Fiberglass gossamer outdoor use. Types and application of fiberglass "cobweb

Preparing surfaces for painting is a complex business that requires high qualifications. But even this does not always save from the appearance of small cracks - the house sits down, the plaster dries unevenly. As a result, we have small gaps that spoil the appearance. Painting fiberglass is a material that makes it easier to prepare surfaces for painting, and also serves as a protection against small cracks.

Painting fiberglass - what is it and why

When the building shrinks or the plaster / putty dries out, small cracks form on the walls and ceiling. They spoil the appearance of painted surfaces very much. To prevent their formation when plastering, use a paint net. It reinforces the finishing materials preventing the formation of large cracks. Microcracks are fought with glass fiber painting. It is a thin nonwoven fabric made from many glass fibers of varying thickness. The fibers are interconnected chaotically, which prevents the appearance of cracks. There may be microcracks, but they are not visible. This determines the area of ​​application of the glass-fiber painting - to improve the quality of the finishing of walls and ceilings.

To keep the painted surfaces even and smooth, use a "gossamer"

The thickness of this material is small - it is translucent. Due to its appearance, it received the name "spider web". It is sold in rolls 1 meter wide, has a different density - from 20 g / m2 to 55 g / m2. The density is selected depending on the area of ​​application. For interior work, 30-40 g / m 2 are more often used.

Fiberglass is glued with glass fiber glue on more or less even walls. It successfully masks small cracks (up to 0.5 mm wide) and irregularities, creating an even surface. Therefore, this technology is becoming more widespread - it simplifies the preparation of walls for painting (putty), and the result is no worse. The same material can be glued to drywall. It successfully masks the joints and prevents the formation of cracks in these places. The main thing when gluing the seams of the fiberglass should be located away from the joints of the gypsum board.

Painting fiberglass is inconvenient to work - fiberglass is pricked, its smallest particles can get into the lungs. Therefore, it is necessary to work in protective clothing and, preferably, in a respirator. After it is glued on and hidden by several layers of finishing materials, there is no talk of any migration of fiberglass. In this state, it is absolutely harmless.

Application methods

Glue the painting fiberglass on a smooth gypsum plaster or on a layer of starting putty. According to the technology, after gluing, leveling is required with a thin layer of finishing putty (on the scraper), after - a primer, and then painting. With such a sequence of works, paint consumption is minimal; 2 layers of paint are enough for a good result. Despite the additional cost of filler, if you are using expensive paint, it is best to stick with this technique. Also this method is used if the paint is glossy or semi-glossy.

There is another approach. The cobweb is glued, after drying it is painted. No puttying. In the end, a good result is obtained - a slightly structured surface with a slight "furry". But the paint leaves a lot, and layers for a normal result have to be applied at least 4. The first pass the paint is absorbed very quickly, the consumption is 3-4 times more than the norm. At the same time, the appearance of the wall is unsatisfactory: in some places there is little paint, in some places - where they have passed the roller several times in one place - there is a lot of it.

The second layer of paint takes almost two times less, the view is slightly better. The consumption is reduced further, but not at the same pace. After 4 coats, the wall's appearance is already normal, but the total amount of the coloring composition is impressive.

To reduce paint consumption, after gluing, cover the glass fiber painting with a primer. It is possible in two layers. It will take a lot of primer, but much less paint. Moreover, even the first layer will fall well. For a good result, you will need 2-3 layers, but with a normal consumption. So this method is also not bad, but it can be used with matte or semi-matte paint.

Bonding technology

Painting fiberglass is glued to glass wallpaper glue. Good glue is important, but it doesn't have to be expensive. The gluing technology is very similar to wallpapering:

As you can see, nothing complicated. Only all operations must be carried out carefully, achieving the best result that you are capable of.

There are several nuances in terms of working conditions. The room should be free of drafts, the temperature should not be lower than + 15 ° C, the humidity should be within normal limits. Doors and windows are kept closed until the glue dries. If the sun is hot, it is better to curtain the windows. That's all, actually.

The cobweb fiberglass has proven itself as a finishing material and helped to get rid of many problems. Today, even in a new apartment, there are many problems with renovation. Cracks appear on the walls or ceiling, which are very difficult to get rid of. Even if they are plastered repeatedly, they will reappear. The cobweb mesh is designed to change the situation. The popularity of this material is growing more and more. Its use allows you to avoid possible problems in the future. And it is very simple to glue it. The main thing is to do everything right.

Fiberglass, one of the types of materials for putty or painting. It is a thin non-woven sheet that is pressed from fiberglass strands. It looks like a grid. This material is produced in a roll method, one meter wide and twenty and fifty meters long. It should be borne in mind that this material is not intended for fine finishing. Its area of ​​application is to protect surfaces from cracks.

