Vitamins for retirement age. All About Folic Acid


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

general information

About the benefits folic acid(vitamin B 9) people have known for a long time, but only in the last 10 years have doctors begun to actively promote preventive courses of folic acid intake for pregnant women and those suffering from iron deficiency anemia.

Folic acid takes part in the metabolism, in the production of DNA, plays an important role in the synthesis of immune blood cells, and normalizes the function of the digestive tract. For pregnant women, folic acid is essential because it plays an important role in the development of the fetal neural tube. With normal levels of vitamin B 9, the likelihood of fetal malformations is significantly reduced. In addition, it is essential for the normal growth and development of the placenta.

Discovery history

In 1926, a microbiologist V. Efremov discovered a specific form of anemia in pregnant women - megaloblastic anemia. Then vitaminology developed rapidly, many scientists conducted research in this particular area of ​​knowledge. Most of all, attention was paid to the nutritional factor. Efremov accurately determined the presence of a certain antianemic factor in the liver tissue - significant improvements were observed in patients who ate liver products.

In 1932, British physician Wills, who had worked in India for many years, found that some pregnant women with megaloblastic anemia did not experience any improvement with a purified liver cell extract. However, these women recovered completely after consuming the crude extract. From this, Wils concluded that during the cleansing, some important factor in the recovery was destroyed. This substance was soon isolated and named - the Wils factor. Later it was called vitamin M. In 1941, it was found that spinach and parsley leaves are rich in this substance - therefore it was renamed folic acid (translated from the Latin folium - leaf).

Mechanism of action

Once in the body, vitamin B 9 is converted into tetrahydrofolate, which is a constituent of many enzymes, and also participates in a number of biochemical reactions, for example, in protein metabolism. As a result, the body synthesizes amino acids necessary for the formation of proteins, epinephrine and some other factors. Also, vitamin B 9 has an effect similar to estrogens - it determines the correct development of a woman's reproductive system.

It is generally known that the first and most important stage in the division of any cell is the division of the DNA molecule. It is in the process of DNA replication that vitamin B 9 takes an active part. In addition, it plays an important role in the synthesis of RNA, amino acids, and improves the absorption of iron. Therefore, a lack of folic acid is primarily dangerous for rapidly dividing cells.

Folic acid levels also affect mood. It takes part in the metabolism of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and adrenaline, which have a significant effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Folic acid stimulates appetite and takes part in the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Folic acid requirement

The human liver usually contains some folacin, which can prevent hypovitaminosis for 3-6 months. The body of an adult needs 0.4 mg of folic acid per day, during pregnancy and lactation - 0.4-0.6 mg, a child of the 1st year of life - 0.04-0.06 mg. In the normal state of the intestinal flora, vitamin B 9 can be produced endogenously.

Folic acid and pregnancy

Maintaining normal folate levels daily for several months before pregnancy can help reduce the risk of birth defects in the fetus. Clinical studies have shown that 80% of malformations can be prevented if a woman begins to make up for the lack of vitamin B 9 even before pregnancy.

In the Russian Federation, it is generally accepted that the need for pregnant women without symptoms of deficiency of this micronutrient is 0.4 mg per day. During the period of breastfeeding, the need is 0.6 mg per day.

During pregnancy, a woman's body consumes much more folic acid than before pregnancy. Vitamin B 9 is not stored in reserve, so it is important to get it daily from external sources. It is very important to maintain adequate folate levels during the first trimester as the fetal nervous system develops.

The most important role of vitamin B 9 for the fetus is the development of the neural tube. She also takes part in the renewal and mitosis of the cells of the mother's body, in particular the cells of the internal organs, which must be constantly renewed.

Already in the second week of pregnancy, the embryo begins to actively develop the brain. It was at this time that even a short-term deficiency of vitamin B 9 threatens with serious, often irreparable consequences. Since this micronutrient is necessary in the process of mitosis, which is extremely important for rapidly dividing and developing cells (these primarily include neurons and other cells of the nervous tissue), its shortage primarily affects the developing nervous system.

Folic acid is involved in the production of basic blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets), which is important for both the mother and the fetus.

For the normal course of pregnancy, maintaining the health of the woman and the fetus, doctors recommend starting taking folic acid in the form of tablets 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy, and continuing until childbirth. When using vitamin B 9, it is necessary to adhere to the doses recommended by the attending physician, since an excess of this micronutrient is just as dangerous as its deficiency.

Vitamin B 9 is the only micronutrient whose role during pregnancy is not underestimated even by opponents of synthetic vitamin preparations and medications in general. Therefore, even if you avoid any medications during pregnancy, do not give up the course of vitamin B 9, at least for prevention purposes - this will save you and your child from a number of unnecessary risks. Although sometimes it is necessary to compare the dosage prescribed by the doctor with the needs of the body for folic acid.

Folic acid deficiency and its consequences

When food is cooked, it is possible to lose up to 90% of vitamin B 9, which is part of raw foods. For example, when frying meat, up to 95% of vitamin B 9 is destroyed, when cooking meat and vegetable products - from 70 to 90%, when boiling eggs - about half.

Deficiency of vitamin B 9 can develop due to its low content in the diet, impaired absorption of micronutrients in the intestine, or with an increase in the need for this substance (pregnancy, lactation).

A common cause of this hypovitaminosis is the regular use of alcoholic beverages.

Lack of folic acid is the most common symptom in pregnant women and infants. Deficiency of vitamin B 9 in the fetus develops as a result of its lack in the mother's body, and in infants - due to its insufficient content in breast milk.

Folic acid deficiency in a pregnant woman's body can be a factor in the whole a number of serious violations:

  • miscarriage;
  • congenital malformations;
  • mental retardation;
  • malformation of the neural tube;
  • spina bifida (in the fetus);
  • malformations of the circulatory system;
  • cleft lip or cleft palate;
  • anemia.
Symptoms of a lack of vitamin B 9 may appear after 8-30 days, depending on the diet. The first symptoms of this hypovitaminosis are loss of energy, nervousness and poor appetite. One should not forget about replenishing the deficiency of vitamin B 9 during breastfeeding, since the body maintains the necessary level of this vitamin in milk, even to the detriment of itself. Therefore, when there is a lack of folic acid in the diet of a nursing mother, the above symptoms often occur, which aggravate postpartum depression.

Lack of vitamin B 9 is not always accompanied by obvious symptoms. However, according to research results, folic acid deficiency is present in 20-100% of people, depending on where they live. This is one of the most common hypovitaminosis. However, even in the absence of certain clinical symptoms, the likelihood of a heart attack and stroke increases significantly, and immunity decreases.

Folic acid deficiency often leads to the development of pernicious anemia in premature babies. An increase in the need for vitamin B 9 occurs in a number of pathologies: leukemia, hemolytic anemia, chronic infectious diseases, carcinomatosis.

