Establish a connection with the home. How your spiritual development affects your connection with higher powers

The Higher Self is your personal God. People often pray to different gods, call on different Teachers with requests for help and guidance. But for some reason they forget that each of us has our own personal God - our Higher Self. The Higher Self is you yourself in all the fullness of your capabilities. It is the driving force behind all your actions.

Your Higher potential is your Higher Self, which exists here and now. We reveal our potential throughout our life, while we are growing, while we are developing, acquiring experience, we can establish a connection with our Higher Self.

Sometimes we already have all the necessary information for a vital breakthrough Here and Now, we just need to feel ourselves.

How often we do not understand what is happening in our life, we do not see our unconscious desires, we can do what we don’t want to do, or don’t know what to do, how to act in a given situation. It is at this moment that the Higher Self helps us find the path to ourselves, to our best life.

Our Higher Self is the Supreme Essence that exists outside this world, the Essence of a very high level, possessing information about everything. And not only possessing information, but also possessing enormous capabilities.

First, it awakens feelings and desires in us, then we begin to build goals on the way to achieving what we want, and we see concrete actions that will subsequently lead us to the best thing we unconsciously strive for. This is the thread from which we draw vitality.

You cannot perceive the Higher Self as something separate from us. It is also us, this is also our I, but at a higher level, in another dimension, with a different, higher consciousness. The Higher Self pays little attention to a person until he awakens spiritually.

And even when a person is awakened, but he is guided by the ego, the Higher Self more often than not just observes and allows you to make mistakes. In the event that such a person is faced with the task of spiritual development, the Higher Self will create difficult situations in his life, pushing him towards development.
And if this does not help, then the Higher Self can lead him to a dead end in life, when all spheres of life begin to fall apart.

It is in such situations that you need to rethink your life. And if a person no longer holds on to his ego, if he understands that the Higher Self knows better how to build his life, then life is getting better very quickly.

Many people are confident that they have contact with the Higher Self, that they hear it. But often this is not the case, they hear, at best, their own thoughts, and at worst, astral entities.

The Higher Self helps only those who are working on themselves, who are learning awareness, who are developing.
If a person does not learn anything, constantly steps on the same rake and only requires help from the Higher Self, it will not help. We must definitely go through our part of the path so that the Higher Self is interested in us and helps us.

People who work with the Higher Self begin to experience real miracles, the insights that they have, the help that they begin to receive in various situations from their higher aspect, and about simply wonderful, magical gifts from the Higher Self that can really be called real miracles.

It is with the help of the Higher Self that we can unite the material and the spiritual. The Higher Self can manifest itself through us in the material world, and it will do this if we properly build a relationship with it.

What do you need to do to feel your Higher Self?

To feel your Higher Self, you need to be a conscious person, you need to understand yourself, perceive yourself as a Soul, be in harmony with yourself and the world. The Higher Self cannot be seen with earthly vision, it can only be felt, let it in. It is necessary to look into yourself, to feel yourself in all planes, at the deepest levels of consciousness and subconsciousness.

It will not be difficult for every person with a sufficiently developed soul to establish contact with the Higher Self. Just as now, the most favorable time for this is when the curtain between the real world and the spiritual world is ajar for everyone. Feel the Divine Flow. The moment of meeting with the Higher Self will become for you one of the most spiritual moments in life. You will feel an unimaginable flow of love energy passing through you.

When can you turn to the Higher Self?

You can turn to your Higher Self whenever you want, when you are happy and when your soul is sad, when you need to find an answer to a life situation. The Higher Self can tell you the path through life, help you go through all the hardships and barriers. To gain a connection with the Higher Self, you need to tune in to the desired frequency, as in many activations, you need to start with meditation.


Get into a meditation posture in a comfortable place. Begin to breathe, concentrating on your breath, feel the air pass through your nostrils, how the walls of the abdomen stretch and take the opposite position. Stop the internal monologue, concentrate only on the breath.

As you enter your habitual meditative state of silence, begin to visualize the meadow you are walking along. Be sure that you will meet your Higher Self and it will be so. Imagine a cozy house, and go into it, it is there that you will meet the Higher Self. It can be a light, an image, a symbol of something familiar to you. Greet your Self and feel the immense flow of love from it.

If you are ready for a more specific contact and want to know something specific, ask your Higher Self to convey a message to you. Most likely it will be a stream of thoughts that will pour into your head. At first you will think that these are other people's thoughts, not yours, but then awareness will come to you and you will find the answer to your question. The main thing is to trust this process at this moment and not be distracted.

