PPU coating. Effective insulation of buildings with sprayed polyurethane foam: Video instructions from masters of their craft

One of the most controversial building materials on the market today is polyurethane foam. In common people it is sometimes called "foam rubber". PU foam is widely used as a heater. However, polyurethane foam causes a lot of controversial reviews: some consider it universal, almost without flaws, others ruthlessly criticize it.

In order to form your opinion about this material, it is necessary to systematize and summarize all the information that is available about it.

Material features

The material is a type of plastic, to be more precise, it is a porous gas-filled polymer. It is based on polyurethane components polyol and diisocyanate.

The polyol component gives the polymer base, which determines the density, hardness, flammability and other characteristics of the polyurethane foam. The isocyanate component is responsible for foaming.

Various additives are intended to correct different properties. For example, fire retardants accelerate polymerization, reduce the degree of flammability of the material.

The constituents individually are toxic substances, therefore opponents of polyurethane foam first of all pay attention to this fact. However, when mixed, toxic ingredients form an absolutely harmless mixture that is neutral and does not enter into any chemical reactions with any elements.

The process of obtaining polyurethane foam is associated with the simultaneous formation of gases. Since carbon dioxide is predominantly emitted, which is characterized by low thermal conductivity, PU foam is endowed with excellent thermal insulation qualities. That is why the material is an excellent insulation.

The rate of the chemical reaction and the mixing ratio of the components determine the following characteristics of the obtained polyurethane foam:

  • Flexible the springy material has elasticity, but is characterized by low tear resistance. Well-known foam rubber from this category.
  • Dense and the durable version is hard but brittle when bent.
  • Foamed PPU has a wide range of advantages.

As a rule, polyurethane foam is obtained from petroleum products, but there is a possibility of its production from components of plant origin. For these purposes, castor, soybean, rapeseed and sunflower oils are great. Since the production of polyols from plant raw materials is less profitable, this method of production is impractical and is rarely used.


Polyurethane foam is of two types: foamed and solid. This explains the various characteristics inherent in them. The first option is convenient for application and ergonomic, since it does not leave seams after application. The second one is designed to create shock-absorbing surfaces and serve as a heat insulator.

Thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity properties of polyurethane foam directly depend on its cellular structure. For example, for rigid types of polyurethane foam, the thermal conductivity ranges between 0.019 and 0.035 W / (m · K).

For comparison, we can give an example of an indicator for gas glass 0.84 W / (m · K) or mineral wool 0.045-0.056 W / (m · K).

Noise absorption

The ability of materials to absorb noise of varying intensity depends on factors such as porosity, thickness and damping properties.

From the practice of using polyurethane foam, it was concluded that its ability to reduce the noise level depends on the rigidity of the frame and the frequency of sound vibrations. For noise absorption, it is best to use a semi-elastic type of polyurethane foam.

Chemical resistance

Polyurethane foam is considered to be a type of material that is relatively resistant to harsh chemicals. Its degree of resistance is greater than that of expanded polystyrene.

It has been experimentally confirmed that PU foam is not afraid of gasoline, alcohol, dilute acids and various types of plasticizers. It cannot be destroyed by the action of corrosive vapors, provided that their concentration is within acceptable limits. Concentrated acid can damage the surface of polyurethane foam, but, as practice shows, not always.

Due to this property, polyurethane foam is actively used to protect metal surfaces from rust. The effectiveness will depend on the grade of polyurethane foam.

Moisture absorption

The moisture absorption indicator directly depends on the porosity of the material, therefore, it is determined by the density of the insulation. The denser it is, the less water it absorbs.

Polyurethane foam has a low absorbent effect - 1-3% per day of the original volume.

To increase water resistance, manufacturers introduce special substances into the PP composition - water repellents. For example, castor oil can lower this threshold by 4 times.

Fire resistance and flammability

One of the advantages of PPU is its fire resistance. The material belongs to the class of self-extinguishing, hardly combustible and hardly inflammable.

If it is necessary to increase the degree of resistance, manufacturers introduce special additives in the form of phosphorus or halogen compounds.

It is extremely convenient and economically justified to use a coating of two layers of polyurethane foam in industrial premises with a high level of fire safety. A fire-resistant layer is applied over the usual layer. It will be enough to keep the flame out.


A characteristic such as density is important for insulation, since many different factors and functional properties depend on it.

For polyurethane foam, the density is in the range of 30-80 kg / m³.

The indicator itself depends on several criteria, but two of the most important can be distinguished:

  • polyurethane foam production technology;
  • a specific functional task that the PPU will perform.

When insulating, different types of PU foam are used: hard, elastic, softer. Knowing the features of each type, you can save money during construction without losing functionality.


Hardness is not identical to density. For furniture foam rubber is characterized by division into several brands, depending on the rigidity.

  • ST- the lowest degree of hardness. It is used for upholstery of furniture armrests or backrests.
  • EL- modified material. Polyurethane foam of this brand is used for the production of hard mattresses, sofa seats and other products that imply dynamic loads.
  • HR- the brand is characterized by a high degree of elasticity with initially low rigidity. The material is most suitable for the manufacture of orthopedic products and quality furniture.


Laboratory and industrial tests have confirmed that the service life of polyurethane foam is at least 25 years. Moreover, after this time, the material slightly loses its performance, allowing it to be used further.


When applying liquid polyurethane foam, it must be remembered that vapors released during a chemical reaction are contraindicated for humans. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system with a respirator. After hardening, polyurethane foam becomes safe.

During a fire, polyurethane foam does not burn, but at high temperatures it can emit carbon monoxide, which is hazardous to health.

What is the difference from foam rubber?

Foam rubber is a type of flexible polyurethane foam.

The cellular porous structure provides good air, vapor and moisture permeability. The degree of elasticity is controlled by the addition of different types of polyols during production.

When choosing consumer goods, it must be remembered that "foam rubber" is the trade name of PPU, which was registered during the Soviet period by a Scandinavian company of the same name.

Foam rubber is mainly used in light and furniture industries. Furniture upholstery, mattress and pillow fillers, soft toys, mannequins - this is a list of the most common uses of this type of PU foam.

The material is characterized by different thicknesses and, accordingly, different rigidity. Basically, it is produced in the form of sheets or blocks.

Different types of foam rubber in the furniture industry are combined, which improves the quality of the products.

For example, a stiffer sheet is used for a sofa seat than for a backrest.

Orthopedic products, as a rule, should not be soft. They are provided so that the body is positioned correctly and comfortably. For this purpose, a new type of foam rubber with a "memory effect" has been developed. It is able to regain its original shape after deformation. During operation, such material repeats the contours of the body of a person lying on it, which allows you to relax as comfortably as possible.

The main mechanical characteristics of foam rubber, on which the operating life of furniture products depends:

  • rigidity;
  • density;
  • strength;
  • elasticity;
  • cell size;
  • support coefficient.

For example, the support ratio and mesh size are decisive in highly resilient types of polyurethane foam.

Furniture foam rubber is exposed to significant loads, so conscientious manufacturers use the material with the highest density. It easily withstands long-term dynamic loads and static weights.


Experts distinguish three types of polyurethane foam:


This type of material has high density, hardness and lightness. Due to these characteristics, it is used as acoustic or thermal insulation. Rigid PU foam looks like slabs. One of the applications is sandwich panels.