First of all, with a lack of vitamin B 9, megaloblastic anemia develops. With this type of anemia, not only the content of erythrocytes in the blood falls, but also their activity is disrupted, since most of them do not mature in the bone marrow. If, at the same time, the lack of folic acid is not replenished, symptoms such as decreased appetite, nervousness, and loss of strength develop. Vomiting, diarrhea, alopecia are later added. Possible morphological disorders of the skin, the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity and pharynx. If treatment is not started in time, megaloblastic anemia can lead to death.

In recent years, a number of clinical trials have been carried out, as a result of which it was found that a deficiency of vitamin B 9, disrupting the metabolism of sulfur amino acids, leads to a retention of the amino acid homocysteine ​​in the blood. Homocysteine ​​has a negative effect on the vascular intima, which leads to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Impaired absorption of vitamin B 9 can occur in diseases of the stomach, gastrectomy, when the body is deficient in antianemic factors (Castle factors) synthesized in the stomach. Folic acid can enter the bloodstream only when combined with antianemic factors, respectively, when they are deficient, the level of folic acid in the blood falls.

In addition to folic acid, Castle's factor transports cyanocobalamin into the bloodstream. Therefore, prolonged use of vitamin B 9 preparations in high dosage can lead to a lack of cyanocobalamin.

Also, a lack of vitamin B 9 is observed in severe liver pathologies. It is in the liver that the vitamin is transformed into tetrahydrofolate, which takes part in biochemical reactions. Folic acid in its primary form is useless for the body.

If the body is deficient in vitamin B 9, the work of the hematopoiesis system may be disrupted: erythrocytes become immature, and defective cells that are unable to transport oxygen are released into the blood. This is one of the reasons for the malformation of the nervous system in the fetus, since neurons cannot fully grow and develop under conditions of hypoxia.

Together with erythrocytes, the synthesis of leukocytes and platelets is disrupted, which can provoke a decrease in immunity and disrupt blood clotting. In pregnant women, vitamin B 9 deficiency can be accompanied by an iron deficiency state. This increases the risk for both the mother and the baby.

Deficiency of vitamin B 9 can develop with a lack of vitamins in the diet, fasting, unbalanced diets for weight loss. However, the most common factor in vitamin B 9 deficiency is dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis develops as a result of prolonged, often uncontrolled intake of antibiotic drugs, incl. without the appointment of a medic.

In the United States, there is a law that requires a manufacturer to add a certain amount of vitamin B 9 to flour in order to prevent a shortage of this substance in consumers. In the United States, the prophylactic dose of vitamin B 9 is twice as high as in the Russian Federation.

Folic acid foods

Vitamin B 9 is a part of all tissues of humans, animals, plants and microorganisms. The human body is unable to produce folic acid. Therefore, it is obtained from food, or produced by the microflora of the colon. Therefore, in case of intestinal dysfunction or dysbiosis, the production of vitamin B 9 may be insufficient. In such situations, an additional source of this micronutrient is needed.

Vitamin B 9 is found in large quantities in plant foods: spinach, onion, dill, parsley, beans, peas, buckwheat, oats, bran, bananas, walnuts, grapefruit, dried apricots, melon, yeast, pumpkin, mushrooms, beets, turnips and dr.

Also, the source of folic acid is meat and animal products: beef, lamb, pork, liver, kidneys, poultry, milk, eggs, trout, perch, cheese, etc.

A plate of cereal with milk and a glass of orange juice replenish 50% of the body's daily need for vitamin B 9.

The use of bifidobacteria stimulates the endogenous production of folate in the intestine.

Vitamin B 9 decomposes rather quickly under the influence of sunlight and simply during prolonged storage of food, as well as during temperature processing of food. Folic acid, which is found in plant foods, is most rapidly destroyed. Folic acid in meat is more stable.

Therefore, in order to preserve the vitamin in foods, it is recommended to consume raw foods. Vegetables are best consumed in the form of raw salads. It is best to add cabbage, parsley, dill, beet, mint or dandelion leaves to such a salad. It is also useful to add young nettles to the salad. Of the juices, it is better to drink orange and tomato - they contain the most folic acid.

Among meat products, the liver contains the most folic acid. The liver can be lightly fried and boiled for a short time - while the vitamin B 9, which is part of it, is not destroyed.

Medicines containing folic acid

Folic acid tablets- the most convenient dosage form for dosing (one tablet contains 1 mg of the substance). In addition, it is by far the most economical option. To fully replenish the deficiency of a pregnant woman in vitamin B 9, it is enough to take 1 tablet a day. However, given the prevalence of folic acid deficiency, which may not appear in any way externally, 2-3 months before pregnancy and in the first trimester, you can take 2-3 tablets per day. This dosage is recommended by doctors, since an overdose from such an amount of the drug is impossible, and the consequences of a lack of folic acid are extremely dangerous. In this situation, doctors resort to justified reinsurance.

Folic acid is available as a drug Folacin... One tablet of the drug contains 5 mg of vitamin B 9. This is much more than the daily allowance, even for a pregnant woman. Excess folic acid has no positive or negative effects, but is simply excreted from the body. 1 tablet Apo-Folika also contains 5 mg of vitamin B 9. Given the high content of the substance in the tablet, Folacin and Apo-Folic are used only for acute and severe vitamin deficiencies. For prevention purposes, these drugs are not recommended.

In one tablet of the drug Folio contains 0.4 mg of vitamin B 9 and 0.2 mg of iodine. The advantage of this dosage form is that it contains two micronutrients, so there is no need for additional use of iodine preparations. The dose of vitamin B 9 in one tablet is low, therefore it is recommended as a preventive drug. Folio is not indicated for acute deficiency or increased demand for folic acid.

Vitamin B 9 is part of multivitamin preparations for pregnant women. Folic acid content in one tablet each drug is different:

  • Materna - 1 mg;
  • Elevit - 1 mg;
  • Vitrum Prenatal - 0.8 mg
  • Vitrum prenatal forte - 0.8 mg
  • Multi-tabs perinatal - 0.4 mg
  • Pregnavit - 0.75 mg.
All complexes contain a prophylactic dose, therefore the dosage of vitamin B 9 should be calculated taking into account its content in the vitamin complex. With a normal level of folic acid in the body, there is no need for its preparations if a pregnant woman is already taking any multivitamin complexes.

Vitamin B 9 is absorbed much better from drugs than from food.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, folic acid can be obtained from dietary supplements.


