Sewer cleaning quickly and with a guarantee, cleaning of sewer pipes. Sewerage cleaning in a private house! How to break through a blockage in a sewer pipe


Partial or complete clogging of the drainage system is one of the absolutely inevitable companions of our life in the city. Sewer blockages happen very often, it could be your fault or the fault of your neighbors if you live in an apartment building.

Tidying up the sewer pipes is by no means an easy task and it is best to entrust it to an experienced plumber-specialist, but it costs a lot of money, and who knows how quickly the master will arrive?

If you need to restore the sewerage system urgently, you can clean the sewerage system with your own hands, without the services of specialists, using the simplest methods.

The first step is to use the so-called self-cleaning attempt. It is ideal if you have a sewer blockage due to fatty substances being drained into the pipes. They can settle on the walls, thereby blocking the normal drainage.

What is the best way to clean the sewer pipes?

In this case, boil a bucket of water and simply pour it through the hole in the sink. For most reasons, this will be sufficient.

If this method doesn't work for you, try using the safest and easiest-to-use cleaner, a plunger.

The technology is very simple:

  1. Close the water drain hole completely with a plunger bowl so that air does not enter it, and if it does, then as little as possible.
  2. Fill the tub or sink with water so that it completely covers the bowl.
  3. Check for water leaking under the plunger. If not, you can start cleaning.
  4. To do this, make 10-20 sharp vertical movements (jerks) using the handle at a slight incline, then quickly remove the plunger from the water.

If the water quietly seeps inside, it means that the cleaning was successful.

If the blockage still hasn't gone away, it's worth trying a few more times. If they turned out to be unsuccessful, alas, self-cleaning will not help here and you will have to resort to more radical solutions for cleaning sewer pipes using chemical agents.

How to clean a sewer pipe in a private house?

Cleaning the sewer in a private house is no different from ordinary cleaning in an apartment, the only distinguishing condition will be the ability to clean pipes outside the house if you have a sewer plan. When analyzing several possibly clogged places, there is a chance to more accurately find out the area where the debris has stagnated.

Cleaning pipes with baking soda and vinegar

A very common method is to unclog sewer pipes with baking soda and vinegar. Moreover, the solution must be prepared in the pipe itself.

To do this, pour half a glass of baking soda into the sewer pipe and then fill it with the same amount of vinegar.

Wasting no time, close the drain hole tightly with a plug for 2 hours.

After this time, fill in a few liters of boiling water and check if the problem has been eliminated, at the same time the sediment formed by vinegar and soda will be washed off.

Congestion control chemistry

How to clean a sewer pipe with chemicals?

I would like to make a reservation right away that any cleaning chemicals for cleaning pipes have a very strong effect on the respiratory tract of a person, therefore, you need to take good care of airing the room and isolating people.

Go to a household chemicals store, where experts will surely advise you on the most optimal remedy, taking into account the material of your pipes and the possible depth of clogging. Before use, read the instructions on the packaging and follow them unconditionally.

Attention: all chemical sewer pipe cleaners are made on the basis of acidic and alkaline liquids. In no case do not mix two cleaners of different composition, as such neglect of the rules can harm your health.

When these two types of liquids react, they can cause uncontrolled reactions and lead to irreversible consequences.

Rope cleaning

The most effective, but very time consuming way of cleaning the sewer, if the first 2 methods did not help. Before using the cable, you should still try to clean the sewer with hot water or baking soda and vinegar.

In this way, you will make sure that you may have a blockage with any physical objects, and not with fat, which you still will not push out with a cable.

Instead of a wire rope, you can use a spiral or a special cleaning machine. Perhaps, nothing better than mechanical equipment for cleaning pipes in our time has not yet been invented.

For example, a mechanical typewriter is very common - this is a device for cleaning sewer pipes. The essence of its work is similar to manual cleaning with a cable, only less laborious and automated.

Push one of the ends of the cable into the drain hole, start slowly pushing it inside, smoothly turning it clockwise or counterclockwise. Even if the blockage is not very massive, but it is very deep, it will take a lot of effort and patience to clean it.

As soon as you feel the cable sticking into something, pull it back slightly and try to break it with a sharp motion. The method is very laborious, but there is no better way yet.

How not to clog the drain with grease

The most common way to clog pipes is grease, which remains after washing dishes and settles on the walls of the sewer. If you have such situations very regular and require constant cleaning, pay attention to.