Polyurethane foam with an open-cell structure. It provides breathability and hygroscopicity. Therefore, panels made of reticulated polyurethane foam are most often used for thermal insulation of facades and roofs. The main advantage of the material is its low resistance index and high dust holding capacity. This gives it the ability to filter and regenerate. In this regard, the purification of various liquids and gases is very popular, since reticulated PU foam filters air with a high concentration of coarse dust. One area of ​​application is the climate control system.


The specified version of PU foam is similar to foam rubber. It is designed to create shock-absorbing surfaces, therefore it is used in the furniture industry. Due to its environmental and chemical safety, it is used in the field of medicine.

The latest developments have made it possible to obtain various subspecies of elastic polyurethane foam:

  • Artificial latex in its properties it is close to a natural sponge. It is characterized by elasticity, the ability to regain its shape, increased wear resistance, and ventilation. Highly elastic characteristics have been highly appreciated by manufacturers of orthopedic products.
  • PU foam with memory effect. The material has a high degree of elasticity, due to which, after deformation, it quickly restores its original shape.


The species is characterized by solidity and dense consistency. Most often it is used in the manufacture of automobiles.


PPU components are in a liquid state in cylinders. They mix during operation when applying foam to the surface.

This type of polyurethane foam is divided into two subspecies:

  1. PPU with a closed cellular structure. When working on a large scale, professionals use two-component formulations. The parts mix during assembly, which causes a chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide. It gives the foam a rigid structure, the pores of which are air bubbles isolated from each other.
  2. PPU with open cells. For work in confined areas, as well as in everyday life, it is recommended to use one-component formulations. Most often they are called "polyurethane foam". In this case, all the components of the composition are already mixed and are under pressure inside the container. For the reaction to proceed, contact with oxygen and water is required, which is ensured when the valve is opened and the mixture exits. Air and water vapor, as well as a moistened surface, make it possible to obtain a porous structure of polyurethane foam, the cells of which will be open.

The second option cannot compete with the first, since it loses in strength. For foaming in polyurethane foams, freon is used, which eventually evaporates and is replaced by air, which reduces the thermal conductivity coefficient. Therefore, for insulation of buildings, polyurethane foam with an open cellular structure is not suitable, but it is quite suitable for sound insulation and noise absorption.


Polyurethane foam, due to the variety of shapes, types, characteristics, has a wide range of applications.


One of the most important areas of application is construction.

The low thermal conductivity of the material increases its competitiveness among other insulation materials.

Low vapor permeability and waterproofing properties of rigid polyurethane foam blocks allow them to be used in almost any construction work:

  • thermal insulation of the outer walls of the house, balcony, attic, roof;
  • acoustic insulation inside and outside buildings and structures (hangars, workshops, warehouses);
  • waterproofing and insulation of foundations.

Self-foaming polyurethane foam options, which have a high degree of adhesion to the surface, make it possible to use the material on any surfaces, in any conditions.

Construction and installation work is carried out faster and better. Now it is possible to eliminate minor wall defects, gaps between frames when installing windows and doors.

Trunk pipelines are also insulated with polyurethane foam. For insulation, as a rule, three methods are used:

  • Fill. A polyurethane foam mixture is poured between the main pipe and the polyethylene casing, which allows to optimize production, since the number of operations is reduced, the strength of the structure is increased, and a high degree of temperature resistance is achieved. This insulation method significantly reduces heat loss. Trunk oil and gas pipelines are often insulated in this way.
  • Spraying. The method is used for large diameter pipes. As in the first case, the method provides seamless application of insulation. It can be noted as an advantage that spraying can be done on site. The temperature range of the insulating layer is from minus 80 to plus 130 degrees.
  • PPU shells. For insulation of outer pipes, polyurethane foam shells are created with a length of about a meter and a thickness of up to 10 cm.

PPU is also present in the composition of modern sandwich panels used for industrial and civil construction. This building material is a multi-layer structure consisting of two cover layers and insulation.

When using polyurethane foam as a heat-insulating layer with a thickness of 3.5 cm, an effect is achieved similar to the use of a panel with mineral wool with a thickness of 12.5 cm.You can also compare such a panel with a brick wall 96 cm thick. The main advantages of sandwich panels are lightness, strength, durability , high degree of thermal insulation, low moisture absorption coefficient, high construction speed, no construction debris.

Recently, architectural decorative elements are also made from polyurethane foam. These include bas-reliefs and statues, moldings and baguettes, cornices, columns, balustrades, and more.

Automotive industry

Integral polyurethane foam is used in the manufacture of car seats as fillers, as well as sound insulation of the interior itself.

All soft panels inside the car are also made using polyurethane foam: armrests, handles, headrests, steering wheel and even bumpers.

The reticulated foam rubber is used to create the climate control system.

Furniture industry

Furniture manufacturers use polyurethane foam as a filler or cushioning material. Forming pillows, mattresses, various rollers cannot do without his participation. As the density varies, you can achieve different degrees of elasticity and provide any relief.

With the improvement of some properties, you can get a new type of PPU. Thus, for example, a viscoelastic material with a memory effect was obtained. It is used for orthopedic pillows and mattresses that adapt to the body structure of the person sleeping on them, which improves the quality of sleep and rest.

The elastic version of polyurethane foam holds its shape well and can withstand significant weight, so furniture based on it will last long enough. In addition, it does not accumulate dust and is breathable, which is especially important for allergy sufferers. Manufacturers warn that if you jump on furniture, as children often do, the elasticity will decrease much faster.

Light industry

The manufacture of footwear and various items of clothing often uses soft plastics in the form of polyurethane foam. For example, instep supports for heels, various reliefs. The polyurethane foam sole lasts a long time and has no complaints.

Foam rubber is the most common filler for soft toys and mannequins.

For everyday life, various sponges for washing dishes, paint rollers, washcloths, and "brushes" are produced from polyurethane foam. In this case, special purpose polyurethane foam is used, since it is necessary that it does not crumble during operation, withstand constant contact with water and household chemicals. Manufacturers for these purposes add special fillers that improve quality characteristics.

Reticulated polyurethane foam is a material for the production of air filters in any air purification systems: domestic and industrial air conditioners, vacuum cleaners. Filtration of water in an aquarium, petroleum products and various types of oils, fuels and lubricants during production and transportation - this is a considerable list of its applications.

Gentle transportation of fragile goods is not complete without polyurethane foam packaging.

Chemical industry

Insulation of low-temperature pipelines cannot do without PPU.

Polyurethane foam is widely used as a cold insulator in any technique.

The medicine

Viscoelastic brands of foam rubber are used in the field of medicine for the manufacture of various linings for burns and other skin lesions, which makes it possible to less disturb the injured areas.

The material is also widely used for the manufacture of contoured orthopedic pads and holders: rollers, drawers or cylinders.

Manufacturers overview

Polyurethane foam insulation has become popular lately. Therefore, new manufacturers of these products appear on the market, as well as contractors providing services for its installation.

Respectable PU foam suppliers produce components under their own brands. The rest, as a rule, are resellers, purchasing components from well-known brands. Some firms use the services of local refineries.

