Dream interpretation to play with a ball. Why is the ball dreaming

Anchor points:

What ball dreamed in a dream

The dream of a ball, most often, is interpreted as well-being, which is given with great difficulty. If you specifically saw soccer ball will succeed if you only compromise your principles. Basketball or volleyball - indicate that your strengths are perseverance and endurance, use them to achieve your goal. The colored ball, which children usually play, predicts an obstacle that will eventually turn into luck. The tennis ball is a pleasant meeting. Beach ball - your hopes will not be met.

Ball game

You played with the ball, throwing it to each other - the children will not meet your expectations, you will not be able to find a common language with them for a long time. Game where you are throwing the ball forward or up - symbolizes the difficulties with real estate, which other people will apply for. The good news about a person who has long disappeared from your life is said by a ball that bounced, bounced off the ground. Playing basketball - you can successfully choose a direction that will bring profit, football - beware of a strong opponent, volleyball - your problems are far-fetched.

Ball Trouble

If the air comes out of the ball through the hole, then the troubles that have recently arisen will be resolved by themselves. A naturally deflated ball is a sign of failure. , into which the ball fell - plans will not be realized. If he fell into a pit, then in the future you will fight for your happiness every day.

Bought or received as a gift

A new acquaintance is warned by a dream that you bought a ball. Receive it as a gift - your business partner will turn out to be a person you will appreciate very much.

The ball in a dream - symbolizes uncertainty in business and relationships with partners.

If in reality you are starting some kind of game with your companions, get ready for the fact that it will turn out to be more difficult than you imagine.

Ball according to the newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Ball - walk around the bureaucratic offices.

Ball according to the Spring Dream Book

Throwing the ball is a lightning-fast decision and action against you.

Ball according to the Summer Dream Book

Throwing the ball into the basket is a good deal.

Ball according to the Autumn Dream Book

Throwing the ball into the basket (basketball) - to the accuracy of your calculation.

The ball according to the dream book from A to Z

Seeing a children's ball in a dream is a favorable coincidence in which you will be incredibly lucky in realizing an old dream.

Throwing the ball into the air means that you risk losing your share of income or inheritance.

A ball that falls into the water portends an unsuccessful deal and financial difficulties.

A ball bouncing or rolling in a dream promises to soon receive good news from a distant friend.

Volleyball - predicts that, having given himself up to the business with his head, leave the children and husband without attention and start the house.

Kicking a soccer ball in a dream - you will become a leader in your team thanks to energy, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

The ball according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

The ball is a meeting with a childhood friend.

The ball according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

If you dreamed that you were throwing a ball, a close friend will offend you soon.

If you dreamed that you were ripping a ball, soon you will challenge one of your friends, but they will accept the challenge, and you will be the winner.

If you dreamed that you were looking for a ball, you will challenge one of your friends.

If you dreamed that you were looking for and found a ball, a duel (perhaps a verbal duel) awaits you with one of your acquaintances.

Playing a ball with someone means a quarrel with someone you know.

In a dream, you lost the ball - get ready for a big loss.

If you dreamed that you bought a ball, soon you will get yourself a new friend.

You were presented with a ball - soon renew your acquaintance with one of your distant relatives.

Ball according to the Esoteric Dream Book

If you take part in any games or disputes, you will win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do so.

Ball according to the Modern Dream Book

Seeing a children's ball in a dream means the successful elimination of obstacles that arise in your path.

If you dreamed about a sports ball, you will have a competition in any business. Whether you win this competition is entirely up to you.

If you dreamed that you were playing ball with a child, in the near future your children will cause you considerable problems.

To see a deflated ball in a dream means that you have to experience grief and joy at the same time.

Ball according to the Eastern dream book

If you see a ball rolling on you, wait for the news of some unexpected event.

For a young woman, a dream in which she let go of the ball, which quickly rolled away from her, means: jealousy gnaws at her. However, you should not kindle this feeling in yourself, this will not make anyone feel better.

If you dreamed that an inflatable ball went down in your hands, you risk committing an act that you will bitterly regret in the future, but it will be too late to change anything.

