Camping shower and its types. Portable shower for summer cottages We build a portable outdoor shower

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How to make a DIY outdoor shower

Sergey Olegovich, Chelyabinsk asks the question:

Good afternoon. Please tell us how to make a DIY outdoor shower. I recently bought a plot of land without buildings, now I am equipping it. A shower is necessary, since you need to wash properly after work. It is desirable that it can be easily assembled and taken away with you or hidden in the shed when I build it. Thanks in advance for your advice.

The expert answers:

Hello. Making a outdoor shower with your own hands is not difficult. There are several options for a portable wash structure. The simplest of them consists of a plastic canister with a stopper, electrical tape, a piece of hose or corrugated pipe, a coil of wire.

First you need to make a watering can. We cut off the bottom of the canister using a knife or scissors. A piece of hose must be attached to the neck of a plastic container and fixed using electrical tape. A wire hook is attached to the lower edge of the pipe so that it can be hooked onto the support of the watering can, otherwise all the water will pour out immediately. You can do without a hose, then during washing you need to unscrew the lid a little and the water will flow gradually.

We attach the resulting watering can to a tree, post or other support. The same coil of wire, electrical tape, scotch tape, etc. is suitable as fasteners. If it is not there, then attach it to the fence post, if the height allows. If it is too low, then for the shower you will need to dig in a support so that it is higher than you and other people who will wash.

The second option for a outdoor shower consists of a container for water (basin, bucket, barrel, tank), a hose with a watering can, which can be bought at any plumbing store, a foot pump, and scotch tape. We attach a shower head to a tree or a post along with a water channel to the height you need. At the bottom we connect the hose to the pump. On the other side of it is another pipe, the other end of which is lowered into a container with water.

To make the system work, you need to press on the pump with your feet, then the water will rise up and pour out of the watering can. It turns out both a shower and a simulator. Such camping structures for washing are sold in stores, but it is quite possible to assemble it yourself.

A curtain is not always used for a summer shower. If you need it, then it is easy to attach. Next to the main shower head support, place 4 wooden or steel pegs and pull a regular bathroom curtain or any other canvas between them. To keep it, sew fabric ties to it from the inside and tie the curtain to the pegs on them.

There is also a more extreme version of the outdoor shower. So you can wash yourself not only in summer, but also in cold seasons, even at very low temperatures. For example, 15 ° C. It requires a plastic container with a cork, a steel vat, large stones, a tent canvas or plastic wrap. The canvas or film is stretched between several trees. For convenience, they can be pre-attached to wooden pegs, so as not to look for a suitable place, but to put the frame anywhere.

A modern inhabitant of a metropolis does not consider it possible for himself to give up his usual household amenities. Leaving for the dacha or just for a picnic, he does not want to sacrifice any comfortable conditions. Not to mention the important hygiene procedures. But it is not always possible to swim normally outside the city. The demand for devices for water procedures in a mobile version is great. And if there is no ordinary bathroom at the dacha, with all the necessary attributes, you can always take a portable shower with you for giving, thereby compensating for the absence of its stationary counterpart. What attracts buyers to this product:

Types of portable showers and their installation

Products differ from each other in price, performance and a set of options. All of them are maximally adapted for easy installation and easy to operate. They can be divided according to the principle of operation and into two main types:

Convenience and ease of use were appreciated by the owners of these devices. It can be used not only in the country, but also as a portable shower for a hike, where it can be very useful. The lack of electricity makes it necessary to abandon heated products, but there are very interesting models that are ideal for individual use in unsuitable places.

For example, it is not even necessary to hang a portable shower "treadmill" somewhere. The water supply will be provided by a pump built into a special mechanism. Shifting from foot to foot, the user activates it. Two pistons create the necessary pressure to feed it into the hose. By the way, this design was appreciated by motorists who use it with pleasure to wash the car. An ideal solution in the absence of electricity and water. Fill the container with warm water and use the device where necessary.

Products without forced heating have a dark body to efficiently absorb the thermal energy of the sun. If such a shower is filled with water and hung up, then in sunny weather it will be possible to use it in a couple of hours. If the container is placed on a hot surface (concrete, asphalt, metal), then the time will be reduced. The standard capacity of a portable shower is 20 liters, which is enough to use it for up to 10 minutes.

If you intend to travel by car, then it would be wise to purchase a portable heated shower powered by a car "cigarette lighter". In this case, warm water will be guaranteed anywhere and at any time of the day.

Camping or a recreation area on the site will be much more comfortable if you install a good portable heated shower for a summer cottage and equip it with a lightweight synthetic fabric cabin on a metal frame. As a rule, there is a place inside for fixing the hose. The capacity of such a structure is high, and it is capable of serving many people. There will be no need to leave the recreation area. The Fanline portable shower has excellent prospects for these purposes, which is available in various modifications in power.

In addition to their direct purpose, some models of this type of product are used for other purposes. For example, if you need to move a liquid from one container to another. Or pump out water from the basement. These tasks are easily handled by a portable shower pump for summer cottages, which processes up to 5500 liters per hour.

Craftsmen are often smart and use their own products. It's great when the owner is a jack of all trades. But it is strongly not recommended to make a portable water heater for a shower for home and summer cottages on your own. Using heating elements or other similar elements powered by the network is dangerous to life and health. In the design and manufacture of original factory products, a large safety margin is laid. The connection diagram and design were worked out for a long time on experimental samples, until the designers were convinced that a portable shower with a water heater for giving this design can be launched into series. In this case, inventing yourself means endangering not only your own life, but also the health of your family and others.

Hygiene procedures should be carried out every day, and not infrequently and several times a day.

But some people love to travel, and voyage isn't just about trains, hotel rooms, and resort pools. Some people prefer to climb the wilds, where there is no smell of civilization. In this case, a outdoor shower will be helpful.

It is useful not only for tourists. Surely, such a device will come in handy for some other categories of people:

  • lovers of long-distance car trips;
  • admirers of overnight outings;
  • heavy-duty truck drivers specializing in long-haul flights;
  • other things.

Such an adaptation will be useful to everyone who periodically or from time to time finds himself in a place far from the benefits of modern civilization.

Design options

There are endless ways to build a camping shower for yourself from improvised means, the number is limited only by your imagination and available materials. All designs differ in the way water is pumped. It can be supplied due to the difference in heights (for this, the container must be placed above the person's head), due to the injected air pressure or by banal pumping.