Using consumer reviews, there are several reliable manufacturers of polyurethane foam:

  • Basf Is a German chemical concern with branches in 160 countries of the world. The brand produces a wide range of products. More than 7 thousand items, 60% of which are sold in the European market, about 22% of sales are in the United States of America, the rest is distributed between the markets of South America, Asia, Africa and the Pacific. In Russia, the company has several subsidiaries, including OOO Basf Stroitelnye Sistemy, OOO Basf Vostok, Wintershall Russland. One of the well-known joint ventures producing polyurethane foam products is Elastokam. The company manufactures polyurethane systems available to consumers of all levels for a variety of applications.

  • Synthesia Internacional S. L. U. Is a Spanish chemical company founded in 1964. The main direction since 1966 has been the production of polyesters, as well as polyurethane systems for various industrial sectors, for example, thermal and acoustic. Since 1970, polyurethane foam has appeared in the range for the first time for sandwich panels, construction and refrigeration systems. Today the company manufactures products for different market segments. The most famous distributor of products in Russia is Global Term LLC. The specified company provides direct deliveries, carries out a certain stock of products in a warehouse in Moscow, guarantees a flexible payment system and consultations of technical specialists.

  • Sipur(Poland) - one of the largest manufacturers of sprayed polyurethane foam insulation. Heat-insulating products are characterized by low thermal conductivity, which makes it possible to apply insulation in a thinner layer (spray thickness up to 6 cm). The company guarantees the service life of polyurethane foam for about 50 years. Thanks to the closed-cell structure, thermal insulation not only retains heat, but also allows structures to be strengthened and protected from moisture. The density of the insulation is 18-22 kg / m3, the degree of air permeability is about 0.0045 kg / (m2 * hour), the temperature range for operation is from -70 to +100 degrees. Modern innovative material is patented, developed specifically for the CIS market, therefore it has combined reasonable prices and high quality characteristics.

  • Icynene (Canada). The brand produces energy-efficient polyurethane foam insulation for private and industrial construction. More than 300 countries have confirmed the quality of the produced material with certificates. The guaranteed period is 25 years. The company has appeared on the polymer insulation market since 1986.
  • Wanhua (China). The company started production in 1998 and has achieved worldwide recognition today. The range of the company includes several high-quality types of polyurethane foam, aromatic polyamines, polyisocyanate (MDI). The latter is produced at two plants with a total capacity of up to 500 thousand tons per year.

Pros and cons

The thermal insulation area of ​​construction has been developing rapidly in recent years. Innovative technologies and the latest equipment have made it possible to reach certain heights in the field of insulating finishing materials. Traditional insulation cannot provide such a long service life without losing its protective properties, while new heaters create comfort, make it possible to save on heating, eliminate drafts, and increase noise and moisture insulation. To use the material correctly, you need to know and take into account all its pros and cons.

The advantages and disadvantages of different types of polyurethane foam differ significantly.

Foam rubber

The well-known foam rubber, which has been widely used since the sixties of the XX century, is valued for its softness, springiness, the ability to change shape, it can be cut, glued, sewn. The material was used in the furniture industry, in the production of children's toys, as packaging, in everyday life, and so on.

The most significant are the following advantages:

  • High coefficient of wear resistance.
  • Hypoallergenic. The material is safe for the production of goods for children.
  • Not susceptible to the formation of harmful microorganisms.
  • Elasticity.
  • Variety of models. Depending on the hardness, color, thickness, polyurethane foam can be used in different areas.
  • The service life is from 5 to 15 years, depending on the density and the functions performed.

However, with all the advantages of foam rubber, significant disadvantages are also noted:

  • It contains the toxic compound toluene diisocyanate.
  • Foam rubber is hygroscopic. Absorbs odors and retains them for a long time.
  • Has a limited temperature range.
  • Low service life in comparison with rigid types of PU foam.
  • Fire hazard. The material is highly flammable, therefore, according to GOST, it belongs to the group of flammable, highly flammable and toxic substances with a high degree of smoke generation.

Manufacturers tried to introduce fire retardants into the foam rubber, which would increase its fire resistance.

However, this led to a deterioration in physical and mechanical properties, and also caused a significant increase in cost.

Self-foaming compositions

Let's list the most famous advantages of polyurethane foam that make it popular:

  • The cellular structure of PU foam provides an effective degree of thermal conductivity.
  • The possibility of spraying allows you to avoid seams and joints, increases the effectiveness of the insulation.
  • The variety of polyurethane foam types makes it easy to work with surfaces of all shapes.
  • The low degree of hygroscopicity makes it possible not only to provide thermal insulation, but also to waterproof structures.
  • High vapor permeability.
  • After spraying, polyurethane foam has a neutral odor.

  • High coefficient of adhesion. This property can sometimes be considered as a disadvantage, since it is possible to remove the PPU sprayed onto the surface only mechanically. There are no special solvents for these purposes.
  • Low weight. The material does not weigh down the surface.
  • PPU allows you to strengthen the walls when applied.
  • Large temperature range.
  • Durability. The warranty period is usually around 20-25 years. However, manufacturers assure that even after twenty years, the quality characteristics deteriorate slightly.
  • Low time interval for surface treatment with polyurethane foam.
  • Fireproof. The material does not burn, it is self-extinguishing.

Among the disadvantages are the following factors:

  • High price. The difference, for example, with mineral wool, is 2-3 times. However, it should be noted that the service life is significantly higher.
  • If polyurethane foam is applied by spraying, then the quality depends on the skill of the specialist.
  • High-tech equipment for spraying polyurethane foam is expensive, so not everyone can afford it, but only specialized firms.
  • When ignited, PPU smolders and emits corrosive smoke. It is he who brings harm to health.
  • The material is afraid of ultraviolet radiation, therefore, under the influence of sunlight, it darkens and takes on an unsightly appearance. To protect PPU, it is better to use a finishing finish. In addition, the sun causes fusion of the upper layer, but if there is sufficient thickness, it will protect the lower ones from destruction.

How to insulate yourself?

The process of wall insulation can be divided into two types: internal and external.


From the name it follows that the work is carried out indoors. Most often, corners, loggias or balconies are insulated.

Polyurethane foam allows you to handle even problem areas such as the bathroom and kitchen.

The material has good moisture resistant properties. In order to exclude hygroscopicity, a vapor barrier with a foil layer, which must be located inside the room, must be laid on top of the PPU.

When insulating loggias or attics, polyurethane foam will help to avoid heat losses and save heating costs.

Thermal insulation technology for balconies and loggias

In order to insulate a small balcony or loggia, it does not take much time to spend. Usually for these purposes a standard set of tools and materials is required:

  • aluminum profile for the lathing (from any construction supermarket);
  • self-tapping screws with dowels;
  • drill;
  • PPU components (it is better to purchase a ready-made set);
  • distributor pistol - if you buy a ready-made set, then the equipment is already in it;
  • personal protective equipment - gloves, glasses, respirator;
  • building level.

At the preparatory stage, the walls and ceiling are cleaned from the old coating, peeling plaster and other debris. If there are deep gaps in the joints between the walls or in the corners, it is better to fill them with pieces of styrofoam and putty. Minor defects do not need to be eliminated, since the foam will cope with this task.

The second stage is to install the battens. To do this, the profiles are fixed along the walls at regular intervals, fastening them with perpendicular bridges. Experts advise to crate all openings, window and door, along the entire perimeter. Next, you should cover all double-glazed windows, door leaves and communications with polyethylene, so as not to spoil during the application of insulation.

