary norms and requirements for cesspools are regulated by the Federal Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."

Before starting the arrangement of an autonomous sewage system in a suburban area, you should also familiarize yourself with the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Territories of Populated Areas No. 4690-88 (abbreviated as SanPiN 42-128-4690-88), approved on August 5, 1988.

So, for example, paragraph 3.9 of this document sets out the following standards: it is strictly forbidden to equip cesspools with filtration tanks without a bottom if the discharge of wastewater per day is more than 1 cubic meter.

In the case of 2-4 people living in a house and using household appliances and water heating equipment in the house, the requirements for the cesspool provide for the mandatory presence of a bottom.

The minimum distance from a residential building to must be at least 15 meters in accordance with the requirements, this is due to the release of various gases hazardous to human health in the process of biological waste processing.

Requirements for small cesspools

The depth of the cesspool should be at least 15 meters in accordance with the requirements, this is due to the release of various gases hazardous to human health in the process of biological waste processing.
Of these gases, two explosive gases should be distinguished: methane, which does not have an odor, and sulfuric gas, the smell of which is similar to the smell of rotten eggs.

The harmful effect of the cesspool is also manifested in the contamination of the adjacent soils of groundwater.

Nevertheless, in certain cases it is possible to obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance for the arrangement of a cesspool at a shorter distance from the house, for which it is necessary to draw up the relevant documents with the Rospotrebnadzor and the Vodokanal Office.

In houses equipped only with a washbasin and a shower cabin, which do not provide for permanent residence of people and the use of household and water heating appliances, such as dishwashers and washing machines, boilers, etc., cesspools of minimum efficiency are equipped, designed to receive no more than 1 cubic meters of wastewater per day.

In such cases, sanitary standards make it possible to equip a sealed septic tank at a distance of 5 meters from the house, but if its daily productivity is up to 8 cubic meters, the minimum distance from the house to the septic tank increases to 8 meters.

When equipping a sealed septic tank of small dimensions, the following requirements are imposed on the water intake:

  • With the capacity of an autonomous sewage system not exceeding 3 cubic meters per day, the pipeline to the groundwater supplying water for drinking and household needs should be located downstream of the groundwater at a distance of 40-50 meters from the cesspool;
  • The minimum distance from the pipeline to the groundwater to the cesspool upstream of the groundwater is 25 meters;
  • The minimum distance in the case of the location of the cesspool along the perpendicular axis relative to the flow of groundwater is from 25 to 30 meters;
  • Cesspools and other sources of pollution should be located at a distance of more than 20 meters from artesian wells and wells.

A cesspool is best located downstream of the groundwater table, and water intake structures are most preferably located upstream.

Useful information: in the case when during construction it is not possible to fulfill all sanitary standards - the cesspool in any case violates some of them, experienced experts advise to resort to the following method.

For several houses located along one street in the neighborhood, on the territory of the site, equipment of wells, capturing or wells is made, after which a special site with a hard surface is equipped, the slope of which does not exceed 5%.

The minimum size of the site is 3x2.5 meters, while the indent from the red line, which is from 2.5 to 5 meters, must be observed.

The main provisions of SanPiN 42-128-4690-88

The SanPin document - Cesspools regulates the main provisions of the construction of cesspools, the main of which are listed below:

