Choosing a wallpaper: where to start? Photowall-paper on the wall What are photowall-paper for?


In our country, photowall-paper appeared in the 70s of the last century, but by the mid-90s, the fashion for them had passed. Since then, many modern apartment owners have a rather complicated attitude towards photo wallpapers: it's not that they do not consider them as a good tool when creating an interior at all, but in general they treat them with prejudice, since memory, when the word “wallpaper”, obligingly draws a picture in their head coarse-grained pine trees and full-wall sunsets, printed on poor and in places burnt-out paper. Today, the quality of photowall-paper is of a very high level, and the assortment is very wide, so you can easily find a good solution for your apartment.

What are the benefits of photo wallpaper. Firstly, photo wallpaper is a good design tool, with their help you can place color accents and bring originality and uniqueness to the interior of an apartment or a country house. Secondly, with the help of photowall-paper it is possible to correct certain imperfections of the room - for example, visually expand the room or "raise" the ceiling. Thirdly, with the help of photo wallpaper, you can zone the space within one room. Fourthly, with the help of photo wallpaper, you can successfully simulate the presence in the apartment of those interior elements that you cannot afford for various reasons - for example, you can "place" a fireplace in the living room or a starry sky in a bedroom. Fifth, the wallpaper is simply beautiful!
What photowall-paper is made of. The simplest option is paper wall murals, they are inexpensive and can last 5-7 years without compromising image quality. Vinyl wallpaper is more durable and denser, PVC film protects its paper base from moisture and dirt, and the pattern has improved durability; such wallpapers are well suited for hallways and kitchens. Non-woven photomurals are resistant to mechanical damage; when walls shrink or plaster cracks, defects will not appear on the coating. Laminated wallpaper does not fade in the sun and is easy to clean; their service life is from 15 years. Photowall-paper on canvas is the most expensive and the most high-status solution, because silk, linen and viscose are used in their production. The surface of photowall-paper can be matte, glossy or textured, thanks to which the wall can be given almost any texture - sand, frost, tree bark, plaster, tiles, etc.
What are the wallpapers. The most common format is factory wall-paper, printed by sheet-fed offset printing. Small-sized images are produced in the form of a single sheet, larger ones - from 180x250 cm and more - are divided into segments, the so-called panels glued right on the wall. The number of panels can vary from 2 to 8. You can also make photo wallpapers to order - in specialized studios they will be printed on a digital large-format plotter. Designers will help you choose the image on such wallpapers, you can also do it yourself, choosing, for example, a reproduction of a famous painting or a family photo; the main thing is that the self-selected image has a good resolution. Factory products are produced with a moisture-proof film, and custom-made paper wallpapers are specially laminated.
What are 3D photo wallpapers? Not so long ago, the so-called 3D-patterned photomurals appeared on the market. It looks like an ordinary washable photo wallpaper, but with a very realistic picture that creates the effect of presence and unlimited space. These wallpapers are recommended for use in large rooms, since the 3D effect becomes noticeable only from a certain distance. Another interesting variety is glowing 3D wallpaper for walls - in the daytime they are no different from their counterparts, but in the dark they emit a soft and delicate light. However, there is also a significant disadvantage - for such wallpaper, the installation of special ultraviolet lamps is required.
What you need to consider when choosing a photo wallpaper. When choosing wallpaper, keep in mind that the photo canvas should be in harmony with the interior and match as much as possible with furniture, textiles and interior decoration elements in terms of color, style and texture. Another important rule when decorating an apartment with photo wallpaper is the "principle of one wall": a photo canvas can be placed only on one wall, otherwise it is very easy to create visual chaos in the room; so decorate the rest of the walls with regular wallpaper. Certain restrictions and other features of the room are imposed on the choice of wallpaper - for example, if there is a little furniture and a lot of free space in the living room, then a widescreen image would be a good solution. And vice versa - if the room is small and filled with furniture, then the best option is to decorate with photo wallpaper not the entire wall, but only a fragment of it.
How can you visually expand the room with the help of photowall-paper? If the area of ​​the room is small, then images with a perspective receding into the distance will help to visually enlarge it - a park alley, a street in the old city, a road leading beyond the horizon, a snow-covered mountain peak, etc. If you have low ceilings, then images of tall trees, columns, skyscrapers, spiers, etc. will help to "raise" them. In general, in order to visually increase the size of the room, you need to use wallpaper of extremely light colors. By the way, photo wallpapers - "enlargers" are appropriate not only in living quarters, but also in bathrooms and toilets, because they also do not hurt to become visually larger.
How to choose wallpaper for the living room. As a rule, the living room is the largest room in the apartment, and large-format images are a good option for it. It is important to remember that the wall on which the wallpaper will be glued should be clearly visible from all sides, so you should not cover the plot with furniture or a TV. If you still want to decorate a wall with a TV, then it makes sense to choose an abstract image without clear details. As a rule, natural landscapes, urban landscapes, historical and architectural monuments, large-format flowers and plants, beautiful panoramic views with the horizon line, etc. look good in living rooms.
How to choose a wallpaper for a nursery. The determining factor in this matter is the child's age and preferences. If the baby is not yet three years old, then it is advisable not to use a bright drawing with many small details, in this case, wallpaper with the image of large objects in calm colors is best suited. For older children, you can choose a wallpaper with characters from your favorite cartoons or books. At school age, it will be useful for a child to post a huge map of the world or teaching aids on the wall. But in any case, do not forget to clarify the preferences of the little family member, he must like what is in his room.
How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom. The bedroom is a place to sleep and rest, and here you need to try to create a relaxing atmosphere. Therefore, the selected image should not irritate you and excite the nervous system. Psychologists recommend pacifying images for the bedroom - the sea, waterfall, flowers and plants, sunset or sunrise, mountains, etc. The color scheme should be soft and low-contrast, pastel colors are best. Yes, and it is important that both partners like the image on the wallpaper in the bedroom.
How to choose a photo wallpaper for the kitchen. As a rule, in the kitchen, the wall that is least loaded with furniture is highlighted for photo wallpaper, for example, photo canvas is often placed on a free fragment of the wall above the dining table. As for the plots, most often these are fruits (individually and in still lifes), fields with ripening crops (olive groves, ripe ears, fruits on branches, etc.), coffee beans, bunches of dried vegetables, splashes of champagne, etc. etc. Abstract images and reproductions of famous paintings are also popular.