The third stage is spraying. According to the instructions for the insulation components, the pistol, supply hoses, and nozzles are collected. The cans are shaken well before use. First of all, it is necessary to foam the cracks in the joints between the ceiling and walls, corners and process openings. For these purposes, a narrower nozzle serves. Further, it is better to use a wider sprayer to evenly apply the polyurethane foam to the ceiling and wall surfaces. In places with minor defects or irregularities, the insulation is applied in a thicker layer in order to level it. After finishing the work, the excess polyurethane foam must be removed from the crate.

The final stage is finishing. Drywall is attached to the crate, if in the future it is planned to paint the walls, cover them with plaster or stick wallpaper. Finishing using plastic or wood panels is often practiced.

It must be remembered that in case of plastering, the reinforcing fiberglass mesh must be reinforced before applying the finishing coat.


Damp basements are especially in need of insulation and waterproofing. Stages of work:

  1. The procedure for isolating the surface from excess moisture. To begin with, the floor is covered with roofing material. It should be remembered that the sheets are overlapped, 20 centimeters each is placed on the walls. To ensure high-quality tightness, the roofing material is coated with mastic around the perimeter, it is also better to do with the joints. In the case of low humidity in the basement, the walls are also treated with mastic to a height of 10-15 cm from the floor. Deformation of the protective coating will help to avoid the screed.
  2. The application of polyurethane foam insulation begins from the corner to the exit. Better to make 3-4 layers, clearly tracking the level over the entire floor area.
  3. A concrete screed is evenly applied over the polyurethane foam. The rule is to level out the thickness. The minimum permissible thickness is 5 cm.
  4. Finishing finish. After the screed has dried, for at least two to three days, the floor is covered with tiles, panels, linoleum or any other material.

Attics and mansard rooms

Working with polyurethane foam insulation in the attic depends on the method of subsequent finishing.

  • If the attic space after insulation is planned to be sheathed with eurolining or drywall, then the foam should be applied between the rafters. In this case, it is not necessary to cover the floor beams with waterproofing, antiseptic or primer.
  • If the finishing involves decorative plaster, then PPU should be applied to all surfaces, including beams.

You need to start work with the joints and seams between the walls and the roof. It is important to monitor the uniformity of the insulation layer. It is convenient that you can start finishing in a short amount of time, since the insulation hardens almost instantly.


External insulation of the facade of the building allows not only to retain heat, but also to avoid dampness, the appearance of mold, and other harmful microorganisms.

For outdoor use, self-foaming polyurethane foam modifications are most often used. They are applied evenly, without seams, filling all defects and irregularities in the walls. In addition, the material has excellent adhesion and is suitable for insulating both a wooden house and concrete and brick structures. PPU hardens quickly.

Due to the fear of sunlight, it must be covered with a finishing decorative and protective layer.

There are two ways to insulate the roof or walls with polyurethane foam, depending on the type of insulation used:

  1. With the use of polyurethane foam elastic structure. The plastic material has a porous structure and low density. In this regard, such insulation makes it possible to insulate the roof with simultaneous sound insulation.
  2. Using rigid PU foam. The material is most common in construction, because it has a high density.

The main stages of applying polyurethane when insulating a low-rise building with your own hands:

  1. Cleaning the base and elimination of major defects on it. At this stage, it is necessary to clean the walls, necessary sections of the floor or ceiling from dust, old coating and various dirt. The procedure will improve the adhesion of the PU foam to the surface. At the same time, experts pay attention that it is not necessary to level the bases.
  2. Application of polyurethane foam layer using special equipment. Spraying is carried out on cleaned surfaces. The thickness of the polyurethane foam layer will depend on several factors. Less material will be spent on leveled surfaces. The type of insulated floors themselves will also affect. A preliminary calculation for heat loss will help to avoid unnecessary costs by providing the necessary protection.
  3. Reinforcement with a special tie. As a rule, a fiberglass mesh with small holes is used as reinforcement. Professionals advise not to lay the reinforcing layer less than 6 cm.
  4. Finishing. To work on the protection of polyurethane foam insulation, you can use any materials: brick, plaster, artificial or natural stone, paint for facades, siding and others.

Large firms working on the construction of large buildings and structures often use a rigid type of polyurethane foam. This saves time and money.

In addition, it is economically profitable to cover the insulation of a hangar, warehouse or high-rise building with just such polyurethane foam, since it is more durable, faster to apply, and does not require additional costs for leveling the walls.

Polyurethane foam can be applied in two ways:

  1. Spraying. The process takes place with the help of special equipment in the form of a pistol, into which two components and water are supplied. A chemical reaction takes place, as a result, polyurethane foam is obtained, evenly laying down on an open surface.
  2. Fill. In this case, the components are mixed in advance and the resulting mixture is poured into the hole. The method is suitable for closed and hard-to-reach places, complex architectural forms (niches, arches, various ledges, corners, columns), old buildings.

  • When self-warming the facades of buildings, it must be borne in mind that after applying polyurethane foam to the surface, it increases in volume within a short period of time. Therefore, it is better to foresee the amount of applied material in advance, so that during expansion it does not break the cracks filled with it even more.
  • PU foam hardens very quickly and has super adhesion to all types of surfaces. There are no products to wash it off. In this regard, it must be borne in mind that the time for doing the work itself and eliminating inaccuracies is extremely small.
  • To fill cavities, for example, between a facing brick wall and a foam block, it is better to use special filling mixtures. They do not expand as quickly as foam, so the structure will not expand. However, it should be borne in mind that the cost of such a system is much higher.

  • Water is often used for foaming polyurethane foam, so experts do not advise applying such insulation to galvanized surfaces. This will degrade the properties of the metal. Also, closed-cell modifications of PPU are not suitable for galvanizing. Since the metal has sufficient strength, it does not need additional reinforcement.
  • It is imperative to cover the polyurethane foam on top with some kind of finishing material during external processing, since polyurethane foam is afraid of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Before starting the insulation, it is better to preliminarily make a calculation to determine the amount of polyurethane foam. First of all, the thickness of the applied layer is calculated. For example, for a roof with an area of ​​45 sq. m the best option would be a size from 6 to 10 cm. When increasing the area to 50 sq. m and more, the range will decrease to a level of 3-7 cm. When calculating the heat-saving effect, the number of window and door openings, wall material, the presence of energy-saving materials, and the climate of the region are also taken into account.

  • Before insulating the wall from the inside, it is necessary to evaluate its thermal resistance coefficient. If the surface is warm, then the polyurethane foam insulation is best applied outside. In this case, the thermal resistance of the wall and the polyurethane foam add up, which means that the desired effect is achieved. If you do the opposite, then the outer surface will freeze, which will negatively affect the overall thermal resistance.
  • For independent use, it is better to purchase disposable polyurethane foam application kits. Everything is provided in them: a spray bottle, hoses, fasteners, tools, spare parts, even personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves and a respirator).

  • Do not worry that wooden uprights, such as roof beams, will deteriorate under the vapor-tight polyurethane foam sheath. The vapor permeability coefficients for wood and polyurethane foam are approximately the same, which excludes the occurrence of such problems.
  • It is not recommended to process the roof from the inside with open-cell polyurethane foam. Of course, as a thermal insulation, it is better than other mineral insulation, but since its vapor barrier is worse, additional costs for ventilation and an insulating layer will be required. Therefore, this option is considered economically unfeasible.
  • Polyurethane foam is not able to cope with fire, although it is fireproof. Therefore, if there is a constant effect of high temperatures on the surfaces to be insulated, then it is better to refuse from PPU. When it burns, it smolders and emits acrid smoke that is harmful to health.