Folic acid is indicated for the following conditions:
  • folate deficiency anemia;
  • anemia as a complication after gastrectomy;
  • sprue (tropical diarrhea);
  • chronic intestinal inflammation;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • vitamin B 9 deficiency.
Taking the drug in therapeutic doses (exceeding the daily requirement) is indicated in two cases:
  • if there are pronounced signs of folic acid deficiency (in this case, the dosage is calculated by the attending physician individually);
  • if there are factors that increase the need for vitamin B 9, or stimulate its excretion from the body.
Cases in which it is necessary to take therapeutic doses of the drug:
  • the use of combined oral contraceptives before conception;
  • the use of Maalox or Phosphalugel;
  • taking anticonvulsants during planning and during pregnancy;
  • protein diet before conception;
  • lack of plant foods in the diet;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • vomiting during pregnancy.
Folic acid is used in the treatment of tropical diarrhea (sprue). Sprue is a progressive inflammation of the small intestine, accompanied by diarrhea, impaired intestinal absorption, dystrophic condition, symptoms of megaloblastic anemia, dysfunction of the endocrine glands and progressive calcium deficiency. The main factors causing tropical diarrhea: infection, vitamin deficiency, protein deficiency in the diet with an excess of saccharides. With this pathology, vitamin B 9 is taken at 5 mg per day in order to normalize the process of erythrocyte synthesis.

Clinical trials have demonstrated that vitamin B 9 can have a positive effect in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. In persons with this pathology, as a rule, the content of folic acid and cyanocobalamin in the blood is reduced.

Method of administration and dosage

If a woman has any of the above factors, then during pregnancy planning and in the first trimester, it is necessary to consume 2-3 mg of vitamin B 9 per day. Also, taking the drug in an increased dosage is necessary when there is a high likelihood of impaired development of the neural tube. This risk is present in women with epilepsy, diabetes, as well as in the presence of similar disorders in relatives in a straight line.

The need for folic acid during pregnancy is 0.4 - 0.8 mg per day. However, in a deficient state, the dosage is significantly increased in order to compensate for the lack of the vitamin. The neural tube of the embryo begins to develop at 3-5 weeks of gestation. At this time, a woman may not know about pregnancy and not undergo a timely course of folic acid deficiency compensation. Therefore, vitamin B 9 must be taken 1-3 months before the expected pregnancy. It is most important to maintain adequate folate levels during the first trimester.

Folic acid must be taken during lactation in an amount of 0.3 mg per day (it can be in the form of a multivitamin complex). This serves as a preventive course for both the mother and the child. If you use the drug in high doses (for example, 1 mg each), then the excess amount of vitamin is simply excreted from the woman's body, without harming either her or the baby.

It is important to maintain regular intake of vitamin B 9. However, given that any drug contains a dose that exceeds the daily requirement for a vitamin, missing one dose should not cause concern.

  • Atherosclerosis. 5 mg of vitamin B 9 per day for two weeks, then 1 mg. Recommended for use as a B-group vitamin complex.
  • Aphthous stomatitis. As a rule, aphthae (sores on the oral mucosa) appear along with cracks on the lips with a deficiency of vitamins and micronutrients involved in hematopoiesis. Among them: vitamin B 9, iron and cyanocobalamin. The recommended dosage is 5 mg of vitamin B 9 3 times a day and 10 mg of iron glycinate for 120-180 days. Once every 30 days, inject cyanocobalamin - 1 mg. During treatment, it is necessary to regularly check the level of cyanocobalamin.
  • Viral hepatitis. Folic acid is used as an adjuvant. It is recommended to take 5 mg 3 times a day for 10 days, then 5 mg once a day.
  • Gingivitis and periodontitis. Take orally 1 mg of vitamin B 9 times a day, rinse the mouth 2 times a day for one minute with 1% vitamin solution for 60-70 days.
  • Depression. Often seen in individuals with folate deficiency. Reception of 2-5 mg every day in combination with B-group vitamins.
  • Osteochondrosis. Vitamin B 9 participates in the formation of a scaffold from collagen, on which calcium salts accumulate. Without a collagen framework, the bone does not acquire the necessary strength. The recommended dosage is 5 mg of vitamin B 9, 50 mg of vitamin B6, 50 mg of B-complex vitamins once a day.
  • Colon tumor. If any of your relatives in a straight line suffered from this oncological disease, it is strongly recommended to take 1-5 mg of vitamin B 9 and 100 mg of B-complex vitamins once a day.
  • Colon spasm. It manifests itself in the form of alternating constipation and diarrhea, colic and bloating. Lack of vitamin B 9 can lead to chronic constipation, which leads to colon spasm. You should start with 10 mg of the vitamin once a day. If no progress is observed after 15-20 days, the dose should be increased to 20-60 mg per day until a positive effect occurs. Further, the dosage is gradually reduced. At the same time, it is recommended to take 0.1 g of B-complex vitamins once a day. During the course, it is necessary to regularly check the level of cyanocobalamin. It is recommended to include oat bran, which contains water-soluble fiber, in the diet. Wheat bran is not suitable in this case, since its fiber is insoluble.
  • Epilepsy. After an epileptic seizure, the level of vitamin B 9 in the brain decreases. Anticonvulsants also decrease its concentration in blood plasma. As a result, seizures become more frequent. Usually, for epilepsy, 5 mg is prescribed once a day. However, the drug should be taken only after consulting a doctor.


Overdose is very rare. For this, the body must receive hundreds of times more than the required amount of folic acid (20-30 mg). With a slight excess of the required amount of the drug, excess folic acid is excreted without causing any harm to the body. However, like any medication, vitamin B 9 preparations can cause allergies.

A serious disadvantage of prolonged use of vitamin B 9 preparations is that it hides the symptoms of megaloblastic anemia, but does not stop the neurological disorders characteristic of this disease. Therefore, with prolonged use of vitamin B 9 preparations, latent progression of severe neurological disorders caused by a lack of cyanocobalamin is possible. Just 10 years ago, it was generally accepted that there is no overdose of this micronutrient. However, studies are now known that indicate that pregnant women who have long-term use of vitamin B 9 preparations in an increased dosage give birth to children with weak immunity, a tendency to bronchial asthma and colds.


Increased doses of vitamin B 9 can provoke dyspepsia or hyperexcitability in a child. Prolonged use of the vitamin at an increased dosage is not recommended, since this can lead to a drop in the content of cyanocobalamin in the blood.

Side effects

Depending on individual tolerance, folic acid preparations can cause allergic manifestations, bronchospasm, skin redness, hyperthermia, and rash.

Vitamin B 9 has no toxic effect on the human body. Clinical studies have been conducted on the long-term use of vitamin B 9 at a dosage of 15 mg per day (40 times higher than the daily requirement of the body). According to the research results, the drug had no toxic effect. However, prolonged intake (more than 90 days) of vitamin B 9 in an increased dosage can lead to a drop in the level of cyanocobalamin in the blood, which can provoke anemia. Increased doses of the vitamin can provoke disorders of the digestive tract, increase excitability, and cause an imbalance in the work of the kidneys.