The easiest way is to draw warm water into a container, raise it with your own hands to a height of 2-2.5 meters (put it on the roof of a car, attach it to the body, hang it on a tree branch), then lower a hose with a nozzle with a divider into the neck and force it with simple manipulations water flow over your head.

The pressure will be weak, but sufficient to fully wash and at the same time spend a minimum of water.

The method requires a minimum of additional investments, it is not even necessary to buy a watering can divider. But the comfort of the method leaves much to be desired, so it makes sense to consider other options.

A more convenient option is a walking shower trample. A simple mechanical pump is used to supply water, driven by the muscular strength of the legs. Here the pressure and productivity are higher, the container does not need to be raised, so the use is more comfortable. However, when washing, you will also have to dance. Such a design can be purchased ready-made or assembled by hand, taking as a basis an automobile pump.

Another way is to create a structure based on a small water pump. There are small, low-capacity models on sale that are powered by 12 V DC.If you cannot find one in the pet store (in the aquarium accessories section), you can purchase a suitable pump from an auto parts store - for example, the one that is installed in the washer reservoir ...

You will also need a power source capable of delivering a current of 3 A. A car battery or generator is capable of this, as well as some models of outdoor uninterruptible power supplies. For convenience, a simple switch like a doorbell does not interfere: pressed - works, released - turned off.

This will not only reduce water consumption, but also increase the resource of the water pump, which is not designed to work for a long time without interruption. It is also important not to forget about the power cable and hose. It is better to take a small watering can, you can glue some of the holes, because the pressure at the pump is small and it cannot provide a large flow of water.

A plug or terminals are required to connect to the battery. For convenience, a shower tent or just a screen does not fit, because not everywhere you can find a secluded place for ablution.

Thus, in total for the construction of such a structure you will need:

The most expensive element is a tent, but it can be easily replaced with a cheaper screen from available tools.

The power supply is not listed in the table because its price is highly dependent on the initial conditions. Someone can be powered by a car battery and do not need to buy anything at all, and someone may want to purchase a camping set of solar panels with a battery to wash in a camp in the middle of a wild forest.

To assemble the structure with your own hands, you will also need electrical tape, a screwdriver, a clerical knife, but in general, nothing complicated is to come:

An additional advantage of using a car pump is the low voltage, so there is no need to be afraid of electric shock. However, just in case, you can protect yourself from surprises by placing the power button in a sealed package.


If you wish, if you have a small share of ingenuity, want to work with your own hands and the absence of laziness, you can very quickly build a structure from materials available to everyone that will allow ablution in any conditions, even where there is nothing for this.

You can also use ready-made solutions. A camping shower can be easily constructed based on store-bought designs of tramples and other varieties.

Currently, various life hacks are very popular - all kinds of devices, little tricks that make life easier. Our story will be about one of these devices, indispensable in the country or on a hike, and at the same time extremely simple to manufacture.


Shower-trampler is a portable device that has 2 hoses, one of which is lowered into a container with water, a watering can is attached to the second, which sprays a stream. Both hoses communicate with each other by means of a special mat with pedals, pressing on which acts like a pump. The mat with pedals lies on the floor, which makes it very easy to alternate pedaling, while your hands are free.

Pumps. Most often 2 pumps are used, connected in parallel to the inlet and outlet. When the pump is applied, the pressure in it increases, the outlet valve opens, and water enters the hose with a watering can at the end. At the next stage, the pressure decreases, the pump body increases in volume, as a result of which a rarefied medium is created. The outlet valve closes, the inlet valve opens instead, water is collected in the pump body (nature, as you know, does not tolerate emptiness).
A pump installed in parallel on another pedal operates in a similar way. The pressure applied alternately thus ensures a continuous flow of water.

Hoses. The hoses must be corrugated (preferably). The hose supplying water to the pump operates with negative pressure. Shirring prevents it from shrinking. The hose supplying pressure to the aerator operates at increased pressure. The length of the hoses can vary up to 2 meters. It can be changed to suit your personal requirements.

Watering can-aerator. Creates a comfortable watercourse, breaking one stream into many thin jets.

Did you know? The prototype of the modern soul was invented in ancient Greece. Such a shower is depicted on vases found during excavations in Athens, and dating back to the 4th century. BC. During the excavations of Pergamum, located on the territory of modern Turkey, the ruins of public showers were found. The time when they were actively used is set-II century BC.

Water pressure

The head pressure depends on the pressure applied to the pump. The uniformity of the pressure is influenced by the rhythm and synchronization of steps, and the force of the flow depends on the pressure on the pump. Also, the pressure force depends on the height to which the water is supplied.

How to use

The device is very easy to use. The process may differ slightly depending on the modification. But in general, the main stages in the operation of the device are as follows:

  1. Collect all parts of the shower (connect hoses to the pump mat) if the device is collapsible.
  2. Choose a place for a watering can-aerator (a branch at a suitable height, a hook on the wall of the house, etc.), put a rug with pedals under your feet.
  3. Lower the hose without a watering can into a reservoir of water.
  4. Pressurize the pump by alternating footwork. You can change the force of pressure by means of the intensity of pressure on the mat.


Important! Leave 1/3 the volume of the air container. This volume is enough to create the pressure required to completely drain the water from the tank. You should not pump a large volume of air into the pump, remember that pressure of 1 atmosphere raises the liquid by 10 m.


The shower has a number of undeniable advantages, among which the following should be highlighted:

  1. Compactness and the possibility of quick preparation for work and collection after work. When folded, it takes up very little space and has a rather low weight (the weight of many factory models does not exceed 2-3 kg).
  2. Simplicity of design. The only condition for functioning is the presence of water. Naturally, in the event that you are going on a hike, taking water with you for taking a shower is an unaffordable luxury. But for autotourists or for summer cottages, this is not a problem.
  3. Does not need electricity (this criterion can be written in the pluses and in the safety category).
  4. Possibility of pressure regulation (the stronger the pressure on the pedal, the stronger the jet).
  5. Profitability. You use water only when you need it. A bucket of water is more than enough to wash with your head.
  6. The ability to set the watering can at a convenient height.
  7. Multifunctionality of the device (this item will be discussed in more detail below).
  8. The simplicity of the design makes it possible to manufacture the device using scrap materials.
  9. Low price of the device.