The ball according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

What does the ball mean in a dream - you see a children's ball in a dream - you with dignity, and at the same time, without offending anyone, eliminate all difficulties from your path. You see a sports ball in a dream - some kind of competition will revive the sleepy atmosphere of your team; moreover, this competition will not cross the boundaries of reason and will not result in irritating rivalry, in unhealthy competition; your fun will be innocent.

Ball on the Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see the ball is debauchery.

Playing the ball is infidelity, surprise, chaotic life, a short happy meeting.

Ball according to the Modern Dream Book

Ball - Meeting childhood friend

The ball according to the dream book of Artemidor

You dreamed about the Ball - To play with the ball - to amuse yourself with hopes that are unlikely to come true in the foreseeable future. To break a window with a ball is to undeservedly offend a good person.

The ball according to the dream book of the witch Medea

Ball - Represents the game of life. The golden ball symbolizes wisdom and extraordinary knowledge. Playing with the ball is an unstable situation. The gain will be replaced by a loss. To see the ball is the hope of success, this is how the dream that you dream is interpreted ambiguously.

The ball according to E. Erickson's dream book

What does the ball mean in a dream - a memory of childhood, playing ball - remembering children's pranks.

A ball according to a housewife's dream book

The ball is unexpected things.

You dreamed about the Ball - a childhood memory; meeting with a childhood friend.

The ball according to the Mayan dream book

Good meaning If you dreamed that you were playing ball, you were chosen by the gods. In order not to lose their support, first, say thank you to them: draw on a piece of paper a yellow circle, a black square, a blue oval and a white triangle and put gifts to the gods in the centers of these figures; second, find a rubber ball and keep it under the bed.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were making a ball, you were doing the wrong thing. Take a few days off to figure out what needs to be changed.

Ball according to the Italian dream book Meneghetti

Ball (soccer, billiard) - Indicates life or other. Losing or gaining, losing or gaining with their help means the relationship of our ego with our potential capabilities, expectations, desires and reality, in other words, it and its relationship with inner and outer life.

To dream of playing with a ball - It means the multiplication of wealth; Rolling the ball back and forth marks empty hassle.

The ball according to Shuvalova's dream book

The ball means an active, mobile, fulfilling life in which we fully and very joyfully realize ourselves. Pay attention to what happens to the ball in a dream: you lose it, or you gain, lose or win the match (if you dream of some kind of ball game). Thus, you can understand how your life suits your potentialities, expectations and needs.

Ball according to A. Roberti's Italian psychoanalytic dream book

A soccer ball, a billiard ball - means life or "in se".

Losing or receiving, losing or gaining with their help - means the relationship of our "ego" with our potential possibilities, expectations, desires and reality, in other words - "zgo" and its relationship with internal and external life.

The ball according to the dream book-horoscope

The ball - a long and fruitful trip ahead. Drop all doubts and go.

The ball according to the online dream book

If you saw a ball in a dream, in the near future you will fight for what is dear to you.

Playing with the ball means that you will solve the problems of children.

It was a dream that he was blown away - you will worry, but sadness will be replaced by joy very quickly.

Throwing the ball up - be careful, someone claims your property.

We saw that he fell into the water - your hopes in business will not be justified.

A ball that rolled or jumped in a dream - an old friend will delight you with the news.

The dream interpretation interprets the ball with which you play - as a warning that fate will soon fly to you with a unique chance, and you simply must notice it.

See him rolling over to you

If the ball is small

Ball according to the Universal Dream Book

It's amazing that such a simple item is such an important part of our holiday! It is difficult to name a sport that does not use a ball or a ball.

Who plays ball in your dream - do you think this person is dexterous, does he do an excellent job and does everything right? Or is this person clumsy with the ball and dropping it?

You associate the ball with joy and happiness: you are having a good time - perhaps you associate the ball with the release of energy. Are you stressed and emotional?

What is the shape of the ball? Is it round or oval? Hard or soft? He jumps straight or falls hard - relate yourself to the ball.

What he does in your dream will tell you about how you behave in the game called "Life".

Ball on the Women's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you accidentally dropped a ball that immediately rolled away, you cannot avoid jealousy. And yet it is not recommended to dwell on this feeling, because it will not become easier for anyone.