Some drugs reduce the amount of vitamin B 9 in the blood plasma. Among them:

  • acetylsalicylic acid (in high dosage);
  • nitrofurans (taken for urinary tract infections);
  • combined oral contraceptives;

Folic acid and men's health

Vitamin B 9 is essential for both women and men. With chronic vitamin deficiency in men, a number of pathologies can develop, including infertility and megaloblastic anemia. Taking folic acid in a therapeutic dosage excludes such complications.

The main indicator of male health is considered to be the state of sperm. Spermatozoa are the same cells; protein and nucleic acids are needed for their synthesis. In the absence of vitamin B 9, sperm synthesis is impaired. With a lack of vitamin, the concentration of spermatozoa decreases, and their condition worsens: sperm cells may have an unnatural shape or have no tail, which reduces their mobility. But the worst thing is that such spermatozoa may have an incorrect number of chromosomes, and this is the main factor in hereditary diseases in children (eg Down syndrome).

Vitamin B 9 and the hormone testosterone contribute to the normal development of sperm. Folic acid is extremely important for men in puberty, since it is one of the factors in the development of secondary sexual characteristics (coarsening of the voice, facial and body hair, intensive growth).

Folic acid in the treatment and prevention of cancer

Vitamin B 9 prevents cancer. But if the disease has already begun, then the drug should not be used, since folic acid will also contribute to the division of cancer cells. In such situations, medications are used that inhibit the activity of vitamin B 9, such as methotrexate. This inhibits the growth of the tumor. In order to prevent metabolic disorders, a drug is prescribed that replaces vitamin B 9 - folinic acid. Given the higher risk of cancer in older people, they are not advised to take folic acid supplements without a doctor's recommendation.

Leucovorin is a folinic acid-based drug that has been successfully used as part of chemotherapy for oncological diseases. It reduces the severity of intoxication after the use of cytostatic drugs (vomiting, diarrhea, hyperthermia, damage to bone marrow tissue).

Recent studies by scientists in the United States have proven the relationship between taking vitamin B 9 supplements and the progression of colon tumors.

Since 1980, Harvard has conducted a survey every 2 years in which approximately 90,000 women with children participated. The questions concerned nutrition and, in particular, the intake of vitamin complexes. In 1994, the information collected was scrutinized for the incidence of colon cancer, the third most common cancer among women in the United States. Survey data showed that women who took a sufficient amount of vitamin B 9 - more than 0.4 g mg per day, were least likely to suffer from this disease.

Scientists have concluded that 75% of cases of colon tumors in women can be avoided if prophylactic doses of vitamin B 9 are consumed throughout life.

Research has led to another important conclusion. The least common tumor of the large intestine was found in women who regularly consumed vitamin complexes over the past 10-15 years.

Folic acid and prevention of atherosclerosis

Recently, doctors are increasingly inclined to believe that folic acid is effective in the prevention of atherosclerosis - the main factor in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Today, a new theory of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is popular in Western countries. According to this theory, the main reason for the progression of atherosclerosis is the high blood level of not well-known cholesterol, but of another bioactive factor, homocysteine.

Homocysteine ​​is an endogenous amino acid. Under the influence of enzymes in the body, it is transformed into the essential fatty amino acid methionine, which is involved in the production of protein. If the body is deficient in the appropriate enzymes, homocysteine ​​builds up in the blood and destroys the walls of the blood vessels, causing inflammation. Cholesterol is involved in this process at a later stage. Proponents of the new theory argue that without homocysteine, even with an increased level of cholesterol in the blood, atherosclerosis does not progress.

What is the role of folic acid in this vein? The fact is that it is she who is necessary for the synthesis in the body of enzymes that transform homocysteine ​​into methionine. A deficiency of vitamin B 9 causes a deficiency of the corresponding enzyme. As a result, excess homocysteine ​​accumulates in the blood, which leads to the progression of atherosclerosis, and then to its complications - ischemia of the heart muscle, heart attack, stroke.

Before use, you must consult a specialist.

On pharmacy counters you can see a lot of different complexes for women. They, along with biologically active substances and minerals, contain vitamin B9. Why women need it, where it is kept and how to take it, this article will tell you.

Unique bioactivator

Classifies folic acid in group B.

The role of this substance is unique:

  • maintains the health of the nervous system even in conditions of overload of the central nervous system, chronic stress;
  • stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves the performance of the heart, lungs;
  • improves the quality of genetic material, activates reproductive functions.

In addition, the positive effect of drugs with folic acid on the activity of almost all body systems has been experimentally proven, and its effectiveness has been officially confirmed by many experts. B9 reduces the risk of developing various pathologies from the period of intrauterine development to very old age.

The human body practically does not produce this substance. If a little of it comes from food, the doctor may prescribe taking pills to fill the deficit. Instructions for use must be carefully followed, as hypervitaminosis (vitamin overdose) can be dangerous.

It is rich in dark green vegetables, red meat, eggs. You should carefully monitor the diet and eat as much raw vegetables and fruits as possible, since B9 can be simply destroyed during heat treatment.

B9 and youth

In addition to the positive effect on various systems of the human body, it is important to know how folic acid is beneficial for women. B9 significantly reduces the risk of developing varicose veins, thrombosis, maintains the optimal state of the blood vessels of the circulatory system, strengthens the weakened natural defenses of the body.

This substance is actively involved in the process of cell regeneration, therefore it is sometimes called the "vitamin of youth". Taking a sufficient amount of vitamin B9 can slow down the manifestation of age-related changes and maintain a blooming appearance.

The condition of the skin and nails improves markedly if a woman regularly takes iron supplements in combination with B9. When choosing a complex with trace elements, you should carefully study its composition and pay attention to what age group it is intended for.

Vitamin plays a huge role in maintaining the reproductive function of the female body. Especially important. Its use in the early stages significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage. Despite the well-known benefits of B9 for expectant mothers, the appointment of all drugs should be done only by the attending physician.

B9 in the diet of mature women

Age-related changes associated with hormonal changes in the female body can cause some discomfort. Therefore, folic acid for women over 40 should become an indispensable element in the daily diet.

Reception of it allows you to solve the following problems:

  • hot flashes, sweating;
  • irritability, tearfulness, emotional instability;
  • external manifestations associated with changes in hormonal levels - decreased skin tone, deterioration in complexion;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • shortness of breath, disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • memory impairment, absent-mindedness.

Folic acid is shown in menopause, since it slows down the process of menopause and makes it more gentle, allowing all body systems to gently adapt to the changing hormonal background.

The positive effect of the vitamin on the work of the cardiovascular system reduces the risk of developing heart attacks, strokes, and stimulates blood circulation. Improvement of such mental processes as attention and memory is achieved due to the stimulating effect of folic acid on the activity of the brain by increasing the intensity of oxygen transport.