Contractor selection

Insulation of buildings and structures requires special practice, sophisticated equipment and high-quality components of the mixture. Therefore, if you have financial opportunities, it is better to use the services of specialized firms. In order not to get into a mess, professionals advise to adhere to the following rules when choosing them:

  • Hire the best proven companies with recommendations.
  • The components of polyurethane foam insulation must have quality certificates.

  • Before starting work, it is better to make sure yourself that the storage period of the components has not expired.
  • Equipment for spraying and feeding PUF must also have documents. As a rule, contractors who have been working in the field of construction with large objects for a long time use high-pressure washers of famous world brands that have proven themselves in this area. For example, Graco or Gama.

Plunger pumps ensure uniform application of PU foam.

Insulation of apartments and houses has long been very popular. For this, various techniques and building materials are used - foam, mineral wool, polystyrene, drywall, etc. Consider the features of polyurethane foam insulation, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the stages of working with this material.

The use of polyurethane foam for insulation

Polyurethane foam is of two types - sheet and liquid. Liquid is used in the construction process to seal cracks and additional insulation of windows, doors, attics.

Simply put, this is foam that is sprayed from a spray can under pressure, solidifies and creates a dense warm layer. The advantage of this form of the material is that it is plastic, thick, but does not freeze immediately, which allows the master to smooth out the foam on a vertical surface.

The second version of polyurethane foam is sheets that are widely used for insulating premises outside and inside.

Modern builders use polyurethane foam to insulate the foundation during the construction of a house so that it does not crack and deform under the influence of temperature changes.

Properties and characteristics

Liquid polyurethane foam is considered one of the best materials for insulating exterior and interior walls. This is due to a number of advantages and technical characteristics of the material:

  • high temperature resistance, due to which the material retains and retains heat inside the room;
  • the lightness of polyurethane foam allows it to be used for insulating any surfaces, even vertical and ceiling;
  • the installation of foam is quite simple, even an inexperienced builder can cope with this task;
  • flexible polyurethane foam sheets have high sound insulation and help protect housing from extraneous noise, pipes, neighbors, weather conditions, etc.;
  • the material is highly resistant to various types of chemicals and cannot be destroyed by oils, gasoline, alcohol or concentrated acids.

In addition, it is important to note that PPU sheets are represented by a wide assortment and differ in density, thickness, elasticity and dimensions. The durability of the material depends on these characteristics, and polyurethane foam can last from 20 to 50 years.

Like any other building material, polyurethane foam, in addition to its advantages, has some disadvantages that you need to familiarize yourself with before using it:

  • PPU is destructible under the influence of direct sunlight, therefore it is recommended to protect the insulation with a finishing material, for example, paint or plaster, which will not allow ultraviolet light to penetrate;
  • polyurethane foam is not a combustible material, but it smolders when exposed to high temperatures, so it should not be used near open flames or in places of strong heat.

What thickness should be for insulation

The thickness of the layer is determined on an individual basis, depending on the type of construction, the desired result and the material from which the house is built.


The thickness of the insulation depends on many factors. For example, the material from which the house is built (if it is a private building) plays an important role. Gas blocks have thermal insulation properties, therefore, if the house is built from them, 2-3 cm of insulation is enough to create complete comfort in the home.

Before spraying the material, the lathing is pre-attached to the walls. As a rule, the average distance between the main wall and the profile is 5 cm, it makes no sense to make more thickness, because the space of the room is taken away, but it will not be warmer from this.

To calculate the material consumption, you need to know its density. For interior work, polyurethane foam 32 kg / m³ is most often used. To calculate the volume of foam on a wall, you need to multiply its area by the density of the material and multiply by the layer thickness, for example, 0.05 meters. To make it clearer, let's look at a specific example:

  • for insulation, polyurethane foam with a density of 32 kg / m³ is used;
  • thickness of the applied layer - 5 cm;
  • it is necessary to process a wall with an area of ​​18 sq. m.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula: 32x0.005x18 = 28.8 kg. In terms of displacement, this is 900 ml, that is, 1 liter (must be rounded off) is needed to insulate 1 wall.


Polyurethane foam is popular for insulating external walls of buildings, balconies, attics, gazebos and other structures.

The material carefully retains the heat of the building and protects it from hypothermia and aggressive external factors.

As for the layer thickness, then, based on the characteristics of polyurethane foam, 2 cm is quite enough, but in practice the masters put at least 5. You can calculate the consumption in the same way as for internal work.

During the work, it is worth remembering that the foam increases in volume when it dries, so you do not need to apply the first layer too thick.

How to insulate a PPU house with your own hands

You don't have to be a professional builder to insulate a house or apartment with polyurethane foam. It is enough to independently study the properties of the material, the method of its application and the features of operation.

For example, foam can be applied quickly and easily. For this, a special pressure cylinder is used, in the process of supplying from which, the liquid components of the composition are mixed with each other without the participation of oxygen. Due to this, a non-porous, elastic, durable and heat-insulating surface is created. The mortar has high adhesion properties and reliably adheres to any surface. Due to its density, the foam does not flow and is easily applied to both vertical and horizontal surfaces. It does not freeze instantly and the worker has time after application to even out the foam layer, creating the desired thickness.

Step by step guide

Before applying polyurethane foam from the inside, you must first prepare the surface:

  1. Dismantling the old coating, cleaning the surface from paint, plaster, wallpaper, dust and dirt.
  2. Alignment. If there are obvious flaws on the wall, you must use plaster. If the irregularities are insignificant, then it is not necessary to level the wall to the level of the wall, the foam will cope with this task.

For the installation of blocks, a standard fastening with mushrooms or dowels is used, which are attached in the middle of the sheet, and in its 4 corners.

The end point will be the application of finishing materials.

Plaster, paint, wallpaper and any other finishing material can be applied to the polyurethane foam.

It is necessary to apply PPU carefully so that the material does not fall on the floor or furniture, since it is almost impossible to wash it even with solvents.


Polyurethane foam does not require any additional maintenance. The material perfectly tolerates temperature changes and has a long service life.

In order not to cause mechanical damage and protect from exposure to ultraviolet rays, it is not recommended to leave the foam in an open layer. That is, on top you need to cover it with additional panels, paint or apply putty.

As practice shows, all shortcomings or "defects" in the work become noticeable in the first year after insulation. If all is well, then the material is guaranteed to hold out without problems for about 50 years.

Drawing conclusions, it should be noted that polyurethane foam is one of the best building materials for internal and external wall insulation.

Useful video

When building a house or overhauling a real owner, first of all, he thinks about high-quality insulation of his home. And here he is faced with a serious task, because it is not at all easy to choose a suitable insulation from a variety of materials.

Often, the choice falls on polyurethane foam - a widespread synthetic insulation, which has long and unconditionally been the leader in the construction of private houses and industrial facilities. What is the uniqueness of this material and does it have any drawbacks? In what forms is polyurethane foam produced and how to work with it? You will learn about all this from our article.

Polyurethane foam: general information

Polyurethane foam (PUF) is a synthetic substance belonging to the group of gas-filled plastics. This unique building material was invented back in 1937 in Germany, but it gained deserved popularity only in the 90s of the XX century, when polyurethane foam began to be actively used in the construction industry.