Try to return as often as possible during your meditations to this sacred place in order to know yourself. This can be a ritual for you, communication with the Higher Self, which knows everything about you and leads you arm in arm through life.

If you again find yourself in the maelstrom of everyday affairs, try to find time to return to your meadow, to reach the house in which your Higher Self will always be waiting for you. It will remind you of how true and whole you are. Feel the flow of energy, love, support of your Self.

After your contact with the Higher Self acquires stability and constancy, you will be able to hear his voice without meditation, but at any time of your being. Your Higher Self knows everything about you, about every talent that can be revealed, about every deed that has ever been performed, about all your lives. The Higher Self also knows your future, which means you know it too, it will gladly keep up a conversation with you, and will answer any of your questions that suggest your Path.

How to distinguish - with whom you can contact, and with whom you should not?

Here you need to know several rules or regulations that should be followed until you learn to independently distinguish - with whom you are in contact, namely:

  1. Essences of Light, including your Higher Self, never give negative information, do not name the dates or dates of upcoming bad events, do not stir up fear or anxiety.
  2. Essences of Light do not predict your future, for in this case you are deprived of the opportunity to choose.
  3. The Essences of Light do not give guidance as to what exactly and how you should do, since this deprives you of the opportunity to gain your experience.
  4. It is best to practice question-and-answer dialogue when you ask questions. In this case, the question should be asked in such a way that it could only be answered "yes" or "no".
  5. Don't ask questions like: “What is the right thing for me to do in such and such a case, like this or that?”, No one will decide or make a choice for you. If you are answered such a question, then these are not the "comrades" who should be trusted.
  6. It is more correct to ask this: "If I do this and that in this situation, will it correspond to the fulfillment of my individual plan of evolutionary development?" Any answer to such a question leaves you the right to make a decision and, accordingly, your karmic responsibility for your decision.

Readers often ask about how to strengthen their connection with the higher powers, the Divine - the connection with the Higher Self, spiritual mentors and their spiritual family.

Here are not answers to all questions, but just thoughts on how be in touch with your senior management, which can greatly help us in our travels.

With an increasing number of souls beginning to awaken, it seems that this can be very beneficial.

You are always in touch, but ...

In the beginning, you need to understand that you are never alone: ​​you may not feel it, but you always connected with your higher self, spiritual mentors, and a spiritual family.

They are always listening and always answering you and sending messages. The only question is whether you accept these messages or not, whether you hear the information transmitted to you.

The communication mode can be different. Some people can literally HEAR messages - they hear the sounds of words (this is called clairaudience).

But most of us don't have that kind of clairaudience, at least not yet.

For the bulk of people, communication and guidance coming from their Higher Self and mentors come in the form of intuition: unexpected thoughts that, as it were, accidentally come to mind; ideas that suddenly pop into your head and the feelings associated with them.

Keep in mind that the spirit usually communicates with us in a whisper - a gentle whisper in our head and our heart, it will almost never scream.

His messages are so subtle that it is very easy not to hear them or brush them off as our imaginations.

Many people are so busy and their analytical minds chatter so loudly that they do not notice or hear the subtle messages emanating from the spirit.

Even if they do find them, their rational minds are likely to reject or ignore these messages.

Therefore, it seems that we have no connection! Indeed, there is no actual connection, but only because you were unable to receive the messages.

Another way of communicating the spirit with you is through signs and symbols transmitted to you by the outside world.

Often this mode of communication is more specific and unambiguous than the messages coming through your intuition, and the spirit uses it as an auxiliary channel of communication when appropriate.

As usual, you must pay attention and trust what you see and feel for such a channel to be effective.

Let's first explore the reasons why you are not receiving your intuitive messages and what you can do to remedy the situation.

Top 3 Reasons Why You Don't Get Messages

The first three reasons why you are not receiving messages sent to you are:

1. You don't notice them because you are too busy and distracted.
2. You cannot hear them because they are drowned in too much mental noise.
3. You distrust them and simply ignore or reject them.

Let's look at each reason in more detail and discuss the findings.

Being busy and distracted

People often do not notice the intuitive messages emanating from the spirit because they are too busy and their attention is distracted by hectic daily life.

They are immersed in affairs, problems and events; interaction with friends, family, colleagues; into any other options for worries, and they simply do not pay attention to the messages from the spirit.