Regular intake of vitamin B9 courses during menopause allows you to maintain performance, maintain a good mood, and improve the general well-being of a woman.

Features of reception

For young women, a daily dose of 40-50 mcg is sufficient. This amount of vitamin can be obtained with a balanced diet and the inclusion of foods rich in folic acid in the daily menu.

During pregnancy, the need for this valuable substance increases many times over and can reach 400 mcg per day. In such cases, it is necessary for a specialist to prescribe the dosage and regimen of administration, and also determine its duration. You cannot take B9 drugs continuously, this can lead to negative consequences.

At any age, despite such impressive capabilities of vitamin B9, its intake should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor. This is especially important when other medications are required. It must be remembered that folacin is not compatible with some substances. It must be informed about this, which is attached to all pharmaceutical preparations without fail.

Contraindications for admission

Benefit and harm can go hand in hand, so you need to know about cases when taking B9 for a person is contraindicated.

Vitaminization with the use of this substance is prohibited:

  • in the presence of individual intolerance to vitamin B9;
  • a course of therapy with antibiotics, antispasmodics, analgesics;
  • when using tobacco, alcoholic beverages.

You should not risk it if the instructions for use of the drug are lost and it is not known how it interacts with folic acid. If you need to regularly take a medication that is incompatible with vitamin B9, your doctor will help you choose alternative bioactivators that will help you get a similar effect.

Among all the methods of vitamin therapy, preference should be given to natural sources of nutrients. Folic acid is not an exception, which requires a balanced diet that will allow women to get enough vitamin from fresh vegetables and fruits.

If necessary, you can drink vitamin B9 in the form of tablets or use complex preparations with its content, taking into account the dosage. When choosing a drug containing folic acid, you should not rely on advertising reviews or the recommendation of a pharmacist from a pharmacy. The appointment should only be made by the attending physician who is aware of all the existing health problems in his patient.

The benefits of folic acid for women at any age are undeniable. A reasonable, varied diet, fortification is an important condition for youth, beauty and health, regardless of age. At the same time, we must not forget that this is a synthetic vitamin B9 - a medical preparation. Therefore, before starting to take it, the instructions for use should be carefully studied.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)- belongs to the group of water-soluble substances, synthesized in small quantities in the human gastrointestinal tract. This element is involved in many processes, so it is necessary to regularly replenish its stocks - special food additives will help with this. This element is also present in plant products - asparagus, leafy and legume vegetables, all types of cabbage, citrus fruits.

Folic acid is very important for the human body.

Release form, composition and price

Folic acid (folic acid) is produced in the form of tablets and capsules, which contain 1, 4, 5 mg of the active substance. Among other ingredients, the composition contains talc, sucrose, stearic acid, dextrose.

What does a vitamin B9 tablet look like? A flat, slightly elongated pill with a dividing strip in the middle, milky or yellow. They are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces, the package can contain 20, 30, 50, 100 tablets. Plastic bottles containing 50 pills are also on sale. The average price is 40–70 rubles.

Vitamin B9 tablets

An overdose of vitamin B9 is just as dangerous as a lack of it. To take drugs with an increased dosage should only be prescribed by a specialist.

Pharmacological action of folic acid

When it enters the body, vitamin B9 is transformed into tetrahydrofolate - this element is involved in biochemical processes, protein metabolism. As a result, the synthesis of proteins, amino acids, the process of cell division is activated, and the absorption of iron is improved.

The drug is almost completely absorbed, assimilation takes place in the small intestine and duodenum, after 3-6 hours its maximum concentration is observed in the blood

Useful properties and indications

The main purpose of vitamin B9 is to participate in the synthesis of DNA and RNA molecules that contain the genetic code. Even a slight disruption in this process can cause serious disturbances in the body. Folic acid helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body, normalizes the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, is useful for the liver and stomach.

Indications for use:

  • prevention of the development of fetal pathologies;
  • diet, pregnancy, smoking, long-term use of potent drugs, and other factors in which there is a lack of vitamin B9;
  • violation of the absorption of nutrients in the intestine;
  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • medicinal, radiation leukopenia;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • nervous exhaustion, bouts of aggression, depression;
  • chronic gastroenteritis.

Vitamin B9 is essential during the gestation process

For the prevention of vitamin B9 deficiency, you need to take daily 100-200 mcg of this drug, during pregnancy and lactation, the dose should be increased to 400-1000 mcg.

Benefits for women

Folic acid is required for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, it is prescribed to women during pregnancy planning, it is also necessary when carrying a child. It is useful for adolescents, the elderly to reduce the manifestations of hormonal imbalance.

Effect on the female body:

  • improves brain function, helps to concentrate, eliminates signs of chronic fatigue;
  • during lactation, vitamin with mother's milk enters the baby's body, which helps to strengthen the child's immunity;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing anemia, breast and pancreatic cancer, colon, depression;
  • normalizes homocysteine ​​levels;
  • activates the regeneration process in the cells of the epidermis;
  • prevents hair loss.

With a lack of vitamin B9, women can develop megaloblastic anemia, which manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath, migraines, increased fatigue, a bright red tongue, heart palpitations and distracted attention. Most often, this pathology develops during menopause, after the birth of a child. The element increases the likelihood of conception, contributes to the successful bearing of a child - if one of the spouses has a chronic lack of this element, the probability of fertilization of the egg is reduced to zero.

With a lack of folic acid, frequent shortness of breath may occur

It is important to take folic acid in the first trimester - it reduces the likelihood of developing neural tube defects, heart defects, anomalies of the limbs, palate, urogenital tract in the fetus. With its lack in the body, the risk of miscarriage, premature delivery increases, late toxicosis, placental abruption often occurs. Women who did not take vitamin B9 while carrying a child are more likely to have babies with underweight, autistic disorders.

In addition to ingestion, vitamin B9 can be used in cosmetology - masks will help get rid of age spots, improve complexion, prevent wrinkles, and strengthen nails and hair.

Lack of appetite, inflammation in the oral cavity, delayed puberty in adolescent girls, early gray hair and premature menopause are all consequences of chronic vitamin B9 deficiency.

Why is it necessary to take the drug after 40 years

Vitamin B9 helps to delay or endure menopause easier, eliminates many unpleasant symptoms, since it has the same effect on the body as estrogen. Therefore, women aged 45-50 years need to regularly take folic acid after a preliminary one.

The benefits of vitamin B9 for menopause:

  • reduces the likelihood of hot flashes, the development of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes mellitus;
  • eliminates anxiety, improves sleep quality;
  • normalizes sweating and blood pressure indicators;
  • prevents the occurrence of irregularities in the heart rhythm.

After 40 years, vitamin B9 is necessary to normalize blood pressure

Vitamin B9 protects a woman's body from macular degeneration - an ophthalmic pathology in which retinal tissue is destroyed, vision is greatly impaired.