These are installations that are attached to the sink and filter negative elements that can clog your sewer pipe.

The grease catcher works in 2 stages:

  1. Dirty and oily water enters the 1st section, where it is cleared of various kinds of debris and enters the second section.
  2. The second section of the grease catcher cleans the water from grease and removes it into the sewer, thereby ensuring long and worry-free operation of your pipes.

Some people, trying to take a break from the bustle of the city, spend their free time in the country or even move out of town. Accustomed to civilized amenities in the house, and not in the yard, they often arrange autonomous sewage systems, however, cleaning the sewer pipes, like in an apartment, cannot be avoided in a private house, even if you take care of the sewage system.

Are there any differences in technology

The methods for cleaning the system in an apartment and a house are practically the same. But having a sewerage plan in a private house will allow you to clean the pipes outside of it.

Most private houses have an autonomous sewerage system, which assumes the presence of a waste container and pipes with fittings in one area. The waste container can be represented by a cesspool or a septic tank. Sewerage of this kind is ideal for houses that are far from central communications. For the efficient operation of the cesspool, pipes with a large diameter and characteristic parameters are suitable. It is this feature that distinguishes the sewerage systems of private and multi-storey buildings.

Any plumbing has the ability to clog up at the wrong time. The presence of a blockage is determined by the following signs:

  1. Unpleasant sewer odor from the holes in the sink.
  2. Decrease in water flow rate.
  3. The water in the sink or bathtub does not drain.
  4. The water in the toilet rises above the normal level.

The most suitable cleaning method is selected depending on the reason. The main causes of clogging include:

  • Large object hitting the pipes. In a house where small children live, this situation can be observed quite often.
  • Deposits of solid sediments on the pipe walls, formed as a result of inorganic and organic human waste.
  • Ingestion of fat particles. These particles form a sticky film, which, according to experts, is considered the most dangerous cause of blockages. . It helps to reduce the throughput of plumbing fixtures, gradually accumulating and causing clogging. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears, which will disappear only after cleaning. Such congestion occurs due to the constant draining of broths when washing dishes. Such blockages are dangerous for metal communications.
  • Soap getting into the drain. Clogs are caused by washing dishes in the kitchen and hands in the bathroom. Soap, getting into the sewer, mixes with other contaminants and settles on the walls of the pipes, and then solidifies. Getting rid of such a congestion is difficult.
  • Hair in the plum. Tangled hair creates a blockage that can only be removed chemically or mechanically.
  • Errors in the design and installation of the sewerage system. Cleaning will only be a temporary measure.
  • Water composition. In hard water, salt deposits build up.
  • Human stupidity. Disposing of dried fruit from compote in the toilet is the most common mistake that a woman, a child, and a teenager can make.
  • Even toilet paper softened with water can clog.

Cleaning methods: household and professional

The main methods of cleaning the sewage system in a private house include:

  1. Calling the master. This method is the simplest, but the too high cost of such services will convince any man to deal with blockages on his own.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Hydrodynamic.
  4. Chemical.
  5. Rinsing with boiling water.
  6. Cleaning with improvised means.

The effectiveness of the sewage cleaning method depends on the degree of blockages. Do not despair if the effect is not immediately observed, perhaps if you choose another method, the result will not be long in coming.

Boiling water rinsing

With the help of boiling water, blockages caused by the ingress of fat into the pipes can be removed. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to determine the type of blockage. At the place of localization, a general or local one is distinguished. With a general clogging, you will have to completely clean the entire sewer system. In case of local blockage, it is enough to clean the extremely problematic pipe. When determining the type of blockage, you should observe the pipes throughout the house and draw a conclusion.

Pour boiling water into the clogged pipe (the approximate amount of water is 6 liters), then check the drain. If the water started to leave, then the problem of the clogging of the sewage system is solved. However, this way it is impossible to cope with a more complex problem. It is strictly forbidden to clean the toilet with boiling water, otherwise you can damage it.

Every housewife in the kitchen has soda, vinegar and citric acid.

The process for preparing the cleaning solution is as follows:

  • Half a glass of baking soda and a similar amount of vinegar are poured into the pipe.
  • Close the drain hole with a stopper for two hours.
  • Pour several liters of boiling water.
  • Check the condition of the drain.