These messages are usually very subtle, so you really have to strain your attention to recognize them.

We are all busy people to one degree or another, and we can be very busy at certain times - this is not unusual.

But if you want to have a good connection with the spirit, you still need to try to set aside some quiet and secluded time, preferably every day.

A short period of time when you slow down, relax, and you have the opportunity to hear and feel the connection and messages that come from this.

It could be some form of daily meditation if that kind of activity resonates with you. Any quiet time will work: solo walks, jogging, gardening, whatever.

Anything that you enjoy doing, that relaxes you, leads to relative thoughtlessness, allows the relatively subtle thoughts and feelings of your intuition to be heard.

If you can't find time for solitude on a daily basis, then don't worry - every other day is also good.

In my personal case, sitting still and still is not for me, so meditation is not for me. I prefer secluded walks in nature and in the mountains. I don't do this every day, but quite often.

Exercise and being outdoors seem to revitalize me, and some of my best ideas, inspirations, and explicit messages come to me during and after.

What works best for you? Please share in the comments below because you can help other people with your ideas.

2. Mental noise

People often do not hear the messages from the spirit because their minds are preoccupied with solving the problems of everyday life.

The constant chatter of our analytical and egoistic mind is psychic noise that can drown out incoming messages delivered through our intuition.

Messages from the spirit are as quiet as a whisper, and can easily be further weakened by our thoughts, fears and worries.

Take time regularly to calm your mind so that you can hear guidance and information from your Higher Self and guides.

Any quiet time will work, but the less physical sensory stimuli the better.

Of course, meditation serves this purpose very well if it resonates with you.

It turns off the volume of our mind and reduces anxiety, stress and anxiety, which are the main sources of noise and prevent us from hearing divine messages.

In meditation, you turn off the outer world and plunge into the inner world, which is your portal to the field of consciousness and facilitates listening to messages from the spirit.

The immortal essence of all beings is pure consciousness, and we are all part of a single field of consciousness, which is why immersion in oneself is important for getting in touch.

If meditation is not working for you, then use whatever allows you to relax and calm your mind. Absolute Zen, such as complete detachment, is not required.

Often, any repetitive, relatively easy, non-mental task that you enjoy can serve this purpose.

Calming Your Mind any way on a regular basis is the best first step. This will allow you to hear relatively subtle thoughts and feelings from your intuition.

3. Distrust of your intuition

Perhaps the biggest problem with receiving messages from Spirit is that you notice incoming messages, but your rational mind rejects or ignores them.

You do not have a sense of trust that they are meant for you and that they are meaningful to you. This is one of the main reasons why people do not feel like they have a connection with the spirit.

They notice messages, but immediately ignore or reject them because their rational mind does not understand and distrust intuitive communication, or considers these thoughts and feelings impractical, unrealistic, stupid, or something else.

Developing trust in your intuition

To create a functional channel of communication with the spirit, you must learn to trust your intuition.

This is very difficult for many because of the rational approach that our culture cultivates in us.

You cannot expect that the process of communicating with the spirit will follow rational rules: a rational model of the world was developed based on the study of the material world, and in this case we are not dealing with the material world.

Try to keep an open mind and pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings, as well as to the things that you see and hear around you.

First, it is really helpful to know that your Higher Self and mentors are always in touch with you and their main way of communicating with you is through your intuition.

You must believe that you are being listened to and answered. And you must believe that you are capable of receiving answers.

Don't expect this trust to be developed overnight. This happens, but more often it may take a while.

If you set the intention to achieve the best connection, this will certainly happen.

Go ahead and tell your Higher Self, guides, and spiritual family (aloud or in your mind) that you want to establish ongoing contact with them.

Then all you have to do is start paying attention to your thoughts and feelings and what is happening around you.

Most likely, the beginning will be small coincidences and synchronicities. Make it a habit to observe and write them down.

Also make it a habit to ask questions about your concerns. Start with some little thing that you want to happen that day.

The goal is to make small successes that will build your confidence that your channel of communication with the spirit is open and working.

After asking for help with something, pay attention to what appears.

Sometimes the answer comes in the form of what you desire. Another time a helpful person will appear, or you may stumble upon some useful information.

Often the answer will be as an inspirational idea or thoughts in your head.

Sometimes it will be obvious that the idea comes from the spirit, because there was absolutely no precedent for this idea in your previous thinking - it just came like snow on your head.