Wall murals are a very striking element of the interior. With their help, you can quickly transform the room, add originality to it, even adjust the space and change the mood of those present.

The selection of photowall-paper is carried out taking into account three criteria.

  • Plot. You should choose a picture with the expectation that the owner of the masterpiece will see it for a long time.
  • The size. It must correspond to the parameters of the wall or niche where the wallpaper will hang.
  • The foundation. As well as roll, - from paper to vinyl. At the same time, the cheap option is not always of poor quality.

It is also desirable that the drawing, a kind of photo wallpaper, be combined with the texture of other walls in the room.

Wallpaper material

The durability of the coating depends on the quality of the base on which the image is applied.

  • Paper wallpaper. The cheapest. But also the least durable. But you can change them often.
  • Vinyl. Resistant to moisture, sunlight, detergents. They, surprisingly, are not favored by cats, and therefore do not sharpen their claws about them.
  • Non-woven. They are characterized by environmental friendliness, safety, durability. Wallpaper breathes, is not afraid of water. Therefore, they do not crawl, and mold does not form under them.
  • Tissue. The drawing is beautiful, bright. But fabric fibers absorb dust, odor and moisture.

When updating a children's room, give preference to non-woven photo wallpaper. It is wiser to cover the kitchen and bathroom with vinyl-based canvases. You can buy any of them in the living room, including fabric ones.

Paper ones are rarely used due to their fragility.

Coating texture

Among the assortment of finishing materials, you can choose wall murals that will overlap with the decoration, decor, upholstered furniture in the room - a complete catalog of textures and plots on

It will not be difficult to choose - among the variety of colors, drawings, ornaments, there will be the sample that you are looking for.