When cleaning the sewer, a combination of citric acid and boiling water or a pack of table salt and hot water, as well as a pack of salt and a bottle of vinegar, is allowed. Citric acid will cope with fat particles as well as baking soda.

Video: cleaning pipes with soda ash

This method is quite original and unusual. To perform this action, you need a vacuum cleaner capable of blowing back air.

To clean the pipes in this way, you must:

  1. Remove the wooden handle from the plunger.
  2. Cut a hole in the bowl that is compatible with the hose of the vacuum cleaner.
  3. Reinforce the hole with metal clamps.
  4. Connect the hose of the vacuum cleaner to the opening.
  5. Press the rubber part of the plunger to the hole of the clogged pipe.
  6. Switch on the appliance at the maximum possible power.
  7. Check the condition of the pipes.

With the mechanical method of cleaning sewage, special devices are used, such as cables, plungers, spirals, drills, loops, hoses. It is advisable to use this method if an item is stuck in the system. When starting to clean the sewage system, you should first stock up on gloves, a rag, a bucket of water and overalls. It is advisable to cover the place of work with oilcloth.

The advantage of using a wire rope is the good penetration of the object, but this method is quite laborious. Plumbing cables differ in parameters such as design, length and diameter.

Using a cable, you must:

  • Disconnect the sewer pipe in front of the blockage.
  • Insert the cable into the drain hole.
  • Rotate the tool clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • In case of difficulty in rotation, push the cable forward and backward.
  • Continue with the above steps even if the jam is broken.
  • Turn on the water and rinse out the remaining blockage.
  • Pull out the cable and flush the pipes.

The cables are divided according to their intended use - for the bath / washbasin and for the toilet. It is more expedient to purchase a toilet rope because it has a handle.

A worthy replacement for the cable can be a special cleaning machine, which is designed to clean sewer pipes in automatic mode. But this technique is mainly used on an industrial scale.

The simplest household option for cleaning the sewer system is to use a plunger.

The technology of this method is as follows:

  • If there is a plug with a filter, then it should be removed from the drain hole.
  • A bowl of plunger is greased with petroleum jelly or fat.
  • Fill a sink or bathtub so that the bowl is covered with water when immersed.
  • Introduce the plunger into the water at an angle.
  • Close the drain hole with a plunger.
  • Do 10–20 pushes up and down, holding the plunger in a vertical position, making sure that water does not flow under the plunger.
  • Quickly remove the device from the water.
  • If the water began to quickly go into the drain hole, it means that the cleaning was successful, if not, the procedure is repeated several times.

The use of chemicals

This method involves the use of chemicals when cleaning the sewer. These means include: "Mole", "Mister Muscle", "Domestos", "Steril", "Tiret Professional" and others. In any hardware store, there is some assortment. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that the main component of these funds is caustic soda, it removes the cause of the blockage, corroding it.

You should carefully refer to the instructions on the packaging of the goods, which indicate for which pipes this tool is intended. The cleaning process consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparatory - the necessary substance is selected and the instruction is studied.
  2. Sewer cleaning - at this stage, the agent is poured into the drain hole and a chemical reaction is expected over a period of time.
  3. Final - the pipe is flushed with running water. There should be a lot of water.

Don't forget about safety rules:

  • Observe the instructions for use of chemicals and proportions, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the sewer pipes.
  • Wear rubber gloves when working.
  • Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
  • Ventilate the room.

Video: about the composition of chemicals for cleaning sewers

Hydrodynamic cleaning

The hydrodynamic cleaning method involves flushing the pipes with high pressure water. Electric or gasoline-powered equipment is used to increase the pressure of the water in the hose.

At the same time, they adhere to the following sequence:

  1. The hose is introduced into the pipe and connected to the installation.
  2. Includes water and compressor.

The jet, under high pressure, will push the blockage towards the exit. If there is no such device, then you can use a regular irrigation hose. After inserting it into the sewer and opening the water all the way, you should connect the hose to the garden pump and follow the same steps.

Thus, choosing any of the sewage cleaning methods, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance and purchase all the necessary materials so that the elimination of blockages does not turn into a global problem. You can face the problem of blockages less often if you take preventive measures.

The problem of how to clean the sewer pipes at home arises for every owner of an apartment and a comfortable house. Before contacting a professional, try removing the blockage yourself.

Causes and signs of blockages

The smell from the drain hole became unpleasant. The used water drains out more slowly, or even stays in the sink. These are signs of a blockage.