Believe that these are truly messages from the spirit intended for you, and allow yourself to gain confidence and experience in how the communication with the spirit happens.

Ask them to send you a sign of their presence.

One way to build your conviction and trust is to simply ask them send you a sign of their presence.

They will give you the sign they know is the best to convince you. This can be very personal as they know you better than you know yourself.

Some of the traditional signs that your angelic guides might suggest are simple to the point: they put a coin or feathers in your path, perhaps repeating this several times.

But honestly, it could be anything, so keep your mind open and pay attention.

Another way they can show their presence around you is with repeating numbers.

If you see numbers such as 11:11, 444, or any other number that appears repeatedly and frequently, or in rapid succession in a way that sounds incredible, then it looks very much like this high-five greeting on the other side.

Duplicate numbers are the way my mentors initially grabbed my attention.

After realizing that I had noticed their frequent and incredible repetitive numbers, they helped me stumble upon the book Angel of the Numbers 101, which explains what they mean.

As the book points out, not only do your mentors receive your attention with repeating numbers, but they can be used as code messages and are an alternative channel of communication that complements and backs up your intuition.

Ask for a sign of presence you can not only when initially trying to establish a connection. You can do this whenever you feel that your connection is weakening or if doubts come to you, and you need to be confident in their presence.

They will be very happy to give you a sign of their presence any time you need confirmation.

They want you to trust their messages and they know how important it is for you to trust their presence.

I've done this myself many times. Sometimes I’m busy or stressed and distracted by my work and the world, and I start to feel like I’m disconnected.

When I'm in this state, I just say out loud, "You guys know (this is how I call my mentors - you guys), I feel really disconnected and it would be very reassuring to receive a sign of your presence."

The sign always comes, and sometimes in the most amazing and delightful way!

Here's an outline of how to manage your primary channel of communication with spirit through your intuitive channel. But there is an alternative communication channel that you should be aware of.

Alternative communication channel - external signs and symbols

Another way of delivering messages is through the use of signs and symbols in the outside world.

Your mentors often use this mechanism by presenting you with an image or symbol, a word or phrase, a song, meaningful numbers, or anything else that serves as a symbolic message.

They can appear on license plates, road signs, music is playing on the radio and the like.

Unfortunately, most of the time people don't even pay attention to these things. If they accidentally notice something, they usually write it down as a meaningless coincidence.

Start paying more attention to the symbols in the world around you and your first impressions of what they might mean. With practice, you can perfectly recognize them and begin to trust this symbolic channel of communication.

Start asking questions and pay attention to the form in which the answer comes: it may appear through your intuition, as a guess or an inspired idea, but it can also come as a sign or symbol.

For example, you can see a license plate with some relevant and meaningful words on it, which you feel like the answer is - trust your feelings and message.

Strengthening the connection

With trust, patience and practice, using the methods described above, you will firmly strengthen your channel of communication with the Divine, as many thousands upon thousands have already done.

Plus the many others that go online every day, and one of them will be you.

The spirit rejoices when each of us is aware and then firmly establishes a connection with the divine.

This allows them to start guiding us more effectively, and this is what they signed up to and agreed to do for us when we decided to dive into embodiment in the Earth game.

Thus, they can finally fulfill their goal to the fullest - it is very useful and satisfying for them!

If you have anything you would like to add to this, I would love to hear it, and I am sure other readers would also.


How wonderful life is when you are not alone. When there are people around you who understand your lifestyle, share your thoughts and dreams.

But you are never alone, you are always together with your higher aspects. They see everything you do, hear everything you think about, and feel everything that worries and makes you happy. And so it is, my dears.

And how wonderful it would be if you too could feel them, could use their knowledge, wisdom, be filled with their love, get support ...

And I still say, my dears, that this is possible! Although many of you still do not believe in this. They believe that they do not have the ability to communicate with their higher mind, with the Higher Self, with the Soul ...

They believe that they cannot yet, they are not ready to do it, putting obstacles in their path, blocks with these words ... But you ALL are capable of this!

And many of you daily receive information from your higher mind, but do not even know about it, do not understand that they already have this communication.

Someone uses the received wisdom, while someone does not trust it and prefers standard human templates, the desires of the system ...

But how do you know that you are already communicating with your highest particle, how do you recognize these words?