Why do men need folic acid

Vitamin B9 should be taken by men when planning a pregnancy together - with a lack of this element, the synthesis of spermatozoa is disrupted, the composition of the seminal fluid deteriorates, and infertility develops. Low-quality male germ cells often contain an incorrect set of chromosomes, which can cause the development of Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and other congenital anomalies in the fetus.

Regular intake of 400 mg of folic acid improves potency, increases stress resistance, normalizes the digestive system, and improves brain function. This element is necessary for adolescents at puberty - it contributes to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.

Folic acid is essential for men to maintain potency

Men who smoke, regularly consume alcohol, need to take 700-1100 mg of vitamin B9 per day - addictions provoke the rapid destruction of this substance.

What is useful for children

Vitamin B9 is prescribed for premature babies, newborns with low birth weight, children with diseases of the digestive system - it prevents anemia. This substance is useful for autism - it reduces the manifestation of the disease, improves speech and communication skills.

Benefits for children:

  • accelerates the process of hematopoiesis;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • regulates the processes of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system, facilitates social adaptation in the team;
  • improves brain activity, which contributes to high performance;
  • eliminates the manifestation of mental, emotional and physical fatigue;
  • helps to more easily survive hormonal changes at puberty.

Vitamin B9 is important for a child's brain function

It is difficult to correctly separate the necessary part from the whole tablet, which contains 1 mg of the active ingredient, it is easier to prepare a solution. Dissolve a quarter of a pill in 25 ml of cool water - 1 ml of liquid contains 10 μg vitaminB9.

Folic acid instructions

Taking vitamin B9 in doses that exceed the daily requirement of the body is indicated when there is a pronounced lack of folic acid, the presence of facts that contribute to the rapid elimination of this element from the body. The medicine should be drunk with food or immediately after a meal.

When is it necessary to take vitamin B9 in therapeutic doses:

  • taking combined oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants before conception;
  • long-term use of Maalox and Phosphalugel;
  • protein diet, insufficient amount of plant foods in the diet;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • severe toxicosis.

Vitamin B9 is essential if the diet is low in plant foods

The therapeutic dose is 4–5 mg per day, the course of administration is 1–2 months. In case of anemia, to prevent its development, it is necessary to drink 1 mg of the drug daily for 60–90 days.

During pregnancy planning, in the first trimester, it is necessary to take up to 2-3 mg of the drug per day. In such doses, the doctor prescribes a vitamin if a woman or her closest relatives have a history of diabetes, epilepsy. The recommended dose for breastfeeding is 0.3 mg per day.

How to take the drug for various pathologies

Preparations based on vitamin B9 are included in complex therapy to eliminate the manifestations of many diseases.

Disease Vitamin B9 dose
AtherosclerosisFor 14 days, 5 mg, then reduce the dose to 1 mg
Aphthous5 mg three times a day for 4-6 months
Viral hepatitis5 mg 3 times a day for 10 days, then it is enough to take the drug once every 24 hours
Depressive states3-5 mg daily
OsteochondrosisOnce a day, 5 mg
Vitamin B9 is recommended for all people whose relatives have had colon cancer. Regular intake of 5 mg is indicated for epileptics.

Daily intake of vitamin B9 for children

Children are allowed to give folic acid from birth, as their bodies produce this substance in small doses.

Doses of the drug depending on the age of the child:

You can take folic acid almost from birth.


Despite the enormous value for the body, taking vitamin B9 is contraindicated in some cases, all restrictions are described in detail in the annotation.

When you shouldn't drink folic acid:

  • individual intolerance to fructose;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • impaired absorption of vitamin B12, cobalamin deficiency;
  • diagnosing disorders of iron metabolism;
  • excessive content of hemosiderin.

Do not take folic acid if you have malignant neoplasms

Asthmatics should refrain from using vitamin B9 - a severe attack, spasms may begin. It is not recommended to drink this drug for people with renal failure, pyelonephritis - a large amount of folic acid provokes the proliferation of the epithelium of the renal tubules.

Folic acid harm

Vitamin B9 is well tolerated by the body, minor surpluses are excreted in the urine, no deterioration is observed. In case of an overdose, serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems can occur. Children have hyperexcitability, upset stool. Adults suffer from chronic insomnia.

An overdose of vitamin B9 may cause stool disorder in a child.

Long-term intake of folic acid is dangerous for megaloblastic anemia - the drug stops the signs of the disease, but does not stop the development of neurological pathologies that often develop against the background of the disease.

Possible side reactions - erythema, bronchospasm, fever, rash, redness of the skin, nausea, vomiting. Bitter taste in the mouth.

If the dosage of vitamin B9 is exceeded during pregnancy, the risk of having a child with a weakened immune system, a tendency to bronchial asthma, increases.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is extremely important for a woman's body and is rightfully considered a female vitamin. B9 plays an essential role in the formation of organs, tissues, restoration of immunity, regulation of the heart, strengthening of blood vessels. The lack of an element provokes the development of stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, nervous system disorder, early menopause. Therefore, folic acid, especially in combination with vitamins B6 and B12, is of particular value for the female body, since all three vitamins are involved in the process of creating the structure of DNA, hemoglobin bodies, and are responsible for the functioning of the brain. In this article, we will take a closer look at what women need folic acid for, what are its benefits, are there any contraindications and how to use it correctly.

The benefits of folic acid for women

Vitamin B9 is necessary to maintain the following processes in the female body:

  • A healthy nervous system and the ability to withstand stress and external pathogens.
  • Protective immune functions to fight inflammation, viruses and infections.
  • Carrying a baby during pregnancy.
  • Improving blood circulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the development of thrombosis.
  • Preventing the development of anemia.
  • Strengthening hair and reducing the rate of baldness.
  • Preserving the skin from pigmentation, slowing down the formation of wrinkles.
  • Memory improvements.
  • Ensuring the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

With the help of folic acid, erythrocytes are produced and oxygen is transported in sufficient quantities throughout the body, which improves mood, performance, eradicates fatigue, irritability, and dizziness. B9 accelerates the growth of hair, nails, renewal of the skin, restores its ability to withstand the negative effects of the sun's rays, which provoke early aging.

Nutritionists advise using vitamin B9 for weight loss, since the substance burns fat by acting on lipids and provoking their breakdown into light alcohols and fatty acids, which are excreted through the excretory system from the tissues of the body.

Symptoms and Causes of Folate Deficiency

The first signs of vitamin deficiency are lack of mood, appetite, nervousness and weakness, apathy and loss of interest in business. Postpartum depression may worsen in nursing mothers. Hypovitaminosis leads to a deficiency of adrenaline, which causes impotence and reduced efficiency. Nervous disorders cause aggression, irritability, fears, phobias, and uncertainty.