It turned out that the combination of two liquid polymers (polyol and polyisocyanate) leads to the formation of a foamed mixture, which, when solidified, turns into an excellent thermal insulator characterized by durability, environmental friendliness, ease of use and many other important characteristics.

Forms of production of polyurethane foam

Depending on the percentage of mixed components and the rate of chemical reactions, polyurethane foam is divided into two types:

  • Soft (up to 40 kg / cubic meter);
  • Solid (up to 86 kg / cubic meter).

Everyone knows about soft polyurethane foam. The industry produces several types of foam rubber, which differ in the degree of rigidity:

  • soft (HS);
  • standard (ST);
  • highly elastic (HR);
  • hard (HL);
  • increased rigidity (EL);
  • special purpose (highly elastic and fireproof), (CMHR).

Important! Foam rubber (except for special CMHR) refers to flammable and highly flammable products. It burns with the release of toxic substances. Due to these features, soft polyurethane is not used in the construction industry.

Builders use solid polyurethane foam in their work. The industry produces this material in several forms:

  1. Sheet PPU. It has, as a rule, a rectangular shape and a thickness of 5 to 1000 mm;
  2. Rolled. It is not too thick (from 2 to 30 mm) material, which is sold in rolls and is also used for insulation. One side of the polyurethane foam roll has a synthetic or fabric backing;
  3. Blocky. The very name of PU foam indicates that this material is produced in blocks with a hard surface coating. A striking example is sandwich panels;
  4. . Such polyurethane foam has a figured relief, due to which it has an increased ability to absorb sounds;
  5. Contour. This is shaped polyurethane foam, which is poured into special molds. These include, for example, the headrests, backrests or armrests of cars.
  6. Liquid. Liquid polyurethane foam is understood. It is successfully used for the installation of door frames and window frames in high-rise buildings and private houses.

By the way, the foaming mixture sprayed onto flat surfaces or into openings is also divided into 2 types:

- Open-celled polyurethane foam. This material is often used indoors, where there is no need to withstand moisture, because due to open cells, such polyurethane foam accumulates moisture. However, the ease and low cost speaks in its favor, moreover, that such polyurethane foam is not inferior in its properties. They also resort to open-cell polyurethane foam when it is necessary to achieve good sound insulation in the room.

- Closed-cell polyurethane foam. For insulation of external structures of buildings, thermal insulation of walls and unexploited roofs, polyurethane foam with a closed cell is used. It is denser and heavier, but in most characteristics it outperforms open-cell polyurethane foam. By the way, if we talk about the durability of the material, then this quality is directly related to closed-cell polyurethane foam.

Scope of polyurethane foam

Given the variety of types of this material, it is not surprising that expanded polystyrene has become widespread in various industries. Here are some examples:

- Construction of industrial facilities (insulation of buildings with sandwich panels, as well as thermal insulation of roofs with sprayed polyurethane);

- Construction, as well as overhaul of residential buildings, cottages and private houses (insulation of external walls, doors and windows, internal insulation of attics and balconies);

- Pipeline communications (thermal insulation of oil and fuel oil pipelines);

- Transportable refrigeration units (cold insulation of automobile and railway refrigerators);

- Refrigeration equipment (cold insulation of household and industrial refrigeration units, as well as food storage warehouses);

- Heating networks for servicing the population (thermal insulation of pipelines for hot and cold water supply during laying, as well as overhaul);

- Automotive industry (car interior decoration with the formation of elastic and semi-rigid elements);

- Electronics and electrical engineering (ensuring vibration resistance of various electrical appliances);

- Light industry (production of synthetic leather);

- Furniture industry (production of foam rubber for upholstered furniture, as well as cabinet and decorative elements of their polyurethane);

- Mechanical engineering (products and mechanisms made of polyurethane and polyurethane foam);

- Aircraft and car building (vehicle products with elasticity, increased fire resistance, as well as heat and noise insulation).

Benefits of polyurethane foam

The popularity of PU foam is largely due to its advantages over other building insulation materials. Here are just a few of them:

- Durability... Considering that the service life of polyurethane foam reaches 50 years, it is safe to say that this is one of the most durable insulation materials.

- High adhesion... One of the most important qualities of this insulation is its excellent adhesion to any surface, be it wood, metal, brick, glass or concrete.

- Saving on fasteners... This material is fixed independently, without fasteners and adhesives, which significantly saves money on installation.

- Lack of "cold bridges". The huge advantage of polyurethane foam is that this insulation is seamless. It has no joints, which means that there are no “cold bridges” that other materials use to preserve heat.

- Does not depend on temperatures. It should be noted the resistance to high and low temperatures of this material. It may seem surprising, but polyurethane foam is able to withstand temperatures from -100 ° C to + 100 ° C.

Important! Experiments show that the material in question has a high index of frost resistance (up to 1000 cycles). This means that once you foam all the cracks, frames and slopes, you will never need another insulation.

- Anti-corrosion protection. Here, again, the adhesive properties of polyurethane foam play a decisive role. The polyurethane foam adheres so tightly to metal surfaces that they acquire reliable protection against corrosion for many years. And if necessary, the foam can be easily removed.

- Inert to salts and acids. Expanded polystyrene is resistant to almost all known salts, alkalis and acids (not afraid of gasoline, alcohols, dilute acids and plasticizers). Thanks to this feature, polyurethane foam perfectly tolerates the effects of aggressive environments.

- Environmental friendliness. Polyurethane foam is made from synthetic materials, but in finished form it is absolutely non-toxic, i.e. does not emit harmful compounds and does not emit an odor.

Important! The fact that manufacturers of all countries of the world, without exception, use the material in question for the manufacture of food refrigerators speaks in favor of polyurethane foam.

- Fire resistance. In terms of fire safety, rigid polyurethane foam is second to none. PPU does not burn, and even when it melts, it tends to self-extinguish. Due to this feature, such material is economically advantageous to use in industrial premises with a high level of fire hazard.

- Lightness. An important advantage of polyurethane foam is the fact that the considered insulation is extremely light, and therefore does not make the structure heavier and does not require the construction of a more massive base.

- Soundproofing. The material in question boasts high soundproofing properties. According to this indicator, polyurethane foam is superior to both mineral wool and foam concrete. PPU is ideal for insulating houses erected near airports, busy highways and industrial enterprises.

- Low moisture absorption. Polyurethane foam practically does not absorb moisture, which means it does not allow mold and mildew to spread throughout the house. In terms of moisture resistance, PU foam surpasses all known insulation materials. So, for example, the moisture resistance of foam concrete is 15-20%, while polyurethane foam is only 0.5-1.5%.

Important! Polyurethane foam is also unique in that it can be used to fill any hard-to-reach cracks and spaces that cannot be insulated with other materials. In this regard, PPU is indispensable.

Separately, it is necessary to compare the indicators of thermal conductivity. This indicator of polyurethane foam is 0.02 W / m * K, while the thermal conductivity of mineral wool is 0.048 W / m * K, expanded clay concrete is 0.14 W / m * K, and reinforced concrete is 1.69 W / m * TO. In terms of thermal conductivity, polyurethane foam is inferior only to foam glass.

Disadvantages of polyurethane foam

Having opted for this material, it is worth examining its shortcomings. These include:

- Negative effects of sunlight. Polyurethane foam is destroyed by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This means, if you want this one to serve you as long as possible, it must be hidden under the casing.