Now a few words about the "fly in the ointment" in such a large "barrel of honey":

  1. A certain inconvenience can be considered the need to perform some actions. Of course, it is easier to turn on the electricity than to mark time, creating pressure with your own weight and movement. But this circumstance is insignificant in comparison with the rest of the advantages.
  2. Lack of warm water. In order for hot water to flow from the device, it must first be heated (in the sun, over a fire, etc.).
  3. The weight of 2-3 kg in the case when every 100 g of hand luggage is counted (for example, on a hiking trip) is not so small. In conditions unprepared in advance for taking water procedures, you will have to equip a place for a shower (like a booth fenced off on four sides).

Did you know? At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous psychiatrist J.M. Charcot, a hydromassage shower was invented, later named after its inventor. In addition to the massage effect, the shower helps restore blood flow, improves mental health, and helps to remove fat deposits.The procedure is carried out in this way: from a distance of 3-5 m, two powerful water jets are sent to a person, one- temperature 45° C, another - 20 ° From above zero.

DIY making

The simplicity of the design of the device allows you to make it yourself without much effort. Below is a step-by-step instruction for making a treadmill shower at home.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • car pump with foot drive;
  • rubber hoses (plastic, preferably corrugated);
  • plastic container with a lid;
  • aerator nozzle;
  • threaded metal tube;
  • drill.

When all the parts are ready, you can start assembling the device. Here is a schematic diagram of the manufacture of the device. If you are smart, you can probably make some changes to the design.

A modern inhabitant of a metropolis does not consider it possible for himself to give up his usual household amenities. Leaving for the dacha or just for a picnic, he does not want to sacrifice any comfortable conditions. Not to mention the important hygiene procedures. But it is not always possible to swim normally outside the city. The demand for devices for water procedures in a mobile version is great. And if there is no ordinary bathroom at the dacha, with all the necessary attributes, you can always take a portable shower with you for giving, thereby compensating for the absence of its stationary counterpart. What attracts buyers to this product:

  • Price. A portable shower for a summer residence and a home is inexpensive. For minimal costs, the owner of this device gets the opportunity to fully swim.
  • Small size. It can be easily taken on any trip; it will not take up much space in the trunk of a car. And you can store it in the country simply by putting it on a shelf, putting it in the back room, or in any free space.
  • Mobility. This was one of the main tasks in production. To make a portable outdoor shower capable of not being an unnecessary burden for the user with its small size and ease of use.
  • Autonomy. Complete independence from the surrounding circumstances has been implemented. No additional devices and devices are needed. You can install it whenever and wherever it is convenient. In this case, there is no need to use any tools.

Types of portable showers and their installation

Products differ from each other in price, performance and a set of options. All of them are maximally adapted for easy installation and easy to operate. They can be divided according to the principle of operation and into two main types:

  • Naturally heated products. The easiest option. The container is filled with water and heated by the sun's rays. Constructive solutions for quick installation are provided on the body. A hook that resembles an analogue of a conventional hanger and a hole through which a portable shower can be hung. A tree branch is suitable for this, any structure made of wood, plastic or metal, of sufficient height. The range of these products is available on the market in large numbers. For example, the portable shower Camp Shower, which is a striking representative of this type.
  • Products with forced heating. It is very practical and convenient to use them in the cool season or in cloudy weather, when it is not possible to heat ordinary portable summer showers. A prerequisite is access to a household electrical network. By immersing the device in a container of water and turning it on, you can immediately use it. A very successful model of this class is the Fanline TJ-2000 portable shower water heater, which is fully capable of replacing the analogue familiar in urban conditions. When placing the device in a container with water, to a depth of no more than 1 meter, it should be remembered that part of the liquid will be replaced (1.6 liters) by the device, therefore, small tanks or buckets should not be filled to the brim.

Convenience and ease of use were appreciated by the owners of these devices. It can be used not only in the country, but also as a portable shower for a hike, where it can be very useful. The lack of electricity makes it necessary to abandon heated products, but there are very interesting models that are ideal for individual use in unsuitable places.

For example, it is not even necessary to hang a portable shower "treadmill" somewhere. The water supply will be provided by a pump built into a special mechanism. Shifting from foot to foot, the user activates it. Two pistons create the necessary pressure to feed it into the hose. By the way, this design was appreciated by motorists who use it with pleasure to wash the car. An ideal solution in the absence of electricity and water. Fill the container with warm water and use the device where necessary.

Products without forced heating have a dark body to efficiently absorb the thermal energy of the sun. If such a shower is filled with water and hung up, then in sunny weather it will be possible to use it in a couple of hours. If the container is placed on a hot surface (concrete, asphalt, metal), then the time will be reduced. The standard capacity of a portable shower is 20 liters, which is enough to use it for up to 10 minutes.

If you intend to travel by car, then it would be wise to purchase a portable heated shower powered by a car "cigarette lighter". In this case, warm water will be guaranteed anywhere and at any time of the day.

Camping or a recreation area on the site will be much more comfortable if you install a good portable heated shower for a summer cottage and equip it with a lightweight synthetic fabric cabin on a metal frame. As a rule, there is a place inside for fixing the hose. The capacity of such a structure is high, and it is capable of serving many people. There will be no need to leave the recreation area. The Fanline portable shower has excellent prospects for these purposes, which is available in various modifications in power.

In addition to their direct purpose, some models of this type of product are used for other purposes. For example, if you need to move a liquid from one container to another. Or pump out water from the basement. These tasks are easily handled by a portable shower pump for summer cottages, which processes up to 5500 liters per hour.

Craftsmen are often smart and use their own products. It's great when the owner is a jack of all trades. But it is strongly not recommended to make a portable water heater for a shower for home and summer cottages on your own. Using heating elements or other similar elements powered by the network is dangerous to life and health. In the design and manufacture of original factory products, a large safety margin is laid. The connection diagram and design were worked out for a long time on experimental samples, until the designers were convinced that a portable shower with a water heater for giving this design can be launched into series. In this case, inventing yourself means endangering not only your own life, but also the health of your family and others.

Unfortunately, not all summer residents and travel enthusiasts know about all the benefits of a portable shower. Feedback from grateful users will open their eyes to new opportunities and inspire them to purchase this wonderful product.