The spider web has a density from 20 g / m2 to 60 g / m2. For painting, use a mesh of lower density, for reinforcement of a larger one. This material allows you to hide microcracks, and also allows the walls to breathe. The complete naturalness of the material does not violate the environmental situation of the room. When using it, the appearance of fungus is prevented, it does not react with chemicals. Can be used on objects with high humidity.

Fiberglass spider web gives increased strength to the base and prevents cracking

Areas of use

This material can be glued to any surface. It gives increased strength to plaster and putty. If necessary, it can be applied before staining. Very often, a cobweb is used before gluing wallpaper. But this can lead to the formation of bubbles, which appear due to the fact that the drying process takes a very long time.

You should know! The fiberglass has two sides - the seamy side and the front side. They differ in their structure, the front side is very smooth to the touch. The wrong side with villi, it sticks better. Although there is a correct division into parties, if they are confused, then there will be no special consequences. The main thing is to observe the right amount of glue and firmly press the material to the surface.

Glue mixture

The glue for the "cobweb" should be selected correctly. It needs a special one, which is designed specifically for this purpose. There is no need to try to save money and use other types of glue. This can lead to consequences that could not have been expected.

The glue is applied thickly, but without frills. It is very convenient that if there is not enough glue, and the mesh is already glued, then you can smear it on top - soak it. Cobweb mix has the following benefits:

  • the glue is completely environmentally friendly;
  • leaves no stains or marks;
  • final setting time - 2 days;
  • does not react to cold.

Cobweb mesh application rules

To glue the cobweb, special skills are completely unnecessary. It is important to follow the rules, which are quite simple. But if there is no experience, then it is best to practice a little. Do not take on large volumes of work right away. A little patience, and soon everything will turn out like real masters.

VIDEO: how to work with fiberglass

The process of applying fiberglass can be divided into several stages. Much depends on the correctness of their implementation.

  1. The surface on which this material will be glued is being prepared. It is advisable to remove all irregularities, they can cause bubbles. All dirt is washed off with a damp cloth.
  2. The adhesive is applied to the wall or ceiling. You shouldn't feel sorry for the glue, but you don't need to use it a lot either. The fact is that the process of applying the mesh is very similar to wallpapering. The same rules apply here.
  3. A pre-prepared mesh of a cobweb of the required width is applied to the surface. It is best to keep the front and back sides correct.
  4. The fiberglass is well smoothed. If you can't do it with your hands, you can use a soft cloth. The remaining air is expelled with a spatula. You should move from the middle to the edge. But it's important to be careful. The cobweb can be torn easily and should be avoided.
  5. Anything that sticks out is clipped. The glue is applied again. A well-impregnated leaf turns dark.
  6. The subsequent sheets should be properly overlapped. Drafts must be avoided. Otherwise, all the work will go to waste.

If the outer and inner corners are not perfect, then it is best to cut the mesh in these places. Then voids can be avoided. Cracks in the corners must be sealed with tape (paper). This should be done in the places where the walls and ceiling join.

Fiberglass and drywall

If the surface is made of plasterboard, preliminary preparation is required. All seams must be sealed with putty. It is important to know that the joints between drywall sheets and mesh should not match.

Unlike simple walls or ceilings, when the cobweb is glued with an overlap, you need to glue it to the drywall end-to-end. Pruning should also be avoided. If this is not observed, then cracks may form in these places.

Final stage

When it is completely dry, and this can take up to two days, you can start filling the surface. If painting is supposed, then it is better to use a fine putty. It should be applied in several layers. Each of the layers must be allowed to dry completely. After that, you can start sanding using a sandpaper. We must not forget that, as with simple painting, the walls or ceiling must be primed first.

Now more and more often they skip the stage with filling. This is replaced by applying a generous layer of glue. With the help of such a trick, it will be possible to reduce paint consumption. It should only be borne in mind that in this case, the mesh structure of the cobweb will be noticeable. It will be impossible to change this even if many layers of paint are applied. A smooth surface will not work.

Fiberglass has many advantages, but there are also minor disadvantages to consider. When cutting the mesh, small particles of fiberglass appear. Getting on open areas of the body, mucous membranes, they cause severe irritation. Therefore, work is carried out exclusively in special clothing, respirators.

But such minor shortcomings cannot negate the advantages that the spider web has. Its use allows you to avoid many unpleasant moments in the future. In addition, pasting it does not require special skills.

It often happens that the repair made does not please for long with an impeccable look. Painted or plastered surfaces are covered with a network of cracks, and the wallpaper begins to move away from the walls and become covered with “wrinkles”. Preliminary preparation of surfaces allows avoiding such problems - reinforcement (strengthening), leveling, application of a composition to improve adhesion - a rather large amount of work.