Your Soul is you, your Higher Mind is you, your Higher Self is you ... And they do not come from outside, they are inside you, a part of you ... They manifest themselves through sublime divine feelings, emotions and thoughts.

They respond to you from within your being, rather than speaking in your ear. Their answers are very similar to your thoughts ...

When your human mind is silent, and wise thoughts appear and appear in your head - these are the words of your higher mind.

They manifest as an inner awareness, an insight that you did not have before.

Your higher aspects offer you the perfect solution to your problem, a divine solution that will benefit all and be filled with love.

And these thoughts come very first, and only then your human mind, ego wakes up and begins to dispute this truth, confuse you ...

Dear ones, remember what always comes first. Often this the words of your soul

All answers must be listened to with your Heart, to feel with your whole being. Your senses will never be deceived, they will always give you the correct clue for your discernment between truth and falsehood.

But this needs to be learned ... And this takes time, patience and practice ... You have learned to see the Light in the midst of darkness, and you can hear your higher mind, and many have already.

And to consolidate the material, I offer you the following practice.

PRACTICE "Easy question"

Prepare a simple question:

  • which does not require a global response,
  • which cannot be answered with one word "yes" or "no",
  • to which you do not know the answer, so that it does not prevent you from hearing the truth.

Sit or lie down in a calm and quiet environment. Clear your mind of all your thoughts using (command your mind to disperse thought clouds so that it is busy and does not distract you) or another technique, at your discretion.

Someone can enter a meditative state, but this is not necessary. You must learn to hear the answers in everyday life.

Relax and do not tune in to the result, let go of everything. It doesn't matter whether you hear the answer now or not, the main thing is that you strive, it takes time ...

With your excessive expectation, you put a block on receiving information from your higher aspects. You now have no one to prove your achievements, you are already beautiful, you are ...

In a completely relaxed state, in an inner deep silence, ask your question.

Now listen to the silence ... silent ... and with a sense of truth comes the answer from your higher mind. It is quiet, quiet ...

You can hear only one word or phrase at the beginning. The full text is necessary to learn to hear, to receive, training is needed.

Dear ones, remember that each of you has a connection with the higher aspects, since it is an inseparable part of you, even if you do not feel it yet.

Your loving God the Father.

Received by Magda, 03.06.2016

Copyright © Magda NEW LIFE, 2016

The voice and frequency of your Divine, fully opened eternal “I”, your direct connection with the Creator, God. This is the most powerful, concrete, loving and direct connection with everything that you desire, what you need to learn and contribute to.

The main task of other guides and angels is to help you strengthen your conscious so that it, and not your limited, fear-based ego, rules your life. Other guides fade into the background when your Higher Self sees through your eyes, interacts with others, makes decisions, and evaluates your progress.

The voice of your Higher Self, unlike other guides, is the real you, guiding you. When you are connected to your Higher Self, there are no more voices in your head. You are solely focused on becoming a more creative and joyful being. Your ego problems fade into the background when your heart opens up.

You can look to your other mentors as messengers and trainers to help you through life and guide you to your true self. Your Higher Self, on the other hand, is not a messenger, but the highest expression of you. Your guides are intermediaries, and your Higher Self is the direct source of who you really are. The job of your guides is to connect you to your Higher Self, and the job of your Higher Self is to connect you to God.

When working with your mentors, you should not put your life in their hands. When you communicate with the Higher "I", it will be not only right, but also desirable to give it your power, since it is not some external source, but the real you.

A client of mine asked me if he needed all the other mentors if his Higher Self is so powerful. No, they are not needed. Their only role is help, support, companionship, and joy. They help you on your journey in life, but their presence is optional. On the other hand, you definitely need the Higher "I". Without it, you will be lost, mired in fear and anxiety, and this will be confirmed by everyone who has lost contact with their Higher Self or are not familiar with it. Your ego takes over, doubts and fears devour you. Despite the ego's best efforts to avoid such a fate, it will never be able to avoid death. Even if you become rich, famous and powerful, you cannot avoid death. The more the ego strives for this, the worse you feel.

The ego loves control, so it isolates you from others through stories, evaluations, and judgments about yourself and others. It uses every means it can to ensure you don't feel vulnerable and ask for advice. In addition, the ego's actions are so tedious and fruitless that they leave very little energy for you to enjoy all the wonders of life. You become weak, tired, sick and old very quickly. There is nothing you can do about it - if your life is controlled by your limited and fear-driven ego, then you will ruin your whole life.