  • Smooth surface. The images are glossy, without embossing. Deep detailing of the picture, purity of shades. Minus - a scratch, tear, flaws on the wall will be clearly visible.
  • Rough surface. The photomurals are matte and seem to contain fine sand. The unevenness of the walls is almost invisible. Minus - due to the heterogeneous texture, they are difficult to clean.
  • Canvas. Imitate painting painted on canvases. Brush strokes, embossed paint application visible
  • Plaster. The images are like murals and look respectable. They seem to be applied directly to the wall.
  • Linen texture. Weaving of fibers is visible. Such canvases charmingly depict rural landscapes, courtyards, landscapes, flower bouquets.

You can divide the wallpaper according to other criteria.

Model, roll or corner. In the first case, the overall picture is created from pieces. In the second, the image will be seamless, but the work of pasting the wall will be difficult. The third type allows you to paste over two adjacent walls and the angle between them.

In terms of stylistics, photo wallpapers can be subject, when the plot is built around an animal, person, object, etc. This also includes pictures in macro mode. Background canvases often depict abstraction, geometric patterns. Panoramic - this is an image of the sea, meadows, forests, cities, highways, "view" from a window or from a balcony, etc. In addition, plots can be realistic and surreal.

Photowall-paper is the same finishing material as paint, plaster, etc. You buy them for more than one day, so the choice should be deliberate.

If you decide to add wall murals to the interior of one or several rooms of your apartment, then keep in mind: they can both decorate and visually expand the room, or make the room unprepossessing and significantly reduce it visually. To avoid typical mistakes in decorating an apartment with photo wallpaper and to give the rooms a zest and chic using a printed photograph on the wall, you should know a lot of secrets and nuances.

Wall murals are back in fashion

Wall murals today again decorate the most modern designer interiors

Russians got the opportunity to glue photowall-paper in an apartment back in the mid-70s of the last century, the total fashion for them covered in the early 90s, but by the end of the same decade it had almost completely exhausted itself.

It is known for certain that the first patterned wallpaper made from rice paper was glued to walls in China 200 BC. From there, it became known about them in Europe (however, paper wallpapers for a long time were inferior to the usual fabric ones in terms of brightness, performance and price, almost until the middle of the 18th century). Today, paper murals with the highest quality print and various textures are no surprise.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, people, tired of the scarcity and meager assortment of stores, rejoiced at everything new, bright and unusual. That is why the opportunity to daily contemplate on the wall of your own living room or bedroom Niagara Falls, snow-capped mountain peaks or some kind of Garden of Eden seemed a fantastically original idea and, moreover, incredible beauty. True, it soon became clear that images of the same landscapes again decorate almost every apartment, the picture itself quickly fades, and initially the print quality left much to be desired. From that moment on, the sales of photowall-paper began to decline rapidly until they completely disappeared.

Today, times have changed significantly, and, first of all, developed technologies are becoming a sign of a new era, which provide, among other things, the possibility of high-quality printing of pictures of any shape and size at an affordable price. With this opportunity, the demand for photowall-paper has revived again, especially since even a landscape photo taken with his own hand can now flaunt on the wall.

The landscape on the wall in the bedroom, which practically does not differ from the real one, is no longer a luxury and is available to anyone.

The main task in the new conditions is to correctly select the image according to the realities and characteristics of your own apartment, as well as your ideas about the beautiful and unique design of the room.

How to choose the right one

In order for the wallpaper to decorate the room, and not vice versa, it is important to take into account a set of factors. Both the chosen plot, and the color, and even more so the size of the picture should fit into the room perfectly, and the unusual texture should add zest to the original design of the room.


The plot of the image on the wallpaper directly depends on the room in which you want to see it.

  • Beloved in the 90s, mountain peaks and waterfalls are most suitable for decorating a bedroom. Everything in this room should be conducive to comfortable rest and relaxation, and for these purposes the majestic landscapes are perfect.

Mountain peak on the bedroom wall

  • In the living room, where most of the meetings, conversations and movement in general take place, a drawing that is just as dynamic, for example, a city panorama, will do.

Big city panorama in the living room

Also, the walls of the living room can be decorated with a huge family photo or a photo enlarged several times, which is valuable for a certain circle of people close to you.