Deficiency also provokes rapid fatigue, memory impairment, decreased attention, and weight loss. According to doctors, the body does not retain B9 in sufficient quantities due to the diet, which did not include such foods as various varieties of cabbage, legumes, citrus fruits, cherries, melons, soybeans, figs, gooseberries. If you do not eat these foods, you may develop vitamin B9 deficiency.

One of the reasons for the deficiency is considered to be chronic alcoholism in women and intestinal disorders that impair the absorption of useful elements. Poor absorption of folic acid occurs due to long-term treatment with antibiotics and drug courses that disrupt absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

With a B9 deficiency, the following consequences are possible:

  • Megaloblastic anemia (anemia) - a decrease in red blood cells and a violation of their normal functioning. The disease causes indigestion, constant fatigue, hair loss and painful sores in the mouth.
  • Problems during pregnancy - early miscarriage, premature birth and placental abruption.
  • Mood swings that turn into depression.
  • Infertility or fetal abnormalities - mental retardation, hydrocephalus, circulatory system disorders, cleft lip.
  • Cognitive impairment - insomnia, nervousness, aggressiveness, anxiety for no reason.

Symptoms of folic acid deficiency appear 10-30 days after the decrease in the level of the vitamin in the blood.

Side effects of folic acid overdose

Despite the obvious benefits of folic acid for a woman, excessive oversaturation of the body with this vitamin can cause side effects:

  • Fever
  • Erythema,
  • Bronchospasm
  • Elevated temperature
  • Skin rashes.

It is not recommended to take B9 if you are allergic to the drug and during the presence of such a condition as fructosemia, lack of sucrase, isomaltase, anemia due to B12 deficiency, malabsorption of galactose and glucose.

Why folic acid is useful for women after 40 and 50 years

After 40 years, women undergo age-related hormonal changes due to attenuation of reproductive activity and changes in hormonal levels in the body. B9 smoothes the symptoms of menopause, maintains youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, prevents hair loss, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Folic acid is also useful for women who have reached 50 years of age. It reduces the negative manifestation of menopause on a physical and mental background. The vitamin is involved in the production of red blood cells, which provide oxygen to all body tissues. The element has a positive effect on the digestive processes, maintains normal acidity, normalizes the absorption of proteins and fats, and also promotes the digestion of food.

Folic acid during pregnancy

The element is assigned to expectant mothers to strengthen body functions before a planned pregnancy. A few months before the upcoming pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the level of B9 in the blood in order to prepare for the additional stress on the body when carrying a child.

In addition to strengthening the immune system, the vitamin takes part in the formation of the neural tube, from which the fetal spinal cord and brain will develop in the future. The neural tube forms from the first days after conception, therefore, acid deficiency during this period can develop defects in its formation, which will subsequently provoke congenital defects in the child. Also, a lack of vitamin B9 can lead to premature birth, miscarriage or placental abruption.

The benefits of folic acid for nursing and pregnant women are as follows:

  • Reduces the risk of birth defects.
  • The risk of early miscarriage is reduced.
  • The likelihood of miscarriage and fetal death is reduced.
  • The qualitative composition of the blood improves.
  • Provides the creation of nucleic acid, which transfers hereditary characteristics to the fetus.
  • Gestosis is prevented.
  • The normal functioning of the child's intestines is ensured.
  • Postpartum depression is reduced.

Once in a woman's body, folic acid is converted into tetrahydrofolic acid, which stimulates hematopoiesis, affects the synthesis of erythrocytes, amino acids and many metabolic processes. Once inside, B9 is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and reaches its maximum concentration in the blood after 40-50 minutes. At a high dosage, it is excreted unchanged by the kidneys after 5 hours.

Attention! Taking folic acid is necessary after consulting a doctor, since only a doctor can determine the level of folate in the body and adjust the daily dose.

How to take folic acid correctly

A large amount of the vitamin is found in plant foods and fresh vegetables. Animal products: eggs, fish, beef, chicken, cheese are also a source of folic acid. But not all products of the daily diet provide the body's daily need for vitamin, which is especially necessary for expectant mothers, who should definitely take B9 additionally in tablets or capsules.

  1. The daily dose of the drug for the expectant mother is 0.4-0.8 mg.
  2. The daily dose during menopause is 0.3 mg.
  3. For the prevention and maintenance of the body, you need to try to take 0.2 mg of vitamin per day every day.

The drug is taken one to three times a day, one capsule after meals.

Prevention of vitamin B9 deficiency

For the prevention of hypovitaminosis, it is required to introduce foods containing folic acid into the diet:

  • Tomatoes,
  • Pumpkin,
  • Dill,
  • Dried apricots,
  • Bran,
  • Walnuts,
  • Turnip,
  • Melon,
  • Lamb, beef, pork,
  • Bird,
  • Fish (trout and perch),
  • Dairy products.

In meat products, B9 is more stable, in plant foods it breaks down faster under the influence of sunlight and due to heat treatment.

Folic acid preparations

Vitamin complexes, in addition to B9, contain substances that help its absorption. Vitamin C is required for the fruitful absorption of B9.

Supplements - increase the level of folic acid and are used as a preventive measure for hypovitaminosis. Available as chewable lozenges, cocktail powders, effervescent tablets for reconstitution.

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces many preparations containing vitamin B9:

  • Folacin, Apo-Folik - are prescribed with a large deficiency of the element in the body.
  • Folio - the B9 level does not restore, but is used for the preventive purposes of vitamin deficiency.
  • Elevit Pronatal, Materna, Vitrum Prenatal - drugs for pregnant women that maintain the required level of B9.
  • Foliber is a group of multivitamins that also contains vitamin B12.
  • Doppelherz - contains vitamins E, C, B12, B6.
  • Maltofer - is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia.

Attention! Folic acid preparations are poorly absorbed if antibiotic treatment was carried out before taking them, since antimicrobial agents disrupt the intestinal microflora. For better absorption of B9 by the intestines, it is recommended first of all to restore its microflora.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 7 minutes


Every creature on the planet needs vitamins. These organic compounds are produced by the body or ingested with food. Despite their huge role in metabolism, vitamins are characterized by zero calorie content and are not incorporated into the structure of bodily tissues. Science has studied them well enough, but vitamins are still a mystery to ordinary people. I will answer the question of what folic acid is, why women and men need it, consider the methods of use and where it is contained.

What is folic acid

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin that promotes the growth and development of immunity and the circulatory system. Vitamins also include produced substances - diglutamates, triglutamates and polyglutamates. Together with folic acid, everyone is called folacin.

The human body does not synthesize folic acid, but receives it with food or through the synthesis of microorganisms living in the intestine. Vitamin B9 is found in large quantities in yeast, green vegetables and bread. In some countries, bakeries purposefully fortify grain with folic acid.