Camping shower will never be superfluous ::

Nature walks, night hikes, tent camps or just an unfinished summer cottage ... What unites these seemingly completely incompatible places? One small nuance, which is difficult to refuse for a person accustomed to the benefits of civilization. Namely - in any, as they say, Spartan conditions, water procedures cannot be accepted. In a simple way, you cannot take a shower in nature or in an unfinished infrastructure. Sometimes it becomes a problem that does not allow you to relax normally and plunge into the atmosphere of real rest. Without looking ahead, we can say: the problem is being solved! How? Another, no less interesting question.

Camping shower

Yes, what can not inventive people come up with? A camping shower is no exception. Why "dacha"? The fact is that often, looking behind the gardeners' fences, you can see a simple structure that is taken out and brought into the house every evening. That is why they called her a dacha. But the lack of benefits on a favorite piece of land does not limit the possibilities of the above invention. Hiking, long walks, overnight stays - such a necessary thing as a camp shower can be useful everywhere.

Easy choice

Needs do not go unnoticed, so the "smart" Chinese have learned how to massively make these designs. A traveling shower can take any shape, for every taste and for any preference. Need a closed type - please. The tent with a built-in tank is ready to use. It remains to fill in the water. Ten, fifteen and even twenty liters are at the disposal of the neat traveler. There are also lighter designs: a frame with cellophane curtains, at the top of which you can see a small barrel. This type of travel shower has no drawbacks. Among the advantages, you can consider lightness and cheapness. All of these options are good for hiking and travel, but the question is, "Why buy?" It's no secret that the need for invention is cunning. It is not worth paying money for something that you can build yourself. For example, you can make a DIY outdoor shower. It will perform its functions as well as its commercial "brother".

How to make a DIY outdoor shower

You should not reinvent the wheel in this matter, everything has been invented and tested for a long time. The task is one - to make a good outdoor shower with your own hands, which should have such properties as ease of construction, cheapness (it is desirable that all materials for the construction are at hand) and relative comfort.

First building

How to make a outdoor shower when there is almost nothing around, only nature itself? It doesn't matter, simple options will always find their application. Everything ingenious is elementary. The same can be said about shower structures. The first thing that comes to mind for such a case is plastic bottles. Yes, there is no limit to fantasy. You don't need a lot of material to build a outdoor shower out of plastic bottles. The first and foremost is the capacity. The bigger it is, the better. After all, the water will flow longer, which means that the shower is enough for a leisurely swim. Ten or five liters with proper and rational use is enough. So, there is an eggplant. We need to start building. This option will be the most comfortable, so you will have to work. The empty container must be placed just above its own height. Otherwise, when taking a shower, you will have to bend down, which is not very pleasant. But here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the procedure for filling the eggplant with water will take a lot of time and effort. A small hole must be made in the "shower" container. Water will flow out of it. You need to insert a small hose into this hole, it will be easier to take a shower with it. You will not need to wriggle in front of the stream. It is advisable to treat the joints well with resin or plasticine so that water does not seep out. The first outdoor shower is made by hand. Of course, you can add something of your own to it, it's up to your imagination.

Second building

There is the most reliable and proven method that everyone has probably used. This is a bucket. No, you shouldn't pour it out in one gulp: there will be little effect. This design should be redone. A couple of actions - and you get a marching shower out of the bucket. For this design, you will need a few tools and materials: a drill, a large and long bolt, emery, a nail and a nut (of course, the same size as the bolt). So, you need to make a hole in the bucket with a drill. If you don't have such a thin tool at hand, you can make a hole with a nail.
But it will not be neat, so the edges should be additionally processed with emery. There is little left: thread the bolt through the hole and not completely tighten the nut. Thus, it turned out to be a large washbasin. Raise the bolt - water flows, let go - the water does not flow. This is very convenient, because the liquid does not run in vain, only when it is necessary.

How to set up a shower

Usually, a camp shower is built for a short time. A day or two - no more. Therefore, many are not too worried about the arrangement of the structure. But when it comes to constant use, here you really need to count on convenience. For example, shower curtains. They will add home comfort. Curtains should be made of waterproof material. Film will do just fine. How to fix it? Around the tree, with the help of branches, you can pull a rope, and hang a curtain on it. The shower should be well examined. There should be no extra branches, needles, thorns, shards and cigarette butts. Taking a bath next to garbage is not only unpleasant, it can be harmful to your health.

video instruction on how to do it yourself, features of products with heating, a water heater, a pump, for a hike, price, photo

A portable heated shower will allow you to completely solve the problem of maintaining personal hygiene in a suburban area or on a camping trip. Such equipment has several options for implementation. In this article we will look at the most popular ones.

Photo of a mobile shower


You always want to take a refreshing shower at the end of a long day, wherever you are. But if there may not be an equipped bathroom at the dacha, then on a hike you certainly will not find this blessing of civilization. An excellent solution to this problem would be the use of one of the types of portable equipment for the appropriate purpose.

Option number 1: travel shower bag

Portable outdoor shower in action

This is the simplest and most common type of mobile shower. It is a sealed container made of polyvinyl chloride, equipped with an elastic plastic tube with a valve and a watering can, as well as a screw cap.


Tourist portable shower has the following advantages:

  1. Ease of use with your own hands. It is enough to hang the container on the supplied plastic pipe and fill it with water.
  2. Mobility. After use, the tank rolls up, representing a small package that can be easily transported.

Comparison of a liquid-filled shower with the packaging in which it is folded

  1. High heating rate of the poured water, which is 2-3 hours. This is largely due to the black color of the material from which the container is made.

Tip: if you plan to use the device in question in a suburban area where there is electricity, then you can purchase a portable shower equipped with a special water heater. Then the availability of warm water will not depend on weather conditions.

  1. Multifunctionality. Great not only for hygiene procedures, but also, for example, for washing a car or dishes.
  2. Acceptable price. The simplicity of the device guarantees its low cost.

As you can see, the portable travel shower bag is easy to assemble for a hike and is easy to use.

Option number 2: portable shower "Step"

Portable "stompbox" for taking water procedures

"Toptun" is a very interesting device that is very similar to a pump.

Has the following structure:

Scheme of construction "Stepa"

Technical specifications:

These features provide this equipment with the following advantages:

  1. Simple one-man operation manual. There is no need to suspend the water tank at a great height, it can stand on the ground. It is enough to immerse the receiving tube in water and stand on a special platform for the feet, which, in fact, is a pump. By working with your feet, you will pump out the water and transport it to the watering can, which can either be squeezed in your hand or fixed in a place convenient for you.