  • An office or workshop will perfectly complement an image in retro or vintage style: a photograph of the beginning of the last century, which captures a large city or, say, an antique shop, a frame from a cult black-and-white film, or, for example, an old geographical map.

Vintage geographic map in the office

  • A photo of an old transport or a brickwork of a real wall (for example, the famous wall of Viktor Tsoi on the Old Arbat in Moscow or the street art of a favorite courtyard in St. Petersburg) will perfectly fit into the corridor of your apartment.

Image of brickwork on the wall in the hallway

  • In the kitchen, it is most logical to support the gastronomic theme and glue on the wall an image of food in any context close to you: a real photo taken by you in the country, a child's drawing of your son, or a still life made by a famous artist of the Renaissance.

Wallpaper with food in the kitchen looks best

A typical mistake is placing on the wall of one of the rooms a so-called “universal” image of any color, and especially one that is magnified many tens of times. Such a picture most often looks awkward (most of all due to the unrealistically huge size of roses or tulips). It is more logical to place any life-size images on the wall (including a flower meadow with many small flowers, if you so desire), than to glue a huge image of something, which sometimes can even scare the visitor, and not decorate the room at all ...


When choosing a color for photo wallpaper, first of all, you need to decide on one of two color concepts that can easily get along in one room:


If your room is pasted over with dull monochromatic or with a small pattern wallpaper and furnished with simple furniture, you can safely glue a photo wallpaper with a scarlet sunset or another image made in saturated colors on one of the walls - they will not overload the room and set a certain mood.

Bright photomurals for contrast with the interior

If the room as a whole is quite saturated with various, including color, details, then the image on the wallpaper can be monochrome or even black and white, which will certainly attract attention and will not argue with other things.

Black and white wallpaper in the interior with bright accents

  • Monotony, consistency in one color and concept.

If you like, say, the pastel shade of your walls, curtains and furniture and you do not want to disturb the harmony of the room, but you want to bring something new, then photo wallpaper of about the same color will give you the idea to come to life.

Photo wallpaper to match the color of furniture and the rest of the interior

In a room, the design of which is based on bright colors and contrasts, photo wallpapers will also come in handy to match.

Bright photomurals in a bright interior

In pursuit of the goal of visually resizing the room, remember that:

  • White and cold colors (blue, green, lilac) visually expand the space, that is, a waterfall or the mountain peaks of Everest will add space and air to the smallest room.

Wall murals that visually enlarge the space

  • Warm colors (yellow, orange, brown, red and their shades) will visually diminish your room, so a wallpaper with a desert or a retro photo of New York is best left for a fairly spacious room with large windows.

Wallpaper that can visually reduce a room

The size

The main rule when choosing the size of photowall-paper is simple - the drawing on them should be completely visible! Neither furniture, nor paintings, nor any other decorative elements should cover and overlap the image on the wall that appeared there to be admired.

Simply put, you need to literally estimate and measure the dimensions of the open section of the wall in the room that you decide to decorate with photo wallpaper, and buy in a store or order a print according to your exact measurements.

Remember that wallpaper doesn't have to cover one wall from floor to ceiling. There are many options for the shapes and sizes of a piece of a photographic image:

  • narrow vertical canvas (for example, filling the area between the wardrobe and other furniture);
  • horizontal insert at eye level (for example, above the sofa);

Horizontal insertion of photo wallpaper in the bedroom

  • inserts with an image on different sections of the wall, interconnected by meaning;
  • selection of protrusions or niches in the wall with the help of photowall-paper.


The choice of wallpaper texture is an extremely individual thing, and general tips and tricks in this area are as follows:

  • In the living room, nursery or other room, where there is movement, and, consequently, the likelihood of fraying the coating the most, it is better to choose a simple, not the most expensive, printing of photo wallpapers without unnecessary frills. As a rule, this is a matte drawing without any texture.
  • Refinements, such as the texture "Hoarfrost", "Painting" or "Plaster", are most appropriate in premises for a serious pastime, namely in an office or library.
  • Glossy, glossy images, which bear the corresponding names "gloss", "gloss" and others, are most often used in offices and design studios, but are also perfect for a teenager's room or living room decorated in pop art style.

glossy photo wallpaper in the living room, decorated in the force of pop art

  • "Canvas" and "Linen" are recommended for the kitchen or living room, especially if the inhabitants of the apartment are calm, peaceful people of the older generation.