  • In the absence of a centralized one in households, it is allowed to equip yard latrines, which must be equipped with a watertight cesspool.
    The above-ground part of such a cesspool should be equipped with a cover and a special grate with a provided compartment for solid waste.
    The front wall of the cesspool is made removable or opening with to improve the convenience of cleaning the cesspool.
    Several yard latrines can share one cesspool.
  • Yard latrines should be located at a distance of 20 to 100 meters from residential buildings, various children's and public institutions, as well as sports and playgrounds.
    In the case of private households, the distance from residential buildings and other structures to cesspools can be significantly reduced to 8-10 meters.
  • If the equipment of the cesspool causes conflicts and disputes between neighbors, the decision on the location of the cesspool is made by the commission of local administrative councils and representatives of the public.
    At the same time, regardless of the situation, the general rule applies to all, according to which the distance separating the capturing of wells and springs from the cesspool should not be less than 50 meters.
  • In addition to the cesspool, the courtyard lavatory should be equipped with an above-ground part in the form of a single building made of various building materials, such as blocks, boards, bricks, etc.
    The materials in the finished structure must fit tightly to each other in order to avoid the penetration of various rodents and insects into the ground part of the cesspool.
    In addition, a mandatory requirement is the tightness (watertightness) of the cesspool.
    The required volume of the cesspool is calculated by qualified specialists, taking into account the number of people living in this house and using the cesspool.
    Depending on the level of groundwater, the depth of the cesspool can be up to 3 meters, while in no case is it allowed to fill it with drains less than 35 centimeters from the ground level.
    The cesspool should be cleaned at least twice a year, depending on how quickly it is filled.
  • Owners of backyard latrines are required to keep them frequent and clean daily.
    In addition, once a week, the courtyard latrine is rinsed with hot water with special solutions designed to disinfect cesspools and courtyard latrines.
    Such solutions include naphthazole 10%, bleach 10%, sodium hypochlorite 3-5%, creolin 5%, sodium metasilicate 10%.
    In no case is it allowed to use dry bleach for disinfecting cesspools and yard latrines.

Basic norms and requirements for the communications of cesspools

When arranging a sewerage system in a country house, one should not only follow the rules that cesspools obey - norms and requirements also exist for water supply and sewerage communications.

Failure to comply with these requirements and norms can lead to various emergencies, even human casualties occur.

In order to avoid accidents and breakdowns on the autonomous sewage system, all the rules governing the equipment of cesspools communications should be strictly observed.

When independently arranging a waterproof septic tank or cesspool, the required distances from the cesspool to the drinking and utility water supply system, as well as to the central sewerage system should be observed:

  • In the case of using reinforced concrete or asbestos-cement pipes when laying a water supply system, the distance between it and the cesspool should be at least 5 meters.
  • If the water supply system is laid using cast iron pipes with a diameter of less than 200 mm, the distance to the cesspool can be much less - 1.5 meters, but if the diameter of the cast iron pipes exceeds 200 mm, then the distance from the water supply system to the cesspool should be at least 3 meters.
  • It is recommended to locate gas pipes at a distance of at least 5 meters from the cesspool.
    The location of the gas pipes at a shorter distance can cause damage to the gas pipe during the installation of the sump or as a result of soil subsidence during the operation of the sump.
    When equipping a cesspool, it is also necessary to take into account the type of soil and the method of laying the gas pipe: it was laid underground or above the ground.

Important: it should be remembered that the minimum distance from the cesspool to the border of the site is 1.5 meters.

  • With a sufficiently deep groundwater and a flat surface of the site, the equipment of a cesspool is a fairly simple procedure.
    If there is a slope of the site, this task is slightly complicated.
  • It is also undesirable to locate the cesspool downstream of the groundwater stream, since this creates the likelihood of runoff through the groundwater into artesian wells and wells, if any.

The construction of an individual residential building in settlements, including rural ones, is carried out in accordance with the current urban planning legislation, building codes and regulations, as well as sanitary and environmental legislation. The simplest and least costly way to set up a local sewage system is to build a conventional cesspool. The construction process of the cesspool must fully meet the established requirements, otherwise the house will not be put into operation, and for violations of waste disposal standards, they will be held liable with payment of fines. But these are not the main reasons. Sanitary standards for the cesspool are aimed at ensuring the health of people living in the district and observing environmental safety in the territory. It is very easy to get poisoned by harmful substances from the sewage system that have entered the source of drinking water supply.

An autonomous sewage system can be roughly divided into three components:

  • in-house sewerage network;
  • external sewerage network;
  • device for collection, processing and disposal of effluents.

Regulatory requirements are established for each element.