Application of "Toptun"

  1. Durability and practicality. There is simply nothing to break in it.
  2. Mobility. When folded, "Step" takes up little space and weighs also a little. You can take it with you on a hike or use it in the country. It is noteworthy that after you leave your suburban area, you can either hide the device in a lockable utility block, or take it with you, so that it will not become a victim of thieves.
  3. Wide range of applications. Except at the dacha and on the hike, "Toptun" can be useful in the apartment during the period when hot water is turned off. You can heat the liquid in a saucepan, place the appliance in the tub, feed the hose into the pan, and use this method to give yourself a full shower.

Tip: using the "Step" in the bath, put a rug under it. This will prevent damage to the enamel.

Option number 3: folding cab

Portable shower cubicle with changing room

This is not quite a full-fledged shower, but still this design is worth mentioning separately. It is a folding frame with a stretched waterproof fabric. In this case, the problem of comfort and the possibility of privacy is solved.

But the watering process itself will have to be thought out separately, although you can easily use it in combination with the first two options, which together will provide you with a full-fledged bathroom on the road with all the amenities.

Also, you simply have the right to install such a structure in your country house and equip it with a plastic flat tank for a summer cottage shower. At the end of the season, fold and hide from prying eyes. The main feature is that you do not need to build a capital cabin, which requires serious labor and financial costs.


A shower is needed both on a hike and in the country. To implement it, you only need one of the options for the simple devices listed above, in the assortment available on the shelves of specialized stores. They are simple and mobile to operate.

Acceptance of water procedures in the field

The video in this article will acquaint you with additional materials that are directly related to the topic under consideration. The portable shower-water heater can easily solve personal hygiene problems anywhere.

Outdoor shower? It's simple!

Do you like being outdoors? Can't imagine life without hiking around your native land? Build a summer cottage while you have nowhere to wash? Or maybe you just love extreme? We'll have to learn how to build a camping shower with our own hands. You can make it from almost any available containers. Washing in warm water, in a warm room, is not only pleasant: in cold weather, health can depend on such a shower. Even novice conquerors of nature can build a camping shower.

We build a watering can

The simplest shower is arranged like this. A curtain is attached to the tree (if you want to wash alone). A hole is made in the cap of a large plastic bottle where a piece of hose is inserted. The cap itself is attached to the bottle with electrical tape (if there is a hose). If it is not there, then in order for water to pour out, it is enough to unscrew the lid. For a large capacity, any non-thick hose is suitable, for a "poltorashka" - a tube from a dropper. It must be securely fastened in the hole in the cover. To prevent water from flowing spontaneously, you can pinch the hose with a stopper or use a wire hook to attach the end at the top. Next, cut the bottom of the bottle, close the lid, and fasten it on a high branch. For convenience, you can place the bottle in a net or simply attach it to a branch with a wire. The simplest outdoor shower is ready. Instead of a plastic bottle, you can use an Esmarch mug, heating pad, etc. Such a device is quite suitable for summer time. But what if you are on a hike, around the mountain and -20 ° C, and you really want to wash? Actually, it is the next structure that will be what is called "a real marching shower." Naturally, it can be done anywhere, but, they say, it was climbers who came up with this method of hygiene.

We build a portable outdoor shower

Actually, only a curtain and a water container will be portable. We collect all the other parts right at the halt. We will need:

  • Campfire lighting devices.
  • Boulders are about the size of a three-year-old boy's head, but you can also use a bucket of regular pebbles or other stones.
  • Curtain.
  • Plastic bottle with cork and hose.
  • A tent or film stretched over a frame. The frame can be carried with you, or it can be built between trees.

In order to build a warm outdoor shower, we kindle a fire, put stones in it, and heat water over the fire. While everything is warming up, we mount a kind of wigwam from cellophane (if there is no empty tent). You can use branches, etc.
We make a mount above the wigwam: here we will hang a plastic bottle (see device above) with water. When the stones are warmed up, carefully place them around the perimeter of the "wigwam". This is the most dangerous part of the procedure: you can burn yourself. Boulders or pebbles must be allowed to cool in the wigwam so that you can stand on them. In the process of cooling, they warm up the air very strongly. Then we hang up a bottle of hot water and ... with light steam! Usually stones allow 4-5 tourists to take a walk-in shower, and only after that the "room" begins to cool down. If you do everything quickly, and take more boulders, then even a group of 15 people will have time to complete the prescribed bath procedures.

Plumbing Tutorial Useful articles on plumbing, ventilation, water connection and drainage

DIY shower: camping, summer cottage options and designs in

At a time when the conversation comes about the manufacture of such a structure as a shower, in most cases the craftsmen imagine a booth with a pallet connected to a water supply system, or on which a water tank is installed. But, if the finished product cannot be found, then you have to use any available material or products with a different purpose. Based on this, the question of how to build a shower with your own hands using the maximum number of elements required for this is also fascinating for skilled experts.

Hiking options

Going on vacation to nature, a person tries to provide himself with great comfort on the spot. Along with this, you do not need to carry with you a large number of things, and when you load the car, there are a lot of necessary items that you need to take with you. Based on this, a typical tourist shower should take up minimal space, be lightweight, or be made from existing things for a different purpose.

Shop constructions

Of all the existing models of systems for a similar purpose, it is necessary to emphasize only one. It is in the form of a simple tight bag, to which is attached a small valve with a detachable shower head and a hatch with a lid for filling. Along with this, it should be emphasized that the price of such a structure is low, and it takes up minimal space, practically weighing nothing.

Such a product is filled with water and hung on a tree. After that, having opened the valve, they begin to use it as a simple shower. It should be emphasized that the operating instructions also allow the use of warm water, but any specific model has its own tolerances.

Given the features of this design, it can be attributed to the marching. Along with this, the semblance of this device can be created by yourself, using a tarpaulin or film.

Advice! A similar system can also be used for the transportation and storage of drinking water. Proceeding from this, the need for her in campaigns is obvious.

Homemade products

Most tourists make an elementary shower from a canister with their own hands, along with this, without damaging the product. Enough with an additional cover, in which holes are made in advance. It is put on after filling with water and used as a watering can.