According to Feng Shui, any image, be it a picture of a recognized genius or a poor quality photograph taken by an amateur, carries a very specific energy charge. Each of us intuitively feels this charge, and that is why we like some pictures very much, others annoy, and still others leave indifferent. What exactly we will contemplate from day to day on the wall in our own apartment is important for our mental health, therefore, according to Feng Shui, the criteria for choosing paintings for our home are very clearly spelled out (of course, this also applies to photo wallpapers):

  • The image should please the owner of the house without reservations and assumptions.

That is why the designer does not have the right to single-handedly decide what and how will be located on the walls of the rooms on which he is working. In this case, the reasons why you don't like the image are not important.

  • It is advisable that the wallpaper does not depict animals during a hunt or people with weapons, since such pictures carry aggressive energy.
  • According to Feng Shui, photographs of deceased idols on the walls of a dwelling are unacceptable.
  • The picture should be as realistic as possible or with a minimum of abstract details.
  • The image must be completely clear and understandable to the owner of the house. Strange hieroglyphs, paintings and even photographs will bring confusion and subsequent strife to the house.

Wall murals with images incomprehensible to the owner of the house, in particular, hieroglyphs, are not allowed in Feng Shui

There can be a lot of advice and opinions on the choice and placement of photo wallpaper, but the most important thing is the desire and feeling of a wonderful person who is going to decorate the room, and the recommendations given above will help to do without blunders and obvious mistakes.

Wall murals are a striking element of the interior that attracts attention. In order for the wallpaper to last as long as possible, you need to choose the correct variety for a particular room. The cost of photowall-paper depends on the material, manufacturing method and many other characteristics. However, the best wall murals are not the most expensive ones, but those that are suitable for a given interior. You can choose a good finish and not overpay.

Varieties of materials

The material determines the indicators of environmental friendliness, safety, wear resistance and how difficult it is to care for the finish. By the type of material, photowall-paper is distinguished:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • fabric.

When choosing a material, they start from the room in which the wallpaper will be glued.

Paper. An environmentally friendly and inexpensive option, but not suitable for many in terms of service life. It is advisable to glue paper wallpapers with the expectation of their short service life. For example, they are best suited for pasting walls in an apartment that is planned to be rented out.

Vinyl. The main advantage is that they can be washed with detergents and non-abrasive chemical agents. They do not deteriorate from exposure to water, do not fade under the influence of UV rays, do not deform. However, this material does not have pores, which is a disadvantage, since the walls covered with vinyl wallpaper do not "breathe". They are used in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets.

Non-woven. They meet the most stringent operating requirements, as they are distinguished by the highest strength, environmental friendliness, and moisture resistance. In addition, due to its porous structure, the coating allows moisture to evaporate from the surface of the wall, which prevents the formation of mold and mildew. They are ideal for decorating walls in the bedroom and nursery.

Tissue. They look the most presentable, resemble tapestries in design and texture, but the surface is prone to dust accumulation and odor absorption. In addition, moisture and detergents deteriorate the material.

In addition to the type of material, you should pay attention to the number of layers. Distinguish between simplex and duplex wallpaper, namely single-layer and double-layer. The latter will be stronger and more durable, and the layers can be made of different materials, for example, the upper one is fabric, and the lower one is non-woven.

Special types of wallpaper are:

  • LED - it is necessary to mount a system of LEDs that will provide the backlight. Such wallpapers are expensive and not practical to use, however, they look especially original;
  • fluorescent - emit a pleasant looking glow in the dark.

A large assortment of photowall-paper is presented on the website In some cases, you can order additional processing of the material to extend its service life.