They can be replaced by gluing fiberglass based on fiberglass threads. It will strengthen the walls and ceiling, get rid of small cracks. The topcoat will lie flat, no defects will arise even if the walls of the building shrink.

The material is suitable for application in both residential and office, industrial premises. The main thing is to choose the right type of fiberglass.


Fiberglass is used for rough finishing to prevent cracking of the finishing material, its deformation during shrinkage. The material is nonwoven sheets based on fiberglass filaments that are compressed. Material release form - rolls 1 m wide. Material length - 20 and 50 m.

GOST dictates different thicknesses of threads and their interweaving in a chaotic manner, which provides a reinforcing effect. The density of the material is 20-65 g / m2. Depending on the purpose of the material, rolls of one density or another are selected. Fiberglass with a density of 30 g / m2 is optimal for interior work.

Due to its low density, the material looks like a translucent canvas, for which it received another name - "cobweb". Another name is glass-fleece.

A feature of the material is the presence of the front and back sides in it. The front side is located on the inner side of the roll, it is smoother. The back is more fuzzy for better adhesion to the surface.

Fiberglass can be attached to any type of surface, including for putty, painting, decorative plaster. Preventing cracking of the finish, the material allows the walls to "breathe".

Pros and cons

The main advantage of the material is the ability to eliminate cracks and deformations in the finish. The fiberglass has good adhesion, which ensures its tight adhesion to different types of surfaces.

The material is hypoallergenic, since it is based on natural ingredients(quartz or silicate sand), so it can even be used in childcare facilities. Thanks to good vapor permeability, it is possible to obtain "breathable" surfaces.

Among other "pluses" are the following:

  • good moisture resistance, so the material is suitable for use in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen);
  • fire safety, since the material is not flammable;
  • not affected by fungi, mold;
  • non-hygroscopicity of the material, due to which the optimal microclimate is always maintained in the room;

  • does not attract dust and dirt;
  • high density, which provides the effect of reinforcement and slight leveling of surfaces;
  • wide temperature range of use (-40 ... + 60C);
  • the ability to use on different types of surfaces, apply for painting, putty, wallpaper;
  • the ability to use on surfaces subject to increased vibration load;

  • wide scope - in addition to strengthening surfaces, fiberglass, like fiberglass, can be used in roofing and waterproofing works;
  • high elasticity and low weight, which simplifies the installation of fiberglass;
  • light weight.

The disadvantage is the formation of the smallest particles of fiberglass, which appear during the cutting and installation of the blade. They can cause burns if they come into contact with the skin. This can be avoided by protecting the exposed areas of the skin, and the respiratory organs with a respirator.

Fiberglass is often called a type of fiberglass. However, such statements are erroneous. The materials differ in production technology: glass fiber wallpaper is made of fiberglass by weaving, and fiberglass - from fiberglass threads by pressing. A similar difference also determines a different scope of application of materials: glass wallpaper is used for the finishing coat, while canvas is used to prepare the surface for further finishing.


Painting fiberglass can have different densities. Based on this, there are 3 groups of "cobwebs":

Density 25 g / m2

The material is ideal for gluing to the ceiling for painting, therefore it is also called ceiling. The light weight of the canvas does not load the surface and absorbs less paint. It can be used on a relatively flat ceiling with small cracks.

Density 40 g / m2

A multipurpose fiberglass, the use of which is recommended on surfaces more damaged by cracks than the ceiling. The performance characteristics allow the use of fiberglass of this density for walls, for ceilings finished with dilapidated plaster, as well as on surfaces with a high vibration load. The topcoat is also varied, plaster, paint, wallpaper, based on fiberglass coatings or non-woven.

Density 50 g / m2 or more

Technical features allow the material to be used in industrial premises, garages, as well as on surfaces subject to large destruction with deep cracks. This type of "cobweb" is the most durable, and its use is more costly. The costs are associated with the purchase of the material itself (the higher the density, the more expensive), as well as with the increased consumption of glue.


Today in the construction market you can find glass wallpaper of various brands. We offer you a selection of manufacturers who have won the trust of buyers.


The German company occupies a leading position in the production of fiberglass. Vitrulan is engaged in the production of wallpaper, including water-active, the assortment is replete with materials and tools for painting, as well as variations of fiberglass. The manufacturer also produces already painted canvases, fiberglass, which imitates fabric textures, has a varied relief.