The internal sewerage network is designed taking into account the requirements established by the Code of Rules SP 30.13330.2012 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. Updated edition of SNiP 2.04.01-85 * ".

The external sewerage network and the cesspool are designed taking into account the set of rules SP 32.13330.2012 “Sewerage. External networks and facilities. Updated edition of SNiP 2.04.03-85 "and SP 31.13330.2012" Water supply. External networks and facilities. Updated edition of SNiP 2.04.02-84 ". That is, the aforementioned SNiPs have not been in effect since January 1, 2013.

The new set of rules prohibits the construction of a cesspool without a bottom. Also, the new building codes do not contain the concept of "cesspool". For the organization of a local treatment system of a detached house, the concept of "septic tank" is used. The septic tank (pit) must be completely sealed and exclude the slightest possibility of sewage getting into the ground to prevent environmental pollution. The waste storage device must ensure the safety of its operation. As the septic tank is filled with waste, they must be pumped out by a sewer truck. At least twice a year, the septic tank should be completely cleaned and inspected for damage. The depth of laying should take into account the level of groundwater, but not exceed 3 meters. In the case of high groundwater, they should not get inside the septic tank.

Device Requirements

The bottom of the septic tank should slope to the side under the hatch. The tightness of the cesspool should be ensured by sealing the internal and external surfaces, a hermetically closing lid.

It is more expedient to construct a septic tank from concrete rings on a concrete base. From above, it should be closed by a cover with an inspection hatch, which also serves as a hatch for pumping out drains. All joints must be monolithic and completely sealed.

When installing a storage device, the incoming sewer pipe is mounted closer to the cover. When installed above the level of soil freezing, sewer pipes and a septic tank are insulated. To eliminate the appearance of unpleasant odors, ventilation pipes are arranged. The ventilation riser is brought out 70–80 cm above the ground.


SNiP 2.07.01-89 "Urban planning. Planning and Development of Urban and Rural Settlements ”, the minimum distance from the foundation of a residential building to sewerage facilities has been established, which must be at least 3 meters.

The minimum distance from the pit to the water supply sources should be from 30 to 50 meters, depending on the type of soil.


When constructing cesspools, one should also adhere to sanitary standards, which are established in paragraph 2.3 of SanPiN 42-128-4690-88. "Sanitary rules for the maintenance of the territories of populated areas."

  1. In the absence of centralized sewerage systems, yard waste pits with a watertight cesspool and a ground cover are arranged.
  2. Sanitary regulations also prohibit the use of bottomless pits.
  3. The sump must completely exclude the possibility of sewage entering the environment without cleaning.
  4. When constructing a cesspool, the above-ground part must have a hermetically closed hatch, as well as a grate below the inlet sewer pipe and a compartment for collecting solid waste that has entered the sewer (food waste, thick paper, cotton wool, etc.).
  5. The distance from an individual building to the drive is determined by the homeowner himself, but should not be less than 8-10 meters.
  6. According to sanitary standards, the distance to the drain pit from the house exceeds the minimum distance according to building codes.
  7. Sewerage facilities must be located at a distance of at least 50 meters from water supply sources.
  8. The drive should be located in a place convenient for the access of a sewage truck, for which there should be no obstacles.
  9. The cesspool must be disinfected with various solutions: bleach (10%), sodium hydrochloride (3-5%), lysol (10%), creolin (5%). The use of dry bleach is strictly prohibited.

Sanitary standards have more stringent requirements for the placement and maintenance of a waste storage tank than building codes.

For the correct location of all objects on the site, it is necessary to draw a diagram of the site and the planned location of the house, a source of water supply, engineering networks. In this case, the location of similar objects in neighboring areas should be taken into account. The design of the house and the placement of the cesspool must be agreed with the regulatory authorities.


This video tells about the sanitary standards for the arrangement of wells and septic tanks:

Dangerous to human health. In early July this year, Kazan was shocked by the news of the death of a family. An elderly couple and their 31-year-old son died in a cesspool. First, the father of the family went to clean it.