Textured wallpaper looks more lively. The texture emphasizes the features of the image, and it appears colorful, natural. Types of photowall-paper by texture:

  • Smooth. The surface without embossing can be glossy or matte. Images with a lot of detail look good on it. They seem to become brighter. However, any damage on a smooth surface is immediately noticeable.
  • Plaster. The texture in the form of plaster imitates wall paintings. It is appropriate if architectural ensembles and frescoes are captured on the photowall-paper.
  • Sandy. The surface looks like it is covered with sand. The grains of sand can be small or large. The texture allows you to level out minor wall defects, which will be noticeable if you glue, for example, smooth wallpaper. But it is more difficult to remove dirt from such a surface, since it accumulates in the depressions.
  • Canvas. They repeat the texture of the canvas for painting, and therefore artistic images, in particular reproductions of paintings, look as organic as possible on such a surface. Textures that simulate brush strokes can be added.
  • Linen. Reminiscent of the weave of flax threads. It goes well with drawings, landscapes, floral motifs.
  • Wood. Such a texture looks perfect if the image of a wooden surface is applied to the wallpaper: a log house, wooden panels, carvings.

If the wallpaper is made to order, the buyer has the opportunity to choose the texture for the selected image.

Design and stylistics

With regard to design, in this regard, the range of photowall-paper is surprisingly diverse. It should be highlighted:

  • Background. An abstract drawing or repeating pattern is applied to their surface. You can choose an image that will visually adjust the size of the room.
  • Panoramic. This is a photo wallpaper with views of the city, natural landscape.
  • Subject. Focus the viewer's attention on one object: an animal, a flower, a symbol. Macro image often plays such a role.
  • 3D. Creates the illusion of real space. For example, a painted door looks like it can be confused with a real one.

In order for the wallpaper to harmoniously fit into the interior, it is necessary to take into account the style of the room design. So, if the interior is distinguished by the attributes of the Greek or Romanesque style, it is recommended to choose an image with antique motives, for example, landscapes of Ancient Greece, corresponding drawings, frescoes. High-tech and modern blend harmoniously with abstract photowall-paper. Posters and comics are appropriate in a children's room. In the bedroom, you can decorate the wall at the headboard with a picture of flowers. Photos of fruits, vegetables, landscapes will decorate the kitchen apron. In the cottage, the wallpaper looks great in the staircase area. The considered option of wall decoration is suitable even for decorating balconies and loggias.

How to stick

The way of placing photo wallpaper depends on the idea of ​​the designer. Partial pasting of walls is possible: in the form of a picture, a panel, an imitation of a window, a vertical fragment. If you do not want to paste over the wall completely, you can always pick up photo wallpaper for local decoration. Traditionally, wallpaper is completely pasted over one of the walls, but you can also paste around the perimeter of the room. Photo wallpaper on the ceiling, interior doors or cabinet doors looks original.

The complexity of the gluing process will depend on the number and width of the fragments. Relatively small images come in one roll. Others are divided not only in width but also in height. A seamless fabric up to 3 m wide can be made to order.

  • Modular - the image consists of several fragments - modules that are used to create original paintings.
  • Corner - they are pasted over two adjacent walls. This allows for a realistic panoramic effect, especially when it comes to landscape images. They are often used for space zoning.
  • Self-adhesive - the reverse side is adhesive, which, if you have the skill, significantly speeds up the finishing process.

How to choose a wallpaper

Treat the choice of photo wallpaper responsibly. Pay attention to:

  • Image Resolution - No pixels or blur should be visible on closer inspection. The clearer the image, the brighter and more presentable it looks.
  • color quality - colors should be as realistic and saturated as possible. Colors in different rolls may differ, which indicates poor quality material.
  • size - it must match the size of the wall or niche.
  • compatibility - the image, color and texture should be in harmony with the decoration of other walls of the room.
  • corrective properties - if the room is small, it is recommended to give preference to images with perspective, in light colors.

Having decided on which wall murals are offered to the buyer, approach the choice carefully, evaluating each characteristic. If murals with a suitable image are found, do not forget to evaluate the practicality of the material, namely, the compliance of its operational characteristics with the purpose of the room. It may be worth making a custom-made photo wallpaper so that it meets all the requirements as much as possible.

Photo wallpaper in the interior

When starting renovations, each family wants to make their room beautiful, while spending as little money as possible. When it comes to choosing the best way to decorate walls, wall murals take one of the leading positions in the rating of consumers' choice. But how to choose high quality photomurals that will serve you for a long time and not lose their appearance? It is necessary to understand their main varieties.