And here are the reasons. Grease and food residues accumulate on the walls of kitchen pipes after washing dishes. In the bathroom, hair, soap particles, and animal hair get inside. If the pipe is metal, rust will appear. The metal salts present in the water are also deposited on the inner surfaces of the pipes. Large objects (sponge, rag, etc.) enter the drain through the toilet and form a cork.

Cast iron pipes have rough inner walls, so the throughput gradually decreases due to the accumulation of contamination. Plastic pipes have smooth planes, but clogging is possible in them with illiterate installation, when there is no standard slope to the riser.

Determining the location of the blockage

Before you clean the sewer pipes, determine the location of the blockage. As a rule, debris accumulates at the siphon. If only the bathroom sinks with difficulty, and everything is in order in the kitchen and the toilet, you only need to clean the pipe coming from the bathroom. With stagnant water at all points, it is clear that a plug of dirt and debris is present in the common riser. And it is better to call a team of plumbers to eliminate.

Chemical cleaning

Chemical compositions for eliminating blockages in sewers are available in gel, powder and liquid form.


This chemical is used to unclog the sewer at home if the pipes are made of metal-plastic or metal. Strong modifications - "asset" and "professional".


This cleaning gel spreads along the walls of the pipe, dissolving grease and decomposing other deposits. It has a gentle effect, therefore it is used regardless of the pipe material and the degree of their wear.

Cleaners Mister Muscle, Silit, Domestos, Pothan are effective.

Before removing the blockage of pipes at home, wear a protective mask or respirator, goggles, rubber gloves. It is important not to be mistaken with the composition of the product. Alkaline ones break down fat easily, therefore they are recommended for the kitchen. Acidic ones are able to dissolve hair, remove soap residues. Suitable for bathroom pipes. You cannot use the formulations at the same time.

To clean pipes with ready-made chemical compounds at home, pour in liquid or pour powder into the sewer, stand for 20 minutes. Then 3-4 buckets of water are poured in for rinsing from residues of contamination. Before using cleaning compounds, check that they are suitable for the material from which the pipes are made.

Chemical cleaners are also used to prevent blockages. If the cleaning is done every three months, there will be no problems with the plugs.

Mechanical cleaning

How to clean pipes without chemicals. Use mechanical methods. The plunger copes well with debris, dirt, slightly accumulated. Water is poured into the bath, sink, closing the hole for a while. Remove the plug, put a plunger on the drain and perform several vigorous vertical movements with the handle. Contamination rises and spills out. They are removed and the procedure is repeated. Then the water is turned on at full pressure to flush the drain system.

A special cable equipped with a handle will help to break through the sealed plug. It is placed in the drain hole and rotated. Hair, textile fibers are twisted onto the final attachment and pulled out together with the rope. The rest of the particles become friable and are easily washed down the drain with a large amount of water. Do not use a cable if the material of the pipes or siphons is brass, chrome-plated steel, plastic.

This device helps to solve the problem of how to clean the sewer pipe in a private house. To do this, remove the siphon. The cable is rolled up and placed in the pipe. Carefully rotating the handle, pushing into the depth is achieved. From time to time, the cable is removed to remove the winding dirt from it. The cleaning is completed by flushing the sewer with hot water.

They also use special electrical units in which the cable rotates the electric motor. Spiral automated cleaning machines allow you to effectively clean the sewer at home. In them, the cleaning element is not a cable, but a spiral, on which, during rotation, dirt collects, which caused a plug in the pipe. Thanks to the complete set of various nozzles, the device cleans pipes of different diameters.

If the blockage is insignificant, and water does not stagnate in the kitchen sink, you can remove fat deposits with boiling water by pouring it into the drain hole until the water passes freely.

Hydrodynamic method

Sometimes, when choosing a method of how to clean a sewer in a private house, they use a compact version of industrial equipment that acts on blockages with water supplied under high pressure. With this method, contamination is completely removed from pipes with a diameter of 5 to 30 cm.

The hydrodynamic method is used in apartments. A flexible hose with a special nozzle is inserted into the water supply pipe. Pressurized water cleans all deposits. The hose, thanks to the jet thrust, moves further along the pipeline, flushing and removing impurities from it.

Home remedies

Folk remedies also answer the question of how you can clean clogged pipes.

Soda with vinegar

Soda is poured into the drain - 200 g. Then two glasses of table vinegar are poured and the hole is covered with a rag. A violent neutralization reaction begins, due to which the fat plugs dissolve.