Buyers note the high performance properties of the material and, importantly, the absence of fiberglass chips when cutting and installing the canvas. Finally, the manufacturer produces material with a wide variation in density - from 25 to 300 g / m2,

The company regularly updates its assortment offering innovative solutions. So, those who do not want to bother with glue can purchase glass cloth from the Agua Plus collection. It already contains an adhesive composition. It can be "activated" by wetting it with plain water. After that, the glue appears on the surface of the "spider web", it is ready for gluing.

Wellton and Oscar

The products are manufactured by the Alaxar production group, which unites leading companies from Germany, Finland, and Sweden. The main activity is the production of wall and ceiling coverings. In addition, related products and tools are produced.

The brand boasts a wide range of premium materials as well as more affordable options. Of the features - a wide selection of material in terms of density (from 40 to 200 g / m2), the ability to purchase material by meter, as well as its high performance properties, including the possibility of multiple staining.

Together with the fiberglass, you can pick up glue for fixing it from the same manufacturers, which is very convenient.

The cost of the material is lower (about 1,500 rubles per roll), but it tends to crumble, and therefore requires overalls for installation. There are minor defects on the surface of the fiberglass.

Of the domestic manufacturers, the products of the companies "Technonikol", "Germoplast", "Isoflex" deserve attention. The first manufacturer offers increased strength fiberglass, which is successfully used for the decoration of industrial premises, roofing insulation, as well as heavily damaged surfaces. The advantage of the majority of domestic glass fibers is their affordability.

The Russian manufacturer X-Glass is one of those who manufacture glass non-woven liners in accordance with European requirements. It is distinguished by its versatility of use, perfectly reinforces surfaces, hiding small and medium cracks and preventing the appearance of new defects. The brand's collection is not as diverse as compared to European competitors, but X-Glass products are notable for their affordability. In other words, this is an excellent option for low-cost repairs without compromising on the quality of the coating.


According to independent consumer ratings, the leading positions are occupied by glass fabrics of the Oscar brand, slightly inferior to them are the products of the Wellton company. Many users note that the cost of the roll is above average, but the higher price is compensated for by the impeccable quality of the material and the ease of its application.

Wellton fiberglass is actively recommended for stickers on ceilings and plasterboard surfaces., noting the ease of application, good adhesion rates, the ability to carry out subsequent finishing work on the next day. Among the disadvantages is the appearance of stabbing fiberglass particles during installation.

Those who are professionally engaged in apartment renovation strongly recommend using Wellton, especially in new buildings. It is important to carefully protect your hands and face from glass dust, ideally - wear protective clothing.

It is better to refuse to buy cheap Chinese and domestic glass fibers. The material creeps away under the action of glue, requires considerable effort to fix it, and with further painting at the joints it sometimes clings to the roller and lags behind the wall.

Preparatory work

Gluing fiberglass is a simple process that you can do yourself. Before starting work, make sure that your hands are protected with gloves and that your breathing organs are protected with a respirator. This is because fiberglass can form particles when cut. They can cause burns if they come into contact with the skin.

The use of the material begins with its cutting. The size of the piece of material you need is one that is comfortable to work with. As a rule, fiberglass is glued to the wall immediately from ceiling to floor. However, you can divide it into 2 parts and glue them one on top of the other. To fix the "spider web" on the ceiling, professionals recommend cutting a canvas no more than 1-1.5 m long.

Determine the front of the material before sticking it on. When the roll is unrolled, it will be inside. The outer side (to which the glue is applied) is rougher.

Also, at the stage of preparatory work, the glue should be diluted according to the instructions. Adhesives designed specifically for fiberglass should be used. Each type of canvas has its own glue. Adhesive for non-woven wallpaper is also suitable, it will hold glass fleece of any density.


Fiberglass is used in many types of construction and finishing works:

  • wall reinforcement for a better finish;
  • preventing the formation of cracks in the topcoat and masking existing cracks;
  • preparation of walls for decorative coating - when using fiberglass, you do not need to putty the surfaces with a finishing putty;
  • alignment of walls;

  • creation of original effects on the surface of the topcoat (for example, marble effect);
  • use in roofing works as a basis for bitumen mastic (special types of material are used that improve the adhesion of the roof and mastic);
  • pipeline protection;
  • waterproofing works - fiberglass is used to strengthen and protect polyethylene sheets;
  • organization of drainage systems.

The material is suitable for application to any surface - concrete, plasterboard, and can even stick on top of a layer of old paint (it is better to scratch grooves on it to improve adhesion).

The use of the "cobweb" is recommended especially for those surfaces that are exposed to constant mechanical stress. Wallpaper, paint and other materials, fixed on top of glass fiber, will last you longer without changing the original attractive appearance, even if the structure shrinks.