Important! Modern production of polyurethane foam panels has already solved the issue of exposure to ultraviolet radiation by releasing panels with a metal frame (a striking example is sandwich panels).

- Smolders under the influence of fire. We have already mentioned that polyurethane foam does not burn. However, its smoldering in an open flame affects the strength of thermal insulation, and therefore this material should not be used to insulate baths and saunas. In addition, the release of harmful substances during the smoldering of polyurethane foam can affect health.

- Does not apply to damp surfaces. Polyurethane foam can only be applied to dry and warm surfaces. In this regard, use in winter on open construction sites is not allowed.

How safe is polyurethane foam?

Answering this important question, let's say that in the finished form, PPU is completely harmless and does not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere. It is only important to protect yourself from foam particles when spraying it. In this regard, it is necessary to work with such material in a protective suit, gloves, a respirator and goggles, observing all safety measures. In addition, it is important to use serviceable equipment and certified liquid polymers. Then there will be no questions about the safety of polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam insulation technology

There are two methods of insulation using this material:

  • Spray insulation;
  • Pouring polyurethane foam.

Let's consider the features of these processes.

Insulation by spraying polyurethane foam

The simplest, and at the same time, the most common way of working with PU foam is spraying. The foam is applied using a spray gun in which the main ingredients (isocyanate and polyol) are mixed with air.

Applying polyurethane foam in this way is very similar to painting using spray, because the operator with a spray gun evenly sprays yellowish foam on the required surface (floor, wall, ceiling or pipe), without missing a single centimeter of the surface. The main reaction begins after the liquid mixture hits the surface. Under the influence of air in liquid polymers, a chemical reaction begins with the release of heat and carbon dioxide, which provokes abundant foaming of the material and filling all voids with foam.

Comparing with other methods, a number of advantages can be distinguished that spraying polyurethane foam has:

  • due to the ideal filling of all cracks and the penetration of foam into hard-to-reach places, the appearance of a dew point is excluded, which means the place where moisture is collected;
  • a layer of polyurethane foam does not leave joints and seams, which means it excludes heat loss through possible breaks in the insulation;
  • in terms of adhesion to surfaces on which liquid polyurethane foam is applied, this material is comparable, perhaps, with professional construction glue;
  • the cooling of the material occurs gradually, due to which cracks and breaks are excluded, which can affect the ability of the material to retain heat.

It should be noted that despite its apparent simplicity, working with spraying polyurethane foam has a number of subtleties that only experienced specialists know. Practice shows that it is a difficult task to perform high-quality PPU spraying the first time, and therefore it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

Important! In Europe, polyurethane foam spraying operators are highly skilled workers, each of whom completes 1.5 year courses in this specialty. Therefore, when hiring a contractor to insulate your own home, be sure to ask about his qualifications, and do not hesitate to take a look at the course completion documents.

Pouring construction insulation with polyurethane foam

In the case when the mixing of two ingredients takes place without air access, the mixture turns out to be mushy, which means it is even and dense. With such a mixture, you can easily fill niches between the load-bearing wall and the facade of the building, you can pour the mixture under the subfloor, under the roof, or into any other limited cavity. After 20-25 minutes after pouring, the material will increase in volume and fill the entire space.

By the way, this technology allows you to pour polyurethane foam into bulk forms and get products of any configuration. This is how they get:

  • sandwich panels, as well as thermal and cladding panels;
  • insulating shells for pipes;
  • bee hives;
  • decorative elements of the interior (stucco molding, baguettes);
  • elements of refrigerating chambers;
  • elements of air ducts and ventilation systems.

By the way, facade panels with clinker tiles are produced on the basis of polyurethane foam. The PPU panel here performs the function of insulation, and the clinker tiles exactly repeat the noble clinker stone.

Let's just say that pouring polyurethane foam is a process no less complicated than spraying with foam. Without experience, it is incredibly difficult to carry out this filling with high quality. The operator should not completely fill the niche and make the mixture not too dense so that it expands and fills the entire interior without damaging the outer skin. The bottom line is that it is not possible to visually control the filling result, and all inaccuracies in the work will "come out" later, during the operation of the house.

Insulated PPU-bar

Separately, let's say about the new product, which today has gained immense popularity in Europe. It consists of two lamellas, between which a layer of polyurethane foam is poured. Foaming, the polyurethane foam glues the boards together, creating an imitation of the present.

Practice shows that the structure, assembled from two lamellas and fasteners in the form of polyurethane foam, outwardly does not differ in any way from a wall made of laminated veneer lumber, and in terms of characteristics, it is several times superior. Insulated PPU-timber is three times lighter, cheaper and warmer than solid wood. Internal filling of the wall made of polyurethane foam enhances the thermal insulation properties of the timber, and the house does not need additional insulation, which saves money on heating.

Having familiarized yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam, having considered the types and technology of applying the material, it will be easier for you to make the right choice in terms of insulating your home and its soundproofing. Make the right choice, and your home will delight you with warmth and comfort for many years!

Energy prices are getting higher lately, and efficient home insulation is one of the main challenges that homeowners have to solve. One of the latest materials to hit the market a few years ago is polyurethane foam. This is a coating that is applied in a continuous layer to any (practically) surface. Insulation with polyurethane foam is the most effective.

Types of sprayed polyurethane foam and application technologies

Polyurethane foam is obtained by mixing two components - diisocyanate and polyol. Both components are individually toxic, therefore work is carried out with respirators. Mixing two toxic substances form a safe polymer - polyurethane - absolutely neutral, which does not react with any substances. After hardening, polyurethane foam is absolutely harmless and is often used in the food industry.

When two components are mixed, active gas formation occurs - mainly carbon dioxide is released. It turns out to be enclosed in the thinnest polyurethane shell, which gives high performance in terms of thermal insulation (carbon dioxide does not conduct heat well).

The two components are mixed in a special high pressure gun. To obtain ideal foam, the components must be heated to 45 ° C (there are heated supply hoses, and there are special heaters). Under pressure, in the form of very fine dust, the components are mixed in a gun and sprayed onto the surface, where they foaming and then hardening. This is the essence of polyurethane foam insulation.

To achieve the stated material properties, diisocyanate and polyol must be fed in equal proportions. Even a slight increase in one or the other component negatively affects the characteristics of the material. Worse, if there is more diisocyanate - such foam quickly "sits down", then collapses, loses its heat-insulating characteristics. If you overdo it with polyol, the picture is a little better - the foam becomes brittle, but it fulfills its tasks, although it has a thermal conductivity higher than that stated. This is precisely one of the disadvantages of polyurethane foam insulation - the end result depends very much on the qualifications of the workers and the class of equipment used.

It is possible to mix the components in the given proportions almost perfectly accurately using high-pressure installations. Therefore, when choosing a company, you need to pay attention to the equipment that is at their disposal - with low-pressure installations, most likely you will get a non-uniform spraying with poor thermal insulation characteristics.