A dream in which an inflatable ball in your hands suddenly descended - portends that you will commit an act that you will regret all your life, but nothing will ever be corrected.

The ball according to the Interpreter of 1829

To play with a ball means the multiplication of wealth; Rolling the ball back and forth marks empty hassle.

Ball according to V. Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic Dream Book

Testicles. Pregnant woman's chest or belly. Circle and integrity.

Tennis game, bowling pins. Testicle play and therefore erection.

Kick the ball. Erection, fear of castration.

The ball is rolling into the corner. Wrong direction of sexual arousal.

Golden ball in the dark. A flickering of inner light illuminating the unconscious.

A ball according to a dream book for a bitch

The ball is an unexpected joyful meeting with a friend of childhood and adolescence.

The ball according to the dream book of the XXI century

Playing ball in a dream means getting an opportunity that cannot be missed.

If the ball rolls under your feet, it means that you will receive a belated inheritance or a dear friend will return.

Playing a small ball in a dream - to a happy meeting with a childhood friend.

If you dreamed about a ball, do not make drastic decisions at work, do minor things, postpone trips to a later date and pay attention to your health.

Ball according to the Slavic dream book

The ball - soccer - to gossip. Children's - to a meeting with a childhood friend.

Ball according to Longo's dream book

The dream in which you played ball predicts a quick meeting with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances, with whom you once had a warm relationship, but then, due to his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other. Many years have passed, you have almost forgotten that this person once meant a lot to you. However, the dream you saw says that forgotten feelings will come to life again in order to manifest with greater force. This time you will be able to enjoy each other's company, nothing will disturb you, and your friend or acquaintance will move to your city forever. What if there is no one in your memory who could fit this explanation?

Everything is very simple: it means that a dream symbolizes an early acquaintance with someone who will be associated with your life for a long time. A motionless ball speaks of your calmness, peace, which will finally come to you after a meeting with a kind person predicted by your dream. Everyday chores, vanity, various kinds of troubles - all this will leave your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity for a long time.

The ball according to the detailed dream book by Denise Lynn

Ball - can symbolize the game.

Playing the ball means enjoying and enjoying life.

"The ball is in your goal" - means that it is your turn to make a return step. There is also a sexual overtones here. Do you have "balls" to get it right?

The ball according to the dream book Veles

Ball - happy meeting with friends, love date / obstacles.

Ball according to the Ukrainian dream book

A ball in a dream is a happy meeting with friends or a love date, sometimes obstacles.

Ball according to the Gypsy dream book

The ball - to some kind of difficulty.

If the ball rolls away from you, you have to work hard to get promoted.

If the ball rolls towards you, expect a reward.

The ball according to the ABC of interpretation of dreams

Ball - personifies the game of life.

Playing with the ball is an unstable situation. The gain will be replaced by a loss.

Seeing the ball is a hope for success.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

What is the dream of the Ball

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were playing ball, the gods chose you. In order not to lose their support, first, say thank you to them: draw a yellow circle, a black square, a blue oval and a white triangle on a piece of paper and put gifts to the gods in the centers of these figures; second, find a rubber ball and keep it under the bed.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were making a ball, you were doing the wrong thing. Take a few days off to figure out what needs to be changed.

Dream interpretation: Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Dream interpretation Ball

  • To see the ball is debauchery.
  • Playing the ball is infidelity, surprise, chaotic life, a short happy meeting.

Dream interpretation: Gypsy dream book

Dream interpretation Ball

  • Such a dream - to some kind of difficulty. If the ball rolls away from you, you have to work hard to get promoted. If the ball rolls towards you, expect a reward.

Dream interpretation: Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

In a dream, see the Ball

  • The ball means an active, mobile, fulfilling life in which we fully and very joyfully realize ourselves. Pay attention to what happens to the ball in a dream: you lose it, or you gain, lose or win the match (if you dream of some kind of ball game). Thus, you can understand how your life suits your potentialities, expectations and needs.

Dream interpretation: Eastern female dream book

Dream interpretation Ball

  • If you see a ball rolling on you, wait for the news of some unexpected event. For a young woman, a dream in which she let go of the ball, which quickly rolled away from her, means: jealousy gnaws at her. However, you should not kindle this feeling in yourself, this will not make anyone feel better. If you dreamed that you had an inflatable ball in your hands, you risk doing an act that you will bitterly regret in the future, but it will be too late to change anything.