This is very important, since at the moment there are a huge number of manufacturers, each of which has its own approach to the manufacture and design of photowall-paper. Besides the best wallpapers are not always the most expensive, therefore, focusing on their properties and characteristics, you can save money.

So what are the types of photowall-paper, and how do they differ from each other? Let's take a look at this issue and find out how to choose a photo wallpaper depending on the characteristics of the room and your own preferences.

Varieties of materials

Before deciding which wallpaper to choose, decide in which room it will be used. For a bedroom, or a hallway, murals made of any materials are suitable.

If you decide to glue photomurals in the nursery, then the most important criterion should be their environmental friendliness and safety for health child. In the event that the wallpaper will be glued to the bathroom, it is important to choose a material that would calmly tolerated high temperatures, moisture and steam... And for the kitchen, it is better to choose wallpaper that can be easily cleaned from dirt.

What is the best quality wallpaper? To find out, let's look at the peculiarities of their composition. There are several types of photo wallpaper, depending on whether what materials are included in their composition:

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • paper;
  • fabric.

Most an economical option is paper wallpaper, but their cost is fully consistent with the quality. That is why paper photowall-paper is better to use if you do not count on a long period of their operation.

Vinyl- this is washable photowall-paper, they calmly react to moisture and ultraviolet light. Thanks to its special properties, you will be able to clean vinyl photowall-paper with detergents and chemicals and not worry about them fading or losing their shape.

Why not opt ​​for a wall mount in your bedroom or living room? An original and calm design, a pleasant interior and maximum comfort - this can be achieved with high-quality modern photo wallpapers.

Attention! Depending on the size, the wallpaper can be sold in one piece or divided into several pieces. Roll wallpaper has no seams, but it will be more difficult to glue them on the wall. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the picture: it is advisable to use high-resolution photowall-paper.

Drawings, consisting of several fragments, are often used to create unusual paintings. They include multiple modules which may vary in size, color or level of arrangement.

Modular wall murals are often used to decorate a living room, hallway, bedroom and even a kitchen, because they can emphasize the refined taste of the owner.

Another type of photo wallpaper, depending on the way they are used in the interior, is corner Mural on the wall. They are not glued to one, but on two walls at once, aligned with each other.

With the right selection of patterns with their help you can zone the space, hide imperfections in the surface, and also focus on the unusual structure of the walls in the room.

Original ways to decorate a room

The best wall murals are those that always harmoniously fit into the interior. But in order to ensure such compatibility, you need to understand the style directions. For example, for a room decorated in a Romanesque or Greek style, suitable antique photowall-paper. They can depict the corresponding landscapes, famous personalities, frescoes or interiors.

In a classic style, it is appropriate to use photo wallpaper with strict images... In a room furnished in hi-tech or modern style, you can use abstraction. By the way, cool wall murals, posters or comics are suitable for the bedroom and even the nursery.

If you want the interior of your room to be different from others, then you can pick up unusual photo wallpaper:

  • photo wallpaper with 3D effect;
  • glowing photowall-paper;
  • photomurals imitating stone, wood or brickwork;
  • structural photowall-paper, and many others.

Having familiarized yourself with the options for the structures of the outer layer of the photo wallpaper, you are convinced that using this method you can emphasize the peculiarity of the interior.

I would like to dwell on photowall-paper that will delight you even in the dark thanks to a special manufacturing technology. These include LED and fluorescent photowall-paper. The first type is a whole LED system capable of changing the image and light brightness.

LED wall murals can be found very rarely, because they not particularly practical and very expensive.

But photomurals of the fluorescent type have already gained popularity and are often used. The peculiarity of such wallpapers is that the drawing emits a soft light at night... In order to emphasize the realism of the image, fluorescent backlighting is used, due to which a volumetric effect is created.

We have told you about a huge number of varieties of wall murals. Which photo wallpaper is better to use to decorate your room is up to you, but in any case pay attention to their quality, practicality and compatibility with interior details... Only if these criteria are met can it be guaranteed that you and your family will like the wallpaper for their practical and aesthetic properties.