In addition, it is possible to use huge plastic bottles or other similar containers. But if there is a strong need, it is easiest to use a teapot, on the spout of which they put watering cans and hang it on a tree. It is possible to build such a shower in nature with your own hands in a couple of minutes.

Advice! There are quite a few ways to organize the water supply from a height, but it is possible to spray a stream only from a watering can. Based on this, it is worth taking it with you.

Country structures

When creating a shower on the site with your own hands, you have to face a number of troubles, which need to be solved taking into account the terrain and the expected level of the necessary comfort. Based on this, the manufacturing process is directed to be broken down into stages.


  • The easiest thing to do is to make a pillow with rubble and sand, on top of which a wooden pallet is installed. So, in most cases, they do a shower in the village with their own hands, assuming that the drain will go straight into the ground.
  • In addition, the method of making a cement base is quite common. It is possible to fill it yourself or use a ready-made plate for this. Along with this, without fail, they make a bias towards the intended drainage system. Some masters to simplify the work of stones, which are tamped into the ground.
  • If a shower room is made by hand, then it is possible to use every available materials. The main thing is that it was possible to walk on them easily, in addition, in the presence of water, and it was possible to organize a drain.

Advice! The outflow of water must be done so that the liquid goes into the ground, and not under the foundation of the building.


  • At a time when they make a shower in the yard with their own hands, then right off the bat you should think about what container you need to use for water. This is especially important if there is no way to buy a regular tank.
  • Immediately it should be emphasized that barrels that previously contained chemicals or oil products are not suitable for these purposes. A sediment may remain in them, which later dissolves in water and can lead to poisoning of the body.
  • In addition, open containers should not be used. Sick birds or their waste products can get into them.
  • The easiest thing to do is to make a shower from a Eurocube with your own hands, because this container is excellent in all respects and, at the same time, has a sufficient amount. But you need to take into account the enormous weight and use strong supports during installation.
  • A tank for similar purposes is selected very whisperingly, because this is the basis of the entire structure and the appearance of the frame will depend on it.

Advice! It is quite simple to install a faucet with a watering can on a container, but do not forget that it is more optimal to use a screw or needle locking mechanism. These systems allow precise control of the thrust force, which significantly increases the level of comfort.


Some craftsmen prefer to create the simplest floors using a simple film. But, if a solar collector for a shower is made with your own hands, then it is assumed that the structure will be in the open air and light will penetrate through it. This leads to some discomfort for some people, because the interior space will be visible.

Given this feature, experts advise using profile pages or moisture-resistant plywood. In addition, dry reeds are suitable for these purposes, which are tied together, creating a full-fledged overlap.

Advice! Sometimes dilapidated building materials are excellent for this task. But they need to be put in order and subjected to protective treatment. Simple paint may work for this.

Constructions in the apartment

Sometimes such situations arise, at a time when you need to equip a shower in the apartment, but along with this there is no way to install a cabin. Then it is possible to use intentionally created designs or non-standard technical solutions.


The easiest thing to do is to install a shower in an apartment with your own hands if it will be stirred in the bathroom. It is possible to use the bowl itself as a pallet, but along with this, in the places of its contact with the wall, it is necessary to seal up all the joints using a sealant. In addition, it is assumed that the installed mixer will have a shower head, which will take the ability to be fixed on the wall.

Then it is worth buying a special fence or curtain that will protect the room from splashes. Along with this, it can completely cover the whole perimeter, or only the bath, which is located a meter from the mixer.

Advice! Such solutions are quite simple, because they are used in a very distant past and some companies develop a lot of products for them. But when choosing them, you must be careful so that all elements are perfectly combined with each other into a single system.


In addition, in our time there are still apartments in which there is no room, like a bathroom. In addition, they see the setting, at a time when people buy a dorm room and want to take personal amenities, saving space. Based on this, in such cases, a shower room is made in the apartment with our own hands, but it is connected to the toilet.

First of all, in similar situations, you need to make a drain. Along with this, a branch is cut into the sewer pipe, which is mutated into the floor screed with waterproofing, making a kind of downpour at an angle. It goes without saying that the level of the threshold and the floor will rise very strongly, but this is a necessity that cannot be avoided.

Then they simply install a mixer with a shower head on the wall. In such a room, it is possible to normally take water procedures. Along with this, the closed toilet seat will serve as an unusual chair, which is quite convenient for some people.

Advice! Such a solution can be called extreme, but under certain technical conditions it is the only one. But if it is possible to use just the cabin, then it should be used.


After reviewing the video in this article, it is possible to study in more detail these structures and the principle of their manufacture. In addition, taking the text above as the basis, it is worth concluding that in fact, in arbitrary conditions, human ingenuity allows you to create designs that are talented to significantly expand the level of comfort.

Along with this, making a shower with their own hands from scrap materials, the masters take into account all the wishes of future users. This gives rise to the most extraordinary designs with fantastic designs and technical highlights.

DIY device and manufacturing methods

This device for taking water procedures in our country appeared relatively recently and immediately attracted the attention of users.

Do-it-yourself shower-trample

What are the advantages of a treadmill shower over conventional devices?

Characteristics Brief description

Small size and weight

The total mass of the shower-treadmill does not exceed 2–3 kg, its dimensions, depending on the model, are not more than 30 × 40 cm. Such linear indicators allow you to constantly carry the device with you and use it at the right time.


There is no need to build special premises for a treadmill shower. The watering can can be held in your hands, suspended from a tree, attached to a wall, etc. If necessary, the location of the shower can always be changed. If desired, the shower can be connected to a large barrel of water and used permanently.

Versatility of application

The device can be used not only for taking water procedures, but also for watering beds, washing a car and other household needs.


The treadmill shower does not have complex parts, which can significantly increase the service life. In addition, it does not require periodic maintenance and repairs. If there are risks of contamination, then an elementary strainer can be installed on the inlet pipe.

Ease of use

The pump pumps water without electricity, it can be installed in the country and connected to a large container with water - the time for taking a shower increases significantly. The treadmill shower proved to be excellent at picnics by the reservoir, you can take it with you on hikes.

How to use the trample shower

Shower trample: scope

Before considering the options for self-manufacturing a shower-treadmill, you should find out the principle of operation of the device, such knowledge will help you choose the most successful option, taking into account the experience of locksmith work, financial capabilities and the desired technical characteristics.