Dream interpretation: Modern dream book

In a dream, see the Ball

  • If in a dream you see a ball rolling on you, then wait for the news of some unexpected event. For a young woman, a dream in which she let go of the ball, which quickly rolled away from her, means that she is gnawing at jealousy. However, you should not kindle this feeling in yourself, from which it will not become easier for anyone. If you dreamed that you had an inflatable ball in your hands, then in real life you run the risk of committing an act that you will bitterly regret in the future, but it will be too late to change anything.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation Ball

  • If you take part in any games or disputes, you will win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do so.

Dream interpretation: Longo's dream interpretation

In a dream, see the Ball

  • The dream in which you played ball predicts a quick meeting with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances, with whom you once had a warm relationship, but then, due to his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other. Many years have passed, you have almost forgotten that this person once meant a lot to you. However, the dream you saw says that forgotten feelings will come to life again in order to manifest with greater force. This time you will be able to enjoy each other's company, nothing will disturb you, and your friend or acquaintance will move to your city forever. What if there is no one in your memory who could fit this explanation? Everything is very simple: it means that a dream symbolizes an early acquaintance with someone who will be associated with your life for a long time. A motionless ball speaks of your calmness, peace, which will finally come to you after a meeting with a kind person predicted by your dream. Everyday chores, vanity, various kinds of troubles - all this will leave your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity for a long time.

The dream book site, the largest dream book of the Runet, contains 75 best dream books: Russian dream book, old French dream book, Jung's dream book, Tarot symbol dream book, Meneghetti's Italian dream book, old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book), folk dream book of beliefs and will accept (folklore), the newest Ivanov's dream book, Martyn Zadeki's dream book, a dream book for women, Longo's dream book, a mirror dream book of psychological states, Ibn Sirin's Islamic dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, a new family dream book, Pythagoras' numerological dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), Slavic dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou-gun, dream book of winged phrases, dream book of Wangi, dream book of symbols (symbolic), psychotherapeutic dream book, and others.

Why is the ball dreaming? In a dream, it is a symbol of a rare and extremely favorable opportunity that should not be missed. However, the full interpretation of the image depends on many details. First of all, from the type of the product itself and personal actions in relation to it.

Ball in a dream - interpretation of popular dream books

Dreamed of a ball? The collection of dream books is sure that a very interesting and fruitful trip awaits you. The Ukrainian dream book considers the subject to be an omen of a happy meeting or even a date. Sometimes this item warns of minor obstacles.

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation associates the image with pride and ambition. If you dreamed about a ball, then troubles await you, some tasks or condemnation. For a while, you literally turn into a whipping boy. According to Medea's dream book, the object is a symbol of the game of life. If you played with him, then the situation will be extremely volatile.

What else is the ball dreaming of? The 21st century dream interpretation believes that you should abandon drastic changes. Especially in the workplace. Try not to start grandiose projects, if possible, give up business trips and take care of your health.

What does it mean in a dream - a ball in hands

The ball, which accidentally fell into the hands, promises a big chance. If you caught him on purpose, but achieve a minor goal. If the girl was holding the ball in her hands, and then dropped it and it rolled away, then in reality she will be overcome by jealousy.

Had a dream that the ball was blown away right in your hands? Take an action that you will regret later. You can see a deflated object in front of you in a changeable environment.

Why dream of playing with a ball, throwing

Did you see how enthusiastically you played with the ball? The long-awaited meeting with a person you know will definitely take place. The same plot symbolizes the ability to live and enjoy the present. If in reality they started some kind of scam, then the dream warns: it will be more difficult to realize it than it seemed.

It's good if you threw the ball into the basket or against the wall. This is a sign of accurate calculation. If he got where they were aiming, then make the desired deal. In the opposite situation - in real life, just waste your energy. Playing ball of an indefinite character symbolizes an equally indefinite relationship with a loved one or business partner.