The only antidote to this deadly soul disease is to connect with the voice and vibrations of your Higher Self and let it guide you. This is the part of you that will never die, but lives forever and simply.

How to contact your Higher Self? The first step is to muffle the voice of your ego. You know what voice I'm talking about. He utters loud words, accuses, defends himself, condemns, justifies, complains, does not forgive, never forgets, expects the worst and does not trust anyone. Until this voice stops, you will not hear your Higher Self.

Your Higher Self is softer than all other guides, at least at first, during the first communication. Once you contact him, the signal will get stronger and stronger until it becomes difficult for you to ignore it. It's like trying sugar for the first time: it's sweet, alluring and so desirable that you want more.

The best way to hear your Higher Self and calm your ego is through meditation, in which it is advisable to spend 10-15 minutes daily in order to calm your brain, alleviate your fears and consciously shift the center of your attention. This is not difficult. You just need to cut off the connection with the outside world for this time and turn inward, to your breath, slowly inhaling in four counts and exhaling in four counts. That's all.

If your mind is unable to focus, don't be discouraged. Just keep breathing rhythmically. This is a simple exercise, but it takes discipline and practice. The mind doesn't want to be controlled, so it will fight you. You must be prepared for this and persist in doing it every day, ideally at the same time. The more you exercise on a schedule, the easier it becomes. Your subconscious mind will adapt to such a regime, and will automatically obey your intention. If you persist, then in a couple of weeks you will look forward to this time.

Second, start doing what I call meditation practices. In other words, do something that soothes your mind — take a walk, fold your clothes, tie, work in the garden, or paint — take your mind off the conversation and give yourself a break.

These two exercises will always establish a connection with your Higher Self. They will help you believe that you have a Higher Self that can successfully direct and take full responsibility for your life, and help you stop giving away your power or blaming others for controlling your life. By contacting your Higher Self, you immediately begin to understand when you have gone astray. It can send you a signal through your body, knocking on your heart, reaching out to your hindbrain, purring in your belly until you pay attention. In this way, your Higher Self makes it difficult for you to feel good and calm if you stray off course. Like a pebble in a shoe or a splinter in a finger, your Higher "I" causes you irritation and discomfort when you cease to be your true, loving, eternal "I".

Unfortunately, many people prefer to live with these unpleasant sensations, ignoring them, or incur various problems, trying to drown these feelings and distracting themselves with external worries or even bad habits.

When you decide that you do not want to ignore these signals anymore, as soon as you decide to do anything to get back on the right path, on that day your connection with the Higher Self will work to the fullest. And on the day when you surrender your ego to the Higher Self, your life will begin to improve.

Another way to install connection with the Higher "I"- train your subconscious mind so that it bypasses your ego, and you entrusted your life to the Higher Self, simply repeating aloud: “Subconsciousness, now and always take me to my Higher Self”. When you feel anxious, frustrated, threatened, angry, hurt, confused, revengeful, or insignificant, use this phrase.

To further strengthen the connection, every morning, before opening your eyes, say: "The subconscious mind, let my Higher Self, and only that, guide me on this day."

My friend Nelson used this strategy when he was about to end his failed marriage. And although he and his wife agreed that it was time for everyone to go their own way, their ego was unhappy. The most difficult decision was to sell the house and split the money equally. On the day they put the house up for sale, they were asked to pay the full price in cash with two conditions - if they accepted the offer within two days and vacated the house within a month. Nelson was ecstatic, ready to start a new life. He was sure his wife felt the same way. Instead, she refused to cooperate. He was furious - after all, it was she who first wanted a divorce. Afraid of missing out on a deal, his ego wanted to push his wife as hard as it could. He called me and asked what to do.

I advised him to address this problem to the Higher Self.

But I don’t have time, ”he replied. - We have to give an answer to the buyer tomorrow. Reaching out to my Higher Self is great, but how can it convince my wife to make a deal?

Turn to your Higher Self, I repeated. He was silent for a full five minutes.

What does it advise you? I asked.

Do nothing, ”he replied.

Do you agree? - I said. - In the end, it seems logical to me. There is nothing you can do. Your wife needs to figure it out for herself.

I think that's good advice, ”he admitted. - I could never force her to do something before, so how can I now?

And he did nothing, as he was advised. Ten minutes before the end of the period of reflection, my wife called. She only said, "I accept the deal," and hung up. The papers were signed the next day and the house was sold without further fights. His Higher Self gave the right advice.