Soon, the man called for help. The son came, and after him the mother. They, like the head of the family, fainted. By the time the ambulance arrived, the family had died. The reason is poisonous vapors of sulfur and methane.

They are released in cesspools during the decomposition of waste. This is taken into account in the sanitary standards prescribed in the law number 52 of 1999. The set of rules is federal.

The document mentions the danger of gases emitted by cesspools, sets out the rules for the safe organization of effluents and their cleaning. In order to preserve our health, those around us and the ecology of the area, we get acquainted with the rules.

Provisions of the Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population"

From the general provisions of the law, it is important to study the location rules cesspool. Sanitary standards require the removal of a collection of sewage from a number of objects. At least 10 meters retreat from the house and outbuildings of the neighbor. From the borders of their own site "depart" by at least 1.5. The distance from your home should not be less than 8 meters.

5 and more meters retreat from the gas pipeline, equipping a cesspool. The distance to the summer kitchen is the same. If the volume of wastewater reaches 8 cubic meters per day, the cooking space is already assigned to 8 meters.

They are removed from water pipes by at least 20, and from wells and groundwater by 25. True, there are nuances regarding the removal of a hole from wells. Different soils and impurities are carried out in different ways. In dense clay, 20 meters is enough. In loams, a 30-meter distance is required. On sandy soils, the pits are separated from the wells by at least 50.

The exact level of groundwater and its direction will be determined only by hydrologists. The Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" recommends calling them. If you put a collection of sewage in the way of underground streams, the probability of the spread of waste, their pollution of groundwater increases.

General requirements also apply to some points of the arrangement of otkhodniki. So, their depth should not exceed 3 meters. Otherwise, maintenance of the pit becomes difficult. The hoses of the suction trucks are designed for a depth of 3 meters. With a larger one, sediment will remain in the sump. Old putrefactive processes are fraught with the development of infectious strains.

The sewer pipe, suitable for the cesspool, should be inclined towards it. The minimum "slope" is 3%. At the same time, pipes are lifted up from underground waters. It is advisable to carry out communications in 40-50 meters from ground sources.

The entrance of the drain into the pit container must be soft. Flexibility is achieved by bitumen treatment. The deepening of the pipe into the ground should reach 120 centimeters. There are requirements for the diameter of the drain. The minimum is 10 centimeters.

The same diameter is made for the ventilation pipe. It is required. Otherwise, gases accumulated in the system can lead to an explosion. The main culprit of the accidents is the same methane.

If the pit has a bottom, it is tilted towards the drain hatch. Otherwise, pumping out sewage even from a container up to 3 meters deep will be of poor quality. Problems with cleaning the pit will arise in the absence of an access to it.

We need to clear the road. This is required by federal law and SNIP. Cesspool may not always comply with the norms. We'll talk about legal exceptions to the rules in the next chapter.

Legal deviations from the sanitary standards for the construction of a cesspool

The size, development, configuration of the site and neighboring plots do not always allow you to comply with the rules of arrangement cesspool. Sanitary standards from the neighboring farms require 10 meters to retreat, but in fact only 8 are obtained.

What to do? The law obliges you to apply to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, as well as to Vodokanal and other enterprises serving the house. Experts will go to the site, fix the impossibility of another pit arrangement, legalize the option that is optimal for a particular site.

Details can be found in SanPiN "42-128-4690-88". They stipulate, for example, that the cesspool should be at least 20 meters away from schools and other public institutions. So, one has to be guided not only by the 52nd law. We have to compare the data of a number of documents and coordinate them with local epidemiologists.

Types of cesspools and requirements for them

In the 52nd Federal Law, cesspools are divided into 3 types. Some take up to a cubic meter of waste a day, while others take more. A cubic meter can be processed naturally in a day. The waste has time to go into the ground and be processed by anaerobic organisms, like fertilizers.