Alka Seltzer

The tablets are composed of baking soda, citric acid, and acetylsalicylic acid. Put three tablets in the drain, then pour a glass of vinegar.

Soda and salt

Pour 500 ml of warm water into a bowl. Stir 300 g of soda and 150 g of salt in it. Pour the mixture down the drain. After 30 minutes, clean the pipe with a plunger.


Squeeze the juice from four lemons into a bowl, filter through cheesecloth and pour into the drain. Withstand an hour, then washed.

Calcined soda

For 15 minutes, heat 150 g of baking soda in a dry cast-iron pan. Cool and dilute with a glass of cool water until smooth. Poured into the drain for two hours.

These techniques are inexpensive and safe. Allows you to cope with a sudden blockage and prevent leaks. An hour after their application, the pipes are washed with hot water.

Mixed cleaning method

When cleaning the sewage system in a private house, a mixed method is used. They act like this:

  • garbage is removed with a rope;
  • pour a liter of boiling water;
  • after 20 minutes, use a plunger;
  • pour baking soda into the drain - one glass;
  • pour in three glasses of boiling water.

Soda will remove the remaining fat from the inner surfaces of the pipes and eliminate the specific smell, acting as a disinfectant. The method is used to prevent possible blockages.

The nuances of cleaning pipes in the kitchen and bathroom

If the bathtub is directly clogged, then a plunger is used to displace the accumulated dirt down. A special elongated brush is also used, which is inserted into the hole with rotational movements and pierced the plug from the dirt, while simultaneously cleaning the pipe walls.

How can you remove body fat with a saturated salt solution. A glass of salt is taken per liter of warm water, stirred and poured into the drain hole. After 20 minutes, clean the drain with a plunger.

You can reduce the risk of clogging pipes in the kitchen by attaching a garbage bin to the sink, which shreds all waste that falls into it.

How to make a plunger from a plastic bottle with your own hands: 1. Take a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. 2. Use a knife to carefully remove the bottom. 3. Use the device in the same way as with an ordinary plunger.

It is more difficult to break through the plugs of solid particles and debris that enter the sewer during construction work. Household and chemical preparations will not cope with the problem. A spiral installation or a cable will help.

Features of cleaning cast iron, plastic pipes

Modern plastic pipes with flat and smooth inner surfaces are less likely to clog up. A blockage can form at pivots or vertical bends. For cleansing, special ready-made chemical compositions are used. Mechanical devices are discarded so as not to damage the plastic.

On the contrary, the old cast-iron sewerage system does not accept chemistry. Cleaning is carried out by mechanical methods or using soda and vinegar.


To reduce the problem of how to clean the sewer pipes, they spill boiling water every month. For prophylaxis, the recommended means are used every two months. Periodically remove and clean the siphon.

Eliminate the ingress of residues of building compounds containing insoluble solid particles into the sewage system. Grease trays are installed on the drain of the kitchen sink. In the bath, when the water is drained, a special grate is placed on the drain to trap hair and wool.

When urgently cleaning the sewage system from blockages, take into account the degree of wear of the pipes, the material from which they are made, so as not to damage the system. In parallel, observing preventive measures, they significantly extend its service life.

Sewerage clogging occurs even with the most careful use. This is a big nuisance to cope with which sometimes is not very easy. Sewer system - a pipeline that runs from the taps and toilet bowl to the drain pit. There are many ways to prevent blockage, but it's best to try to avoid such situations. Let's look at what causes a blockage in pipes, how to clean the pipes, what are the most effective methods.

Causes of blockage in pipes

The cause of any blockage is the accumulation of foreign substances in a specific place. They block the passage of water. The most common sources of such cases are:

  • paper - toilet paper does not very often cause clogging, it is quite soft and dissolves in water, we are talking about newsprint, it collects in a lump at the places where pipes turn or before the toilet is released;
  • rags - these objects end up in the sewer system when emptying buckets or cans after cleaning the room or when directly draining the machine into the toilet - compressed fibers can tightly clog the drain;
  • wool and hair are a common cause of clogged pipes under showers and bathtubs;
  • sand and earth particles - they end up in the system after washing shoes or paws of animals, these substances are collected in a siphon;
  • fat - not only after washing the dishes, the fat ends up in the pipes, clogging the sewer, I mean the soap containing some amount of fat, fat deposits are most often formed in the knees, in these places the drained water costs some time and the fat is deposited on the walls of the sewer pipes.