The glued web of "cobweb" allows you to abandon many operations. You do not need to prime the surfaces, you also do not need finishing puttying (if you do not plan to glue the wallpaper). If the walls are relatively flat, without potholes, then it is enough to fix the fiberglass.

The glued fiberglass dries quickly, and the application of subsequent finishing will be faster. This will save you time and effort on repairs.

It is ideal for under-ceiling applications as it will provide a flawless finish to your finish. The fiberglass mat glued to the outer corners will help to quickly and beautifully stick the wallpaper in this area.

When applying the glue to the fiberglass, it is best to apply it slightly wider than the material's width, as it absorbs the glue quickly. When gluing the canvas to the wall, iron it well with a clean rag, and when it "grabs" a little - run it with a spatula. This will help eliminate air bubbles from the space between the web and the base. After the fiberglass is securely attached to the wall, apply glue to the front side so that it darkens with the glue.

What is fiberglass for painting, not everyone knows: this innovative finishing material appeared on the market relatively recently and is actively gaining popularity due to its valuable properties. Like other types of modern materials, the cobweb painting fiberglass gives previously unavailable advantages in the process of finishing work.

Scope of the material

What it is? Fiberglass is a non-woven fabric obtained by pressing and consisting of the smallest glass fibers. This is a thin translucent material, therefore, in professional jargon, glass canvas painting is often called a cobweb.

Why do you need a glass canvas painting? It is guaranteed to avoid visible damage to walls and ceilings. The appearance of cracks on surfaces covered with plaster and putty is not always associated with the unprofessionalism of the workers who carried out the repairs. Cracking is due to the physical properties of traditional building materials, which shrink over time when exposed to dry air.

Another reason for cracking is the constant vibration that is common in homes next to a highway or railroad. Due to the appearance of cracks, the decorative coating had to be frequently renewed in the past.

The use of fiberglass allows you to get perfectly flat, durable and crack-free walls and ceilings.

Hypoallergenicity, fire safety, ease of use, durability and the ability to pass water vapor, due to which the decorated surfaces have optimal moisture, determine the more and more frequent use of the cobweb for reinforcing walls and ceilings.


Painting fiberglass is a light fibrous material obtained from natural raw materials, which is quartz sand.

Fiberglass spider web is supplied in rolls, the length of the canvas is 50 m, the width is 1 m.

The density of fiberglass varies from 25 to 50 g / m 2.

For walls, it is better to choose fiberglass with a higher density, and for the ceiling - less.

The use of the material is possible at temperatures from -40 to + 60 ° C, which makes it suitable for any climatic conditions.

The cobweb is breathable and hygienic: it does not electrify, does not accumulate dust, withstands wet cleaning, and mold and mildew do not form on it. The material does not emit harmful substances into the air and does not support combustion. All this, coupled with resistance to mechanical damage and the ability to quickly apply, gives the cobweb advantages over other types of finishing materials.

Precautionary measures

The cobweb fiberglass on the wall forms a hard wear-resistant coating that can be washed, but it acquires these qualities only in combination with glue. Before talking about being on the walls, you should take care of the precautions.

The material that has not yet been adhered is fragile enough that small particles can enter the respiratory tract. Once on the skin and mucous membranes, glass fibers cause irritation, therefore, when working, be sure to use a respirator, goggles and protective clothing.

It is possible to glue the cobweb only at a certain temperature (from + 15 to + 25 ° C) and an air humidity of no more than 60%. Drafts are unacceptable during the work, it is required to exclude direct sunlight.

How to properly glue glass fiber? It is necessary that the walls are pre-leveled and filled. Before gluing, you need to carefully fill and reinforce the seams between the plates and then make sure that they do not coincide with the boundaries of the glass sheets. The fiberglass mat is glued to the putty only after applying a deep penetration primer, which will avoid excessive consumption of the adhesive.

The technology assumes that the cobweb can only be glued with special compounds that do not contain starch, for example, Bostic, Oscar, Wellton adhesives produced by fiberglass manufacturers. The same compositions

It should be borne in mind that the material has a seamy and smoother front side: it is important not to confuse.

Sticking rules

You need to glue the material as follows:

  • cut the material into strips, according to the height of the walls with an allowance of up to 10 cm;
  • according to the instructions, prepare a solution from dry matter - the cooking time should not exceed 15 minutes (the ready-made solution is also sold, but it is much more expensive);
  • evenly, without gaps, apply glue to the wall or ceiling - with glue you need to cover an area slightly larger than the width of the first canvas;
  • strictly vertically, pressing with a roller or a flexible plastic spatula, glue the first sheet, - pasting begins from the corner closest to the window, the sheet is located end-to-end;
  • apply the next portion of glue and overlap attach the second canvas - so that the paint looks evenly, the pile on the canvases should be directed in one direction;
  • with a clerical knife, cut off the excess under the ceiling, above the floor and exactly along the joint (to get even, it is convenient to press a wide spatula to the borders and cut along its edge);
  • cover the glued canvases with glue on top - you need to stop when the color becomes uniform.