The device and principle of functioning of the soul-treadmill

The treadmill shower consists of the following elements.

Before you start making your own shower-treadmill, you need to find out the technical characteristics of the factory devices and what they depend on. This knowledge will make it possible to plan what indicators can be adjusted during production, how to do it and what positive or negative consequences they will lead to.

Technical characteristics of the treadmill shower

Maximum water suction depth

Depends on the elasticity of the body, the stiffer the body material, the more vacuum it can create during the increase in the internal volume. But it is impossible to significantly increase the suction depth. Why? The fact is that when you press the pump housing, you will have to overcome not only the pressure to supply water to a certain height, but also the resistance of the housing.

Consider the features of the pump. For example, a person weighs 70 kg. If the body creates a vacuum adequate to 15 kN to suck in water, then to create water pressure, it will be possible to apply a force of no more than 55 kN (70 kN - 15 kN). This means that the deeper the suction depth, the lower the lift with the same pressure on the pump. We took the weight of an adult as an example.

It is very easy and convenient to use an outdoor shower

And if a child uses a shower-trample? In connection with such an inverse relationship between the parameters of suction and pressure, the designers have found an acceptable middle option. The factory device can raise water by no more than 50 cm, and the delivery head depends on the applied forces. Such parameters allow people with low weight to use the shower-trample; the washing process does not require much physical effort.

Maximum head of water supply

The greater the compression force of the pump casing, the higher the water pressure is created. The indicators are limited only by the weight of the person. And, of course, the physical strength of the body material.

It should be borne in mind that the pressure depends on the applied efforts.


Depends on two parameters: the internal volume of the pump and the frequency of pressing. The first parameter is set by the manufacturer, averaged values ​​are selected. If the pump has a very large volume, then to press on the camera, a person does not need to "stamp" in place, but raise his legs high. This is inconvenient, the designers did not go that way to increase the productivity of the water supply.

In the photo there is a factory shower-trample

The average parameters of the pump were selected so that the volume of water squeezed out from one pump was continuous until the second pump was put into operation. But this does not mean that the frequency of pressing can be increased indefinitely. The fact is that the process of filling the pump takes time; you can press on the pump body only after its entire volume is filled with water. The overall dimensions also depend on the performance.

Factory shower-trample for giving

Factory models are made of durable rubber, inlet and outlet valves are mounted on special rigid elements. Finding a rubber in a store that matches its physical characteristics is almost impossible. In addition to strength, it must be hermetically fixed on the sidewalls, agree on the length and diameter, ensure stability and durability. In connection with such problems, we offer other options for the self-production of a shower-treadmill.

With this knowledge, you can start making your own soul-treadmill. We will consider two options for devices, both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Pneumatic shower trample

According to the principle of operation, it does not resemble the factory version, and in terms of comfort it is not only inferior to it in anything, but also surpasses it in many respects. The device we offer pumps not water, but air, although the principle of operation of the pumps is the same.

Shower device diagram

What are the main differences?

  1. If the usual shower-trampler takes water from the tank and supplies it to the watering can, then in an airtight container with water with the help of a foot pump, excess pressure is created, which pushes the water into the showerhead.
  2. The pump does not pump water, but air.
  3. Water pressure can fluctuate significantly.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

We give only a schematic diagram of production, everyone can make minor changes to it, taking into account the available materials. The water from the shower will flow under pressure, the air is pumped by a car pump or frog pumps for inflating rubber boats.

Step 1. Find a suitable container for water. This can be a plastic twenty-liter container for bottled water, a metal or plastic barrel, a milk can, a canister, etc.

Practical advice. If you are planning to make your shower mobile, then you don't need to look for a large capacity. Practice shows that twenty liters is enough to wash one person. In addition, you cannot pump hundreds of liters of water with your feet, it takes a lot of time and physical effort.

We recommend using plastic canisters for making your shower. They have sealed lids, carry handles and a volume of up to 50 liters. Another plus of this container is that the large wall thickness allows it to withstand significant pressures without problems.

Plastic canisters

Plastic barrels for water

Step 2. Attach the inlet and outlet ports to the cover. Through one branch pipe, the pump will pump air, the other serves to supply water to the shower head.

For example, consider the installation of nozzles on the lid of a plastic canister or barrel. Diameter of nozzles within 10 mm, select specific values ​​according to pump hose diameters and available parts.

Important. If you hold the lid with your hands, be very careful. Remember that the drill can pull out the cover, especially drill carefully after the hole has appeared on the back. The lateral edges of the cutting tool grip the plastic and begin to rotate it with great effort. It is at this moment that the lid most often breaks in and injures the master.

Step 3. Insert a nipple into the hole, there should be a metric thread at both ends. Put on rubber gaskets (you can also on one side), install metal washers on top and tighten the connection with nuts.

Elements for fixing branch pipes

Practical advice. We strongly do not recommend fixing the pipes only with sealant or glue. During use of the installation and pumping air, dynamic forces of alternating direction act on the nozzles. Over time, the glue or sealant will peel off, which will lead to a loss of tightness of the connection. If the air outlet is small, then the shower can still be used, only the pump will have to be pumped more often and faster. If the gaps are significant, then you will have to engage in repair work.

Union with washers

Step 4. Attach a long hose to one branch pipe, it will supply water to the watering can. A short hose for air supply is fixed to the second. To make it easier to put on the plastic hose, heat its end in boiling water and in this state, put it on the plastic. After cooling down, the diameter of the hose is reduced, the connection is quite reliable. Moreover, there will be no large pressures in the hose. If in doubt, secure the end additionally with a small clamp of a suitable diameter. To increase the density of the connection, several turns of electrical tape can be tightly wound on the branch pipe.

You can wind electrical tape or fum

Step 5. If necessary, attach special adapters to the branch pipes for connecting the pump hose and shower head. Connect them also after heating the end of the hose.

Lid-mounted fitting

How to use such a shower?

Pour water into a container and place in the sun for heating. If there is no time, then you can immediately dilute cold water with warm water.

Important. Always leave about a third of the volume of the air container. Due to this, it will be possible to create a sufficient pressure reserve for the complete pouring of water. Pump air with a foot pump, there is no need to pump a lot of air. One atmosphere pressure raises water to a height of 10 meters. For your information, bicycle tires have a pressure of only 0.5 ATM.