There are many more reasons for clogging the sewer system, but this is when we talk about multi-apartment high-rises, whose residents often dispose of food waste, cat litter and similar things into the sewer. In private houses, the attitude towards plums is more reverent. Therefore, these reasons are the most common in a private house.

How to clear a blockage in pipes at home, the necessary tools and devices

It is not difficult to find out the cause of the blockage, especially if it occurred against the background of the relatively stable operation of the sewage system. It is enough to find out from each family member whether any actions have been taken in relation to the toilet? Is there a lot of toilet paper, or a sponge, or any other object in it. As a rule, the answer will clarify everything.

If the water passes for a long time with effort, for a long time, and the rest of the plumbing fixtures are working properly, then the blockage has occurred specifically at the place of the siphon, knees or release of this plumbing item. Gradually settling substances, grease, food residues after washing dishes, slowly but steadily deteriorate the quality of water waste, clogging the drain.

If the blockage happened unexpectedly without objective reasons, you can find out the location of localization by plumbing fixtures. See which item has reduced the quality of the bandwidth and look for the reason in this place.

Ways to eliminate blockages

At the moment, there are many effective and efficient ways to remove the blockage. From the old-fashioned methods with the use of soda, to the use of the latest innovations in household chemicals for cleaning pipes.

Even though the sewer system will be equipped with special filters, it is not always possible to avoid clogging. Perhaps, at least once in his life, but everyone faced a similar problem. Do not despair. There are three main ways to eliminate blockage and knowledge of theory will help to apply the methods in practice, remove blockage even before serious compaction of substances in the pipe.

These are the options:

  • chemical method using special household chemicals;
  • mechanical method using fixtures and tools;
  • hydrodynamic method using high water pressure.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular options.

Chemical methods of clearing the blockage

The use of modern chemicals allows you to quickly and efficiently deal with a large number of blockages. In stores, you can see a huge assortment of goods, such that you can not understand without outside help. The funds are sold in various forms:

  • liquid;
  • gelatinous;
  • granular;
  • powdery.

The similarity between all these forms is in the main component - caustic soda is the basis of each agent. Thanks to the substance, you can easily dissolve fat, adhesion of small debris, organic deposits.

This method of clearing the blockage is considered to be very fast. Chemical ingredients spreading through the sewer system envelop the inner surface of the pipes and break down organic deposits. So when trying to clear a blockage in pipes, you should give preference to liquid products. Solid and powdery act on deposits or blockages in fragments and only partially remove accumulations. Chasing a brand when buying such a product is pointless, caustic soda equally effectively fights clogging in a product from any manufacturer.

When buying a product, pay attention not to the price, but to the consistency.

But it should be understood that not all pipes can withstand the aggressive effects of chemicals. Depending on the material from which the pipes are made, you should also buy a product. Caustic soda should be used wisely so as not to harm the integrity of the pipes and human health.

There are strict rules when using household chemicals:

  • to avoid a serious chemical burn, you can only work with drugs with gloves;
  • it is highly advisable to use a respirator to protect the respiratory system from toxic fumes.

Chemicals can be used to remove blockages and prevent their occurrence. For example, using drugs every ten days, you can completely protect the sewer system from blockages. Fats simply will not be able to keep up with being deposited and accumulating, retaining other garbage and piling up.

Mechanical ways to remove blockage

Mechanical clogging methods are carried out with the help of some devices or objects. Let's consider the most popular options:

  • if you know exactly what caused the "sharp" blockage, you can reach the object with your hands, protecting them with rubber gloves, if there are no gloves, wear plastic bags;
  • in case of failure to get the object with your hands, you can use a rigid wire with a bent end in the form of a hook;
  • with the help of a plunger, water hammers can push the blockage out of the narrowest area;
  • a plastic bottle can replace the plunger if not available.

If the mechanical methods were not effective, the chemical method is used.

How to effectively deal with blockage in pipes in the bathroom at home

Lots of hair, soap residues, dirt, pet hair and similar items can cause a blockage in the bathroom. In this case, clogging occurs gradually: at first, the water leaves more slowly, then it is bad, and as a result it may not pass at all. This can get you into big trouble. But before calling a specialist, you should try to remove the blockage in the pipes yourself.