Lucy Wills, a famous physician from England, in 1931 studied methods of treating anemia in girls in position. She found that yeast or animal liver extract cured anemia. So, by the end of the 30s, scientists identified folic acid. By 1941, the substance was obtained from spinach, and four years later it was synthesized chemically.

Vitamin B9 is important for the body, and during pregnancy the need for it doubles. Folic acid deficiency leads to anemia and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

How to take folic acid for adults and children

Our body does not produce certain substances, and they have to be replenished with food or medicines. Among such substances is vitamin B9. The question of taking folic acid is of interest to many, because the dosage is determined by age and health. Dosages are indicated per day.


  • The dosage per day for an adult is 0.4 mg. Gender differences are not significant. An exception is pregnant women.
  • With a deficiency of folic acid in men, the dosage reaches 1 mg. Lack of vitamin badly affects the quality of the seed, which is fraught with birth defects in children.
  • Oral contraception prevents the full absorption of vitamin B9. Therefore, doctors prescribe doses of 0.5 mg to girls who are taking contraceptives. If the level of estrogen is elevated, the vitamin should not be taken.

Video instruction for use


At the initial stage of life, the baby receives folic acid in the required amount with the mother's milk. In the future, the need of the developing organism gradually grows. Only a doctor prescribes the drug for the child.

  • 1-3 years - 0.07 mg.
  • 4-6 years old - 0.1 mg.
  • 7-10 years old - 0.15 mg.
  • 11-14 years old - 0.2 mg.
  • 15-18 years old - 0.3 mg.

The indicated dosages are suitable for children without individual intolerance or contraindications. Always check with your pediatrician before using.

Aged people

The standard dose for the elderly is 0.4 mg per day. Folic acid deficiency in the elderly leads to cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. For problems with the digestive system, the doctor increases the dose. With hearing loss, the dose reaches 1 mg per day.

Folic acid during pregnancy and lactation

Vitamin B9 is prescribed from the moment of planning pregnancy until the end of lactation.

Half a month after fertilization, the brain and nervous system begin to form in the embryo. Thanks to folic acid, cells divide correctly. The deficiency leads to birth defects, which include:

  • Cleft lip;
  • Cleft palate;
  • Disruptions in the mental and mental development of the baby;
  • Hydrocephalus.

If you ignore the recommendations of the gynecologist and not take the vitamin, the likelihood of premature birth, placental abruption or stillbirth will increase significantly. Scientists have proven that taking vitamin B9 prevents the development of disastrous events.

Weakness, apathy, depression are a consequence of a deficiency of folic acid in a woman's body weakened by childbirth. If you do not additionally introduce it, the quantity will decrease and the quality of breast milk will deteriorate.

Video from the program Life is great

When carrying, the daily dose is 0.4 mg, and when feeding is 0.6 mg. The decision on the doses is made by the gynecologist, guided by the results of the examination. The dosage is increased if:

  1. Epilepsy or diabetes mellitus is observed.
  2. The family has congenital diseases.
  3. The woman is forced to take medications that impede the absorption of acid.
  4. Previously, children were born with folic acid-dependent diseases.

The gynecologist determines the dosage of the vitamin during pregnancy. Self-selection of the “convenient” dose is prohibited and fraught with serious consequences. Healthy women are prescribed the drugs Pregnavit and Elevit. Girls who require higher doses are prescribed Apo-Folic or Folacin.

To find out how many tablets to take per day, it is enough to carefully study the instructions attached to the drug and consult a gynecologist.

What is folic acid for?

Let's look at the role of folate in the body, which is involved in the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of iron-containing protein.

Vitamin B9 promotes the production of nucleic acids with hereditary information, renewal, development and growth of cells. He also participates in the formation of appetite and normalizes digestion.


The benefits of folic acid are documented in every women's magazine. On the pages of online publications, you regularly find doctors' appointments during pregnancy, to maintain health and beauty. There is much less information on vitamin B9 intake by men.

Why do men need folic acid? What role does it play in the development of the male body?

  • Plays great importance during puberty. Promotes the development of secondary sexual characteristics: hair on the face and body, growth, voice formation. Influences the development of the body and the work of the male reproductive function.
  • Deficiency is bad for sperm synthesis. The number of sperm with the wrong set of chromosomes increases, which is fraught with hereditary diseases.
  • Folic acid and testosterone normalize the development of male semen.


Migraines, depression, insomnia, weight loss, depression are signs of folate deficiency.

Vitamin B9 is involved in tissue regeneration, improves hair structure, reduces fragility, strengthens nails, makes the skin fresh and smooth. With a deficiency, the gums, eyelids and lips turn pale.

Folic acid normalizes hematopoietic processes, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels. For skin diseases, it is taken to enhance the effect of essential drugs.

Folic acid creates an optimal hormonal balance, and:

  1. Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.
  2. Normalizes the menstrual cycle in adolescent girls.
  3. Delays menopause.
  4. Facilitates the conception of the fetus and helps the correct development in the first trimester.
  5. Treats postpartum depression.

For children

According to pediatricians, vitamin B9 in the child's body normalizes the digestive system, avoids problems with the intestines and stomach. The lack of substance is caused by improper diet, incorrect interaction with drugs and poor penetration of vitamins through the intestines.

Gastroenterologists note that the vitamin contributes to the creation and maintenance of new cells, prevents dangerous and harmful changes in the body that occur in the DNA.

In general, parents from an early age should instill in their child the desire for a healthy life, which includes proper nutrition, attending children's theaters, regular walks and sports.

Folic acid contraindications

Take vitamin B9 as a medication according to your doctor's advice. In small quantities, it is not dangerous, and an overdose can lead to increased excitability, upset the digestive system, and functional changes in the kidneys.


  1. Allergy.
  2. Intolerance.
  3. Asthma.
  4. Disorders in the work of the kidneys.
  5. Diseases of an oncological nature.
  6. Lack of vitamin B12.

The use of any vitamins or medications must be discussed with your doctor, especially during pregnancy.

What foods contain?

The body is unable to independently cover the need for vitamin B9. Vitamin complexes and the use of its containing products help out.

  • Vegetables... The maximum content is green salad, spinach, parsley, cabbage and broccoli. Slightly less in cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots, beets, and legumes.
  • Herbs... It is found in nettle, mint and dandelion. Contained in birch, linden, raspberry and currant leaves.
  • Fruits... Apricots, bananas and oranges. Juice made from these fruits is a storehouse of folic acid.
  • Nuts and cereals ... Peanuts and walnuts. A decent amount in barley and low-grade flour bread.
  • Animal products ... Present in salmon and tuna, beef and pork liver, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and cheese.

For normal functioning of the body, a little vitamin B9 is required and proper nutrition replenishes it in the required amount.