But different equipment is not everything. There are also different types of polyurethane foam by cell type and density:

In terms of prices, the cheapest is lightweight open-cell polyurethane foam. But if you add the need for a hydro and steam insulation device, then in general the price of insulation will not be so low. At the same time, it is still unrealistic to achieve ideal insulation, and it may well turn out that this type of PU foam insulation will be cold. So that you can navigate in prices, we give approximate prices for different types of PU foam (material + work):

Closed-cell polyurethane foam, per cubic meter, is much more expensive, but it does not require any additional layers, except for finishing. It is not afraid of water or steam, it fulfills its tasks for a long time (more than 25 years). The exact price of insulation with foamed polyurethane foam depends on its density and layer thickness, the size of the sprayed surface. It is counted individually.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the merits:

As you can see, there is a decent list of advantages that contribute to the fact that thermal insulation with polyurethane foam is gradually becoming more and more popular. But there are also disadvantages:

The main limiting factor in the spread of PU foam insulation is the high price. Although, when compared with the cost of insulation with extruded polystyrene foam, the prices do not seem so high, and this despite the fact that the sprayed thermal insulation fits many times faster in time, gives the best result. In general, if you are planning to insulate your home, this technology is well worth researching.

Application conditions and surface preparation

Even with good adhesion, which is characteristic of polyurethane foam insulation, surface preparation will not be superfluous. First of all, you need to remove everything that crumbles - and first of all the old paint. Oily stains are also subject to mandatory removal and neutralization. They shouldn't be.

Anything that should not be covered with foam should be covered with plastic tape attached to it. It is necessary to fix it carefully, without gaps - it is difficult to tear off the foam.

When insulating a roof with polyurethane foam, there are two ways to apply thermal insulation. The first is to make a permanent solid crate, onto which foam is poured. Second, a temporary frame is made, consisting of two parallel planes.

If the outer walls of the building are insulated with polyurethane foam, it is assumed that there is a finishing finish. And after cleaning the surface, you need to make sure that it can be strengthened on something - it will not work on foam. For this, most often, wooden or metal strips are stuffed onto the walls, to which the external finish is then attached. This completes the preparation. But the application of polyurethane foam is possible only on an absolutely dry surface, at temperatures above + 10 ° C. There are no other conditions.

Spraying process

If you have entered into an agreement with a company, a minibus will arrive at the appointed time. It has equipment for spraying. The high-pressure washer requires a voltage of 380 V. If you have only 220 V, the generator is usually started, which supplies the required voltage. A low-pressure apparatus can operate from a 220 V network, but, as mentioned below, the quality of thermal insulation will be much worse.

Usually, only the hoses are pulled into or around the house, through which the components for the formation of foam are fed into the gun. It's comfortable. Workers who spray thermal insulation are dressed in protective suits, respirators, gloves and goggles. A respirator is necessary, since before hardening, the components of the foam are toxic, and everything else is to protect the skin from the ingress of polyurethane foam, which then cannot be peeled off.

The foam is applied from the bottom up, in small portions. Pour everything, without gaps, trying to prevent the formation of shells. As the foam expands, make sure that the layer thickness is not less than the required one. After the foam hardens, the excess can be cut off, and nothing can make up for the deficiency.

Spray insulation parameters

It should be said right away that, as for any other insulation, it is preferable to insulate the walls of buildings from the outside. If, then the outer wall will freeze through. How many defrost / freeze cycles it can withstand depends on the material, but rarely such a house will last more than 10 years.

When insulating with polyurethane foam outside, a finishing external finish is required - the surface has a very unattractive appearance. But there are no problems with the freezing of the walls, the building will serve for a long time.

There are no problems with the roof at all. Roofing materials are designed for repeated freezing, so that insulation with polyurethane foam of the roof can be done from the inside, by spraying it directly onto the “wrong side” of the roofing material or on the lathing.

Outside to insulate the house or sorted out from the inside. Now a little about the layer thickness. Insulation with polyurethane foam is usually done in large thickness. This is not because small is not enough. Usually, just according to the thermal technical characteristics, a thickness of insulation of 2-3 cm is required, but they do it at least 5 cm.This is so that under any conditions the dew point is in the thickness of the thermal insulation, and not in the material of the wall. Since polyurethane foam is non-hygroscopic, it cannot get wet, condensation simply does not occur, and excess moisture is naturally excreted due to the vapor permeability of the material.

FoamPolyUrethane is a modern material used to insulate residential buildings, apartments, office buildings, industrial premises, hangars, garages. Modern insulation is actively used in the construction industry. With PPU dusting:

  • insulation works are carried out promptly, about 500-700 sq. m.
  • energy costs for heating a house or apartment in winter months are reduced and air conditioning costs in summer are reduced by 50%.
  • Mold and mildew disappears: no moisture - and no condensation problems.

Polyurethane foam is an environmentally friendly material, which contains no harmful impurities and additives. It is non-toxic so there is no cause for concern. The insulation has good thermal insulation properties. The structure of polyurethane foam is porous and 7 seconds after spraying, the material grows in volume by 100 times. After the polyurethane foam hardens, many hollow cells are formed, filled with air, which are very valuable for thermal insulation. The secret of polyurethane foam insulation is that during the installation process the material is filled with air - an effective natural heat insulator.

You can buy PPU in Moscow in the Teplomaster company. Our qualified craftsmen will professionally insulate the object. Pouring polyurethane foam is quick and efficient. And most importantly, it is a profitable insulation that has no analogues. You can order a building insulation service of any complexity from us. All objects insulated by our company's specialists are covered by warranty service. The company "Teplomaster" has modern equipment that allows you to carry out insulation work with high quality and in a short time.

The cost of spraying polyurethane foam depends on the type of your structure and the size of the building. You can find out how much it will cost you to insulate an object on our website.

Our work

FoamPolyUrethane is a modern insulation of the latest generation, the use of polyurethane foam allows:

  • Carry out insulation work at a rate of 500-700 m2 per day;
  • Reduce energy consumption by 45-50% for heating the house in the cold period and for air conditioning in the summer;
  • Already in the first two years, the cost of insulation is recouped;
  • For the next 50 years, you will forget about condensation, rodents and fungus;
  • PPU is absolutely environmentally friendly;
  • It is an excellent heat and vapor barrier material

This excellent insulation has a porous structure, and within 7 seconds after spraying with polyurethane foam, it increases in volume up to 100 times. After solidification, a huge number of hollow cells are formed, which are of great value for thermal insulation.

Polyurethane foam is used for insulating residential and non-residential premises (houses, apartments, garages, shop hangars, containers, vegetable stores, pipes). This is a heater that has no analogues.

Polyurethane foam is 90% composed of air-filled cells, and air, as you know, is the most effective natural heat insulator - this is the main secret of polyurethane foam. The cost of this insulation is justified, since it pays off very quickly, and then saves the customer's energy resources for a long time.

Polyurethane foam was invented 80 years ago, and for 65 years it has been actively used as a thermal insulation material all over the world. During this period of time, due to its low thermal conductivity, it did not find a worthy competitor.

The period of service and the guarantee of the insulation is 50 years. Polyurethane foam is very durable, over time it does not change properties and does not fall off. This was demonstrated by experts by taking for analysis the PPU from the roof of the English factory built in 1976 - the 1st building, which was insulated using PPU spraying technology. So the lifespan is actually much longer!

Very quick installation - even a large house (500 sq.m.) is insulated in 1 shift. The process of warming a small room with sprayed insulation will take about 1 hour, which is 5-7 times faster than using traditional insulation.

All objects insulated by our specialists have a guarantee and additional thermal imaging inspection in the cold season!

Base prices for the calculation of thermal insulation by sprayed polyurethane foam. The final calculation is made on site, taking into account the peculiarities of the insulated structure and the amount of work.