The video will tell you how to stick fiberglass cloths on the ceiling.

It is important that the room remains closed until the glue is completely dry. Draft can completely destroy the work results, causing the webs to peel off.

How to prepare fiberglass for painting

Masters are often interested in the questions: is it necessary to prime the fiberglass, and also whether it is necessary to putty the fiberglass and why is it done? It is not required to prime the coating before or to paint, because the walls have already been primed before gluing it. In addition, glue acts as a primer.

The question of whether puttying is necessary has no unambiguous answer. Fiberglass has a beautiful texture, which is sometimes preferable to preserve, but the paint consumption will be very high and at least 4-5 layers will be required. The paint will make the joints noticeable: even if they are made perfectly, their very presence will not at all decorate the room. It is better to putty the fiberglass before painting for another reason: small fibers can get into the air, which is harmful to health, and the putty completely excludes their penetration.

How to putty? There is no special putty on fiberglass, you can use any finishing mixture on a gypsum or polymer base, the main thing is that it is of good quality.

How to putty glass canvas painting? The technology has some features:

  • by the time the putty is applied, the glue must be completely dry;
  • if the cover was glued several days ago, it must be cleaned of dust;
  • the adjacent surface is protected with masking tape;
  • putty is applied in two layers at intervals of a day;
  • the thickness of the first layer should not exceed 2 mm;
  • the second layer should be as thin and completely overlap the first;
  • after drying, the putty is sanded with a bar with sandpaper with a grain size of no more than P150.

Fiberglass putty allows you to get a perfectly flat, durable surface.

Fiberglass painting

How to paint fiberglass? If it is decided to paint the fiberglass without prior filling, no priming is required, but its texture will be visible even under many layers of paint. And yet, painted walls or ceilings will look more attractive if they were previously filled; in this case, apply a primer. To paint walls, it is best to choose water-based paints that fit well and are easy to use.

Painting of fiberglass is carried out using the same technology as painting of other materials.

The paint is applied with a roller until there are no areas of uneven tone on the painted surface.

Is it possible on fiberglass? Yes, since this material is not a finishing material. Fiberglass under the wallpaper is a common finish, but before the final surface finish, you need to putty and prime.

Fiberglass is rarely used as a decorative coating, but it is irreplaceable as a reinforcing material. Its use will allow you to achieve a perfectly smooth surface, and cosmetic repairs will not take much longer.

Preparing surfaces for final finishing is a very responsible and time-consuming process. The result of the work is influenced by the experience of the master, as well as the cost of the materials used. Leveling and strengthening walls and ceilings requires a lot of effort, and it also takes a lot of time. The task can be simplified and money saved with an inexpensive and easy-to-use glass painting canvas.

What is this material

Painting fiberglass is one of the few materials for wall decoration, which combines many advantages and completely lacks disadvantages. Its uniqueness is given by the technology of production from quartz sand. It is melted, and the resulting finest threads are superimposed on each other, then pressed. Additionally, they use soda, lime, dolomite. The number, as well as the thickness of the threads, determine the density of the fiberglass. The result is a light, thin and strong canvas.

The surface is smooth on one side and rough on the other. It is convenient to paint the smooth side or apply a finishing layer of plaster. Rough - suitable for gluing to walls. Therefore, the material is often used by painters and plasterers. And because of the peculiar texture, the fiberglass got a second name - a cobweb, when it is glued to the wall, it turns out to be one whole. Cobweb-pasted chipboard, fiberboard, brick, stone, concrete and plasterboard walls breathe, so there are no prerequisites for the formation of mold.

Fiberglass is used when it becomes necessary to reinforce cracked walls, create a smooth surface for painting or wallpapering. First of all, the old ones are closed and the formation of new cracks is prevented. The result is smooth walls. Both options combine the creation of a strong, reinforced surface. The gossamer is suitable for leveling and strengthening the differences, seams and joints. Serves as a suitable base for decorative coatings such as Marseille wax and Venetian plaster.

Surfaces created with fiberglass are distinguished by a number of advantages:

  • resistance to chemical and mechanical stress;
  • do not absorb moisture, do not burn;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • do not electrify and do not attract dust;
  • suitable as a base for painting, finishing plaster of walls or ceilings;
  • service life not less than 35 years.

The cobweb is used in the repair and decoration of private interiors and public spaces.