Therefore, cesspools, which receive up to a cubic meter of sewage per day, are allowed to be made of an open type. A gravel "pillow" is placed under them. It serves as a drainage and filter of wastewater, slowing down their seepage into the ground.

Pits with a solid daily intake are isolated from the surrounding soil, for example, by a closed concrete structure. The hole in it is provided only at the top. Waste cannot come out of such containers. They are being pumped out.

The procedure is carried out at least once a year, calling the sewer trucks. They draw the sewage into the tank through a hose. There is no threat to human life and health, since there is no direct contact with the emitted methane and sulfur.

Waste can be stored in a pit for a whole year with seasonal use or a large tank capacity. It is expensive and time-consuming to fill in such or lay out from blocks. Most people prefer to make a small container and clean it every 1-2 weeks.

The third type of sewage tank, which provides sanitary norms and rules for the cesspool, - septic tank. Anaerobic bacteria are planted in such a container. Those of them that wait for waste in the soil are exempted from the obligation to process human sewage.

They are completely decomposed in an oxygen-free environment even before leaving the pit. In doing so, bacteria neutralize harmful gases. A homogeneous, odorless mass is taken out of the septic tank. This can be left on the site as fertilizer.

Note that in natural form, human feces are considered poor feeding. The point is not only the stench, but also chlorine, sodium, and heavy metals harmful to plants. In connection with the type of food of people, these elements in their waste are mass.

As we understand, the septic tanks are completely sealed. Otherwise, do not provide anaerobic bacteria with anoxic environment. Organize it in special plastic containers. Water in such autonomous systems is 98% purified.

Russians, for now, shy away from moisture obtained from sewage. In other countries, such. Water is safely used for drinking. In India's public toilets, for example, self-purified water runs from taps.

Tourists drink, praise and are surprised to learn the origin of moisture. It tastes the same as ordinary tap water. The quality parameters of the drink, by the way, are even better. So septic tanks sanitary norms of a cesspool in a private house see as ideal designs for which the future belongs.

Providing the benefits of civilization is very important for country houses and summer cottages. This issue is especially relevant for structures located far from centralized engineering networks. In most cases, to solve such problems, a well is built on the territory of a country house or summer cottage, a well is drilled and a cesspool or septic tank is equipped. These engineering structures will solve the problem of supplying water to a residential building, as well as wastewater disposal. However, when placing a hydraulic structure and a cesspool on the site, it is very important to observe the standard distances. Compliance with sanitary standards will maintain the quality of drinking water from the source at an appropriate level.

Sometimes even the construction of a water intake structure in compliance with technology and rules will not insure you against source pollution. The point is that potential contaminants can appear already during the operation of the well. One of these pollutants may be a cesspool. Moreover, such a structure can not be built by you, but by your neighbors, who do not adhere to the norms for sanitary protection gaps.

In this case, the minimum distance from the well should be observed to the following sources:

  • drainage sewerage;
  • sewage treatment plant for waste water, the volume of which does not exceed 25 m³ per day, - a septic tank;
  • cesspool.

The distance between the well and the cesspool is essential, since this structure can cause dangerous pollution of the environment and sources of drinking water due to a significant accumulation of sewage.

Despite the fact that modern materials guarantee a high degree of tightness and durability of the cesspool, one cannot be completely sure of safety, because the risk of leakage is not excluded. That is why the standard distance must be observed between such a pit and a well or well. This is the only way to be completely sure of the safety of drinking water.

Usually, all sanitary protection zones are stipulated in the normative documents SNiPs and SanPiNs. Moreover, the gap between the source of drinking water and the cesspool depends on the productivity of the latter structure. Usually, this distance is at least 50 m. In this case, the gap between them can be increased depending on the volume of filtration of the cesspool:

  • if the water consumption per day is 1-2 m³, then the zone is 8-10 m;
  • at a flow rate of 4-8 m³, the zone increases to 15-20 m;
  • if the flow rate is 15 m³ or more, then the gap increases to 25 m or more.

Attention: in the sanitary protection zone there should be no open sources of drinking water (wells, reservoirs) and closed sources - wells.