My client Mary Ellen was beside herself when she accidentally found out that her boss and two other employees were stealing money from the Fund of the investment company she worked for. She loved her job, but came there later than everyone else, was the only woman, and her male colleagues disliked her. She was afraid to say something and be attacked by them, but if she didn’t say anything, she would become an accomplice in the crime.

She called me upset, alarmed and outraged, afraid to do anything.

What does your Higher Self advise?

I do not know. My Higher Self says nothing. If I go against my boss, I’ll lose my job. I will become an informer, and then no one else will hire me.

I said again:

Calm your fears and say what your Higher Self is offering.

After a long silence, she replied:

My Higher Self advises to resign in writing and tell my boss and his boss about the reason, without naming them, and trust that I will find another job.

A month passed and the thefts continued to harass her. Finally, she could no longer bear it, followed the advice of her Higher Self and wrote a statement. She left without a severance pay or a recommendation. She dared not ask for it.

Three months later, she was contacted from her previous job. They fired her boss and those two employees and wanted to hire her with a promotion. No one even mentioned her resignation and charges.

By trusting your Higher Self and turning your back on the ego, you may initially feel as if you are blindfolded jumping off a cliff. Your ego wants you to feel this way because it is afraid of losing control. However, when you decide to jump, you will find that you are a spirit and know how to fly. You let go of the fears of your ego and start living the way your spirit wants you to.

Please be aware that:

By choosing to follow the advice of your Higher Self, you gain more freedom than you ever imagined. You begin to live a true and fear-free life based on love. Nothing empowers you more than that. Simply decide that you want to leave the control of your life to your Higher Self, and confidently declare it. This is the most direct way to make your dreams come true.

Now - practice!

The best way to connect with your Higher Self is through meditation. Meditation is a skill that can be learned. Start breathing deeply now. Notice how your awareness expands as you simply breathe in more air. Do it again. This time, breathe in in four counts, hold your breath for a moment, and then breathe out in four counts too. Do not hurry. You have nowhere to rush. Continue breathing until you are comfortable with the rhythm. You can listen to meditative music if you like.

Continue breathing this way until you reach a slow rhythm. Inhaling and exhaling, repeat “I am” as you inhale and “rest” as you exhale. If your mind gets distracted, don't worry. This is fine. Just focus on your breathing again and keep repeating “I am” (inhale) and “rest” (exhale). That's all. You are meditating. Do this exercise for 15 minutes a day. After a week, you will be looking forward to meditation because it calms your mind. And when your mind is calm, you begin to hear your spirit.

based on materials from the book: Sonya Chocket - "Ask your mentors. How to get advice and help from the Spiritual World"

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

Have you ever felt something more than what your actions or your present life can show? Have you ever had the feeling that deep down you have something light and powerful? What is your more important goal? If yes, then you have already touched the wonderful creation of Light, which you really are - this is your Real / Higher Self! By connecting with your Higher / True Self, you will experience even more joy, happiness, tranquility and prosperity!


    Forgive yourself and others. Don't hold on to the past. Realize that you don't need to "forgive and forget." You can still know that you or someone else has done something “wrong” and at the same time not be angry. Failure to forgive connects you to the other person on an energetic level and lowers your self-esteem and ego.

    Take a 7-day assessment. Write down every time you tended to a bad habit or negative energy (anger, doubt, fear, excitement, disappointment, resentment, etc.) After the deadline, you need to make a list in which you show your worst habits and driving forces ... Then get rid of them one at a time, defeat them! Enlightenment begins with intention, determination and focus on breaking bad habits and negative feelings.

    Identify your limiting beliefs and get rid of them. We all have our limitations, false beliefs that prevent us from fully expressing ourselves. These beliefs can cause us pain and suffering. Solve them so that you can truly look at what you believe in and WHY you believe. Realize that no one is forcing you to believe in something and these beliefs are NOT part of your personality! Try to be open-minded and know that limiting beliefs prevent you from connecting with your True Self. See clearly that false notions fetter you and prevent you from enjoying life, but only make you suffer. Try to let them go!

    Create a positive attitude. Building and cultivating a positive attitude is an integral part of the spiritual path that will help you fully reconnect with your Higher Self.Each day, focus on one positive force you want to work with and carry that feeling throughout the day as you try to apply it. For example, maintain your harmony, be more joyful, help others, etc.