Varieties and specifications

Painting fiberglass with a density of 25 to 50 g / m2 is used for finishing residential premises, public and small industrial premises. The material is made in a non-woven way, its types differ only in density and size. The translucent roll web does not have a pronounced pattern and relief. Used for renovations, as well as when decorating new premises. Rolls are sold with a width of 1 m, less often 50 cm.The standard roll length is 50 m.

Materials with a density higher than 130 g / m2 are an excellent reinforcing material. The cost is offset by excellent stress resistance and a perfectly smooth surface.

Density 25 g / m 2

It is lightweight, therefore the most fragile material. Care is needed when working, such fiberglass is easily torn. But, due to its low weight, it is convenient to glue it to the ceiling. Therefore, it is also called the ceiling spider web. Application is limited to ceilings and walls with small cracks and irregularities. There is an advantage - a small consumption of finishing materials: glue, paint and plaster.

Density 40 g / m 2

This is the golden mean of fiberglass. Popular for its versatility, price and durability. It is used to reinforce dilapidated plaster ceilings and most walls. Withstands vibration and significant mechanical stress. Hides most of the middle cracks, irregularities, depressions. You can paint, plaster, wallpaper. They are used in the decoration of homes and offices.

Density 50 g / m 2

Strong but expensive cobwebs. They can be used to fix surfaces with large cracks and depressions. It is used for residential premises and offices, small workshops, as well as garages with a high probability of mechanical damage. It differs from the previous ones in the increased consumption of materials. Therefore, pasting and painting will cost more due to the cost of the cobweb itself, glue and paint.

Elite glass fiber painting is produced with a density of 130 to 215 g / m 2. The weight is compensated for by the simplicity of pasting and the possibility of application on any ceilings and walls. Thick canvas is easy to cut and hard to tear. Hides and strengthens most cracks and depressions. It is produced with a surface primed for painting, and the wrong side is covered with glue. The use of primed materials saves time and money on primer and painting.

Famous manufacturers

In the Russian market, glass canvas painting is not uncommon; there are many offers from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Among them, the first positions are occupied by companies that produce not only cobweb, but glass wallpaper, adhesives, primers.

The following manufacturers stand out:

  1. Vitrulan Germany... Produces a cobweb from 25 to 300 g / m 2. For German quality, Vitrulan buyers have to pay a lot of money - a cheap roll costs at least 2,000 rubles, an elite primed VPP 200 SX-JV costs 14,500 - 15,000 rubles.
  2. Wellton Sweden... Production is located in Finland and Germany. The products are cheaper than the Vitrulan competitor. So a roll of 1 x 50 m of the Economy W30 brand will cost 1100 - 1200 rubles, and 1 x 25 m of the primed WP 200 brand is already 2600 - 2700 rubles.
  3. Oscar China... Of course not without the ubiquitous Chinese. The products are positioned as an analogue of Wellton. Good quality fiberglass at an average price. The cost of 50 m 2 of Light rolls with a density of 25 g / m 2 is in the range of 1000 - 1150 rubles, a 50 gram one will not cost much more from 1200 to 1250 rubles.
  4. X-Glass Russia... Russian brand that produces glass fiber of European quality. The assortment is still small, but it has low prices. Depending on the characteristics, a roll of standard sizes costs from 400 rubles with a density of 25 g / m2, up to 550 rubles of material with a density of 50 g / m2.
  5. Nortex manufactures products in China and the Czech Republic. A cheap material of 25 g / m2 will cost only 610 - 630 rubles for a 50 meter roll, and a pigmented U180 costs more than 3000 rubles.

Scope of application

Protection against large cracks

Protection against such cracks can only be high density glass fiber from 130 to 215 g / m 2. In this case, a durable smooth material will not only protect against the appearance, but will make the existing cracks safe. It will also serve as a decorative surface. A less durable cobweb will only mask existing surface defects and prevent the formation of small network-like cracks.

Protection against small cracks

It will protect fiberglass of any density from small single and network-like cracks. A cobweb, glued to the cracks that have appeared, hides defects, reinforces, decorates the surface. It is used on drywall, putty, plaster and other materials. Where cracking is possible due to shrinkage or thermal deformation of the building.

Decorative function

Smooth and durable fiberglass, depending on the condition of the base, can completely replace the putty or finishing paint layer. It is very convenient to use it instead of wallpaper for painting, in this case it gives the surface the effect of a chaotic elegant pattern. In addition, the cobweb serves as a strong and smooth base for applying decorative types of plasters. In any application of this material, a smooth surface is obtained, pleasant to the eye and to the touch.

Gluing technology

Fiberglass is simple and easy to use. Gluing will not cause difficulties for those who previously had to glue wallpaper.