Well placement requirements

The distance from the well to the cesspool depends on various factors. When determining this gap, it is worth considering such indicators as:

  • hydraulic connection between the rock and the aquifer, because it is the soil that performs filtration functions for water entering the water layer;
  • the composition and quality of the soil, since through it sewage can seep into the source (water seeps through the sandy rock most easily);
  • the depth of the passage of groundwater (a cesspool without a bottom cannot be buried below the aquifer);
  • the direction of the fluid flow in the underground water horizon (for wells located downstream of the drainage pit, there is a high risk of contamination).

Depending on the rock parameters, the gap between these structures can be as follows:

  • impermeable rock (waterproof clay is considered the most impermeable, in this case the gap from the pit to the source can be reduced to 30 m);
  • permeable rock (sand) - in this case it is better to make a maximum gap of 50 m.

Choosing a place for a pit

As a rule, a cesspool is constructed on the territory of the land plot of a private house. When placing this object, it is important to observe not only the distance to the well, but also to other buildings on the site:

  • it is necessary to retreat at least 100 cm from the water supply networks;
  • to the mine wells, it is worth observing a gap of 20 m;
  • from the well to the pit, it is worth making a gap of at least 30-50 m;
  • between houses and other buildings and the pit, it is worth making a gap of at least 10-12 m (while it is important to take into account the structures in neighboring areas), otherwise the waters can wash away the foundation, disrupt the integrity of the building and cause it to flood;
  • it is worth retreating at least 1 m from the fences;
  • free access of special vehicles should be provided to the pit.

Attention: it is forbidden to make sewage pits more than 3 m deep. The fact is that deeper structures, even for a sewage machine, will be very difficult to clean. Pumping equipment will not be able to lift all the sewage from the bottom of the structure.

When choosing a place for a cesspool, it is important to take into account the mutual placement of water and gas pipes. In this case, you should adhere to the following requirements:

  1. The drainage pit should be located from pipelines made of asbestos cement or reinforced concrete at a distance of at least 500 cm.
  2. When laying a pipeline from cast iron pipes with a diameter of not more than 20 cm, the distance should be equal to 1.5 m or more.
  3. If cast iron pipes of significant diameter (more than 20 cm) are used, then the gap increases to 3 m.
  4. The drainage pit should be located at least 5 m from the gas pipeline.

Wells and small cesspools

With the construction of a small cesspool with a capacity of 1-8 m³ per day, the requirements for standardized sanitary-protective breaks are somewhat softened. So, from the house of such a structure, you can retreat at least 5-8 m.

A small sewage pit can be located at such a distance from the water intake and its structures:

  1. If the drainage structure has a filtration volume of no more than 3 m³ per day, then the laying of a pipeline through which drinking and household water is supplied from the water intake to the house can be done downstream of the liquid in the underground water horizon. In this case, the distance between structures should be at least 40-50 m.
  2. If, with the same volumes of the cesspool, the source is located upstream of the water in the aquifer, then a gap of 25 m can be observed between them.
  3. When placing a septic tank perpendicular to the movement of liquid in the water horizon, the distance between the source and the cesspool of 25-30 m is observed.
  4. From artesian springs and wells, sewage pits and other sources of potential pollution should be placed at a distance not exceeding 20 m.

It is important to know: the optimal placement of a sealed septic tank is downstream of the water in the aquifer, and the intake structure is upstream.

As you can see, when constructing cesspools and drinking water sources, many different requirements must be observed. Often, it is simply impossible to observe them all at one facility, especially taking into account buildings on neighboring sites. In this case, professional craftsmen use one universal solution:

  • first, water intake structures (wells, wells, columns, etc.) are organized in several neighboring areas;
  • then a concrete or asphalt site is performed (in this case, the slope of the surface should be 5% from the walls of the structure);
  • the dimensions of this area must be at least 3x2.5 m;
  • the indent from the red lines of the street must be at least 250-500 cm.