As a rule, at home, a plunger is an effective remedy for removing a clogged fragment of the system. This device is effective only when cleaning the bath. The algorithm for resolving the problem is as follows:

  • so that during the operation of the plunger the water pressure does not decrease, the overflow hole is plugged and water is collected;
  • it is necessary to place the plunger over the drain hole and rhythmically press to create high pressure, the plunger is removed abruptly, this makes the stray lump - the cause of the blockage - move from its place and stop being a monolithic mass;
  • if there are no changes, it is recommended to pour boiling water into the drain pipe and after a short time repeat the actions with the plunger again.

As a rule, such manipulations will help to influence the blockage and eliminate it without contacting a plumber. Using boiling water will ensure that the blockage is broken through.

There are other options for removing blockages in the bathroom. You need to know them in order to timely and effectively influence an unpleasant situation.

The use of a plumbing cable is no less effective: it is a thick, rigid wire with a spiral. The tool is applied as follows:

  • a bucket or any other reservoir should be placed directly under the siphon;
  • carefully dismantle the siphon and inspect it, if it is clogged with debris, clean if necessary;
  • install the siphon in place;
  • if nothing has changed, and the water also leaves slowly or does not pass at all, then the pipes need to be cleaned;
  • the siphon is removed again and the plumbing cable is immersed in the pipe;
  • as soon as the cable rests against something that has resisted, turn the tool to the right and jerk, pull out the device and clean the debris from the end of the cable;
  • it is not necessary to act with force, otherwise the device may break in the system or spoil the integrity of the pipes.

Plastic pipes should be cleaned very carefully, as there is a threat of damage.

How to clear a blockage in pipes in the kitchen at home

You can clean the clogged pipe in the kitchen in any of the following ways. And you can use folk methods that give an effect. Here are some of them:

  • The use of soda and vinegar is a simple, economical and effective option: take soda and vinegar in equal amounts, pour soda into the drain hole, pour vinegar on top, close the hole for a couple of hours, after this time, hot water must be poured into the drain hole. This is an inexpensive way to clear the blockage and not damage the pipe structure. This method can also be used to prevent future blockages.
  • Heat baking soda in a dry frying pan for about twenty minutes, cool and dissolve in water, pour into a pipe. In terms of effectiveness, this method is comparable to a chemical pipe cleaner, but having the same effect, it is gentle.
  • Using lemon is a safe and reliable way to remove blockages. It is necessary to squeeze the juice of one lemon or pour a bag of lemon juice into the drain hole.
  • The concentrated saline solution also helps to remove foreign matter from the pipes, and it is preferable to use a plunger in this method.

How to clear a blockage in pipes at home and not spoil them

When trying to remove a blockage, it should be remembered that the irrational use of chemicals can cause damage to plumbing equipment. The use of funds without taking into account the characteristics of pipes, their material, can damage the structures. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a household chemical substance to eliminate the blockage, taking into account the material from which the system is made and the type of blockage. Metal or cast iron pipes are more likely to clog, corrode and easily accumulate deposits on the walls. Plastic pipes tend to clog less often and are easier to remove. A plunger or chemicals effectively clean these pipes. Mechanical or chemical methods are more suitable for metal pipes.

Cleaning of plastic pipes

Due to its smooth inner surface, plastic pipes are less likely to clog than cast iron pipes. But if a blockage occurs, then most likely it is either a bend or a turn in the system. You can clean these types of pipes using chemicals designed for plastic. In general, pipe cleaners have already been listed, summing up, we can say that the blockage is eliminated like this:

  • special chemicals, often with a poor result of one, use another remedy, and it gives a result;
  • folk ways;
  • plunger;
  • mechanical means - extremely neat.

Blockage prevention

To avoid blockages, prevention should be systematically carried out. A set of preventive actions will allow you to avoid troubles associated with clogged pipes and elimination of the defect. It is recommended to install special catchers - filters and fine mesh. All bends, elbows and joints should be equipped with inspection hatches and holes to monitor the condition of the pipes.

For prophylaxis, the system is periodically washed with boiling water, soda and vinegar solutions. Care should be taken to prevent large particles of debris from entering the sewage system with water. The implementation of such simple measures will allow you to keep the sewer system in order.

If you still have questions on how to eliminate the blockage yourself, watch the video on how to clean the sewer at home and feel free to start troubleshooting. It is quite affordable to do this work with your own hands.