I dreamed of a big, small, childish ball

If in a dream you saw a small or clearly childish ball, then in the real world you will see an old friend. It is also possible to find a children's ball in a dream before a favorable coincidence of circumstances that will help to realize an old dream.

A large product in dreams hints at the successful elimination of obstacles that will very soon fall on you. What is the dream of a sports ball? Get ready for confrontation, competition. Moreover, the outcome depends only on the correctness of their own actions.

The ball in a dream - what else symbolizes

In fact, this round object can be interpreted in the most incredible ways. The main thing is to pay attention to the accompanying details.

  • the ball was rolling towards you - reward, profit
  • from you - miss an important chance
  • back and forth - empty chores
  • bouncing - good news from afar
  • volleyball - family problems due to work
  • soccer - leadership
  • inflatable - unstable position
  • multicolored - rainbow period
  • playing with the ball alone - improving life, prosperity
  • with someone - a quarrel
  • throwing on the ground - an insult from a friend
  • into the air - money losses
  • into the water - an unsuccessful deal, financial problems
  • ripping with something sharp - a successful confrontation
  • to seek is an adventure
  • find - conflict
  • buy - acquaintance, new friends
  • to lose - loss in reality

Why dream that another character gave or gave you the ball? In the sublunary world, relations with people around you, especially with relatives, will significantly improve.

Throwing a ball to each other in a dream means pouring from empty to empty.

Such a dream portends that you will not be able to come to an agreement with your business partner, as he will constantly come up with new excuses to postpone an important matter. See interpretation: play.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

What does it mean in a dream Ball

The ball - to some kind of difficulty.

If the ball rolls away from you, you have to work hard to get promoted.

If the ball rolls towards you, expect a reward.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Meaning of dreams Ball

Seeing a children's ball in a dream is a favorable coincidence in which you will be incredibly lucky in realizing an old dream. Throwing the ball into the air means you risk losing your share of your income or inheritance. A ball falling into the water portends a bad deal and financial difficulties. A ball bouncing or rolling in a dream promises to soon receive good news from a distant friend. The volleyball predicts that, having given himself up to the business with his head, leave the children and husband without attention and start the house. Kicking a soccer ball in a dream - you will become a leader in your team thanks to energy, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

What does the ball mean in a dream

Personalizes the game of life.

The golden ball symbolizes wisdom and extraordinary knowledge.

Playing with the ball is an unstable situation.

The gain will be replaced by a loss.

Seeing the ball is a hope for success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Tutorial on the Interpretation of Dreams

Sleep Ball Meaning

A rolling ball - to inheritance.

Playing with the ball is a pleasant accident, unexpected luck.

A small ball - to a meeting with a friend.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep Ball

To see the ball is debauchery.

Playing the ball is infidelity, surprise, chaotic life, a short happy meeting.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

What the Ball predicts in a dream

Ball - If you take part in any games or arguments, you will win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do so.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Sleep Interpretation Ball

Playing a ball in a dream is a happy meeting with friends and girlfriends.

And all of you will go to play volleyball together!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for girls

Dream meaning Ball

The dream in which you played ball: predicts a quick meeting with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances, with whom you once had a warm relationship, but then, due to his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other.

Many years have passed, you have almost forgotten that this person once meant a lot to you.

However, the dream you saw says that forgotten feelings will come to life again in order to manifest with greater force.

This time you will be able to enjoy each other's company, nothing will disturb you, and your friend or acquaintance will move to your city forever.

What if there is no one in your memory who could fit this explanation? Everything is very simple: it means that a dream symbolizes an early acquaintance with someone who will be associated with your life for a long time.

A motionless ball speaks of your calmness, peace, which will finally come to you after a meeting with a kind person predicted by your dream.

Everyday chores, vanity, various kinds of troubles: all this will leave your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity for a long time.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Sleep Prediction Ball

If you dreamed that you were playing ball, the gods chose you. In order not to lose their support, first, thank them:

draw a yellow circle, a black square, a blue oval and a white triangle on a piece of paper and put gifts to the gods in the centers of these figures;

second, find a rubber ball and keep it under the bed.

If you dreamed that you were making a ball, you were doing the wrong thing. Take a few days off to figure out what needs to be changed.

Interpretation of dreams from