Small particles of not adhered cobweb, if they enter the respiratory tract, mucous membranes or skin, cause itching and irritation. Therefore, the use of a respirator, overalls, goggles is mandatory.

The gluing conditions are the same as when working with wallpaper, namely:

  • eliminate drafts in the room from the beginning of work to drying of the surfaces;
  • ensure air humidity not more than 60%;
  • exclude direct sunlight on the canvas;
  • ensure a constant temperature, which is indicated in the instructions for the glue, plaster and paint.

Surface preparatory work

Ceilings and walls must first be putty, then primed. An exception can be made for small cracks, the painting fiberglass will still close them. It is better to putty on large and deep potholes. After drying, the surface must be smoothed with sandpaper. Primed with a weak glue solution or primer. Manufacturers recommend using deep penetration latex formulations.

As a result, before gluing the fiberglass, a relatively flat surface should be obtained, reinforced with a deep penetration primer.

Bonding material

The choice of glue doesn't offer many options. To ensure the quality of the material, you should not save on the purchase of glue. Painter's canvas manufacturers offer branded adhesives, and there are also third-party adhesives on sale. The best purchase would be a means for fiberglass or fiberglass.

For work you will need:

  • scissors;
  • container for glue;
  • a spatula for mixing glue;
  • thread roller (maklovitsa);
  • a piece of dry, clean cloth;
  • plastic spatula for smoothing the cobweb;
  • wide metal spatula 20 - 40 cm;
  • paper knife;
  • table, stepladder.

The cobweb is cut easily, you need large scissors for this. Cloths for walls are cut with a margin of 10 cm. It is harder to stick to the ceiling, so ceiling canvases can be cut to lengths of 1.5 m. Short sections are easier and better fit.

When cutting, mark the front side of the material. Fiberglass is glued only with a rough seamy side.

After cutting the material, you need to prepare the glue according to the instructions, then proceed to pasting.

Pasting of plasterboard walls with painting fiberglass has a peculiarity. It is necessary to ensure that the borders of the canvases do not coincide with the seams of the drywall sheets. Then the spider web will close and strengthen the joints of the sheets. The canvases are glued only end-to-end, so as not to cut through the paper layer of drywall when trimming.

The work is done in the following order:

  1. Pasting starts from the corner. Apply the glue to the wall with a fur roller or a brush, along the width of the canvas, with a margin of 5 cm. Considering the density of the cobweb, the layer should be uniform and thick, at least 1.5 mm. Excess will come out when leveling through the pores of the material and will serve as an additional primer for paint or plaster.
  2. On the surface to be pasted, make markings for the size of the canvases. On the walls, it is enough to mark vertical lines along the width of the roll.
  3. Apply the canvas to the wall or ceiling surface and smooth with a herringbone movement from the middle to the edges. This is done with a plastic spatula.
  4. Cut off excess material from the bottom and top with a paper knife, pressing the edges with a metal spatula.
  5. The following canvases are glued in the same way. On broken, curved walls, fiberglass can be glued with an overlap maintaining vertical orientation. To do this, you need to apply glue to the wall with a small allowance along the already glued canvas. Overlap the second and smooth. Using a metal spatula with a paper knife, cut through two blades to remove excess. Go over the joint with a plastic spatula.
  6. After finishing the work, the remaining adhesive can be thinned and primed on the glass mat.

Painting or putty of the resulting surface is carried out no earlier than three days later.

How to paint fiberglass

The dried surface is painted with any acrylic, latex or vinyl interior paint.

It should be borne in mind that in order to save paint, it is advisable to additionally prime the fiberglass.

There are two color options:

  1. Right on the canvas.
  2. After plastering.

In the first case, painting without putty gives the walls an unusual look. The painting cobweb has a unique, barely noticeable and disorderly pattern. After painting, the wall gets a beautiful decorative texture. This option can be used if the canvases are glued perfectly and the joints are invisible. The downside will be the increased paint consumption. You will need to apply 3-4 coats.

The second option is used to get a flat surface. A thin layer of sandless finishing putty is applied on top of the cobweb. The material consumption is small, but the surface will turn out to be smooth and the cost of painting will decrease. The putty surface is sanded, primed, and painted after drying.

In both versions, painting is done in the same way as for other plastered walls and ceilings. The best tool is a short nap roller. The paint is applied in several thin layers, until a uniform color is obtained over the entire surface.

The resulting coating will hide defects in the base and will be protected from cracking. Excellent appearance and long service life are guaranteed. The cobweb can be painted well, serves as the basis for ordinary or decorative plaster. Repairs using fiberglass require a minimum of effort, but at the same time maximum time between repairs is guaranteed.