The pump does not have to be switched off, it has a built-in check valve that eliminates pressure drop. Practice shows that a pressure of about one atmosphere can guarantee the pouring of 15 liters of water from a twenty-liter container when it is filled with water to two-thirds of its volume. You can take a shower right away or wait a little until it warms up to a comfortable temperature.

How does a pneumatic shower work

What are the advantages of the proposed design? There are quite a few of them and they all significantly increase the comfort of using a portable shower.

  1. There is no need to constantly stamp on the soul. For the elderly and sick people, this is a tedious task.
  2. Water turns on / off as needed. There is an opportunity to wash quietly.
  3. The unit can be used by small children. They either turn on the watering can themselves, or wash themselves with the help of their parents.

Such advantages make this shower design quite popular among the numerous owners of summer cottages. The shower can be installed not only outside the city, but also taken with you on a picnic, fishing or on a land plot for agricultural work.

Such a shower can be installed permanently

If you install a non-return valve on the inlet pipe, then such a device will be very useful when treating plants with chemical pest and disease control agents. A check valve can be purchased at any hardware store. The presence of a check valve makes it possible, after pumping up air, to disconnect the pump and carry the container in hand. No need to take expensive models with automatic pressure regulation. An ordinary rubber valve in a normally open state is sufficient. The valve is held in this position by a spring. When the air jet moves in the opposite direction, the air presses the rubber gasket to the socket and closes its outlet from the branch pipe.

Check valve device

One of the modifications of the summer shower

Video - Foot-treadmill shower "Rain"

Video - Shower from a plastic bottle and pump

Shower-trample from two pumps "frogs"

You can try to make another version of the treadmill soul. For these purposes, take the so-called "frogs" as pumps. These pumps are used to inflate rubber boats. There are two types of devices in the implementation.

Two such pumps are connected into a single structure using a tee and plastic pipes. You need to connect two inputs and two outputs. The inlet hose is lowered into a container with water, the outlet is connected to the shower head.

We lower the hose into a container of water (in the photo, an example of a factory shower, a similar design can be made from two pumps, hoses and a watering can)

We get up on the rug and wash

You can adjust the water pressure

You can fix the watering can on the post

Video - Trample shower at work

The design is ready to use, but it has significant drawbacks.

We considered two options for the independent manufacture of portable shower units, but there is also a third, in our opinion, the most successful. According to the reviews of many owners of industrial-made soul-treadmills, they use such devices no more than two or three times. And then they remember the old, simple, cheap and versatile way. They buy an ordinary ladle and pour water on themselves from the bucket.

Video - Shower trample

DIY video instructions for choosing, features of hiking travel products with a toilet, price, photo

When going on an outing into nature - to a summer cottage or on a hike, it is advisable to provide for a way to maintain personal hygiene, especially if the event is long. Today we will deal with a simple portable device in the form of a tent, which can be both a shower stall and a room for the departure of natural needs. Alas, even in the forest it is not always possible to find a secluded place, not to mention an open space.

It should be admitted that in field conditions you can get dirty much faster than in ordinary life. Therefore, the moment will inevitably come when you have to wash off the dirt, and in some cases just cool down. A simple design will help in this, which can easily turn into a "hidden toilet". A do-it-yourself shower tent is made or a ready-made one is purchased.

Outdoor shower tent

What do they offer us

Shower design

Where can you most often see such devices?

Of course, in shops selling tourist equipment.

  1. One of the most popular can be considered the Seattle Sports walking shower, which is offered in three models, differing in the volume of the water tank.
  2. Do you want to use warm water? No problem. Put the liquid in a container and leave it out in the sun for several hours. Of course, you will hardly be able to splash around, but, according to the instructions, the 20L model is capable of continuously supplying water for 8 minutes.

Tourist toilet or shower tent

Advice: if you have a large company, you can buy a tourist shower for 40 liters.

  1. If organizing a car trip, you can use a special car shower made of hard plastic. The design feature is the use of a heating element, which can be connected to a "cigarette lighter" or to a 220 V network using an adapter.
  2. A good option, excluding the constant running with buckets to the shower from the source at the summer cottage, is the use of an electric water pump.


So, we figured out how to take a shower, now it remains to talk about where, or rather in what way it can be done. This is especially true for rather shy people.

The manufacturers thought about it and offered a folding version of the booth, which looks like a tent. Structurally, they are so simple that you can make them with your own hands with a certain perseverance, after which you can take a shower even in a field or in a crowded camping site.

Shower or toilet tent with windows

However, there are other ways to use these structures to keep you safe from prying eyes. We are talking about a latrine, which must also correspond to the cultural experience of our civilization. Observe certain rules, not only in urban, but also in field conditions, in order to remain permanently human in any place and in any situation.

Some people cannot imagine how they will correct their natural needs just in the forest among bushes and trees. Although there are many who consider this method to be quite suitable. They practically do not care that someone may accidentally be nearby.

For the rest, we recommend that you think in advance about a tent for a dry closet or a corresponding bucket toilet. These simple and inexpensive devices will allow you to remain a representative of a civilized society even in the most remote wilderness.

Folding tent with toilet and camping shower


The main philosophy of such a hiking accessory should be - lightness, ease of assembly and comfort of use. Externally - an ordinary tourist tent, which allows you to take a shower or go to the toilet during the transition.

There are 3 options:

In the photo - a portable dry closet with a tent

Advice: buy a model with windows, then it will not be dark in the "room".

Manufacturers have taken care of the color preferences of buyers. Available in hidden color options - green, dark beige, khaki or protective, or you can choose a bright palette. (See also the article Traveling washbasin: features.)

Making a shower yourself

A couple of tips on how to bring yourself closer to civilization even in field conditions:

  1. You will need a regular polyethylene bag and a PET bottle cork with holes. Cut off the corner of the bag and tape the cork to it. Hang the structure from a tree or attach to a pole.

Tip: Instead of a plug, you can simply make a hole in the bag.

Hanging shower tent

  1. You can replace the bag with a sturdy canvas bag, which is often used by the military for various purposes. The mouth of a garden watering can is used as a shower. Then the structure is suspended, and a tent or fence is placed around. So the shower is ready.


Although there are those who say - "hygiene is the enemy of the tourist", it is better to take care of it in advance. Moreover, today it can be done for little money or using improvised means. A shower or toilet tent will always come in handy if you often like to go hiking. The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.