    Fill each day with gratitude. Throughout the day, continually express your gratitude for everything you see - a wonderful day, a beautiful flower, sunshine, spouse or spouse, a smile on your child's face, and the like. Let gratitude fill your heart and you will be surprised to see how things will change! Gratitude opens the door to your True Self.

    Maintain harmony. Harmony is one of the main keys (if not the MOST main key) on the path to increasing self-awareness and uniting with your Higher Self. Harmony is an inner quality that comes from the heart, and not just an external expression. Harmony includes mastering your emotions - you shouldn't let them control you. Formulate clearly your intentions to become the center of Harmony and to meet calmly any situation. Maintain this focus in your heart and try to focus on peace and tranquility.

    Practice no response. A negative reaction to certain situations destroys harmony. Having realized this, in each situation you can react either positively or negatively - the choice is yours. There is always a split second before you react - this is where you must make a decision. Even if initially your reaction is negative, you have a chance to continue to relate to what happened calmly, to solve the situation or to forget about it. Remove negativity by focusing and taking a deep breath. This will help you connect with your Higher Self.

    Learn to remain unmoved. Indifference is a very powerful state of emotional balance and inner peace and quiet. It is a balance where you have wisdom access to your Higher Self. Learning to remain impassive is the key to staying calm in different situations. Indifference does not mean that you do not feel anything at all, it is rather a state when you react to a situation in a certain way - not positively or negatively.

    Live in the moment. We experience a lot of suffering when we do not live in the present. Our minds are incredibly powerful when we focus, but most of the power is lost because we are not living in the moment. The present is where your strength lies! And most importantly, you can connect with your Higher Self only in the present. Learn to let go of the past, thoughts of the future, anxieties and worries that prevent you from living in the present. Find harmony in this moment!

    Give in. The most important thing we can do to connect with our Higher Self is to surrender and let go of what is causing us pain, suffering, grief, and limitation. Since we are initially guided by our ego and lower selves, we unfortunately attach ourselves to negative feelings. When negative emotions accumulate in us, we must immediately give them to the Universe or God. If you understand that you cannot just let go of the negativity and experience these emotions over and over again, you need to ask yourself the question - why? What is the benefit? Why do you feed yourself with negativity ("poor me", "look how wrong I was", etc.) Realize that whatever your personality is holding on, it will continue to cause you pain and suffering until you completely let go of it ! Remember, you have a choice - to continue to hold on to negativity and suffer, or to let it go and as a result find more happiness and peace in your life.

    Relax. Realize that you cannot control absolutely everything in your life. Sometimes it is necessary to relax and "place yourself in the hands of the Lord." This means that you have to commit yourself to a higher power, and your ego does not like it at all. As you get closer and closer to your Higher Self, it will become easier and easier to do. Relaxing means letting go of fears, worries, insecurities, committing yourself to God / the Universe and knowing that everything will work out.

  1. Meditate. Meditation is an integral part of the spiritual path. If you connect with your Higher Self, you must calm your mind while meditating. In this state of inner peace, you can listen to the "quiet voice of the true Self." Meditation is the key that opens the door to higher perception, opens the wisdom in your heart! Through inner peace and concentration, you can connect with your inner wisdom.

    • Overcoming Resistance: Resistance is a common reaction to change, and as you strive to reconnect with your Higher Self, then of course, change awaits you. Even if you really want a change in your life, it's human nature to strive to resist - at least at first. So keep in mind (but don't be discouraged!) That you will have to face resistance - both external and internal. A clear intention and diligence will help you overcome this difficulty.
    • Fight the Traps of Consciousness: Many spiritual seekers incorrectly think that the ego is bad and that we need to fight it. It is a trap. It must be seen that the ego is not a permanent character and is NOT the True Self. As long as we reconnect with our Higher Self, we will identify "ourselves" as our ego. So if you fight it, it means you fight yourself! The key to this is to let go of your attachment to the ego and try to reconnect with your Higher Self.This way you will not have to fight, the ego will eventually give you control and the Lower Self will turn into the Higher Self.
    • Diligence is everything: most spiritual seekers, including those who want to know and want to fully reconnect with their Higher Self, initially motivate themselves by the fact that they are unhappy and unhappy with the prevailing circumstances. If you want to change your life in the first place, you need to change yourself! You MUST have a strong desire and commitment to apply and follow the right advice every day!